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ensure that M-x org-version always delivers something useful

* UTILITIES/org-fixup.el (org-make-org-version): change defconst to
  defun for org-release and org-git-version and close over those
  variables (do not make them global anymore).

* UTILITIES/org-fixup.el (org-fixup): check for org-version.el or try
  to use git to get the version from the worktree (code uses parts of
  the former implementation from org.el).

* lisp/org.el (org-version): use functions instead of global variables
  to get the version strings and remove the defvaralias to
  org-version.  Warn when encountering a mixed installation (org and
  org-install.el should be found in the same directory).

Supported use-cases:

1) Org uninstalled (and possibly uncompiled) from Git or tarball.

1a) No org-version.el or org-install.el exists in worktree.  Partially
supported configuration, org version is determined from git if
possible via UTILITIES/org-fixup.el.  However, Emacs versions
delivered with orgmode will provide autoloads that may or may not work
with that version of org (mixed installation).  If such a situation is
encountered, warn the user.  It can work if the autoloads from the
installation match the ones that would be generated for the worktree,
which generelly is only the case if there is a relatively recent
installation in site-lisp.

1b) Autoload file org-install.el exists in worktree.  Fully supported
configuration, org version is determined from git if possible via

1c) Both org-version.el or org-install.el exist in worktree.
Recommended configuration for 1), org version is taken from
org-version.el (git never gets invoked).

2) Org installed.  Both org-version.el and org-install.el must exist
in install directory.  Only supported configuration for 2), org
version is taken from org-version.el (git never gets invoked since
UTILITIES/org-fixup.el is not available).

Any unsupported configuration should still yield a version string, but
it will contain "N/A" to alert the user about a botched org
Achim Gratz 13 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
2 tập tin đã thay đổi với 76 bổ sung33 xóa
  1. 54 20
  2. 22 13

+ 54 - 20

@@ -24,28 +24,34 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-(require 'find-func)
 (require 'org-compat)
 (require 'autoload)
 (defun org-make-org-version (org-release org-git-version odt-dir)
   (find-file "org-version.el")
-  (insert ";;; org-version.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit\n;;\n;;; Code:\n")
-  (insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")
-  (insert "(defconst org-release \"" org-release "\"\n")
-  (insert "  \"The release version of org-mode.\n")
-  (insert "  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\")\n")
-  (insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")
-  (insert "(defconst org-git-version \"" org-git-version "\"\n")
-  (insert "  \"The Git version of org-mode.\n")
-  (insert "  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\")\n")
-  (insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")
-  (insert "(defconst org-odt-data-dir \"" odt-dir "\"\n")
-  (insert "  \"The location of ODT styles.\")\n")
-  (insert "\f\n;; Local Variables:\n;; version-control: never\n")
-  (insert ";; no-byte-compile: t\n")
-  (insert ";; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-version.el ends here\n")
+  (insert "\
+;;; org-version.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit
+;;; Code:
+\(defun org-release ()
+  \"The release version of org-mode.
+  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\"
+   (let ((org-release \"" org-release "\"))
+     org-release))
+\(defun org-git-version ()
+  \"The Git version of org-mode.
+  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\"
+   (let ((org-git-version \"" org-git-version "\"))
+     org-git-version))
+\(defconst org-odt-data-dir \"" odt-dir "\"
+  \"The location of ODT styles.\")
+\f\n;; Local Variables:\n;; version-control: never
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-version.el ends here\n")
 (defun org-make-org-install (absfile)
@@ -60,12 +66,40 @@
   (insert ";; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-install.el ends here\n")
-(defun org-fixup ()
-  (message "might as well do something, but not now")
+(defmacro org-fixup ()
+  (let* ((origin default-directory)
+	 (dirlisp (org-find-library-name "org"))
+	 (dirorg (concat dirlisp "../" ))
+	 (dirgit (concat dirorg ".git/" ))
+	 (org-version "N/A-fixup")
+	 (org-git-version "N/A-fixup !!check installation!!"))
+    (if (load (concat dirlisp "org-version.el") 'noerror 'nomessage 'nosuffix 'mustsuffix)
+	(setq org-version     (org-release)
+	      org-git-version (org-git-version))
+      (when (and (file-exists-p dirgit)
+		 (executable-find "git"))
+	(unwind-protect
+	    (progn
+	      (cd dirorg)
+	      (when (eql 0 (shell-command "git describe --abbrev=6 HEAD"))
+		(with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
+		  (goto-char (point-min))
+		  (setq git-version (buffer-substring (point) (point-at-eol))))
+		(when (string-match "\\S-"
+				    (shell-command-to-string
+				     "git diff-index --name-only HEAD --"))
+		  (setq git-version (concat git-version "-dirty")))
+		(setq org-version (and (string-match "_\\([^-]+\\)-" git-version)
+				       (match-string 1 git-version)))
+		(setq org-git-version git-version)))
+	  (cd origin))))
+    `(progn
+       (defun org-release () ,org-version)
+       (defun org-git-version () ,org-git-version)
+       "org-fixup.el: redefined org version."
+       )))
 (provide 'org-fixup)
 ;; Local Variables:
 ;; no-byte-compile: t

+ 22 - 13

@@ -208,25 +208,34 @@ identifier."
   :group 'org-id)
 ;;; Version
-(defvaralias 'org-version 'org-release)
+  (defun org-release () "N/A")
+  (defun org-git-version () "N/A !!check installation!!")
+  (and (load (concat (org-find-library-name "org") "../UTILITIES/org-fixup.el")
+	    'noerror 'nomessage 'nosuffix 'mustsuffix)
+       (org-fixup)))
 (defun org-version (&optional here)
   "Show the org-mode version in the echo area.
 With prefix arg HERE, insert it at point."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let* ((origin default-directory)
-	 (version (if (boundp 'org-release) org-release "N/A"))
-	 (git-version (if (boundp 'org-git-version) org-git-version "N/A"))
-	 (org-install (ignore-errors (find-library-name "org-install")))
-	 (version_ (format "Org-mode version %s (%s @ %s)"
-			   version
-			   git-version
-			   (if org-install org-install "org-install.el can not be found!"))))
+  (let* ((org-dir         (ignore-errors (org-find-library-name "org")))
+	 (org-install-dir (ignore-errors (org-find-library-name "org-install.el")))
+	 (org-version (org-release))
+	 (git-version (org-git-version))
+	 (version (format "Org-mode version %s (%s @ %s)"
+			  org-version
+			  git-version
+			  (if org-install-dir
+			      (if (string= org-dir org-install-dir)
+				  org-install-dir
+				(concat "mixed installation! " org-install-dir " and " org-dir))
+			    "org-install.el can not be found!"))))
     (if (org-called-interactively-p 'interactive)
-	(if here (insert version_)
-	  (message version_))
-      version)))
+	(if here
+	    (insert version)
+	  (message version))
+      org-version)))
 ;;; Compatibility constants