@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ org-invoice.el --- Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
org-jira.el --- Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org
org-learn.el --- SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
org-mac-iCal.el --- Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary
-org-mac-link-grabber.el --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
-org-mac-message.el --- Links to Apple Mail.app messages from within Org-mode
+org-mac-link.el --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
org-mairix.el --- Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs
org-man.el --- Support for links to manpages in Org-mode
org-mew.el --- Support for links to Mew messages