@@ -749,6 +749,14 @@ When ASSOCIATED is `all', unregister CONTAINER everywhere."
(remove container (plist-get collection :container)))
(org-persist--add-to-index collection))))))
+(defvar org-persist--read-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+ "Hash table storing as-read data object hashes.
+This data is used to avoid overwriting unchanged data.")
+(defvar org-persist--write-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+ "Hash table storing as-written data objects.
+This data is used to avoid reading the data multiple times.")
(defun org-persist-read (container &optional associated hash-must-match load?)
When HASH-MUST-MATCH is non-nil, do not restore data if hash for
@@ -783,15 +791,18 @@ When LOAD? is non-nil, load the data instead of reading."
(unless (seq-find (lambda (v)
(run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-persist-before-read-hook v associated))
(plist-get collection :container))
- (setq data (org-persist--read-elisp-file persist-file))
- (cl-loop for container in (plist-get collection :container)
- with result = nil
- do
- (if load?
- (push (org-persist-load:generic container (alist-get container data nil nil #'equal) collection) result)
- (push (org-persist-read:generic container (alist-get container data nil nil #'equal) collection) result))
- (run-hook-with-args 'org-persist-after-read-hook container associated)
- finally return (if (= 1 (length result)) (car result) result)))))))
+ (setq data (or (gethash persist-file org-persist--write-cache)
+ (org-persist--read-elisp-file persist-file)))
+ (puthash persist-file (sxhash-equal data) org-persist--read-cache)
+ (when data
+ (cl-loop for container in (plist-get collection :container)
+ with result = nil
+ do
+ (if load?
+ (push (org-persist-load:generic container (alist-get container data nil nil #'equal) collection) result)
+ (push (org-persist-read:generic container (alist-get container data nil nil #'equal) collection) result))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'org-persist-after-read-hook container associated)
+ finally return (if (= 1 (length result)) (car result) result))))))))
(defun org-persist-load (container &optional associated hash-must-match)
@@ -847,7 +858,9 @@ When IGNORE-RETURN is non-nil, just return t on success without calling
(let ((file (org-file-name-concat org-persist-directory (plist-get collection :persist-file)))
(data (mapcar (lambda (c) (cons c (org-persist-write:generic c collection)))
(plist-get collection :container))))
- (org-persist--write-elisp-file file data)
+ (puthash file data org-persist--write-cache)
+ (unless (equal (sxhash-equal data) (gethash file org-persist--read-cache))
+ (org-persist--write-elisp-file file data))
(or ignore-return (org-persist-read container associated))))))))
(defun org-persist-write-all (&optional associated)