@@ -646,11 +646,11 @@ PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing directory."
(defun org-odt-end-outline-text ()
-(defvar org-odt-section-count 0)
(defun org-odt-begin-section (style &optional name)
- (setq name (or name (format "Section-%d" (incf org-odt-section-count))))
- (org-lparse-insert-tag
- "<text:section text:style-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\">" style name))
+ (let ((default-name (car (org-odt-add-automatic-style "Section"))))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ "<text:section text:style-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\">"
+ style (or name default-name))))
(defun org-odt-end-section ()
(org-lparse-insert-tag "</text:section>"))
@@ -931,6 +931,75 @@ style from the list."
:key-type symbol
:value-type (const :tag "True" t))))))
+(defvar org-odt-table-style-format
+ "
+<style:style style:name=\"%s\" style:family=\"table\">
+ <style:table-properties style:rel-width=\"%d%%\" fo:margin-top=\"0cm\" fo:margin-bottom=\"0.20cm\" table:align=\"center\"/>
+ "Template for auto-generated Table styles.")
+(defvar org-odt-automatic-styles '()
+ "Registry of automatic styles for various OBJECT-TYPEs.
+The variable has the following form:
+ \(OBJECT-NAME-A.2 OBJECT-PROPS-A.2\) ...\)\)
+ \(OBJECT-NAME-B.2 OBJECT-PROPS-B.2\) ...\)\)
+ ...\).
+OBJECT-TYPEs could be \"Section\", \"Table\", \"Figure\" etc.
+OBJECT-PROPS is (typically) a plist created by passing
+\"#+ATTR_ODT: \" option to `org-lparse-get-block-params'.
+Use `org-odt-add-automatic-style' to add update this variable.'")
+(defvar org-odt-object-counters nil
+ "Running counters for various OBJECT-TYPEs.
+Use this to generate automatic names and style-names. See
+(defun org-odt-write-automatic-styles ()
+ "Write automatic styles to \"content.xml\"."
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name "content.xml") t)
+ ;; position the cursor
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward " </office:automatic-styles>" nil t)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ ;; write automatic table styles
+ (loop for (style-name props) in
+ (plist-get org-odt-automatic-styles 'Table) do
+ (when (setq props (or (plist-get props :rel-width) 96))
+ (insert (format org-odt-table-style-format style-name props))))))
+(defun org-odt-add-automatic-style (object-type &optional object-props)
+ "Create an automatic style of type OBJECT-TYPE with param OBJECT-PROPS.
+OBJECT-PROPS is (typically) a plist created by passing
+\"#+ATTR_ODT: \" option of the object in question to
+Use `org-odt-object-counters' to generate an automatic
+OBJECT-NAME and STYLE-NAME. If OBJECT-PROPS is non-nil, add a
+new entry in `org-odt-automatic-styles'. Return (OBJECT-NAME
+ (assert (stringp object-type))
+ (let* ((object (intern object-type))
+ (seqvar object)
+ (seqno (1+ (or (plist-get org-odt-object-counters seqvar) 0)))
+ (object-name (format "%s%d" object-type seqno)) style-name)
+ (setq org-odt-object-counters
+ (plist-put org-odt-object-counters seqvar seqno))
+ (when object-props
+ (setq style-name (format "Org%s" object-name))
+ (setq org-odt-automatic-styles
+ (plist-put org-odt-automatic-styles object
+ (append (list (list style-name object-props))
+ (plist-get org-odt-automatic-styles object)))))
+ (cons object-name style-name)))
(defvar org-odt-table-indentedp nil)
(defun org-odt-begin-table (caption label attributes)
(setq org-odt-table-indentedp (not (null org-lparse-list-stack)))
@@ -943,17 +1012,18 @@ style from the list."
;; Put the Table in an indented section.
(let ((level (length org-odt-list-stack-stashed)))
(org-odt-begin-section (format "OrgIndentedSection-Level-%d" level))))
- (setq org-odt-table-style attributes)
+ (setq attributes (org-lparse-get-block-params attributes))
+ (setq org-odt-table-style (plist-get attributes :style))
(setq org-odt-table-style-spec
(assoc org-odt-table-style org-export-odt-table-styles))
- (when label
- (insert
- (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
- 'table (org-odt-format-entity-caption label caption "__Table__"))))
- (org-lparse-insert-tag
- "<table:table table:name=\"%s\" table:style-name=\"%s\">"
- (or label "") (or (nth 1 org-odt-table-style-spec) "OrgTable"))
+ (insert
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
+ 'table (org-odt-format-entity-caption label caption "__Table__")))
+ (let ((name-and-style (org-odt-add-automatic-style "Table" attributes)))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ "<table:table table:name=\"%s\" table:style-name=\"%s\">"
+ (car name-and-style) (or (nth 1 org-odt-table-style-spec)
+ (cdr name-and-style) "OrgTable")))
(setq org-lparse-table-begin-marker (point)))
(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-info)
@@ -2103,9 +2173,10 @@ CATEGORY-HANDLE is used. See
(setq org-odt-manifest-file-entries nil
org-odt-embedded-images-count 0
org-odt-embedded-formulas-count 0
- org-odt-section-count 0
org-odt-entity-labels-alist nil
org-odt-list-stack-stashed nil
+ org-odt-automatic-styles nil
+ org-odt-object-counters nil
org-odt-entity-counts-plist nil)
@@ -2120,6 +2191,9 @@ visually."
(defvar hfy-user-sheet-assoc) ; bound during org-do-lparse
(defun org-odt-save-as-outfile (target opt-plist)
+ ;; write automatic styles
+ (org-odt-write-automatic-styles)
;; write meta file
(org-odt-update-meta-file opt-plist)
@@ -2637,7 +2711,6 @@ non-nil."
(or (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
"." "odf")
(file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))
- (message "default val is %s" odf-filename)
(read-file-name "ODF filename: " nil odf-filename nil
(file-name-nondirectory odf-filename)))))
(let* ((org-lparse-backend 'odf)