@@ -2985,29 +2985,7 @@ Nil values returned from FUN are ignored in the result."
(assq (car el)
collect (car el))))
- --walk-tree ; For byte-compiler
- (--check-blob
- (function
- (lambda (--type types fun --blob)
- ;; Check if TYPE is matching among TYPES. If so, apply
- ;; FUN to --BLOB and accumulate return value into --ACC.
- ;; INFO is the communication channel. If --BLOB has
- ;; a secondary string that can contain objects with their
- ;; type amond TYPES, look into that string first.
- (when (memq --type types)
- (let ((result (funcall fun --blob)))
- (cond ((not result))
- (first-match (throw 'first-match result))
- (t (push result --acc)))))
- (when (memq --type --restricts)
- (funcall
- --walk-tree
- `(org-data
- nil
- ,@(org-element-property
- (cdr (assq --type org-element-secondary-value-alist))
- --blob)))))))
(lambda (--data)
@@ -3015,31 +2993,34 @@ Nil values returned from FUN are ignored in the result."
;; a plist holding contextual information.
(lambda (--blob)
- (let ((--type (org-element-type --blob)))
- ;; Determine if a recursion into --BLOB is
- ;; possible and allowed.
- (cond
- ;; Element or object not exportable.
- ((and info (member --blob (plist-get info :ignore-list))))
- ;; Limiting recursion to greater elements, and --BLOB
- ;; isn't one.
- ((and (eq --category 'greater-elements)
- (not (memq --type org-element-greater-elements)))
- (funcall --check-blob --type types fun --blob))
- ;; Limiting recursion to elements, and --BLOB only
- ;; contains objects.
- ((and (eq --category 'elements) (eq --type 'paragraph))
- (funcall --check-blob --type types fun --blob))
- ;; No limitation on recursion, but --BLOB hasn't
- ;; got a recursive type.
- ((and (eq --category 'objects)
- (not (or (eq --type 'paragraph)
- (memq --type org-element-greater-elements)
- (memq --type org-element-recursive-objects))))
- (funcall --check-blob --type types fun --blob))
- ;; Recursion is possible and allowed: Maybe apply
- ;; FUN to --BLOB, then move into it.
- (t (funcall --check-blob --type types fun --blob)
+ (unless (and info (member --blob (plist-get info :ignore-list)))
+ (let ((--type (org-element-type --blob)))
+ ;; Check if TYPE is matching among TYPES. If so,
+ ;; apply FUN to --BLOB and accumulate return value
+ ;; into --ACC (or exit if FIRST-MATCH is non-nil).
+ (when (memq --type types)
+ (let ((result (funcall fun --blob)))
+ (cond ((not result))
+ (first-match (throw 'first-match result))
+ (t (push result --acc)))))
+ ;; If --BLOB has a secondary string that can
+ ;; contain objects with their type among TYPES,
+ ;; look into that string.
+ (when (memq --type --restricts)
+ (funcall
+ --walk-tree
+ `(org-data
+ nil
+ ,@(org-element-property
+ (cdr (assq --type org-element-secondary-value-alist))
+ --blob))))
+ ;; Now determine if a recursion into --BLOB is
+ ;; possible. If so, do it.
+ (when (or (memq --type org-element-recursive-objects)
+ (and (memq --type org-element-all-elements)
+ (not (eq --category 'elements)))
+ (and (memq --type org-element-greater-elements)
+ (not (eq --category 'greater-elements))))
(funcall --walk-tree --blob)))))
(org-element-contents --data))))))
(catch 'first-match