Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Bastien Guerry df23e58b48 Rename org-complete.el to org-pcomplete.el to avoid file-name clash. il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry 88871b5053 Add warnings about directives not suited for local use. il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry 0dea206971 Makefile: New sync_* directives and a small fix il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry d168fa81f8 Makefile: Remove useless directives il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry b02061a5ff Use tar instead of gtar. il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry 158c93b90a Makefile: remove the updateweb directive il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry 672ff876a1 Makefile: update the push URL to point to orgmode.org repo il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry a41eaf4d7b Makefile: `make cleandoc' now removes orgguide.pdf as well. il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry d7008e6c79 Makefile: fix some typos. il y a 14 ans
  Bastien Guerry d7b94e40ee Don't copy ORGWEBPAGE/Changes.org when creating distfile. il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 00b59ec005 Add some additional stuff needed after moving org-special-blocks.el il y a 14 ans
  Eric Schulte a1eddb27fa ob-lisp: adding to the Makefile for inclusion into products of the repository il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik b0844c5e74 Fix make file to get release numbers safer il y a 14 ans
  John Wiegley 0ff8d32131 Now using pcomplete for in-buffer completion il y a 15 ans
  Eric Schulte 5da47e2c2e babel: fix a number of compiler warnings il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik ff9b70d1c1 Update website to show 7.3 as current release il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 2bd8a264f4 Add orgcard.txt to doc target in Makefile il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 750fdcfc9b Use -f to push maint il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 912ca55601 New Makefile target fixrelease to make a minor release from the maint branch il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik fd5acb3833 Fix the updateweb target il y a 14 ans
  Jambunathan K 395098f6f1 ELPA Howto il y a 14 ans
  Eric Schulte f6c09411a7 ob-scheme: very preliminary support for evaluating scheme code blocks il y a 14 ans
  Eric Schulte 4054eb0b9b ob-js: very preliminary support for evaluating Javascript code blocks il y a 14 ans
  Eric Schulte 2c33b2eb66 Introducing ob-org and now wrapping ":results org" in org code block il y a 14 ans
  Eric Schulte a89dc43e83 integrating ob-plantuml -- Thanks to Zhang Weize for this contribution! il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 190e88cfc9 Remove the special noutline.el file for XEmacs il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 5ac2527a57 make clean now removes version 7 releases il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik 2def714b4d Make sure dual license manual is uploaded as part of the release process il y a 14 ans
  Eric Schulte ea0563e642 ob-ledger: Babel support for the ledger accounting system il y a 14 ans
  Carsten Dominik c3740a936b Make release process get the tag from maint into master il y a 14 ans