This is the Emacs Org project, an Emacs library for organizing your life. The homepage of Org is at: Installations instructions are at: This distribution contains an ELPA packaged version of Org. "ELPA" stands for the "Emacs Lisp Package Archive". The GNU ELPA is at: It contains the org-*.tar package, containing only the org files that are also part of GNU Emacs. There are other ELPA online, offering more packages. Some contain the org-plus-contrib-*.tar ELPA package, which bundles the core Org files plus many additional contributed libraries. All ELPA packages of Org contain: README_ELPA This file. *.el Elisp files. org The Org info manual. orgcard.pdf The Org reference card. etc/ Libraries for the ODT exporter. org-*-pkg.el The name of the package, requested GNU Emacs packaging system.