# orgcard2txt.pl - a script to generate orgcard.txt from orgcard.tex # Copyright (C) 2010, 2013 Osamu OKANO # # Version: 0.1 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Usage: # ====== # perl orgcard2txt.pl orgcard.tex > orgcard.txt use strict; use warnings; sub rep_esc{ my $s = shift @_; $s =~ s/\\kbd{([^}]+)}/$1/g; $s =~ s/\$\^([0-9])\$/[$1]/g; $s =~ s/\\rm //g; $s =~ s/\\\///g; $s =~ s/\\\^{}/^/g; $s =~ s/\\}/}/g; $s =~ s/\\{/{/g; $s =~ s/\\\#/#/g; $s =~ s/\\\^/^/g; $s =~ s/\\\%/%/g; $s =~ s/\\\_/_/g; $s =~ s/\\\&/&/g; $s =~ s/\\\$/\$/g; $s =~ s/\$\\leftrightarrow\$/<->/g; $s =~ s/\$\\pm 1\$/±1/g; $s =~ s/``{\\tt ([^}]+)}''/`$1'/g; return $s; } my $page=0; my $orgversionnumber; open(IN,$ARGV[0]); while(<IN>){ last if(/\f/); $orgversionnumber = $1 if /\\def\\orgversionnumber{([^}]+)}/; } close(IN); print <<HEAD; ================================================================================ Org-Mode Reference Card (for version $orgversionnumber) ================================================================================ HEAD my $key; my $value; format STDOUT = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $key,$value . open(IN,$ARGV[0]); while(<IN>){ if(/\f/){ $page = $page + 1; next; } next if($page != 1); next if(/^%/); next if /Org-Mode Reference Card \([12]\/2\)/; next if /\\centerline{\(for version \\orgversionnumber\)}/; next if /\(for version \)/; next if /\\newcolumn/; next if /\\copyrightnotice/; next if /\\bye/; next if /\\title{([^}]+)}/; chomp; # print "b:$_\n"; s/([^\\])\%.+$/$1/; # print "a:$_\n"; if (/\\section{(.+)}/){ my $sec = rep_esc($1); print "================================================================================\n"; print "$sec\n"; print "================================================================================\n"; next; } if (/{\\bf (.+)}/){ my $bf = rep_esc($1); print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "$bf\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; next; } if (/^{\\it (.+)}/){ my $it = rep_esc($1); print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "$it\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; next; } if(/^\\key{(.+)}\s*$/||/^\\metax{(.+)}\s*$/){ my ($k,$v) = split(/}{/,$1); my $k2 = &rep_esc($k); my $v2 = &rep_esc($v); # print "$k2\t$v2\n"; ($key,$value)=($k2,$v2); write; next; } my $line = rep_esc($_); $line =~ s/{\\it ([^}]+)}/$1/g; $line =~ s/{\\tt ([^}]+)}/$1/g; print "$line\n"; } close(IN);