#   -*- mode: org; fill-column: 65 -*-

#+STARTUP: hidestars

#+TITLE: Archive list of Org-mode user-visible changes
#+AUTHOR:  Carsten Dominik
#+EMAIL:  carsten at orgmode dot org
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:nil
#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:1 path:org-info.js tdepth:2 ftoc:t
#+LINK_UP: index.html
#+LINK_HOME: http://orgmode.org

* Version 6.29
 :CUSTOM_ID: v6.29

** Structure editing and cycling

*** New minor mode =org-indent-mode=

This mode implements outline indentation similar to clean view,
but in a dynamic and virtual way, at display time.  I have wanted
this functionality for years and tried several implementations,
all unworkable.  Emacs 23 has finally made it possible.  So this
solution is for Emacs 23 only, and I am not sure yet how stable
it really is.  Time will tell.

Currently I do not recommend to turn it on globally using
the variable =org-startup-indented=.  But you can turn it on
for a particular buffer using

#+begin_src org
  ,#+STARTUP: indent

Turning on this minor mode automatically turns on
=org-hide-leading-stars=, and it turns off

*** Skip CHILDREN state if there are no children

When a subtree does not have any children, visibility
cycling now skips the CHILDREN state.  You can customize
this behavior with the variable

*** Nodes without keyword can now be counted for statistics

See the variable =org-provide-todo-statistics= for details.
It can be the symbol =all-headings=, or a list of TODO
states to consider.

This was requested by David A. Gershman.

*** New function =org-list-make-subtree=

This function converts the plain list at point into a
subtree, preserving the list structure.  The key for this
command is =C-c C-*=.  Thanks to Ilya Shlyakhter for this

*** Headlines can be fontified to the right window border

Use the variable =org-fontify-whole-heading-line= to turn
this on.  Then headline fontification will include the final
newline.  If your setup for headline faces includes a
background different from the default background, this setup
creates a visual line across the window.

*** Inline tasks have become better citizens

The new key =C-c C-x t= inserts an inline task including an
END line.  Inline tasks play along with (i,e, are ignored
by) link creation and footnotes.  Inline tasks with an =END=
line can be refiled and archived.  During the refile/archive
operation, the tasks become normal tasks and the =END= line

These improvements reflect reports and requests by Peter
Westlake and Matt Lundin.

*** Archive subtree and move to next visible task

When archiving a task, the cursor now ends up on the next
headline, so the repeated application of the archiving
command will archive successive tasks.

Thanks to Bernt Hansen for a patch to this effect.

*** Renumbering the fn:N-like footnotes

The new footnote action =r= will renumber simple =fn:N=
footnotes in the current document.  The action =S= will
first do the renumbering and then sort the footnotes (the
=s= action).

This was a request by Andreas Röhler.

*** Automatic sorting and renumbering

Customize the new variable =org-footnote-auto-adjust= or use
the =#+STARTUP= option =fnadjust= to get automatic
renumbering and sorting of footnotes after each

This was a request by Andreas Röhler.

*** Improvements to plain-list-cycling with TAB.

TAB now by default cycles visibility in plain lists if the
cursor is at a plain list item.  This corresponds to the new
default value =t= of =org-cycle-include-plain-lists=.  If
you want to treat plain list items as part of the outline
hierarchy during cycling of outline headings (this is what a
=t= value used to mean), set this variable to =integrate=.

*** Force bullet type changes during plain list demotion

We now have a mechanism to force a particular bullet type
when demoting a plain list item.  See the variable
=org-list-demote-modify-bullet= for details.

This was a request by Rainer Stengele.

** Tables

*** Relative row references may now cross hlines

A relative row reference like @-1 in a table may now reach
across a horizontal separator line.  I hope this will not
break any important tables out there, but I think it is the
right thing to do.

The sole original reason for not allowing such crossing was
to implement running averages of one column in the next.
This can now be done using field formulas near the beginning
and end of the column, and a column formula for the central

See the variable =org-table-relative-ref-may-cross-hline=
for more details.

*** Cut or copy single fields

=C-c C-x C-w= and =C-c C-x M-w= now act on single table
fields if there is no active region defined.

** Links

*** Find agenda files linking to the current location

The new command =org-occur-link-in-agenda-files= creates a
link like =org=store-link= would, and then searches all
agenda files for this link.  So for example, you could be in
a GNUS message, trying to find tasks that have links to this

*** Include stored links into link completion

When inserting a link with =C-c C-l=, TAB completion will
now not only access link prefixes, but also the stored

** Agenda

*** Bulk commands: Add Schedule and Deadline processing

Agenda bulk commands on marked entries now can also set the
scheduling date or a deadline.  Normally, all entries will
be set to the specified date.  However, when writing the
change as "++5d" or "++2w", then each time stamp will
independently be shifted by that amount.

*** Tags-todo searches: No longer force to list sublevels

For historic reasons, =org-tags-match-list-sublevels= was
forced to =t= in tags-todo agenda searches.  Now we no
longer do this and accept the user setting of this variable.

Thanks to Patrick Bahr for bringing this up.

** Export

*** Use file-source.org format instead of file.org-source

When publishing the source Org file to the source directory
(i.e. if the publishing directory is the same as the source
directory), then the file name will now look like
=file-source.org= and =file-source.org.html=.  Note that if you
do use this kind of setup, you probably want to specify

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
:exclude "-source\.org"

in your publishing project, to avoid that a new generation of
=-source= files is created each time you publish the project.

*** LaTeX export: Skip title command when there is no title

Using =#+TITLE:= without a value makes the LaTeX export
ignore the value of =org-export-latex-title-command=.

*** New option =org-export-html-footnote-format=

This defines the format for footnote references.  This
string must contain =%s= which will be replaced by the
footnote label.

*** More export options for source code examples

Allow whitespace in code references.  Allow the =-r= switch
to remove the references in the source code even when the
lines are not numbered: the labels can be explicit enough.
Note that =-r -k= is the same as no switch at all.

Thanks to Ulf Stegemann for bring this up.

*** LaTeX export: Allow more environment for low-level headings

The user can now define a non-standard environment or macro
to handle export of low-level headings to LaTeX.

For details, see the variable =org-export-latex-low-levels=.

*** LaTeX export: Add postscript file extensions for images

Some people process LaTeX files not directly to pdf, but go
through dvi and then to ps or pdf.  In that case, allowed
images are ps and eps files, not pdf and jpg.

This commit adds the two extensions, so that export using
that alternative path can be supported better.  However, it
is up to the user to make sure that the images are actually
compatible with the backend.

*** HTML export: Show UP and HOME links

=org-export-html-link-up= and =org-export-html-link-home=
are now also inserted into normal HTML export, above the
page title.

*** General mechanism for local variable settings

Many different people want to set many different variables
in a buffer-local way for export.  This cannot be done with
file variables, because the Org buffer is not current while
the exporter is running.

Lots of variables can be set with the =#+OPTIONS= lines, but
finding abbreviations goes only so far.

Therefore we have now a general mechanism that can be used
to bind variables during export operations.

A line like:

#+begin_src org
  ,#+BIND: variable value

will bind the variable to value.  For example, the line

#+begin_src org
  ,#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

can now equivalently be written as

#+begin_src org
  ,#+BIND: org-export-with-toc nil

*** Clean out publishing timestamp directory

When changing the publishing setup, old timestamp files can
be left behind.  Forcing publishing of all projects with
=C-u C-c C-e E= will remove all existing timestamp files.

** Miscellaneous

*** Calendar for reading a date forced into current frame.

Separate-frame setup for calendar had caused problems in

*** Set timers for headlines

You can now set a timer related to any headline, like an
alarm clock.  Three new commands have been defined:

- org-timer-set-timer :: bound to =C-c C-x ;= in Org buffers
  and to =;= in Org agenda buffers.  This function sets a
  timer for the headline the cursor is currently it.  Up to
  three timers can be used at any time.

- org-timer-show-remaining-time :: Show the remaining time
  for the last timer set.

- org-timer-cancel-timers :: Cancel all timers.

This functionality was requested by Samuel Wales and
emulates that of /tea-time.el/ -- see the emacswiki doc at


*** Clock reports may include a time stamp

Using =:timetamp t= as an option in a clock report now
allows insertion of the timestamp for the clocked entry.
Timestamps are searched for in this order: =SCHEDULING=,

*** New option =org-id-uuid-program=

On some systems, =uuidgen= is named =uuid=.

*** Clock notification handler made configurable

See the variable =org-show-notification-handler=.

*** New option =org-tags-sort-function=.

This allows tags to be sorted by =string<=, =string>=, or a
custom function.

Thanks to James TD Smith for a patch to this effect.

*** Improvements for org-feed.el

But fixes, and allowing to choose between =wget= and =curl=.

Thanks to Christopher League for a patch to this effect.

* Version 6.28
 :CUSTOM_ID: v6.28

** Agenda changes
*** Refiling now works from the agenda

The command =C-c C-w= can be executed to refile an entry shown in
the agenda.  After the command, the entry will no longer be shown
in the agenda.  It it is still in an agenda file, refresh the
agenda to bring it up from it's new context.

*** Bulk action

You can now use the =m= key to mark entries in the agenda.  =u=
will unmark the etry at point, and =U= will unmark everything.
When one or more entries have been selected, the =B= key will
execute an action on all selected entries.  I believe this bulk
action makes mainly sense for the commands that require answering
interactive prompts.  So far the supported actions are

 - Refile all selected entries to a single destination
 - Archive all selected entries
 - Set the TODO state of all selected entries, bypassing any
   blocking or note-taking.
 - Add or remove a tag to/from all selected entries

We can add more actions, if you convince me they make sense.

*** Modified keys

To make room for the new Bulk action commands, some keys in the
agenda buffer had to move:

There is a new command bound to the =v= key, it dispatches
various view mode changes.  Month and year view are now only
available as =v m= and =v y=, respectively.  Turning on
inclusion of archive trees and files (unsed to be on =v=) is
now on =v a= and =v A=.

** Improvements related to =#+begin= blocks

*** Indented blocks

=#+begin_ ... +#end_...= blocks may now be indented along
with the structure of your document.  So the =#+= lines no
longer need to start in column 0, these lines can be, along
with the block contents, indented arbitrarily.  Org supports
this during editing with "C-c '", and now finally treats them
consistently during export across all backends.  This makes
these blocks work much better with plain list structure
editing, and it also looks better if you like to indent text
under outline headings.  For example:

#+begin_src org
  ,*** This is some headline
  ,    #+begin_example
  ,    here we have an example
  ,    #+end_example
  ,    - a plain list
  ,      - a sublist item
  ,        - a second sublist item

  ,          #+begin_center
  ,           centering within the plain list item
  ,          #+end_center

  ,      #+begin_example
  ,       This example does terminate the sublist,
  ,       the indentation of the #+begin line counts.
  ,      #+end_example

  ,    - but the top level plain lists continues here

From now on, the indentation of such a block decides whether
it is part of a plain list item or if it is actually
terminating the list.  This was so far inconsistent between
editing behavior and export, now it is consistent.

The content of the block, i.e. the text between the #+ lines
gets an extra indentation of two space characters, which I
find visually pleasing.  You can change the amount of extra
indentation using the variable

This was a pretty complex change, achieved in many small
steps over the last couple of weeks.  It cleans up one of the
more annoying inconsistencies in Org.  I hope it will work,
but I am sure you will let me know if not.

*** Indented tables

Also tables can be fully indented now.  What is new here is
that the =#+TBLFM= line, and also things like =#+caption=,
=#+label=, =#+attr_...= etc can be indented along with the
table.  Again, this makes the look of the document better and
allows for proper plain list structure editing.

*** Protected blocks

Some =#+begin_ ... +#end_...= blocks contain text that should not
be processed like normal Org-mode text.  =example= and =src=
block fall into this class, and so do =ditaa= blocks, for
example.  The content in such blocks is now properly fontified in
a single face (called =org-block=).  This was a frequently
requested feature.  The list of blocks that should be protected
from normal Org-mode fontification is defined in the variable
=org-protecting-blocks=.  Modules defining new blocks should add
to this variable when needed.  =org-exp-blocks.el= does this

*** Hide and show the contents of blocks

Blocks can now be folded and unfolded with =TAB=.  If you
want to have all blocks folded on startup, customize
=org-hide-block-startup= or use the =#+STARTUP= options
=hideblocks= or =showblocks= to overrule this variable on a
per-file basis.

Thanks to Eric Schulte for a patch to this effect.

*** Moved Eric Schulte's org-exp-blocks.el into the core

This seems to be getting a lot of use now, so it is now part of
the core and loaded automatically.  This package can now also be
used to define new blocks.  Customize the variable
=org-export-blocks= or use the function

** New and updated contributed modules
*** org-export-generic.el is now a contributed package.

This new module allows users to export an Org page to any type of
output by constructing the output using a list of prefixes,
format specifications and suffixes for the various types of org
data (headlines, paragraphs, list bullets, etc).  Use the
=org-set-generic-type= function to define your own export types
and have them bound to a key (use an upper-case letter for user
export definitions).

Thanks to Wes Hardaker for this contribution with a lot of
*** New contributed modules org-mac-iCal.el by Christopher Suckling

See the [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-mac-iCal.php][documentation on Worg]].

*** org-jira.el: New file, by Jonathan Arkell

Links to Jira tickets.

*** org-R.el: Updated.

/org-R.el/ has been updated, thanks to Dan Davison for this.

*** =[ TABLE-OF-CONTENTS]= is now also used for LaTeX export

This cookie will mark the location of the =\tableofcontents=
macro.  Triggered by a report by Yuva.

** Changes to the clocking system
*** New option `org-clock-out-switch-to-state'.

Clocking out can now switch the task to a particular state.

This was a request by Manish.

*** More control about what time is shown in mode line while clocking

- If you have an =Effort= property defined, its value is also
  shown in the mode line, and you can configure =org-clock-sound=
  to get an alert when your planned time for a particular item is

- When an entry has been clocked earlier, the time shown in the
  mode line while the item is being clocked is now the sum of all
  previous, and the current clock.

- The exception to the previous rule are repeating entries: There
  the clock time will only be clocking instances recorded since
  the last time the entry when through a repeat event.  The time
  of that event is now recorded in the =LAST_REPEAT= property

- You can use the property CLOCK_MODELINE_TOTAL to get
  control over what times are displayed in the mode line, see
  the manual for more information.

- The new command =C-c C-x C-e= can be used to change the Effort
  estimate and therefore to change the moment when the clock sound
  will go off.

- The clock string in the modeline now has a special font,
  =org-mode-line-clock=.  This was a proposal by Samuel Wales.

- Clicking on the mode line display of the clock now offers a
  menu with important clock functions like clocking out, or
  switching the clock to a different task.

Thanks to Konstantin Antipin for part of the implementation, and
thanks to Bernt Hansen for helping to iron out the issues related
to repeated tasks.

** Miscellaneous changes

*** Allow to specify the alignment in table columns by hand

Similar to the =<20>= cookies that allow to specify a maximum
width for a table column, you can now also specify the alignment
in order to overrule the automatic alignment choice based on the
dominance of number or non-number fields in a column.  The
corresponding cookies are =<l>= and =<r>= for left and right side
alignment, respectively.  These can be combined with maximum
width specification like this: =<r15>=.

This was a proposal by Michael Brand.

*** Stop logging and blocking when selecting a TODO state

Sometimes you want to quickly select or change a TODO state of an
item, without being bothered by your setup for blocking state
changes and logging entries.  So in this case, you don't want the
change be seen as a true state change.

You can now set the variable
=org-treat-S-cursor-todo-selection-as-state-change= to nil.
Then, when you use =S-left= and =S-right= to quickly flip through
states, blocking and logging will be temporarily disabled.

*** Export BBDB anniversaries to iCalendar

See the variable `org-icalendar-include-bbdb-anniversaries'.

This was a request by Richard Riley, thanks to Thomas Baumann
for the prompt implementation.

*** Macro definitions can be collected in an #+SETUPFILE

If you want to use many macros in different files, collect the
=#+macro= lines into a file and link to them with

: #+SETUPFILE: path/to-file

*** Subtree cloning now also shifts inactive dates

When using the command =org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift=, time
stamps will be shifted for each clone.  So far, this applied only
to active timestamps, but now it does apply to inactive
ones as well.

*** HTML table export: Assign alternating classes to rows

The new variable =org-export-table-row-tags= can now be set up in
a way so that different table lines get special CSS classes
assigned.  This can be used for example to choose different
background colors for odd and even lines, respectively.  The
docstring of the variable contains this example:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (setq org-export-table-row-tags
        (cons '(if head
             (if (= (mod nline 2) 1)
                 "<tr class=\"tr-odd\">"
               "<tr class=\"tr-even\">"))

It makes use of the local variables =head= and =nline= which are
used to check whether the current line is a header line, and whether
it is an odd or an even line.  Since this is fully programmable,
you can do other things as well.

This was a request by Xin Shi.

*** Remember: target headline may be a function

When setting up remember templates, the target headline may now
be a function, similarly to what is allowed for the target file.
The functions needs to return the headline that should be used.

*** Remove flyspell overlays in places where they are not wanted

We now keep flyspell from highlighting non-words in links.

*** Update targets in the Makefile

Some new targets in the default Makefile make it easier to update
through git to the latest version: =update= and =up2=.  Here are
the definitions.

#+begin_src BSDmakefile
	git pull
	${MAKE} clean
	${MAKE} all

up2:	update
	sudo ${MAKE} install

This was a request by Konstantin Antipin.

* Version 6.27
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.27

** Details

*** Macros for export

Macro processing for export has been enhanced:

- You can use arguments in a macro, for example
#+begin_src org
#+macro hello Greet the $1: Hello $1
  which would turn ={{{hello(world)}}}= into =Greet the world: Hello world=

- The macro value can be an emacs-lisp for to be evaluated at the
  time of export:

#+begin_src org
,#+macro: datetime (eval (format-time-string "$1"))

- More built-in default macros:
  - date(FORMAT_TIME_STRING) :: Time/Date of export
  - time(FORMAT_TIME_STRING) :: Same as date
  - modification-time(FORMAT_TIME_STRING) :: Last modification of file
  - input-file :: Name of the input file

  The new built-in macros have been requested by Daniel Clemente.

*** Link completion for files and bbdb names

Org now has a general mechanism how modules can provide enhanced
support (for example through completion) when adding a link.  For
example, when inserting a link with =C-c C-l=, you can now type
=file:= followed by =RET= to get completion support for inserting
a file.  After entering =bbdb:= and =RET=, a completion interface
will allow to complete names in the BBDB database.  These are the
only ones implemented right now, but modules that add a link type
=xyz:= can simple define =org-xyz-complete-link= that should
return the full link with prefix after aiding the used to create
the link.  For example, if you have =http= links that you have to
insert very often, you could define a function
=org-http-complete-link= to help selecting the most common ones.

*** Source file publishing

It is now easy to publish the Org sources along with, for
example, HTML files.  In your publishing project, replace

: :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html


:  :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org)
:  :plain-source t
:  :htmlized-source t

to get both the plain org file and an htmlized version that
looks like your editing buffer published along with the HTML
exported version.

*** Push exported stuff to kill ring

All exporters now push the produced material onto the kill-ring
in Emacs, and also to the external clipboard and the primary
selection to make it easy to paste this under many circumstances.

*** Tables in LaTeX without centering
Set the variable `org-export-latex-tables-centered' to nil if you
prefer tables not to be horizontally centered.  Note that
longtable tables are always centered.

*** LaTeX export: TODO markup configurable

The markup for TODO keywords in LaTeX export is now configurable
using the variable =org-export-latex-todo-keyword-markup=.

*** ASCII export to buffer

ASCII export has now the same command variations as the other
export backends, for example exporting to a temporary buffer
instead of a file.

The was a request by Samuel Wales.

*** Accessibility improvements for HTTP tables

When exporting tables to HTML, Org now adds =scope= attributes to
all header fields, in order to support screen readers.
Setting the variable
=org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column= will
request using =<th>= instead of =<td>= also in the entire first
column, so that also row information can be scoped.  This was
triggered by a request by Jan Buchal, and as usually Sebastian
Rose came up with the right implementation.

*** Timezone information in iCalendar files

The timezone information in iCalendar files is now written in the
correct format, and can be set in the variable
=org-ical-timezone=.  This variable is initialized from the =TZ=
environment variable.

*** New contributed package /org-special-blocks.el/

The package turns any "undefined" =#+begin_...= blocks into LaTeX
environments for LaTeX export, and into =<div>= tags for HTML

Thanks to Chris Gray for this contribution.

*** More flexibility about placing logging notes.

Logging into a drawer can now also be set for individual
subtrees using the =LOG_INTO_DRAWER= property.

Requested by Daniel J. Sinder

*** New reload key

Reloading Org has moved to a new key, =C-c C-x !=, and is now
also available in the agenda.

*** Start Agenda with log mode active
Set the new option =org-agenda-start-with-log-mode= to have
log mode turned on from the start.  Or set this option for
specific custom commands.

Thanks to Benjamin Andresen for a patch to this effect.

*** Agenda speed optimizations

Depending on circumstances, construction the agenda has become a
lot faster.

Triggered by Eric S Fraga's reports about using Org on a slow
computer like a netbook.

*** New face for today in agenda

The date that is today can now be highlighted in the agenda by
customizing the face =org-agenda-date-today=.

Thanks to Dmitri Minaev for a patch to this effect.

*** Properties to disambiguate statistics

When an entry has both check boxes and TODO children, it is not
clear what kind of statistics a cookie should show  You can now use
the =COOKIE_DATA= property to disambiguate, by giving it a value
"todo" or "checkbox".

Thanks to Ulf Stegeman, who was persistent enough to push this
change past my initial resistance.

*** Checkboxes and TODO items: recursive statistics

Setting the variable =org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics= to
=nil= will make statistics cookies count all checkboxes in the
lit hierarchy below it.

Setting the variable =org-hierarchical-todo-statistics= to
=nil= will do the same for TODO items.

To turn on recursive statistics only for a single subtree, add the
word "recursive" to the =COOKIE_DATA= property.  Note that you
can have such a property containing both "todo" or "checkbox" for
disambiguation, and the word "recursive", separated by a space

The change for checkboxes was a patch by Richard Klinda.

*** New operators for column view

Column view has new operators for computing the minimum,
maximum, and mean of property values.

Thanks to Mikael Fornius for a patch to this effect.

* Version 6.26
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.26

** Details

*** custom IDs

Entries can now define a =CUSTOM_ID= property.  This property
must be a valid ID according to HTML rules, and it will be used
in HTML export as the main target ID for this entry.  That means,
both the table of conents and other internal links will
automatically point to this ID instead of the automatic ID like
=sec-1.1=.  This is useful to create humar-readable permanent
links to these location in a document.

The user is responsible to make sure that  custom IDs are unique
within a file.

Links written like =[[#my-target-name] ]= can be used to target a
custom ID.

When using =C-c l= to store a link to a headline that has a
custom ID, Org will now create two links at the same time.  One
link will be to the custom ID.  The other will be to the globaly
unique ID property.  When inserting the line with =C-c C-l=, you
need to decide which one you want to use.  Use the ID links for
entries that are expected to move from one file to the next.  Use
custom ID links publishing projects, when you are sure that te
entry will stay in that file.  See also the variable

*** Remember to non-org files

If the target headline part of a remember template definition
entry is =top= or =bottom=, the target file may now be a
non-Org-mode file.  In this case, the content of the remember
buffer will be added to that file without enforcing an Org-like
headline.  Sorry, Russel, that this took so long.

*** New property to turn off todo dependencies locally

Setting the property =NOBLOCKING= will turn off TODO dependency
checking for this entry.

*** Refile verify

A new function is called to verify tasks that are about to be
selected as remember targets.  See the new variable

*** New version org ditaa.jar

Thanks to Stathis Sideris.

*** htmlize.el is now in the contrib directory

The latest version of htmlize.el is now the in the contrib
directory of Org.  Thanks to Hrvoje Niksic for allowing this.

* Version 6.25
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.25

** Major new features

*** DocBook export

We now do have a fully functional DocBook exporter, contributed by
Baoqiu Cui.  Simple press =C-c e D= to export the current file to
DocBook format.  You can also get direct conversion to PDF if you have
made the correct setup, please see the manual for details.

Kudos to Baoqiu for this fantastic addition, and my personal thanks
for doing this in a such a smooth way that I did not have to do
anything myself.

*** Protocols for external access to Emacs and Org

/org-protocol.el/ is a new module that supersedes both
/org-annotation-helper.el/ and /org-browser.el/ and replaces them
with a more abstracted interface.  /org-protocol/ intercepts
calls from emacsclient to trigger custom actions without external
dependencies.  Only one protocol has to be configured with your
external applications or the operating system, to trigger an
arbitrary number of custom actions. Just register your custom
sub-protocol and handler with the new variable

org-protocol comes the with three standard protocol handlers (in
parenthesis the name of the sub-protocol):
- =org-protocol-remember= (=remember=) :: Trigger remember
- =org-protocol-store-link= (=store-link=) :: Store a link
- =org-protocol-open-source= (=open-source=) :: Find the local
     source of a remote web page.

Passing data to emacs is now as easy as calling

: emacsclient org-protocol://sub-protocol://data

For more information see the [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.php][online documentation]]

Thanks to Sebastian Rose for this really beautiful module.

*** Inline tasks

Inline tasks are tasks that have all the properties of normal
outline nodes, including the ability to store meta data like
scheduling dates, TODO state, tags and properties.  But these
tasks are not meant to introduce additional outline structure, at
least as far as visibility cycling and export is concerned.  They
are useful for adding tasks in extensive pieces of text where
interruption of the flow or restructuring is unwanted.

This feature is not turned on by default, you need to configure
=org-modules= to turn it on, or simply add to you .emacs file:

: (require 'org-inlinetask)

After that, tasks with level 15 (30 stars when using
org-odd-levels-only) will be treated as inline tasks, and
fontification will make obvious which tasks are treated in this

*** Input from RSS feeds

Org can now collect tasks from an RSS feed, a great method to get
stuff from online call and note-taking services into your trusted
system.  You need to configure the feeds in the variable
=org-feed-alist=.  The manual contains a short description, more
detailed information is [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-feed.php][available on Worg]].

Full credit goes to Brad Bozarth who really [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/12251][paved the way]] for this
exciting new feature.

** Export

*** Allow modification of table attributes in HTML export

The #+ATTR_HTML line can now be used to set attributes for a
table.  Attributes listed in that line will replace existing
attributes in =org-export-html-table-tag=, or will add new ones.
For example

: #+ATTR_HTML: border="2" rules="all" frame="all"
: #+CAPTION: Finally a table with lines!
: | a | b |
: |---|---|
: | 1 | 2 |

*** LaTeX low levels are now exported as itemize lists

LaTeX export now treats hierarchy levels 4,5, etc as itemize
lists, not as description lists as before.  This is more
consistent with the behavior of HTML export.  You can configure
this behavior using the variable =org-export-latex-low-levels=.

*** Markup for centering.

Text can be exported centered with

#+begin_src org
,Everything should be made as simple as possible, \\
,but not any simpler

*** Sitemap file is now /sitemap.org/

Org-publish can produce a list of all files in a project.
Previously the file containing this list was called "index.org",
really a brain-dead default because during publication it would
overwrite the "index.html" file of the website.

The default file name is now "sitemap.org"

*** Protect explicit target links in HTML export

If a link is =[[#name] [desc]]=, the href produced when exporting
the file will be exactly href="#name".  So starting a link target
with # will indicate that there will be an explicit target for

*** HTML export: Allow "- ___" to explicitly terminate a list

If a list contains "- ___" (three underscores) as an item, this
terminates the list, ignoring this item.  This is an experimental
feature, it may disappear again if we find other ways to deal
with literal examples right after lists.

See [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/12299/focus%3D12312][this mailing list thread]] for context.

** Agenda

*** Changing the time of an entry from the agenda

We now have a way to change not only the date, but also the start
time of an entry from the agenda.  The date is normally changed
with S-right/left.  Now, if you add a C-u prefix, the hour will
be changed.  If you immediately press S-right/left again, hours
will continue to be changed.  A double prefix will do the same
for minutes.  If the entry has a time range like 14:40-16:00,
then both times will change, preserving the length of the

*** Show saved PDF agenda view with prefix arg

When writing an agenda view to a PDF file, supplying a a prefix
argument (=C-u C-x C-w=) will get the new file displayed

This was a request by Alan E Davis.

*** Filter for entries with no effort defined

During secondary agenda filtering, pressing "?" now will install a
filter that selects entries which do not have an effort defined.

This new model was necessary because we needed to stop interpreting
entries with no effort defines as 0 effort.  This was inconsistent,
because for normal agenda sorting, the treatment of these entries
depends on the variable =org-sort-agenda-noeffort-is-high=.  Now this
variable is also respected during filtering.

This new feature resulted from a [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/12493][discussion]] with Matt Lundin and
Bernt Hansen.

*** Introduce user-defined sorting operators

The new variable =org-agenda-cmp-user-defined= can contain a
function to test how two entries should be compared during
sorting.  The symbols =user-defined-up= and =user-defined-down=
can then be part of any sorting strategy.

This was a request by Samuel Wales.

*** Indentation of subitems in the agenda

When a tags/property match does match an entry and it's
sublevels, the sublevels used to be indented by dots, to indicate
that the matches likely result from tag inheritance.  This is now
no longer the default, so the subitems will not get special
indentation.  You can get this behavior back with

: (setq org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented)

*** Stuck projects search now searches subtrees of unstuck projects

When, during a stuck-project search, a project tree is identified
as not stuck, so far the search would continue after the end of
the project tree.  From now on, the search continues in the
subtree, so that stuck subprojects can still be identified.

** Miscellaneous

*** Citations: Use RefTeX to insert citations

RefTeX can now be used to create a citation in Org-mode buffers.
Setup the buffer with

#+begin_src org
,#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: bibbase style

and create citations with =C-c C-x [=.

Together with org-exp-bibtex.el by Taru Karttunen (available as a
contributed package), this provides a great environment for
including citations into HTML and LaTeX documents.

*** Changing time ranges as a block

When using the S-cursor keys to change the first time in a time
range like

: <2009-04-01 Wed 14:40-16:40>

then the end time will change along, so that the duration of the
event will stay the same.

This was a request by Anupam Sengupta.

*** New sparse tree command

A new sparse tree command shows entries with times after a certain
date.  Keys are =C-c / a=, this command is for symmetry
with =C-c / b=.

*** Cloning tasks

A new command allows to create clone copies of the current entry,
with shifted dates in all stamps in the entry.  This is useful to
create, for example, a series of entries for a limited time
period.  I am using it to prepare lectures, for example.

*** New face for checkboxes

Checkboxes now have their own face, =org-checkbox=.  This can be
used for nice effects, for example choosing a face with a box
around it:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (org-checkbox ((t (:background "#444444" :foreground "white"
                :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)))))

*** M-a and M-e for navigation in a table field

In tables fields, the sentence commands =M-a= and =M-e= are
redefined to jump to the beginning or end of the field.

This was a request by Bastien Guerry.

*** Backup files for remember buffers

Sometimes users report that they lost data when not immediately
storing a new remember note, and then later exiting Emacs or
starting a new remember process.

Now you can set the variable =org-remember-backup-directory=.
Each remember buffer created will then get its own unique file
name in that directory, and the file will be removed only if the
storing of the note to an Org files was successful.

*** org-mac-message.el: New functions to access flagged mail

Christopher Suckling has added functionality to
/org-mac-message.el/.  In particular, you can now select a number
of messages and easily get links to all of them with a single
command.  For details, see the [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-mac-message.php][online documentation]].

*** Read-date: New hook

The new hook =org-read-date-minibuffer-setup-hook= is called when
setting up the minibuffer for reading a date.  If can be used to
install new keys into the temporary keymap used there.

* Version 6.24
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.24

** Incompatible changes

*** Tag searches are now case-sensitive

From this release on, tag searches will be case sensitive.  While
I still think it would be nice to have them case-insensitive,
this was both an inconsistency (TODO keyword searches have always
been case-sensitive), and trouble for coding some efficient
algorithms.  So please make sure that you give the tags with
correct casing when prompted for a match expression.

*** New key for creating tags/property sparse trees

The key to produce a sparse tree matching tags and properties is
now =C-c / m= instead of =C-c a T=.  This is also more consistent
with the =C-c a m= key for the corresponding agenda view.
=C-c / T= will still work for now, but it is no longer advertised
in the documentation and may go away at any time in the future.

*** IDs in HTML have "ID-" prefix when generated by uuidgen

/uuidgen/ generates IDs that often start with a number, not a
latter.  However, IDs and names in XHTML must start with a letter.
Therefore, IDs in HTML files will now get an "ID-" prefix if they
have been generated by uuidgen.  This means that id links from one
file to another may stop working until all files have been
exported again.

*** In agenda, only priority cookies get the special face

So far, an entire task would get a special face when
=org-agenda-fontify-priorities= was set.  Now, the default value
for this variable is the symbol =cookies=, which means that on
the cookie is fontified.  Set it to =t= if you want the entire
task headline to be fontified.

** Details

*** PDF export of agenda views

Agenda views can now be exported to PDF files by writing them to
a file with extension ".pdf".  Internally this works by first
producing the postscript version and then converting that to PDF
using the ghostview utility =ps2pdf=.  Make sure that this
utility is installed on your system.

The postscript version will not be removed, it will stay around.

*** Inline some entry text for Agenda View export

When exporting an agenda view to HTML or PDF for printing or
remote access, one of the problems can be that information stored
in entries below the headline is not accessible in that format.

You can now copy some of that information to the agenda view
before exporting it.  For this you need to set the variable
=org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines= to a number greater than 0.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines 20)

Or you can do this with the settings in a custom agenda view,
for example

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
("A" "" agenda ""
 ((org-agenda-ndays 1)
  (org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines 5))

*** Improved ASCII export of links

ASCII export of links works now much better.  If a link has a
link and a description part which are different, then the
description will remain in the text while the link part will be
moved to the end of the current section, before the next heading,
as a footnote-like construct.

Configure the variable =org-export-ascii-links-to-notes= if you
prefer the links to be shown in the text.  In this case, Org will
make an attempt to wrap the line which may have become
significantly longer by showing the link.

Thanks to Samuel Wales for pointing out the bad state of ASCII
link export.

*** Custom agenda commands can specify a filter preset

If a custom agenda command specifies a value for
=org-agenda-filter-preset= in its options, the initial view of
the agenda will be filterd by the specified tags.  Applying a
filter with =/= will then always add to that preset filter,
clearing the filter with =/ /= will set it back to the preset.
Here is an example of a custom agenda view that will display the
agenda, but hide all entries with tags =FLUFF= or =BLUFF=:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
("A" "" agenda ""
 ((org-agenda-filter-preset '("-FLUFF" "-BLUFF"))))

This is in response to a [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/11752][thread on the mailing list]], started by
Daniel Clemente and with great contributions by Bernt Hansen and
Matt Lundin.

*** Exporting of citations to LaTeX and HTML, using BibTeX

Citations can now me made using BibTeX, and will be exported to
LaTeX and HTML.  This is implemented in a contributed package by
Taru Karttunen, /org-exp-bibtex.el/.  Kudos to Taru for this
really nice addition.

*** Finally a way to specify keywords and description for HTML export

Use something like

#+begin_src org
#+DESCRIPTION: This page is all about ....
#+KEYWORDS: org-mode, indexing, publishing

To specify the content of the description and keywords meta tags
for HTML output.

*** org-collector.el is now a contributed package

/org-collector.el/ provides functions to create tables by
collecting and processing properties from entries in a specific
scope like the current tree or file, or even from all agenda
files.  General lisp expressions can be used to manipulate the
property values before they are inserted into an org-mode table,
for example as a dynamic block that is easy to update.

Thanks to Eric Schulte for yet another great contribution to

*** Update of org2rem.el

/org2rem.el/ has been updated significantly and now does a more
comprehensive job of exporting Org events to remind.

Thanks to Sharad Pratap for this update.

*** New div around the entire page in HTMP export

A new =<div id=content>= is wrapped around the entire page,
everything that is inside =<body>=.

This means that you need to update /org-info.js/ (if you have a
local copy).  It will be safe todo so, because the new
org-info.js still handles older pages correctly.  Thanks to
Sebastian Rose for making these changes so quicky.

*** Clustering characters for undo

When typing in Org-mode, undo will now remove up to 20 characters
at a time with a single undo command.  This is how things work
normally in Emacs, but the special binding of characters in
Org-mode made this impossible until now.

Thanks to Martin Pohlack for a patch which mimicks the behavior
of the Emacs command loop for the Org version of
=self-insert-command=.  Note that this will not work in headlines
and tables because typing there will do a lot of extra work.

There might be a small typing performance hit resulting from this
change - please report in the mailing list if this is noticeable
and annoying.

*** Separate settings for special C-a and C-e

The variable `org-special-ctrl-a/e' now allows separate settings
for =C-a= and =C-e=.  For example

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-special-ctrl-a/e '(reversed . t))

Thanks to Alan Davis for this proposal.

*** orgstruct++-mode improvements

In addition to =orgstruct-mode= which allows to use some Org-mode
structure commands in other major modes, there is a more invasive
version of this mode: =orgstruct++-mode=.  This mode will import
all paragraph and line wrapping variables into the major mode, so
that, for example, during typing the auto-fill wrapping of items
will work just like in Org-mode.  This change is not reversible,
so turning off =orgstruct++-mode= will not remove these settings
again. =orgstruct++-mode= is most useful in text modes like
message-mode or =magit-log-edit-mode=.  Furthermore,
=orgstruct++-mode= will recognize plain list context not only in
the first line of an item, but also further down, so that =M-RET=
will correctly insert new items.

Thanks to Austin Frank for requesting some of these changes.

*** Promotion and demotion works for regions now

=M-right= and =M-left= now do demote and promote all headlines in
an active region.

*** Match syntax for tags/properties is now described in a single place

The manual chapters about tags and about properties now only
refer to the section about agenda views, where the general syntax
of tag/property matches is described.

*** Macro replacement

A string like ={{{ title }}}= will be replaced by the title of
the document, ={{{ email }}}= by the email setting of the author
and similarly for other export settings given in =#+...= lines.
In addition to that, you can define an arbitrary number of
macros, for example:

#+begin_src org
,#+MACRO: myaddress 41 Onestreet, 12345 New York, NY
,my address is {{{myaddress}}}, see you there.

Macro replacement is the very first thing that happens during
export, and macros will be replaced even in source code and other
protected regions.

*** New reload command, with keyboard access

There is now a special command to reload all Org Lisp files, so
that you can stay in your Emacs session while pulling and
compiling changes to Org.  The command to reload the compiled
files (if available) is =C-c C-x r=.  If no compiled files are
found, uncompiled ones will be loaded.  If you want to force
loading of uncompiled code (great for producing backtraces), use
a prefix arg: =C-u C-c C-x r=.  Both commands are available in
the menu as well.

This new command was inspired by one written earlier by Bernt

*** Faces for priority cookies can now be set freely

The new variable =org-priority-faces= can be used to set faces
for each priority.

*** New key for creating tags/property sparse trees

The key to produce a sparse tree matching tags and properties is
now =C-c / m= instead of =C-c a T=.  This is more consistent with
the =C-c a m= key for the corresponding agenda view.  =C-c / T=
will still work for now, but it is no longer advertised in the
documentation and may go away at any time in the future.

*** IDs in HTML have "ID-" prefix when generated by uuidgen

/uuidgen/ generates IDs that often start with a number, not a
letter.  However, IDs and names in XHTML must start with a letter.
Therefore, IDs in HTML files will now get an "ID-" prefix if they
have been generated by /uuidgen/.  This means that id links from one
file to another may stop working until all files have been
exported again, so that both links and targets have the new prefix.

*** In agenda, only priority cookies get the special face

So far, an entire task would get a special face when
=org-agenda-fontify-priorities= was set.  Now, the default value
for this variable is the symbol =cookies=, which means that on
the cookie is fontified.  Set it to =t= if you want the entire
task headline to be fontified.

*** Turning off time-of-day search in headline

Some people like to put a creation time stamp into a headline and
then get confused if the time-of-day found in there shows up as
the time-of-day of the deadline/scheduling entry for this
headline.  The reason for this is that Org searches the headline
for a free-format time when trying to sort the entry into the
agenda, and that search accidentally finds the time in the
creation time stamp or something else that happens to look like a
time.  If this is more painful than useful for you, configure the
new variable =org-agenda-search-headline-for-time=.

* Version 6.23
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.23
** Overview

- Capture state change notes into a drawer
- Clock lines are now captured into the LOGBOOK drawer as well
- Added org-R.el to contrib directory
- Allow individual formatting of each TODO keyword in HTML export
- New hooks for add-ons to tap into context-sensitive commands
- Publishing files irrespective of extension
- New variable index in the manual
- The ORDERED property also influences checkboxes
- The ORDERED property can be tracked with a tag
- You may now specify line breaks in the fast tags interface
- When a TODO is blocked by checkboxes, keep it visible in agenda
- LaTeX can import Org's in-buffer definitions for TITLE, EMAIL etc.

** Incompatible changes

- CLOCK lines will now be captured into the LOGBOOK drawer.
  See below for details.

** Details

*** Capture state change notes into a drawer

State change notes can now be captured into a drawer =LOGBOOK=,
to keep the entry tidy.  If this is what you want, you will need
this configuration:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-log-into-drawer "LOGBOOK")

Thanks to Wanrong Lin for this proposal.

*** Clock lines are now captured into the LOGBOOK drawer as well

The =CLOCK= drawer will be abandoned, clock lines will now also
end up in a drawer =LOGBOOK=.  The reason for this is that it's a
bit useless to have two different drawers for state change notes
and clock lines.  If you wish to keep the old way, use

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-clock-into-drawer "CLOCK")

*** Added org-R.el to contrib directory

Dan Davison has contributed /org-R.el/ which is now in the
contrib directory.  Org-R performs numerical computations and
generates graphics.  Data can come from org tables, or from csv
files; numerical output can be stored in the org buffer as org
tables, and links are created to files containing graphical
output.  Although, behind the scenes, it uses R, you do not need
to know anything about R.  Common operations, such as tabulating
discrete values in a column of an org table, are available "off
the shelf" by specifying options on lines starting with =#+R:=.
However, you can also provide raw R code to be evaluated.  The
documentation is currently the worg tutorial at

Thanks to Dan for this great contribution.

*** Allow individual formatting of TODO keyword and tags in HTML export

TODO keywords in HTML export have the CSS class =todo= or =done=.
Tags have the CSS class =tag=.  In addition to this, each keyword
has now itself as class, so you could do this in your CSS file:

#+begin_src css
.todo { font-weight:bold; }
.done { font-weight:bold; }
.TODO { color:red; }
.WAITING { color:orange; }
.DONE { color:green; }

If any of your keywords causes conflicts with CSS classes used
for different purposes (for example a tag "title" would cause a
conflict with the class used for formatting the document title),
then you can use the variables =org-export-html-tag-class-prefix=
and =org-export-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix= to define prefixes
for the class names for keywords, for example "kwd-".

Thanks to Wanrong Lin for this request, and to Sebastian Rose for
help with the implementation.

*** New hooks for add-ons to tap into context-sensitive commands

Some commands in Org are context-sensitive, they will execute
different functions depending on context.  The most important
example is of course =C-c C-c=, but also the =M-cursor= keys fall
into this category.

Org has now a system of hooks that can be used by add-on packages
to install their own functionality into these keys.  See the
docstring of =org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook= for details.  The other
hooks are named like =org-metaleft-hook= or

*** Publishing files irrespective of extension

If you set the =:base-extension= property for a publishing
project to the symbol =any=, all files in the directory will be
published, irrespective of extension.

Thanks to Richard Klinda for a patch to this effect.

*** New variable index in the manual

A new index in the manual lists all variables mentioned in the
manual, about 200 variables in total.

*** The ORDERED property also influences checkboxes

When an entry has the ORDERED property set, checkboxes in
the entry must be completed in order.  This was already the case
for children TODO items, now it also applies for checkboxes.

Thanks to Rainer Stengele for this proposal.

*** The ORDERED property can be tracked with a tag

The =ORDERED= property is used to flag an entry so that subtasks
(both children TODO items and checkboxes) must be completed in
order.  This property is most easily toggled with the command
=C-c C-x o=.  A property was chosen for this functionality,
because this should be a behavior local to the current task, not
inherited like tags.  However, properties are normally
invisible.  If you would like visual feedback on the state of
this property, configure the variable
=org-track-ordered-property-with-tag=.  If you then use =C-c C-x
o= to toggle the property, a tag will be toggled as well, for
visual feedback.

Note that the tag itself has no meaning for the behavior of TODO
items and checkboxes, and that changing the tag with the usual
tag commands will not influence the property and therefore the
behavior of TODO and checkbox commands.

*** You may now specify line breaks in the fast tags interface

Up to now, the fast tags interface tried to lump as many tags as
possible into a single line, with the exception that groups would
always be on a line by themselves.

Now, if you use several lines to define your tags, like

#+begin_src org
,#+TAGS: aa(a) bb(b) cc(c)
,#+TAGS: dd(d) ee(e) ff(f)

then there will also be a line break after the "cc" tag in the
fast tag selection interface.  You may also write

#+begin_src org
,#+TAGS: aa(a) bb(b) cc(c) \n dd(d) ee(e) ff(f)

to achieve the same effect, and you can use =\n= several times in
order to produce empty lines.  In =org-tag-alist=, newlines are
represented as =(:newline)=.

Thanks to Christopher Suckling for a patch to this effect.

*** When a TODO is blocked by checkboxes, keep it visible in agenda

When the variable =org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks= is set to
=invisible=, tasks that are blocked will not be visible in the
agenda.  If the blocking is due to child TODO entries, this does
make sense because the children themselves will show up in the
TODO list.

However, as John Rakestraw has [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/10939][pointed out]], if the blocking is
done by checkboxes, no trace of these subtasks is left.
Therefore, when the blocking is done by checkboxes, we now
overrule the =invisible= setting and replace it with mere dimming
of the task.

*** LaTeX can import Org's in-buffer definitions for TITLE, EMAIL etc.

If you configure =org-export-latex-import-inbuffer-stuff=,
in-buffer definitions like #+TITLE will be made available in the
LaTeX file as =\orgTITLE=.

This was a request by Russel Adams.

* Version 6.22
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.22
** Details

*** org-choose.el by Tom Breton is now included

Org-choose helps documenting a decision-making process by using
TODO keywords for different degrees of /chosenness/, and by
automatically keeping a set of alternatives in a consistent state.

Documentation for /org-choose.el/ is available [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-choose.php][here]].

This package inserts itself into Org using hooks, so if other
people would like to do interesting stuff with TODO keywords for
special purposes, looking at Tom's code might be a good way to

Thanks to Tom for this interesting contribution!

*** orgmode.org and Worg css works now better on IE

Thanks to Sebastian Rose for making these changes.

*** When exporting a subtree, headline levels are now relative to parent

This was reported as a bug by William Henney and is fixed now.

*** Inactive dates in tables can be used for sorting.

When sorting table fields or entries by date, Org first tries to
find an active date, and, if none exist, uses a passive date if

This was a request by Hsui-Khuen Tang

*** The default for =org-return-follows-link= is back to =nil=

Setting it to =t= violates Emacs rules to some extent.  The
internal implementation of this has been improved, so setting it
to =t= should now be pretty stable.

*** Automatic scheduling of siblings with org-depend.el

The sibling of a DONE task can now automatically be scheduled.

This was a patch by Andrew Hyatt.

*** New skipping conditions

The functions =org-agenda-skip-entry-if= and
=org-agenda-skip-subtree-if= now accept =timestamp= and
=nottimestamp= as additional conditions.

This was in response to a request by Saurabh Agrawal.

* Version 6.21
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.21

** Details

*** Changes to some default values of variables:

Here are the new default values:

(setq org-return-follows-link t)

(setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t)

(setq org-yank-adjusted-subtrees nil)

(setq org-tags-column -77)

(setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy
     '((agenda time-up priority-down category-keep)
	(todo time-up priority-down category-keep)
	(tags time-up priority-down category-keep)
	(search category-keep)))

*** Final cleanup for Emacs 21.1 pretest

* Version 6.20
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.20

** Details

*** Support for simple TODO dependencies

John Wiegley's code for enforcing simple TODO dependencies has
been integrated into Org-mode.  Thanks John!

The structure of Org files (hierarchy and lists) makes it easy to
define TODO dependencies.  A parent TODO task should not be
marked DONE until all subtasks (defined as children tasks) are
marked as DONE.  And sometimes there is a logical sequence to a
number of (sub)tasks, so that one task cannot be acted upon
before all siblings above it are done.  If you customize the
variable =org-enforce-todo-dependencies=, Org will block entries
from changing state while they have children that are not DONE.
Furthermore, if an entry has a property =ORDERED=, each of its
children will be blocked until all earlier siblings are marked
DONE.  Here is an example:

#+begin_src org
,* TODO Blocked until (two) is done
,** DONE one
,** TODO two

,* Parent
,    :ORDERED: t
,  :END:
,** TODO a
,** TODO b, needs to wait for (a)
,** TODO c, needs to wait for (a) and (b)

The command =C-c C-x o= toggles the value of the =ORDERED=

The variable =org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks= controls how blocked
entries should appear in the agenda, where they can be dimmed or
even made invisible.

Furthermore, you can use the variable
=org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies= to block TODO entries
from switching to DONE while any checkboxes are unchecked in the entry.

*** Support for shift-selection in Emacs 23

Customize the variable =org-support-shift-select= to use S-cursor
key for selecting text.  Make sure that you carefully read the
docstring of that variable first.

*** Adding and removing checkboxes from many lines

The command =C-c C-x C-b= normally toggles checkbox status in the
current line, or in all lines in the region.  With prefix
argument it now either adds or removes the checkbox.

This was a requested by Daniel Clemente.

* Version 6.19
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.19

** Overview

- Improved behavior of conversion commands =C-c -= and =C-c *=
- Table formulas may now reference fields in other tables
- A final hline is imagined in each table, for the sake of references
- A tags-todo search can now ignore timestamped items
- =\par= can be used to force a paragraph break, also in footnotes

** Details

*** Improved behavior of conversion commands =C-c -= and =C-c *=

    The conversion commands =C-c -= and =C-c *= are now better
    behaved and therefore more useful, I hope.

    If there is an active region, these commands will act on the
    region, otherwise on the current line.

    - C-c - :: This command turns headings or normal lines into
         items, or items into normal lines.  When there is a
         region, everything depends on the first line of the
	 - if it is a item, turn all items in the region into
	   normal lines.
         - if it is a headline, turn all headlines in the region
	   into items.
	 - if it is a normal line, turn all lines into items.
	 - special case: if there is no active region and the
	   current line is an item, cycle the bullet type of the
           current list.
    - C-c * :: This command turns items and normal lines into
         headings, or headings into normal lines.  When there is
         a region, everything depends on the first line of the
	 - if it is a item, turn all items in the region into
         - if it is a headline, turn all headlines in the region
	   into normal lines.
	 - if it is a normal line, turn all lines into headlines.

*** Table formulas may now reference fields in other tables

You may now reference constants, fields and ranges from a
different table, either in the current file or even in a
different file.  The syntax is

: remote(NAME-OR-ID,REF)

where /NAME/ can be the name of a table in the current file as
set by a =#+TBLNAME: NAME= line before the table.  It can also be
the ID of an entry, even in a different file, and the reference
then refers to the first table in that entry.  /REF/ is an
absolute field or range reference, valid in the referenced table.
Note that since there is no "current filed" for the remote table,
all row and column references must be absolute, not relative.

*** A final hline is imagined in each table, for the sake of references

Even if a table does not end with a hline (mine never do because I
think it is not pretty), for the sake of references you can
assume there is one.  So in the following table

#+begin_src org
| a | b |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |

a reference like =@I$1..@II$2= will now work.

*** A tags-todo search can now ignore timestamped items
    The variables =org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date=,
    =org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date=, and
    =org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date= make it possible to
    exclude TODO entries which have this kind of planning info
    associated with them.  This is most useful for people who
    schedule everything, and who use the TODO list mainly to find
    things that are not yet scheduled.  Thomas Morgan pointed out
    that also the tags-todo search may serve exactly this
    purpose, and that it might be good to have a way to make
    these variables also apply to the tags-todo search.  I can
    see that, but could not convince myself to make this the
    default.  A new variable must be set to make this happen:

*** =\par= can be used to force a paragraph break, also in footnotes

The LaTeX idiom =\par= will insert a paragraph break at that
location.  Normally you would simply leave an empty line to get
such a break, but this is useful for footnotes whose
definitions may not contain empty lines.

* Version 6.18
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.18
** Incompatible changes

*** Short examples must have a space after the colon

    Short literal examples can be created by preceding lines
    with a colon.  Such lines must now have a space after the
    colon.  I believe this is already general practice, but now
    it must be like this.  The only exception are lines that are
    empty except for the colon.

** Details

*** Include files can now also process switches

    The example and src switches like =-n= can now also be added
    to include file statements:

: #+INCLUDE "~/.emacs" src emacs-lisp -n -r

    Thanks to Manish for pointing out that this was not yet

*** Examples can be exported to HTML as text areas

    You can now specify a =-t= switch to an example or src block,
    to make it export to HTML as a text area.  To change the
    defaults for height (number of lines in the example) and
    width of this area (80), use the =-h= and =-w= switches.

    Thanks to Ulf Stegemann for driving this development.

*** LaTeX_CLASS can be given as a property

    When exporting a single subtree by selecting it as a region
    before export, the LaTeX class for the export will be taken
    from the =LaTeX_CLASS= property of the entry if present.

    Thanks to Robert Goldman for this request.

*** Better handling of inlined images in different backends

    Two new variables govern which kind of files can be inlined
    during export.  These are
    =org-export-html-inline-image-extensions= and
    =org-export-latex-inline-image-extensions=.  Remember that
    links are turned into an inline image if they are a pure link
    with no description.  HTML files can inline /.png/, /.jpg/,
    and /.gif/ files, while LaTeX files, when processed with
    /pdflatex/, can inline /.png/, /.jpg/, and /.pdf/ files.
    These also represent the default settings for the new
    variables.  Note that this means that pure links to /.pdf/
    files will be inlined - to avoid this for a particular link,
    make sure that the link has a description part which is not
    equal to the link part.

*** Links by ID now continue to work in HTML exported files

    If you make links by ID, these links will now still work in
    HTML exported files, provided that you keep the relative path
    from link to target file the same.

    Thanks to Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs for pushing this over
    the line.

*** The relative timer can be paused

    The new command `C-c C-x ,' will pause the relative timer.
    When the relative timer is running, its value will be shown
    in the mode line.  To get rid of this display, you need to
    really stop the timer with `C-u C-c C-x ,'.

    Thanks to Alan Davis for driving this change.

*** The attachment directory may now be chosen by the user

    Instead of using the automatic, unique directory related to
    the entry ID, you can also use a chosen directory for the
    attachments of an entry.  This directory is specified by the
    ATTACH_DIR property.  You can use `C-c C-a s' to set this

    Thanks to Jason Jackson for this proposal.

*** You can use a single attachment directory for a subtree

    By setting the property ATTACH_DIR_INHERIT, you can now tell
    Org that children of the entry should use the same directory
    for attachments, unless a child explicitly defines its own
    directory with the ATTACH_DIR property.  You can use the
    command `C-c C-a i' to set this property in an entry.

* Version 6.17
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.17

** Overview

- Footnote support
- Line numbers and references in literal examples
- New hooks for export preprocessing
- Capture column view into a different file

** Details

*** Footnote support

Org-mode now directly supports the creation of footnotes.  In
contrast to the /footnote.el/ package, Org-mode's footnotes are
designed for work on a larger document, not only for one-off
documents like emails.  The basic syntax is similar to the one
used by /footnote.el/, i.e. a footnote is defined in a paragraph
that is started by a footnote marker in square brackets in column
0, no indentation allowed.  The footnote reference is simply the
marker in square brackets inside text.  For example:

#+begin_src org
The Org homepage[fn:1] now looks a lot better than it used to.
[fn:1] The link is: http://orgmode.org

Org-mode extends the number-based syntax to /named/ footnotes and
optional inline definition.  Using plain numbers as markers is
supported for backward compatibility, but not encouraged because
of possible conflicts with LaTeX syntax.  Here are the valid

- [1] ::  A plain numeric footnote marker.

- [fn:name] :: A named footnote reference, where `name' is a
     unique label word or, for simplicity of automatic creation,
     a number.

- [fn:: This is the inline definition of this footnote] :: A
     LaTeX-like anonymous footnote where the definition is given
     directly at the reference point.

- [fn:name: a definition] :: An inline definition of a footnote,
     which also specifies a name for the note.  Since Org allows
     multiple references to the same note, you can then use use
     `[fn:name]' to create additional references.

Footnote labels can be created automatically, or you create names
yourself.  This is handled by the variable
=org-footnote-auto-label= and its corresponding =#+STARTUP=
keywords, see the docstring of that variable for details.

The following command handles footnotes:

- C-c C-x f :: The footnote action command.  When the cursor is
     on a footnote reference, jump to the definition.  When it is
     at a definition, jump to the (first) reference.  Otherwise,
     create a new footnote.  Depending on the variable
     `org-footnote-define-inline' (with associated =#+STARTUP=
     options =fninline= and =nofninline=), the definitions will
     be placed right into the text as part of the reference, or
     separately into the location determined by the variable
     When this command is called with a prefix argument, a menu
     of additional options is offered:
     - s :: Sort the footnote definitions by reference sequence.
            During editing, Org makes no effort to sort footnote
            definitions into a particular sequence.  If you want
            them sorted, use this command, which will also move
            entries according to =org-footnote-section=.
     - n :: Normalize the footnotes by collecting all
            definitions (including inline definitions) into a
            special section, and then numbering them in
            sequence.  The references will then also be
            numbers.  This is meant to be the final step before
            finishing a document (e.g. sending off an email).
            The exporters do this automatically, and so could
            something like `message-send-hook'.
     - d :: Delete the footnote at point, and all references to it.

- C-c C-c :: If the cursor is on a footnote reference, jump to
     the definition.  If it is a the definition, jump back to the
     reference.  When called with a prefix argument at either
     location, offer the same menu as `C-u C-c C-x f'.

- C-c C-o or mouse-1/2 :: Footnote labels are also links to the
     corresponding definition/reference, and you can use the
     usual commands to follow these links.

Org-mode's footnote support is designed so that it should also
work in buffers that are not in Org-mode, for example in email
messages.  Just bind =org-footnote-action= to a global key like
=C-c f=.

The main trigger for this development came from a hook function
written by Paul Rivier, to implement named footnotes and to
convert them to numbered ones before export.  Thanks, Paul!

Thanks also to Scot Becker for a thoughtful post bringing this
subject back onto the discussion table, and to Matt Lundin for
the idea of named footnotes and his prompt testing of the new

*** Line numbers and references in literal examples

Literal examples introduced with =#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE= or =#+BEGIN_SRC=
do now allow optional line numbering in the example.
Furthermore, links to specific code lines are supported, greatly
increasing Org-mode's utility for writing tutorials and other
similar documents.

Code references use special labels embedded directly into the
source code.  Such labels look like "(ref:name)" and must be
unique within a document.  Org-mode links with "(name)" in the
link part will be correctly interpreted, both while working with
an Org file (internal links), and while exporting to the
different backends.  Line numbering and code references are
supported for all three major backends, HTML, LaTeX, and ASCII.
In the HTML backend, hovering the mouse over a link to a source
line will remote-highlight the referenced code line.

The options for the BEGIN lines are:

 - -n :: Number the lines in the example
 - +n :: Like -n, but continue numbering from where the previous
         example left off.
 - -r :: Remove the coderef cookies from the example, and replace
         links to this reference with line numbers.  This option
         takes only effect if either -n or +n are given as well.
         If -r is not given, coderefs simply use the label name.
 - -l "fmt" :: Define a local format for coderef labels, see the
      variable =org-coderef-label-format= for details.  Use this
      of the default syntax causes conflicts with the code in the
      code snippet you are using.

Here is an example:

#+begin_example -k
#+begin_src emacs-lisp -n -r
(defmacro org-unmodified (&rest body)                   (ref:def)
  "Execute body without changing `buffer-modified-p'."
  `(set-buffer-modified-p                              (ref:back)
    (prog1 (buffer-modified-p) ,@body)))
[[(def)][Line (def)]] contains the macro name.  Later at line [[(back)]],
backquoting is used.

When exported, this is translated to:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp -n -r
(defmacro org-unmodified (&rest body)                   (ref:def)
  "Execute body without changing `buffer-modified-p'."
  `(set-buffer-modified-p                              (ref:back)
    (prog1 (buffer-modified-p) ,@body)))
[[(def)][Line (def)]] contains the macro name.  Later at line [[(back)]],
backquoting is used.

Thanks to Ilya Shlyakhter for proposing this feature set.  Thanks
to Sebastian Rose for the key Javascript element that made the
remote highlighting possible.

*** New hooks for export preprocessing
    The export preprocessor now runs more hooks, to allow
    better-timed tweaking by user functions:

- =org-export-preprocess-hook= ::
  Pretty much the first thing in the preprocessor.  But org-mode
  is already active in the preprocessing buffer.

- =org-export-preprocess-after-include-files-hook= ::
  This is run after the contents of included files have been inserted.

- =org-export-preprocess-after-tree-selection-hook= ::
  This is run after selection of trees to be exported has
  happened.  This selection includes tags-based selection, as
  well as removal of commented and archived trees.

- =org-export-preprocess-before-backend-specifics-hook= ::
  Hook run before backend-specific functions are called during preprocessing.

- =org-export-preprocess-final-hook= ::
  Hook for preprocessing an export buffer.  This is run as the
  last thing in the preprocessing buffer, just before returning
  the buffer string to the backend.

*** Capture column view into a different file

    The :id parameter for the dynamic block capturing column view
    can now truly be an ID that will also be found in a
    different file.  Also, it can be like =file:path/to/file=, to
    capture the global column view from a different file.

    Thanks to Francois Lagarde for his report that IDs outside
    the current file would not work.

* Version 6.16
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.16
  Cleanup of many small bugs, and one new feature.

** Details

*** References to last table row with special names

    Fields in the last row of a table can now be referenced with
    $LR1, $LR2, etc.  These references can appear both on the
    left hand side and right hand side of a formula.

* Version 6.15f
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.15f

  This version reverses the introduction of @0 as a reference to
  the last rwo in a table, because of a conflict with the use of
  @0 for the current row.

* Version 6.15
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.15
** Overview

- All known LaTeX export issues fixed
- Captions and attributes for figures and tables.
- Better implementation for entry IDs
- Spreadsheet references to the last table line.
- Old syntax for link attributes abandoned

** Incompatible changes
*** Old syntax for link attributes abandoned

There used to be a syntax for setting link attributes for
HTML export by enclosing the attributes into double braces
and adding them to the link itself, like

[[./img/a.jpg{{alt="an image"}}] ]

This syntax is not longer supported, use instead

#+begin_src org
,#+ATTR_HTML: alt="an image"
[[./img/a.jpg] ]

** Details

*** All known LaTeX export issues fixed

All the remaining issues with the LaTeX exporter have hopefully
been addressed in this release.  In particular, this covers
quoting of special characters in tables and problems with
exporting files where the headline is in the first line, or with
an active region.

*** Captions and attributes for figures and tables.

Tables, and Hyperlinks that represent inlined images, can now be
equipped with additional information that will be used during
export.  The information will be taken from the following special
lines in the buffer and apply to the first following table or

- #+CAPTION: :: The caption of the image or table.  This string
     should be processed according to the export backend, but
     this is not yet done.

- #+LABEL: :: A label to identify the figure/table for cross
     references.  For HTML export, this string will become the
     ID for the ~<div class="figure">~ element that encapsulates
     the image tag and the caption.  For LaTeX export, this
     string will be used as the argument of a ~\label{...}~
     macro.  These labels will be available for internal links
     like ~[[label][Table] ]~.

- #+ATTR_HTML: :: Attributes for HTML export of image, to be
     added as attributes into the ~<img...>~ tag.  This string
     will not be processed, so it should have immediately the
     right format.

- #+ATTR_LaTeX: :: Attributes for LaTeX export of images and
     For /images/, this string is directly inserted into
     the optional argument of the ~\includegraphics[...]{file}~
     command, to specify scaling, clipping and other options.
     This string will not be processed, so it should have
     immediately the right format, like =width=5cm,angle=90=.\\
     For /tables/, this can currently contain the keyword
     =longtable=, to request typesetting of the table using the
     longtable package, which automatically distributes the table
     over several pages if needed.  Also, the attributes line may
     contain an alignment string for the tabular environment, like

For LaTeX export, if either a caption or a label is given, the element
will be exported as a float, i.e. wrapped into a figure or table

*** Better implementation for entry IDs

Unique identifiers for entries can now be used more efficiently.
Internally, a hash array has replaced the alist used so far to
keep track of the files in which an ID is defined.  This makes it
quite fast to find an entry by ID.

There is a new link type which looks like this:


This link points to a specific entry.  When you move the entry to
a different file, for example if you move it to an archive
file, the link will continue to work.

The file /org-id.el/ contains an API that can be used to write
code using these identifiers, including creating IDs and finding
them wherever they are.

Org has its own method to create unique identifiers, but if the system
has /uuidgen/ command installed (Mac's and Linux systems generally
do), it will be used by default (a change compared to the earlier
implmentation, where you explicitdly had to opt for uuidgen).  You can
also select the method by hand, using the variable =org-id-method=.

If the ID system ever gets confused about where a certain ID is, it
initiates a global scan of all agenda files with associated archives,
all files previously known containing any IDs, and all currently
visited Org-mode files to rebuild the hash.  You can also initiate
this by hand: =M-x org-id-update-id-locations=.  Running this command
will also dump into the =*Messages*= buffer information about any
duplicate IDs.  These should not exist, and Org will never /make/ the
same ID twice, but if you /copy/ an entry with its properties,
duplicate IDs will inevitably be produced.  Unfortunately, this is
unavoidable in a plain text system that allows you to edit the text in
arbitrary ways, and a portion of care on your side is needed to keep
this system clean.

The hash is stored in the file =~/.emacs.d/.org-id-locations=.
This is also a change from previous versions where the file was
=~/.org=id-locations=.  Therefore, you can remove this old file
if you have it.  I am not sure what will happen if the =.emacs.d=
directory does not exists in your setup, but in modern Emacsen, I
believe it should exist.  If you do not want to use IDs across
files, you can avoid the overhead with tracking IDs by
customizing the variable =org-id-track-globally=.  IDs can then
still be used for links inside a single file.

IDs will also be used when you create a new link to an Org-mode
buffer.  If you use =org-store-link= (normally at =C-c l=) inside
en entry in an Org-mode buffer, and ID property will be created
if it does not exist, and the stored link will be an =id:= link.
If you prefer the much less secure linking to headline text, you
can configure the variable =org-link-to-org-use-id=.  The default
setting for this variable is =create-if-interactive=, meaning
that an ID will be created when you store a link interactively,
but not if you happen to be in an Org-mode file while you create
a remember note (which usually has a link to the place where you
were when starting remember).

*** Spreadsheet references to the last table line.

You may now use =@0= to reference the last dataline in a table
in a stable way.  This is useful in particular for automatically
generated tables like the ones using /org-collector.el/ by Eric

* Version 6.14
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.14
** Overview

   - New relative timer to support timed notes
   - Special faces can be set for individual tags
   - The agenda shows now all tags, including inherited ones.
   - Exclude some tags from inheritance.
   - More special values for time comparisons in property searches
   - Control for exporting meta data
   - Cut and Paste with hot links from w3m to Org
   - LOCATION can be inherited for iCalendar export
   - Relative row references crossing hlines now throw an error

** Incompatible Changes

*** Relative row references crossing hlines now throw an error

    Relative row references in tables look like this: "@-4" which
    means the forth row above this one.  These row references are
    not allowed to cross horizontal separator lines (hlines).  So
    far, when a row reference violates this policy, Org would
    silently choose the field just next to the hline.

    Tassilo Horn pointed out that this kind of hidden magic is
    actually confusing and may cause incorrect formulas, and I do
    agree.  Therefore, trying to cross a hline with a relative
    reference will now throw an error.

    If you need the old behavior, customize the variable

** Details

*** New relative timer to support timed notes

    Org now supports taking timed notes, useful for example while
    watching a video, or during a meeting which is also recorded.

    - =C-c C-x .= ::
      Insert a relative time into the buffer.  The first time
      you use this, the timer will be started.  When called
      with a prefix argument, the timer is reset to 0.

    - =C-c C-x -= ::
      Insert a description list item with the current relative
      time.  With a prefix argument, first reset the timer to 0.

    - =M-RET= ::
      Once the time list has been initiated, you can also use the
      normal item-creating command to insert the next timer item.

    - =C-c C-x 0= ::
      Reset the timer without inserting anything into the buffer.
      By default, the timer is reset to 0.  When called with a
      =C-u= prefix, reset the timer to specific starting
      offset.  The user is prompted for the offset, with a
      default taken from a timer string at point, if any, So this
      can be used to restart taking notes after a break in the
      process.  When called with a double prefix argument
      =C-c C-u=, change all timer strings in the active
      region by a certain amount.  This can be used to fix timer
      strings if the timer was not started at exactly the right

    Thanks to Alan Dove, Adam Spiers, and Alan Davis for
    contributions to this idea.

*** Special faces can be set for individual tags

    You may now use the variable =org-tag-faces= to define the
    face used for specific tags, much in the same way as you can
    do for TODO keywords.

    Thanks to Samuel Wales for this proposal.

*** The agenda shows now all tags, including inherited ones.

    This request has come up often, most recently it was
    formulated by Tassilo Horn.

    If you prefer the old behavior of only showing the local
    tags, customize the variable =org-agenda-show-inherited-tags=.

*** Exclude some tags from inheritance.

    So far, the only way to select tags for inheritance was to
    allow it for all tags, or to do a positive selection using
    one of the more complex settings for
    `org-use-tag-inheritance'.  It may actually be better to
    allow inheritance for all but a few tags, which was difficult
    to achieve with this methodology.

    A new option, `org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance', allows to
    specify an exclusion list for inherited tags.

*** More special values for time comparisons in property searches

    In addition to =<now>=, =<today>=, =<yesterday>=, and
    =<tomorrow>=, there are more special values accepted now in
    time comparisons in property searches:  You may use strings
    like =<+3d>= or =<-2w>=, with units d, w, m, and y for day,
    week, month, and year, respectively

    Thanks to Linday Todd for this proposal.

*** Control for exporting meta data

    All the metadata in a headline, i.e. the TODO keyword, the
    priority cookie, and the tags, can now be excluded from
    export with appropriate options:

    | Variable                      | Publishing property | OPTIONS switch |
    | org-export-with-todo-keywords | :todo-keywords      | todo:          |
    | org-export-with-tags          | :tags               | tags:          |
    | org-export-with-priority      | :priority           | pri:           |

*** Cut and Paste with hot links from w3m to Org

    You can now use the key =C-c C-x M-w= in a w3m buffer with
    HTML content to copy either the region or the entire file in
    a special way.  When you yank this text back into an Org-mode
    buffer, all links from the w3m buffer will continue to work
    under Org-mode.

    For this to work you need to load the new file /org-w3m.el./
    Please check your org-modules variable to make sure that this
    is turned on.

    Thanks for Richard Riley for the idea and to Andy Stewart for
    the implementation.

*** LOCATION can be inherited for iCalendar export

    The LOCATION property can now be inherited during iCalendar
    export if you configure =org-use-property-inheritance= like

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-use-property-inheritance '("LOCATION"))

* Version 6.13
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.13

** Overview

   - Keybindings in Remember buffers can be configured
   - Support for ido completion
   - New face for date lines in agenda column view
   - Invisible targets become now anchors in headlines.
   - New contributed file /org-exp-blocks.el/
   - New contributed file /org-eval-light.el/
   - Link translation
   - BBDB links may use regular expressions.
   - Link abbreviations can use %h to insert a url-encoded target value
   - Improved XHTML compliance

** Details

*** Keybindings in Remember buffers can be configured

    The remember buffers created with Org's extensions are in
    Org-mode, which is nice to prepare snippets that will
    actually be stored in Org-mode files.  However, this makes it
    hard to configure key bindings without modifying the Org-mode
    keymap.  There is now a minor mode active in these buffers,
    `org-remember-mode', and its keymap org-remember-mode-map can
    be used for key bindings.  By default, this map only contains
    the bindings for =C-c C-c= to store the note, and =C-c C-k=
    to abort it.  Use `org-remember-mode-hook' to define your own
    bindings like

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (lambda ()
   (define-key org-remember-mode-map
     "\C-x\C-s" 'org-remember-finalize)))

    If you wish, you can also use this to free the =C-c C-c=
    binding (by binding this key to nil in the minor mode map),
    so that you can use =C-c C-c= again to set tags.

    This modification is based on a request by Tim O'Callaghan.

*** Support for ido completion

    You can now get the completion interface from /ido.el/ for
    many of Org's internal completion commands by turning on the
    variable =org-completion-use-ido=. =ido-mode= must also be
    active before you can use this.

    This change is based upon a request by Samuel Wales.

*** New face for date lines in agenda column view

    When column view is active in the agenda, and when you have
    summarizing properties, the date lines become normal column
    lines and the separation between different days becomes
    harder to see.  If this bothers you, you can now customize
    the face =org-agenda-column-dateline=.

    This is based on a request by George Pearson.

*** Invisible targets become now anchors in headlines.

    These anchors can be used to jump to a directly with an HTML
    link, just like the =sec-xxx= IDs.  For example, the
    following will make a http link
    =//domain/path-to-my-file.html#dummy= work:

#+begin_src org
,# <<dummy>>
,*** a headline

    This is based on a request by Matt Lundin.

*** New contributed file /org-exp-blocks.el/

    This new file implements special export behavior of
    user-defined blocks.  The currently supported blocks are

    - comment :: Comment blocks with author-specific markup
    - ditaa ::  conversion of ASCII art into pretty png files
	 using Stathis Sideris' /ditaa.jar/ program
    - dot :: creation of graphs in the /dot/ language
    - R :: Sweave type exporting using the R program

    For more details and examples, see the file commentary in

    Kudos to Eric Schulte for this new functionality, after
    /org-plot.el/ already his second major contribution.  Thanks
    to Stathis for this excellent program, and for allowing us to
    bundle it with Org-mode.

*** New contributed file /org-eval-light.el/

    This module gives control over execution Emacs Lisp code
    blocks included in a file.

    Thanks to Eric Schulte also for this file.

*** Link translation

    You can now configure Org to understand many links created
    with the Emacs Planner package, so you can cut text from
    planner pages and paste them into Org-mode files without
    having to re-write the links.  Among other things, this means
    that the command =org-open-at-point-global= which follows
    links not only in Org-mode, but in arbitrary files like
    source code files etc, will work also with links created by
    planner. The following customization is needed to make all of
    this work

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-link-translation-function

   I guess an inverse translator could be written and integrated
   into Planner.

*** BBDB links may use regular expressions.

    This did work all along, but only now I have documented it.

*** =yank-pop= works again after yanking an outline tree

    Samuel Wales had noticed that =org-yank= did mess up this
    functionality.  Now you can use =yank-pop= again, the only
    restriction is that the so-yanked text will not be
    pro/demoted or folded.

*** Link abbreviations can use %h to insert a url-encoded target value

    Thanks to Steve Purcell for a patch to this effect.

*** Improved XHTML compliance

    Thanks to Sebastian Rose for pushing this.

*** Many bug fixes again.

* Version 6.12
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.12
** Overview

   - A region of entries can now be refiled with a single command
   - Fine-tuning the behavior of `org-yank'
   - Formulas for clocktables
   - Better implementation of footnotes for HTML export
   - More languages for HTML export.

** Details

*** A region of entries can now be refiled with a single command

    With =transient-make-mode= active (=zmacs-regions= under
    XEmacs), you can now select a region of entries and refile
    them all with a single =C-c C-w= command.

    Thanks to Samuel Wales for this useful proposal.

*** Fine-tuning the behavior of =org-yank=

    The behavior of Org's yanking command has been further
    fine-tuned in order to avoid some of the small annoyances
    this command caused.

    - Calling =org-yank= with a prefix arg will stop any special
      treatment and directly pass through to the normal =yank=
      command.  Therefore, you can now force a normal yank with
      =C-u C-y=.

    - Subtrees will only be folded after a yank if doing so will
      now swallow any non-white characters after the yanked text.
      This is, I think a really important change to make the
      command work more sanely.

*** Formulas for clocktables

    You can now add formulas to a clock table, either by hand, or
    with a =:formula= parameter.  These formulas can be used to
    create additional columns with further analysis of the
    measured times.

    Thanks to Jurgen Defurne for triggering this addition.

*** Better implementation of footnotes for HTML export

    The footnote export in 6.11 really was not good enough.  Now
    it works fine.  If you have customized
    =footnote-section-tag=, make sure that your customization is
    matched by =footnote-section-tag-regexp=.

    Thanks to Sebastian Rose for pushing this change.

*** More languages for HTML export.

    More languages are supported during HTML export.  This is
    only relevant for the few special words Org inserts, like
    "Table of Contents", or "Footnotes".  Also the encoding
    issues with this feature seem to be solved now.

    Thanks to Sebastian Rose for pushing me to fix the encoding

* Version 6.11
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.11

** Overview

   - Yanking subtree with =C-y= now adjusts the tree level
   - State changes can now be shown in the log mode in the agenda
   - Footnote in HTML export are now collected at the end of the document
   - HTML export now validates again as XHTML
   - The clock can now be resumed after exiting and re-starting Emacs
   - Clock-related data can be saved and resumed across Emacs sessions
   - Following file links can now use C-u C-u to force use of an external app
   - Inserting absolute files names now abbreviates links with "~"
   - Links to attachment files
   - Completed repeated tasks listed briefly in agenda
   - Remove buffers created during publishing are removed

** Details

*** Yanking subtree with =C-y= now adjusts the tree level
    When yanking a cut/copied subtree or a series of trees, the
    normal yank key =C-y= now adjusts the level of the tree to
    make it fit into the current outline position, without losing
    its identity, and without swallowing other subtrees.

    This uses the command =org-past-subtree=.  An additional
    change in that command has been implemented: Normally, this
    command picks the right outline level from the surrounding
    *visible* headlines, and uses the smaller one.  So if the
    cursor is between a level 4 and a level 3 headline, the tree
    will be pasted as level 3.  If the cursor is actually *at*
    the beginning of a headline, the level of that headline will
    be used.  For example, lets say you have a tree like this:

#+begin_src org
,* Level one
,** Level two
,(2)* Level one again

    with (1) and (2) indicating possible cursor positions for the
    insertion.  When at (1), the tree will be pasted as level 2.
    When at (2), it will be pasted as level 1.

    If you do not want =C-y= to behave like this, configure the
    variable =org-yank-adjusted-subtrees=.

    Thanks to Samuel Wales for this idea and a partial implementation.

*** State changes can now be shown in the log mode in the agenda

    If you configure the variable =org-agenda-log-mode-items=,
    you can now request that all logged state changes be included
    in the agenda when log mode is active.  If you find this too
    much for normal applications, you can also temporarily
    request the inclusion of state changes by pressing =C-u l= in
    the agenda.

    This was a request by Hsiu-Khuern Tang.

    You can also press `C-u C-u l' to get *only* log items in the
    agenda, withour any timestamps/deadlines etc.

*** Footnote in HTML export are now collected at the end of the document
    Previously, footnotes would be left in the document where
    they are defined, now they are all collected and put into a
    special =<div>= at the end of the document.

    Thanks to Sebastian Rose for this request.

*** HTML export now validates again as XHTML.

    Thanks to Sebastian Rose for pushing this cleanup.

*** The clock can now be resumed after exiting and re-starting Emacs

    If the option =org-clock-in-resume= is t, and the first clock
    line in an entry is unclosed, clocking into that task resumes
    the clock from that time.

    Thanks to James TD Smith for a patch to this effect.

*** Clock-related data can be saved and resumed across Emacs sessions

    The data saved include the contents of =org-clock-history=,
    and the running clock, if there is one.

    To use this, you will need to add to your .emacs

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-clock-persist t)
(setq org-clock-in-resume t)

    Thanks to James TD Smith for a patch to this effect.

*** Following file links can now use C-u C-u to force use of an external app.

    So far you could only bypass your setup in `org-file-apps'
    and force opening a file link in Emacs by using a =C-u= prefix arg
    with =C-c C-o=.  Now you can call =C-u C-u C-c C-o= to force
    an external application.  Which external application depends
    on your system.  On Mac OS X and Windows, =open= is used.  On
    a GNU/Linux system, the mailcap settings are used.

    This was a proposal by Samuel Wales.

*** Inserting absolute files names now abbreviates links with "~".

    Inserting file links with =C-u C-c C-l= was buggy if the
    setting of `org-link-file-path-type' was `adaptive' (the
    default).  Absolute file paths were not abbreviated relative
    to the users home directory.  This bug has been fixed.

    Thanks to Matt Lundin for the report.

*** Links to attachment files

    Even though one of the purposes of entry attachments was to
    reduce the number of links in an entry, one might still want
    to have the occasional link to one of those files.  You can
    now use link abbreviations to set up a special link type that
    points to attachments in the current entry.  Note that such
    links will only work from within the same entry that has the
    attachment, because the directory path is entry specific.
    Here is the setup you need:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-link-abbrev-alist '(("att" . org-attach-expand-link)))

    After this, a link like this will work

    This was a proposal by Lindsay Todd.

*** Completed repeated tasks listed briefly in agenda

    When a repeating task, listed in the daily/weekly agenda under
    today's date, is completed from the agenda, it is listed as
    DONE in the agenda until the next update happens.  After the
    next update, the task will have disappeared, of course,
    because the new date is no longer today.

*** Remove buffers created during publishing are removed

    Buffers that are created during publishing are now deleted
    when the publishing is over.  At least I hope it works like this.

* Version 6.10
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.10

** Overview

   - Secondary agenda filtering is becoming a killer feature
   - Setting tags has now its own binding, =C-c C-q=
   - Todo state changes can trigger tag changes
   - C-RET will now always insert a new headline, never an item.
   - Customize org-mouse.el feature set to free up mouse events
   - New commands for export all the way to PDF (through LaTeX)
   - Some bug fixed for LaTeX export, more bugs remain.

** Details

*** Enhancements to secondary agenda filtering

    This is, I believe, becoming a killer feature.  It allows you
    to define fewer and more general custom agenda commands, and
    then to do the final narrowing to specific tasks you are
    looking for very quickly, much faster than calling a new
    agenda command.

    If you have not tries this yet, you should!

**** You can now refining the current filter by an additional criterion
      When filtering an existing agenda view with =/=, you can
      now narrow down the existing selection by an additional
      condition.  Do do this, use =\= instead of =/= to add the
      additional criterion.  You can also press =+= or =-= after
      =/= to add a positive or negative condition.  A condition
      can be a TAG, or an effort estimate limit, see below.

**** It is now possible to filter for effort estimates
     This means to filter the agenda for the value of the Effort
     property.  For this you should best set up global allowed
     values for effort estimates, with

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-global-properties
      '(("Effort_ALL" . "0 0:10 0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00")))

     You may then select effort limits with single keys in the
     filter.  It works like this:  After =/= or =\=, first select
     the operator which you want to use to compare effort

     : <   Select entries with effort smaller than or equal to the limit
     : >   Select entries with effort larger than or equal to the limit
     : =   Select entries with effort equal to the limit

     After that, you can press a single digit number which is
     used as an index to the allowed effort estimates.

     If you do not use digits to fast-select tags, you can even
     skip the operator, which will then default to
     `org-agenda-filter-effort-default-operator', which is by
     default =<=.

     Thanks to Manish for the great idea to include fast effort
     filtering into the agenda filtering process.

**** The mode line will show the active filter
     For example, if there is a filter in place that does select
     for HOME tags, against EMAIL tags, and for tasks with an
     estimated effort smaller than 30 minutes, the mode-line with
     show =+HOME-EMAIL+<0:30=

**** The filter now persists when the agenda view is refreshed
     All normal refresh commands, including those that move the
     weekly agenda from one week to the next, now keep the
     current filter in place.

     You need to press =/ /= to turn off the filter.  However,
     when you run a new agenda command, for example going from
     the weekly agenda to the TODO list, the filter will be
     switched off.

*** Setting tags has now its own binding, =C-c C-q=

    You can still use =C-c C-c= on a headline, but the new
    binding should be considered as the main binding for this
    command.  The reasons for this change are:

    - Using =C-c C-c= for tags is really out of line with other
      uses of =C-c C-c=.

    - I hate it in Remember buffers when I try to set tags and I
      cannot, because =C-c C-c= exits the buffer :-(

    - =C-c C-q= will also work when the cursor is somewhere down
      in the entry, it does not have to be on the headline.

*** Todo state changes can trigger tag changes

    The new option =org-todo-state-tags-triggers= can be used to
    define automatic changes to tags when a TODO state changes.
    For example, the setting

    : (setq org-todo-state-tags-triggers
    :       '((done ("Today" . nil) ("NEXT" . nil))
    :         ("WAITING" ("Today" . t))))

    will make sure that any change to any of the DONE states will
    remove tags "Today" and "NEXT", while switching to the
    "WAITING" state will trigger the tag "Today" to be added.

    I use this mostly to get rid of TODAY and NEXT tags which I
    apply to select an entry for execution in the near future,
    which I often prefer to specific time scheduling.

*** C-RET will now always insert a new headline, never an item.
    The new headline is inserted after the current subtree.

    Thanks to Peter Jones for patches to fine-tune this behavior.

*** Customize org-mouse.el feature set
    There is a new variable =org-mouse-features= which gives you
    some control about what features of org-mouse you want to
    use.  Turning off some of the feature will free up the
    corresponding mouse events, or will avoid activating special
    regions for mouse clicks.  By default I have urned off the
    feature to use drag mouse events to move or promote/demote
    entries.  You can of course turn them back on if you wish.

    This variable may still change in the future, allowing more
    fine-grained control.

*** New commands for export to PDF

    This is using LaTeX export, and then processes it to PDF
    using pdflatex.

    : C-c C-e p     process to PDF.
    : C-c C-e d     process to PDF, and open the file.

*** LaTeX export
    - \usepackage{graphicx} is now part of the standard class
    - Several bugs fixed, but definitely not all of them :-(

*** New option `org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers'

    Set this to =t= if you want state change notes to be inserted
    after any initial drawers, i.e drawers the immediately follow
    the headline and the planning line (the one with

* Version 6.09
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.09
** Incompatible
*** =org-file-apps= now uses regular expressions, see [[*%20org%20file%20apps%20now%20uses%20regular%20repressions%20instead%20of%20extensions][below]]

** Details

*** =org-file-apps= now uses regular repressions instead of extensions
    Just like in =auto-mode-alist=, car's in the variable
    =org-file-apps= that are strings are now interpreted as
    regular expressions that are matched against a file name.  So
    instead of "txt", you should now write "\\.txt\\'" to make
    sure the matching is done correctly (even though "txt" will
    be recognized and still be interpreted as an extension).

    There is now a shortcut to get many file types visited by
    Emacs.  If org-file-apps contains `(auto-mode . emacs)', then
    any files that are matched by `auto-mode-alist' will be
    visited in emacs.

*** Changes to the attachment system

    - The default method to attach a file is now to copy it
      instead of moving it.
    - You can modify the default method using the variable
      `org-attach-method'.  I believe that most Unix people want
      to set it to `ln' to create hard links.
    - The keys =c=, =m=, and =l= specifically select =copy=,
      =move=, or =link=, respectively, as the attachment method
      for a file, overruling  `org-attach-method'.
    - To create a new attachment as an Emacs buffer, you have not
      now use =n= instead of =c=.
    - The file list is now always retrieved from the directory
      itself, not from the "Attachments" property.  We still
      keep this property by default, but you can turn it off, by
      customizing the variable =org-attach-file-list-property=.

* Version 6.08
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.08

** Incompatible changes

   - Changes in the structure of IDs, see [[*The%20default%20structure%20of%20IDs%20has%20changed][here]] for details.

   - C-c C-a has been redefined, see [[*%20C%20c%20C%20a%20no%20longer%20calls%20show%20all][here]] for details.

** Details

*** The default structure of IDs has changed

    IDs created by Org have changed a bit:
    - By default, there is no prefix on the ID.  There used to be
      an "Org" prefix, but I now think this is not necessary.
    - IDs use only lower-case letters, no upper-case letters
      anymore.  The reason for this is that IDs are now also used
      as directory names for org-attach, and some systems do not
      distinguish upper and lower case in the file system.
    - The ID string derived from the current time is now
      /reversed/ to become an ID.  This assures that the first
      two letters of the ID change fast, so hat it makes sense to
      split them off to create subdirectories to balance load.
    - You can now set the `org-id-method' to `uuidgen' on systems
      which support it.

*** =C-c C-a= no longer calls `show-all'

    The reason for this is that =C-c C-a= is now used for the
    attachment system.  On the rare occasions that this command
    is needed, use =M-x show-all=, or =C-u C-u C-u TAB=.

*** New attachment system

    You can now attach files to each node in the outline tree.
    This works by creating special directories based on the ID of
    an entry, and storing files in these directories.  Org can
    keep track of changes to the attachments by automatically
    committing changes to git.  See the manual for more

    Thanks to John Wiegley who contributed this fantastic new
    concept and wrote org-attach.el to implement it.

*** New remember template escapes

    : %^{prop}p   to insert a property
    : %k          the heading of the item currently being clocked
    : %K          a link to the heading of the item currently being clocked

    Also, when you exit remember with =C-2 C-c C-c=, the item
    will be filed as a child of the item currently being
    clocked.  So the idea is, if you are working on something and
    think of a new task related to this or a new note to be
    added, you can use this to quickly add information to that

    Thanks to James TD Smith for a patch to this effect.

*** Clicking with mouse-2 on clock info in mode-line visits the clock.

    Thanks to James TD Smith for a patch to this effect.

*** New file in contrib: lisp/org-checklist.el

    This module deals with repeated tasks that have checkbox
    lists below them.

    Thanks to James TD Smith for this contribution.

*** New in-buffer setting #+STYLE

    It can be used to locally set the variable
    `org-export-html-style-extra'.  Several such lines are
    allowed-, they will all be concatenated.  For an example on
    how to use it, see the [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-publish-html-tutorial.php][publishing tutorial]].

* Version 6.07
  :CUSTOM_ID: v6.07

** Overview

   - Filtering existing agenda views with respect to a tag
   - Editing fixed-width regions with picture or artist mode
   - /org-plot.el/ is now part of Org
   - Tags can be used to select the export part of a document
   - Prefix interpretation when storing remember notes
   - Yanking inserts folded subtrees
   - Column view capture tables can have formulas, plotting info
   - In column view, date stamps can be changed with S-cursor keys
   - The note buffer for clocking out now mentions the task
   - Sorting entries alphabetically ignores TODO keyword and priority
   - Agenda views can sort entries by TODO state
   - New face =org-scheduled= for entries scheduled in the future.
   - Remember templates for gnus links can use the :to escape.
   - The file specification in a remember template may be a function
   - Categories in iCalendar export include local tags
   - It is possible to define filters for column view
   - Disabling integer increment during table Field copy
   - Capturing column view is on `C-c C-x i'
   - And tons of bugs fixed.

** Incompatible changes

*** Prefix interpretation when storing remember notes has changed

    The prefix argument to the `C-c C-c' command that finishes a
    remember process is now interpreted differently:

    : C-c C-c       Store the note to predefined file and headline
    : C-u C-c C-c   Like C-c C-c, but immediately visit the note
    :               in its new location.
    : C-1 C-c C-c   Select the storage location interactively
    : C-0 C-c C-c   Re-use the last used location

    This was requested by John Wiegley.

*** Capturing column view is now on `C-c C-x i'

    The reason for this change was that `C-c C-x r' is also used
    as a tty key replacement.

*** Categories in iCalendar export now include local tags

    The locally defined tags are now listed as categories when
    exporting to iCalendar format.  Org's traditional file/tree
    category is now the last category in this list.  Configure
    the variable =org-icalendar-categories= to modify or revert
    this behavior.

    This was a request by Charles Philip Chan.

** Details

*** Secondary filtering of agenda views.

    You can now easily and interactively filter an existing
    agenda view with respect to a tag.  This command is executed
    with the =/= key in the agenda.  You will be prompted for a
    tag selection key, and all entries that do not contain or
    inherit the corresponding tag will be hidden.  With a prefix
    argument, the opposite filter is applied: entries that
    do have the tag will be hidden.

    This operation only /hides/ lines in the agenda buffer, it
    does not remove them.  Changing the secondary filtering does
    not require a new search and is very fast.

    If you press TAB at the tag selection prompt, you will be
    switched to a completion interface to select a tag.  This is
    useful when you want to select a tag that does not have a
    direct access character.

    A double =/ /= will restore the original agenda view by
    unhiding any hidden lines.

    This functionality was John Wiegley's idea.  It is a simpler
    implementation of some of the query-editing features proposed
    and implemented some time ago by Christopher League (see the
    file contrib/lisp/org-interactive-query.el).

*** Editing fixed-width regions with picture or artist mode

    The command @<code>C-c '@</code> (that is =C-c= followed by a
    single quote) can now also be used to switch to a special
    editing mode for fixed-width sections.  The default mode is
    =artist-mode= which allows you to create ASCII drawings.

    It works like this: Enter the editing mode with
    @<code>C-c '@</code>.  An indirect buffer will be created and
    narrowed to the fixed-width region.  Edit the drawing, and
    press @<code>C-c '@</code> again to exit.

    Lines in a fixed-width region should be preceded by a colon
    followed by at least one space.  These will be removed during
    editing, and then added back when you exit the editing mode.

    Using the command in an empty line will create a new
    fixed-width region.

    This new feature arose from a discussion involving Scott
    Otterson, Sebastian Rose and Will Henney.

*** /org-plot.el/ is now part of Org.

    You can run it by simple calling org-plot/gnuplot.
    Documentation is not yet included with Org, please refer to
    http://github.com/eschulte/org-plot/tree/master until we have
    moved the docs into Org or Worg.

    Thanks to Eric Schulte for this great contribution.

*** Tags can be used to select the export part of a document

    You may now use tags to select parts of a document for
    inclusion into the export, and to exclude other parts.  This
    behavior is governed by two new variables:
    =org-export-select-tags= and =org-export-exclude-tags=.
    These default to =("export")= and =("noexport")=, but can be
    changed, even to include a list of several tags.

    Org first checks if any of the /select/ tags is present in
    the buffer.  If yes, all trees that do not carry one of these
    tags will be excluded.  If a selected tree is a subtree, the
    heading hierarchy above it will also be selected for export,
    but not the text below those headings.  If none of the select
    tags is found anywhere in the buffer, the whole buffer will
    be selected for export.  Finally, all subtrees that are
    marked by any of the /exclude/ tags will be removed from the
    export buffer.

    You may set these tags with in-buffer options

    I love this feature.  Thanks to Richard G Riley for coming
    up with the idea.

*** Prefix interpretation when storing remember notes

    The prefix argument to the `C-c C-c' command that finishes a
    remember process is now interpreted differently:

    : C-c C-c       Store the note to predefined file and headline
    : C-u C-c C-c   Like C-c C-c, but immediately visit the note
    :               in its new location.
    : C-1 C-c C-c   Select the storage location interactively
    : C-0 C-c C-c   Re-use the last used location

    This was requested by John Wiegley.

*** Yanking inserts folded subtrees

    If the kill is a subtree or a sequence of subtrees, yanking
    them with =C-y= will leave all the subtrees in a folded
    state.  This basically means, that kill and yank are now
    much more useful in moving stuff around in your outline.  If
    you do not like this, customize the variable

    Right now, I am only binding =C-y= to this new function,
    should I modify all bindings of yank?  Do we need to amend
    =yank-pop= as well?

    This feature was requested by John Wiegley.

*** Column view capture tables can have formulas, plotting info

    If you attach formulas and plotting instructions to a table
    capturing column view, these extra lines will now survive an
    update of the column view capture, and any formulas will be
    re-applied to the captured table.  This works by keeping any
    continuous block of comments before and after the actual

*** In column view, date stamps can be changed with S-cursor keys

    If a property value is a time stamp, S-left and S-right can
    now be used to shift this date around while in column view.

    This was a request by Chris Randle.

*** The note buffer for clocking out now mentions the task

    This was a request by Peter Frings.

*** Sorting entries alphabetically ignores TODO keyword and priority

    Numerical and alphanumerical sorting now skips any TODO
    keyword or priority cookie when constructing the comparison
    string.  This was a request by Wanrong Lin.

*** Agenda views can sort entries by TODO state

    You can now define a sorting strategy for agenda entries that
    does look at the TODO state of the entries.  Sorting by TODO
    entry does first separate the non-done from the done states.
    Within each class, the entries are sorted not alphabetically,
    but in definition order.  So if you have a sequence of TODO
    entries defined, the entries will be sorted according to the
    position of the keyword in this sequence.

    This follows an idea and sample implementation by Christian

*** New face =org-scheduled= for entries scheduled in the future.

    This was a request by Richard G Riley.

*** Remember templates for gnus links can now use the :to escape.

    Thanks to Tommy Lindgren for a patch to this effect.
*** The file specification in a remember template may now be a function

    Thanks to Gregory Sullivan for a patch to this effect.

*** Categories in iCalendar export now include local tags

    The locally defined tags are now listed as categories when
    exporting to iCalendar format.  Org's traditional file/tree
    category is now the last category in this list.  Configure
    the variable =org-icalendar-categories= to modify or revert
    this behavior.

    This was a request by Charles Philip Chan.

*** It is now possible to define filters for column view

    The filter can modify the value that will be displayed in a
    column, for example it can cut out a part of a time stamp.
    For more information, look at the variable

*** Disabling integer increment during table field copy

    Prefix arg 0 to S-RET does the trick.

    This was a request by Chris Randle.

* Version 6.06

** Overview

   - New, more CSS-like setup for HTML style information
   - Attributes in hyperlinks, for example alt and title for images
   - Simplified way to specify file links
   - Modified behavior of time stamps in iCalendar export
   - New way to compare times during a property search
   - New option `org-open-directory-means-index'
   - New parameters :prefix and :prefix1 for include files
   - New option :index-style for org-publish
   - New structure for the timestamp directory for org-publish.

** Incompatible changes

*** New structure for the timestamp directory for org-publish.

    The timestamp directory now uses SHA1 hashed versions of the
    path to each publishing file.  This should be a consistent
    and system-independent way to handle things.  The change
    means that your next publishing command will publish each and
    every file again, but just once, until new time stamps are in

** Details

*** New setup for HTML style information

    In order to create a more CSS-like setup of the HTML style
    information, the following changes have been made:
    - The default style has moved to a constant,
      =org-export-html-style-default= and should not be changed
    - The default of the variable =org-export-html-style= is now
      just the empty string.  This variable should receive
      settings that are Org-wide.  When using org-publish, this
      variable is associated with the =:style= property and can
      be used to establish project-wide settings.
    - There is a new variable =org-export-html-style-extra= that
      should be used for file-local settings.  Org-publish can, if
      necessary, access this variable with the =:style-extra=
    - When a file is published, the values of 
      - org-export-html-style-default
      - org-export-html-style
      - org-export-html-style-extra
      are all inserted into the HTML header, in the given

    This follows a proposal by Rustom Mody.

*** Attributes in hyperlinks

    You can now set attributes in hyperlinks that will be used
    when publishing to HTML.  For example, if you want to use the
    ALT and TITLE attributes of an inlined image, here is who to
    do this:

    : [[./img/a.jpg{{alt="This is image A" title="Image with no action"}}]]

    Thanks to Charles Chen for this idea.

*** Simplified way to specify file links

    In a link, you can now leave out the "file:" prefix if you
    write an absolute file name like =/Users/dominik/.emacs= or
    =~/.emacs=, or if you write a relative file name by using
    =./= or =../= to start the file path.  You cannot write a
    plain file name, because plain text is interpreted as an
    internal link.

    So for example, a link to an image /A.jpg/ with a thumbnail
    /B.jpg/ can now be written like

#+begin_src org
[[./A.jpg][./B.jpg] ]

*** Changes in iCalendar export

    Deadline and scheduling time stamps are now treated
    differently in iCalendar export.  The default behavior is now
    the following:

    - a DEADLINE that appears in an entry that is a TODO item is
      used as the item's DUE date.  Therefore, such a deadline
      will no longer show up in the calendar.

    - a DEADLINE that appears in an item that is *not* a TODO
      item is exported as an EVENT and will show up in the

    - a SCHEDULED timestamp in a TODO item will be used as the
      items DTSTART.  Therefore, such a timestamp will not show
      up in the calendar.

    - a SCHEDULED timestamp in an item that is not a TODO has no
      effect on iCalendar export at all.  It will be ignored.

    Of course this would not be Emacs if you could not configure
    exactly what you want.  Take a look at the variables
    =org-icalendar-use-deadlines= and
    =org-icalendar-use-scheduled= if you want to go back to the
    old behavior or even do something completely different.

    Thanks to Karen Cooke for triggering this change.

*** New way to compare times during a property search

    If the comparison value in a property search is a string that
    is enclosed in angular brackets, a time comparison will be
    done.  For example

    : +DEADLINE>="<2008-12-24 15:20>"

    looks for entries with a deadline on or after that time.
    Special allowed values are "<now>" (with time) and "<today>"
    (date only).

    This is based on a request by Manish.

*** New option `org-open-directory-means-index'

    When set, a link pointing to a directory will actually open
    the index.org file in that directory.  This is a good setting
    inside a publishing project.  When not set, you get a
    finder/explorer window for that directory, or dired,
    depending on system and setup.

    This follows a request by Richard Riley.

*** New parameters :prefix and :prefix1 for include files

    These parameters specify prefixes for each line of included
    text.  :prefix1 is only for the first line, :prefix for all
    other lines.

    This follows a proposal by Richard Riley.

*** New option :index-style for org-publish

    This option can be used to switch the style of the index
    produced by org-publish.  Can be `list' (index is just an
    itemized list of the titles of the files involved) or `tree'
    (the directory structure of the source files is reflected in
    the index).  The default is `tree'.

    Thanks to Manuel Hermenegildo for the patch.

*** In the Agenda, inclusion of archives can now be toggled
    - Pressing =v= will toggle inclusion of trees with the
      ARCHIVE tag, this includes obviously the archive sibling.
    - Pressing `C-u v'  will include trees with ARCHIVE tag, and
      will also include all archive files that are currently
      associated with your agenda files.

    This was triggered by a proposal by Manuel Hermenegildo.

* Version 6.05

If I were to name my releases, this one would be called "Adam".
Adam, you definitely owe me a beer :-).  And I owe you one, too -
thanks for all the great ideas.

** Overview

   - Use cursor position in agenda for remember, scheduling and deadlines
   - New API for mapping a function over all or selected entries
   - Remember templates can be filed to beginning/end of a file
   - Visiting a filed remember buffer immediately
   - BBDB anniversaries are now links
   - Column view in the agenda now cleans the ITEM field
   - The format of section numbers in exported files is configurable
   - Direct, single key access to allowed values in column view
   - New hook to hack exported iCalendar files
   - Log mode in agenda now shows end time for CLOCK line

** Incompatible changes

*** `C-c C-x C-k' now calls `org-mark-entry-for-agenda-action'
    It used to call =org-cut-special=, but that is also at bound
    to the key =C-c C-x C-w=.
** Details

*** Making use of the cursor position in the agenda

    The date at the cursor in the agenda (and also in the
    calendar) can now be used to schedule entries, or to set the
    date in a remember template correctly.  It is also designed
    to make it easier to move an entry to a date picked in the
    agenda.  Thanks to Thomas Baumann for starting the thread
    that led to this development.

**** Calling remember with the cursor date in the agenda

     If you want to use the date at the agenda cursor in a
     remember template, start remember from the agenda with the
     keys =k r=.  While the template is being filled in, the
     default date for all time stamps, and also for all
     interactive escapes like =%^t= is now the date at the cursor
     in the agenda.  The exact same command can also be used from
     the calendar if you prefer that.

**** Picking a date for scheduling/deadline in the agenda

     You may now pick the date for scheduling an item or for
     setting a deadline in the agenda, where you have the best
     overview over free time slots.  This is a two step process.
     1. First you pick the entry that should be acted upon.  In
        the agenda, you use the keys =k m=.  In an org-mode file,
        this is on =C-c C-x C-k=.

     2. Then you find the agenda date you want to apply.  When the
        cursor is anywhere in the block belonging to that date,
        press =k s= to schedule, or =k d= to put a deadline.  The
        agenda is not updated immediately, press =r= if you want
        it to show the affected entry in the right place.

*** New API for mapping a function over all or selected entries

    Org has sophisticated mapping capabilities to find all
    entries satisfying certain criteria.  Internally, this
    functionality is used to produce agenda views, but there is
    also an API that can be used to execute arbitrary functions
    for each or selected entries.  The main entry point for this
    API is:

-- Function: org-map-entries func &optional match scope &rest skip
     Call FUNC at each headline selected by MATCH in SCOPE.

     FUNC is a function or a lisp form.  The function will be
     called without arguments, with the cursor positioned at
     the beginning of the headline.  The return values of all
     calls to the function will be collected and returned as
     a list.

     MATCH is a tags/property/todo match as it is used in the
     agenda tags view.  Only headlines that are matched by
     this query will be considered during the iteration.
     When MATCH is nil or t, all headlines will be visited by
     the iteration.

     SCOPE determines the scope of this command, it can
     specify a file, all agenda files, the current tree and
     much more.
     The remaining args are treated as settings for the
     skipping facilities of the scanner.

The function given to that mapping routine can really do anything
you like.  Here is a simple example that will turn all entries in
the current file with a tag =TOMORROW= into TODO entries with the
keyword =UPCOMING=.  Entries in comment trees and in archive
trees will be ignored.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   '(org-todo "UPCOMING")
   "+TOMORROW" 'file 'archive 'comment)

   The following example counts the number of entries with TODO
keyword =WAITING=, in all agenda files.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(length (org-map-entries t "/+WAITING" nil 'agenda))

*** Changes in Remember templates

**** Remember templates can now use the cursor date in the agenda
     Use =k r= to start remember from the agenda, with enforcing
     the cursor date as default for any time stamps created by
     the template.

**** Filing remember templates to the beginning or end of a file
     You may now set the heading part of a remember template
     definition to `top' or `bottom'.  The template will then be
     filed as a level 1 entry to the beginning or end of the
     target file, respectively.  Thanks to Adam Spiers for this

**** You can jump to the location of a note immediately after filing it
     Just include the =%&= escape anywhere in the template.  An
     interesting combination now is to use =%!%&=, which will
     immediately file and visit the note, which is equivalent to
     generating the note directly in the target location.  Thanks
     to Adam Spiers for this proposal.

*** BBDB anniversaries are now links.
    If you are using =%%(bbdb-anniversaries)= to list
    anniversaries in the agenda, you can now directly access the
    entry that triggered a listed anniversary from the agenda.
    Just click the anniversary - it is a link now.  Thanks to
    Thomas Baumann for a patch to this effect.

*** Column view in the agenda now cleans the ITEM field
    See the new variable
    =org-agenda-columns-remove-prefix-from-item=.  Thanks to Adam
    Spiers for this proposal.

*** The format of section number in exported files is configurable

    See the new variable `org-export-section-number-format'.
    Thanks to Adam Spiers for this proposal.

*** Direct access to allowed values in column view

    In column view, if you press a key 1-9 or 0, the
    corresponding values from the list of allowed values for that
    field at point will be directly selected.  Thanks to Levin Du
    for this proposal and a patch to this effect.

*** New hook to hack exported iCalendar files
    The new hook `org-before-save-iCalendar-file-hook' runs just
    before the buffer with a created iCalendar export is saved.
    This is what I settled for after a long discussion with Adam
    Spiers about doing some special filtering automatically.

*** Log mode in agenda now shows end time for CLOCK lines
    When turning on log mode in the agenda with =l=, clock lines
    will now also list the end time, not only the starting time.
    Thanks to Tian Qiu for bringing this up again.
*** Fixes and additions for org-publish
    - the :include and :index-title properties in org-publish
      work now as advertized
    - the #+TITLE of a page will be used in the index
    - new :completion-function property can define a hook to be
      run after publishing a file.

    Thanks to Manuel Hermenegildo for a patch to this effect.

* Version 6.04

** Overview

- Statistics cookies [/] and [%] for TODO entries
- Editing source code example in the proper mode
- iCalendar now defines proper UIDs for entries
- New properties for customizing subtree export

** Incompatible changes
- The default of the variable `org-tags-match-list-sublevels' is
  now `t'.  The main reason for this is that it is easier to
  explain in the manual and will lead to fewer surprises.

- The former CONTRIB directory is now called "contrib".  This was
  already the case in the git distribution, but the tar and zip
  archives still did this wrong.

** Details
*** Statistics for TODO entries

The [/] and [%] cookies have already provided statistics for
checkboxes.  Now they do the same also for TODO entries.  If a
headline contains either cookie, changing the TODO state of any
direct child will trigger an update of this cookie.  Children
that are neither TODO nor DONE are ignored.

There have already been requests to automatically switch the
parent headline to DONE when all children are done.  I am not
making this a default feature, because one needs to make many
decisions about which keyword to use, etc.  Instead of a complex
customization variable, I am providing a hook that can be used.
This hook will be called each time a TODO statistics cookie is
updated, with the cursor in the corresponding line.  Each
function in the hook will receive two arguments, the number of
done entries, and the number of not-done entries, and you can use
the hook to change the state of the headline.  Here is an example

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-summary-todo (n-done n-not-done)
  "Switch entry to DONE when all sub-entries are done, to TODO otherwise."
  (let (org-log-done org-log-states)   ; turn off logging
    (org-todo (if (= n-not-done 0) "DONE" "TODO"))))

(add-hook 'org-after-todo-statistics-hook 'org-summary-todo)

*** Editing source code example in the proper mode

If you are writing a document with source code examples, you can
include these examples into a =#+BEGIN_SRC lang ... #+END_SRC= or
(with the org-mtags module loaded) a =<src...= structure.  =lang=
stands for the Emacs mode used for editing the language, this
could be =emacs-lisp= for Emacs Lisp mode examples, or =org= for
Org mode examples.  You can now use the key "C-c '" (that is C-c
followed by the single quote) to edit the example in its native
mode.  This works by creating an indirect buffer, narrowing it to
the example and setting the appropriate mode.  You need to exit
editing by pressing "C-c '" again.  This is important, because
lines that have syntactic meaning in Org will be quoted by
calling this command.

"C-c '" also edits include files, the setupfile in a =#+setufile=
line, and all those little foreign snippets like:

#+begin_src org
,#+HTML: this code can be edited in html-mode

,Same here

,#+LaTeX: this code can be edited in latex-mode

,Same here

,#+BEGIN_SRC fortran
,Here we can edit in fortran-mode

*** iCalendar now defines proper UIDs for entries

This is necessary for synchronization services.  The UIDs are
created using the the org-id.el module which is now part of the
Org core.  If you set the variable

: (setq org-icalendar-store-UID t)

then all created UIDs will be stored in the entry as an =:ID:=
property.  This is off by default because it creates lots of
property drawers even if you only play with iCalendar export.
But if you plan to use synchronization, you really need to turn
this on.

Diary sexp entries do not yet receive proper persistent UIDs,
because they are transformed to iCalendar format by icalendar.el
which creates fresh UIDs each time, based on the current time.

An interesting aspect of Org is that a single outline node can
give rise to multiple iCalendar entries (as a timestamp, a
deadline, a scheduled item, and as a TODO item). Therefore, Org
adds prefixes "TS-", "DL-" "CS-", and "TD-" to the UID during
iCalendar export, depending on what triggered the inclusion of
the entry.  In this way the UID remains unique, but a
synchronization program can still figure out from which entry all
the different instances originate.

*** New properties for customizing subtree export.

When exporting a subtree by selecting it before calling the
export command, you can now use the properties =EXPORT_TITLE=,
=EXPORT_TEXT=, and =EXPORT_OPTIONS= to overrule the global
=#+TITLE=, =#+TEXT=, and =#+OPTIONS= settings.  You can also set
an export file name with =EXPORT_FILE_NAME= that will overrule
the file name derived from the buffer's file name.  As far as the
options are concerned, the global =#+OPTIONS= will still be read,
and only the options you give in the property will be
overwritten.  For example:

#+begin_src org
,#+OPTIONS: skip:nil
,* Computer Tricks
,  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ct.html
,  :EXPORT_TITLE: Steve's collected computer tricks
,  :EXPORT_OPTIONS: h:2 toc:nil
,  :END:

*** New way to define tags for an entire file.

    Tags that are defined in a line like
    : #+FILETAGS: work urgent
    are inherited by all entries in the file.

    Thanks to Manuel Hermenegildo for this proposal.

* Version 6.03

** Overview

   - Description lists are now supported natively
   - Block quotes for export
   - Fontified code examples in HTML export
   - Include files for export
   - Text before the first headline is now exported by default
   - In-buffer options may now be collected in an external file
   - The in-buffer settings keywords may now be lower case
   - Completion of structure elements
   - Startup visibility can now be influenced by properties
   - Clock task history, moving entries with the running clock
   - BBDB anniversaries much faster
   - New contrib files: org-eval.el and org-mtags.el

** Incompatible changes

- The text before the first headline is now exported by default

  Previously, the default was to not include text in an org-mode
  buffer before the first headline.  From now on, the default it to
  include it.  If you like the old default better, customize the
  variable =org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading= or set the
  value on a per-file basis with

#+begin_src org
#+OPTIONS: skip:t

** Details

*** Description lists are now supported natively

    A plain list will be exported as a description list if the
    first item in the list has a /term/ and the /description/,
    separated by " :: ".  For example

    : Emacs software by Carsten Dominik
    : - RefTeX    :: Support for LaTeX Labels, References, Citations
    : - CDLaTeX   :: more LaTeX functionality for Emacs
    : - TeXmathp  :: checking LaTeX buffers for Math mode.
    : - ORG       :: An Emacs mode for notes and projet planning.
    : - CONSTANTS :: An Emacs package for inserting the definition of
    :                natural constants and units into a buffer.
    : - IDLWAVE   :: The Emacs modes for editing and
    :                running IDL and WAVE CL files.

    will be rendered as

    Emacs software by Carsten Dominik
     - RefTeX    :: Support for LaTeX Labels, References, Citations
     - CDLaTeX   :: more LaTeX functionality for Emacs
     - TeXmathp  :: checking LaTeX buffers for Math mode.
     - ORG       :: An Emacs mode for notes and projet planning.
     - CONSTANTS :: An Emacs package for inserting the definition of
                    natural constants and units into a buffer.
     - IDLWAVE   :: The Emacs modes for editing and
                    running IDL and WAVE CL files.

    This works now in the HTML exporter, we still need to supoort
    it with the LaTeX and ASCII exporters.

*** Block quotes for export

    For quoting an entire paragraph as a citation, use

#+begin_src org
Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein

    which will render as

Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein

*** Fontified code examples in HTML export

    You can now get code examples fontified like they would be
    fontified in an Emacs Buffer, and export the result to HTML.
    To do so, wrap the code examples into the following

#+begin_src org
,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-xor (a b)
  "Exclusive or."
  (if a (not b) b))

    In the export, this will then look like this (if you are now
    looking at the ASCII export and do not see anything
    interesting, go and check out the HTML version at

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-xor (a b)
  "Exclusive or."
  (if a (not b) b))

    The string after the =BEGIN_SRC= is the name of the major emacs
    mode that should be used to fontify the code example, without the
    "-mode" at the end of the mode name.  For example, if you are
    writing an Org tutorial with Org examples included, you would use
    "org" as the language identifier - in fact, I have used just
    that in the example above.

    Currently this works only for HTML export, and requires the
    /htmlize.el/ package, version 1.34 or later.  For other
    backends, such structures are simply exported as EXAMPLE.

*** Include files for export

    A line like

    : #+INCLUDE "file" markup lang

    will lead to the inclusion of the contents of FILE at the moment
    of publishing.  FILE should be surrounded by double quotes, this
    is obligatory if it contains space characters.  The parameters
    MARKUP and LANG are optional.  MARKUP can be "example", "quote",
    or "src".  If it is "src", LANG should be the name of the Emacs
    mode to be used for fontifying the code.  For example:

    : Here is my /.emacs/ file:
    : #+INCLUDE "~/.emacs" src emacs-lisp

*** The text before the first headline is now exported by default

    Previously, the default was to not include text in an org-mode
    buffer before the first headline.  From now on, the default it to
    include it.  If you like the old default better, customize the
    variable =org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading= or set the
    value on a per-file basis with

    : #+OPTIONS: skip:t

*** In-buffer options may now be collected in an external file

    If you would like to share the Org setup between a number of
    files, you can now store in-buffer setup in a file and simply
    point to that file from each file that should read it.  If
    you write in a buffer

    : #+SETUPFILE: "path/to/setup.org"

    then this file will be scanned for in-buffer options like
    =#+STARTUP=, =#+TITLE=, or =#+OPTIONS=.

*** The in-buffer settings keywords may now be upper or lower case
    From now on, it makes no difference is you write =#+STARTUP= or
    =#+startup=, to make these lines less imposing.  Similarly for all
    other in-buffer keywords.

*** Completion of structure elements
    As a new experimental feature, Org now supports completion of
    structural elements like =#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE= in a special way.
    It work by typing, for example "<e" and then pressing TAB, on
    an otherwise empty line.  "<e" will expand into a complete
    EXAMPLE template, with the cursor positioned in the middle.
    Currently supported templates are:

    : <s   #+begin_src
    : <e   #+begin_example
    : <q   #+begin_quote
    : <v   #+begin_verse
    : <l   #+begin_latex
    : <L   #+latex:
    : <h   #+begin_html
    : <H   #+html:
    : <a   #+begin_ascii
    : <i   #+include

    This is an experimental feature, please comment!  See also
    below under /org-mtags.el/.

*** Startup visibility can now be influenced by properties

    When Emacs opens an Org mode buffer, the outline visibility
    is set to a startup value that is taken from the variable
    =org-startup-folded=, or from a =#+STARTUP= setting in the
    buffer.  After this has happened, the buffer will now also be
    scanned for entries with a =VISIBILITY= property.  Wherever
    such a property is found, the corresponding subtree will get
    its visibility adjusted.  Allowed values for the property

    - folded   :: Fold the subtree
    - children :: Show the text after the headline, and the
      headlines of all direct children
    - content :: Show all headlines in the tree, but no text below any
    - all :: Show the entire subtree

    For example, I am using this for the huge /Changes.org/ file that
    is the source for the list of visible changes you are reading
    right now.  The top-most entry in this file always describes the
    changes in my current working version.  The start of this section
    currently looks like this:

#+begin_src org
,* Version 6.03
,    :VISIBILITY: content
,  :END:
,** Overview

    This was a proposal by Ben Alexander.

    The command =C-u C-u TAB= will switch back to the startup
    visibility of the buffer.

*** Clock task history, and moving entries with the running clock

    Org now remembers the last 5 tasks that you clocked into, to
    make it easier to clock back into a task after interrupting
    it for another task.
    - =C-u C-u C-c C-x C-i= (or =C-u C-u I= from the agenda) will
      clock into that task and mark it as current default task.
    - =C-u C-c C-x C-i= (or =C-u I= from the agenda) will offer a
      list of recently clocked tasks, including the default task,
      for selection. =d= selects the default task, =i= selects
      the task that was interrupted by the task that is currently
      being clocked. =1=,... selects a recent task.  When you
      select a task, you will be clocked into it.
    - You can use =C-u C-c C-x C-j= to jump to any of these

    When moving an entry using structure editing commands,
    archiving commands, or the special subtree cut-and-paste
    commands =C-c C-x C-w= and =C-c C-x C-y=, the running clock
    marker and all clock history markers will be moved with the
    subtree.  Now you can start a clock in a remember buffer and
    keep the clock running while filing the note away.  See also
    the variable `org-remember-clock-out-on-exit'.

*** BBDB anniversaries much faster

    =bbdb-anniversaries= is now much faster, thanks to a new
    approach using a hash for birthdays.  Thanks to Thomas
    Baumann for a patch to this effect.

*** New files in the contrib directory

    Do people think any of these should become core?

    - org-eval.el :: This new module allows to include the result
         of the evaluation of Lisp code (and other scripting
         languages) into the buffer, similar to the =<lisp>= tag
         of [[http://mwolson.org/static/doc/emacs-wiki.html#Lisp-Tricks][Emacs Wiki]] and [[http://mwolson.org/static/doc/muse/Embedded-Lisp.html#Embedded-Lisp][Muse]].
    - org-mtags.el :: This new modules allows you to use
         Muse-like tags for some structure definitions in Org.
         For example, instead of 
	 you can write
	 In fact, I myself find these easier to type and to look
         at.  Also, it will allow you to more easily move text
         and files back and forth between Org and Muse.  For a
         list of supported structure elements, see the commentary
         in the file [[http://repo.or.cz/w/org-mode.git?a=blob_plain;f=contrib/lisp/org-mtags.el;hb=HEAD][commentary in the file org-mtags.el]].

	 If you load this module and use the "<i" etc completion
         described above, the Muse form will automatically be

*** Bug fixes
    Many bug fixes again.  Will this ever stop?

* Version 6.02

** Overview

   - Column view (mostly) works now in XEmacs
   - Summaries for columns in the agenda
   - The special property Effort can be used for effort estimates
   - New operators for property searches
   - Search commands can now include archive files.
   - Clock tables can include the archive files
   - Orgtbl radio tables generalized.

** Details

*** Column view works now in XEmacs

    I had already given up on this, but Greg Chernev (who
    implemented noutline.el for XEmacs and in this way kept Org
    alive on XEmacs) has done it again and provided the patches
    to make column view work under XEmacs.  There are still some
    problems, but the basics work and we will iron out the
    remaining issues, hopefully soon.

*** Summaries for columns in the agenda

    If any of the columns has a summary type defined, turning on
    column view in the agenda will show summaries for these
    columns.  Org will first visit all relevant agenda files and
    make sure that the computations of this property are up to
    date.  This is also true for the special =CLOCKSUM= property.
    Org will then sum the values displayed in the agenda.  In the
    daily/weekly agenda, the sums will cover a single day, in all
    other views they cover the entire block.  It is vital to
    realize that the agenda may show the same entry multiple
    times (for example as scheduled and as a deadline), and it
    may show two entries from the same hierarchy (for example a
    /parent/ and it's /child/).  In these cases, the summation in
    the agenda will lead to incorrect results because some values
    will count double.

*** The special property Effort can be used for effort estimates

    If you want to plan your work in a very detailed way, or if
    you need to produce offers with quotations of the estimated
    work effort, you may want to assign effort estimates to
    entries.  If you are also clocking your work, you may later
    want to compare the planned effort with the actual working
    time.  Effort estimates can now be stored in a special
    property =Effort=, displayed side-to-side with clock sums,
    and also be summed over a day, in order to show the planned
    work load of a day.  See the manual for more details.

*** New operators for property searches

    Property searches can now choose a number of different
    operators for comparing values.  These operators are `=',
    `<>', `<', `<=', `>', and `>='.

    When the search term uses the operator with plain number like
    =+Effort>=2.7=, then the property value is converted to a
    number and a numerical comparison takes place.

    When the search term uses a string on the right hand side of
    the operator, a string comparison is done: =+PRIORITY<"C".=

    Finally, if the right hand side is enclosed in curly braces,
    a regexp match is done: =aaa={regexp}=.  In this case you
    should use only the `=' or `<>' operators, meaning "does
    match" or "does not match", respectively.

    This was a triggered with a request by Dan Davison.

*** Search commands can now include archive files.

    If the value of the customization variable
    =org-agenda-text-search-extra-files= contains the symbol
    =agenda-archives= as the first element in the list, all
    archive files of all agenda files will be added to the list
    of files to search.  This is relevant for the search view
    =C-c a s=, as well as for the agenda files multi-occur
    command =C-c a /=.

*** Clock tables can include the archive files

    There are new values for the =:scope= parameter of a clock
    table.  This can now be =file-with-archives= and
    =agenda-with-archives=, in order to collect information not
    only from the current file or all agenda files, but also from
    all archive files that are currently used by these files.

*** Orgtbl radio tables generalized.

    The options available for radio tables using orgtbl-mode have
    been expanded.  You may use several reception points and
    formats for the same table, you may have special formatting
    in the last line of the table,  and many table parameters may
    be functions, so that more general transformations are
    possible.  Jason Riedy provided a patch for this, and he will
    hopefully come up with some examples.  Thanks!

* Version 6.01

This is a new major release, mostly because of structural changes
in Org.  However, since this took a while, there is also a long
list of small improvements and some new significant features.

** Overview

   - The Org distribution has a new structure
   - New system for selecting modules to load
   - New archiving mechanism: The Archive Sibling
   - Support for Sebastian Rose's JavaScript org-info.js.
   - Internal links work now better in HTML export
   - Export commands can be done in the background
   - Flexible setting of the time block shown by the clock table
   - Clock table can be included in the agenda
   - Support for ISO week dates (ISO 6801)
   - Tag inheritance can be limited to a subset of all tags
   - Entries can be sorted by TODO keyword
   - And some more small fixes and improvements

** Incompatible changes

*** The Org distribution has a new structure

    In the distribution files as well as in the GIT repository,
    the lisp files are now located in a subdirectory "lisp", and
    the documentation files are located in a subdirectory "doc".
    If you are running Org directly from the unpacked
    distribution archive (zip or tar file, or GIT repository),
    you need to modify your settings for load-path accordingly.

** Details

*** The Org distribution has a new structure

    In the distribution files as well as in the GIT repository,
    the lisp files are now located in a subdirectory "lisp", and
    the documentation files are located in a subdirectory "doc".
    If you are running Org directly from the unpacked
    distribution archive (zip or tar file, or GIT repository),
    you need to modify your settings for load-path accordingly.

*** Loading modules

    Org-mode has now a system for loading modules by simply
    configuring an option that lists all the modules you want to
    use.  Customize the variable `org-modules'.  That variable
    lists both modules that are part of the Org-mode core (and in
    this way part of Emacs), and modules that are contributed
    packages.  Contributed modules will only be available when
    you have installed them properly (most likely by downloading
    the distribution and adding /path/to/orgdir/contrib/lisp to
    your load path).

*** New archiving mechanism: The Archive Sibling

    There is a new method to archive entries in the current file:
    By moving it to a sibling called the /Archive Sibling/.  That
    sibling has the heading "Archive" and also carries the
    ARCHIVE tag.  This can be a great way to do archiving inside
    a project, to get parts of the project out of the way and to
    wait with true archiving (moving to another file) until the
    entire project is done.  Archiving to a sibling keeps much of
    the context, for example inherited tags and approximate tree
    position in tact.

    The key binding for the is "C-c C-x A", and from the agenda
    buffer you can simply use "A".

    Thanks to Ilya Shlyakhter for this rather clever idea.

*** Support for Sebastian Rose's JavaScript org-info.js.

    This fascinating program allows a completely new viewing
    experience for web pages created from Org files.  The same
    document can be viewed in different ways, and switching
    between the views as well as navigation uses single-key

    One of the view types is an /Info-like/ interface where you
    can jump through the sections of the document with the `n'
    and `p' keys (and others).  There is also a /folding/
    interface where you can fold the document much like you can
    fold it in org-mode in Emacs, and cycle through the
    visibility both locally and globally.

    To set this up, all you need to do is to make sure that
    org-infojs.el gets loaded (customize the variable org-modules
    to check).  Then add this line to the buffer:

    : #+INFOJS_OPT: view:info

    In that line, you can configure the initial view and other
    settings.  Available views are =info= for the info-like
    interface, and =overview=, =content=, and =showall= for the
    folding interface.  See the manual for more details.  The
    JavaScript program is served from
    http://orgmode.org/org-info.js, and your exported HTML files
    will automatically get it from there.  However, you may want
    to be independent of the existence and stability of
    orgmode.org and install a copy locally.  Then you need to
    change the path from which the script is loaded, either by
    using something like

    : #+INFOJS_OPT: view:info path:../scripts/org-info.js

    or by configuring the variable =org-infojs-options=.

    For details see the documentation provided by Sebastian Rose
    together with org-info.js.

*** Export improvements

    - The export of internal links to HTML now works a lot
      better.  Most internal links that work while editing an Org
      file inside Emacs will now also work the the corresponding
      HTML file.

    - You can run many of the export commands in the background
      by using `C-c C-u C-c C-e' in order to start the process.
      RIght now this will only work if "emacs" is the right
      command to get to your Emacs executable - I hope to make
      this less system dependent in the future.

    Both these are based on requests by Ilya Shlyakhter.

*** Improvements to clocktable

    - The clocktable is now much more flexible and user friendly
      when trying to specify the time block that should be
      considered when constructing the table.

      The =:block= parameter to the table can now look like any
      of these:
      | :block       | meaning               |
      | 2008         | The entire year 2008  |
      | 2008-04      | The month April 2008  |
      | 2008-04-02   | The day April 2, 2008 |
      | 2008-W14     | ISO-Week 14 in 2008   |
      | today        | Today                 |
      | today-5      | The day five days ago |
      | thisweek     | The current week      |
      | thisweek-2   | Two weeks ago         |
      | thismonth    | The current month     |
      | thismonth-12 | Same month, last year |
      | lastmonth    | Same as thismonth-1   |

      What is more, you can now use the =S-left= and =S-right=
      keys to shift the time block around.  The cursor needs to
      be in the =#+BEGIN: clocktable= line for this to work.  If
      the current block is =today=, =S-left= with switch to
      yesterday.  If the current block is =2008-W14=, =S-right=
      will switch to the following week.

    - When the clocktable is collecting from several files, the
      total time for each file will now also be listed.  This was
      a request from Bernt Hansen.

    - If you turn on the new clock report mode with the "R" key in
      the agenda, a clock table will be attached to the agenda,
      showing the clock report for the file scope and time
      interval of the agenda view.  To turn this on permanently,
      configure the variable
      =org-agenda-start-with-clock report-mode=.  To modify the
      properties of the table, in particular the =:maxlevel=
      depth, configure =org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist=.

*** Support for ISO week dates (ISO 6801)

    The agenda now shows the ISO week for the displayed dates, in
    the form =W08= for week 8.

    The keys =d=, =w=, =m=, and =y= in the agenda view now accept
    prefix arguments.  Remember that in the agenda, you can
    directly type a prefix argument by typing a number, no need
    to press =C-u= first.  The prefix argument may be used to
    jump directly to a specific day of the year, ISO week, month,
    or year, respectively.  For example, =32 d= jumps to February
    1st, =9 w= to ISO week number 9.  When setting day, week, or
    month view, a year may be encoded in the prefix argument as
    well.  For example, =200712 w= will jump to week 12 in the
    year 2007.  If such a year specification has only one or two
    digits, it will be mapped to the interval 1938-2037.

    When entering a date at the date prompt, you may now also
    specify an ISO week.  For example

    : w4              Monday of week 4
    : fri w4          Friday of week 4
    : w4-5            Same as above
    : 2012 w4 fri     Friday of week 4 in 2012.
    : 2012-W04-5      Same as above

    So far I have not implemented the effect of
    `org-read-date-prefer-future' on this functionality, because
    it seemed too magic for me.  I'd appreciate comments on this
    issue:  Should `org-read-date-prefer-future' also push dates
    into the next year if the week you are entering has already
    passed in the current year?  For consistency I guess this
    should be the case, but I cannot quite wrap my head around

    I hope but am not entirely convinced that this will behave
    sanely also during the first/last week of a year.  Please
    test extensively and report back.

    This was a request by Thomas Baumann.

*** Improvements in Search View
    - Calling search view with a C-u prefix will make it match
      only in TODO entries.

    - The single quote is no longer considered a word character
      during search, so that searching for the word "Nasim" will
      also match in "Nasim's".

*** Misc
    - Inheritance of tags can now be limited to a subset of all
      tags, using the variable =org-use-tag-inheritance=.  This
      variable may now be a regular expression or a list to
      select the inherited tags.  Thanks to Michael Ekstrand for
      this excellent proposal.
      The regexp option is also implemented for
      =org-use-property-inheritance=, so that you can now select
      properties for inheritance my name.

    - The INHERIT flag to the function =org-entry-get= can be set
      to the symbol =selective=.  If this is the case, then the
      value of the property will be retrieved using inheritance
      if and only if the setting in
      =org-use-property-inheritance= selects the property for

    - There are now special faces for the date lines in the
      agenda/timeline buffers, and another special face for days
      that fall on a weekend: =org-agenda-date= and
      =org-agenda-date-weekend=.  Both these faces are initially
      similar to the =org-agenda-structure= face, but you can
      customize them freely.

    - When an entry already has a scheduling or deadline time
      stamp, calling `C-c C-s' or `C-c C-d', respectively, will
      now use that old date as the default, and you can can use
      the "++4d" syntax to invoke shifts relative to that default
      date.  Simply pressing RET at the prompt will keep the
      default date, not switch to today.
      This was an omission in the earlier implementation, spotted
      by Wanrong Lin.  Thanks!
    - File names in remember templates can be relative, if they
      are, they will be interpreted relative to =org-directory=.

    - The handling of the clipboard when inserting into remember
      templates is now much better, and gives more control on what
      should be inserted with new %-escapes:
      - =%c= - Now always insert the head of the kill ring, never
        the X clipboard.

      - =%x= - Insert the content of the X clipboard. This is the
	first non-empty value from the PRIMARY, SECONDARY and
	CLIPBOARD X clipboards. 
      - =%^C= - This allows the user to choose between any of the
	clipboard values available, the kill ring head, and the
	initial region if set.  
      - =%^L= - Like =%^C=, but this inserts an org link using the
	selected value.
      Thanks to James TD Smith for this patch.
    - Table export to an internal file can now use a format
      specification, similar to the formats that are used by
      orgtbl radio tables.  The default format is in the variable
      =org-table-export-default-format=.  You can use properties
      =TABLE_EXPORT_FILE= and =TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT= to specify the
      file name to which the export should go, and a local
      format.  For example:
      : :PROPERTIES:
      : :TABLE_EXPORT_FILE: ~/xx.txt
      : :TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT: orgtbl-to-generic :splice t :sep "\t"
      : :END:

      Thanks to James TD Smith for this patch.

    - Entries can be sorted by TODO keyword, and the order is given
      by the definition sequence of the TODO keywords in the
      variable =org-todo-keywords=, or in the =#+TODO= line.  Use
      the "o" key when sorting with =C-c ^=.
      Thanks to James TD Smith for this patch.

* Version 5.23

** Overview

   - New keyword search agenda view

   - Many new extensions available in the CONTRIB directory

   - New remember template option: pre-selection contexts

   - Modifying list/headline status of a line
   - Granularity while editing time stamps

   - New repeaters mechanisms

   - New parameters for dynamic blocks ad the clock table

   - Limiting iCalendar export to fewer entries

   - =M-RET= splits lines again

   - New hooks

** Incompatible changes

   - The variable `org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes' is now a list
     of two values - if you have configured this variable before,
     please do it again.

** Details

*** New keyword search agenda view

    `C-c a s' now invokes a special agenda view that can be used
    to search notes by keyword and regular expressions.  In
    particular, it does not require a single regular expression
    or string to search for, but it can search for a number
    keywords or regexps that can occur in arbitrary sequence in
    the entry.  The search knows the boundaries of an entry, can
    use simple Boolean logic and is reasonably fast.  For
    example, the search string

    : +computer +wifi -ethernet -{8\.11[bg]}

    will search for note entries that contain the keywords
    =computer= and =wifi=, but not the keyword =ethernet=, and
    which are also not matched by the regular expression
    "8\.11[bg]", meaning to exclude both 8.11b and 8.11g.  If the
    first character of the search string is an asterisk, the
    search will only look at headlines - otherwise it will look
    at the headine and the text below it, up to the next
    (possibly sub-) heading.

    The command searches all agenda files, and in addition the
    files listed in =org-agenda-text-search-extra-files=.
    I find it very useful to define a custom command to do such
    a search only in a limited number of files (my notes files),
    like this:

    : ("N" "Search notes" search ""
    :   ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/notes.org" "~/org/computer.org"))
    :    (org-agenda-text-search-extra-files nil)))

*** Many new extensions available in the CONTRIB directory

    - Phil Jackson's /org-irc.el/ is now part of the Org-mode
      core, which means it will become part of Emacs soon.

    - The new development model already starts to pay off, a
      number of interesting extensions are now part of the
      distribution.  Check the file CONTRIB/README for a list.

    - There is a new variable `org-default-extensions'.
      Configuring this variable makes it *very* easy to load
      these default extensions - eventually this will be expanded
      to cover contributed extensions as well.

*** New remember template option: pre-selection contexts

    - Remember template definitions now allow six elements.  The
      last element defines the contexts in which the template
      should be offered.  It can be a list of major modes, a
      function, =t= or =nil=.  If it is a list of major-mode, the
      template will be available only when =org-remember= is
      called from a buffer in one of these modes.  If it is a
      function, the template will be offered only if the function
      returns `t' when called in the current buffer.  A value of
      =t= or =nil= for this element means select this template in
      any context.

      One possible application for this would be to have several
      templates all using the same selection letter, and choosing
      the right one based on context.  For example, think of
      tasks describing a bug in a source code file.  With the
      following configuration we make sure that the bug reports
      are filed into the appropriate sections of the target file.
: (setq org-remember-templates
:  '(("Elisp" ?b "* %a\n\n%i%?" "~/bugs.org" "Elisp bugs" (emacs-lisp-mode))
:    ("C Bugs" ?b "* %a\n\n%i%?" "~/bugs.org" "C bugs" (cc-mode))))
      See (info "(org)Remember templates") for details.

*** Modifying list/headline status of a line

    - `C-c -' has now more functions:
      + In a table, add a hline as before
      + In an item list, cycle bullet type as before
      + In a normal line, turn it into an item
      + In a headline, turn it into an item
      + If there is an active region, turn each line into an item.
        But if the first region line is already an item, remove
        item markers from all lines.

      Based on proposals by Bastien.

    - `C-c *' has now more functions
      + in a table, recompute, as before
      + in a normal line, convert it to a sub heading.
      + at an item, convert it into a subheading
      + if there is an active region, convert all lines in the
        region to headlines.  However, if the first lie already is
        a heading, remove the stars from all lines int he region.

      Based on proposals by Bastien.
*** Changes related to time stamps

    - The value variable =org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes= is now
      a list of two values.  The first applies when creating a new
      time stamp.  The second applies when modifying a timestamp
      with S-up/down.  The default for this new task is 5 minutes,
      but 15 may also be a very good value for many people.  If
      S-up/down is used on a time stamp where the minute part is
      not compatible with this granularity it will be made so.
      You can bypass this by using a prefix argument to exactly
      specify the number of minutes to shift.

      This was a proposal by Adam Spiers.

    - New repeaters that shift a date relative to today, or that
      make sure that the next date is in the future.  For example:

      :** TODO Call Father
      :   DEADLINE: <2008-02-10 Sun ++1w>
      :   Marking this DONE will shift the date by at least one week,
      :   but also by as many weeks as it takes to get this date into
      :   the future.  However, it stays on a Sunday, even if you called
      :   and marked it done on Saturday.
      :** TODO Check the batteries in the smoke detectors
      :   DEADLINE: <2005-11-01 Tue .+1m>
      :   Marking this DONE will shift the date to one month after
      :   today.

      Proposed by Wanrong Lin and Rainer Stengle.

*** New parameters for dynamic blocks ad the clock table

    - There is a new =:link= parameter for the clocktable.  When
      set, the headlines listed in the table will be links to the
      original headlines.

    - There is a new =:content= parameter that is passed to the
      writer function of the dynamic block.  Use this parameter
      to pass the previous content of the block to the writer
      function, in case you want to make the outcome dependent on
      the previous content.

*** Limiting iCalendar export to fewer entries

    - New way to limit iCalendar export to the entries captured in
      an agenda view.  This is done by "writing" the agenda view
      using `C-x C-w' to a file with extension .ics.

      This was a request by Kyle Sexton.

*** Misc

   - Due to a popular revolt shortly after the 5.22 release,
     =M-RET= can again be used to split a line so that the rest
     of the line becomes the new heading.  However, if you do
     this in a heading containing tags, the tags will stay in the
     old line.

     Customize the variable =org-M-RET-may-split-line= if you
     don't want this command to split a line in the middle.  The
     same variable also influences line splitting in items and in

   - There are three new hooks:

     =org-follow-link-hook=: runs after following a link
     =org-publish-before-export-hook=: runs before export
     =org-publish-after-export-hook=: runs after export
* Version 5.22

** Incompatible changes

   - The variable `org-log-done' is now less complex.
   - The in-buffer settings for logging have changed.  Some
     options no longer exists, some new ones have been added.

** Details

*** Changes to logging progress

    There is now more control over which state changes are being
    logged in what way.  Please read carefully the corresponding
    sections in the manual.  Basically: 

    - The variable `org-log-done' has been simplified, it no
      longer influences logging state changes and clocking out.
    - There is a new variable for triggering note-taking when
      clocking out an item: `org-log-note-clock-out'.
    - Logging of state changes now has to be configured on a
      pre-keyword basis, either in `org-todo-keywords' or in the
      #+TODO in-buffer setting.
    - These per-keyword settings allow more control.  For example

      : WAIT(w@)    Record a note when entering this state.
      : WAIT(w!)    Record a timestamp when entering this state.
      : WAIT(w@/!)  Recore a note when entering and timestamp
      :             when leaving this state.  This is great for
      :             getting a record when switching *back* from
      :              WAIT to TODO.
      : WAIT(/!)    Record a timestamp when leaving this state.
      :             Here we not even define a fast access
      :             character, but just the logging stuff.

    This was triggered by requests from Wanrong Lin and Bernt Hansen.

*** Other

   - M-RET no longer brakes a line in the middle, it will make a
     new line after the current or (if cursor is at the beginning
     of the line) before the current line.

   - RET, when executed in a headline after the main text and
     before the tags will leave the tags in the current line and
     create a new line below the current one.

* Version 5.21

  Bug fixes, in particular the long-hunted bug about wrong window
  positions after pressing SPACE in the agenda.  Hopefully this
  is really fixed.

* Version 5.20

** Overview

*** Remember/Refile/Goto

    - The use of prefix arguments for the commands `org-remember'
      and `org-refile' has been normalized.

    - The clock can now safely be used in a remember buffer.
    - The variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive'
      introduced only in 5.19 is already obsolete.  Please use
      `org-remember-interactive-interface' instead.

    - It is no longer necessary to update the refiling targets.

    - Automatic isearch in `org-goto'.

    - Outline-path-completion as alternative org-goto interface.

*** Misc

    - Checkboxes now work hierarchically.

    - `C-k' can now behave specially in headlines.

    - Repeater for tasks in plain timestamps.

    - All clock intervals of an item show in agenda/timeline.
    - New parameter =:step= for clocktable, to get daily reports.

    - Never loose a repeaded scheduled item from the agenda.

    - Archiving a subtree now stores the outline path in a property.

    - Links to messages in Apple Mail.

    - Bug fixes.

** Incompatible Changes
   - The variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive'
     introduced only in 5.19 is already obsolete.  Please use
     `org-remember-interactive-interface' instead.

** Details

*** Remember/Refile/Goto

    - The use of prefix arguments for the commands `org-remember'
      and `org-refile' has been normalized:

      + when called without prefix argument, the command does its
        normal job, starting a remember note or refiling a tree.

      + when called with a single C-u prefix, these commands can be
        used to select a target location and to jump there.  In
        the case of `org-remember', you will be prompted for a
        template and then Emacs jumps to the default target
        location or this template.  In the case of `org-refile',
        you select a location from the refile target list and jump

      + when called with two prefixes (`C-u C-u'), the command
        jumps to the location last used for storing a note or a
        moved tree.

    - When the clock is running inside an remember buffer, storing
      the remember buffer with `C-c C-c' will automatically clock
      out.  This was inspired by a request by Rainer Stengle. 
    - The variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive'
      introduced only in 5.19 is already obsolete.  Please use
      `org-remember-interactive-interface' instead.  This new
      variable does select the interface that is used to select
      the target for a remember note in an interactive way.
      Possible values are:

      + `outline': Use an outline of the document to select a
      + `outline-path-completion': Use completion of an outline
        path to select a location.
      + `refile': Offer the `org-refile-targets' as possible

    - It is no longer necessary to update the refiling targets -
      they are always current.

    - In `org-goto', typing characters now automatically starts
      isearch from the beginning of the buffer.  The isearch is
      special also because it only matches in headline.  This
      goes some way toward saving org-goto from being removed
      from Org-mode.  Thanks to Piotr Zielinski for the code, and
      sorry that it took me so long to put it in.  If you prefer
      to use single letters n,p,f,b,u,q for navigation as before,
      configure the variable `org-goto-auto-isearch'.

    - Outline-path-completion is now available as an alternative
      interface in the command `org-goto'.  Please select the
      default interface you'd like to use with the new variable
      `org-goto-interface'.  You can then select the alternative
      interface with a prefix argument to `C-c C-j' (org-goto).  I
      am considering to make outline-path-completion the default
      interface.  Comments?

*** Misc

    - Checkboxes now work hierarchically.  When a plain-list item
      with a checkbox has children with checkboxes, the status of
      the item's checkbox is calculated from the children, each
      time a checkbox is toggled with C-c C-c.  Thanks to Miguel
      A. Figueroa-Villanueva for a patch to this effect.

    - There is a new variable `org-special-ctrl-k'.  When set,
      `C-k' will behave specially in headlines:

      + When the cursor is at the beginning of a headline, kill
        the entire line and possible the folded subtree below the
      + When in the middle of the headline text, kill the
        headline up to the tags.
      + When after the headline text, kill the tags.

      This is following a proposal by Piotr Zielinski.

    - You can now also have a plain (as opposed to deadline or
      scheduled) repeater timestamp in a task.  Switching the task
      to DONE will now also shift a plain time stamp.  This was a
      request by Austin Frank.

    - If an entry is clocked multiple times, it will now show up
      several times in the agenda and timeline buffers, when
      log-mode is on.  This was a proposal by Jurgen Defurne.
    - The clock table accepts a new parameter =:step=.  This
      parameter can be `day' or `week' and will result in separate
      tables for each day or week in the requested time interval.
      This was triggered by a proposal by Sacha Chua in her [[http://sachachua.com/wp/2007/12/30/clocking-time-with-emacs-org/][blog]].

    - A time-stamp with a repeater now no longer refers to the
      date *closest* to the current day.  Instead, it means either
      today or the most recent match.  This change makes sure that
      overdue scheduled or deadline items never disappear from the
      agenda.  With the previous convention, an overdue scheduled
      item would disappear.  For example, a weekly item scheduled
      for Sunday would appear as overdue until Wednesday, and the
      suddenly disappear until next Sunday.  Now the item will
      show up as "Sched 7x" on Saturday.  From Sunday on it will
      be in the list as "Scheduled", i.e. old sins will be
      forgiven.  This follows a request by Warong, Dennis and

    - Archiving a subtree now creates an additional property,
      =ARCHIVE_OLPATH=.  This property contains the "path" in the
      outline tree to the archived entry, as it was in the
      original file.  For example, archiving =Fix the door= in the
      following hierarchy
      : * Tasks
      : ** HOME
      : *** Garage
      : **** Fix the door
      will file is with the following property
      : :ARCHIVE_PATH: Task/HOME/Garage
      Note that you can configure (i.e. limit) the information
      that gets stored upon archiving with the variable

    - New file `org-mac-message.el' by John Wiegley to create
      links for messages in Apple Mail, and to follow these

    - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.19

** Overview

   - Column view can list the clocked times of a subtree.

   - Storing remember notes can use the `org-refile' interface.

   - Storing remember notes no longer produced empty lines.

   - Moving subtrees now folds all siblings of the subtree.

   - New variable `org-agenda-todo-keyword-format'.

   - Hack to allow brackets in link descriptions.

   - Clocking into an entry can enforce a specific TODO state.

   - EXPORT_FILE_NAME may be an absolute file name with "~".

   - Bug fixes, lots of them.

** Details

   - A new special column definition lists the sum of all CLOCK
     entries in a subtree.  For example

     : #+COLUMNS: %20ITEM %10Time_Estimate{:} %CLOCKSUM

     will allow you to compare estimated times (as given in the
     Time_Estimate property) with the clocked times.  This was a
     request by Bernt Hansen.

   - Storing remember notes can now use the `org-refile'
     interface instead of the `org-goto' interface (see the
     variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive').
     Nothing will change if the note is stored immediately after
     pressing `C-c C-c' in the =*Remember*= buffer.  But if you
     have chosen (e.g. by pressing `C-u C-c C-c') to
     interactively select the filing location (file and
     headline), the refile interface will be used instead.  I am
     excited about this change, because the `org-goto' interface
     is basically a failure, at least for this application.  Note
     that in any case the refile interface has to be configured
     first by customizing `org-refile-targets'.

   - Notes inserted with remember now remove any whitespace
     before and after the note before being pasted, so that there
     will be no empty lines inserted together with the note.  We
     could invent special syntax in remember templates to allow
     creating empty lines before a note - is there anyone who'd
     want this?

   - Moving subtrees now folds all siblings of the subtree.  This
     is the only reasonably simple way I could find to avoid the
     reported inconsistencies in the folding state of the outline
     tree after moving entries.  There are reasons to like this
     new behavior, because it easily visualizes where the tree is
     located after the move.  Still, not everyone might be happy
     with this.  Massive complaining would be needed to make me
     fix this.

   - New variable `org-agenda-todo-keyword-format' to specify the
     width of the TODO keyword field in the agenda display.  Use
     it to get things to line up better.  This was a proposal by
     Rainer Stengele.

   - If a link description inserted with `C-c C-l' contains
     brackets, the brackets will now be converted into curly
     braces.  This looks similar enough.  Supporting brackets in
     link descriptions is, for technical reasons too long to
     explain here, complex.

   - The new option `org-clock-in-switch-to-state' can be set to
     a TODO state that will be enforced when the clock is started
     on an entry.  This follows an idea by Sacha Chua.

   - The EXPORT_FILE_NAME property may now also be an absolute
     file name, and it may contain abbreviations like "~" for the
     users home directory.  This was requested by Adam Spiers.

   - Bug fixes, lots of them.

* Version 5.18

  Minor fixes.

* Version 5.17

** Details

*** Whitespace

    - When cutting, pasting, or moving subtrees and items, the
      empty lines *before* the subtree/item now belong to the
      part and will be moved with it.  There is one exception to
      this rule: If the first child is moved down (or,
      equivalently, the second is moved up), the amount of empty
      lines *above* the first child to be moved along with it is
      limited by the number of empty lines *below* it.  This
      sounds complicated, but it allows to have extra empty space
      before the first child and still have good behavior of the
      subtree motion commands.

    - Plain lists items work the same.

    I believe we have finally nailed this one.  Thanks to Daniel
    Pittman for bring this up again and to Eric Schulte for
    pointing out that it is the empty lines *before* an entry
    that really count.

    This change was non-trivial, please give it a good test and
    let me know about any problems.

*** Remember

    - The new command `org-remember-goto-last-stored' will jump
      to the location of the remember note stored most recently.
      If you have `org-remember' on a key like `C-c r', then you
      can go to the location with a double prefix arg: `C-u C-u
      C-c r'.  This was a proposal by Rainer Stengele.

    - Template items that are being prompted for can now specify
      a default value and a completion table.  Furthermore,
      previous inputs at a specific prompt are captured in a
      history variable.  For example:

      : %^{Author|Roald Dahl|Thomas Mann|Larry Niven}

      will prompt for an author name.  Pressing RET without
      typing anything will select "Roald Dahl".  Completion will
      give you any of the three names.  And a history will be
      kept, so you can use the arrow keys to get to previous
      input.  The history is tied to the prompt.  By using the
      same prompt in different templates, you can build a history
      across templates.  The ideas for this came from proposals
      by Bastien and Adam.

    - When a remember template contains the string `%!', the note
      will be stored immediately after all template parts have
      been filled in, so you don't even have to press `C-c
      C-c'. The was a proposal by Adam Spiers.

*** Refile

    - `org-refile-targets' has a new parameter to specify a
      maximum level for target selection.  Thanks to Wanrong Lin
      for this proposal.

    - When the new option `org-refile-use-outline-path' is set,
      refile targets will be presented like a file path to the
      completion interface: "level 1/level 2/level 3".  This
      may be the fastest interface yet to get to a certain
      outline entry.  Do we need to use this interface in other
      places?  Thanks to Jose Ruiz for this proposal.

* Version 5.16

** Details

*** Restriction lock on agenda scope

    You can now permanently lock the agenda construction to a
    certain scope, like a file or a subtree.  So instead of
    pressing "<" for each command in the agenda dispatcher, you
    only once select a restriction scope.  All subsequent agenda
    commands will than respect this restriction.  For example,
    you can use this at work, to limit agendas to your work file
    or tree, and at home to limit to the home file or tree.  Or
    you can use it during the day in order to focus in on certain

    You select a scope with the command `C-c C-x <', which
    restricts to the current subtree.  When called with a `C-u'
    prefix, the restriction is to the current file.  You can also
    make restrictions from the speedbar frame, see below.

    When making a new restriction and an agenda window is
    currently visible, it will immediately be updated to reflect
    the new scope.  If you like you can display an agenda view
    and then watch it change in various scopes.

    To get rid of the restriction, use the command "C-c C-x >".
    Or press ">" in the agenda dispatcher.  Also, and use of "<"
    in the dispatcher will disable the restriction lock and
    select a new restriction.

    Thanks to Rick Moynihan for triggering this development. 

*** Imenu and Speedbar support

    - Org-mode now supports Imenu.  For example, with the setting

      : (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 
      :    (lambda () 'imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu"))

      a menu will be created in each Org-mode buffer that
      provides access to all level 1 and level 2 headings.  The
      depth of the menu can be set with the variable

    - org-mode now supports Speedbar.  This means that you can
      drill into the first and second level headlines of an
      Org-mode file right from the speedbar frame.

    - You can set a restriction lock for the Org-mode agenda to a
      file or a subtree directly from the speedbar frame.  Just
      press "<" with the cursor on an Org-mode file or subtree to
      set the lock and immediately update the agenda if it is
      visible.  Use ">" to get rid of the lock again.

* Version 5.15

** Details

   - There are new special properties TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_IA.
     These can be used to access the first keyword-less active
     and inactive timestamp in an entry, respectively.

   - New variable `org-clock-heading-function'.  It can be set to
     a function that creates the string shown in the mode line
     when a clock is running.  Thanks to Tom Weissmann for this

   - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.14

** Overview

   + Remember and related stuff
     - New command `org-refile' to quickly move a note.
     - Easy way to jump to the target location of remember template.
     - New %-escapes in remember templates: %c %(...) and %[...]
     - `org-remember-insinuate' simplifies remember setup

   + Emphasis and Font-lock stuff
     - Stacked emphasis is no longer allowed.
     - You may finally emphasize a single character like ~*a*~.
     - Font-lock now can hide the emphasis markers
     - Text in the "=" emphasis is exported verbatim
     - There is a new emphasis marker "~" for verbatim text
     - Constructs treated specially by the exporters can be highlighted

   + Properties and Column view
     - More control over which properties use inheritance
     - CATEGORY="work" can now be used in a tags/property search
     - the {+} summary type can specify a printf-style output format
     - New currency summary type {$}

   + The date/time prompt
     - While entering data, watch live the current interpretation.
     - The date prompt now prefers to select the future
     - Easier modification of time in an existing time stamp.

   + Export
     - You can now export some special strings in HTML, like "..."
     - #+EMAIL: may contain several email addresses

   + Agenda
     - In the agenda, a few keys have changed: `g', `G', and `e'.

   + Miscellaneous
     - Class-dependent sectioning structures in LaTeX export.
     - Radio-lists modeled after the radio tables.
     - The default for `org-ellipsis' is back to nil
     - Support for pabbrev-mode
     - New variable `org-show-entry-below'.

** Incompatible changes

   - If you have customized the variable `org-emphasis-alist' or
     org-export-emphasis-alist', you need to do it again by first
     canceling your customization and then adding it again.

   - I know that some people have defined their own private helper
     functions to select a specific remember template, without being
     prompted, like this:

     : (defun my-remember-template-n ()
     :    (interactive)
     :    (org-remember ?n))

     You need to modify this.  The character selecting the template
     must now be the /second/ argument to `org-remember':

     : (defun my-remember-template-n ()
     :    (interactive)
     :    (org-remember nil ?n))

   - `C-c C-w' now refiles an entry.  To get a sparse tree of
     deadlines, use `C-c / d' instead.

** Details

*** Remember and related stuff

    - New command `org-refile' to quickly move a note to a
      different place.  It is bound to `C-c C-w'.  The foremost
      application might be to put a note or task captured with
      `remember' into the proper list or project.  The command
      offers a list of possible refiling targets for completion.
      These are headings under which the entry will be inserted
      as a subitem.  By default, this will offer all top-level
      headings in the current buffer, but you can configure the
      variable `org-refile-targets' to get more complex
      definitions.  For example:

      : (setq org-refile-targets '((nil . (:level . 2))))

      selects all level 2 headlines in the current buffer as
      targets.  And

      : (setq org-refile-targets
      :      '((org-agenda-files . (:tag . "refile"))))

      searches all agenda files and selects headlines that are
      explicitly marked with the tag :refile: .  Note that the
      list of targets is built upon first use only, to rebuilt
      it, call the command `C-c C-w' with a double prefix

      This is based on an idea and example implementation by Max
      Mikhanosha.  Many thanks Max.

    - You can now use a C-u prefix on `org-remember' to jump to
      the location where a specific templates stores its notes.
      For example, if you have `org-remember' bound to `C-c r',
      then `C-u C-c r n' will get you to the file and headline
      given in the template associated with the letter "n".

      This was proposed by someone, but I have lost track who.
      Sorry, and thanks anyway.

    - New %-escapes in remember templates:

      : %c     insert the current clipboard, like C-y would do
      : %(..)  evaluate Lisp expression and insert the result
      : %[..]  include file

      Thanks to Adam Spiers and Tim O'Callaghan.

    - New function `org-remember-insinuate' that makes is easier
      to set Org-mode specific values for remember variables.
      Thanks to Michael Olson for this proposal.  It is
      equivalent to:

      : (require 'remember)
      : (setq remember-annotation-functions '(org-remember-annotation))
      : (setq remember-handler-functions '(org-remember-handler))
      : (add-hook 'remember-mode-hook 'org-remember-apply-template))

      You might still want to set `org-default-notes-file' to
      provide a default for templates without a file, and
      `org-directory' to show where to find other org files.

*** Emphasis and Font-lock stuff

    - Stacked emphasis like ~*/bold italic/*~ is no longer allowed.

    - You may finally emphasize a single character like ~*a*~.

    - Font-lock now can hide the emphasis markers, just like Muse
      does.  Configure the variable `org-hide-emphasis-markers'
      if you want this.  Showing the characters continues to be
      the default in Org-mode.

    - Text in the "=" emphasis is now exported verbatim, i.e. no
      further parsing and interpretation of this text takes place.  So
      you can write ~=quoted *xxx* a_x = b=~.  This and the following
      point implement a request by Daniel Clemente.

    - There is a new emphasis marker "~" which marks text to be
      exported verbatim, without special formatting.  Inside an
      org-mode file, this text is highlighted with the org-verbatim
      face.  I am not happy with the face yet (currently is is like
      org-code, but underlined), please suggest a better one.

    - Whether an emphasis environment is verbatim or not is now an
      extra flag in the variable `org-emphasis-alist'.  If you have
      configured this variable, do it again by first canceling your
      customization to revert to the default, and then adding it

    - New variable `org-highlight-latex-fragments-and-specials'.
      When turned on, Org-mode will highlight all strings that
      are treated in a special way by the exporters.  This is
      great for export-oriented writing, but maybe a bit noisy
      for note taking, so this feature is off by default.

*** Properties and Column view

    - `org-use-property-inheritance' may now also be a list of
      property names that should be treated with inheritance
      during searches.

    - CATEGORY="work" can now be used in a tags/property search,
      even if the category is not specified as a property in the
      entry, but rather is inherited or derived from #+CATEGORY.
      Thanks to Adam, Tim, and Bastien for an interesting
      discussion around this issue.

    - Summary type improvements in column view.
      * The {+} summary type can specify a printf-style output
        format for computed values like this: {+;%5.2f}
	This was triggered by a report by Levin.
      * New currency summary type {$}, which so far is just a
        shorthand for {+;%.2f}.  Do we need to have a currency
        symbol in front of each value.  Scott Jaderholm asked for
        this, but I am not sure if this is already what he meant.

*** The date/time prompt

    There have been several small but *very* useful additions to
    the date prompt.

    - While entering data at the date prompt, the current
      interpretation of your input is shown next to your input in
      the minibuffer.  I find this great to understand how the
      input works.  If you find the extra stuff in the minibuffer
      annoying, turn it off with `org-read-date-display-live'.

    - The date prompt now prefers to select the future.  If you
      enter a date without a month, and the day number is before
      today (for example, on the 16th of the month you enter
      "9"), Org-mode will assume next month.  Similarly, if you
      enter a month and no year, next year will be assumed if the
      entered month is before the current, for example if you
      enter "May" in September.  Thanks to John Rakestraw for
      this great suggestion.  If you find it confusing, turn it
      off with `org-read-date-prefer-future'.

    - When modifying an existing date using `C-c .' at the stamp,
      the time or time range in the stamp are now offered as
      default input at the prompt.  This goes a long way to
      simplifying the modification of an existing date.  Thanks
      to Adam Spiers for this proposal.

*** Export (all implemented by Bastien...)

    - You can now export special strings in HTML.  Here is the
      list of newly performed conversions:

      | Org | Description                        | HTML     |
      | ~\\-~ | double backslash followed by minus | &shy;    |
      | ~--~  | two dashes (minuses)               | &ndash;  |
      | ~---~ | three dashes (minuses)             | &mdash;  |
      | ~...~ | three dots                         | &hellip; |

      You can turn this globally on or off with
      `org-export-with-special-strings' or locally with "-:t" or
      "-:nil" in the #+OPTIONS line.  Thanks to Adam Spiers for
      starting the discussion, and thanks to Daniel Clemente and
      William Henney for relevant inputs.

    - Comma-separated emails in #+EMAIL: are correctly exported.
      Thanks to Raman for pointing out this omission.

*** Agenda

    - In the agenda, a few keys have changed
      : g  does now the same a "r", refresh current display,
      :    because "g" is the Emacs standard for "refresh"
      : G  toggle the time grid, used to be "g"
      : e  Execute another agenda command, pretty much the same as
      :    `C-c a', but shorter and keep the same agenda window.

*** Miscellaneous (much of it from Bastien)

    - You can now select the sectioning structure of your LaTeX
      export by setting it either globally
      (`org-export-latex-default-class') or locally in each Org
      file (with #+LaTeX_CLASS: myclass).  You can also customize
      the list of available classes and their sectioning
      structures through the new `org-export-latex-classes'
      option.  Thanks to Daniel for discussions and suggestion on
      this issue.

    - You can send and receive radio lists in HTML,
      LaTeX or TeXInfo, just as you send and receive radio
      tables.  Check the documentation for details and examples.

    - The default for `org-ellipsis' is back to nil, some people
      seem to have had problems with the face as a default.

    - Support for pabbrev-mode, needs pabbrev version 1.1.  Thanks
      to Phillip Lord for adapting his package to make this

    - New variable `org-show-entry-below' to force context-showing
      commands to expose the body of a headline that is being
      shown.  Thanks to Harald Weis for pointing out this omission.

* Version 5.13i

** Details

   - On the date/time prompt, you can now also answer with
     something like +2tue to pick the second tuesday from today.
     This was a proposal by Sacha Chua.

   - When interpopating into Lisp formulas in the spreadsheet,
     the values of constants and properties are no longer
     enclosed into parenthesis.  When interpolating for calc,
     this still happens in order to allow expressions in
     constants.  This problem was reported by Eddward DeVilla.

   - When a directory is listed in `org-agenda-files', all files
     with extension matched by the new variable
     `org-agenda-file-regexp' in that directory will be agenda

   - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.13

** Overview

   - Bug fixes and improvements in column view
     + All known bugs fixed.
     + A Column view can be captured into a dynamic block.
     + The ITEM column is formatted core compactly.
     + Also ITEM can be edited with `e'

   - The agenda dispatcher
     + `<' cycles through restriction states.
     + Multi-character access codes to commands (= sub-keymaps).

   - Sorting improvements
     + User-defined sorting keys.
     + Sorting by properties.
     + Sorting of plain lists.

   - HTML <div> structure

   - Other stuff
     + New variables, several of them.
     + Drawers can be set on a per-file basis.
     + Better control over priority fontification in agenda.
     + M-up and M-down now move the current line up and down.
     + Abort remember template selection with C-g.

** Details

*** Bug fixes and improvements in column view

    - All the bugs described by Scott Jaderholm have been fixed
      (at least I hope so...).

    - You can now capture a column view into a dynamic block, for
      exporting or printing it.  The column view can be

      + global, i.e. for the entire file
      + local, i.e. for the subtree where the dynamic block is
      + from an entry with a specific :ID: property.

      You can identify the entry whose column view you want to
      capture by assigning an :ID: property, and use that property
      in the dynamic block definition.  For example:

      : * Planning
      :   :PROPERTIES:
      :     :ID: planning-overview
      :   :END:
      : [...]
      : * The column view
      : #+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id "planning-overview"
      : #+END:

      Use `C-c C-x r' to insert such a dynamic block, and you will
      be prompted for the ID.

    - When the current column format displays TODO keyword,
      priority or tags, these parts are stripped from the content
      of the ITEM column, making for more compact and readable
      entries.  When any of these "properties" are not listed in
      the current column format, they are instead retained in the
      ITEM column.

    - You can now also edit the ITEM column with `e'.

*** The agenda dispatcher

    - Instead of pressing `1' to restrict an agenda command to
      the current buffer, or `0' to restrict it to the current
      subtree or region, you can now also press `<' once or
      twice, respectively.  This frees up `1' and `0' for user
      commands, a request by Bastien.  In fact, "<" cycles
      through different restriction states.  "1" and "0" are
      still available for backward compatibility, until you bind
      them to custom commands.

    - The access code to custom agenda commands can now contain
      several characters, effectively allowing to bundle several
      similar commands into a sub-keymap.  This follows an
      excellent proposal by Adam Spiers.  For example:

      : (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      :   '(("h" . "HOME + Name tag searches") ; describe prefix "h"
      :     ("hl" tags "+HOME+Lisa")
      :     ("hp" tags "+HOME+Peter")
      :     ("hk" tags "+HOME+Kim")))

    - The user function option in org-agenda-custom-commands may
      now also be a lambda expression, following a request by
      Adam Spiers.

*** Sorting improvements

    We are using a new routine for sorting entries, courtesy of
    John Wiegley.  Many thanks to John.

    - You can define your own function to extract a sorting key
      and in this way sort entries by anything you like.

    - Entries can now be sorted according to the value of a

    - Plain lists can be sorted.

*** HTML <div> structure

    There is now a <div>-based structure in exported HTML.

    - The table of context is wrapped into a div with a class

    - The outline structure is embedded in <div> elements with
      classes "outline-1", "outline-2" etc.

    - The postamble, containing the author information and the
      date is wrapped into a div with class "postamble".

    I am not sure if the class names are the best choice, let me
    know if there are more "canonical" choices.

    Thanks to Mike Newman and Cezar for input, and in particular
    to Mike for his clearly formulated specification.

*** Other stuff

    - New variable `org-agenda-window-frame-fractions' to
      customize the size limits of the agenda window in the case
      that you display the agenda window by reorganizing the

    - Drawers can be set on a per-file basis using


      This will define the drawers :HIDDEN: and :STATE:.
      The :PROPERTY: drawer should always be part of this list, or
      your properties will not be folded away.
      Thanks to Richard G. Riley for this proposal.

    - `org-agenda-fontify-priorities' may now also be an
      association list of priorities and faces, to specify the
      faces of priorities in the agenda individually.

    - The variable `org-export-with-property-drawer' no longer
      exists, please use `org-export-with-drawers' instead.  Also,
      the corresponding switch in the #+OPTIONS line has changed
      from "p" to "d".  Thanks to Bastien for pointing out that we
      needed to handle not only the property drawer.

    - M-up and M-down now move the current line up and down (if
      not at a headline, item or table).  Among other things you
      can use this to re-order properties in the drawer.  This was
      a proposal by Bastien.

    - New variable `org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date', based on a
      request by Wanrong Lin.

    - Aborting remember template selection with C-g now kills the
      remember buffer and restores the old window configuration.
      This was a request by Nuutti Kotivuori.

* Version 5.12

** Overview

   - Remember templates can now have name.
   - `C-c C-k' will abort taking a note (remember of log)
   - `C-c C-x C-w' and `C-c C-x M-w' now accept a prefix arg.
   - Lines in the agenda can be fontified according to priority.
   - New variable `org-scheduled-past-days'.
   - New variables `org-agenda-deadline-leaders' and
   - New sparse tree function `org-sparse-tree'.
   - The variable `org-ellipsis' now defaults to `org-link'.
   - The #+OPTIONS line has a new option "tags".
   - New variable `org-use-property-inheritance'.

** Incompatible Changes

   - `C-c /' now calls `org-sparse-tree'.

** Details

   - Remember templates can now have a template name as the first
     element.  The name will be listed along with the selection
     character when prompting for a template.  It is best to have
     the name start with the selection character, for example if
     you use ("Note" "n"), you will be prompted like "[n]ote".
     Thanks to Matiyam for this proposal.

   - `C-c C-k' will abort taking a note.  You can use this in remember
     buffers and when taking a logging note (e.g. for a state
     change).  Thanks to Bastien.

   - `C-c C-x C-w' and `C-c C-x M-w' now accept a prefix arg to
     cut N sequential subtrees.  This was a proposal by John.

   - Lines in the agenda are now bold if they have priority A and
     italic if they have priority C.  You can turn this off using
     the variable `org-agenda-fontify-priorities'.  Thanks to
     John Wiegley for the idea and code.

   - New variable `org-scheduled-past-days' to set the number a
     scheduled item will be listed after its date has passed.
     Default is 10000, i.e. indefinitely.

   - New variables `org-agenda-deadline-leaders' and
     `org-agenda-scheduled-leaders' to adjust the leading text o
     scheduled items and deadline in the agenda.  Thanks to John
     Wiegley for a patch.

   - New sparse tree function `org-sparse-tree'.  This is now the
     default binding for `C-c /'.  It requires one additional
     keypress to select a command, but in return is provides a
     single interface to all the different sparse tree commands,
     with full completion support.

   - The variable `org-ellipsis' now defaults to the face
     `org-link' because the visibility of the dots is really bad
     and I have found this change very useful indeed.

   - The #+OPTIONS line has a new option "tags" which can be used
     to set `org-export-with-tags'.  Thanks to Wanrong Lin for
     this proposal.

   - New variable `org-use-property-inheritance'.  Configure it
     to `t' if you want that searching for entries with certain
     properties always should assume inheritance.  This is not
     well tested yet, please check it out.

   - Bug fixes

* Version 5.11

** Overview

   - SUMMARY, DESCRIPTION, LOCATION properties for iCalendar
   - Command to jump to the running clock
   - Clock entries can now have their own drawer
   - `C-c C-x C-r' only updates a clocktable at point
   - New way to assign a remember template to a single key
   - `C-n' and `C-p' are back to their default binding
   - `C-x C-s' in agenda buffer saves all org-mode buffers
   - Schedule/deadline leaves note in agenda buffer
   - Prefix argument for `C-c C-d/s' will remove date
   - New variable to make block aranda more compact
   - Better tag alignment in agenda

** Incompatible changes

   - If you have customized `org-drawers', you need to add
     "CLOCK" to the list of drawers.

   - The variable `org-agenda-align-tags-to-column' has been
     renamed to `org-agenda-tags-column'.  The old name is still
     an alias, in Emacs 22 and in XEmacs, but not in Emacs 21.

   - The default value for both `org-tags-column' and
     `org-agenda-tags-column' is now -80.

   - The variable
     is now obsolete.

** Details

   - The LOGGING property allows to modify the settings for
     progress logging for a single entry.  For example:

     :   :LOGGING: nologging nologrepeat
     : :END:

     turns off all progress logging for the current entry and its

   - The properties SUMMARY, DESCRIPTION and LOCATION have
     special meaning during iCalendar export, when they translate
     to the corresponding VEVENT and VTODO fields.  If not given,
     Org-ode continues to use cleaned-up version of the headline
     and body as the summary and the description, respectively.

   - New function to go to the entry with the currently running
     clock.  Bound to `C-c C-x C-j', in agenda also to "J".  If
     you use this often, you might even want to assign a global
     key.  Thanks to Bernt and Bastien.

   - Clock entries can now have their own drawer, the :CLOCK:
     drawer.  Check out the variable `org-clock-into-drawer' for
     configuration of this feature.  The default is to create a
     drawer when the second clocking line gets added to an entry.
     Note that "CLOCK" has been added to the default value of
     `org-drawers', but if you have configured that variable, you
     must go back and add "CLOCK" yourself to get this drawer
     folded away.  Thanks to Tom Weissman for pointing out that
     too many clock entries are visually annoying.

   - `C-c C-x C-r' no longer tries to find the first clocktable
     in a buffer and then updates it.  Instead, it will update
     the clocktable at point if there is one (same as C-c C-c
     will do if the cursor is in the "#+BEGIN" line of the
     table).  If there is none at point, a new one will be
     inserted.  This change was necessary because the new :scope
     parameter allows to have several clocktables in a buffer.
     Thanks to Bastien for pointing this out.
     To update all dynamic blocks in a file, use `C-u C-c C-x C-u'.

   - The function `org-remember' can now be called with a
     template selection key as argument.  This helps to make key
     bindings that go directly to a specific template without
     being prompted for a template, like this:

     : (global-set-key [f5] (lambda () (interactive) (org-remember "j")))

     Thanks to Richard G Riley for bringing this up.

   - `C-n' and `C-p' are back to their default binding
     (next/previous line) in the agenda buffer.  Enough people,
     including recently Denis Bueno, have complained about this,
     and I agree it is not good to break habits like that.

   - `C-x C-s' in an agenda buffer now saves all org-mode buffers
     (also `s' does this).

   - Setting schedule or deadline dates from the agenda now
     produces a note in the agenda, similarly to what happens
     with S-left/right.

   - Using a prefix argument for `C-c C-d' or `C-c C-s' will
     remove the deadline or scheduling date from an item.  Thanks
     to Wanrong Lin for this proposal.

   - New variable `org-agenda-compact-blocks'.  When set, the
     space between blocks in a block agenda is reduced as much as
     possible, to show more items on a single screen.

   - The variable `org-agenda-tags-column' (renamed from
     `org-agenda-align-tags-to-column') can now also be negative,
     to mean alignment to the left.  The new default is -80, just
     like it is now for `org-tags-column'.

   - Bug fixes

* Version 5.10

** Overview

   - Category and the archive location can be properties.
   - The clocktable has a new =:scope= parameter.
   - CSV support when importing a table.
   - Better defaults when modifying a time stamp.
   - New way to specify the duration of an appointment.
   - More aggressive version of orgstruct-mode improved wrapping.
   - Modifications to priority cycling.
   - Modifications to computations in column view.
   - New command `org-occur-in-agenda-files'.
   - Bug fixes.

** Details

   - Both the category and the archive location in a (sub)tree of
     the buffer can now be specified using a property, for

     : * Tree with special properties
     :   :PROPERTIES:
     :     :CATEGORY: Examples
     :     :ARCHIVE:  /some/special/file::
     :   :END:

     This is a much cleaner way of dealing with multiple
     categories and archives in a single file.  The preferred use
     of the =#+CATEGORY= and =#+ARCHIVE= lines is now to set a
     *single* default for the file which is then locally
     overruled by properties.  This was a proposal from Bastien
     if I remember correctly.  Multiple =#+= lines still work
     and I don't plan to remove this support soon, but I
     encourage you to stop using them.

   - The clocktable has a new =:scope= parameter that determines
     the range in the file from which clock entries should be
     taken.  This can be anything from the local subtree to the
     entire buffer to even the full list of agenda files.  Legal
     values are:

     | value   | scope                                           |
     | nil     | the current buffer or narrowed region           |
     | file    | the full current buffer                         |
     | subtree | the subtree where the clocktable is located     |
     | treeN   | the surrounding level N tree, for example tree3 |
     | tree    | the surrounding level 1 tree                    |
     | agenda  | all agenda files                                |

     Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer and Bernt Hansen for
     inspiration.  Thanks to cranreuch (what is you full name?)
     for mentioning, at the right moment, that the clocktable is
     not so bad - that remark made it seem worthwhile to add

   - The commands to import a table and to convert a region to a
     table can now handle comma-separated values (CSV).  The
     algorithm does not yet treat quoting correctly, but for
     basic input it works.

   - When modifying an existing time stamp, or when entering the
     second stamp of a range, the date prompt will now
     consistently default to the date/time in the existing stamp.
     This was triggered by Nuutti Kotivuori's request.

   - At the date/time prompt, there is a new way to specify a
     range of hours, by using "+DURATION" after the time.  For

     :  14:00+2  means 14:00-16:00
     :  2pm+2:30 means 14:00-16:30

     Again, Nuutti Kotivuori's request.

   - When you use the function `turn-on-orgstruct++' to turn on
     orgstruct-mode, the special org-mode settings for
     auto-filling, indentation and paragraphs are exported into
     the buffer, so that typing list items with indentation works
     better.  This was Bastien's idea and request.

   - New variable `org-priority-start-cycle-with-default'.  When
     t (the default), priority cycling will initially set the
     default priority and then increase or decrease.  When nil,
     the first priority set by cycling is already 1 different
     from the default priority.  This was mostly driven by

   - In column view: When an entry has a property for a summary
     column defined, its value is normally overwritten by the sum
     of all the children's values each time you enter column
     view.  Now there is an exception to this rule: If none of
     the children has that particular property defined, the
     parent's value stays.  In this way you can still place TODO
     items under such an entry without getting the property value
     changed.  Thanks to Russel Adams for pointing out that this
     is a better way of doing things.

   - In column view, computed values are now bold face, and
     trying to edit them is an error.  I think this works, but
     testing is appreciated.

   - New command `org-occur-in-agenda-files', this is basically
     the quick command John Wiegley proposed the other day, but
     it also works when the agenda files are not yet in buffers.
     The key is `C-c C-x /', any better proposals?

   - Links containing a space will now be handled correctly when
     calling the browser.  Note that you need to enclose such
     links in square or angular brackets.

   - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.09

** Overview

   - Taking a note upon TODO state changes can be restricted to
     selected states.

   - The format in which dates are shown in the daily/weekly
     agenda can be configured.

   - The default for `org-remember-store-without-prompt' is now t.

   - `org-goto' has been made into a general lookup command.

   - Priority cycling goes back to the nil state.

   - You can store a remember note to the *last used* location.

   - On Emacs 23, the headline faces for org-mode are now
     inherited from the outline faces.

** Incompatible Changes

   - The default for `org-remember-store-without-prompt' is now
     t, in order to better match the original intent of
     remember.el (storing a note with minimum interruption of
     work flow).  I expect that many people will be hit by this
     incompatible change - nevertheless I believe it is the right
     thing to do.

** Details

   - You can now select specific states for recording a note when
     switching to that state.  With the setting

     : #+STARTUP: lognotestate

     only the states ORDERED and INVOICE will record a timestamp
     and a note.

   - You can now set the format of the string for each day in the
     agenda and timeline buffers.  You can use a format string
     interpreted by `format-time-string', or you can write your
     own function.  Configure the new variable
     `org-agenda-format-date'.  Thanks to Levin for triggering
     this development with a patch.

   - The default for `org-remember-store-without-prompt' is now
     t, in order to better match the original intent of
     remember.el (storing a note with minimum interruption of
     work flow).  Since we can assign files and headlines to
     templates, I guess this takes care of selecting a filing
     location in most cases.  For interactive filing, you now
     need a prefix command when exiting `remember'.

   - `org-goto' (bound to `C-c C-j') now uses an indirect buffer
     and has additional commands enabled: Org-occur with `C-c /'
     or even faster with `/', and the commands needed to select
     and copy a region.  This make `org-goto' a more general
     lookup command instead of only a jumping command.  Remember
     that you can exit with `Q' to go back to the original
     location.  Thanks to William Henney for this idea.

   - Setting the priority with S-up/down now cycles back to a
     state where no priority is specified.  This was requested by
     Rick Moynihan.

   - You can store a remember note to the *last used* location.
     So if you select a location interactively once, you can
     re-use it without having to find it again.  For this, exit
     the remember buffer with `C-u C-u C-c C-c'.  The leading
     comment in the remember buffer will tell exactly where the
     note goes if you exit with a particular command.
     Thanks to Maxim Loginov for this idea.

   - On Emacs 23, the headline faces for org-mode are now
     inherited from the outline faces.  This is just a
     convenience, so that you only have to configure one set of
     faces, and that will then be outline-1 .. outline-8.  You
     will actually not see any difference in org-mode, because
     Stefan Monnier has made the outline faces in Emacs 23 to
     match the current org-mode faces.

     This change does not effect XEmacs, nor Emacs 21 and 22.

* Version 5.08

** Incompatible changes

   - The default for `org-deadline-warning-days' is now 14.

** Details

   - There is now a separate interface for fast and directly
     setting a TODO keyword.  This interface kicks in when you
     have configured keys for TODO keywords like


     C-c C-t still does the cycling thing, you need to use a
     prefix argument to get to the fast interface.  Or configure
     the variable `org-use-fast-todo-selection' to t, then this
     will be the default and the prefix argument will make the
     command fall back to cycling.

     The tag selection no longer does include TODO keywords -
     Leo's arguments have convinced me that this is not a good
     idea.  If you'd like to see the TODO keywords in the tags
     interface anyway, set the variable
     `org-fast-tag-selection-include-todo'.  Thanks to Leo and
     others for input on this issue.

   - New variable `org-edit-timestamp-down-means-later'.  When
     set, `S-down' on a timestamp will change the timestamp to
     later.  Thanks to Raman for this idea.

   - Property names can now contain non-ascii word characters.
     This follows a request from Daniel Clemente.

   - For export, the date that should be given in the exported
     file can now be set to a specific value with a line like

     : #+DATE: 15 November 2003

     If you want to use the date/time when the file was created,
     use a format string that will be interpreted by
     `format-time-string', for example:

     : #+DATE: %Y/%m/%d %X

   - The default of `org-deadline-warning-days' has changed to 14
     days.  30 was really too much, I suspect most people (me
     included) have changed this.

   - When a deadline has an individual lead time, this lead time
     obviously overrules `org-deadline-warning-days'.  However,
     if you bind `org-deadline-warning-days' to a number <=0, for
     example during a custom agenda command, then the absolute
     value of this number will be enforced also when a different
     lead time has been specified.  This is useful to get a list
     of all deadlines coming up in the next N days.

* Version 5.07

** Overview

   - Different faces for different TODO keywords.

   - Setting TODO states through the TAG setting interface.

   - Context information is stored when moving a tree to the archive.

   - Sorting can be done by priority.

   - `Org-ellipsis' can now also be a face.

   - Scheduling info is no longer removed entry is marked CLOSED.

   - Unavailable files in `org-agenda-files' can be skipped.

** Incompatible changes

   - The time of archiving is now stored as a property.
     ARCHIVED is no longer a special time keyword.

   - Scheduling info is no longer removed entry is marked CLOSED.

** Details

   - You can now define different faces for different TODO
     keywords.  This request has come up frequently, so here it
     is: Use the variable `org-todo-keyword-faces'.

     A Here is a configuration example:

     : (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
     :   '(("TODO"      . org-warning)
     :     ("DEFERRED"  . shadow)
     :     ("CANCELED"  . (:foreground "blue" :weight bold
     :                    :underline t))))

     Org-mode continue still use `org-todo' and `org-done' for
     keywords that have no specific face assigned.

   - Some People use TODO states more like tags.  For them the
     TODO keywords mark special states and they like to quickly
     switch between states in arbitrary sequence.  The standard
     TODO interface is not perfect for this, because it assumes
     that the states are reached in sequence.  However, the fast
     tag setting interface is in fact perfect for this.  You can
     now "misuse" the TAG selection interface to also set TODO
     states.  All you need to do is to assign keys to the TODO
     states, just like you also do for tags.

     : #+TAGS: @HOME(h) @OFFICE(o) @SHOP(s)

     Next time you try to set tags with C-c C-c, the todo states
     will be offered as well, and the corresponding key will
     switch the entry to that state.

   - New variable `org-archive-save-context-info' governs if
     information that would be lost by moving a subtree to the
     archive file, should be stored as special properties.  For

     : (setq org-archive-save-context-info '(itags category))

     will store the inherited tags and the category in properties
     ARCHIVE_ITAGS and ARCHIVE_CATEGORY, respectively.  The
     default setting for this variable is to save everything that
     could be lost.  This was a proposal by John Wiegley.

   - Sorting (`C-c ^') can use the use the priority to sort.  Use
     the "p" and "P" keys at the prompt.  John Wiegley, again.

   - `Org-ellipsis' can now also be a face to make the folding
     ellipsis more visible.  This is based on a post by Tassilo
     Horn.  Since `org-ellipsis' only works in Org-mode, you
     might want to use Tassilo Horn's hack directly in order to
     affect the folding ellipsis globally.

   - Scheduling info is no longer removed when an entry is marked
     CLOSED.  This was a request by Brian van den Broek.  Let me
     know if this breaks anything for you - then it will become
     an option.

   - New option `org-agenda-skip-unavailable-files'.  Currently,
     if a file does not exist, it will be removed from
     `org-agenda-files' after a query.  When this option is set,
     the file will simply be skipped.

   - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.06

** Overview

** Details

   - When exporting only a region and this region is a single
     (sub)tree (for example selected with `C-c @'), the title for
     the exported document is taken to be the heading of the
     subtree.  The sublevels become top-level entries in the
     export.  Furthermore, if the head entry of the tree has or
     inherits an EXPORT_FILE_NAME property, that file name (with
     appropriately substituted extension) will be used for the
     exported tree.  Thanks to Patrick Drechsler and Jost Burkart
     for these ideas.

   - org-special-ctrl-a/e has a third allowed value, `reversed'.
     When it is set to this value, the first C-a or C-e command
     behaves normally, i.e. it goes to the true beginning or end
     of the line.  Only when you press C-a or C-e immediately
     again, the the "special" position will be found.  Additional
     presses of the same key jump between the two positions.  I
     like this a lot better than the `t' setting, because now the
     keys behave more predictable and still give easy access to
     the special locations.

   - New command to set or remove a tag from all headlines in a

   - When Org-mode visits a file, it will initially hide all

   - The default of the variable `org-cycle-global-at-bob' is now
     nil, meaning that TAB no longer does global visibility
     cycling at the beginning of the buffer.

   - Bug fixes, in particular the problems with scheduling and
     deadlines introduced in 5.05.  Please check carefully if
     this works correctly again, and complain if not.

* Version 5.05

** Overview

   - LaTeX export, finally, thanks to Bastien.

   - Extension mechanism for the hyperlink system.

   - Global access to commands inserting and following links.

   - Individual lead-times for deadlines.

   - Option to show only the next instance of repeating timestamp.

   - Store remember notes with only 2 keys: C-c C-c

   - Appointment reminders from Org-mode.

   - Global values for selected properties.

   - Bug fixes.

** Details

   - Bastien's `org-export-latex.el' is now part of the org-mode
     distribution.  You can export an Org-mode document to a
     LaTeX file with `C-c C-e l'.  For more options, see the
     manual, and the commentary in the Lisp file.  Kudos to
     Bastien for contributing this frequently requested feature.
     I am sure this has been tough because of the many different
     ways I have been allowing LaTeX snippets and environments to
     be incorporated in lazy free-format ways.

   - Org-mode has now an extension mechanism for the hyperlink
     system.  This should clear the road for all those mairix and
     other ideas that have been floating around.  Now it is on
     *you* to write and share new link types for Org-mode.  The
     interface for adding a new link type is described in the
     appendix of the manual, section A2.  The unsolved problem is
     currently how to handle the new link types for

   - New *global* commands `org-open-at-point-global' and
     `org-insert-link-global'.  You can bind these commands to
     global keys and use them to insert and follow Org-mode-like
     links anywhere in Emacs.  Thanks to Adam Spiers for this
     excellent idea.

   - Each deadline timestamp may now specify its own interval of
     lead-time display, given in days, weeks, months or years.
     The syntax is like this

     : DEADLINE: <2007-08-13 Mon -5d>

     When combined with a repeater, the repeater has to come

     : DEADLINE: <2007-08-13 Mon +2w -5d>

     You may now also customize the faces that are used in the
     agenda to indicate the distance of an approaching deadline.
     See the new option `org-agenda-deadline-faces'.

     Thanks to Pavel Chalmoviansky and John Wiegley proposals in
     this direction.

   - New option `org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all'.  When
     set to nil, repeating time stamps will only show up once in
     the agenda, either today or in the near future.  Other
     matches will be ignored.  Thanks to John Wiegley for this

   - New variable `org-remember-store-without-prompt'.  When set,
     exiting the remember buffer with C-c C-c will store the note
     without further prompts to the default location, and `C-u
     C-c C-c' will get the prompts for file and location.  So
     this variable reverses the prefix-argument functionality for
     storing remember notes.  This follows a request from John

   - A new function `org-agenda-to-appt' activates all
     appointments for the current day so that Emacs will display
     reminders.  This uses appt.el.  Thanks to Bastien for this

   - You can now set default values for properties that can be
     inherited by all entries in a buffer, or by all entries
     globally.  Global properties are set in the variable
     `org-global-properties', like this:

       (setq org-global-properties '(("NAME" "This is the value")))

     Buffer-local values are set like this:

       #+PROPERTY: NAME This is the value

     When using org-entry-get to get the value of a property with
     the `inherit' flag and the hierarchy above the entry does
     not contain this property, the buffer-local and global lists
     are checked as well.  This is mostly useful (I think) to set
     the list of allowed values for a property.  Thanks to Bernt
     Hansen and Bastien for these ideas.

   - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.04

** Details

   - New variables `org-export-author-info' and
     `org-export-time-stamp-file' to turn off inclusion of author
     and time information into exported files.  Thank to Patrick
     Drechsler for pointing out that this would be useful.

   - New variable to avoid moving DEADLINE and SCHEDULED info
     into the property drawer.  The default is now to not move
     this stuff into the drawer.

   - `org-archive-mark-done' can be a string now, to select a
     specific keyword that should be used for archived entries.

   - New command "j" in agenda to jump to an arbitrary date.
     Thanks to Bernt Hansen for the patch.

   - Lots of minor fixes.

* Version 5.03

** Incompatible Changes

   - The variable `org-special-ctrl-a' has been renamed to
     `org-special-ctrl-a/e'.  The old one is still an alias (but
     not on Emacs 21 where variable aliases cannot be defined).

** Details

  - When the variable `org-special-ctrl-a/e' is set, C-e in a
    headline first goes to the end of the headline ignoring the
    tags.  A second C-e then goes to after the tags.

  - Typing and removing single characters in a headline now
    keeps the tags in the headline aligned.  This could have a
    little impact on performance while deleting stuff - let me
    know if we need to make this customizable.

  - New option `org-n-level-faces' can be used to set the number
    of different faces that are used for headlines.  Default is
    all 8 faces Org-mode defines for this purpose, level 9 uses
    again the level-1 face.  However, you can use fewer, and then
    the level-1 face will be reused already for level N+1, etc.

  - Column View and hidestars now work together.

  - Bug fixes.

* Version 5.02

** Overview

   - The interfaces for properties and column view are finished
     now and work well.

   - Properties can be summaries, i.e. the parent nodes can
     compute their value from the children's values.

   - Headlines finally require a space ofter the star(s).  The
     conflict with bold text at the beginning of the line is no
     longer there.

** Incompatible Changes

   - Bad news.  It looks like it is going to be really hard to
     make column view work on XEmacs and on Emacs 21.  Emacs 22
     is currently the only Emacs where this works.  If you are
     using Emacs 21 or XEmacs, you can still use properties, but
     not column view.

** Details

   - Improvements for properties:

     + There are interactive commands to insert and delete
       properties.  Read the manual chapter 7 for details.

     + You can define /allowed values/ for a property.  When
       these are defined, you can change the value of a property
       with S-left and S-right.  And you may use completion when
       inserting the property.  This goes a long way to prevent
       typos when entering properties.

   - Improvements for column view.

     + In column view, you may use the keys S-left/right (and
       also the keys `n' and `p') to switch from one allowed
       value to the next.

     + You can define summaries for columns.  For example,
       parents can contain the sum of all children values of a
       property, or the parent node can have a check box property
       that is automatically checked when all children's boxes are

     + There are interactive commands to add and remove columns,
       and to change the attributes of a column like the summary

     These additions lead to the exciting fact that the example
     from [[http://www.omnigroup.com/images/applications/omnioutliner/features/multicolumn.jpg][omni outliner]] posted by Scott Jaderholm can now be
     accurately [[file:omni-org.jpg][reproduced by Org-mode]].

   - The space after the stars is now required in a headline, in
     order to remove the conflict with bold words at the
     beginning of a line.  So

     :    * This is a level 1 headline
     :    *this is bold text*

   - S-up and S-down to navigate plain item lists are now also
     available in orgstruct-mode.

* Version 5.01

** Overview

   - A new minor mode, orgstruct-mode, exports the Org-mode
     structure editing commands into any other mode.

   - DRAWERS are a new level off folding for special sections
     that should stay closed during visibility cycling and only
     open if explicitly asked.

   - Entries can now have PROPERTIES.

   - A COLUMN VIEW implementation allows to easily view and edit
     the properties of a hierarchy of entries (Emacs only, for

   - Formula evaluation in the spreadsheet is more consistent
     now.  Properties and per-file constants can be used during

   - Bug fixes and minor changes.

** Incompatible changes

   - When using LEVEL=N in a tags search, things have changed if
     you are also using `org-odd-levels-only'.  If you are using
     only odd levels (i.e. 1 or 3 or 5... stars), LEVEL=2 will
     now refer to 3 stars, LEVEL=3 to 5 stars etc.  Many thanks
     to Leo (or blame on him if you must) who has convinced me
     that this is the better convention.

** Details

*** Orgstruct minor mode

    There is a new minor mode, orgstruct-mode.  This modes works
    in a similar way as Orgtbl-mode.  It can be used to export
    the Org-mode structure-editing commands into arbitrary major
    modes in Emacs.  For example, you can use it in Mail-mode to
    easily create lists.

    The functionality in Orgstruct mode is only active, if the
    cursor is in a line that looks either like a headline, or
    like the first line of a plain list item.  Then the commands
    `TAB', `M-cursor', `M-S-cursor', `M-RET', `M-S-RET', `C-c ^',
    `C-c C-c', and `C-c -' will do structure-related editing just
    like in Org-mode.  If the cursor is not in such a line, all
    these keys will do whatever the major mode or other active
    minor modes have assigned to them.

    Orgstruct-mode is the result of a proposal by Raman, quite
    some time ago.  It has taken a long time, but here is finally
    the promised implementation.

*** Drawers

    The new concept of /drawers/ allows to create sections
    that remain folded during visibility cycling.  Drawers need
    to be configured using the variable `org-drawers'.  A drawer
    starts with a line containing only the name of the drawer
    bracketed by colons. It ends with :END:.  For example,
    after setting

    :   (setq org-drawers '("PROPERTIES" "HIDDEN"))

    you can then create drawers like this:

    :   :HIDDEN:
    :     here is some stuff that remains hidden
    :     unless TAB is pressed directly in that line
    :   :END:

    The PROPERTIES drawer has special meaning for ORG-mode, it
    contains properties of an entry (see below).

*** Properties and Column View

    - Entries in Org-mode can now have arbitrary /properties/
      associated with them.  Org-mode handles some default
      properties like the TODO state, the priority, the local
      tags, and planning information like DEADLINE and SCHEDULED.
      In addition, you can assign arbitrary properties by creating
      a property drawer and inserting a line like

      :   :PROPNAME: This is the value of the property

      Org-mode has an API for properties, if you want to write a
      program using properties, use the functions
      `org-entry-properties', `org-entry-get', `org-entry-put',
      and `org-entry-delete'.

    - Planning information like DEADLINE can be hidden in the
      properties drawer.

      If the PROPERTIES drawer starts in the first line after a
      headline, also the DEADLINE, SCHEDULED and CLOCK information
      will be inserted inside the drawer.  If no PROPERTIES drawer
      is present, or if it does not start in the line right after
      the headline, this information remains in the lines directly
      after the headline, outside the drawer.

    - TAGS searches can now also query properties.  For example,
      the search


      will find entries that
      - are level 3
      - have the tag BOSS
      - have an ASSIGNED property with the value "Hans"
      - are TODO status WAITING.

	So here is an entry that will match:

	:   *** WAITING Clean up the factory     :BOSS:
	:       :PROPERTIES:
	:       :ASSIGNED: Hans
	:       :END:

	You may also use a regular expression to match against a
	property value.  For example, to find stuff assigned to Hans
	or Sarah, use

	:   ASSIGNED={^\(Hans\|Sarah\)$}

    - Column View is a special way to look at property values in
      tabular form.  Column View can be used in any org-mode
      file, and also in any agenda buffer.  It works by placing
      an overlay over each headline (or agenda line) that shows a
      table of selected properties.  You can look at and edit
      properties from this view.  Which properties are shown in
      the table must be set up using the COLUMNS property.  You
      can set up different property columns on different levels
      of an outline tree.  For example:

      :   * People
      :     :PROPERTIES:
      :     :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %Name
      :     :END:
      :   ** Family
      :      :PROPERTIES:
      :      :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %Name %3Age
      :      :END:
      :   *** Sam
      :       Info about Sam, including a property list with Name and Age.
      :   *** Sarah
      :       Info about Sarah, including a property list with Name and Age.
      :   ** Office
      :      :PROPERTIES:
      :      :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %Name %Function %Salary
      :      :END:
      :   *** Boss
      :       Info about the Boss, including a property list with Name,
      :       Function and Salary (if only we knew....).

      Now we have defined three different sets of columns.  If
      you switch to column view in the /Family/ section, you
      will get a different table than if you do it in the
      /Office/ section.  However, if you switch to column
      view with the cursor on the /People/ section, the
      table will cover all entries, but contain only the

      Column view does, for the time being, only work on Emacs.
      The XEmacs implementation needs a bit of work.

    - Properties can be used in table formulas.  To access the
      value of the property :XYZ:, use $PROP_XYZ.  The property
      needs to be defined in the hierarchy above the table, not
      necessarily in the same entry as the table.  This was a
      request by Eddward.  File-wide constants can be defined with
      #+CONSTANTS, see below.

    - Things that still need to be sorted out about drawers,
      properties and column view - comments and suggestions

      + How to deal with drawers and properties in HTML and ASCII
      + What key could be used to insert an empty property drawer
	into an entry?
      + Right now column view is invoked through the command C-c
	C-x C-c.  It is too easy to type C-x C-c by mistake, and
	that causes Emacs to quit.  Suggestions for a different
      + Fontification of drawers and properties is not good yet.
	Any suggestions for better defaults?
      + Mouse support for editing properties in column view would
	be nice - maybe Piotr is interested to add this to

*** Spreadsheet

    - In the spreadsheet, the evaluation of formulas has changed.
      Previously, first the column formulas would be evaluated
      everywhere, and then the field formulas would kick in, and
      in some cases overwrite the results of column formulas in
      the appropriate fields.  This had the side effect that some
      formulas might always use the wrong, intermediate content of
      a field that is computed both by a column and a field

      From now on, column formulas will no longer temporarily
      overwrite field formulas.  This gives much more consistent
      results.  For example you can now finally have a column of
      increasing numbers by setting the first field to a fixed
      number, and let the rest follow from a column formula.

      Here is an example

      :   | 1 |
      :   | 2 |
      :   | 3 |
      :   #+TBLFM: $1=@-1+1::@1$1=1

    - Constants for formulas in spreadsheets are globally defined
      with the variable `org-table-formula-constants'.  File-local
      constants can now be set with a line like:

      :   #+CONSTANTS: c=299792458.  pi=3.14  eps=2.4e-6

*** Minor changes

    - When entries are archived, a timestamp for the moment of
      archiving is added to the line with planning information.
      It looks like this:

      : ARCHIVED: [2007-07-02 Mon 11:34]

      Thanks to J. David Boyd for constructive comments.

    - Bug fixes

      Many bugs are fixed, as usually all the ones where I replied
      "fixed" on emacs-orgmode.  If you reported one of these
      bugs, please check if it really has disappeared in the new
      version, and complain if not.  Thanks!

* Version 4.79

** Details

   - We are back to a single file org.el that works both on Emacs
     and on XEmacs.  Merging comes at a speed penalty for you as
     an XEmacs user, but *only if you do not compile* org.el.
     Compilation completely removes the penalty.

   - New L flag for literal interpolation in Lisp formulas.
     See manual section 3.5.3.

   - New options for turning off footnotes.
     This was a request from Ignotus.
     See the option `org-export-with-footnotes'.

   - Default length for Agenda entries, but this is off by
     default.  This was a request from Micheal.
     See the option `org-agenda-default-appointment-duration'.

   - Bug fixes:

     + org-agenda-date-later (Juraj Kubelka)
     + letters off margin in orgcard.ps (Charles Cave)
     + TODO export problems on XEmacs (ignotus@freemail.hu)
     + args-out-of-range with table formulas (Cecil Westerhof)
     + problem with org-file without a heading (Tim O'Callaghan)

* Version 4.78

** Overview

   - Time stamps with a time range *included*, like
     : <2007-06-18 Mon 17:33-18:23>

   - Clock times without clocking in/out: CLOCK: => 2:00

   - Language-specific characters allowed in TAGS (Emacs only).

   - Promotion and demotion of items gets the indentation right.

   - Indenting lines with TAB is more intelligent.

** Incompatible changes

   - There is now a special version of `org.el' for XEmacs.
     Before installation, as an XEmacs user you must rename the
     file org_xemacs.el to org.el, i.e. you must overwrite org.el
     with the xemacs version.  For example:

     : mv org_xemacs.el org.el

     This is necessary so that I can make use of some features
     that would be cumbersome to support in a single file.  The
     XEmacs version is derived from the Emacs version with a
     program, so no reason to fear that I might be dropping
     XEmacs support any time soon.  Sorry for the trouble.

** Details

   - A time stamp may now contain a range of times.  So you no
     longer need to use two separate stamps to indicate a time
     interval on a single day.  For example

     : <2007-06-18 Mon 17:30-18:20>

     This is now fully supported, including changing the time
     with S-up/down while the cursor is on the end time.  Also,
     da the date/time prompt, you can simply write your time like
     12:00-14:00 and the range will be inserted.

     This was proposed by Leo some time ago, and recently by

   - You may specify clocking times by hand (i.e. without
     clocking in and out) using this syntax.

     : CLOCK: => 2:00

     Thanks to Scott Jaderholm for this proposal.

   - TAGS may now contain language-specific word characters, as
     long as they are matched by the "[:alnum:]" regexp syntax.
     This is for Emacs only, the XEmacs version continues to use
     the character class "a-zA-Z0-9_@" for tag names.  Thanks to
     David Smith for a patch to this effect (a modified version
     of that patch was applied).  I am considering to make the
     same change for TODO keywords, but not yet.  Note that files
     using localization features may not work correctly in the
     Emacs configuration of another user, so if you are sharing
     org-mode files with other users, it might still be best to
     stick to the ASCII characters.

   - Promotion and demotion of plain list items (commands M-left,
     M-right) no longer changes the indentation by just one
     space.  Instead, it uses intelligence gathered from the
     surrounding list structure to do the right thing.  Thanks to
     William Henney for starting the discussion about this.

   - TAB does now a better job of indenting lines.

     + After tables and code segments (lines starting with ":"),
       indentation goes back to what it was before (thanks to
       William Henney for suggesting this behavior).

     + When plain lists items are involved, we had a long
       discussion on emacs-orgmode where I tried to show that a
       too-sophisticated implementation will still be easily
       fooled.   Here is what I have implemented now - lets see
       if we can agree on this:

       Indentation will flatten lists with the same bullet type,
       but indent another bullet type further.  The time when
       this fails is in a nested list, when you want to get back
       out to a previous level.  For example

       : - item 1
       : - item 2
       : + item 2a
       : + item 2b
       : - item 3

       When using TAB on every line in this list, the structure
       will change to

       : - item 1
       : - item 2
       :   + item 2a
       :   + item 2b
       :     - item 3

       So you need to change the level of the last line by hand,
       using promotion and demotion functions.

* Version 4.77

** Overview

   - Vertical lines in exported tables.
   - New default for `org-show-following-heading'.

** Incompatible changes

   - The default for `org-show-following-heading' is now nil.

** Details

   - You can now specify column groups in tables, to the effect
     that the groups will be separated by vertical lines in HTML
     and ASCII output.  Column groups are specified by the
     characters "<" and ">" in a special table row.  "<" starts a
     group, ">" ends a group (in each case including the the
     column where the character is specified).  You may also use
     "<>" to make a group a single column wide.  For example:

: |   |  N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N) |
: |---+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+------------|
: | / | <> |   < |     |   > |       < |          > |
: | # |  1 |   1 |   1 |   1 |       1 |          1 |
: | # |  2 |   4 |   8 |  16 |  1.4142 |     1.1892 |
: | # |  3 |   9 |  27 |  81 |  1.7321 |     1.3161 |
: #+TBLFM: $3=$2^2::$4=$2^3::$5=$2^4::$6=sqrt($2)::$7=sqrt(sqrt(($2))

     A table row with with nothing but "/" in the first field is
     never exported, but can be used to place column group
     information into the table.  In this table, we create a
     group for column 2, one for columns 3-5 and one for columns
     6-7.  HTML export will render a vertical line between these

     Because HTML does not require closing <colgroup> tags with
     </colgroup>), you can also simply start a new column
     wherever you want a vertical line:

: | N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N0 |
: |---+-----+-----+-----+---------+------------|
: | / | <   | <   |     | <       |            |

   - Vertical lines are now also omitted in ASCII export, unless
     grouping explicitly requests these lines.

   - The default for `org-show-following-heading' is now nil,
     meaning that sparse trees will be more compact.  This has
     become possible due to in important remark by Jason Dunsmore
     who pointed out that TAB should behave differently in the
     inconsistent trees produced by the sparse tree commands.
     TAB does now make sure that the heading after a freshly
     unfolded tree is made visible at all, removing the confusing
     behavior we had before.

   - Several bugs fixed.  In particular:

     + Strings produced by agenda batch processing with
       `org-batch-agenda' and `org-batch-agenda-csv' are now
       properly encoded, so that you should be able to use
       special characters in other languages as along as your
       post-processing program handles them correctly.  At least
       for Emacs this should work now, but have not yet figured
       out how to do this in XEmacs.

* Version 4.76

** Overview

   - Exporting Footnotes to HTML

** Details

   - Footnotes like =here[1]= are now exported to HTML

     :   [1]This is a footnote

     Thanks to Scott Jaderholm for this proposal and a detailed
     HTML example on how the exported text should look like.

   - Special version of the reference card, for letter paper.

   - Switching to OVERVIEW with S-TAB no loner moves the cursor,
     so after three `S-TAB' commands, you will be back where you

   - Bug fixes, lots of them again.

* Version 4.75

** Overview

   - Cyclic time stamps that repeat after an interval.
   - Special timestamps for appointments like "every 2nd Thursday
     in a month".
   - Completion of link abbreviation prefixes inside `C-c C-l'.
   - Replacing a region of org-mode syntax with HTML.
   - iCalendar export now honors ARCHIVE etc.
   - New command to add/change emphasis markers.

** Incompatible Changes

   - The REPEAT(...) cookie is no longer supported, the repeater
     interval now goes directly into the time stamp.

** Details

   - Time stamps can contain a repeater code, like +1w for once
     every week, +2d for every two days, etc.  For example,

          <2007-05-16 Wed 12:30 +1w>

     will apply to every Wednesday, starting from the date given.
     I believe this syntax was actually suggested by someone on
     the mailing list, but I cannot find the email back.  To
     collect your credit, let me know!

   - You can use an sexp diary entry (with the syntax used by the
     Emacs calendar/diary) in a time stamp, like this:

       *** The nerd club meets on 2nd Thursday of every month
           <%%(diary-float t 4 2)>

   - You can put diary-style sexp entries directly into an
     org-mode file, where they will be interpreted just like they
     would in the diary.  For example

       * Birthdays and similar stuff
       #+CATEGORY: Holiday
       %%(org-calendar-holiday) ; special function for holiday names
       #+CATEGORY: Ann
       %%(diary-anniversary 14  5 1956) Artur Dent %d is years old
       %%(diary-anniversary  2 10 1869) Mahatma Gandhi

     These entries must start at column 0 to be evaluated.

     It turns out that evaluating the entries in an org-mode file
     is actually faster than in the diary itself, because using
     the diary has some overhead (creating fancy diary display,
     then reading and re-interpreting the entries).  I have moved
     all the sexp entries from my diary into an org-mode file,
     put in a few categories, and then turned off
     `org-agenda-include-diary'.  This has led to a noticeably
     faster agenda display.

   - New command `org-replace-region-by-html' that converts the
     current region from org-mode syntax into HTML.  For example,
     you might write an itemized list in plain text in an HTML
     buffer, and then invoke this command to convert it.  Thanks
     to Raman for this idea.

   - When inserting a link with `C-c C-l', completion will now
     fill in all valid link prefixes, like http or ftp, but also
     link abbreviation prefixes.  This is based on an idea by

   - Highest, lowest, and default priority can be set on a
     per-file basis with #+PRIORITIES: H L D
     For example, to use priorities from 1 to 9, you could use

       #+PRIORITIES: 1 9 9

     Thanks to Dmitri Minaev for a patch to this effect.

   - iCalendar export now honors (i.e. skips) subtrees marked as

   - There is a new command to add or change the emphasis (like
     bold or italic) of a piece of text.  For lack of better
     available keys the command is at `C-c C-x C-f', but you may
     well want to choose a more convenient key like `C-c f' in
     your private setup:

     (add-hook 'org-load-hook
      (lambda () (define-key org-mode-map "\C-cf" 'org-emphasize)))

     The command will prompt for an emphasis type, and you may
     reply either with the marker that triggers the emphasis, or
     with the first letter of the corresponding HTML tag.  For
     example, to select italic, press either "/" or "i".

     If there is an active region, the emphasis of this region
     will be set or changed.  If there is no region, only the
     emphasis markers will be inserted and the cursor positioned
     between them.  Thanks to Bastien for proposing this feature.

   - Bug fixes, everything where I have replied "fixed" on the
     mailing list.  Thanks to all of you for keeping these reports

* Version 4.74

** Overview

   This release is about exporting agenda views, to HTML, to
   postscript for printing, and to a special format (CSV) for
   further processing in scripts.

** Incompatible Changes

   - The variable `org-agenda-remove-tags-when-in-prefix' has
     been renamed to `org-agenda-remove-tags'.

** Details

   - Agenda views can be exported as plain text, as HTML, and as
     Postscript(R).  This can simply be done from the agenda
     buffer with `C-x C-w' and then specifying a filename like
     `myagenda.html' or `myagenda.ps'.  See section 8.6.4 of the

   - Each custom agenda view can specify a list of associated
     files names.  The command `C-c a e' then creates all views
     that have associated file names and exports the views to
     these files.  This is great for producing paper versions of
     your views, to take with you when you don't have your
     computer.  The manual has an example on how to do this, and
     in particular on how to customize the format of the printed
     version.  See section 8.6.4 of the manual.

   - You can produce a CSV format of agenda information with an
     Emacs batch command.  This is greate for further processing
     in scipts.  Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer for this idea.
     See section 8.6.5 of the manual.

   - New variable `org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done'.  When set,
     a deadline associated with a DONE item will not be shown in
     the agenda.  This is based upon a report by Denis Bueno.

   - Quite a few bug fixes.

* Version 4.73

  Minor bug fixes.

* Version 4.72

** Overview

   - Control over blank lines between trees in collapsed view.

   - Info about the running clock is shown in the modeline.

   - C-a can behave specially in headlines.

   - Better color and scaling defaults for LaTeX fragments.

   - Customizable list of keys in org-mode to be replaced.

   - Stuck project descriptions have been extended.

   - Emphasis code has been modified to fix some issues.

   - Bug fixes.

** Incompatible changes

   - The option `org-format-latex-options' has changed.  If you
     have customized it, please revert to default and then redo
     your customization.

   - `org-CUA-compatible' no longer modifies S-RET by default,
     because newer versions of CUA don't use this key anymore.
     If you need this replacement, customize the variable

   - The variable `org-CUA-compatible' is obsolete, please use
     `org-replace-disputed-keys' instead.  `org-CUA-compatible'
     is still an alias for this new variable, though.

** Details

   - Better control over blank lines between trees in collapsed
     view.  This has come up several times in the past and most
     recently by Scott Jaderholm.  There is now a new variable
     `org-cycle-separator-lines' with default value 2.  It says
     how many empty lines there need to be after the end of a
     subtree to get an empty line in collapsed view.  So with the
     default, if you leave only one empty line it will disappear
     in collapsed view.  If you leave two, one empty line will
     remain so that you can use double empty lines to structure
     the collapsed views of a file.  I love it, so many thanks to
     Scott fro bringing this up again.

     One property of the new setup is that you will never get
     more than one blank line in collapsed view.  We could do
     something special to allow *several* empty lines in
     collapsed view, but I think this is counter-productive.

     In Emacs 22, if you want to make full use of this, make sure
     that you have not set `outline-blank-line'.

   - When the clock is running, Org-mode will put info about it
     into the modeline.  The info consists of the elapsed time
     and the heading of the clocked item.  This was a proposal
     from Bastien who got the idea from Muse.

   - C-a can behave specially in headlines when you set the
     variable `org-special-ctrl-a'.  It will bring the cursor
     first back only to the beginning of the headline *text*,
     i.e. after the stars and the TODO keyword, if any.  A second
     C-a will then move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
     If the cursor is already at the beginning of the line, C-a
     will spring *forward* to the headline text.  This was a
     proposal from Leo, based on a request from Scott Jaderholm.

     I have not turned this turned this on by default, should I?

   - When LaTeX fragments are processed into images, there is now
     more control and (hopefully) betters defaults for colors and
     scaling.  Special values can be set for HTML export, so that
     these values can differ from what is used for display in an
     emacs buffer.  The default foreground and background colors
     for images embedded in emacs are now taken from the default
     emacs face.  Thanks to Xiao-Yong Jin for proposing these

   - There is now a much better mechanism to change some keys in
     org-mode if these keys clash with other modes you use.  Turn
     this on by setting `org-replace-disputed-keys' (aliased to
     `org-CUA-compatible').  The list of keys to replace is now
     fully customizable, see the option `org-disputed-keys'.
     Many thanks to Meciej Katafiasz for a patch implementing

   - Stuck project descriptions have been extended.  You can now
     use "*" as a TODO keyword or tag to say that *any* TODO
     keyword or TAG marks a project as non-stuck.  You also can
     give an arbitrary regular expression that, if it matches,
     indicates a non-stuck project.

   - The code for emphasis like bold, italic etc has been
     modified - I might have broken something in the process,
     please let me know if you find problems.

   - A number of bugs have been fixed - those where I have
     replied "Fixed" on the mailing list.

* Version 4.71

** Overview

** Incompatible changes

** Details

  - New variables to customize the header and data tags in
    exported HTML.  These are the variables
    `org-export-table-header-tags' and
    `org-export-table-data-tags'.  This follows a request from
    Scott Otterson.

  - New option `org-format-latex-header' for customizing the
    header of the LaTeX file used to convert embedded LaTeX to
    images.  Thanks to `Matthieu Lemerre' for the suggestion.

  - The prefix version of `org-todo-list' works again.  This
    means that `C-1 C-c a t' produces the list of TODO entries
    for the first TODO keyword.  If you use different TODO setups
    in different agenda files, be careful:  This number now
    refers to the list of *all* todo keywords used in files
    that are scanned for the agenda.

  - Many bug fixes.

* Version 4.70

** Overview

   - Dust settles after revamp of TODO keyword system.
   - The export title can be taken from the first text line.
   - TTY replacement keys have changed.

** Incompatible changes

   - Some TTY replacement keys are changed, see below.

** Details

  - Further development concerning TODO keywords.

    + You can now have several DONE states in a sequence, like


      The difference to the proposal discussed on the mailing
      list (and which is also works!)

        #+SEQ_TODO: | CANCELED

      is that in the first case, the extra DONE states will be
      reached with `C-c C-t' (or with `t' from the agenda), while
      in the second case you need S-<right> to get to the special
      states.  I guess both ideas can be useful - I am leaning
      toward using the latter.

    + Setting up TODO keywords in Lisp previously used two
      separate variables: `org-todo-keywords' and
      `org-todo-interpretation'.  The preferred way is now to use
      only `org-todo-keywords', with a new structure:

       (setq org-todo-keywords
         '((sequence "TODO" "|" "DONE")
	   (sequence "BUG" "KNOWNCAUSE" "|" "FIXED" "IGNORED")
           (type "Fred" "Lisa" "Peter" "|" "DONE")
           (sequence "CANCELED")    ; for things we decide to not do.

      If your setting has this new structure,
      `org-todo-interpretation' will be ignored.  This change
      does not break backward compatibility.  The old way of
      using a flat list in `org-todo-keywords' and taking the
      interpretation from the other variable still works.

    + When listing *specific* TODO entries via a sparse tree
      (`C-u C-c C-v') or via the agenda (`C-c a T' or `C-u C-c a
      t'), you can now specify several keywords to be selected,
      like "TODO|VERIFY|WAITING".  This also works for custom
      agenda commands.  Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer for pointing
      out this omission.

  - If you have configured Org-mode to export also the text
    before the first headline (this is done by setting the
    variable `org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading' to nil),
    then the first normal text line in the buffer becomes the
    title of the exported document.  A title set with #+TITLE
    overules this default, and the first line then belongs to the
    normal text.  Thanks to David House for this proposal.

  - TTY replacement keys.  Some of the key bindings used by
    Org-mode do not work on a tty, so replacement key sequences
    are provided on ttys.  In version 4.70, there are some
    changes in the tty replacements.  Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer
    for coming up with the idea to use C-c <cursor> keys.

    | Command           |           | Old TTY       | New TTY       |
    | org-.....         | Main Key  | Replacement   | Replacement   |
    | shiftleft         | S-left    | C-c C-x left  | C-c left      |
    | shiftright        | S-right   | C-c C-x right | C-c right     |
    | shiftup           | S-up      | C-c C-x up    | C-c up        |
    | shiftdown         | S-down    | C-c C-x down  | C-c down      |
    | shiftcontrolleft  | C-S-left  |               | C-c C-x left  |
    | shiftcontrolright | C-s-right |               | C-c C-x right |

* Version 4.69

** Overview

   This time the changes affect the following areas:

   - TODO keywords:  Multiple sequences in a single file.
   - Export: More control over text before the first heading.
   - Export: More control over sub/superscript interpretation.
   - Plain lists:  Option to let empty lines terminate lists.
   - Tables: New command to insert hline and move into line below.
   - REPEATing items:  Turn of note taking.
   - Bug fixes.

** Incompatible changes

   - It used to be possible to spread the list of TODO keywords
     over several lines, like


     This is no longer possible.  Each such line now specifies an
     independent set of TODO keywords, with its own DONE state.
     See below for details.

   - The #+TEXT construct has been used to insert unchanged HTML
     into an exported file.  This is no longer possible, the TEXT
     lines will be processed like any other lines.  However,
     there are now much better ways of getting quoted HTML into
     the exported file.

** Details

   - You can now use multiple sets of TODO keywords in the same
     buffer.  For example, you may put the following three lines
     into a file:

       #+TYP_TODO: Fred Laura Peter Me OK

     Each sub-sequence has its own DONE state.  It is best to use
     different keywords in all sequences, to make sure Org-mode
     does not loose track in which specific sequence it is
     working.  You could use the same word for all DONE states,
     but then cycling through to a TODO state might not bring you
     where you want to be.

     After initially setting a keyword, `C-c C-t' cycles through
     a sublist, i.e. is cycles from TODO to DONE or from
     KNOWNCAUSE to RESOLVED and further to (nothing) and back to

     S-right and S-left allow to select any keyword, so they move
     from DONE to REPORT and from RESOLVED to Fred.

     C-S-right and C-S-left jump from one sub-sequence to the
     next, for example from TODO or DONE to REPORT to Fred.

     Thanks to Rick Moynihan for triggering this development.

   - Text before the first headline can now be exported if you
     configure Org-mode accordingly.  Either set the variable
     `org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading' to nil, or use the
     new in-buffer option

     #+OPTION: skip:nil

   - Export content specified via the #+TEXT construct is now
     fully processed, i.e. links, emphasis etc. are all
     interpreted.  #+TEXT lines may include
     #+BEGIN_HTML...#+END_HTML sections to embed literal HTML.

   - During HTML export, you can request to have a_{b}
     interpreted as a subscript, but to leave a_b as it is.  This
     can be done by setting the variable
     org-export-sub-superscript to the symbol `{}' with

          (setq org-export-sub-superscript '{})

     or by using

           #+OPTIONS: ^:{}

     Thanks to Eddward DeVilla for this idea.

   - New variable `org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists'.
     Default is nil, meaning that empty lines are part of the
     previous list item, and that you can have several paragraphs
     in one such item.  Set this to t if you want an empty line
     terminate all levels of plain list items.

     Thanks to Mike Newman for triggering this development.

   - C-c RET does insert a horizontal separator line and move the
     cursor into the table line below it.  Thanks to Bastien for
     this proposal.

   - Org-mode always offers you to record a note when a TODO item
     automatically repeats, even if you are not logging state
     changes.  The new variable `org-log-repeat' allows to turn
     this off, so that notes are really only been taken if you
     are logging all state changes.

   - Various Bug fixes, thanks to everyone who reported.

* Version 4.68

** Overview
   - Priority handling in the tags view
   - Date/time prompt follows the popup calender, and accepts AM/PM times.
   - Standard references like B4 in the spreadsheet.
   - Improvements to the formula editor.
   - C-j does better indentation.
   - Bug fixes

** Details
   - Priority handling in the tags view

     + Agenda lists selected by tag are now sorted by priority.
       Thanks to Andrew Korty for reporting this omission.

   - Improvements to the date/time prompt.

     + When you move (using S-cursor keys) the cursor in the pop-up
       calendar window while responding to a date/time prompt, the
       prompt is updated with the new default date (Emacs only).

     + You can now enter AM/PM times at this prompt.

   - Changes in the spreadsheet

     + You can now also write B4 instead of @4$2 as a reference in
       formulas.  The column references without specified row can be
       written as C& instead of $3.  Such references make formulas
       easier to read and are now the default way how references are
       shown when you edit existing formulas.  To get the old behavior
       back (i.e. only @row$col references), set the variable
       `org-table-use-standard-references' to nil.

       Relative references like @-3$-2 or @II..III continue to use the
       internal format.

   - Changes in the formula editor (the one you get with "C-c '")

     + The formulas are organized in a more logical way.

     + There is now a menu with commands.

     + When starting the formula editor with "C-c '", the cursor
       immediately moves to the formula for the current field.

     + With the cursor on a reference in the formula, you can use
       S-cursor keys to change the field being referenced.

   - C-j indents the following line correctly whe used in a headline
     or in aplain list item.  Thanks to Leo for this suggestion.

   - Bug fixes

     + Flyspell now knows about special org-mode commands.
       Thanks to Vinod Valsalam for reporting this problem, and to
       Andrew Korty for showing how to fix it.

     + Most other bugs discussed recently on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
       should be fixed, except the problem with non-ASCII characters
       in tags....

* Version 4.67

   - Expert mode for fast tag selection.
     When org-fast-tag-selection-single-key is `expert', not even
     the selection window is shown, only the prompt.  One more C-c
     gets you the window, another one goes to multiple selection mode.

   - Synchronized with Emacs once more:  Emacs CVS has now org-mode
     4.67.  At least until it causes a problem, then the Emacs people
     will switch back to 4.56.  Lets hope there will be no problem.

   - Code cleanup

   - Bug fixes

* Version 4.66

** Overview

   - Sorting of top-level entries works now if the region contains
     top-level entries, or if the cursor is before the first headline.
     Thanks to "redblue" for reporting this bug.

   - When entering date and time at the prompt, you can now mix
     entering text and selecting something in the calendar.  For
     example, enter 22:15 at the prompt without pressing RET, and then
     click on a date in the calendar.  Both pieces of information will
     be included in the resulting time stamp.  You can also use
     S-curser to move the cursor in the calendar to the desired date
     and then enter 22:15 and press RET at the prompt.

   - When setting a deadline or a schedule, entering a time now
     automatically selects the time stamp format that includes the
     time. Bug report (by means of a question) from Bastre.

   - C-c C-l can be used to convert a plain link into a bracket link.

   - Internal links now match inside (the visible part of) other
     links.  Thanks to Scott Otterson for reporting this bug.

   - iCalendar export of TODO items fixed, see also the variable
     `org-icalendar-include-todo'.  Thanks to Philipp Raschdorf.

   - The number of levels in the table of contents of an exported
     document can now be set independently of the number of headline
     levels.  For example:

        #+OPTIONS: H:4 toc:2

   - The command `C-c }' toggles the display of row and column numbers
     the the current table, to aid constructing formulas.  To try it,
     move the cursor to a table and press `C-c }', or use the menu

   - Orgtbl translation functions (introduced in 4.65) have been
     simplified using a generic function `orgtbl-to-generic' that can
     be used for very general languanges.  Writing your own translator
     should be very easy now.  More info in the manual.

   - CONTENTS visibility can be limited to a certain level.  The
     command `C-3 S-TAB' will switch to CONTENTS view and show the
     first 3 levels.

   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.65

** Overview

   - Orgtbl can be used to maintain tables in LaTeX, and in any other mode
   - Editing Lisp formulas for tables improved.
   - Better structure for HTML exported tables.
   - New "calculation" marker "/" to mark lines that should not be exported.

** Detailed description of changes

   - You can use orgtbl mode to maintain a LaTeX table, or pretty much
     any table in any mode.

     This does *not* work by making Orgtbl aware of LaTeX syntax.  That
     would be a box of Pandora I am not willing to open.  Instead, you
     use a normal Orgtbl-mode table, and a converter program to
     automatically place a LaTeX version of the table into the correct
     spot in the LaTeX file.  The orgtbl-mode table can be maintained
     inside the same file, in a block comment.

     I am providing translators for LaTeX, HTML, and TeXInfo.  For
     other applications, you need to write one yourself - but that is
     not hard if you start from the LaTeX version and just modify it.
     Thanks to Thomas Baumann for triggering this development through
     a request for a table-to-LaTeX converter.

   - In the special buffer to edit the formulas of a table (created
     with "C-c '"), there is now better support for editing Lisp
     formulas.  TAB and M-TAB work like in an Emacs Lisp buffer,
     indenting lines and completing lisp symbols.  With the cursor on
     a line defining a complex Lisp formula, a first press on TAB will
     convert the formula into a pretty-printed version with proper
     linebreaks and indentation.  A second TAB folds the line back to
     the compact form.

   - Tables in HTML export have now additional structure elements
     defined.  The header (before the first hline) is wrapped into
     <thead>..</thead>, and each part of the body (as separated in
     org-mode by hlines) is wrapped into <tbody>..</tbody> tags.  I
     have also changed the CSS style for <td> fields and the value of
     `org-export-html-table-tag' to get cleaner tables. Basically,
     tables now have horizontal lines only where needed, and no
     vertical lines at all, as generally recommended for tables in
     printed text.  I like the new look, but I am not sure if this
     change will find general approval, please throw in your view if
     you like.  Thanks to Scott for driving this, and to goud-H for
     pointing me to the row grouping in tables.

   - In a table with calculation markers in the first column, you can
     now also put "/" into the first column.  It indicates that this
     line should not be exported.  The foremost application for this
     are lines containing only "<N>" markers for narrowing columns.

* Version 4.64

** Overview

   - Email links get better, configurable descriptions
   - When inserting a link, selected text becomes the description
   - Easier access to the list of stored links.
   - Horizontal lines in HTML export.
   - Remember templates and storing of notes improved.

** Detailed description of changes

   - The descriptive part of links to email messages can be configured
     using the variable `org-email-link-description-format'.  The new
     default is "Email %c: %.30s" and leads to

        Email from NAME: SUBJECT

     If you configure the variable `org-from-is-user-regexp'
     correctly, then for email you *sent* this will actually change to

        Email to NAME: SUBJECT

     The subject is limited to 30 characters.  If you have become
     attached to the previous default (look twice, the new one is
     better), use "%f on: %s" as your format.

   - Selecting text before entering a new link with C-c C-l now really
     works, the selected text becomes the description part of the
     link.  Requested by Scott, buggy 4.62 implementation is now fixed.

   - Stored links are part of the history list for C-c C-l, so to
     reach them, you can use up/down rather than completion.  Thanks
     to Raman for this excellent idea.

   - A line consisting only of "-", and at least 5 of them, is
     exported into HTML as <hr/>, as proposed by Giovanni Ridolfi.

   - Several changes to org <-> remember integration

       - You can use `org-remember' as your default command to start
         remember.  It will automatically detect if there is an active
         region and use it as initial content (we will probably make
         remember.el work like this as well).
         Also, when calling `org-remember' in a remember buffer that
         was created with a template, you will again be asked to
         select a template.  The buffer is then re-created with the
         new template, but the old context information.  This is
         useful if you change your mind about the template to use
         (Leo's idea).

       - Besides specifying a default *target* file for a note, you
         can also give a default *heading* of which the note should
         become a subitem.  In many cases this avoids or speeds up
         navigating to the right location.  Both file and heading can
         be different for each template.  Both are non-binding, you
         can change them while storing the note.  However, when you
         exit remember with C-u C-c C-c, these defaults will be used
         without interaction.

       - Templates can specify interactive fields.  During expansion
         of the template, you will be prompted for the information in
         that field.  For example %^t will pop up a calendar and ask
         you to select a date. This new feature follows a proposal
         from Leo, who in the mean time has said he does not need it
         anymore.  But I liked it, so here it is :-)

       - Templates can access information specific to the link type
         created, for example the author and subject of an email.
         Syntax is %:fromname, %:fromaddress, %:subject etc, details
         in the manual.  Proposed by Peder O. Klingenberg.

       - I have been considering to move, at some stage, the template
         functionality into remember.el itself - which would of course
         require consent of the remember.el maintainers.  I am not
         sure how well this would work though, since some things like
         the interactive time stamps are org.el specific, so treating
         them would require special hooks.  Comments?

* Version 4.63
   - Bug fixes

* Version 4.62
   - Many changes to the spreadsheet functions in the table editor.
     For details, please re-read the manual section 3.4.
     + New Features
       - It is much easier to assign formulas to individual fields.
       - References to arbitrary fields and ranges.
       - Absolute references are modified in row-editing commands.
       - Formula editor that highlights referenced fields.
     + Incompatible changes
       - Empty fields are excluded in range references, see "E" mode flag.
       - &... ranges no longer supported, use new @... ranges.
       - Variable insertion into Lisp formulas work differently.
   - Selected text becomes the default description for C-c C-l links.(Scott)
   - The date format in the agenda/timeline views is now customizable.
     See the new option `org-agenda-date-format'. (request by Victor)
   - Link abbreviations no longer need a double colon, single colon is fine.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.61
   - Avoiding keybinding clashes with flyspell
     - Archiving is now also on `C-C C-x C-s' (was just `C-c $')
     - Cycling through agenda files is now also on "C-'" (was just "C-,")
   - Colon is considered part of number, to align times in clock tables.
   - Fixed bug for list of stuck projects.
   - Fixed several bugs/problems concerning linking to gnus.
   - Block agendas can contain the list of stuck projects.
   - #+ARCHIVE may now appear several times in the buffer.
   - More bug fixes.

* Version 4.60
   - HTML export: inlining images, clickable images (manual 10.2.4).
   - Incremental search now shows proper context when exiting.
   - Tables calculation and Calc package.
     - Calc is no longer needed when using only elisp formulas.
     - Proper error messages when calc is needed and not available.
   - Tracking TODO state changes with time stamps and notes.
   - Empty entries go full circle.
   - Links in iCalendar export cleaned up.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.59
   - Cleanup code, bug fixes.

* Version 4.58
   - Full undo support in the agenda buffer.
   - Listing stuck GTD projects (projects without any NEXT ACTIONS).
     Configure `org-stuck-projects' before using it.
   - C-c C-x b shows the current subtree in an indirect buffer, in
     another, dedicated frame.
   - Custom agenda commands take precedence over builtin commands.
   - auto-fill for comments works on the Emacs side, XEmacs not yet.

* Version 4.57
   - Sorting of outline items on same level.
   - Sorting tables automatically selects line range between hlines.
   - Changes in Agenda buffer
     - `C-c C-o' follows a link in the current line.
     - `C-c $' archives the subtree corresponding to the line.
     - Changing dates with S-left and S-right show new date in agenda,
       but still do not move the entry to the new date.
     - new option `org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done'.
   - Agenda and sparse tree construction using tag matches can now
     use regular expressions.
   - When prompted for a date/time, entering "+7" indicates a date
     7 days from now - but only this is the only thing you give.
   - Custom time formats also apply to exported html and ascii.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.56
   - `C-k' in agenda kills current line and corresponding subtree in file.
   - XEmacs compatibility issues fixed, in particular tag alignment.
   - M-left/right now in/outdents plain list items, no Shift needed.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.55
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.54
   - Improvements to fast tag selection
     + show status also in target line.
     + option to auto-exit after first change to tags list (see manual).
   - Tags sparse trees now also respect the settings in
     `org-show-hierarchy-above' and `org-show-following-heading'.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.53
   - Custom time formats can be overlayed over time stamps.
   - New option `org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines'.
   - Work-around for flyspell bug (CVS Emacs has this fixed in flyspell.el).
   - Work-around for session.el problem with circular data structures.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.52
   - TAG matches can also specify conditions on TODO keywords.
   - The fast tag interface allows setting tags that are not in the
     predefined list.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.51
   - Link abbreviations (manual section 4.5).
   - More control over how agenda is displayed.  See the new variables
     `org-agenda-window-setup', `org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit'.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.50
   - Closing a TODO item can record an additional note.
     See variables `org-log-done' and `org-log-note-headings'.
   - Inserting headlines and bullets can leave an extra blank line.
     See variable `org-blank-before-new-entry'. (Ed Hirgelt patch)
   - [[bracket links]] in the agenda are active just as in org-mode buffers.
   - C-c C-o on a date range displays the agenda for exactly this range.
   - The default for `org-cycle-include-plain-lists' is back to nil.
   - Calls to `org-occur' can be stacked by using a prefix argument.
   - The options `org-show-hierarchy-above' and `org-show-following-heading'
     now always default to `t', but can be customized differently for
     different types of sparse trees or jump commands.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.49
   - Agenda views can be made in batch mode from the command line.
   - `org-store-link' does the right thing in dired-mode.
   - File links can contain environment variables.
   - Full Emacs 21 compatibility has been restored.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.47
   - Custom commands may produce an agenda which contains several blocks,
     each block created by a different agenda command.
   - Agenda commands can be restricted to the current file, region, subtree.
   - The timeline command must now be called through the agenda
     dispatcher (C-c a L).  `C-c C-r' no longer works.
   - Agenda items can be sorted by tag.  The *last* tag is used for this.
   - The prefix and the sorting strategy for agenda items can depend
     upon the agenda type.
   - The handling of `mailto:' links can be customized, see the new
     variable `org-link-mailto-program'.
   - `mailto' links can specify a subject after a double colon,
     like [[mailto:carsten@orgmode.org::Org-mode is buggy]].
   - In the #+STARTUP line, M-TAB completes valid keywords.
   - In the #+TAGS: line, M-TAB after ":" inserts all currently used tags.
   - Again full Emacs 21 support:  Checkboxes and publishing are fixed.
   - More minor bug fixes.

* Version 4.45
   - Checkbox lists can show statistics about checked items.
   - C-TAB will cycle the visibility of archived subtrees.
   - Documentation about checkboxes has been moved to chapter 5.
   - Bux fixes.

* Version 4.44
   - Clock table can be done for a limited time interval.
   - Obsolete support for the old outline mode has been removed.
   - Bug fixes and code cleaning.

* Version 4.43
   - Bug fixes
   - `s' key in the agenda saves all org-mode buffers.

* Version 4.41
   - Shift-curser keys can modify inactive time stamps (inactive time
     stamps are the ones in [...] brackets.
   - Toggle all checkboxes in a region/below a headline.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.40
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.39
   - Special tag ARCHIVE keeps a subtree closed and away from agenda lists.
   - LaTeX code in Org-mode files can be converted to images for HTML.
   - Bug fixes.
   - CDLaTeX-mode features can be used in Org-mode to help inserting
     LaTeX environment and math.

* Version 4.38
   - noutline.el is now required (important for XEmacs users only).
   - Dynamic blocks.
   - Archiving of all level 1 trees without open TODO items.
   - Clock reports can be inserted into the file in a special section.
   - FAQ removed from the manual, now only on the web.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.37
   - Clock-feature for measuring time spent on specific items.
   - Improved emphasizing allows configuration and stacking.

* Version 4.36
   - Improved indentation of ASCII export, when headlines become items.
   - Handling of 12am and 12pm fixed.  Times beyond 24:00 can be used
     and will not lead to conflicts.
   - Support for mutually exclusive TAGS with the fast tags interface.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.35
   - HTML export is now valid XHTML.
   - Timeline can also show dates without entries.  See new option
   - The bullets created by the ASCII exporter can now be configured.
     See the new option `org-export-ascii-bullets'.
   - New face `org-upcoming-deadline' (was `org-scheduled-previously').
   - New function `org-context' to allow testing for local context.

* Version 4.34
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.33
   - New commands to move through plain lists: S-up and S-down.
   - Bug fixes and documentation update.

* Version 4.32
   - Fast (single-key-per-tag) interface for setting TAGS.
   - The list of legal tags can be configured globally and locally.
   - Elisp and Info links (thanks to Todd Neal).
   - `org-export-publishing-directory' can be an alist, with different
     directories for different export types.
   - All context-sensitive commands use `call-interactively' to dispatch.
   - `org-confirm-shell-links' renamed to `org-confirm-shell-link-function'.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.31
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.30
   - Modified installation: Autoloads have been collected in org-install.el.
   - Logging (org-log-done) is now a #+STARTUP option.
   - Checkboxes in plain list items, following up on Frank Ruell's idea.
   - File links inserted with C-c C-l will use relative paths if the linked
     file is in the current directory or a subdirectory of it.
   - New variable `org-link-file-path-type' to specify preference for
     relative and absolute paths.
   - New CSS classes for tags, timestamps, timestamp keywords.
   - Bug and typo fixes.

* Version 4.29
   - Inlining images in HTML export now depends on wheather the link
     contains a description or not.
   - TODO items can be scheduled from the global TODO list using C-c C-s.
   - TODO items already scheduled can be made to disappear from the global
     todo list, see `org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled'.
   - In Tables, formulas may also be Lisp forms.
   - Exporting the visible part of an outline with `C-c C-x v' works now
     for all available exporters.
   - Bug fixes, lots of them :-(

* Version 4.28
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.27
   - HTML exporter generalized to receive external options.
     As part of the process, author, email and date have been moved to the
     end of the HTML file.
   - Support for customizable file search in file links.
   - BibTeX database links as first application of the above.
   - New option `org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels' to turn off listing TODO
     entries that are sublevels of another TODO entry.

* Version 4.26
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.25
   - Revision of the font-lock faces section, with better tty support.
   - TODO keywords in Agenda buffer are fontified.
   - Export converts links between .org files to links between .html files.
   - Better support for bold/italic/underline emphasis.

* Version 4.24
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.23
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.22
   - Bug fixes.
   - In agenda buffer, mouse-1 no longer follows link.
     See `org-agenda-mouse-1-follows-link' and `org-mouse-1-follows-link'.

* Version 4.20
   - Links use now the [[link][description]] format by default.
     When inserting links, the user is prompted for a description.
   - If a link has a description, only the description is displayed
     the link part is hidden.  Use C-c C-l to edit the link part.
   - TAGS are now bold, but in the same color as the headline.
   - The width of a table column can be limited by using a field "<N>".
   - New structure for the customization tree.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.13
   - The list of agenda files can be maintainted in an external file.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 4.12
   - Templates for remember buffer.  Note that the remember setup changes.
     To set up templates, see `org-remember-templates'.
   - The time in new time stamps can be rounded, see new option
   - Bug fixes (there are *always* more bugs).


Version 4.00
   - Headlines can contain TAGS, and Org-mode can produced a list
     of matching headlines based on a TAG search expression.
   - `org-agenda' has now become a dispatcher that will produce the agenda
     and other views on org-mode data with an additional keypress.

* Version 3.24
   - Switching and item to DONE records a time stamp when the variable
     `org-log-done' is turned on.  Default is off.

* Version 3.23
   - M-RET makes new items as well as new headings.
   - Various small bug fixes

* Version 3.22
   - CamelCase words link to other locations in the same file.
   - File links accept search options, to link to specific locations.
   - Plain list items can be folded with `org-cycle'.  See new option
   - Sparse trees for specific TODO keywords through numeric prefix
     argument to `C-c C-v'.
   - Global TODO list, also for specific keywords.
   - Matches in sparse trees are highlighted (highlights disappear with
     next buffer change due to editing).

* Version 3.21
   - Improved CSS support for the HTML export.  Thanks to Christian Egli.
   - Editing support for hand-formatted lists
     - M-S-cursor keys handle plain list items
     - C-c C-c renumbers ordered plain lists

* Version 3.20
   - There is finally an option to make TAB jump over horizontal lines
     in tables instead of creating a new line before that line.
     The option is `org-table-tab-jumps-over-hlines', default nil.
   - New command for sorting tables, on `C-c ^'.
   - Changes to the HTML exporter
     - hand-formatted lists are exported correctly, similar to
       markdown lists.  Nested lists are possible.  See the docstring
       of the variable `org-export-plain-list-max-depth'.
     - cleaned up to produce valid HTML 4.0 (transitional).
     - support for cascading style sheets.
   - New command to cycle through all agenda files, on C-,
   - C-c [ can now also be used to change the sequence of agenda files.

* Version 3.19
   - Bug fixes

* Version 3.18
   - Export of calendar information in the standard iCalendar format.
   - Some bug fixes.

* Version 3.17
   - HTML export specifies character set depending on coding-system.

* Version 3.16
   - In tables, directly after the field motion commands like TAB and RET,
     typing a character will blank the field.  Can be turned off with
     variable `org-table-auto-blank-field'.
   - Inactive timestamps with `C-c !'.  These do not trigger the agenda
     and are not linked to the calendar.
   - Additional key bindings to allow Org-mode to function on a tty emacs.
   - `C-c C-h' prefix key replaced by `C-c C-x', and `C-c C-x C-h' replaced
     by `C-c C-x b' (b=Browser).  This was necessary to recover the
     standard meaning of C-h after a prefix key (show prefix bindings).

* Version 3.15
   - QUOTE keyword at the beginning of an entry causes fixed-width export
     of unmodified entry text. `C-c :' toggles this keyword.
   - New face `org-special-keyword' which is used for COMMENT, QUOTE,
     DEADLINE and SCHEDULED, and priority cookies.  Default is only a weak
     color, to reduce the amount of aggressive color in the buffer.

* Version 3.14
   - Formulas for individual fields in table.
   - Automatic recalculation in calculating tables.
   - Named fields and columns in tables.
   - Fixed bug with calling `org-archive' several times in a row.

* Version 3.13
   - Efficiency improvements:  Fewer table re-alignments needed.
   - New special lines in tables, for defining names for individual cells.

* Version 3.12
   - Tables can store formulas (one per column) and compute fields.
     Not quite like a full spreadsheet, but very powerful.
   - table.el keybinding is now `C-c ~'.
   - Numeric argument to org-cycle does `show-subtree' above on level ARG.
   - Small changes to keys in agenda buffer.  Affected keys:
     [w] weekly view; [d] daily view; [D] toggle diary inclusion.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 3.11
   - Links inserted with C-c C-l are now by default enclosed in angle
     brackets.  See the new variable `org-link-format'.
   - ">" terminates a link, this is a way to have several links in a line.
     Both "<" and ">" are no longer allowed as characters in a link.
   - Archiving of finished tasks.
   - C-<up>/<down> bindings removed, to allow access to paragraph commands.
   - Compatibility with CUA-mode (see variable `org-CUA-compatible').
   - Compatibility problems with viper-mode fixed.
   - Improved html export of tables.
   - Various clean-up changes.

* Version 3.10
   - Using `define-derived-mode' to derive `org-mode' from `outline-mode'.

* Version 3.09
   - Time-of-day specifications in agenda are extracted and placed
     into the prefix.  Timed entries can be placed into a time grid for

* Version 3.08
   - "|" no longer allowed as part of a link, to allow links in tables.
   - The prefix of items in the agenda buffer can be configured.
   - Cleanup.

* Version 3.07
   - Some folding inconsistencies removed.
   - BBDB links to company-only entries.
   - Bug fixes and global cleanup.

* Version 3.06
   - M-S-RET inserts a new TODO heading.
   - New startup option `content'.
   - Better visual response when TODO items in agenda change status.
   - Window positioning after visibility state changes optimized and made
     configurable.  See `org-cycle-hook' and `org-occur-hook'.

* Version 3.05
   - Agenda entries from the diary are linked to the diary file, so
     adding and editing diary entries can be done directly from the agenda.
   - Many calendar/diary commands available directly from agenda.
   - Field copying in tables with S-RET does increment.
   - C-c C-x C-v extracts the visible part of the buffer for printing.
   - Moving subtrees up and down preserves the whitespace at the tree end.

* Version 3.04
   - Table editor optimized to need fewer realignments, and to keep
     table shape when typing in fields.
   - A new minor mode, orgtbl-mode, introduces the Org-mode table editor
     into arbitrary major modes.
   - Fixed bug with realignment in XEmacs.
   - Startup options can be set with special #+STARTUP line.
   - Heading following a match in org-occur can be suppressed.

* Version 3.03
   - Copyright transfer to the FSF.
   - Effect of C-u and C-u C-u in org-timeline swapped.
   - Timeline now always contains today, and `.' jumps to it.
   - Table editor:
     - cut and paste of rectangular regions in tables
     - command to convert org-mode table to table.el table and back
     - command to treat several cells like a paragraph and fill it
     - command to convert a buffer region to a table
     - import/export tables as tab-separated files (exchange with Excel)
   - Agenda:
     - Sorting mechanism for agenda items rewritten from scratch.
     - Sorting fully configurable.
     - Entries specifying a time are sorted together.
   - Completion also covers option keywords after `#-'.
   - Bug fixes.

* Version 3.01
   - New reference card, thanks to Philip Rooke for creating it.
   - Single file agenda renamed to "Timeline".  It no longer shows
     warnings about upcoming deadlines/overdue scheduled items.
     That functionality is now limited to the (multifile) agenda.
   - When reading a date, the calendar can be manipulated with keys.
   - Link support for RMAIL and Wanderlust (from planner.el, untested).
   - Minor bug fixes and documentation improvements.

* Version 3.00
   - Multifile Agenda shows current entries from many different files.
   - TeXInfo documentation (thanks to Christian Egli for the conversion).
   - Additional applications for TODO keywords, see documentation.
     Different files may have different TODO keywords etc.
   - Priorities for TODO items.
   - The browser mode used by `org-remember-handler' is improved.
   - Images get inlined in HTML export (thanks to Carsten Wimmer).
   - File links can contain line numbers, like file:/usr/etc/config:255
   - Minor bug fixes.

* Version 2.10
   - TODO entries can have additional states besides TODO and DONE.
     See new variable `org-todo-keywords'.
   - TODO keywords can be interpreted as categories.  See variable
   - M-TAB completion on TODO keywords, TeX symbols, and normal words.
   - All keywords (like TODO, DEADLINE etc) are configurable.
   - Cursor positioning optimized after pro/demotion and TODO cycling.
   - Emphasizing in HTML works now for *bold*, /italic/ and _underline_.
   - New commands to kill, copy and yank entire subtrees.  Yanking
     modifies the level of the tree before insertion.
   - New command `org-goto' (C-c C-j) to quickly move to other locations
     in the buffer without affecting outline visibility.
   - Hooks for John Wiegley's remember.el.
   - `org-read-date' pops up calendar for date selection with the mouse.
     See variable `org-popup-calendar-for-date-prompt'.

* Version 2.6
   - TODO items can be SCHEDULED to a certain date.
   - Expired DEADLINEs are ignored if in an entry marked DONE.
   - From the diary or time-sorted view (C-c C-r), C-c C-t can be used to
     change the TODO state of an item remotely.
   - Horizontal computations in table editor. See `org-table-eval-formula'.
   - Fixed bug with summing tables (command `org-table-sum', `C-c +').
   - Calendar window follows the timestamp when a timestamp is changed.
     New variable `org-calendar-follow-timestamp-change'.
   - Time-sorted view (`org-diary-view', C-c C-r) now uses the prefix
     argument to force inclusion of unscheduled TODO items.
   - New variable `org-confirm-shell-links' to turn of safety query.
   - New variable `org-open-non-existing-files'.

* Version 2.4
   - A time-sorted view on all time stamps can be created with C-c C-r.
   - Timestamps and Deadlines can be shown in the Emacs diary.
   - Date ranges introduced.
   - Time-string formats are no longer configurable.
   - Vertical lines in tables can be made invisible with `C-c |'.
   - New "link" type to execute shell commands, like "shell:ls *.org"
   - Upon export, "myfile.org" becomes "myfile.html" or "myfile.txt",
     instead of "myfile.org.html" or "myfile.org.txt".
   - When the cursor is in the white space at the beginning of a line,
     TAB removes the whitespace before indenting again.

* Version 2.0
   - Windows (NT/2000) support.
   - Works with both Emacs and XEmacs.
   - Fully automatic table editor.
   - New link types into Gnus, VM and BBDB.
   - Other link system changes
     - Time stamps are treated as links to the calendar.
     - Easy creation of links with global command `org-store-link'.
     - Insertion of links with `C-c C-l' works differently now.
     - Space characters allowed as part of a link.
     - Options in `org-file-apps' extended.  The command may now be
       symbol 'emacs', or a lisp form.
   Please re-read the manual section about links.
   - Timestamp changes
     - `org-deadline' now prompts for a date.
     - A line can now contain several timestamps.  Updating of a
       timestamp only happens if the cursor is at the timestamp.
     - Changed the time-stamp-format to ISO, to make sure it will
       always work (non-English month names had caused problems
       with `parse-time-string'.).  Changing the time stamp format
       is not recommended.
   - Picture mode enhancements have been removed from org.el

* Version 1.4
   - Some option name changes, not backward compatible.
   - ASCII exporter upgrade: Table of contents.
   - HTML exporter upgrade: fixed-width regions, better
     sub/superscripts, many TeX symbols supported.
   - Calendar support.

* Version 1.3
   - HTML exporter upgrade, in particular table of contents