#+Title: a collection of examples for Babel tests #+OPTIONS: ^:nil * =:noweb= header argument expansion :PROPERTIES: :ID: eb1f6498-5bd9-45e0-9c56-50717053e7b7 :END: #+name: noweb-example #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports code (message "expanded1") #+end_src #+name: noweb-example2 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent (message "expanded2") #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :results silent ;; noweb-1-yes-start <> #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb no :results silent ;; noweb-no-start <> #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :results silent ;; noweb-2-yes-start <> #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb tangle :results silent ;; noweb-tangle-start <> <> #+end_src * =:noweb= header argument expansion using :exports results :PROPERTIES: :ID: 8701beb4-13d9-468c-997a-8e63e8b66f8d :END: #+name: noweb-example #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results (message "expanded1") #+end_src #+name: noweb-example2 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results (message "expanded2") #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results ;; noweb-1-yes-start <> #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb no :exports code ;; noweb-no-start <> #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :exports results ;; noweb-2-yes-start <> #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb tangle :exports code <> <> #+end_src * excessive id links on tangling :PROPERTIES: :ID: ef06fd7f-012b-4fde-87a2-2ae91504ea7e :END: ** no, don't give me an ID #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (message "not to be tangled") #+end_src ** yes, I'd love an ID :PROPERTIES: :ID: ae7b55ca-9ef2-4d30-bd48-da30e35fd0f3 :END: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no (message "for tangling") #+end_src * simple named code block :PROPERTIES: :ID: 0d82b52d-1bb9-4916-816b-2c67c8108dbb :END: #+name: i-have-a-name #+begin_src emacs-lisp 42 #+end_src #+name: : 42 #+name: i-have-a-name : 42 * Pascal's Triangle -- exports both test :PROPERTIES: :ID: 92518f2a-a46a-4205-a3ab-bcce1008a4bb :END: #+name: pascals-triangle #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=5 :exports both (defun pascals-triangle (n) (if (= n 0) (list (list 1)) (let* ((prev-triangle (pascals-triangle (- n 1))) (prev-row (car (reverse prev-triangle)))) (append prev-triangle (list (map 'list #'+ (append prev-row '(0)) (append '(0) prev-row))))))) (pascals-triangle n) #+end_src * calling code blocks from inside table :PROPERTIES: :ID: 6d2ff4ce-4489-4e2a-9c65-e3f71f77d975 :END: #+name: take-sqrt #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=9 (sqrt n) #+end_src * executing an lob call line :PROPERTIES: :results: silent :ID: fab7e291-fde6-45fc-bf6e-a485b8bca2f0 :END: #+call: echo(input="testing") #+call: echo(input="testing") :results vector #+call: echo[:var input="testing"]() #+call: echo[:var input="testing"]() :results vector #+call: echo("testing") #+call: echo("testing") :results vector This is an inline call call_echo(input="testing") embedded in prose. This is an inline call call_echo(input="testing")[:results vector] embedded in prose. #+call: lob-minus(8, 4) call_echo("testing") call_concat(1,2,3) #+name: concat #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0 :var c=0 (format "%S%S%S" a b c) #+end_src * exporting an lob call line :PROPERTIES: :ID: 72ddeed3-2d17-4c7f-8192-a575d535d3fc :END: #+name: double #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=0 (* 2 it) #+end_src The following exports as a normal call line #+call: double(it=0) Now here is an inline call call_double(it=1) stuck in the middle of some prose. This one should not be exported =call_double(it=2)= because it is quoted. Finally this next one should export, even though it starts a line call_double(it=3) because sometimes inline blocks fold with a paragraph. And, a call with raw results call_double(4)[:results raw] should not have quoted results. The following 2*5=call_double(5) should export even when prefixed by an = sign. * inline source block :PROPERTIES: :results: silent :ID: 54cb8dc3-298c-4883-a933-029b3c9d4b18 :END: Here is one in the middle src_sh{echo 1} of a line. Here is one at the end of a line. src_sh{echo 2} src_sh{echo 3} Here is one at the beginning of a line. * mixed blocks with exports both :PROPERTIES: :ID: 5daa4d03-e3ea-46b7-b093-62c1b7632df3 :END: #+name: a-list - a - b - c #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports both "code block results" #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst=a-list :results list :exports both (reverse lst) #+end_src * using the =:noweb-ref= header argument :PROPERTIES: :ID: 54d68d4b-1544-4745-85ab-4f03b3cbd8a0 :END: #+begin_src sh :tangle yes :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh <> #+end_src ** query all mounted disks #+begin_src sh :noweb-ref fullest-disk df #+end_src ** strip the header row #+begin_src sh :noweb-ref fullest-disk |sed '1d' #+end_src ** sort by the percent full #+begin_src sh :noweb-ref fullest-disk |awk '{print $5 " " $6}'|sort -n |tail -1 #+end_src ** extract the mount point #+begin_src sh :noweb-ref fullest-disk |awk '{print $2}' #+end_src * resolving sub-trees as references :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2409e8ba-7b5f-4678-8888-e48aa02d8cb4 :results: silent :END: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var text=d4faa7b3-072b-4dcf-813c-dd7141c633f3 (length text) #+end_src #+begin_src org :noweb yes <> <> #+end_src ** simple subtree with custom ID :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: simple-subtree :END: this is simple ** simple subtree with global ID :PROPERTIES: :ID: d4faa7b3-072b-4dcf-813c-dd7141c633f3 :END: has length 14 * org-babel-get-inline-src-block-matches :PROPERTIES: :results: silent :ID: 0D0983D4-DE33-400A-8A05-A225A567BC74 :END: src_sh{echo "One"} block at start of line One spaced block in src_sh{ echo "middle" } of line src_sh{echo 2} blocks on the src_emacs-lisp{"same"} line Inline block with src_sh[:results silent]{ echo "parameters" }. * exporting a code block with a name :PROPERTIES: :ID: b02ddd8a-eeb8-42ab-8664-8a759e6f43d9 :END: exporting a code block with a name #+name: qux #+begin_src sh :foo "baz" echo bar #+end_src * noweb no-export and exports both :PROPERTIES: :ID: 8a820f6c-7980-43db-8a24-0710d33729c9 :END: Weird interaction. here is one block #+name: noweb-no-export-and-exports-both-1 #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports none echo 1 #+END_SRC and another #+BEGIN_SRC sh :noweb no-export :exports both # I am inside the code block <> #+END_SRC * in order evaluation on export :PROPERTIES: :exports: results :ID: 96cc7073-97ec-4556-87cf-1f9bffafd317 :END: First. #+name: foo-for-order-of-evaluation #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=1 (push it *evaluation-collector*) #+end_src Second #+begin_src emacs-lisp (push 2 *evaluation-collector*) #+end_src Third src_emacs-lisp{(push 3 *evaluation-collector*)} Fourth #+call: foo-for-order-of-evaluation(4) Fifth #+begin_src emacs-lisp (push 5 *evaluation-collector*) #+end_src * exporting more than just results from a call line :PROPERTIES: :ID: bec63a04-491e-4caa-97f5-108f3020365c :END: Here is a call line with more than just the results exported. #+call: double(8)