;;; test-org.el ;; Copyright (c) ߚ David Maus ;; Authors: David Maus ;; Released under the GNU General Public License version 3 ;; see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ;;;; Comments: ;; Template test file for Org-mode tests ;;; Code: (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-ascii-character () "Escape an ascii character." (should (string= "%5B" (org-link-escape "[")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-ascii-ctrl-character () "Escape an ascii control character." (should (string= "%09" (org-link-escape "\t")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-multibyte-character () "Escape an unicode multibyte character." (should (string= "%E2%82%AC" (org-link-escape "€")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-custom-table () "Escape string with custom character table." (should (string= "Foo%3A%42ar%0A" (org-link-escape "Foo:Bar\n" '(?\: ?\B))))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-custom-table-merge () "Escape string with custom table merged with default table." (should (string= "%5BF%6F%6F%3A%42ar%0A%5D" (org-link-escape "[Foo:Bar\n]" '(?\: ?\B ?\o) t)))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-character () "Unescape an ascii character." (should (string= "[" (org-link-unescape "%5B")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-ctrl-character () "Unescpae an ascii control character." (should (string= "\n" (org-link-unescape "%0A")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-multibyte-character () "Unescape unicode multibyte character." (should (string= "€" (org-link-unescape "%E2%82%AC")))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-extended-char () "Unescape old style percent escaped character." (should (string= "àâçèéêîôùû" (decode-coding-string (org-link-unescape "%E0%E2%E7%E8%E9%EA%EE%F4%F9%FB") 'latin-1)))) (ert-deftest test-org/org-link-escape-url-with-escaped-char () "Escape and unscape a URL that includes an escaped char. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/21459/" (should (string= "http://some.host.com/form?&id=blah%2Bblah25" (org-link-unescape (org-link-escape "http://some.host.com/form?&id=blah%2Bblah25"))))) (ert-deftest test-org/accumulated-properties-in-drawers () "Ensure properties accumulate in subtree drawers." (org-test-at-id "75282ba2-f77a-4309-a970-e87c149fe125" (org-babel-next-src-block) (should (equal '(2 1) (org-babel-execute-src-block))))) ;;; Links ;;;; Fuzzy links ;; Fuzzy links [[text]] encompass links to a target (<>), to ;; a target keyword (aka an invisible target: #+TARGET: text), to ;; a named element (#+name: text) and to headlines (* Text). (ert-deftest test-org/fuzzy-links () "Test fuzzy links specifications." ;; 1. Fuzzy link goes in priority to a matching target. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+TARGET: Test\n#+NAME: Test\n|a|b|\n<>\n* Test\n[[Test]]" (goto-line 6) (org-open-at-point) (should (looking-at "<>"))) ;; 2. Fuzzy link should then go to a matching target keyword. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+NAME: Test\n|a|b|\n#+TARGET: Test\n* Test\n[[Test]]" (goto-line 5) (org-open-at-point) (should (looking-at "#\\+TARGET: Test"))) ;; 3. Then fuzzy link points to an element with a given name. (org-test-with-temp-text "Test\n#+NAME: Test\n|a|b|\n* Test\n[[Test]]" (goto-line 5) (org-open-at-point) (should (looking-at "#\\+NAME: Test"))) ;; 4. A target still lead to a matching headline otherwise. (org-test-with-temp-text "* Head1\n* Head2\n*Head3\n[[Head2]]" (goto-line 4) (org-open-at-point) (should (looking-at "\\* Head2"))) ;; 5. With a leading star in link, enforce heading match. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+TARGET: Test\n* Test\n<>\n[[*Test]]" (goto-line 4) (org-open-at-point) (should (looking-at "\\* Test")))) ;;; Filling (ert-deftest test-org/fill-paragraph () "Test `org-fill-paragraph' specifications." ;; At an Org table, align it. (org-test-with-temp-text "|a|" (org-fill-paragraph) (should (equal (buffer-string) "| a |\n"))) ;; At a paragraph, preserve line breaks. (org-test-with-temp-text "some \\\\\nlong\ntext" (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (should (equal (buffer-string) "some \\\\\nlong text")))) ;; Correctly fill a paragraph when point is at its very end. (should (equal "A B" (org-test-with-temp-text "A\nB" (let ((fill-column 20)) (goto-char (point-max)) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))))) ;; Correctly fill the last paragraph of a greater element. (should (equal "#+BEGIN_CENTER\n- 012345\n 789\n#+END_CENTER" (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_CENTER\n- 012345 789\n#+END_CENTER" (let ((fill-column 8)) (forward-line) (end-of-line) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))))) ;; Correctly fill an element in a narrowed buffer. (should (equal "01234\n6" (org-test-with-temp-text "01234 6789" (let ((fill-column 5)) (narrow-to-region 1 8) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))))) ;; Special case: Fill first paragraph when point is at an item or ;; a plain-list or a footnote reference. (should (equal "- A B" (org-test-with-temp-text "- A\n B" (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))))) (should (equal "[fn:1] A B" (org-test-with-temp-text "[fn:1] A\nB" (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))))) ;; At a verse block, fill paragraph at point, also preserving line ;; breaks. Though, do nothing when point is at the block ;; boundaries. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_VERSE\nSome \\\\\nlong\ntext\n#+END_VERSE" (forward-line) (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (should (equal (buffer-string) "#+BEGIN_VERSE\nSome \\\\\nlong text\n#+END_VERSE")))) (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_VERSE\nSome \\\\\nlong\ntext\n#+END_VERSE" (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (should (equal (buffer-string) "#+BEGIN_VERSE\nSome \\\\\nlong\ntext\n#+END_VERSE")))) ;; Fill contents of `comment-block' elements. (should (equal (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_COMMENT\nSome\ntext\n#+END_COMMENT" (let ((fill-column 20)) (forward-line) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))) "#+BEGIN_COMMENT\nSome text\n#+END_COMMENT")) ;; Fill `comment' elements. (should (equal " # A B" (org-test-with-temp-text " # A\n # B" (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (buffer-string))))) ;; Do nothing at affiliated keywords. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+NAME: para\nSome\ntext." (let ((fill-column 20)) (org-fill-paragraph) (should (equal (buffer-string) "#+NAME: para\nSome\ntext."))))) (ert-deftest test-org/auto-fill-function () "Test auto-filling features." ;; Auto fill paragraph. (should (equal "12345\n7890" (org-test-with-temp-text "12345 7890" (let ((fill-column 5)) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) ;; Auto fill first paragraph in an item. (should (equal "- 12345\n 7890" (org-test-with-temp-text "- 12345 7890" (let ((fill-column 7)) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) ;; Auto fill comments. (should (equal " # 12345\n # 7890" (org-test-with-temp-text " # 12345 7890" (let ((fill-column 10)) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) ;; Verse and comment block: auto fill contents. (should (equal "#+BEGIN_VERSE\n12345\n7890\n#+END_VERSE" (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_VERSE\n12345 7890\n#+END_VERSE" (let ((fill-column 5)) (forward-line) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) (should (equal "#+BEGIN_COMMENT\n12345\n7890\n#+END_COMMENT" (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_COMMENT\n12345 7890\n#+END_COMMENT" (let ((fill-column 5)) (forward-line) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) ;; Do not fill if a new item could be created. (should-not (equal "12345\n- 90" (org-test-with-temp-text "12345 - 90" (let ((fill-column 5)) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) ;; Do not fill if a line break could be introduced. (should-not (equal "123\\\\\n7890" (org-test-with-temp-text "123\\\\ 7890" (let ((fill-column 6)) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string))))) ;; Do not fill affiliated keywords. (should-not (equal "#+ATTR_LATEX: ABC\nDEFGHIJKL" (org-test-with-temp-text "#+ATTR_LATEX: ABC DEFGHIJKL" (let ((fill-column 20)) (end-of-line) (org-auto-fill-function) (buffer-string)))))) ;;; Comments (ert-deftest test-org/comment-dwim () "Test `comment-dwim' behaviour in an Org buffer." ;; No region selected, no comment on current line and line not ;; empty: insert comment on line above. (should (equal "# \nComment" (org-test-with-temp-text "Comment" (progn (call-interactively 'comment-dwim) (buffer-string))))) ;; No region selected, no comment on current line and line empty: ;; insert comment on this line. (should (equal "# \nParagraph" (org-test-with-temp-text "\nParagraph" (progn (call-interactively 'comment-dwim) (buffer-string))))) ;; No region selected, and a comment on this line: indent it. (should (equal "* Headline\n # Comment" (org-test-with-temp-text "* Headline\n# Comment" (progn (forward-line) (let ((org-adapt-indentation t)) (call-interactively 'comment-dwim)) (buffer-string))))) ;; Also recognize single # at column 0 as comments. (should (equal "# Comment" (org-test-with-temp-text "# Comment" (progn (forward-line) (call-interactively 'comment-dwim) (buffer-string))))) ;; Region selected and only comments and blank lines within it: ;; un-comment all commented lines. (should (equal "Comment 1\n\nComment 2" (org-test-with-temp-text "# Comment 1\n\n# Comment 2" (progn (transient-mark-mode 1) (push-mark (point) t t) (goto-char (point-max)) (call-interactively 'comment-dwim) (buffer-string))))) ;; Region selected without comments: comment all non-blank lines. (should (equal "# Comment 1\n\n# Comment 2" (org-test-with-temp-text "Comment 1\n\nComment 2" (progn (transient-mark-mode 1) (push-mark (point) t t) (goto-char (point-max)) (call-interactively 'comment-dwim) (buffer-string)))))) ;;; Mark region (ert-deftest test-org/mark-subtree () "Test `org-mark-subtree' specifications." ;; Error when point is before first headline. (should-error (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph\n* Headline\nBody" (progn (transient-mark-mode 1) (org-mark-subtree)))) ;; Without argument, mark current subtree. (should (equal '(12 32) (org-test-with-temp-text "* Headline\n** Sub-headline\nBody" (progn (transient-mark-mode 1) (forward-line 2) (org-mark-subtree) (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))))) ;; With an argument, move ARG up. (should (equal '(1 32) (org-test-with-temp-text "* Headline\n** Sub-headline\nBody" (progn (transient-mark-mode 1) (forward-line 2) (org-mark-subtree 1) (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))))) ;; Do not get fooled with inlinetasks. (when (featurep 'org-inlinetask) (should (= 1 (org-test-with-temp-text "* Headline\n*************** Task\nContents" (progn (transient-mark-mode 1) (forward-line 1) (let ((org-inlinetask-min-level 15)) (org-mark-subtree)) (region-beginning))))))) ;; Navigation (ert-deftest test-org/forward-element () "Test `org-forward-element' specifications." ;; 1. At EOB: should error. (org-test-with-temp-text "Some text\n" (goto-char (point-max)) (should-error (org-forward-element))) ;; 2. Standard move: expected to ignore blank lines. (org-test-with-temp-text "First paragraph.\n\n\nSecond paragraph." (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "Second paragraph."))) ;; 3. Headline tests. (org-test-with-temp-text " * Head 1 ** Head 1.1 *** Head 1.1.1 ** Head 1.2" ;; 3.1. At an headline beginning: move to next headline at the ;; same level. (goto-line 3) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "** Head 1.2")) ;; 3.2. At an headline beginning: move to parent headline if no ;; headline at the same level. (goto-line 3) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "** Head 1.2"))) ;; 4. Greater element tests. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_CENTER\nInside.\n#+END_CENTER\n\nOutside." ;; 4.1. At a greater element: expected to skip contents. (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "Outside.")) ;; 4.2. At the end of greater element contents: expected to skip ;; to the end of the greater element. (goto-line 2) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "Outside."))) ;; 5. List tests. (org-test-with-temp-text " - item1 - sub1 - sub2 - sub3 Inner paragraph. - item2 Outside." ;; 5.1. At list top point: expected to move to the element after ;; the list. (goto-line 2) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "Outside.")) ;; 5.2. Special case: at the first line of a sub-list, but not at ;; beginning of line, move to next item. (goto-line 2) (forward-char) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at "- item2")) (goto-line 4) (forward-char) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at " - sub2")) ;; 5.3 At sub-list beginning: expected to move after the sub-list. (goto-line 4) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at " Inner paragraph.")) ;; 5.4. At sub-list end: expected to move outside the sub-list. (goto-line 8) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at " Inner paragraph.")) ;; 5.5. At an item: expected to move to next item, if any. (goto-line 6) (org-forward-element) (should (looking-at " - sub3")))) (ert-deftest test-org/backward-element () "Test `org-backward-element' specifications." ;; 1. At BOB (modulo some white spaces): should error. (org-test-with-temp-text " \nParagraph." (org-skip-whitespace) (should-error (org-backward-element))) ;; 2. Not at the beginning of an element: move at its beginning. (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph1.\n\nParagraph2." (goto-line 3) (end-of-line) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "Paragraph2."))) ;; 3. Headline tests. (org-test-with-temp-text " * Head 1 ** Head 1.1 *** Head 1.1.1 ** Head 1.2" ;; 3.1. At an headline beginning: move to previous headline at the ;; same level. (goto-line 5) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "** Head 1.1")) ;; 3.2. At an headline beginning: move to parent headline if no ;; headline at the same level. (goto-line 3) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "* Head 1")) ;; 3.3. At the first top-level headline: should error. (goto-line 2) (should-error (org-backward-element))) ;; 4. At beginning of first element inside a greater element: ;; expected to move to greater element's beginning. (org-test-with-temp-text "Before.\n#+BEGIN_CENTER\nInside.\n#+END_CENTER." (goto-line 3) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "#\\+BEGIN_CENTER"))) ;; 5. List tests. (org-test-with-temp-text " - item1 - sub1 - sub2 - sub3 Inner paragraph. - item2 Outside." ;; 5.1. At beginning of sub-list: expected to move to the ;; paragraph before it. (goto-line 4) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "item1")) ;; 5.2. At an item in a list: expected to move at previous item. (goto-line 8) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at " - sub2")) (goto-line 12) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "- item1")) ;; 5.3. At end of list/sub-list: expected to move to list/sub-list ;; beginning. (goto-line 10) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at " - sub1")) (goto-line 15) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "- item1")) ;; 5.4. At blank-lines before list end: expected to move to top ;; item. (goto-line 14) (org-backward-element) (should (looking-at "- item1")))) (ert-deftest test-org/up-element () "Test `org-up-element' specifications." ;; 1. At BOB or with no surrounding element: should error. (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph." (should-error (org-up-element))) (org-test-with-temp-text "* Head1\n* Head2" (goto-line 2) (should-error (org-up-element))) (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph1.\n\nParagraph2." (goto-line 3) (should-error (org-up-element))) ;; 2. At an headline: move to parent headline. (org-test-with-temp-text "* Head1\n** Sub-Head1\n** Sub-Head2" (goto-line 3) (org-up-element) (should (looking-at "\\* Head1"))) ;; 3. Inside a greater element: move to greater element beginning. (org-test-with-temp-text "Before.\n#+BEGIN_CENTER\nParagraph1\nParagraph2\n#+END_CENTER\n" (goto-line 3) (org-up-element) (should (looking-at "#\\+BEGIN_CENTER"))) ;; 4. List tests. (org-test-with-temp-text "* Top - item1 - sub1 - sub2 Paragraph within sub2. - item2" ;; 4.1. Within an item: move to the item beginning. (goto-line 8) (org-up-element) (should (looking-at " - sub2")) ;; 4.2. At an item in a sub-list: move to parent item. (goto-line 4) (org-up-element) (should (looking-at "- item1")) ;; 4.3. At an item in top list: move to beginning of whole list. (goto-line 10) (org-up-element) (should (looking-at "- item1")) ;; 4.4. Special case. At very top point: should move to parent of ;; list. (goto-line 2) (org-up-element) (should (looking-at "\\* Top")))) (ert-deftest test-org/down-element () "Test `org-down-element' specifications." ;; Error when the element hasn't got a recursive type. (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph." (should-error (org-down-element))) ;; Error when the element has no contents (org-test-with-temp-text "* Headline" (should-error (org-down-element))) ;; When at a plain-list, move to first item. (org-test-with-temp-text "- Item 1\n - Item 1.1\n - Item 2.2" (goto-line 2) (org-down-element) (should (looking-at " - Item 1.1"))) (org-test-with-temp-text "#+NAME: list\n- Item 1" (org-down-element) (should (looking-at " Item 1"))) ;; When at a table, move to first row (org-test-with-temp-text "#+NAME: table\n| a | b |" (org-down-element) (should (looking-at " a | b |"))) ;; Otherwise, move inside the greater element. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_CENTER\nParagraph.\n#+END_CENTER" (org-down-element) (should (looking-at "Paragraph")))) (ert-deftest test-org/drag-element-backward () "Test `org-drag-element-backward' specifications." ;; 1. Error when trying to move first element of buffer. (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph 1.\n\nParagraph 2." (should-error (org-drag-element-backward))) ;; 2. Error when trying to swap nested elements. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_CENTER\nTest.\n#+END_CENTER" (forward-line) (should-error (org-drag-element-backward))) ;; 3. Error when trying to swap an headline element and ;; a non-headline element. (org-test-with-temp-text "Test.\n* Head 1" (forward-line) (should-error (org-drag-element-backward))) ;; 4. Otherwise, swap elements, preserving column and blank lines ;; between elements. (org-test-with-temp-text "Para1\n\n\nParagraph 2\n\nPara3" (search-forward "graph") (org-drag-element-backward) (should (equal (buffer-string) "Paragraph 2\n\n\nPara1\n\nPara3")) (should (looking-at " 2"))) ;; 5. Preserve visibility of elements and their contents. (org-test-with-temp-text " #+BEGIN_CENTER Text. #+END_CENTER - item 1 #+BEGIN_QUOTE Text. #+END_QUOTE" (while (search-forward "BEGIN_" nil t) (org-cycle)) (search-backward "- item 1") (org-drag-element-backward) (should (equal '((63 . 82) (26 . 48)) (mapcar (lambda (ov) (cons (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov))) (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))) (ert-deftest test-org/drag-element-forward () "Test `org-drag-element-forward' specifications." ;; 1. Error when trying to move first element of buffer. (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph 1.\n\nParagraph 2." (goto-line 3) (should-error (org-drag-element-forward))) ;; 2. Error when trying to swap nested elements. (org-test-with-temp-text "#+BEGIN_CENTER\nTest.\n#+END_CENTER" (forward-line) (should-error (org-drag-element-forward))) ;; 3. Error when trying to swap a non-headline element and an ;; headline. (org-test-with-temp-text "Test.\n* Head 1" (should-error (org-drag-element-forward))) ;; 4. Otherwise, swap elements, preserving column and blank lines ;; between elements. (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph 1\n\n\nPara2\n\nPara3" (search-forward "graph") (org-drag-element-forward) (should (equal (buffer-string) "Para2\n\n\nParagraph 1\n\nPara3")) (should (looking-at " 1"))) ;; 5. Preserve visibility of elements and their contents. (org-test-with-temp-text " #+BEGIN_CENTER Text. #+END_CENTER - item 1 #+BEGIN_QUOTE Text. #+END_QUOTE" (while (search-forward "BEGIN_" nil t) (org-cycle)) (search-backward "#+BEGIN_CENTER") (org-drag-element-forward) (should (equal '((63 . 82) (26 . 48)) (mapcar (lambda (ov) (cons (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov))) (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))) (provide 'test-org) ;;; test-org.el ends here