2007-06-25 Marco Vezzoli <noise dot otn at alice dot it> * org-export-freemind-install.el (org-export-as-freemind): - created installation file 2007-06-25 Marco Vezzoli <noise dot otn at alice dot it> * org-export-freemind.el (org-export-as-freemind): - created customization variables for org-freemind-icons-alist and org-freemind-cloud-alist - fixed export bug to handle level jump (e.g. a * followed by a ***) - added keybinding 'C-c C-x f' org-export-as-freemind 2007-06-02 Marco Vezzoli <noise dot otn at alice dot it> * org-export-freemind.el (org-export-as-freemind): - fixed conversion bug: all headings are converted inserting html entities - added configuration with org-freemind-icons-alist: an alist that allows to associate regexp with builtins freemind icons - added configuration with org-freemind-cloud-alist: an alist that allows to associate regexp with cloud colors - added org-export-as-freemind-agenda-files : exports all agenda files in separate files with the same name and extension .mm - added org-export-as-freemind-agenda-files-one-file : do the same but grouping all trees in a single file