#!/usr/bin/env python

# git-changelog
# version 2.0, by John Wiegley
# The purpose of this code is to turn "git log" output into a complete
# ChangeLog, for projects who wish to begin using a ChangeLog, but haven't
# been.
# This version of git-changelog depends on GitPython:
#   git://gitorious.org/git-python/mainline.git

import time
import string
import sys
import re
import os

from git import *               # GitPython
from subprocess import *

repo = Repo(os.getcwd())
ref  = 'origin/master..'
path = ''

# Usage: git changelog [COMMITISH] [-- [PATH]]

saw_dashdash = False
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        if arg == "--":
            saw_dashdash = True
        elif saw_dashdash:
            path = arg
            ref = arg

for commit in repo.iter_commits(ref, paths=path):
    hash_id  = commit.sha
    author   = commit.author
    date     = commit.committed_date
    log_text = commit.message.split('\n')[0]

    log_text_remainder = commit.message.split('\n\n')[1:]
    while len(log_text_remainder) > 0 and not log_text_remainder[0]:
        log_text_remainder = log_text_remainder[1:]
    log_text_remainder = string.join(log_text_remainder, '\n\t')
    if log_text_remainder:
        log_text_remainder = '\n\t' + log_text_remainder

    diff = commit.diff(commit.parents[0])
    files = []
    for f in diff:
        if not f.a_blob:
            p = f.b_blob.path
        elif not f.b_blob:
            p = f.a_blob.path

        p2 = re.sub('^' + path + '/', '', p)
        if p != p2:

    fp = Popen(["fmt", "-72"], shell = True, stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE)
    if files:
        fp.stdin.write("\t* %s: %s" % (string.join(files, ",\n\t"), log_text))
        fp.stdin.write("\t* %s" % log_text)
    log_text = fp.stdout.read()
    del fp

    print "%s  %s  <%s>\n" % \
        (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(date)),
         author.name, author.email)

    if path:
        log_text = re.sub(' ' + path + '/', ' ', log_text)
        log_text_remainder = re.sub(' ' + path + '/', ' ', log_text_remainder)

    # If the log_text_remainder already begins with a *, then use that as the
    # changelog text.
    if re.match('\s+\* ', log_text_remainder):
        if log_text_remainder[0] == '\n':
            print log_text_remainder[1:]
            print log_text_remainder
        print "%s%s" % (log_text, log_text_remainder)

# git-changelog ends here