;;;_ org-choose.el --- decision management for org-mode ;;;_. Headers ;;;_ , License ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Tom Breton (Tehom) ;; Author: Tom Breton (Tehom) ;; Keywords: outlines, convenience ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;;_ , Commentary: ; This is code to support decision management. It lets you treat a ; group of sibling items in org-mode as alternatives in a decision. ; There are no user commands in this file. You use it by: ; * Loading it (manually or by M-x customize-apropos org-modules) ;; * Setting up at least one set of TODO keywords with the ;; interpretation "choose" by either: ;; * Using the file directive #+CHOOSE_TODO: ;; * For instance, "#+CHOOSE_TODO: NO(,-) MAYBE(,0) YES" ;; * Or by M-x customize-apropos org-todo-keywords ;; * Operating on single items with the TODO commands. ;; * Use C-S-right to change the keyword set. Use this to change to ;; the "choose" keyword set that you just defined. ;; * Use S-right to advance the TODO mark to the next setting. ;; For "choose", that means you like this alternative more than ;; before. Other alternatives will be automatically demoted to ;; keep your settings consistent. ;; * Use S-left to demote TODO to the previous setting. ;; For "choose", that means you don't like this alternative as much ;; as before. Other alternatives will be automatically promoted, ;; if this item was all that was keeping them down. ;; * All the other TODO commands are available and behave essentially ;; the normal way. ;;;_ , Requires (require 'org) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;;;_. Body ;;;_ , The variables (defstruct (org-choose-mark-data. (:type list)) "The format of an entry in org-choose-mark-data. Indexes are 0-based or `nil'. " keyword bot-lower-range top-upper-range range-length static-default all-keywords) (defvar org-choose-mark-data () "Alist of information for choose marks. Each entry is an `org-choose-mark-data.'" ) (make-variable-buffer-local 'org-choose-mark-data) ;;;_ , For setup ;;;_ . org-choose-filter-one (defun org-choose-filter-one (i) "Return a list of * a canonized version of the string * optionally one symbol" (if (not (string-match "(.*)" i)) (list i i) (let* ( (end-text (match-beginning 0)) (vanilla-text (substring i 0 end-text)) ;;Get the parenthesized part. (match (match-string 0 i)) ;;Remove the parentheses. (args (substring match 1 -1)) ;;Split it (arglist (let ((arglist-x (split-string args ","))) ;;When string starts with "," `split-string' doesn't ;;make a first arg, so in that case make one ;;manually. (if (string-match "^," args) (cons nil arglist-x) arglist-x))) (decision-arg (second arglist)) (type (cond ((string= decision-arg "0") 'default-mark) ((string= decision-arg "+") 'top-upper-range) ((string= decision-arg "-") 'bot-lower-range) (t nil))) (vanilla-arg (first arglist)) (vanilla-mark (if vanilla-arg (concat vanilla-text "("vanilla-arg")") vanilla-text))) (if type (list vanilla-text vanilla-mark type) (list vanilla-text vanilla-mark))))) ;;;_ . org-choose-setup-vars (defun org-choose-setup-vars (bot-lower-range top-upper-range static-default num-items all-mark-texts) "Add to org-choose-mark-data according to arguments" (let* ( (tail ;;If there's no bot-lower-range or no default, we don't ;;have ranges. (cdr (if (and static-default bot-lower-range) (let* ( ;;If there's no top-upper-range, use the last ;;item. (top-upper-range (or top-upper-range (1- num-items))) (lower-range-length (1+ (- static-default bot-lower-range))) (upper-range-length (- top-upper-range static-default)) (range-length (min upper-range-length lower-range-length))) (make-org-choose-mark-data. :keyword nil :bot-lower-range bot-lower-range :top-upper-range top-upper-range :range-length range-length :static-default static-default :all-keywords all-mark-texts)) (make-org-choose-mark-data. :keyword nil :bot-lower-range nil :top-upper-range nil :range-length nil :static-default (or static-default 0) :all-keywords all-mark-texts))))) (dolist (text all-mark-texts) (pushnew (cons text tail) org-choose-mark-data :test #'(lambda (a b) (equal (car a) (car b))))))) ;;;_ . org-choose-filter-tail (defun org-choose-filter-tail (raw) "Return a translation of RAW to vanilla and set appropriate buffer-local variables. RAW is a list of strings representing the input text of a choose interpretation." (let ((vanilla-list nil) (all-mark-texts nil) (index 0) bot-lower-range top-upper-range range-length static-default) (dolist (i raw) (destructuring-bind (vanilla-text vanilla-mark &optional type) (org-choose-filter-one i) (cond ((eq type 'bot-lower-range) (setq bot-lower-range index)) ((eq type 'top-upper-range) (setq top-upper-range index)) ((eq type 'default-mark) (setq static-default index))) (incf index) (push vanilla-text all-mark-texts) (push vanilla-mark vanilla-list))) (org-choose-setup-vars bot-lower-range top-upper-range static-default index (reverse all-mark-texts)) (nreverse vanilla-list))) ;;;_ . org-choose-setup-filter (defun org-choose-setup-filter (raw) "A setup filter for choose interpretations." (when (eq (car raw) 'choose) (cons 'choose (org-choose-filter-tail (cdr raw))))) ;;;_ . org-choose-conform-after-promotion (defun org-choose-conform-after-promotion (entry-pos keywords highest-ok-ix) "Conform the current item after another item was promoted" (unless ;;Skip the entry that triggered this by skipping any entry with ;;the same starting position. Both map and plist use the start ;;of the header line as the position, so we can just compare ;;them with `=' (= (point) entry-pos) (let ((ix (org-choose-get-entry-index keywords))) ;;If the index of the entry exceeds the highest allowable ;;index, change it to that. (when (and ix (> ix highest-ok-ix)) (org-todo (nth highest-ok-ix keywords)))))) ;;;_ . org-choose-conform-after-demotion (defun org-choose-conform-after-demotion (entry-pos keywords raise-to-ix old-highest-ok-ix) "Conform the current item after another item was demoted." (unless ;;Skip the entry that triggered this. (= (point) entry-pos) (let ((ix (org-choose-get-entry-index keywords))) ;;If the index of the entry was at or above the old allowable ;;position, change it to the new mirror position if there is ;;one. (when (and ix raise-to-ix (>= ix old-highest-ok-ix)) (org-todo (nth raise-to-ix keywords)))))) ;;;_ , org-choose-keep-sensible (the org-trigger-hook function) (defun org-choose-keep-sensible (change-plist) "Bring the other items back into a sensible state after an item's setting was changed." (let* ( (from (plist-get change-plist :from)) (to (plist-get change-plist :to)) (entry-pos (set-marker (make-marker) (plist-get change-plist :position))) (kwd-data (assoc to org-todo-kwd-alist))) (when (eq (nth 1 kwd-data) 'choose) (let* ( (data (assoc to org-choose-mark-data)) (keywords (org-choose-mark-data.-all-keywords data)) (old-index (org-choose-get-index-in-keywords from keywords)) (new-index (org-choose-get-index-in-keywords to keywords)) (highest-ok-ix (org-choose-highest-other-ok new-index data)) (funcdata (cond ;;The entry doesn't participate in conformance, ;;so give `nil' which does nothing. ((not highest-ok-ix) nil) ;;The entry was created or promoted ((or (not old-index) (> new-index old-index)) (list #'org-choose-conform-after-promotion entry-pos keywords highest-ok-ix)) (t ;;Otherwise the entry was demoted. (let ( (raise-to-ix (min highest-ok-ix (org-choose-mark-data.-static-default data))) (old-highest-ok-ix (org-choose-highest-other-ok old-index data))) (list #'org-choose-conform-after-demotion entry-pos keywords raise-to-ix old-highest-ok-ix)))))) (if funcdata ;;The funny-looking names are to make variable capture ;;unlikely. (Poor-man's lexical bindings). (destructuring-bind (func-d473 . args-46k) funcdata (let ((map-over-entries (org-choose-get-fn-map-group)) ;;We may call `org-todo', so let various hooks ;;`nil' so we don't cause loops. org-after-todo-state-change-hook org-trigger-hook org-blocker-hook org-todo-get-default-hook ;;Also let this alist `nil' so we don't log ;;secondary transitions. org-todo-log-states) ;;Map over group (funcall map-over-entries #'(lambda () (apply func-d473 args-46k)))))))) ;;Remove the marker (set-marker entry-pos nil))) ;;;_ , Getting the default mark ;;;_ . org-choose-get-index-in-keywords (defun org-choose-get-index-in-keywords (ix all-keywords) "Return the index of the current entry." (if ix (position ix all-keywords :test #'equal))) ;;;_ . org-choose-get-entry-index (defun org-choose-get-entry-index (all-keywords) "Return index of current entry." (let* ((state (org-entry-get (point) "TODO"))) (org-choose-get-index-in-keywords state all-keywords))) ;;;_ . org-choose-get-fn-map-group (defun org-choose-get-fn-map-group () "Return a function to map over the group" #'(lambda (fn) (require 'org-agenda) ;; `org-map-entries' seems to need it. (save-excursion (unless (org-up-heading-safe) (error "Chosing is only supported between siblings in a tree, not on top level")) (save-restriction (org-map-entries fn nil 'tree))))) ;;;_ . org-choose-get-highest-mark-index (defun org-choose-get-highest-mark-index (keywords) "Get the index of the highest current mark in the group. If there is none, return 0" (let* ( ;;Func maps over applicable entries. (map-over-entries (org-choose-get-fn-map-group)) (indexes-list (remove nil (funcall map-over-entries #'(lambda () (org-choose-get-entry-index keywords)))))) (if indexes-list (apply #'max indexes-list) 0))) ;;;_ . org-choose-highest-ok (defun org-choose-highest-other-ok (ix data) "Return the highest index that any choose mark can sensibly have, given that another mark has index IX. DATA must be a `org-choose-mark-data.'." (let ( (bot-lower-range (org-choose-mark-data.-bot-lower-range data)) (top-upper-range (org-choose-mark-data.-top-upper-range data)) (range-length (org-choose-mark-data.-range-length data))) (when (and ix bot-lower-range) (let* ((delta (- top-upper-range ix))) (unless (< range-length delta) (+ bot-lower-range delta)))))) ;;;_ . org-choose-get-default-mark-index (defun org-choose-get-default-mark-index (data) "Return the index of the default mark in a choose interpretation. DATA must be a `org-choose-mark-data.'." (or (let ((highest-mark-index (org-choose-get-highest-mark-index (org-choose-mark-data.-all-keywords data)))) (org-choose-highest-other-ok highest-mark-index data)) (org-choose-mark-data.-static-default data))) ;;;_ . org-choose-get-mark-N (defun org-choose-get-mark-N (n data) "Get the text of the nth mark in a choose interpretation." (let* ((l (org-choose-mark-data.-all-keywords data))) (nth n l))) ;;;_ . org-choose-get-default-mark (defun org-choose-get-default-mark (new-mark old-mark) "Get the default mark IFF in a choose interpretation. NEW-MARK and OLD-MARK are the text of the new and old marks." (let* ( (old-kwd-data (assoc old-mark org-todo-kwd-alist)) (new-kwd-data (assoc new-mark org-todo-kwd-alist)) (becomes-choose (and (or (not old-kwd-data) (not (eq (nth 1 old-kwd-data) 'choose))) (eq (nth 1 new-kwd-data) 'choose)))) (when becomes-choose (let ((new-mark-data (assoc new-mark org-choose-mark-data))) (if new-mark (org-choose-get-mark-N (org-choose-get-default-mark-index new-mark-data) new-mark-data) (error "Somehow got an unrecognizable mark")))))) ;;;_ , Setting it all up (eval-after-load "org" '(progn (add-to-list 'org-todo-setup-filter-hook #'org-choose-setup-filter) (add-to-list 'org-todo-get-default-hook #'org-choose-get-default-mark) (add-to-list 'org-trigger-hook #'org-choose-keep-sensible) (add-to-list 'org-todo-interpretation-widgets '(:tag "Choose (to record decisions)" choose) 'append) )) ;;;_. Footers ;;;_ , Provides (provide 'org-choose) ;;;_ * Local emacs vars. ;;;_ + Local variables: ;;;_ + End: ;;;_ , End ;;; org-choose.el ends here