1. This directory contains add-ons to Org-mode.
  2. These contributions are not part of GNU Emacs or of the official Org-mode
  3. package. But the git repository for Org-mode is glad to provide useful way
  4. to distribute and develop them as long as they are distributed under a free
  5. software license.
  6. Please put your contribution in one of these directories:
  7. LISP (emacs-lisp code)
  8. ======================
  9. htmlize.el --- Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML
  10. org2rem.el --- Convert org appointments into reminders
  11. org-annotate-file.el --- Annotate a file with org syntax
  12. org-bibtex-extras.el --- Extras for working with org-bibtex entries
  13. org-bookmark.el --- Links to bookmarks
  14. org-checklist.el --- org functions for checklist handling
  15. org-choose.el --- Use TODO keywords to mark decision states
  16. org-collector.el --- Collect properties into tables
  17. org-contacts --- Contacts management
  18. org-contribdir.el --- Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
  19. org-depend.el --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
  20. org-drill.el --- Self-testing with org-learn
  21. org-element.el --- Parser and applications for Org syntax
  22. org-elisp-symbol.el --- Org links to emacs-lisp symbols
  23. org-eval.el --- The <lisp> tag, adapted from Muse
  24. org-eval-light.el --- Evaluate in-buffer code on demand
  25. org-exp-bibtex.el --- Export citations to LaTeX and HTML
  26. org-expiry.el --- Expiry mechanism for Org entries
  27. org-export.el --- Generic Export Engine For Org
  28. org-export-generic.el --- Export framework for configurable backends
  29. org-git-link.el --- Provide org links to specific file version
  30. org-interactive-query.el --- Interactive modification of tags query
  31. org-invoice.el --- Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
  32. org-jira.el --- Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org
  33. org-learn.el --- SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
  34. org-mac-iCal.el --- Imports events from to the Emacs diary
  35. org-mac-link-grabber.el --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
  36. org-mairix.el --- Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs
  37. org-man.el --- Support for links to manpages in Org-mode
  38. org-mime.el --- org html export for text/html MIME emails
  39. org-mtags.el --- Support for some Muse-like tags in Org-mode
  40. org-notify.el --- Notifications for Org-mode
  41. org-notmuch.el --- Support for links to notmuch messages
  42. org-panel.el --- Simple routines for us with bad memory
  43. org-registry.el --- A registry for Org links
  44. org-screen.el --- Visit screen sessions through Org-mode links
  45. org-secretary.el --- Team management with org-mode
  46. org-static-mathjax.el --- Muse-like tags in Org-mode
  47. org-sudoku.el --- Create and solve SUDOKU puzzles in Org tables
  48. orgtbl-sqlinsert.el --- Convert Org-mode tables to SQL insertions
  49. org-toc.el --- Table of contents for Org-mode buffer
  50. org-track.el --- Keep up with Org development
  51. org-velocity.el --- something like Notational Velocity for Org
  52. org-wikinodes.el --- CamelCase wiki-like links for Org
  53. BABEL
  54. =====
  55. --- Documentation for the library of babel
  56. langs/ob-fomus.el --- Org-babel functions for fomus evaluation
  57. langs/ob-oz.el --- Org-babel functions for Oz evaluation
  58. ODT (OpenDocumentText)
  59. ======================
  60. --- Legacy documentation for Org ODT exporter
  61. SCRIPTS (shell, bash, etc.)
  62. ===========================
  63. dir2org.zsh --- Org compatible fs structure output
  64. ditaa.jar --- ASCII to PNG converter by Stathis Sideris, GPL
  65. org2hpda --- Generate hipster pda style printouts from Org-mode
  66. --- docco side-by-side annotated code export to HTML
  67. This directory also contains supporting files for the following
  68. packages: ob-oz.el,, and org-static-mathjax.el.