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<table> <tr> <td style="vertical-align:middle;"> <b>Org - an Emacs Mode for Notes, Project Planning, and Authoring</b> <br/><br/> Org-mode is for keeping notes, maintaining ToDo lists, doing project planning, and authoring with a fast and effective plain-text system. </td> </table>
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<h3 style="text-align:center;">Donations</h3>
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If you are looking for
<a href="http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/14209">
a way to say "thank you"</a>, or if you'd like to support the
future development of Org-mode with a donation, use the button
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Org-mode is a simple outliner for note-taking and list management. You can learn the basics for using it in five minutes. This may be all you need, and Org-mode will not impose more complex features on you.
Org files are plain text. You can view and edit them in any editor. Your data is yours forever. Org-mode runs in Emacs, which is available for nearly every platform.
Org-mode will not let you down when you need more than a simple outline. The full feature set is both broad and deep. The typical answer to "Can it do X?" is "Yes!".
Org-mode is like a Swiss army knife. People use it for Getting Things Done (GTD), as a Day Planner, as a Notebook, for Web and PDF Authoring, and much more.
Org-mode is supported by an active mailing list where questions are answered quickly and effectively.
Org is open source software, it is free, like Emacs.
If you'd like to know what other people have said about Org-mode, take a look at our collected quotes about Org.
<2009-09-01 Tue>: Release 6.30
<2009-08-04 Tue>: Release 6.29
<2009-06-25 Thu>: Release 6.28
<2009-05-23 Sat>: Release 6.27
The current version is 6.30d. To see what has changed in recent releases, check this detailed list of user-visible changes.
This package works on Emacs 23 and 22, and (with minor restrictions) on XEmacs 21. Emacs 22.2 ships with Org-mode version 4.67d, Emacs 23.1 with 6.21b. The latest CVS Emacs trunk usually contains a fairly recent version, but may lag a bit behind the website release.
Download as zip file or gzipped tar archive. These archives contain both the Lisp file org.el and the documentation in PDF and (TeX)Info formats. Follow the instructions for Installation and Activation.
You can check out the latest Org development version (along with every release we ever had) by using git. The git repository is browsable online. To get a local clone use something like the following (from the command line….):
git clone git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git
Some more information about this can be found in the FAQ, under How do I keep current with Org mode development?. For people who cannot use git, we provide zip or tar.gz snapshot release files updated each hour and corresponding to the latest git version.
There are several alternative distributions of Org. Some of these are more up-to-date than others, so check if this package really has a recent version
The Debian package is maintained by Sebastien Delafond.
There is also a package on Archlinux, by Jiyunatori.
The Emacs CVS contains a more-or-less recent version.
The Fink package for Mac OS X by Jesse Alama.
The Ubuntu package by Mark A. Hershberger.
Read the documentation online.
You can also have the entire manual in a single monolithic file.
Download the documentation as a PDF document.
A Japanese translation of the manual (version 4.60), by Takeshi Okano.
Download the Refcard for org-mode
Kyle Sherman has created a text version of the reference card (Org version 6.07).
The Org Mode FAQ is user-editable and is maintained by the Worg project.
A complete list of Tutorials and screencasts is maintained by the Worg project.
Check out the Google Tech Talk about Org-mode.
There is a mailing list for discussion about org-mode.
Subscribe to it at the web interface.
Directly send mail to it. If you are not subscribed, a moderator will look at the message before passing it through to the list.
Read the list on Gmane through a web interface or with a newsreader.
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Worg, created by Bastien Guerry, is a setup to allow users to jointly edit a number of Org-mode files containing documentation about Org-mode, including the Org Mode FAQ and Tutorials. Worg is similar to a wiki in that allows community to edit the contents. However, since it uses a distributed version control system, you do not have to be online while editing it. If you'd like to contribute to Worg, please go to the Worg page, and start from there.
You can always contribute with ideas and bug reports on the mailing list. If you want to contribute a patch, code snippets, or a full add-on, this is very welcome too! We do distribute good add-ons as contributed packages under more-or-less arbitrary licenses. However, to integrate additions into the Org-mode core, the author needs to assign the copyright to the Free Software Foundation. This is because the Org-mode core is part of Emacs. Emacs is distributed under the GNU Public License version 3, and all packages included with it must do the same. If you would like to sign the papers, use this form, fill it in and send it to the FSF with a copy to the Org-mode maintainer.