123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577 |
- # Makefile - for the org-mode distribution
- #
- # Maintainer: Carsten Dominik <dominik@science.uva.nl>
- # Version: VERSIONTAG
- #
- # To install org-mode, edit the Makefile, type `make', then `make install'.
- # To create the PDF and HTML documentation files, type `make doc'.
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Name of your emacs binary
- EMACS=emacs
- # Where local software is found
- prefix=/usr/local
- # Where local lisp files go
- lispdir = $(prefix)/share/emacs/site-lisp
- # Where data files go
- # $(datadir) contains auxiliary files for use with ODT exporter.
- # See comments under DATAFILES.
- datadir = $(prefix)/share/emacs/etc
- # Where info files go
- infodir = $(prefix)/share/info
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Using emacs in batch mode.
- BATCH=$(EMACS) -batch -q -no-site-file -eval \
- "(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name \"./lisp/\") (cons \"$(lispdir)\" load-path)))" $(BATCH_EXTRA)
- # Specify the byte-compiler for compiling org-mode files
- ELC= $(BATCH) -f batch-byte-compile
- # How to make a pdf file from a texinfo file
- TEXI2PDF = texi2pdf
- # How to create directories
- MKDIR = mkdir -p
- # How to create the info files from the texinfo file
- MAKEINFO = makeinfo
- # How to create the HTML file
- TEXI2HTML = makeinfo --html --number-sections
- TEXI2HTMLNOPSLIT = makeinfo --html --no-split --number-sections
- # How to copy the lisp files and elc files to their distination.
- CP = cp -pr
- # Name of the program to install info files
- INSTALL_INFO=install-info
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The following variables need to be defined by the maintainer
- LISPF = org.el \
- org-agenda.el \
- org-ascii.el \
- org-attach.el \
- org-archive.el \
- org-bbdb.el \
- org-beamer.el \
- org-bibtex.el \
- org-capture.el \
- org-clock.el \
- org-colview.el \
- org-colview-xemacs.el \
- org-compat.el \
- org-pcomplete.el \
- org-crypt.el \
- org-ctags.el \
- org-datetree.el \
- org-docview.el \
- org-entities.el \
- org-exp.el \
- org-exp-blocks.el \
- org-docbook.el \
- org-faces.el \
- org-feed.el \
- org-footnote.el \
- org-freemind.el \
- org-gnus.el \
- org-eshell.el \
- org-habit.el \
- org-html.el \
- org-icalendar.el \
- org-id.el \
- org-indent.el \
- org-info.el \
- org-inlinetask.el \
- org-jsinfo.el \
- org-irc.el \
- org-latex.el \
- org-list.el \
- org-lparse.el \
- org-mac-message.el \
- org-macs.el \
- org-mew.el \
- org-mhe.el \
- org-mks.el \
- org-mobile.el \
- org-mouse.el \
- org-odt.el \
- org-publish.el \
- org-plot.el \
- org-protocol.el \
- org-remember.el \
- org-rmail.el \
- org-special-blocks.el \
- org-src.el \
- org-table.el \
- org-taskjuggler.el \
- org-timer.el \
- org-vm.el \
- org-w3m.el \
- org-wl.el \
- org-xoxo.el \
- ob.el \
- ob-table.el \
- ob-lob.el \
- ob-ref.el \
- ob-exp.el \
- ob-tangle.el \
- ob-comint.el \
- ob-eval.el \
- ob-keys.el \
- ob-awk.el \
- ob-C.el \
- ob-calc.el \
- ob-ditaa.el \
- ob-haskell.el \
- ob-perl.el \
- ob-sh.el \
- ob-R.el \
- ob-dot.el \
- ob-mscgen.el \
- ob-latex.el \
- ob-lisp.el \
- ob-ledger.el \
- ob-python.el \
- ob-sql.el \
- ob-asymptote.el \
- ob-emacs-lisp.el \
- ob-matlab.el \
- ob-ruby.el \
- ob-sqlite.el \
- ob-clojure.el \
- ob-ocaml.el \
- ob-sass.el \
- ob-css.el \
- ob-gnuplot.el \
- ob-octave.el \
- ob-screen.el \
- ob-plantuml.el \
- ob-org.el \
- ob-js.el \
- ob-scheme.el \
- ob-lilypond.el \
- ob-java.el \
- ob-shen.el \
- ob-fortran.el \
- ob-picolisp.el \
- ob-maxima.el
- LISPFILES0 = $(LISPF:%=lisp/%)
- LISPFILES = $(LISPFILES0) lisp/org-install.el
- ELCFILES0 = $(LISPFILES0:.el=.elc)
- ELCFILES = $(LISPFILES:.el=.elc)
- DOCFILES = doc/org.texi doc/org.pdf doc/org doc/dir \
- doc/pdflayout.sty doc/.nosearch \
- doc/orgguide.texi doc/orgguide.pdf
- CARDFILES = doc/orgcard.tex doc/orgcard.pdf doc/orgcard_letter.pdf
- TEXIFILES = doc/org.texi
- INFOFILES = doc/org
- # etc/styles contains OpenDocument style files. These files *must* be
- # installed for the ODT exporter to function. These files are
- # distirbuted with GNU ELPA as well as with stock Emacs >= 24.1.
- # contrib/odt/etc/schema contains OpenDocument schema files. It is
- # *desirable* but *not* mandatory that these files be installed.
- # These files are not distributed with stock Emacs. This is because
- # the terms under which OASIS distributes these files are not
- # agreeable to FSF.
- # BasicODConverter-x.y.z.oxt is a LibreOffice extension for converting
- # OpenDocument files to numerous other formats. It is similar to
- # unoconv and is implemented in StarBasic. It is *desirable* but
- # *not* *mandatory* that the converter be installed. It is
- # distributed under the same license as GNU Emacs. This file is *not*
- # part of GNU Emacs.
- DATAFILES = etc/styles \
- # contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/BasicODConverter*.oxt \
- # contrib/odt/etc/schema \
- # Package Manager (ELPA)
- PKG_TAG = $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
- PKG_DOC = "Outline-based notes management and organizer"
- PKG_REQ = "nil"
- doc/dir doc/org \
- doc/pdflayout.sty \
- doc/org.pdf \
- doc/orgguide.pdf \
- doc/orgcard.tex \
- doc/orgcard.pdf \
- doc/orgcard_letter.pdf \
- etc/
- .SUFFIXES: .el .elc .texi
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- # Additional distribution files
- DISTFILES_extra= Makefile request-assign-future.txt contrib etc
- default: $(ELCFILES) $(ELCBFILES)
- up2: update
- sudo ${MAKE} install
- update:
- git pull
- ${MAKE} clean
- ${MAKE} all
- compile: $(ELCFILES0) $(ELCBFILES)
- install: install-lisp install-data
- doc: doc/org.html doc/org.pdf doc/orgcard.pdf doc/orgcard_letter.pdf doc/orgguide.pdf doc/orgcard.txt
- p:
- ${MAKE} pdf && open doc/org.pdf
- g:
- ${MAKE} pdf && open doc/orgguide.pdf
- # Always force re-compilation of org-odt
- lisp/org-odt.elc: org-odt-data-dir
- org-odt-data-dir:
- # Sleight of hand to "hard code" the value of $(datadir) in
- # org-odt.el. See variables `org-odt-styles-dir-list' and
- # `org-odt-schema-dir-list'.
- install-lisp: BATCH_EXTRA = -eval "(setq org-odt-data-dir (expand-file-name \"$(datadir)\"))"
- install-lisp: $(LISPFILES) $(ELCFILES)
- if [ ! -d $(lispdir) ]; then $(MKDIR) $(lispdir); else true; fi ;
- $(CP) $(LISPFILES) $(lispdir)
- $(CP) $(ELCFILES) $(lispdir)
- install-info: $(INFOFILES)
- if [ ! -d $(infodir) ]; then $(MKDIR) $(infodir); else true; fi ;
- $(CP) $(INFOFILES) $(infodir)
- $(INSTALL_INFO) --infodir=$(infodir) $(INFOFILES)
- install-data: $(DATAFILES)
- if [ ! -d $(datadir) ]; then $(MKDIR) $(datadir); else true; fi ;
- $(CP) $(DATAFILES) $(datadir)
- autoloads: lisp/org-install.el
- lisp/org-install.el: $(LISPFILES0) Makefile
- $(BATCH) --eval "(require 'autoload)" \
- --eval '(find-file "lisp/org-install.el")' \
- --eval '(erase-buffer)' \
- --eval '(mapc (lambda (x) (generate-file-autoloads (symbol-name x))) (quote ($(LISPF))))' \
- --eval '(insert "\n(provide (quote org-install))\n")' \
- --eval '(save-buffer)'
- doc/org: doc/org.texi
- (cd doc && $(MAKEINFO) --no-split org.texi -o org)
- doc/org.pdf: doc/org.texi
- (cd doc && $(TEXI2PDF) org.texi)
- doc/orgguide.pdf: doc/orgguide.texi
- (cd doc && $(TEXI2PDF) orgguide.texi)
- doc/org.html: doc/org.texi
- (cd doc && $(TEXI2HTML) --no-split -o org.html org.texi)
- UTILITIES/manfull.pl doc/org.html
- doc/orgcard.pdf: doc/orgcard.tex
- (cd doc && pdftex orgcard.tex)
- doc/orgcard.txt: doc/orgcard.tex
- (cd doc && perl ../UTILITIES/orgcard2txt.pl orgcard.tex > orgcard.txt)
- doc/orgcard_letter.tex: doc/orgcard.tex
- perl -pe 's/\\pdflayout=\(0l\)/\\pdflayout=(1l)/' \
- doc/orgcard.tex > doc/orgcard_letter.tex
- doc/orgcard_letter.pdf: doc/orgcard_letter.tex
- (cd doc && pdftex orgcard_letter.tex)
- # Below here are special targets for maintenance only
- html: doc/org.html
- html_manual: doc/org.texi
- rm -rf doc/manual
- mkdir doc/manual
- $(TEXI2HTML) -o doc/manual doc/org.texi
- UTILITIES/mansplit.pl doc/manual/*.html
- html_guide: doc/orgguide.texi
- rm -rf doc/guide
- mkdir doc/guide
- $(TEXI2HTML) -o doc/guide doc/orgguide.texi
- UTILITIES/guidesplit.pl doc/guide/*.html
- info: doc/org
- pdf: doc/org.pdf doc/orgguide.pdf
- card: doc/orgcard.pdf doc/orgcard_letter.pdf doc/orgcard.txt
- testrelease:
- git checkout -b testrelease origin/maint
- git merge -s recursive -X theirs master
- UTILITIES/set-version.pl testing
- git commit -a -m "Release testing"
- make distfile TAG=testversion
- make cleanrel
- rm -rf org-testversion*
- git reset --hard
- git checkout master
- git branch -D testrelease
- # The following target makes a full release for the stuff that is
- # currently on master. Do it like this:
- #
- # make release TAG=7.01
- release:
- git checkout maint
- git merge -s recursive -X theirs master
- UTILITIES/set-version.pl $(TAG)
- git commit -a -m "Release $(TAG)"
- make relup TAG=$(TAG)
- make cleanrel
- rm -rf org-$(TAG)
- rm -f org-$(TAG)*.zip
- rm -f org-$(TAG)*.tar.gz
- make pushreleasetag TAG=$(TAG)
- git push -f origin maint
- git checkout master
- git merge -s ours maint
- UTILITIES/set-version.pl -a $(TAG)
- git commit -a -m "Update website to show $(TAG) as current release"
- git push
- # The following target makes a release, but from the stuff that is on
- # maint, not from the stuff that is on master. The idea is that it pushes
- # out a minor fix into a minor update, while development on master
- # already went full steam ahead. To make a micro-relesse, cherry-pick
- # the necessary changes into maint, then run (with proper version number)
- # This is just like release, but we skip the step which merges master
- # into maint.
- #
- # make fixrelease TAG=7.01.02
- fixrelease:
- git checkout maint
- git merge -s recursive -X theirs master
- UTILITIES/set-version.pl $(TAG)
- git commit -a -m "Release $(TAG)"
- make relup TAG=$(TAG)
- make cleanrel
- rm -rf org-$(TAG)
- rm org-$(TAG)*.zip
- rm org-$(TAG)*.tar.gz
- make pushreleasetag TAG=$(TAG)
- git push -f origin maint
- git checkout master
- git merge -s ours maint
- UTILITIES/set-version.pl -o $(TAG)
- git commit -a -m "Update website to show $(TAG) as current release"
- git push
- # ~$ make relup only makes sense from orgmode.org server
- # Don't call it from your computer!
- relup:
- ${MAKE} makerelease
- ${MAKE} sync_release
- ${MAKE} sync_manual
- makerelease:
- @if [ "X$(TAG)" = "X" ]; then echo "*** No tag ***"; exit 1; fi
- ${MAKE} distfile
- ${MAKE} doc
- UTILITIES/gplmanual.pl
- ${MAKE} html_manual
- ${MAKE} html_guide
- cp org-$(TAG).zip org-$(TAG).tar.gz RELEASEDIR
- cp doc/org.pdf doc/orgcard.pdf doc/org.texi doc/org.html RELEASEDIR
- cp doc/org_dual_license.texi RELEASEDIR
- cp doc/orgguide.pdf doc/orgcard.txt RELEASEDIR
- cp RELEASEDIR/org-$(TAG).zip RELEASEDIR/org.zip
- cp RELEASEDIR/org-$(TAG).tar.gz RELEASEDIR/org.tar.gz
- # ~$ make sync_release only makes sense from orgmode.org server
- # Don't call it from your computer!
- sync_release:
- rsync -avuz RELEASEDIR/ /var/www/orgmode.org/
- # ~$ make sync_manual only makes sense from orgmode.org server
- # Don't call it from your computer!
- sync_manual:
- rsync -avuz --delete doc/manual/ /var/www/orgmode.org/manual/
- rsync -avuz --delete doc/guide/ /var/www/orgmode.org/guide/
- distfile:
- @if [ "X$(TAG)" = "X" ]; then echo "*** No tag ***"; exit 1; fi
- touch doc/org.texi doc/orgcard.tex # force update
- ${MAKE} cleancontrib
- ${MAKE} info
- ${MAKE} doc
- ${MAKE} lisp/org-install.el
- rm -rf org-$(TAG) org-$(TAG).zip
- $(MKDIR) org-$(TAG)
- $(MKDIR) org-$(TAG)/doc
- $(MKDIR) org-$(TAG)/lisp
- cp -r $(LISPFILES) org-$(TAG)/lisp
- cp -r $(DOCFILES) $(CARDFILES) org-$(TAG)/doc
- cp -r $(DISTFILES_extra) org-$(TAG)/
- zip -r org-$(TAG).zip org-$(TAG)
- tar zcvf org-$(TAG).tar.gz org-$(TAG)
- pkg:
- @if [ "X$(PKG_TAG)" = "X" ]; then echo "*** No tag ***"; exit 1; fi
- touch doc/org.texi doc/orgcard.tex # force update
- ${MAKE} info
- ${MAKE} doc
- rm -rf org-$(PKG_TAG) org-$(PKG_TAG).tar
- $(MKDIR) org-$(PKG_TAG)
- cp -r $(PKG_FILES) org-$(PKG_TAG)
- echo "(define-package \"org\" \"$(PKG_TAG)\" \"$(PKG_DOC)\" $(PKG_REQ))" > org-$(PKG_TAG)/org-pkg.el
- tar cf org-$(PKG_TAG).tar org-$(PKG_TAG) --remove-files
- cleanall:
- ${MAKE} clean
- rm -f lisp/org-install.el
- clean:
- ${MAKE} cleanelc
- ${MAKE} cleandoc
- ${MAKE} cleanrel
- rm -f *~ */*~ */*/*~
- cleancontrib:
- find contrib -name \*~ -exec rm {} \;
- cleanelc:
- rm -f $(ELCFILES)
- cleandoc:
- -(cd doc && rm -f org.pdf org org.html orgcard.pdf orgguide.pdf)
- -(cd doc && rm -f *.aux *.cp *.cps *.dvi *.fn *.fns *.ky *.kys *.pg *.pgs)
- -(cd doc && rm -f *.toc *.tp *.tps *.vr *.vrs *.log *.html *.ps)
- -(cd doc && rm -f orgcard_letter.tex orgcard_letter.pdf)
- -(cd doc && rm -rf manual)
- cleanrel:
- rm -rf org-7.*
- rm -rf org-7*zip org-7*tar.gz
- .el.elc:
- $(ELC) $<
- push:
- git push orgmode@orgmode.org:org-mode.git master
- pushtag:
- git tag -m "Adding tag" -a $(TAG)
- git push orgmode@orgmode.org:org-mode.git $(TAG)
- pushreleasetag:
- git tag -m "Adding release tag" -a release_$(TAG)
- git push orgmode@orgmode.org:org-mode.git release_$(TAG)
- # Dependencies
- lisp/org.elc: lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-compat.el lisp/org-faces.el
- lisp/org-agenda.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-ascii.elc: lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-attach.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-id.el
- lisp/org-archive.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-bbdb.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-beamer.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-bibtex.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-capture.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-mks.el
- lisp/org-clock.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-colview.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-colview-xemacs.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-compat.elc: lisp/org-macs.el
- lisp/org-crypt.elc: lisp/org-crypt.el lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-ctags.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-datetree.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-docview.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-entities.elc:
- lisp/org-exp.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-agenda.el
- lisp/org-exp-blocks.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-latex.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-exp.el lisp/org-beamer.el
- lisp/org-docbook.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-faces.elc: lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-compat.el
- lisp/org-feed.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-footnotes.elc: lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-compat.el
- lisp/org-freemind.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-gnus.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-html.elc: lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-habit.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-agenda.el
- lisp/org-icalendar.elc: lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-id.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-indent.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-compat.el
- lisp/org-info.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-inlinetask.elc:
- lisp/org-irc.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-jsinfo.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-list.elc: lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-compat.el
- lisp/org-lparse.elc: lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-mac-message.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-macs.elc:
- lisp/org-mew.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-mhe.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-mks.elc:
- lisp/org-mobile.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-mouse.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-odt.elc: lisp/org-lparse.el
- lisp/org-plot.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-exp.el lisp/org-table.el
- lisp/org-publish.elc:
- lisp/org-protocol.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-remember.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-rmail.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-special-blocks.elc: lisp/org-compat.el
- lisp/org-src.elc: lisp/org-macs.el lisp/org-compat.el
- lisp/org-table.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-taskjuggler.elc: lisp/org.el lisp/org-exp.el
- lisp/org-timer.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-vm.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-w3m.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-wl.elc: lisp/org.el
- lisp/org-xoxo.elc: lisp/org-exp.el
- # Describe valid make targets for org-mode.
- targets help:
- @echo "make - compile Org ELisp files"
- @echo "make clean - clean Elisp and documentation files"
- @echo "make all - compile Org ELisp files and documentation"
- @echo ""
- @echo "make doc - make all documentation"
- @echo "make info - make Info documentation"
- @echo "make html - make HTML documentation"
- @echo "make pdf - make pdf documentation"
- @echo "make card - make refcards documentation"
- @echo ""
- @echo "make install - install Org"
- @echo "make install-lisp - install Org ELisp files"
- @echo "make install-info - install Org Info file"