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- # -*- mode:org -*-
- #+title: Maintainer tasks
- #+startup: noindent
- This document describes the tasks the Org-mode maintainer has to do
- and how they are performed.
- * Working with patchwork
- John Wiegley is running a patchwork server that looks at the
- emacs-orgmode mailing list and extracts patches. The maintainer and
- his helpers should work through such patches, give feedback on them
- and apply the ones which are good and done. A task for the maintainer
- is to every now and then try to get old stuff out of that list, by
- asking some helpers to investigate the patch, by rejecting or
- accepting it.
- I have found that the best workflow for this is using the pw script by
- Nate Case, with the modifications for Org-mode made by John Wiegley
- and Carsten Dominik. The correct version of this script that should
- be used with Org mode is distributed in the UTILITIES directory of the
- Org mode distribution. Here is the basic workflow for this.
- ** Access to the patchwork server
- If you want to work on patchwork patches, you need write access at the
- patchwork server. You need to contact John Wiegley to get this
- access.
- There is a web interface to look at the patches and to change the
- status of patches. This interface is self-explanatory. There is also
- a command line script which can be very convenient to use.
- ** Testing patches
- To start testing a patch, first assign it to yourself
- : pw update -s "Under Review" -d DELEGATE-NAME NNN
- where =NNN= is a patch number and =DELEGATE-NAME= is your user name on
- the patchwork server.
- The get the patch into a branch:
- : pw branch NNN
- This will create a local topic branch in your git repository with the
- name =t/patchNNN=. You will also be switched to the branch so that
- you can immediately start testing it. Quite often small amends need
- to be made, or documentation has to be added. Also, many contributors
- do not yet provide the proper ChangeLog-like entries in the commit
- message for the patch. As a maintainer, you have two options here.
- Either ask the contributor to make the changes and resubmit the patch,
- or fix it yourself. In principle, asking to contributor to change the
- patch until it is complete is the best route, because it will educate
- the contributor and minimize the work for the maintainer. However,
- sometimes it can be less hassle to fix things directly and commit the
- changes to the same branch =t/patchNNN=.
- If you ask the contributor to make the changes, the patch should be
- marked on the patchwork server as "changes requested".
- : pw update -s "Changes Requested" -m "What to change" NNN
- This will send an email to the contributor and the mailing list with a
- request for changes. The =-m= message should not be more than one
- sentence and describe the requested changes. If you need to explain
- in more detail, write a separate email to the contributor.
- When a new version of the patch arrives, you mark the old one as
- superseded
- : pw update -s "Superseded" NNN
- and start working at the new one.
- ** Merging a final patch
- Once the patch has been iterated and is final (including the
- ChangeLog-like entries in the commit message), it should be merged.
- The assumption here is that the final version of the patch is given by
- the HEAD state in the branch =t/patchNNN=. To merge, do this:
- : pw merge -m "maintainer comment" NNN
- This will merge the patch into master, switch back to master and send
- an email to both contributor and mailing list stating that this change
- has been accepted, along with the comment given in the =-m= message.
- At some point you might then want to remove the topic branch
- : git branch -d t/patchNNN
- * Releases
- ** Main releases
- The release number for main releases look like this: =7.13=
- Main releases are made whenever Org is in a state where the feature
- set is consistent and we feel that the features that are implemented
- is something we want to support in the future.
- A major release turns the current state of the master branch into a
- release. The release process is a single make command:
- : make release TAG=7.13
- Before issuing this command, you should make sure that everything
- during the process will work right, you can do so by running
- : make testrelease TAG=7.13
- When this fails, make sure to clean up. =git reset --hard= if
- necessary, and check if there are unwanted files, directories, or
- branches left over from the testing.
- ** Minor releases
- The release number for minor releases look like this: =7.13.01=
- Minor releases are small amends to main releases. Usually they fix
- critical bugs discovered in a main release. Minor bugs are not
- fixed - they will be adressed in the next main release. Only the fix
- to the bug is bundled into a release, without the main development
- work going on in the master branch. Since the bug fix will also be
- needed in the master branch, usually the fix is made in master and
- then cherry-picked into maint. When this is done, a release is made
- from maint with this command:
- : make fixrelease TAG=7.13.01
- ** Updating release files on orgmode.org server
- As of 2011-01-15, these directives of the Makefile are meant to be
- used /from orgmode.org server/ and will copy the release files to the
- webserver directory.
- - ~$ make makerelease :: creates a =RELEASE/= directory containing
- manuals and release files (=org.tar.gz=, =org.zip=, etc.)
- - ~$ make sync_release :: copy the content of =RELEASE/= to the right
- location on the server
- - ~$ make sync_manuals :: copy the manuals from =doc/= to the right
- location on the server
- - ~$ make relup :: call the three directives described above.
- ** Between releases
- While working on master between releases, I used to use something like
- 7.02trans as the version string. I no longer do this. =M-x
- org-version= will spit ut complete version infor related to git, with
- the nearest commit and tag. I you ever need to set a special version
- number, use this:
- : UTILITIES/set_version 7.02trans
- and commit the result. Note that the above command does not change
- the version string in the file from which Org's homepage is generated.
- To change that as well, you would use a =--all= flag. To change only
- this file, use =--only=.
- * Synchonization with Emacs
- This is still a significant headache. Some hand work is needed here.
- Emacs uses bzr. A useful introduction to bzr for Emacs developers can
- be found [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/BzrForEmacsDevs][here]]. While I see all the advantages this would have, I
- cannot bring myself to switch away from git for my day-to-day work,
- because I know git so well, and because git seems to me as being much
- more powerful, conceptionally simple (once you have [[http://newartisans.com/2008/04/git-from-the-bottom-up/][bent your head
- around it]]), and so much faster.
- So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
- 1. I do not update the version in Emacs too often. Just once every
- few months - this is frequently enough for the Emacs release cycle.
- Care must be taken to get in a *new and stable* version shortly
- before Emacs goes into feature freeze and pretest, because that
- version is going to be in the wild for a long time.
- 2. I watch the Emacs diffs for changes made by the maintainers of
- Emacs in the org-mode files in Emacs. Any changes that come up
- there, I merge into the development version of Org-mode.
- Occasionally I do not do this, if I do not agree with a change.
- The changes go into Org /without/ a ChangeLog-like entry in the
- commit message. The reason for this is that we will later generate
- a ChangeLog file from our commit messages, and I do not want double
- ChangeLog entries in the Emacs ChangeLog file.
- 3. When I have made a release (usually I wait for the minor releases
- to stabilize), I *copy* org files into the Emacs repository. Yes,
- I do not merge, I copy. This has been the source of some problems
- in the past - Emacs developers are not happy when I accidentally
- overwrite changes they made. But I have not had the patience to
- work out a better mechanism, and I really dislike the idea that the
- version in Emacs starts diverging from my own.
- Careful: Copy /org.texi/ and /orgcard.tex/ into the right places,
- and also copy the lisp files with *two exceptions*: Do *not* copy
- /org-colview-xemacs.el/ and /org-install.el/. The former does not
- belong in Emacs. And the latter would actually be harmful because
- Emacs generates its own autoloads. The Emacs distribution contains
- an empty /org-install.el/, so that users can have =(require
- 'org-install)= in .emacs with no ill effects. So if you were to
- copy /org-install.el/, you would overwrite that empty placeholder
- file.
- 4. Generate the ChangeLog entries
- For this, I do in the org-mode git repository
- : UTILITIES/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02
- This will spit out ChangeLog entries (for the given commit range)
- that need to go into the ChangeLog files in Emacs. Org-mode
- contributes to 3 different ChangeLog files in Emacs:
- : lisp/org/ChangeLog (for lisp changes)
- : doc/misc/ChangeLog (for org.texi changes)
- : etc/ChangeLog (for refcard changes)
- When you run the =make_emacs_changelog= program, you will be
- prompted for a date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD, this date will be
- used in the ChangeLog entries - Emacs developers want these dates
- to be the time when the change has been installed into Emacs, not
- the time when we made the change in our own repository. So all the
- ChangeLog entries will get the same date. You will also be
- prompted for the kind of ChangeLog you want to make, possible
- answers are =lisp=, =texi=, and =card=. The program will then
- select the correct entries for the specified ChangeLog file. If
- you don't like being prompted, you can give the date and type as
- second and third command line arguments to =make_emacs_changelog=,
- for example
- : UTILITIES/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02 2010-12-11 lisp
- These entries need to be added to the ChangeLog files in Emacs.
- You should, in the ChangeLog file, select the inserted region of
- new entries and do =M-x fill-region=, so that the entries are
- formatted correctly. I then do look through the entries quickly to
- make sure they are formatted properly, that the email addresses
- look right etc.
- 5. Commit the changes into the bzr repository and you are done. Emacs
- developers often look throught the commit and make minor changes -
- these need to be merged back into our own repo.
- * Updating the list of hooks on Worg
- The file /org-configs/org-hooks.org/ contains a list of all hooks in
- Org. This list has to be updated after hooks have been added or
- removed. The perl script /UTILITIES/list-hooks.pl/ creates the
- entire section "Hooks and Function variables", including its
- level-one headline. I guess babel code could be used to update this
- automatically, but I have not implemented this - I have been doing
- it by hand every few months.
- * Copyright assignments
- The maintainer needs to keep track of copyright assignments. Even
- better, find a volunteer to do this.
- The list of all contributors from who we have the papers is kept on
- Worg at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php, so that
- committers can check if a patch can go into the core.
- The assignment process does not allways go smoothly, and it has
- happened several times that it gets stuck or forgotten at the FSF.
- The contact at the FSF for this is: copyright-clerk@fsf.org
- Emails from the paper submitter have been ignored in the past, but
- an email from me (Carsten) as the maintainer of Org mode has usually
- fixed such cases within a few days.