README_maintainer 11 KB

  1. # -*- mode:org -*-
  2. #+title: Maintainer tasks
  3. #+startup: noindent
  4. This document describes the tasks the Org-mode maintainer has to do
  5. and how they are performed.
  6. * Working with patchwork
  7. John Wiegley is running a patchwork server that looks at the
  8. emacs-orgmode mailing list and extracts patches. The maintainer and
  9. his helpers should work through such patches, give feedback on them
  10. and apply the ones which are good and done. A task for the maintainer
  11. is to every now and then try to get old stuff out of that list, by
  12. asking some helpers to investigate the patch, by rejecting or
  13. accepting it.
  14. I have found that the best workflow for this is using the pw script by
  15. Nate Case, with the modifications for Org-mode made by John Wiegley
  16. and Carsten Dominik. The correct version of this script that should
  17. be used with Org mode is distributed in the UTILITIES directory of the
  18. Org mode distribution. Here is the basic workflow for this.
  19. ** Access to the patchwork server
  20. If you want to work on patchwork patches, you need write access at the
  21. patchwork server. You need to contact John Wiegley to get this
  22. access.
  23. There is a web interface to look at the patches and to change the
  24. status of patches. This interface is self-explanatory. There is also
  25. a command line script which can be very convenient to use.
  26. ** Testing patches
  27. To start testing a patch, first assign it to yourself
  28. : pw update -s "Under Review" -d DELEGATE-NAME NNN
  29. where =NNN= is a patch number and =DELEGATE-NAME= is your user name on
  30. the patchwork server.
  31. The get the patch into a branch:
  32. : pw branch NNN
  33. This will create a local topic branch in your git repository with the
  34. name =t/patchNNN=. You will also be switched to the branch so that
  35. you can immediately start testing it. Quite often small amends need
  36. to be made, or documentation has to be added. Also, many contributors
  37. do not yet provide the proper ChangeLog-like entries in the commit
  38. message for the patch. As a maintainer, you have two options here.
  39. Either ask the contributor to make the changes and resubmit the patch,
  40. or fix it yourself. In principle, asking to contributor to change the
  41. patch until it is complete is the best route, because it will educate
  42. the contributor and minimize the work for the maintainer. However,
  43. sometimes it can be less hassle to fix things directly and commit the
  44. changes to the same branch =t/patchNNN=.
  45. If you ask the contributor to make the changes, the patch should be
  46. marked on the patchwork server as "changes requested".
  47. : pw update -s "Changed Requested" -m "What to change" NNN
  48. This will send an email to the contributor and the mailing list with a
  49. request for changes. The =-m= message should not be more than one
  50. sentence and describe the requested changes. If you need to explain
  51. in more detail, write a separate email to the contributor.
  52. When a new version of the patch arrives, you mark the old one as
  53. superseded
  54. : pw update -s "Superseded" NNN
  55. and start working at the new one.
  56. ** Merging a final patch
  57. Once the patch has been iterated and is final (including the
  58. ChangeLog-like entries in the commit message), it should be merged.
  59. The assumption here is that the final version of the patch is given by
  60. the HEAD state in the branch =t/patchNNN=. To merge, do this:
  61. : pw merge -m "maintainer comment" NNN
  62. This will merge the patch into master, switch back to master and send
  63. an email to both contributor and mailing list stating that this change
  64. has been accepted, along with the comment given in the =-m= message.
  65. At some point you might then want to remove the topic branch
  66. : git -d t/patchNNN
  67. * Releases
  68. ** Main releases
  69. The release number for main releases look like this: =7.13=
  70. Main releases are made whenever Org is in a state where the feature
  71. set is consistent and we feel that the features that are implemented
  72. is something we want to support in the future.
  73. A major release turns the current state of the master branch into a
  74. release. The release process is a single make command:
  75. : make release TAG=7.13
  76. Before issuing this command, you should make sure that everything
  77. during the process will work right, you can do so by running
  78. : make testrelease TAG=7.13
  79. When this fails, make sure to clean up. =git reset --hard= if
  80. necessary, and check if there are unwanted files, directories, or
  81. branches left over from the testing.
  82. ** Minor releases
  83. The release number for minor releases look like this: =7.13.01=
  84. Minor releases are small amends to main releases. Usually they fix
  85. critical bugs discovered in a main release. Minor bugs are not
  86. fixed - they will be adressed in the next main release. Only the fix
  87. to the bug is bundled into a release, without the main development
  88. work going on in the master branch. Since the bug fix will also be
  89. needed in the master branch, usually the fix is made in master and
  90. then cherry-picked into maint. When this is done, a release is made
  91. from maint with this command:
  92. : make fixrelease TAG=7.13.01
  93. ** Between releases
  94. While working on master between releases, I used to use something like
  95. 7.02trans as the version string. I no longer do this. =M-x
  96. org-version= will spit ut complete version infor related to git, with
  97. the neares commit and tag. I you ever need to set a special version
  98. number, use this:
  99. : UTILITIES/set_version 7.02trans
  100. and commit the result. Note that the above command does not change
  101. the version string in the file from which Org's homepage is
  102. generated. To change that as well, you would use a =--all= flag. To
  103. change only this file, use =--only=.
  104. * Synchonization with Emacs
  105. This is still a significant headache. Some hand work is needed here.
  106. Emacs uses bzr. A useful introduction to bzr for Emacs developers can
  107. be found [[][here]]. While I see all the advantages this would have, I
  108. cannot bring myself to switch away from git for my day-to-day work,
  109. because I know git so well, and because git seems to me as being much
  110. more powerful, conceptionally simple (once you have [[][bent your head
  111. around it]]), and so much faster.
  112. So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
  113. 1. I do not update the version in Emacs too often. Just once every
  114. few month - this is frequently enough for the Emacs release cycle.
  115. Care must be taken to get in a *new and stable* version shortly
  116. before Emacs goes into feature freeze and pretest, because that
  117. version is going to be in the wild for a long time.
  118. 2. I watch the Emacs diffs for changes made by the maintainers of
  119. Emacs in the org-mode files in Emacs. Any changes that come up
  120. there, I merge into the development version of Org-mode.
  121. Occasionally I do not do this, if I do not agree with a change.
  122. The changes go into Org /without/ a ChangeLog-like entry in the
  123. commit message. The reason for this is that we will later generate
  124. a ChangeLog file from our commit messages, and I do not want double
  125. ChangeLog entries in the Emacs ChangeLog file.
  126. 3. When I have made a release (usually I wait for the minor releases
  127. to stabilize), I *copy* org files into the Emacs repository. Yes,
  128. I do not merge, I copy. This has been the source of some problems
  129. in the past - Emacs developers are not happy when I accidentally
  130. overwrite changes they made. But I have not had the patience to
  131. work out a better mechanism, and I really dislike the idea that the
  132. version in Emacs starts diverging from my own.
  133. Careful: Copy /org.texi/ and /orgcard.tex/ into the right places,
  134. and also copy the lisp files with *two exceptions*: Do *not* copy
  135. /org-colview-xemacs.el/ and /org-install.el/. The former does not
  136. belong in Emacs. And the latter would actually be harmful because
  137. Emacs generates its own autoloads. The Emacs distribution contains
  138. an empty /org-install.el/, so that users can have =(require
  139. 'org-install)= in .emacs with no ill effects. So if you were to
  140. copy /org-install.el/, you would overwrite that empty placeholder
  141. file.
  142. 4. Generate the ChangeLog entries
  143. For this, I do in the org-mode git repository
  144. : UTILITIES/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02
  145. This will spit out ChangeLog entries (for the given commit range)
  146. that need to go into the ChangeLog files in Emacs. Org-mode
  147. contributes to 3 different ChangeLog files in Emacs:
  148. : lisp/org/ChangeLog (for lisp changes)
  149. : doc/misc/ChangeLog (for org.texi changes)
  150. : etc/ChangeLog (for refcard changes)
  151. When you run the =make_emacs_changelog= program, you will be
  152. prompted for a date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD, this date will be
  153. used in the ChangeLog entries - Emacs developers want these dates
  154. to be the time when the change has been installed into Emacs, not
  155. the time when we made the change in our own repository. So all the
  156. ChangeLog entries will get the same date. You will also be
  157. prompted for the kind of ChangeLog you want to make, possible
  158. answers are =lisp=, =texi=, and =card=. The program will then
  159. select the correct entries for the specified ChangeLog file. If
  160. you don't like being prompted, you can give the date and type as
  161. second and third command line arguments to =make_emacs_changelog=,
  162. for example
  163. : UTILITIES/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02 2010-12-11 lisp
  164. These entries need to be added to the ChangeLog files in Emacs.
  165. You should, in the ChangeLog file, select the inserted region of
  166. new entries and do =M-x fill-region=, so that the entries are
  167. formatted correctly. I then do look through the entries quickly to
  168. make sure they are formatted properly, that the email addresses
  169. look right etc.
  170. 5. Commit the changes into the bzr repository and you are done. Emacs
  171. developers often look throught the commit and make minor changes -
  172. these need to be merged back into our own repo.
  173. * Updating the list of hooks on Worg
  174. The file /org-configs/ contains a list of all hooks in
  175. Org. This list has to be updated after hooks have been added or
  176. removed. The perl script /UTILITIES/ creates the
  177. entire section "Hooks and Function variables", including its
  178. level-one headline. I guess babel code could be used to update this
  179. automatically, but I have not implemented this - I have been doing
  180. it by hand every few months.
  181. * Copyright assignments
  182. The maintainer needs to keep track of copyright assignments. Even
  183. better, find a volunteer to do this. The list of all contributors
  184. from who we have the papers is kept on Worg at
  185., so that committers can
  186. check if a patch can go into the core. The assignment process does
  187. not allways go smoothly, and it has happened several times that it
  188. gets stuck or forgotten at the FSF. Emails from the paper submitter
  189. have been ignored in the past, but an email from me as the
  190. maintainer of Org mode has usually fixed such cases within a few
  191. days.