1. ORG NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. -*- org -*-
  2. Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3. See the end of the file for license conditions.
  4. Please send Org bug reports to
  5. * Incompatible changes
  6. ** Emacs 21 support has been dropped
  8. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  9. :END:
  10. Do not use Org mode 7.xx with Emacs 21, use [[][version 6.36c]] instead.
  11. ** XEmacs support requires the XEmacs development version
  13. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  14. :END:
  15. To use Org mode 7.xx with XEmacs, you need to run the developer
  16. version of XEmacs. We were about to drop XEmacs support entirely,
  17. but Michael Sperber stepped in and made changes to XEmacs that made
  18. it easier to keep the support. Thanks to Michael for this
  19. last-minute save.
  20. ** New keys for TODO sparse trees
  22. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  23. :END:
  24. The key =C-c C-v= is now reserved for Org Babel action. TODO sparse
  25. trees can still be made with =C-c / t= (all not-done states) and =C-c /
  26. T= (specific states).
  27. ** The Agenda =org-agenda-ndays= is now obsolete
  29. :OrgVersion: 7.4
  30. :END:
  31. The variable =org-agenda-ndays= is obsolete - please use
  32. =org-agenda-span= instead.
  33. Thanks to Julien Danjou for this.
  34. ** Changes to the intended use of =org-export-latex-classes=
  36. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  37. :END:
  38. So far this variable has been used to specify the complete header of the
  39. LaTeX document, including all the =\usepackage= calls necessary for the
  40. document. This setup makes it difficult to maintain the list of
  41. packages that Org itself would like to call, for example for the special
  42. symbol support it needs.
  43. First of all, you can *opt out of this change* in the following way: You
  44. can say: /I want to have full control over headers, and I will take
  45. responsibility to include the packages Org needs/. If that is what you
  46. want, add this to your configuration and skip the rest of this section
  47. (except maybe for the description of the =[EXTRA]= place holder):
  48. #+begin_src emacs-lisp
  49. (setq org-export-latex-default-packages-alist nil
  50. org-export-latex-packages-alist nil)
  51. #+end_src
  52. /Continue to read here if you want to go along with the modified setup./
  53. There are now two variables that should be used to list the LaTeX
  54. packages that need to be included in all classes. The header definition
  55. in =org-export-latex-classes= should then not contain the corresponding
  56. =\usepackage= calls (see below).
  57. The two new variables are:
  58. 1. =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist= :: This is the variable
  59. where Org-mode itself puts the packages it needs. Normally you
  60. should not change this variable. The only reason to change it
  61. anyway is when one of these packages causes a conflict with another
  62. package you want to use. Then you can remove that packages and
  63. hope that you are not using Org-mode functionality that needs it.
  64. 2. =org-export-latex-packages-alist= :: This is the variable where you
  65. can put the packages that you'd like to use across all classes.
  66. The sequence how these customizations will show up in the LaTeX
  67. document are:
  68. 1. Header from =org-export-latex-classes=
  69. 2. =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist=
  70. 3. =org-export-latex-packages-alist=
  71. 4. Buffer-specific things set with =#+LaTeX_HEADER:=
  72. If you want more control about which segment is placed where, or if you
  73. want, for a specific class, have full control over the header and
  74. exclude some of the automatic building blocks, you can put the following
  75. macro-like place holders into the header:
  76. #+begin_example
  77. [DEFAULT-PACKAGES] \usepackage statements for default packages
  78. [NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES] do not include any of the default packages
  79. [PACKAGES] \usepackage statements for packages
  80. [NO-PACKAGES] do not include the packages
  81. [EXTRA] the stuff from #+LaTeX_HEADER
  82. [NO-EXTRA] do not include #+LaTeX_HEADER stuff
  83. #+end_example
  84. If you have currently customized =org-export-latex-classes=, you should
  85. revise that customization and remove any package calls that are covered
  86. by =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist=. This applies to the
  87. following packages:
  88. - inputenc
  89. - fontenc
  90. - fixltx2e
  91. - graphicx
  92. - longtable
  93. - float
  94. - wrapfig
  95. - soul
  96. - t1enc
  97. - textcomp
  98. - marvosym
  99. - wasysym
  100. - latexsym
  101. - amssymb
  102. - hyperref
  103. If one of these packages creates a conflict with another package you are
  104. using, you can remove it from =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist=.
  105. But then you risk that some of the advertised export features of Org
  106. will not work properly.
  107. You can also consider moving packages that you use in all classes to
  108. =org-export-latex-packages-alist=. If necessary, put the place holders
  109. so that the packages get loaded in the right sequence. As said above,
  110. for backward compatibility, if you omit the place holders, all the
  111. variables will dump their content at the end of the header.
  112. ** The constant =org-html-entities= is obsolete
  114. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  115. :END:
  116. Its content is now part of the new constant =org-entities=, which is
  117. defined in the file org-entities.el. =org-html-entities= was an internal
  118. variable, but it is possible that some users did write code using it.
  119. ** `org-bbdb-anniversary-format-alist' has changed
  121. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  122. :END:
  123. Please check the docstring and update your settings accordingly.
  124. ** Deleted =org-mode-p=
  126. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  127. :END:
  128. This function has been deleted: please update your code.
  129. * Important new features
  130. ** New Org to ODT exporter
  132. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  133. :END:
  134. Jambunathan's Org to ODT exporter is now part of Org.
  135. To use it, it `C-c C-e o' in an Org file. See the documentation for more
  136. information on how to customize it.
  137. ** org-capture.el is now the default capture system
  139. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  140. :END:
  141. This replaces the earlier system org-remember. The manual only describes
  142. org-capture, but for people who prefer to continue to use org-remember,
  143. we keep a static copy of the former manual section [[][chapter about
  144. remember]].
  145. The new system has a technically cleaner implementation and more
  146. possibilities for capturing different types of data. See [[][Carsten's
  147. announcement]] for more details.
  148. To switch over to the new system:
  149. 1. Run
  150. : M-x org-capture-import-remember-templates RET
  151. to get a translated version of your remember templates into the
  152. new variable =org-capture-templates=. This will "mostly" work,
  153. but maybe not for all cases. At least it will give you a good
  154. place to modify your templates. After running this command,
  155. enter the customize buffer for this variable with
  156. : M-x customize-variable RET org-capture-templates RET
  157. and convince yourself that everything is OK. Then save the
  158. customization.
  159. 2. Bind the command =org-capture= to a key, similar to what you did
  160. with org-remember:
  161. : (define-key global-map "\C-cc" 'org-capture)
  162. If your fingers prefer =C-c r=, you can also use this key once
  163. you have decided to move over completely to the new
  164. implementation. During a test time, there is nothing wrong
  165. with using both system in parallel.
  166. * New libraries
  167. ** New Org libraries
  168. *** org-eshell.el (Konrad Hinsen)
  170. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  171. :END:
  172. Implement links to eshell buffers.
  173. *** org-special-blocks (Carsten Dominik)
  175. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  176. :END:
  177. This package generalizes the #+begin_foo and #+end_foo tokens.
  178. To use, put the following in your init file:
  180. (require 'org-special-blocks)
  181. #+END_EXAMPLE
  182. The tokens #+begin_center, #+begin_verse, etc. existed previously. This
  183. package generalizes them (at least for the LaTeX and html exporters). When
  184. a #+begin_foo token is encountered by the LaTeX exporter, it is expanded
  185. into \begin{foo}. The text inside the environment is not protected, as
  186. text inside environments generally is. When #+begin_foo is encountered by
  187. the html exporter, a div with class foo is inserted into the HTML file. It
  188. is up to the user to add this class to his or her stylesheet if this div is
  189. to mean anything.
  190. *** org-taskjuggler.el (Christian Egli)
  192. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  193. :END:
  194. Christian Egli's /org-taskjuggler.el/ module is now part of Org. He
  195. also wrote a [[][tutorial]] for it.
  196. *** org-ctags.el (Paul Sexton)
  198. :OrgVersion: 6.34
  199. :END:
  200. Targets like =<<my target>>= can now be found by Emacs' etag
  201. functionality, and Org-mode links can be used to to link to etags, also
  202. in non-Org-mode files. For details, see the file /org-ctags.el/.
  203. This feature uses a new hook =org-open-link-functions= which will call
  204. function to do something special with text links.
  205. Thanks to Paul Sexton for this contribution.
  206. *** org-docview.el (Jan Böcker)
  208. :OrgVersion: 6.34
  209. :END:
  210. This new module allows links to various file types using docview, where
  211. Emacs displays images of document pages. Docview link types can point
  212. to a specific page in a document, for example to page 131 of the
  213. Org-mode manual:
  214. : [[docview:~/.elisp/org/doc/org.pdf::131][Org-Mode Manual]]
  215. Thanks to Jan Böcker for this contribution.
  216. ** New Babel libraries
  217. - ob-picolisp.el (Thorsten Jolitz)
  218. - ob-fortran.el (Sergey Litvinov)
  219. - ob-shen.el (Eric Schulte)
  220. - ob-maxima.el (Eric S Fraga)
  221. - ob-java.el (Eric Schulte)
  222. - ob-lilypond.el (Martyn Jago)
  223. - ob-awk.el (Eric Schulte)
  224. * Other new features and various enhancements
  225. ** Hyperlinks
  226. *** Org-Bibtex -- major improvements
  228. :OrgVersion: 7.6
  229. :END:
  230. Provides support for managing bibtex bibliographical references
  231. data in headline properties. Each headline corresponds to a
  232. single reference and the relevant bibliographic meta-data is
  233. stored in headline properties, leaving the body of the headline
  234. free to hold notes and comments. Org-bibtex is aware of all
  235. standard bibtex reference types and fields.
  236. The key new functions are
  237. - org-bibtex-check :: queries the user to flesh out all required
  238. (and with prefix argument optional) bibtex fields available
  239. for the specific reference =type= of the current headline.
  240. - org-bibtex-create :: Create a new entry at the given level,
  241. using org-bibtex-check to flesh out the relevant fields.
  242. - org-bibtex-yank :: Yank a bibtex entry on the kill ring as a
  243. formatted Org-mode headline into the current buffer
  244. - org-bibtex-export-to-kill-ring :: Export the current headline
  245. to the kill ring as a formatted bibtex entry.
  246. *** org-gnus.el now allows link creation from messages
  248. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  249. :END:
  250. You can now create links from messages. This is particularily
  251. useful when the user wants to stored messages that he sends, for
  252. later check. Thanks to Ulf Stegemann for the patch.
  253. *** Modified link escaping
  255. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  256. :END:
  257. David Maus worked on `org-link-escape'. See [[][his message]]:
  258. : Percent escaping is used in Org mode to escape certain characters
  259. : in links that would either break the parser (e.g. square brackets
  260. : in link target oder description) or are not allowed to appear in
  261. : a particular link type (e.g. non-ascii characters in a http:
  262. : link).
  263. :
  264. : With this change in place Org will apply percent escaping and
  265. : unescaping more consistently especially for non-ascii characters.
  266. : Additionally some of the outstanding bugs or glitches concerning
  267. : percent escaped links are solved.
  268. Thanks a lot to David for this work.
  269. *** Make =org-store-link= point to directory in a dired buffer
  271. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  272. :END:
  273. When, in a dired buffer, the cursor is not in a line listing a
  274. file, `org-store-link' will store a link to the directory.
  275. Patch by Stephen Eglen.
  276. *** Allow regexps in =org-file-apps= to capture link parameters
  278. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  279. :END:
  280. The way extension regexps in =org-file-apps= are handled has
  281. changed. Instead of matching against the file name, the regexps
  282. are now matched against the whole link, and you can use grouping
  283. to extract link parameters which you can then use in a command
  284. string to be executed.
  285. For example, to allow linking to PDF files using the syntax
  286. =file:/doc.pdf::<page number>=, you can add the following entry to
  287. org-file-apps:
  288. #+begin_example
  289. Extension: \.pdf::\([0-9]+\)\'
  290. Command: evince "%s" -p %1
  291. #+end_example
  292. Thanks to Jan Böcker for a patch to this effect.
  293. ** Dates and time
  294. *** Allow relative time when scheduling/adding a deadline
  296. :OrgVersion: 7.7
  297. :END:
  298. You can now use relative duration strings like "-2d" or "++3w"
  299. when calling =org-schedule= or =org-deadline=: it will schedule
  300. (or set the deadline for) the item respectively two days before
  301. today and three weeks after the current timestamp, if any.
  302. You can use this programmatically: =(org-schedule nil "+2d")=
  303. will work on the current entry.
  304. You can also use this while (bulk-)rescheduling and
  305. (bulk-)resetting the deadline of (several) items from the agenda.
  306. Thanks to Memnon Anon for a heads up about this!
  307. *** American-style dates are now understood by =org-read-date=
  309. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  310. :END:
  311. So when you are prompted for a date, you can now answer like this
  312. #+begin_example
  313. 2/5/3 --> 2003-02-05
  314. 2/5 --> <CURRENT-YEAR>-02-05
  315. #+end_example
  316. ** Agenda
  317. *** =org-agenda-custom-commands= has a default value
  319. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  320. :END:
  321. This option used to be `nil' by default. This now has a default
  322. value, displaying an agenda and all TODOs. See the docstring for
  323. details. Thanks to Carsten for this.
  324. *** Improved filtering through =org-agenda-to-appt=
  326. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  327. :END:
  328. The new function allows the user to refine the scope of entries
  329. to pass to =org-agenda-get-day-entries= and allows to filter out
  330. entries using a function.
  331. Thanks to Peter Münster for raising a related issue and to
  332. Tassilo Horn for this idea. Also thanks to Peter Münster for
  333. [[git:68ffb7a7][fixing a small bug]] in the final implementation.
  334. *** Allow ap/pm times in agenda time grid
  336. :OrgVersion: 7.4
  337. :END:
  338. Times in the agenda can now be displayed in am/pm format. See the new
  339. variable =org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm=. Thanks to C. A. Webber for
  340. a patch to this effect.
  341. *** Agenda: Added a bulk "scattering" command
  343. :OrgVersion: 7.4
  344. :END:
  345. =B S= in the agenda buffer will cause tasks to be rescheduled a random
  346. number of days into the future, with 7 as the default. This is useful
  347. if you've got a ton of tasks scheduled for today, you realize you'll
  348. never deal with them all, and you just want them to be distributed
  349. across the next N days. When called with a prefix arg, rescheduling
  350. will avoid weekend days.
  351. Thanks to John Wiegley for this.
  352. ** Exporting
  353. *** Simplification of org-export-html-preamble/postamble
  355. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  356. :END:
  357. When set to `t', export the preamble/postamble as usual, honoring the
  358. =org-export-email/author/creator-info= variables.
  359. When set to a formatting string, insert this string. See the docstring
  360. of these variable for details about available %-sequences.
  361. You can set =:html-preamble= in publishing project in the same way: `t'
  362. means to honor =:email/creator/author-info=, and a formatting string
  363. will insert a string.
  364. *** New exporters to Latin-1 and UTF-8
  366. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  367. :END:
  368. While Ulf Stegemann was going through the entities list to improve the
  369. LaTeX export, he had the great idea to provide representations for many
  370. of the entities in Latin-1, and for all of them in UTF-8. This means
  371. that we can now export files rich in special symbols to Latin-1 and to
  372. UTF-8 files. These new exporters can be reached with the commands =C-c
  373. C-e n= and =C-c C-e u=, respectively.
  374. When there is no representation for a given symbol in the targeted
  375. coding system, you can choose to keep the TeX-macro-like
  376. representation, or to get an "explanatory" representation. For
  377. example, =\simeq= could be represented as "[approx. equal to]". Please
  378. use the variable =org-entities-ascii-explanatory= to state your
  379. preference.
  380. *** HTML export: Add class to outline containers using property
  382. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  383. :END:
  384. The =HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS= property can now be used to add a class name
  385. to the outline container of a node in HTML export.
  386. *** Throw an error when creating an image from a LaTeX snippet fails
  388. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  389. :END:
  390. This behavior can be configured with the new option variable
  391. =org-format-latex-signal-error=.
  392. *** Support for creating BEAMER presentations from Org-mode documents
  394. :OrgVersion: 6.34
  395. :END:
  396. Org-mode documents or subtrees can now be converted directly in to
  397. BEAMER presentation. Turning a tree into a simple presentations is
  398. straight forward, and there is also quite some support to make richer
  399. presentations as well. See the [[][BEAMER section]] in the manual for more
  400. details.
  401. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion about BEAMER
  402. support and how it should work. This was a great example for how this
  403. community can achieve a much better result than any individual could.
  404. ** Refiling
  405. *** Refile targets can now be cached
  407. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  408. :END:
  409. You can turn on caching of refile targets by setting the variable
  410. =org-refile-use-cache=. This should speed up refiling if you have many
  411. eligible targets in many files. If you need to update the cache
  412. because Org misses a newly created entry or still offers a deleted one,
  413. press =C-0 C-c C-w=.
  414. *** New logging support for refiling
  416. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  417. :END:
  418. Whenever you refile an item, a time stamp and even a note can be added
  419. to this entry. For details, see the new option =org-log-refile=.
  420. Thanks to Charles Cave for this idea.
  421. ** Completion
  422. *** In-buffer completion is now done using John Wiegleys pcomplete.el
  424. :OrgVersion: 7.4
  425. :END:
  426. Thanks to John Wiegley for much of this code.
  427. ** Tables
  428. *** New command =org-table-transpose-table-at-point=
  430. :OrgVersion: 7.8
  431. :END:
  432. See the docstring. This hack from Juan Pechiar is now part of Org's
  433. core. Thanks to Juan!
  434. *** Display field's coordinates when editing it with =C-c `=
  436. :OrgVersion: 7.7
  437. :END:
  438. When editing a field with =C-c `=, the field's coordinate will the
  439. displayed in the buffer.
  440. Thanks to Michael Brand for a patch to this effect.
  441. *** Spreadsheet computation of durations and time values
  443. :OrgVersion: 7.6
  444. :END:
  445. If you want to compute time values use the =T= flag, either in Calc
  446. formulas or Elisp formulas:
  447. | Task 1 | Task 2 | Total |
  448. |--------+--------+---------|
  449. | 35:00 | 35:00 | 1:10:00 |
  450. #+TBLFM: @2$3=$1+$2;T
  451. Values must be of the form =[HH:]MM:SS=, where hours are optional.
  452. Thanks to Martin Halder, Eric Schulte and Carsten for code and feedback
  453. on this.
  454. *** Implement formulas applying to field ranges
  456. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  457. :END:
  458. Carsten implemented this field-ranges formulas.
  459. : A frequently requested feature for tables has been to be able to define
  460. : row formulas in a way similar to column formulas. The patch below allows
  461. : things like
  462. :
  463. : @3=
  464. : @2$2..@5$7=
  465. : @I$2..@II$4=
  466. :
  467. : as the left hand side for table formulas in order to write a formula that
  468. : is valid for an entire column or for a rectangular section in a
  469. : table.
  470. Thanks a lot to Carsten for this.
  471. *** Sending radio tables from org buffers is now allowed
  473. :OrgVersion: 7.4
  474. :END:
  475. Org radio tables can no also be sent inside Org buffers. Also, there
  476. is a new hook which get called after a table has been sent.
  477. Thanks to Seweryn Kokot.
  478. ** Lists
  479. *** Improved handling of lists
  481. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  482. :END:
  483. Nicolas Goaziou extended and improved the way Org handles lists.
  484. 1. Indentation of text determines again end of items in lists. So, some
  485. text less indented than the previous item doesn't close the whole
  486. list anymore, only all items more indented than it.
  487. 2. Alphabetical bullets are implemented, through the use of the
  488. variable `org-alphabetical-lists'. This also adds alphabetical
  489. counters like [@c] or [@W].
  490. 3. Lists can now safely contain drawers, inline tasks, or various
  491. blocks, themselves containing lists. Two variables are controlling
  492. this: `org-list-forbidden-blocks', and `org-list-export-context'.
  493. 4. Improve `newline-and-indent' (C-j): used in an item, it will keep
  494. text from moving at column 0. This allows to split text and make
  495. paragraphs and still not break the list.
  496. 5. Improve `org-toggle-item' (C-c -): used on a region with standard
  497. text, it will change the region into one item. With a prefix
  498. argument, it will fallback to the previous behavior and make every
  499. line in region an item. It permits to easily integrate paragraphs
  500. inside a list.
  501. 6. `fill-paragraph' (M-q) now understands lists. It can freely be used
  502. inside items, or on text just after a list, even with no blank line
  503. around, without breaking list structure.
  504. Thanks a lot to Nicolas for all this!
  505. ** Inline display of linked images
  507. :OrgVersion: 6.36
  508. :END:
  509. Images can now be displayed inline. The key C-c C-x C-v does toggle the
  510. display of such images. Note that only image links that have no
  511. description part will be inlined.
  512. ** Implement offsets for ordered lists
  514. :OrgVersion: 6.36
  515. :END:
  516. If you want to start an ordered plain list with a number different from
  517. 1, you can now do it like this:
  518. : 1. [@start:12] will star a lit a number 12
  519. ** Babel: code block body expansion for table and preview
  521. :OrgVersion: 6.36
  522. :END:
  523. In org-babel, code is "expanded" prior to evaluation. I.e. the code that
  524. is actually evaluated comprises the code block contents, augmented with
  525. the extra code which assigns the referenced data to variables. It is now
  526. possible to preview expanded contents, and also to expand code during
  527. during tangling. This expansion takes into account all header arguments,
  528. and variables.
  529. A new key-binding `C-c M-b p' bound to `org-babel-expand-src-block' can
  530. be used from inside of a source code block to preview its expanded
  531. contents (which can be very useful for debugging). tangling
  532. The expanded body can now be tangled, this includes variable values
  533. which may be the results of other source-code blocks, or stored in
  534. headline properties or tables. One possible use for this is to allow
  535. those using org-babel for their emacs initialization to store values
  536. (e.g. usernames, passwords, etc...) in headline properties or in tables.
  537. Org-babel now supports three new header arguments, and new default
  538. behavior for handling horizontal lines in tables (hlines), column names,
  539. and rownames across all languages.
  540. ** Editing Convenience and Appearance
  541. *** New command =org-copy-visible= (=C-c C-x v=)
  543. :OrgVersion: 7.7
  544. :END:
  545. This command will copy the visible text in the region into the kill
  546. ring. Thanks to Florian Beck for this function and to Carsten for
  547. adding it to org.el and documenting it!
  548. *** Make it possible to protect hidden subtrees from being killed by =C-k=
  550. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  551. :END:
  552. See the new variable =org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree=. This was a request
  553. by Scott Otterson.
  554. *** Implement pretty display of entities, sub-, and superscripts.
  556. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  557. :END:
  558. The command =C-c C-x \= toggles the display of Org's special entities
  559. like =\alpha= as pretty unicode characters. Also, sub and superscripts
  560. are displayed in a pretty way (raised/lower display, in a smaller
  561. font). If you want to exclude sub- and superscripts, see the variable
  562. =org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts=.
  563. Thanks to Eric Schulte and Ulf Stegeman for making this possible.
  564. *** New faces for title, date, author and email address lines
  566. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  567. :END:
  568. The keywords in these lines are now dimmed out, and the title is
  569. displayed in a larger font, and a special font is also used for author,
  570. date, and email information. This is implemented by the following new
  571. faces:
  572. =org-document-title=
  573. =org-document-info=
  574. =org-document-info-keyword=
  575. In addition, the variable =org-hidden-keywords= can be used to make the
  576. corresponding keywords disappear.
  577. Thanks to Dan Davison for this feature.
  578. *** Simpler way to specify faces for tags and todo keywords
  580. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  581. :END:
  582. The variables =org-todo-keyword-faces=, =org-tag-faces=, and
  583. =org-priority-faces= now accept simple color names as specifications.
  584. The colors will be used as either foreground or background color for
  585. the corresponding keyword. See also the variable
  586. =org-faces-easy-properties=, which governs which face property is
  587. affected by this setting.
  588. This is really a great simplification for setting keyword faces. The
  589. change is based on an idea and patch by Ryan Thompson.
  590. *** <N> in tables now means fixed width, not maximum width
  592. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  593. :END:
  594. Requested by Michael Brand.
  595. *** Better level cycling function
  597. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  598. :END:
  599. =TAB= in an empty headline cycles the level of that headline through
  600. likely states. Ryan Thompson implemented an improved version of this
  601. function, which does not depend upon when exactly this command is used.
  602. Thanks to Ryan for this improvement.
  603. *** Adaptive filling
  605. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  606. :END:
  607. For paragraph text, =org-adaptive-fill-function= did not handle the
  608. base case of regular text which needed to be filled. This is now
  609. fixed. Among other things, it allows email-style ">" comments to be
  610. filled correctly.
  611. Thanks to Dan Hackney for this patch.
  612. *** `org-reveal' (=C-c C-r=) also decrypts encrypted entries (org-crypt.el)
  614. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  615. :END:
  616. Thanks to Richard Riley for triggering this change.
  617. *** Better automatic letter selection for TODO keywords
  619. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  620. :END:
  621. When all first letters of keywords have been used, Org now assigns more
  622. meaningful characters based on the keywords.
  623. Thanks to Mikael Fornius for this patch.
  624. ** Clocking
  625. *** Clock: Allow synchronous update of timestamps in CLOCK log
  627. :OrgVersion: 7.7
  628. :END:
  629. Using =S-M-<up/down>= on CLOCK log timestamps will increase/decrease
  630. the two timestamps on this line so that duration will keep the same.
  631. Note that duration can still be slightly modified in case a timestamp
  632. needs some rounding.
  633. Thanks to Rainer Stengele for this idea.
  634. *** Localized clock tables
  636. :OrgVersion: 7.5
  637. :END:
  638. Clock tables now support a new new =:lang= parameter, allowing the user
  639. to customize the localization of the table headers. See the variable
  640. =org-clock-clocktable-language-setup= which controls available
  641. translated strings.
  642. *** Show clock overruns in mode line
  644. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  645. :END:
  646. When clocking an item with a planned effort, overrunning the planned
  647. time is now made visible in the mode line, for example using the new
  648. face =org-mode-line-clock-overrun=, or by adding an extra string given
  649. by =org-task-overrun-text=.
  650. Thanks to Richard Riley for a patch to this effect.
  651. *** Clock reports can now include the running, incomplete clock
  653. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  654. :END:
  655. If you have a clock running, and the entry being clocked falls into the
  656. scope when creating a clock table, the time so far spent can be added
  657. to the total. This behavior depends on the setting of
  658. =org-clock-report-include-clocking-task=. The default is =nil=.
  659. Thanks to Bernt Hansen for this useful addition.
  660. ** Misc
  661. *** Improvements with inline tasks and indentation
  663. :OrgVersion: 7.4
  664. :END:
  665. There is now a configurable way on how to export inline tasks. See the
  666. new variable =org-inlinetask-export-templates=.
  667. Thanks to Nicolas Goaziou for coding these changes.
  668. *** A property value of "nil" now means to unset a property
  670. :OrgVersion: 7.01
  671. :END:
  672. This can be useful in particular with property inheritance, if some
  673. upper level has the property, and some grandchild of it would like to
  674. have the default settings (i.e. not overruled by a property) back.
  675. Thanks to Robert Goldman and Bernt Hansen for suggesting this change.
  676. *** New helper functions in org-table.el
  678. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  679. :END:
  680. There are new functions to access and write to a specific table field.
  681. This is for hackers, and maybe for the org-babel people.
  682. #+begin_example
  683. org-table-get
  684. org-table-put
  685. org-table-current-line
  686. org-table-goto-line
  687. #+end_example
  688. *** Archiving: Allow to reverse order in target node
  690. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  691. :END:
  692. The new option =org-archive-reversed-order= allows to have archived
  693. entries inserted in a last-on-top fashion in the target node.
  694. This was requested by Tom.
  695. *** Org-reveal: Double prefix arg shows the entire subtree of the parent
  697. :OrgVersion: 6.35
  698. :END:
  699. This can help to get out of an inconsistent state produced for example
  700. by viewing from the agenda.
  701. This was a request by Matt Lundin.
  702. * License
  703. This file is part of GNU Emacs.
  704. GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  705. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  706. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  707. (at your option) any later version.
  708. GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  709. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  711. GNU General Public License for more details.
  712. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  713. along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.