org-install.el 1.4 KB

  1. ;;; org-install.el --- Autoloads for org.el
  2. (autoload 'org-mode "org" "Org mode" t)
  3. (autoload 'org-diary "org" "Diary entries from Org mode.")
  4. (autoload 'org-agenda "org" "Multi-file agenda from Org mode." t)
  5. (autoload 'org-store-link "org" "Store a link to the current location." t)
  6. (autoload 'orgtbl-mode "org" "Org tables as a minor mode." t)
  7. (autoload 'turn-on-orgtbl "org" "Org tables as a minor mode.")
  8. (autoload 'org-cycle "org" "Subtree visibility cycling." t)
  9. (autoload 'org-global-cycle "org" "Global visibility cycling." t)
  10. (autoload 'org-agenda-list "org" "Produce calendar-loke agenda view." t)
  11. (autoload 'org-todo-list "org" "Produce global TODO list." t)
  12. (autoload 'org-tags-view "org" "Produce global TAGS agenda view." t)
  13. (autoload 'org-remember-annotation "org")
  14. (autoload 'org-remember-apply-template "org")
  15. (autoload 'org-remember-handler "org")
  16. (autoload 'org-export-icalendar-all-agenda-files "org"
  17. "Export all files in `org-agenda-files' to iCalendar .ics files." t)
  18. (autoload 'org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files "org"
  19. "Export all files in `org-agenda-files' to a single combined iCalendar file." t)
  20. (autoload 'org-publish-current-file "org-publish" "Publish current file." t)
  21. (autoload 'org-publish-current-project "org-publish"
  22. "Publish all files of current project." t)
  23. (autoload 'org-publish "org-publish" "Publish a project." t)
  24. (autoload 'org-publish-all "org-publish" "Publish all projects." t)
  25. (provide 'org-install)