header argument expansion
header argument expansion using :exports results
header argument
header argument expansion
(message "expanded1")
(message "expanded2")
;; noweb-1-yes-start <<noweb-example>>
;; noweb-no-start <<noweb-example1>>
;; noweb-2-yes-start <<noweb-example2>>
;; noweb-tangle-start <<noweb-example1>> <<noweb-example2>>
header argument expansion using :exports results
(message "expanded1")
(message "expanded2")
;; noweb-1-yes-start <<noweb-example>>
;; noweb-no-start <<noweb-example1>>
;; noweb-2-yes-start <<noweb-example2>>
<<noweb-example1>> <<noweb-example2>>
(message "not to be tangled")
(message "for tangling")
(require 'cl) (defalias 'my-map (if (org-version-check "24.2.50" "cl" :predicate) 'cl-map 'map)) (defun pascals-triangle (n) (if (= n 0) (list (list 1)) (let* ((prev-triangle (pascals-triangle (- n 1))) (prev-row (car (reverse prev-triangle)))) (append prev-triangle (list (my-map 'list #'+ (append prev-row '(0)) (append '(0) prev-row))))))) (pascals-triangle n)
(sqrt n)
This is an inline call call_echo(input="testing") embedded in prose. This is an inline call call_echo(input="testing")[:results vector] embedded in prose.
call_echo("testing") call_concat(1,2,3)
(format "%S%S%S" a b c)
(* 2 it)
The following exports as a normal call line
Now here is an inline call call_double(it=1) stuck in the middle of some prose.
This one should not be exported call_double(it=2)
because it is
Finally this next one should export, even though it starts a line call_double(it=3) because sometimes inline blocks fold with a paragraph.
And, a call with raw results call_double(4)[:results raw] should not have quoted results.
The following 2*5=call_double(5) should export even when prefixed by an = sign.
Here is one in the middle src_sh{echo 1} of a line. Here is one at the end of a line. src_sh{echo 2} src_sh{echo 3} Here is one at the beginning of a line.
"code block results"
(reverse lst)
header argument
|sed '1d'
|awk '{print $5 " " $6}'|sort -n |tail -1
|awk '{print $2}'
(length text)
<<simple-subtree>> <<d4faa7b3-072b-4dcf-813c-dd7141c633f3>>
this is simple
has length 14
src_sh{echo "One"} block at start of line One spaced block in src_sh{ echo "middle" } of line src_sh{echo 2} blocks on the src_emacs-lisp{"same"} line Inline block with src_sh[:results silent]{ echo "parameters" }.
exporting a code block with a name
echo bar
Weird interaction.
here is one block
echo 1
and another
# I am inside the code block <<noweb-no-export-and-exports-both-1>>
(push it *evaluation-collector*)
(push 2 *evaluation-collector*)
Third src_emacs-lisp{(push 3 evaluation-collector)}
(push 5 *evaluation-collector*)
Here is a call line with more than just the results exported.
<<strip-export-1>> echo "1$i"
If overriden by caller then use :var from header else use entry property.
Note: Just export of a property can be done with a macro: {{{property(a)}}}.
sect inline call_src_block_location_shell(dummy_name="sect inline")
sect inline call_src_block_location_elisp[:session sect inline]()
sub0 inline call_src_block_location_shell(dummy_name="sub0 inline")
sub0 inline call_src_block_location_elisp[:session sub0 inline]()
sub1 inline call_src_block_location_shell(dummy_name="sub1 inline", c=5, e=6)
sub1 inline call_src_block_location_elisp[:session sub1 inline](c=5, e=6)
printf "shell a:$a, b:$b, c:$c, d:$d, e:$e"
(setq a (or a (string-to-number (or (org-entry-get org-babel-current-src-block-location "a" t) "0"))) b (or b (string-to-number (or (org-entry-get org-babel-current-src-block-location "b" t) "0"))) c (or c (string-to-number (or (org-entry-get org-babel-current-src-block-location "c" t) "0"))) d (or d (string-to-number (or (org-entry-get org-babel-current-src-block-location "e" t) "0"))) e (or e (string-to-number (or (org-entry-get org-babel-current-src-block-location "d" t) "0")))) (format "elisp a:%d, b:%d, c:%d, d:%d, e:%d" a b c d e)