orgcard.txt 22 KB

  1. ================================================================================
  2. Org-Mode Reference Card (for version 6.07)
  3. ================================================================================
  4. ================================================================================
  5. Getting Started
  6. ================================================================================
  7. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
  8. (define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'org-store-link) [1]
  9. (define-key global-map "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) [1]
  10. For the many customization options try M-x org-customize
  11. To read the on-line documentation try M-x org-info
  12. ================================================================================
  13. Visibility Cycling
  14. ================================================================================
  15. rotate current subtree between states TAB
  16. rotate entire buffer between states S-TAB
  17. show the whole file C-c C-a
  18. reveal context around point C-c C-r
  19. show subtree in indirect buffer, ded. frame C-c C-k
  20. ================================================================================
  21. Motion
  22. ================================================================================
  23. next/previous heading C-c C-n/p
  24. next/previous heading, same level C-c C-f/b
  25. backward to higher level heading C-c C-u
  26. jump to another place in document C-c C-j
  27. previous/next plain list item S-UP/DOWN [3]
  28. ================================================================================
  29. Structure Editing
  30. ================================================================================
  31. insert new heading/item at current level M-RET
  32. insert new heading after subtree C-RET
  33. insert new TODO entry/checkbox item M-S-RET
  34. promote/demote current heading up one level M-LEFT/RIGHT
  35. promote/demote current subtree up one level M-S-LEFT/RIGHT
  36. move subtree/list item up/down M-S-UP/DOWN
  37. refile subtree C-c C-w
  38. kill subtree C-c C-x C-w
  39. copy subtree C-c C-x M-w
  40. yank subtree C-c C-x C-y
  41. narrow buffer to current subtree C-x n s
  42. widen restriction to full buffer C-x n w
  43. ================================================================================
  44. Archiving
  45. ================================================================================
  46. toggle ARCHIVE tag C-c C-x C-a
  47. force cycling of an ARCHIVEd tree C-TAB
  48. move subtree to archive file C-c C-x C-s
  49. ================================================================================
  50. Filtering and Sparse Trees
  51. ================================================================================
  52. construct a sparse tree by various criteria C-c /
  53. view TODO's in sparse tree C-c C-v
  54. global TODO list in agenda mode C-c a t [1]
  55. time sorted view of current org file C-c a L
  56. ================================================================================
  57. Tables
  58. ================================================================================
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. Creating a table
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. just start typing, e.g. |Name|Phone|Age RET |- TAB
  63. convert region to table C-c |
  64. ... separator at least 3 spaces C-3 C-c |
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. Commands available inside tables
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. The following commands work when the cursor is inside a table. Outside of
  69. tables, the same keys may have other functionality.
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. Re-aligning and field motion
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. re-align the table without moving the cursor C-c C-c
  74. re-align the table, move to next field TAB
  75. move to previous field S-TAB
  76. re-align the table, move to next row RET
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. Row and column editing
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. move the current column left M-LEFT/RIGHT
  81. kill the current column M-S-LEFT
  82. insert new column to left of cursor position M-S-RIGHT
  83. move the current row up/down M-UP/DOWN
  84. kill the current row or horizontal line M-S-UP
  85. insert new row above the current row M-S-DOWN
  86. insert hline below (C-u : above) current row C-c -
  87. sort lines in region C-c ^
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. Regions
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. cut rectangular region C-c C-x C-w
  92. copy rectangular region C-c C-x M-w
  93. paste rectangular region C-c C-x C-y
  94. fill paragraph across selected cells C-c C-q
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. Miscellaneous
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. to limit column width to N characters, use ...| <N> |...
  99. edit the current field in a separate window C-c `
  100. make current field fully visible C-u TAB
  101. export as tab-separated file M-x org-table-export
  102. import tab-separated file M-x org-table-import
  103. sum numbers in current column/rectangle C-c +
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. Tables created with the table.el package
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. insert a new table.el table C-c ~
  108. recognize existing table.el table C-c C-c
  109. convert table (Org-mode <-> table.el) C-c ~
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. Spreadsheet
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. Formulas typed in field are executed by TAB, RET and C-c C-c. = introduces a
  114. column formula, := a field formula.
  115. Example: Add Col1 and Col2 |=$1+$2 |
  116. ... with printf format specification |=$1+$2;%.2f|
  117. ... with constants from constants.el |=$1/$c/$cm |
  118. sum from 2nd to 3rd hline |:=vsum(@II..@III)|
  119. apply current column formula | = |
  120. set and eval column formula C-c =
  121. set and eval field formula C-u C-c =
  122. re-apply all stored equations to current line C-c *
  123. re-apply all stored equations to entire table C-u C-c *
  124. iterate table to stability C-u C-u C-c *
  125. rotate calculation mark through # * ! $ C-#
  126. show line, column, formula reference C-c ?
  127. toggle coordinate grid C-c }
  128. toggle formula debugger C-c {
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. Formula Editor
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. edit formulas in separate buffer C-c '
  133. exit and install new formulas C-c C-c
  134. exit, install, and apply new formulas C-u C-c C-c
  135. abort C-c C-q
  136. toggle reference style C-c C-r
  137. pretty-print Lisp formula TAB
  138. complete Lisp symbol M-TAB
  139. shift reference point S-cursor
  140. shift test line for column references M-up/down
  141. scroll the window showing the table M-S-up/down
  142. toggle table coordinate grid C-c }
  143. ================================================================================
  144. Links
  145. ================================================================================
  146. globally store link to the current location C-c l [1]
  147. insert a link (TAB completes stored links) C-c C-l
  148. insert file link with file name completion C-u C-c C-l
  149. edit (also hidden part of) link at point C-c C-l
  150. open file links in emacs C-c C-o
  151. ... force open in emacs/other window C-u C-c C-o
  152. open link at point mouse-1/2
  153. ... force open in emacs/other window mouse-3
  154. record a position in mark ring C-c %
  155. jump back to last followed link(s) C-c &
  156. find next link C-c C-x C-n
  157. find previous link C-c C-x C-p
  158. edit code snippet of file at point C-c '
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. Internal Links
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. <<My Target>> target
  163. <<<My Target>>> radio target [2]
  164. [[*this text]] find headline
  165. [[this text]] find target or text in buffer
  166. [[this text][description]] optional link text
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. External Links
  169. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. file:/home/dominik/img/mars.jpg file, absolute
  171. file:papers/last.pdf file, relative
  172.*that text find headline
  173. me find trgt/string
  174. on the web
  175. Email address
  176. news:comp.emacs Usenet group
  177. bbdb:Richard Stallman BBDB person
  178. gnus:group GNUS group
  179. gnus:group#id GNUS message
  180. vm|wl|mhe|rmail:folder Mail folder
  181. vm|wl|mhe|rmail:folder#id Mail message
  182. info:emacs:Regexps Info file:node
  183. shell:ls *.org shell command
  184. elisp:(calendar) elisp form
  185. [[external link][description]] optional link text
  186. ================================================================================
  187. Completion
  188. ================================================================================
  189. In-buffer completion completes TODO keywords at headline start, TeX macros
  190. after `\', option keywords after `#-â', TAGS after `:', and dictionary words
  191. elsewhere.
  192. complete word at point M-TAB
  193. ================================================================================
  194. TODO Items and Checkboxes
  195. ================================================================================
  196. rotate the state of the current item C-c C-t
  197. select next/previous state S-LEFT/RIGHT
  198. select next/previous set C-S-LEFT/RIGHT
  199. view TODO items in a sparse tree C-c C-v
  200. view 3rd TODO keyword's sparse tree C-3 C-c C-v
  201. set the priority of the current item C-c , [ABC]
  202. remove priority cookie from current item C-c , SPC
  203. raise/lower priority of current item S-UP/DOWN [3]
  204. insert new checkbox item in plain list M-S-RET
  205. toggle checkbox(es) in region/entry/at point C-c C-x C-b
  206. toggle checkbox at point C-c C-c
  207. checkbox statistics cookies insert [/] or [%]
  208. update checkbox statistics (C-u : whole file) C-c #
  209. ================================================================================
  210. Tags
  211. ================================================================================
  212. set tags for current heading C-c C-c
  213. realign tags in all headings C-u C-c C-c
  214. create sparse tree with matching tags C-c \
  215. globally (agenda) match tags at cursor C-c C-o
  216. \section{Properties and Column View}
  217. \key{set property}{C-c C-x p}
  218. \key{special commands in property lines}{C-c C-c}
  219. \key{next/previous allowed value}{S-left/right}
  220. \key{turn on column view}{C-c C-x C-c}
  221. \key{capture columns view in dynamic block}{C-c C-x r}
  222. \key{quit column view}{q}
  223. \key{next/previous allowed value}{S-left/right}
  224. \key{next/previous allowed value}{n / p}
  225. \key{edit value}{e}
  226. \key{edit allowed values list}{a}
  227. \key{show value}{v}
  228. \key{make column wider/narrower}{> / <}
  229. \key{move column left/right}{M-left/right}
  230. \key{add new column}{M-S-right}
  231. \key{Delete current column}{M-S-left}
  232. ================================================================================
  233. Timestamps
  234. ================================================================================
  235. prompt for date and insert timestamp C-c .
  236. like C-c . but insert date and time format C-u C-c .
  237. like C-c . but make stamp inactive C-c !
  238. insert DEADLINE timestamp C-c C-d
  239. insert SCHEDULED timestamp C-c C-s
  240. create sparse tree with all deadlines due C-c C-w
  241. the time between 2 dates in a time range C-c C-y
  242. change timestamp at cursor by ±1 day S-RIGHT/LEFT [3]
  243. change year/month/day at cursor by ±1 S-UP/DOWN [3]
  244. access the calendar for the current date C-c >
  245. insert timestamp matching date in calendar C-c <
  246. access agenda for current date C-c C-o
  247. select date while prompted mouse-1/RET
  248. toggle custom format display for dates/times C-c C-x C-t
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  250. Clocking time
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. start clock on current item C-c C-x C-i
  253. stop clock on current item C-c C-x C-o
  254. cancel current clock C-c C-x C-x
  255. display total subtree times C-c C-x C-d
  256. remove displayed times C-c C-c
  257. insert/update table with clock report C-c C-x C-r
  258. ================================================================================
  259. Agenda Views
  260. ================================================================================
  261. add/move current file to front of agenda C-c [
  262. remove current file from your agenda C-c ]
  263. cycle through agenda file list C-'
  264. compile agenda for the current week C-c a a [1]
  265. compile global TODO list C-c a t [1]
  266. compile TODO list for specific keyword C-c a T [1]
  267. match tags, todo kwds and properties C-c a m [1]
  268. match only in TODO entries C-c a M [1]
  269. find stuck projects C-c a # [1]
  270. show timeline of current org file C-c a L [1]
  271. configure custom commands C-c a C [1]
  272. configure stuck projects C-c a ! [1]
  273. agenda for date at cursor C-c C-o
  274. To set categories, add lines like [2]:
  275. #+CATEGORY: MyCateg
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. Commands available in an agenda buffer
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. View Org file
  281. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. show original location of item SPC/mouse-3
  283. show and recenter window L
  284. goto original location in other window TAB/mouse-2
  285. goto original location, delete other windows RET
  286. show subtree in indirect buffer, ded. frame b
  287. toggle follow-mode f
  288. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. Change display
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  291. delete other windows o
  292. switch to day/week/month/year view d/w/m/y
  293. toggle inclusion of diary entries D
  294. toggle time grid for daily schedule G
  295. toggle display of logbook entries l
  296. toggle inclusion of archived trees/files v / C-u v}
  297. refresh agenda buffer with any changes r / g
  298. filter agenda with repect to a tag /
  299. save all org-mode buffers s
  300. display the next/previous day, week,... RIGHT/LEFT
  301. goto today .
  302. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. Remote editing
  304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. digit argument 0-9
  306. change state of current TODO item t
  307. kill item and source C-k
  308. archive the subtree $ / a / A
  309. show tags of current headline T
  310. set tags for current headline :
  311. toggle ARCHIVE tag a
  312. set priority of current item p
  313. raise/lower priority of current item S-UP/DOWN [3]
  314. display weighted priority of current item P
  315. schedule/set deadline for this item C-c C-s/d
  316. change timestamp to one day earlier/later S-LEFT/RIGHT [3]
  317. change timestamp to today >
  318. insert new entry into diary i
  319. start/stop/cancel the clock in current item I / O / X
  320. jump to running clock entry J
  321. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. Misc
  323. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  324. Open link in current line C-c C-o
  325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. Calendar commands
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  328. find agenda cursor date in calendar c
  329. compute agenda for calendar cursor date c
  330. show phases of the moon M
  331. show sunrise/sunset times S
  332. show holidays H
  333. convert date to other calendars C
  334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335. Quit and Exit
  336. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. quit agenda, remove agenda buffer q
  338. exit agenda, remove all agenda buffers x
  339. ================================================================================
  340. Calendar and Diary Integration
  341. ================================================================================
  342. Include Emacs diary entries into Org-mode agenda with:
  343. (setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
  344. ================================================================================
  345. LaTeX and cdlatex-mode
  346. ================================================================================
  347. preview LaTeX fragment C-c C-x C-l
  348. expand abbreviation (cdlatex-mode) TAB
  349. insert/modify math symbol (cdlatex-mode) ` / '
  350. ================================================================================
  351. Exporting and Publishing
  352. ================================================================================
  353. Exporting creates files with extensions .txt and .html in the current
  354. directory. Publishing puts the resulting file into some other place.
  355. export/publish dispatcher C-c C-e
  356. export visible part only C-c C-e v
  357. insert template of export options C-c C-x t
  358. toggle fixed width for entry or region C-c :
  359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. Comments: Text not being exported
  361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  362. Text before the first headline is not considered part of the document and is
  363. therefore never exported. Lines starting with # are comments and are not
  364. exported. Subtrees whose header starts with COMMENT are never exported.
  365. toggle COMMENT keyword on entry C-c ;
  366. ================================================================================
  367. Dynamic Blocks
  368. ================================================================================
  369. update dynamic block at point C-c C-x C-u
  370. update all dynamic blocks C-u C-c C-x C-u
  371. ================================================================================
  372. Notes
  373. ================================================================================
  374. [1] This is only a suggestion for a binding of this command. Choose you own
  375. key as shown under INSTALLATION.
  376. [2] After changing a #+KEYWORD or <<<target>>> line, press C-c C-c with the
  377. cursor still in the line to update.
  378. [3] Keybinding affected by org-CUA-compatibility.