#s(hash-table size 8311 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data ("any" ("0d 0h" "" "33107" :NOSDIAG) "ZERO" ("0d 0h" "" "33107" :NOSDIAG) "BINT0" ("0d 0h" "" "33107" :NOSDIAG) "MEMERR" ("1d 1h" "" "33111" :NOSDIAG) "real" ("1d 1h" "" "33111" :NOSDIAG) "ONE" ("1d 1h" "" "33111" :NOSDIAG) "BINT1" ("1d 1h" "" "33111" :NOSDIAG) "cmp" ("2d 2h" "" "3311B" :NOSDIAG) "TWO" ("2d 2h" "" "3311B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT2" ("2d 2h" "" "3311B" :NOSDIAG) "str" ("3d 3h" "" "33125" :NOSDIAG) "THREE" ("3d 3h" "" "33125" :NOSDIAG) "BINT3" ("3d 3h" "" "33125" :NOSDIAG) "arry" ("4d 4h" "" "3312F" :NOSDIAG) "FOUR" ("4d 4h" "" "3312F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT4" ("4d 4h" "" "3312F" :NOSDIAG) "list" ("5d 5h" "" "33139" :NOSDIAG) "FIVE" ("5d 5h" "" "33139" :NOSDIAG) "BINT5" ("5d 5h" "" "33139" :NOSDIAG) "idnt" ("6d 6h" "" "33143" :NOSDIAG) "id" ("6d 6h" "" "33143" :NOSDIAG) "SIX" ("6d 6h" "" "33143" :NOSDIAG) "BINT6" ("6d 6h" "" "33143" :NOSDIAG) "lam" ("7d 7h" "" "3314D" :NOSDIAG) "SEVEN" ("7d 7h" "" "3314D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT7" ("7d 7h" "" "3314D" :NOSDIAG) "seco" ("8d 8h" "" "33157" :NOSDIAG) "EIGHT" ("8d 8h" "" "33157" :NOSDIAG) "BINT8" ("8d 8h" "" "33157" :NOSDIAG) "symb" ("9d 9h" "" "33161" :NOSDIAG) "NINE" ("9d 9h" "" "33161" :NOSDIAG) "BINT9" ("9d 9h" "" "33161" :NOSDIAG) "sym" ("10d Ah" "" "3316B" :NOSDIAG) "TEN" ("10d Ah" "" "3316B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT10" ("10d Ah" "" "3316B" :NOSDIAG) "hxs" ("11d Bh" "" "33175" :NOSDIAG) "ELEVEN" ("11d Bh" "" "33175" :NOSDIAG) "BINT11" ("11d Bh" "" "33175" :NOSDIAG) "grob" ("12d Ch" "" "3317F" :NOSDIAG) "TWELVE" ("12d Ch" "" "3317F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT12" ("12d Ch" "" "3317F" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTEEN" ("13d Dh" "" "33189" :NOSDIAG) "TAGGED" ("13d Dh" "" "33189" :NOSDIAG) "BINT13" ("13d Dh" "" "33189" :NOSDIAG) "unitob" ("14d Eh" "" "33193" :NOSDIAG) "FOURTEEN" ("14d Eh" "" "33193" :NOSDIAG) "EXT" ("14d Eh" "" "33193" :NOSDIAG) "BINT14" ("14d Eh" "" "33193" :NOSDIAG) "rompointer" ("15d Fh" "" "3319D" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTEEN" ("15d Fh" "" "3319D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT15" ("15d Fh" "" "3319D" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTEEN" ("16d 10h" "" "331A7" :NOSDIAG) "REALOB" ("16d 10h" "" "331A7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT16" ("16d 10h" "" "331A7" :NOSDIAG) "REALREAL" ("17d 11h" "" "331B1" :NOSDIAG) "2REAL" ("17d 11h" "" "331B1" :NOSDIAG) "SEVENTEEN" ("17d 11h" "" "331B1" :NOSDIAG) "BINT17" ("17d 11h" "" "331B1" :NOSDIAG) "EIGHTEEN" ("18d 12h" "" "331BB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT18" ("18d 12h" "" "331BB" :NOSDIAG) "NINETEEN" ("19d 13h" "" "331C5" :NOSDIAG) "BINT19" ("19d 13h" "" "331C5" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTY" ("20d 14h" "" "331CF" :NOSDIAG) "BINT20" ("20d 14h" "" "331CF" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYONE" ("21d 15h" "" "331D9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT21" ("21d 15h" "" "331D9" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYTWO" ("22d 16h" "" "331E3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT22" ("22d 16h" "" "331E3" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYTHREE" ("23d 17h" "" "331ED" :NOSDIAG) "BINT23" ("23d 17h" "" "331ED" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYFOUR" ("24d 18h" "" "331F7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT24" ("24d 18h" "" "331F7" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYFIVE" ("25d 19h" "" "33201" :NOSDIAG) "BINT25" ("25d 19h" "" "33201" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYSIX" ("26d 1Ah" "" "3320B" :NOSDIAG) "REALSYM" ("26d 1Ah" "" "3320B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT26" ("26d 1Ah" "" "3320B" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYSEVEN" ("27d 1Bh" "" "33215" :NOSDIAG) "BINT27" ("27d 1Bh" "" "33215" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYEIGHT" ("28d 1Ch" "" "3321F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT28" ("28d 1Ch" "" "3321F" :NOSDIAG) "TWENTYNINE" ("29d 1Dh" "" "33229" :NOSDIAG) "BINT29" ("29d 1Dh" "" "33229" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTY" ("30d 1Eh" "" "33233" :NOSDIAG) "REALEXT" ("30d 1Eh" "" "33233" :NOSDIAG) "BINT30" ("30d 1Eh" "" "33233" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYONE" ("31d 1Fh" "" "3323D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT31" ("31d 1Fh" "" "3323D" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYTWO" ("32d 20h" "" "33247" :NOSDIAG) "BINT32" ("32d 20h" "" "33247" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYTHREE" ("33d 21h" "" "33251" :NOSDIAG) "BINT33" ("33d 21h" "" "33251" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYFOUR" ("34d 22h" "" "3325B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT34" ("34d 22h" "" "3325B" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYFIVE" ("35d 23h" "" "33265" :NOSDIAG) "BINT35" ("35d 23h" "" "33265" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYSIX" ("36d 24h" "" "3326F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT36" ("36d 24h" "" "3326F" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYSEVEN" ("37d 25h" "" "33279" :NOSDIAG) "BINT37" ("37d 25h" "" "33279" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYEIGHT" ("38d 26h" "" "33283" :NOSDIAG) "BINT38" ("38d 26h" "" "33283" :NOSDIAG) "THIRTYNINE" ("39d 27h" "" "3328D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT39" ("39d 27h" "" "3328D" :NOSDIAG) "FOURTY" ("40d 28h" "" "33297" :NOSDIAG) "FORTY" ("40d 28h" "" "33297" :NOSDIAG) "BINT40" ("40d 28h" "" "33297" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYONE" ("41d 29h" "" "332A1" :NOSDIAG) "BINT41" ("41d 29h" "" "332A1" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYTWO" ("42d 2Ah" "" "332AB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT42" ("42d 2Ah" "" "332AB" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYTHREE" ("43d 2Bh" "" "332B5" :NOSDIAG) "BINT43" ("43d 2Bh" "" "332B5" :NOSDIAG) "(illnameerr)" ("44d 2Ch" "" "332BF" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYFOUR" ("44d 2Ch" "" "332BF" :NOSDIAG) "BINT44" ("44d 2Ch" "" "332BF" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYFIVE" ("45d 2Dh" "" "332C9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT45" ("45d 2Dh" "" "332C9" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYSIX" ("46d 2Eh" "" "332D3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT46" ("46d 2Eh" "" "332D3" :NOSDIAG) "(rrp)" ("47d 2Fh" "" "332DD" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYSEVEN" ("47d 2Fh" "" "332DD" :NOSDIAG) "BINT47" ("47d 2Fh" "" "332DD" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYEIGHT" ("48d 30h" "" "332E7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT48" ("48d 30h" "" "332E7" :NOSDIAG) "FORTYNINE" ("49d 31h" "" "332F1" :NOSDIAG) "BINT49" ("49d 31h" "" "332F1" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTY" ("50d 32h" "" "332FB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT50" ("50d 32h" "" "332FB" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYONE" ("51d 33h" "" "33305" :NOSDIAG) "BINT51" ("51d 33h" "" "33305" :NOSDIAG) "(THREEFOUR)" ("52d 34h" "" "3330F" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYTWO" ("52d 34h" "" "3330F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT52" ("52d 34h" "" "3330F" :NOSDIAG) "THREEFIVE" ("53d 35h" "" "33319" :NOSDIAG) "STRLIST" ("53d 35h" "" "33319" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYTHREE" ("53d 35h" "" "33319" :NOSDIAG) "BINT53" ("53d 35h" "" "33319" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYFOUR" ("54d 36h" "" "33323" :NOSDIAG) "BINT54" ("54d 36h" "" "33323" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYFIVE" ("55d 37h" "" "3332D" :NOSDIAG) "(#THREESEVEN)" ("55d 37h" "" "3332D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT55" ("55d 37h" "" "3332D" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYSIX" ("56d 38h" "" "33337" :NOSDIAG) "BINT56" ("56d 38h" "" "33337" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYSEVEN" ("57d 39h" "" "33341" :NOSDIAG) "BINT57" ("57d 39h" "" "33341" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYEIGHT" ("58d 3Ah" "" "3334B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT58" ("58d 3Ah" "" "3334B" :NOSDIAG) "FIFTYNINE" ("59d 3Bh" "" "33355" :NOSDIAG) "BINT59" ("59d 3Bh" "" "33355" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTY" ("60d 3Ch" "" "3335F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT60" ("60d 3Ch" "" "3335F" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTYONE" ("61d 3Dh" "" "33369" :NOSDIAG) "BINT61" ("61d 3Dh" "" "33369" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTYTWO" ("62d 3Eh" "" "33373" :NOSDIAG) "BINT62" ("62d 3Eh" "" "33373" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTYTHREE" ("63d 3Fh" "" "3337D" :NOSDIAG) "(BINT3Fh)" ("63d 3Fh" "" "3337D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT63" ("63d 3Fh" "" "3337D" :NOSDIAG) "YHI" ("64d 40h" "" "33387" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTYFOUR" ("64d 40h" "" "33387" :NOSDIAG) "(BINT_40h)" ("64d 40h" "" "33387" :NOSDIAG) "BINT40h" ("64d 40h" "" "33387" :NOSDIAG) "BINT64" ("64d 40h" "" "33387" :NOSDIAG) "(BINT_65d)" ("65d 41h" "" "33391" :NOSDIAG) "ARRYREAL" ("65d 41h" "" "33391" :NOSDIAG) "BINT65" ("65d 41h" "" "33391" :NOSDIAG) "(ARRYCMP)" ("66d 42h" "" "3339B" :NOSDIAG) "FOURTWO" ("66d 42h" "" "3339B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT66" ("66d 42h" "" "3339B" :NOSDIAG) "FOURTHREE" ("67d 43h" "" "333A5" :NOSDIAG) "BINT67" ("67d 43h" "" "333A5" :NOSDIAG) "SIXTYEIGHT" ("68d 44h" "" "333AF" :NOSDIAG) "(2ARRY)" ("68d 44h" "" "333AF" :NOSDIAG) "BINT68" ("68d 44h" "" "333AF" :NOSDIAG) "FOURFIVE" ("69d 45h" "" "333B9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT69" ("69d 45h" "" "333B9" :NOSDIAG) "(ARRYID)" ("70d 46h" "" "333C3" :NOSDIAG) "SEVENTY" ("70d 46h" "" "333C3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT70" ("70d 46h" "" "333C3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT71" ("71d 47h" "" "333CD" :NOSDIAG) "BINT72" ("72d 48h" "" "333D7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT73" ("73d 49h" "" "333E1" :NOSDIAG) "SEVENTYFOUR" ("74d 4Ah" "" "333EB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT74" ("74d 4Ah" "" "333EB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT75" ("75d 4Bh" "" "333F5" :NOSDIAG) "BINT76" ("76d 4Ch" "" "333FF" :NOSDIAG) "BINT77" ("77d 4Dh" "" "33409" :NOSDIAG) "BINT78" ("78d 4Eh" "" "33413" :NOSDIAG) "SEVENTYNINE" ("79d 4Fh" "" "3341D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT79" ("79d 4Fh" "" "3341D" :NOSDIAG) "(LISTOB)" ("80d 50h" "" "33427" :NOSDIAG) "EIGHTY" ("80d 50h" "" "33427" :NOSDIAG) "BINT80" ("80d 50h" "" "33427" :NOSDIAG) "LISTREAL" ("81d 51h" "" "33431" :NOSDIAG) "EIGHTYONE" ("81d 51h" "" "33431" :NOSDIAG) "BINT81" ("81d 51h" "" "33431" :NOSDIAG) "LISTCMP" ("82d 52h" "" "3343B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT82" ("82d 52h" "" "3343B" :NOSDIAG) "FIVETHREE" ("83d 53h" "" "33445" :NOSDIAG) "BINT83" ("83d 53h" "" "33445" :NOSDIAG) "FIVEFOUR" ("84d 54h" "" "3344F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT84" ("84d 54h" "" "3344F" :NOSDIAG) "2LIST" ("85d 55h" "" "33459" :NOSDIAG) "BINT85" ("85d 55h" "" "33459" :NOSDIAG) "(LISTID)" ("86d 56h" "" "33463" :NOSDIAG) "FIVESIX" ("86d 56h" "" "33463" :NOSDIAG) "BINT86" ("86d 56h" "" "33463" :NOSDIAG) "LISTLAM" ("87d 57h" "" "3346D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT87" ("87d 57h" "" "3346D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT88" ("88d 58h" "" "33477" :NOSDIAG) "BINT89" ("89d 59h" "" "33481" :NOSDIAG) "BINT90" ("90d 5Ah" "" "3348B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_91d" ("91d 5Bh" "" "33495" :NOSDIAG) "BINT91" ("91d 5Bh" "" "33495" :NOSDIAG) "BINT92" ("92d 5Ch" "" "3349F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT93" ("93d 5Dh" "" "334A9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT94" ("94d 5Eh" "" "334B3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT95" ("95d 5Fh" "" "334BD" :NOSDIAG) "(idntany)" ("96d 60h" "" "334C7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_96d" ("96d 60h" "" "334C7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT96" ("96d 60h" "" "334C7" :NOSDIAG) "IDREAL" ("97d 61h" "" "334D1" :NOSDIAG) "BINT97" ("97d 61h" "" "334D1" :NOSDIAG) "(NINETYEIGHT)" ("98d 62h" "" "334DB" :NOSDIAG) "(IDCMP)" ("98d 62h" "" "334DB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT98" ("98d 62h" "" "334DB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT99" ("99d 63h" "" "334E5" :NOSDIAG) "(IDARRY)" ("100d 64h" "" "334EF" :NOSDIAG) "ONEHUNDRED" ("100d 64h" "" "334EF" :NOSDIAG) "BINT100" ("100d 64h" "" "334EF" :NOSDIAG) "(SIXFIVE)" ("101d 65h" "" "334F9" :NOSDIAG) "(IDLIST)" ("101d 65h" "" "334F9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT101" ("101d 65h" "" "334F9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT102" ("102d 66h" "" "33503" :NOSDIAG) "BINT103" ("103d 67h" "" "3350D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT104" ("104d 68h" "" "33517" :NOSDIAG) "BINT105" ("105d 69h" "" "33521" :NOSDIAG) "BINT106" ("106d 6Ah" "" "3352B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT107" ("107d 6Bh" "" "33535" :NOSDIAG) "BINT108" ("108d 6Ch" "" "3353F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT109" ("109d 6Dh" "" "33549" :NOSDIAG) "BINT110" ("110d 6Eh" "" "33553" :NOSDIAG) "char" ("111d 6Fh" "" "3355D" :NOSDIAG) "BINT111" ("111d 6Fh" "" "3355D" :NOSDIAG) "(lamany)" ("112d 70h" "" "33567" :NOSDIAG) "BINT112" ("112d 70h" "" "33567" :NOSDIAG) "(LAMREAL)" ("113d 71h" "" "33571" :NOSDIAG) "BINT113" ("113d 71h" "" "33571" :NOSDIAG) "(BINT_114d)" ("114d 72h" "" "3357B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT114" ("114d 72h" "" "3357B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_115d" ("115d 73h" "" "33585" :NOSDIAG) "BINT115" ("115d 73h" "" "33585" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_116d" ("116d 74h" "" "3358F" :NOSDIAG) "BINT116" ("116d 74h" "" "3358F" :NOSDIAG) "(LAMLIST)" ("117d 75h" "" "33599" :NOSDIAG) "(BINT_117d)" ("117d 75h" "" "33599" :NOSDIAG) "BINT117" ("117d 75h" "" "33599" :NOSDIAG) "BINT118" ("118d 76h" "" "335A3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT119" ("119d 77h" "" "335AD" :NOSDIAG) "BINT120" ("120d 78h" "" "335B7" :NOSDIAG) "BINT121" ("121d 79h" "" "335C1" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_122d" ("122d 7Ah" "" "335CB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT122" ("122d 7Ah" "" "335CB" :NOSDIAG) "BINT123" ("123d 7Bh" "" "335D5" :NOSDIAG) "BINT124" ("124d 7Ch" "" "335DF" :NOSDIAG) "BINT125" ("125d 7Dh" "" "335E9" :NOSDIAG) "BINT126" ("126d 7Eh" "" "335F3" :NOSDIAG) "BINT127" ("127d 7Fh" "" "335FD" :NOSDIAG) "BINT80h" ("128d 80h" "" "33607" :NOSDIAG) "BINT128" ("128d 80h" "" "33607" :NOSDIAG) "BINT129" ("129d 81h" "" "33611" :NOSDIAG) "XHI-1" ("130d 82h" "" "3361B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_130d" ("130d 82h" "" "3361B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT130d" ("130d 82h" "" "3361B" :NOSDIAG) "BINT130" ("130d 82h" "" "3361B" :NOSDIAG) "XHI" ("131d 83h" "" "33625" :NOSDIAG) "BINT131d" ("131d 83h" "" "33625" :NOSDIAG) "BINT_131d" ("131d 83h" "" "33625" :NOSDIAG) "BINT131" ("131d 83h" "" "33625" :NOSDIAG) "(library)" ("143d 8Fh" "" "3362F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#8F" ("143d 8Fh" "" "3362F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMBREAL" ("145d 91h" "" "33639") "(SYMBCMP)" ("146d 92h" "" "33643" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMBCMP" ("146d 92h" "" "33643" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(SYMBSYM)" ("154d 9Ah" "" "3364D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(SYMCMP)" ("154d 9Ah" "" "3364D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMBSYM" ("154d 9Ah" "" "3364D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMBUNIT" ("158d 9Eh" "" "33657") "#9F" ("159d 9Fh" "" "3EAFB" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "backup" ("159d 9Fh" "" "33661" :UBS) "SYMOB" ("160d A0h" "" "3366B") "SYMREAL" ("161d A1h" "" "33675") "SYMCMP" ("162d A2h" "" "3367F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMARRY" ("164d A4h" "" "39E6B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMLIST" ("165d A5h" "" "33689" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMID" ("166d A6h" "" "33693") "SYMLAM" ("167d A7h" "" "3369D") "SYMSYMB" ("169d A9h" "" "336A7" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMSYM" ("170d AAh" "" "336B1") "SYMEXT" ("174d AEh" "" "336BB") "#AF" ("175d AFh" "" "3BD4C" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "HXSREAL" ("177d B1h" "" "336C5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#BB" ("187d BBh" "" "38275" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "2HXS" ("187d BBh" "" "336CF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "BINTC0h" ("192d C0h" "" "336D9" :NOSDIAG) "#C8" ("200d C8h" "" "3E7DA" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "2GROB" ("204d CCh" "" "336E3") "#CF" ("207d CFh" "" "3BD65" :UBS) "TAGGEDANY" ("208d D0h" "" "336ED") "EXTREAL" ("225d E1h" "" "336F7") "(UNITSYM)" ("234d EAh" "" "33701") "EXTSYM" ("234d EAh" "" "33701") "2EXT" ("238d EEh" "" "3370B") "ROMPANY" ("240d F0h" "" "33715") "BINT253" ("253d FDh" "" "3371F") "BINT255d" ("255d FFh" "" "33729") "(FSTFLOATROM#)" ("256d 100h" "" "33733") "REALOBOB" ("256d 100h" "" "33733") "(Err#Chr00)" ("258d 102h" "" "3373D") "(#_258_d)" ("258d 102h" "" "3373D") "#_102" ("258d 102h" "" "3373D") "#SyntaxErr" ("262d 106h" "" "33747") "BINT_263d" ("263d 107h" "" "33751" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "REALREALOB" ("272d 110h" "" "3375B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "3REAL" ("273d 111h" "" "33765") "#111" ("273d 111h" "" "3E17B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(#_291_d)" ("291d 123h" "" "3376F" :UBS) "(#_123)" ("291d 123h" "" "3376F" :UBS) "Err#Kill" ("291d 123h" "" "3376F" :UBS) "(#_292_d)" ("292d 124h" "" "33779" :UBS) "(#_124)" ("292d 124h" "" "33779" :UBS) "Err#NoLstStk" ("292d 124h" "" "33779" :UBS) "#12F" ("303d 12Fh" "" "2777E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(BINT_305d)" ("305d 131h" "" "33783" :UBS) "#NoRoomForSt" ("305d 131h" "" "33783" :UBS) "#132" ("306d 132h" "" "3378D" :UBS) "REALSTRSTR" ("307d 133h" "" "33797" :UBS) "(VLMpurgemsg)" ("308d 134h" "" "337A1" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#134" ("308d 134h" "" "337A1" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMmsg)" ("309d 135h" "" "337AB" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#135" ("309d 135h" "" "337AB" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMstkmsg)" ("310d 136h" "" "337B5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(REALSTRID)" ("310d 136h" "" "337B5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#136" ("310d 136h" "" "337B5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMundomsg)" ("311d 137h" "" "337BF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#137" ("311d 137h" "" "337BF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMhistmsg)" ("312d 138h" "" "337C9" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#138" ("312d 138h" "" "337C9" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMUserKeys)" ("313d 139h" "" "337D3" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#139" ("313d 139h" "" "337D3" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMAlarmMsg)" ("314d 13Ah" "" "337DD" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#13A" ("314d 13Ah" "" "337DD" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMlastargs)" ("315d 13Bh" "" "337E7" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#13B" ("315d 13Bh" "" "337E7" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(VLMcmdlmsg)" ("317d 13Dh" "" "337F1" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#13D" ("317d 13Dh" "" "337F1" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Err#Cont" ("318d 13Eh" "" "337FB" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(REALLISTREAL)" ("337d 151h" "" "33805") "INTEGER337" ("337d 151h" "" "33805") "CMPOBOB" ("512d 200h" "" "3380F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(#_517_d)" ("517d 205h" "" "33819" :UBS) "(#_205)" ("517d 205h" "" "33819" :UBS) "Err#NoLstArg" ("517d 205h" "" "33819" :UBS) "#304" ("772d 304h" "" "3A1C2" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "STRREALREAL" ("785d 311h" "" "33823" :NOSDIAG) "#313" ("787d 313h" "" "3B9FA" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ARRYREALOB" ("1040d 410h" "" "3C11E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#411" ("1041d 411h" "" "3B928" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ARRYREALREAL" ("1041d 411h" "" "3382D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ARRYREALCMP" ("1042d 412h" "" "33837" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#414" ("1044d 414h" "" "3BA2D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#415" ("1045d 415h" "" "3B93D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "3ARRY" ("1092d 444h" "" "33841" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ARRYLISTOB" ("1104d 450h" "" "3C10F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#451" ("1105d 451h" "" "3B952" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ARRYLISTREAL" ("1105d 451h" "" "3384B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ARRYLISTCMP" ("1106d 452h" "" "33855" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#454" ("1108d 454h" "" "3BA18" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#455" ("1109d 455h" "" "3B913" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#4FF" ("1279d 4FFh" "" "3A12D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "LISTREALOB" ("1296d 510h" "" "3385F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "LISTREALREAL" ("1297d 511h" "" "33869" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#515" ("1301d 515h" "" "3BA09" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "LISTLISTOB" ("1360d 550h" "" "33873" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "LN_0" ("1541d 605h" "" "277F6" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "LN_Neg" ("1542d 606h" "" "27800" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "InvalidEQ" ("1543d 607h" "" "2780A" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Cureq#" ("1544d 608h" "" "27814" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NoCureq#" ("1545d 609h" "" "2781E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "EnterEq#" ("1546d 60Ah" "" "27828" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "EnterName#" ("1547d 60Bh" "" "27832" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SelPtype#" ("1548d 60Ch" "" "2783C" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "EmptyCat#" ("1549d 60Dh" "" "27846" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#60E" ("1550d 60Eh" "" "2768E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NoStatPlot#" ("1551d 60Fh" "" "27698" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "IDREALOB" ("1552d 610h" "" "3387D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SolvingFor#" ("1553d 611h" "" "276AC" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NoCurrent#" ("1554d 612h" "" "276B6" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PressSig+#" ("1555d 613h" "" "276C0" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SelectModl#" ("1556d 614h" "" "276CA" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NoAlarms#" ("1557d 615h" "" "276D4" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PressALRM#" ("1558d 616h" "" "276DE" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NextALRM#" ("1559d 617h" "" "276E8" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PastDue#" ("1560d 618h" "" "27792" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Acknowledge#" ("1561d 619h" "" "2779C" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "KeyInAlrm#" ("1562d 61Ah" "" "277A6" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SelectRpt#" ("1563d 61Bh" "" "277B0" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "IOSetupMenu#" ("1564d 61Ch" "" "277BA" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PlotType#" ("1565d 61Dh" "" "277C4" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NoExecAct#" ("1566d 61Eh" "" "277CE" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "OffScreen#" ("1567d 61Fh" "" "277D8" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "OnlyPtypes#" ("1568d 620h" "" "277E2" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "StatName#" ("1569d 621h" "" "277EC" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ZoomPrompt#" ("1570d 622h" "" "276F2" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "CatToStack#" ("1571d 623h" "" "276FC" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "XAutoZoom#" ("1572d 624h" "" "27706" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "IR/wire#" ("1576d 628h" "" "27710" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "ASCII/bin#" ("1577d 629h" "" "2771A" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#62A" ("1578d 62Ah" "" "27724" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#62B" ("1579d 62Bh" "" "2772E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#62C" ("1580d 62Ch" "" "27738" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#62D" ("1581d 62Dh" "" "27742" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "EnterMatrix#" ("1582d 62Eh" "" "27788" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "IDLISTOB" ("1616d 650h" "" "33887" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "(LAMANYANY)" ("1792d 700h" "" "33891" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "FSTMACROROM#" ("1792d 700h" "" "33891" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#710" ("1808d 710h" "" "3C17A" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#750" ("1872d 750h" "" "3C16B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#7FF" ("2047d 7FFh" "" "08DF7" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "BINT800h" ("2048d 800h" "" "27878" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#822" ("2082d 822h" "" "3B976" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#82C" ("2092d 82Ch" "" "3C83C" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#855" ("2133d 855h" "" "3B967" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#85C" ("2140d 85Ch" "" "3C81E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PROGIDREAL" ("2145d 861h" "" "3389B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PROGIDCMP" ("2146d 862h" "" "338A5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PROGIDLIST" ("2149d 865h" "" "338AF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PROGIDEXT" ("2158d 86Eh" "" "338B9" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#8F1" ("2289d 8F1h" "" "3E7FF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#8FD" ("2301d 8FDh" "" "3E759" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#9F1" ("2545d 9F1h" "" "3E7E9" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#9FD" ("2557d 9FDh" "" "3E743" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Lackint#" ("2561d A01h" "" "2774C" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Constant#" ("2562d A02h" "" "27756" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Attn#" ("2563d A03h" "" "27882") "ATTNERR" ("2563d A03h" "" "338C3") "Zero#" ("2564d A04h" "" "27760" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "RevSgn#" ("2565d A05h" "" "2776A" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Extremum#" ("2566d A06h" "" "27774" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMREALREAL" ("2577d A11h" "" "338CD" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMREALCMP" ("2578d A12h" "" "338D7" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMREALSYM" ("2586d A1Ah" "" "338E1" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMCMPREAL" ("2593d A21h" "" "338EB" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMCMPCMP" ("2594d A22h" "" "338F5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMCMPSYM" ("2602d A2Ah" "" "338FF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMIDREAL" ("2657d A61h" "" "33909" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMIDCMP" ("2658d A62h" "" "33913" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMIDLIST" ("2661d A65h" "" "3391D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMIDEXT" ("2670d A6Eh" "" "33927" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMSYMREAL" ("2721d AA1h" "" "33931" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMSYMCMP" ("2722d AA2h" "" "3393B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "3SYM" ("2730d AAAh" "" "33945" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "XFERFAIL" ("3078d C06h" "" "3394F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "PROTERR" ("3079d C07h" "" "33959" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "InvalServCmd" ("3080d C08h" "" "33963" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "Connecting" ("3082d C0Ah" "" "3396D") "Retry" ("3083d C0Bh" "" "33977" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#C2C" ("3116d C2Ch" "" "3C800" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#C5C" ("3164d C5Ch" "" "3C7E2" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#C22" ("3106d C22h" "" "3B904" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#C55" ("3157d C55h" "" "3B8F5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#CAlarmErr" ("3583d DFFh" "" "33981" :NOSDIAG) "EXTOBOB" ("3584d E00h" "" "3398B") "#2111" ("8465d 2111h" "" "3C8D0" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "TYPEINT" ("9748d 2614h" "" "03FEF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "TYPEMATRIX" ("9862d 2686h" "" "03FF9" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "TYPEREAL" ("10547d 2933h" "" "03F8B") "TYPEEREL" ("10581d 2955h" "" "03FDB" :UBS) "TYPEIDNT" ("11848d 2E48h" "" "03FA9" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "TYPECMP" ("10615d 2977h" "" "03F95" :UBS) "TYPELIST" ("10868d 2A74h" "" "03F9F" :UBS) "TYPERRP" ("10902d 2A96h" "" "03FC7" :UBS) "TYPESYMB" ("10936d 2AB8h" "" "03FBD" :UBS) "TYPEEXT" ("10970d 2ADAh" "" "03FE5" :UBS) "TYPECOL" ("11677d 2D9Dh" "" "03FB3" :UBS) "TYPELAM" ("11885d 2E6Dh" "" "03FD1" :UBS) "#5B11" ("23313d 5B11h" "" "3C8DF" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMRRANY" ("41232d A110h" "" "3D50D" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMRSYMANY" ("41376d A1A0h" "" "3D52B" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMSYMRANY" ("43536d AA10h" "" "3D51C" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "SYMSYMSYMANY" ("43680d AAA0h" "" "2C4D2" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#BBBB" ("48059d BBBBh" "" "3B7AD" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#D6A8" ("54952d D6A8h" "" "08F1F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#FFFF" ("65535d FFFFh" "" "38266" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#102A8" ("66216d 102A8h" "" "03880" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#2D541" ("185665d 2D541h" "" "091B4" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#37258" ("225880d 37258h" "" "350F5" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#414C1" ("267457d 414C1h" "" "0803F" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#536A8" ("341672d 536A8h" "" "08ECE" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#61441" ("398401d 61441h" "" "0657E" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#EXITERR" ("458752d 70000h" "" "33995") "#A8241" ("688705d A8241h" "" "03826" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#B437D" ("738173d B437Dh" "" "39277" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "#E13A8" ("922536d E13A8h" "" "038DC" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "MINUSONE" ("1048575d FFFFFh" "" "3399F") "ZEROZERO" ("--> #0 #0" "" "37287") "#ZERO#ONE" ("--> #0 #1" "" "37294") "#ZERO#SEVEN" ("--> #0 #7" "" "37305") "ONEDUP" ("--> #1 #1" "" "36B12") "ONEONE" ("--> #1 #1" "" "36B12") "#ONE#27" ("--> #1 #27d" "" "37315") "#TWO#ONE" ("--> #2 #1" "" "37328") "#TWO#TWO" ("--> #2 #2" "" "3733A") "#TWO#FOUR" ("--> #2 #4" "" "3734A") "#THREE#FOUR" ("--> #3 #4" "" "3735C") "#FIVE#FOUR" ("--> #5 #4" "" "3736E") "ZEROZEROZERO" ("--> #0 #0 #0" "" "37380") "ZEROZEROONE" ("--> #0 #0 #1" "" "37394") "ZEROZEROTWO" ("--> #0 #0 #2" "" "373A8") "DROPZERO" ("ob --> #0" "" "3558C") "3DROPZERO" ("ob ob ob --> #0" "" "37711" :UBS) "2DROP00" ("ob ob --> #0 #0" "" "355A5") "DROPONE" ("ob --> #1" "" "3596D") "DUPZERO" ("ob --> ob ob #0" "" "36AD6") "DUPONE" ("ob --> ob ob #1" "" "36AEA") "DUPTWO" ("ob --> ob ob #2" "" "36B26") "SWAPONE" ("ob ob' --> ob' ob #1" "" "36AFE") "ZEROSWAP" ("ob --> #0 ob" "" "35E75") "ZEROOVER" ("ob --> ob #0 ob" "" "360BB") "ZEROFALSE" ("--> #0 F" "" "36568") "ONESWAP" ("ob --> #1 ob" "" "35EA2") "ONEFALSE" ("--> #1 F" "" "3657C") "COERCE" ("% --> #" "" "262F1") "COERCEDUP" ("% --> # #" "" "35D08") "COERCESWAP" ("ob % --> # ob" "" "35EB6") "COERCE2" ("% %' --> # #'" "" "3F481") "%ABSCOERCE" ("% --> #" "" "262EC") "Flag%isUser?" ("% --> # flag" "TRUE if real is greater 0, else FALSE." "2F244" :UBS) "C%>#" ("C% --> # #'" "" "2F31F") "HXS>#" ("hxs --> #" "" "05A03") "2HXSLIST?" ("{ hxs hxs' } --> # #'" "Converts list of two hxs to two bints. Generates \"Bad Argument Value\" for invalid input." "2F17E") "CHR>#" ("chr --> #" "" "05A51") "^Z2BIN" ("Z --> #" "Convert Z to bint. Returns FFFFF for overflows. Returns 0 for negative numbers." "0EF006" :wasCSys) "^Z>#" ("z --> #" "Coerces Z to #, overflow error if Z<0 or Z>9999. 10000 is used to insure that the #*6 can be represented in BCD on a 5 nibbles field." "19D006" :wasCSys) "^COERCE2Z" ("z2 z1 --> #2 #1" "Converts 2 zints to bints." "0F0006" :wasCSys) "#+" ("# #' --> #+#'" "" "03DBC") "#1+" ("# --> #+1" "" "03DEF") "#2+" ("# --> #+2" "" "03E2D") "#3+" ("# --> #+3" "" "355FD") "#4+" ("# --> #+4" "" "35602") "#5+" ("# --> #+5" "" "35607") "#6+" ("# --> #+6" "" "3560C") "#7+" ("# --> #+7" "" "35611") "#8+" ("# --> #+8" "" "35616") "#9+" ("# --> #+9" "" "3561B") "#10+" ("# --> #+10" "" "35620") "#11+" ("# --> #+11" "" "35625" :UBS) "#12+" ("# --> #+12" "" "3562A") "#-" ("# #' --> #-#'" "" "03DE0") "DIFF_OR_ZERO" ("# #' --> #''" "If #' is greater than #, returns #0, otherwise returns #-#'." "2F13D" :UBS) "#1-" ("# --> #-1" "" "03E0E") "#2-" ("# --> #-2" "" "03E4E") "#3-" ("# --> #-3" "" "355DF") "#4-" ("# --> #-4" "" "355DA") "#5-" ("# --> #-5" "" "355D5") "#6-" ("# --> #-6" "" "355D0") "#7-" ("# --> #-7" "" "355CB" :UBS) "#8-" ("# --> #-8" "" "355C6" :UBS) "#9-" ("# --> #-9" "" "355C1" :UBS) "#*" ("# #' --> #*#'" "" "03EC2") "#*OVF" ("# #' --> #*#'" "0 \\<= result \\<= FFFFF" "2632D") "#2*" ("# --> #*2" "" "03E6F") "#3*" ("# --> #*2" "" "270DA") "#5*" ("# --> #*2" "" "270BF") "#6*" ("# --> #*6" "" "356B8") "#8*" ("# --> #*8" "" "3569B") "#10*" ("# --> #*10" "" "35675") "#/" ("# #' --> #r #q" "" "03EF7") "#2/" ("# --> #/2" "Rounded down." "03E8E") "#-+1" ("# #' --> #-#'+1" "" "36815") "#1--" ("# #' --> #-#'+1" "" "36815") "$1-+" ("# #' --> #+#'-1" "$1-+ is a typo in EXTABLE." "36851") "#+-1" ("# #' --> #+#'-1" "$1-+ is a typo in EXTABLE." "36851") "#1-+" ("# #' --> #+#'-1" "$1-+ is a typo in EXTABLE." "36851") "#-#2/" ("# #' --> (#-#')/2" "" "35552") "#+DUP" ("# #' --> #+#' #+#'" "" "357FC") "#+SWAP" ("ob # #' --> #+#' ob" "" "35E39") "#+OVER" ("ob # #' --> ob #+#' ob" "" "36093") "#-DUP" ("# #' --> #-#' #-#'" "" "3581F") "#-SWAP" ("ob # #' --> #-#' ob" "" "35E4D") "#-OVER" ("ob # #' --> ob #-#' ob" "" "360A7") "#1+DUP" ("# --> #+1 #+1" "" "35830") "#1+SWAP" ("ob # --> #+1 ob" "" "35E61") "#1+ROT" ("ob ob' # --> ob' #+1 ob" "" "2F222") "#1-DUP" ("# --> #-1 #-1" "" "35841") "pull" ("meta&ob --> meta ob" "" "28071") "#1-SWAP" ("meta&ob --> meta ob" "" "28071") "#1-ROT" ("ob ob' # --> ob' #-1 ob" "" "3601B") "#1-UNROT" ("ob ob' # --> #-1 ob ob'" "" "281D5") "#1-1SWAP" ("# --> 1 #-1" "Returns the bint ONE and the result." "35E89") "DUP#1+" ("# --> # #+1" "" "35912") "DUP#2+" ("# --> # #+2" "" "3571E") "DUP#1-" ("# --> # #-1" "" "35956") "DUP3PICK#+" ("# #' --> # #' #+#'" "" "3674D") "2DUP#+" ("# #' --> # #' #+#'" "" "3674D") "DROP#1-" ("# ob --> #-1" "" "3683D") "SWAP#-" ("# #' --> #'-#" "" "357BB") "SWP1+" ("meta ob --> meta&ob" "" "3592B") "SWAP#1+" ("meta ob --> meta&ob" "" "3592B") "'RSWP1+" ("# --> nob #+1" "nob is the next object in the runstream." "29786" :UBS) "SWAP#1+SWAP" ("# ob --> #+1 ob" "" "28099") "SWAP#1-" ("# ob --> ob #-1" "" "36829") "SWAP#1-SWAP" ("# ob --> #-1 ob" "" "280AD") "SWAPDROP#1-" ("ob # --> #-1" "" "28989" :UBS) "SWAPOVER#-" ("# #' --> #' #-#'" "" "367ED") "OVER#+" ("# #' --> # #'+#" "" "36775") "OVER#-" ("# #' --> # #'-#" "" "367C5") "OVER#1-" ("# #' --> # #' #''" "" "28286" :UBS) "ROT#+" ("# ob #' --> ob #'+#" "" "36761") "ROT#-" ("# ob #' --> ob #'-#" "" "367B1") "ROT#1+" ("# ob ob' --> ob ob' #+1" "" "36801") "ROT#1+UNROT" ("# ob ob' --> #+1 ob ob'" "" "28001") "ROT+SWAP" ("# ob #' --> #'+# ob" "" "35E07") "ROT#+SWAP" ("# ob #' --> #'+# ob" "" "35E07") "3PICK#+" ("# ob #' --> # ob #'+#" "" "36789") "3PICK#1+" ("# ob ob' --> # ob ob' #'" "" "28804" :UBS) "3PICK#2+" ("# ob ob' --> # ob ob' #'" "" "287E6" :UBS) "4PICK#+" ("# ob1 ob2 #' --> # ob1 ob2 #'+#" "" "3679D") "4PICK+SWAP" ("# ob1 ob2 #' --> # ob1 #'+# ob2" "" "35E20") "4PICK#+SWAP" ("# ob1 ob2 #' --> # ob1 #'+# ob2" "" "35E20") "#MIN" ("# #' --> #''" "" "35511") "#MAX" ("# #' --> #''" "" "3551D") "#AND" ("# #' --> #''" "Bitwise QANDQ." "03EB1") "#=" ("# #' --> flag" "" "03D19") "#<>" ("# #' --> flag" "" "03D4E") "#<" ("# #' --> flag" "" "03CE4") "#<=" ("# #' --> flag" "" "37466" :UBS) "#>" ("# #' --> flag" "" "03D83") "#>=" ("# #' --> flag" "" "3747D" :UBS) "#0<>" ("# --> flag" "" "03CC7") "#0=" ("# --> flag" "" "03CA6") "#1<>" ("# --> flag" "" "3530D") "#1=" ("# --> flag" "" "352FE") "#2<>" ("# --> flag" "" "36711") "#2=" ("# --> flag" "" "352F1") "#3=" ("# --> flag" "" "352E0") "#5=" ("# --> flag" "" "366FD") "#<3" ("# --> flag" "" "366BC") "ONE#>" ("# --> flag" "" "36739") "#>1" ("# --> flag" "" "36739") "2DUP#<" ("# #' --> # #' flag" "" "358C2") "2DUP#>" ("# #' --> # #' flag" "" "358F8") "ONE_EQ" ("# --> flag" "Uses EQ test." "363CE") "OVER#=" ("# #' --> # flag" "" "35268") "2DUP#=" ("# #' --> # #' flag" "" "358DC") "OVER#0=" ("# #' --> # #' flag" "" "36694") "DUP#0=" ("# --> # flag" "" "352BD") "OVER#<" ("# #' --> # flag" "" "366A8") "DUP#1=" ("# --> # flag" "" "3531C") "OVER#>" ("# #' --> # flag" "" "36725") "DUP#0<>" ("# --> # flag" "" "3532B") "DUP#<7" ("# --> # flag" "Returns TRUE if the argument is smaller than #7." "366D0") "2#0=OR" ("# # --> flag" "Returns TRUE if either argument is zero." "36676") "%-MAXREAL" ("-9.99E499" "" "2FB0A") "%-260" ("-260" "" "30B24" :UBS) "%-9" ("-9" "" "2FAB1") "%-8" ("-8" "" "2FA9C") "%-7" ("-7" "" "2FA87") "%-6" ("-6" "" "2FA72") "%-5" ("-5" "" "2FA5D") "%-4" ("-4" "" "2FA48") "%-3" ("-3" "" "2FA33") "%-2" ("-2" "" "2FA1E") "%-1" ("-1" "" "2FA09") "%-MINREAL" ("-1E-499" "" "2FB34") "%0" ("0" "" "2F937") "%MINREAL" ("1E-499" "" "2FB1F") "%.05" (".05" "" "2FF71" :UBS) "%.1" (".1" "" "27118") "%.15" (".15" "" "2712D" :UBS) "%.2776" (".2776" "" "2FF47" :UBS) "%.2887" (".2887" "" "2FF1D" :UBS) "%.2943" (".2943" "" "2FF5C" :UBS) "%.461368" (".461368" "" "2FEF3" :UBS) "%.522851" (".522851" "" "2FF32" :UBS) "%.5" (".5" "" "339BE") "%-.5" ("-.5" "" "339D3" :UBS) "%.99" (".99" "" "2FF86" :UBS) "%1" ("1" "" "2F94C") "%1.8" ("1.8" "" "270EE" :UBS) "%2" ("2" "" "2F961") "%e" ("e" "" "339A9") "%3" ("3" "" "2F976") "%PI" ("\\pi" "" "2FAC6") "%4" ("4" "" "2F98B") "%5" ("5" "" "2F9A0") "%6" ("6" "" "2F9B5") "%7" ("7" "" "2F9CA") "%8" ("8" "" "2F9DF") "%9" ("9" "" "2F9F4") "%10" ("10" "" "339E8") "%11" ("11" "" "2FCE6") "%12" ("12" "" "2FCFB") "%13" ("13" "" "2FD10") "%14" ("14" "" "2FD25") "%15" ("15" "" "2FD3A") "%16" ("16" "" "2FD4F") "%17" ("17" "" "2FD64") "%18" ("18" "" "2FD79") "%19" ("19" "" "2FD8E") "%20" ("20" "" "2FDA3") "%21" ("21" "" "2FDB8") "%22" ("22" "" "2FDCD") "%23" ("23" "" "2FDE2") "%24" ("24" "" "2FDF7") "%25" ("25" "" "2FE0C") "%26" ("26" "" "2FE21") "%27" ("27" "" "2FE36") "%28" ("28" "" "2FE4B" :UBS) "%29" ("29" "" "2FE60" :UBS) "%30" ("30" "" "2FE75" :UBS) "%31" ("31" "" "2FE8A" :UBS) "%32" ("32" "" "2FE9F" :UBS) "%33" ("33" "" "2FEB4" :UBS) "%34" ("34" "" "2FEC9" :UBS) "%35" ("35" "" "2FEDE" :UBS) "%50" ("50" "" "2FF08" :UBS) "%80" ("80" "" "27103") "%100" ("100" "" "27E5D") "%180" ("180" "" "339FD") "%200" ("200" "" "33A12" :UBS) "%400" ("400" "" "33A3C" :UBS) "%360" ("360" "" "33A27") "%1200" ("1200" "" "2FC7D" :UBS) "%2400" ("2400" "" "2FC92" :UBS) "%4800" ("4800" "" "2FCA7" :UBS) "~%TICKSsec" ("8192" "" "0CF0B5" :UBS) "%9600" ("9600" "" "2FCBC" :UBS) "%14400" ("14400" "" "26DF7" :UBS :1\.22) "%15360" ("15360" "" "2FCD1" :UBS) "%15396" ("15396" "" "2FCD1" :UBS) "%38400" ("38400" "" "26E21" :UBS :1\.22) "%57600" ("57600" "" "26E36" :UBS :1\.22) "%115200" ("115200" "" "26E4B" :UBS :1\.22) "~%TICKSmin" ("491520" "" "0CD0B5" :UBS) "~%HrTicks" ("29491200" "" "0CB0B5" :UBS) "~%TICKSweek" ("4954521600" "" "0C70B5" :UBS) "%MAXREAL" ("9.99E499" "" "2FAF5") "1REV" ("--> 6.28318530718 --> 360. --> 400." "Returns the angle of a full circle, corresponding to the current angular mode." "2F180") "%%0" ("0" "" "2FB49") "%%.1" ("0.1" "" "2FBE5") "%%.4" ("0.4" "" "30DC8") "%%.5" ("0.5" "" "2FBFF") "cfF" ("0.555..." "%%5/9 for C\\<>F conversion." "2DA11") "%%1" ("1" "" "2FB63") "cfC" ("1" "For C\\<>K conversion." "2DA2B") "%%2" ("2" "" "2FB7D") "%%3" ("3" "" "2FB97") "%%PI" ("\\pi" "" "2FADB") "PI/180" ("\\pi/180" "" "30017") "%%4" ("4" "" "2FBB1") "%%5" ("5" "" "2FBCB") "%%2PI" ("2\\pi" "" "27A89") "%%7" ("7" "" "30BEA") "%%10" ("10" "" "2FC19") "%%12" ("12" "" "30CC7") "%%60" ("60" "" "30CEB") "DROP%0" ("ob --> %0" "" "282CC" :UBS) "2DROP%0" ("ob ob' --> %0" "" "2C4AA" :UBS) "%>%%" ("% --> %%" "" "2FFAC") "%>%%SWAP" ("ob % --> %% ob" "" "35ECA") "%%>%" ("%% --> %" "" "2FF9B") "2%>%%" ("% % --> %% %%" "" "30E47") "2%%>%" ("%% %%' --> % %'" "" "30E5B") "UNCOERCE" ("# --> %" "" "262F6") "UNCOERCE2" ("# # --> % %" "" "3F495") "UNCOERCE%%" ("# --> %%" "" "36BFA") "HXS>%" ("hxs --> %" "" "2EFCA") "C%>%" ("C% --> %re %im" "" "05D2C") "%IP>#" ("% --> #IP(ABS(%))" "Does ABS too." "2B3FD") "^Z>R" ("Z --> %" "Converts zint to real." "0F6006" :wasCSys) "^Z2%%" ("Z --> %%" "Converts integer to long real." "18A006" :wasCSys) "^OBJ2REAL" ("z/% --> %" "Transforms ob in real." "197006" :wasCSys) "%+" ("% %' --> %+%'" "" "3035F") "%+SWAP" ("ob % %' --> %+%' ob" "" "25E69") "%1+" ("% --> %+1" "" "26F36") "%-" ("% %' --> %-%'" "" "3036C") "%1-" ("% --> %-1" "" "26F4A") "%>%%-" ("% %' --> %%-%%'" "" "30346") "%*" ("% %' --> %*%'" "" "303A7") "%10*" ("% --> %*10" "" "35C18") "%/" ("% %' --> %/%'" "" "303E9") "%^" ("% %' --> %^%'" "" "3045B") "%ABS" ("% --> %'" "" "302EB") "DUP%ABS" ("% --> % %'" "" "2C53B" :UBS) "%CHS" ("% --> -%" "" "3030B") "%SGN" ("% --> -1/0/1" "" "302C2") "%1/" ("% --> 1/%" "" "3049A") "%>%%1/" ("% --> 1/%%" "" "30489") "%SQRT" ("% --> \\v/%" "" "304F4") "%2root" ("% --> \\v/% --> C%" "Computes square root of real, returns a complex number for negative arguments." "3A4BE" :UBS) "%>%%SQRT" ("% --> \\v/%%" "" "304E1") "%SQ" ("% --> %'" "" "3A54B" :UBS) "%EXP" ("% --> e^%" "" "3051A") "%EXPM1" ("% --> e^%-1" "" "3052D") "%LN" ("% --> LN%" "" "30559") "%LNP1" ("% --> LN(%+1)" "" "30592") "%LOG" ("% --> LOG%" "" "3056C") "%ALOG" ("% --> 10^%" "" "305A5") "%SIN" ("% --> SIN%" "" "305DA") "%COS" ("% --> COS%" "" "3062B") "%TAN" ("% --> TAN%" "" "3067C") "%ASIN" ("% --> ASIN%" "" "306AC") "%ACOS" ("% --> ACOS%" "" "306DC") "%ATAN" ("% --> ATAN%" "" "3070C") "%SINH" ("% --> SINH%" "" "30799") "%COSH" ("% --> COSH%" "" "307C5") "%TANH" ("% --> TANH%" "" "307D8") "%ASINH" ("% --> ASINH%" "" "307EB") "%ACOSH" ("% --> ACOSH%" "" "307FE") "%ATANH" ("% --> ATANH%" "" "30811") "%MANTISSA" ("% --> %mant" "" "3031B") "%EXPONENT" ("% --> %expn" "" "30824") "%FP" ("% --> %frac" "" "30938") "%IP" ("% --> %int" "" "3094B") "%FLOOR" ("% --> %maxint <=%" "" "30971") "%CEIL" ("% --> %minint >=%" "" "3095E") "%MOD" ("% %' --> %rem" "" "305C7") "%ANGLE" ("%x %y --> %ang" "" "30723") "%0%ANGLE" ("%x --> %ang" "%ANGLE with y=0;" "3A3D1" :UBS) "%>%%ANGLE" ("%x %y --> %%ang" "" "30746") "RNDXY" ("% %places --> %'" "" "30F14") "TRCXY" ("% %places --> %'" "" "30F28") "%COMB" ("% %' --> COMB(%,%')" "" "3084D") "%PERM" ("% %' --> PERM(%,%')" "" "30860") "%NFACT" ("% --> %!" "Calculates factorial of number." "30837") "%FACT" ("% --> gamma(%+1)" "Calculates gamma(x+1)." "30AAF") "%NROOT" ("% %n --> %'" "Calculates the %nth root of the real number. Equivalent to user function XROOT." "3046C") "SWAP%NROOT" ("%n % --> %'" "Calculates the %nth root of the real number. Equivalent to user function XROOT." "3A30E") "%MIN" ("% %' --> %lesser" "" "300F9") "%MAX" ("% %' --> %greater" "" "300E0") "%MAXorder" ("% %' --> %max %min" "" "35DBC") "%RAN" ("--> %random" "Returns next random number." "309AD") "%RANDOMIZE" ("%seed -->" "System level RDZ: seeds the random number generator. " "30A2F") "DORANDOMIZE" ("% -->" "Stores given number as random number seed." "30A66") "%OF" ("% %' --> %'/% * 100" "" "303B4") "%T" ("% %' --> %pctotal" "" "303F6") "%CH" ("% %' --> %pcchange" "" "3041B") "%D>R" ("%deg --> %rad" "" "3000D") "%R>D" ("%rad --> %deg" "" "30040") "%REC>%POL" ("%r %ang --> %x %y" "" "30E79") "%POL>%REC" ("%x %y --> %r %ang" "" "30EA6") "%SPH>%REC" ("%r %ang %ph --> %x %y %z" "" "30EDD") "%%+" ("%% %%' --> %%+%%'" "" "3032E") "%%1+" ("%% --> %%'" "" "27012" :UBS) "%%-" ("%% %%' --> %%-%%'" "" "3033A") "%%*" ("%% %%' --> %%*%%'" "" "30385") "%%*ROT" ("ob ob' %% %%' --> ob' %%+%%' ob" "" "3602F") "%%*SWAP" ("ob %% %%' --> %%+%%' ob" "" "35EDE") "%%*UNROT" ("ob ob' %% %%' --> %%+%%' ob ob'" "" "36C7C") "%%/" ("%% %%' --> %%/%%'" "" "303D3") "SWAP%%/" ("%% %%' --> %%''" "" "36C22") "%%/>%" ("%% %%' --> %" "" "36BE6") "%%^" ("%% %%' --> %%^%%'" "" "3044A") "^CK%%SQRT" ("%% --> %%/C%%" "" "51D006" :wasCSys) "%%SINRAD" ("%% --> %%'" "" "30612") "%%ANGLERAD" ("%% --> %%'" "" "30767") "%%ABS" ("%% --> %%abs" "" "302DB") "%%ACOSRAD" ("%% --> %%rad" "" "306F3") "%%ANGLE" ("%%x %%y --> %%ang" "" "3073A") "%%ANGLEDEG" ("%%x %%y --> %%deg" "" "30757") "%%ASINRAD" ("%% --> %%rad" "" "306C3") "%%CHS" ("%% --> -%%" "" "302FB") "%%1/" ("%% --> 1/%%" "" "3047D") "%%COS" ("%% --> %%cos" "" "30642") "%%COSDEG" ("%%deg --> %%cos" "" "30653") "%%COSH" ("%% --> %%cosh" "" "307B2") "%%COSRAD" ("%%rad --> %%cos" "" "30663") "%%EXP" ("%% --> e^%%" "" "30507") "%%LN" ("%% --> ln %%" "" "30546") "%%INT" ("%% --> %%maxint" "" "30984") "%%FLOOR" ("%% --> %%maxint" "" "30984") "%%LNP1" ("%% --> %%ln(%%+1)" "" "3057F") "%%MAX" ("%% %%' --> %%max" "" "300C7") "%%R>P" ("%%x %%y --> %%radius %%angle" "" "30E83") "%%P>R" ("%%r %%ang --> %%x %%y" "" "30EB0") "%%SIN" ("%% --> %%sin" "" "305F1") "%%SINDEG" ("%%deg --> %%sin" "" "30602") "%%SINH" ("%% --> %%sinh" "" "30780") "%%SQRT" ("%% --> \\v/%%" "" "304D5") "%%TANRAD" ("%%rad --> %%tan" "" "30693") "%%TANDEG" ("%%deg --> %%tan" "" "2D817" :UBS) "%=" ("% %' --> flag" "" "302AC") "%<>" ("% %' --> flag" "" "302B7") "%<" ("% %' --> flag" "" "3025C") "%<=" ("% %' --> flag" "" "302A1") "%>" ("% %' --> flag" "" "30275") "%>=" ("% %' --> flag" "" "3028B") "XEQAND" ("% %' --> flag" "Logical QANDQ for real numbers." "3CA61" :UBS) "XEQOR" ("% %' --> flag" "Logical QORQ for real numbers." "3CAE7" :UBS) "XEQNOT" ("% --> flag" "Logical QNOTQ for real numbers." "3CB5D" :UBS) "XEQXOR" ("% %' --> flag" "Logical QXORQ for real numbers." "3CBCA" :UBS) "%0=" ("% --> flag" "" "30156") "DUP%0=" ("% --> flag" "" "36C0E") "%0<>" ("% --> flag" "Can be used to change a user flag into a system flag. " "301BA") "%0<" ("% --> flag" "" "30123") "%0>" ("% --> flag" "" "30184") "%0>=" ("% --> flag" "" "301E2") "%%<" ("%% %%' --> flag" "" "3020A") "%%<=" ("%% %%' --> falg" "" "30296") "%%>" ("%% %%' --> flag" "" "3026A") "%%>=" ("%% %%' --> flag" "" "30280") "%%0=" ("%% --> flag" "" "30145") "DUP%%0=" ("%% --> %% flag" "" "2708A" :UBS) "%%0<>" ("%% --> flag" "" "301A6") "%%0<" ("%% --> flag" "" "30112") "%%0<=" ("%% --> flag" "" "301F6") "%%0>" ("%% --> flag" "" "30173") "%%0>=" ("%% --> flag" "" "301CE") "C%0" ("(0,0)" "" "27DE4") "C%1" ("(1,0)" "" "27E09") "C%-1" ("(-1,0)" "" "27DBF") "C%%1" ("(Q%%1,%%0Q)" "" "27E2E") "C%%>C%" ("C%% --> C%" "" "261D9") "%>C%" ("%re %im --> C%" "" "05C27") "SWAP%>C%" ("%im %re --> C%" "" "362F2") "Re>C%" ("%re --> C%" "" "261FC") "C>Re%" ("C% --> %re" "" "25E9C") "C>Im%" ("C% --> %im" "" "25E9B") "^E%%>C%%" ("%%re %%im --> C%%" "Converts long reals to long complex." "18C006" :wasCSys) "%%>C%" ("%%re %%im --> C%" "" "261CF") "C%>%%" ("C% --> %%re %%im" "" "25E82") "C%>%%SWAP" ("C% --> %%im %%re" "" "25E83") "C%%>%%" ("C%% --> %%re %%im" "" "05DBC") "^C2C%%" ("C --> C%%" "Converts Gaussian integer to long complex." "188006" :wasCSys) "^ZZ2C%%ext" ("Zre Zim --> C%%" "Converts Gaussian integer to long complex." "189006" :wasCSys) "^C%>C%%" ("C% --> C%%" "Converts complex to long complex." "18B006" :wasCSys) "^RIXCext" ("Zre Zim --> C" "Convert integers to complex." "15E006" :wasCSys) "^IRXCext" ("Zim Zre --> C" "Convert integers to complex." "15F006" :wasCSys) "^IRXC2" ("" "" "160006" :wasCSys) "C%C^C" ("C% C%' --> C%''" "" "25E8F") "C%C^R" ("C% % --> C%'" "" "25E90") "C%R^C" ("% C% --> C%'" "" "25E94") "C%ABS" ("C% --> %" "" "25E84") "^CZABS" ("C% --> %" "Absolute value." "50C006" :wasCSys) "C%CHS" ("C% --> -C%" "" "261ED") "C%1/" ("C% --> 1/C%" "" "25E81") "C%SQRT" ("C% --> \\v/C%" "" "25E98") "C%C*C" ("C% --> C%^2" "" "10293" :UBS) "C%SGN" ("C% --> C%/C%ABS" "" "25E95") "C%CONJ" ("C% --> C%'" "" "261F2") "C%ARG" ("C% --> %" "" "25E88") "C%EXP" ("C% --> e^C%" "" "25E91") "C%LN" ("C% --> ln C%" "" "25E92") "C%LOG" ("C% --> log C%" "" "25E93") "C%ALOG" ("C% --> 10^C%" "" "25E87") "C%SIN" ("C% --> sin C%" "" "25E96") "C%COS" ("C% --> cos C%" "" "25E8D") "C%TAN" ("C% --> tan C%" "" "25E99") "C%ASIN" ("C% --> asin C%" "" "25E89") "C%ACOS" ("C% --> acos C%" "" "25E85") "C%ATAN" ("C% --> atan C%" "" "25E8B") "C%SINH" ("C% --> sinh C%" "" "25E97") "C%COSH" ("C% --> cosh C%" "" "25E8E") "C%TANH" ("C% --> tanh C%" "" "25E9A") "C%ASINH" ("C% --> asinh C%" "" "25E8A") "C%ACOSH" ("C% --> acosh C%" "" "25E86") "C%ATANH" ("C% --> atanh C%" "" "25E8C") "%%>C%%" ("%%re %%im --> C%%" "" "05C72" :UBS) "C%%CHS" ("C%% --> -C%%" "" "261DE") "C%%CONJ" ("C%% --> C%%'" "" "261E3") "^ARG2" ("im re --> arg(ob)" "ARG." "515006" :wasCSys) "^INTERNALARG2" ("" "" "516006" :wasCSys) "^QUADRANT" ("re im ?re>0 ?im>0 --> newre newim Z" "Returns Z0 Z1 Z-2 or Z-1 so that arg of corresponding complex number is Z * \\pi/2 + theta where \\Gh is in the interval [0,\\pi/2]. The arguments on level 1 and 2 are flags." "517006" :wasCSys) "^C%%SQRT" ("C%% --> C%%'" "" "51E006" :wasCSys) "C%0=" ("C% --> flag" "" "261E8") "C%%0=" ("C%% --> flag" "" "261D4") "CHR_00" ("'\\00', CHR 0d 00h" "The NULL character." "33D2B" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Newline" ("'\\0a', CHR 10d 0Ah" "" "33F77" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_..." ("'...', CHR 31d 1Fh" "" "33D32" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Space" ("'\\ ', CHR 32d 20h" "The space character." "33F93" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_DblQuote" ("'\"', CHR 34d 22h" "" "33D39" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_#" ("'#', CHR 35d 23h" "" "33D40" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_LeftPar" ("'(', CHR 40d 28h" "" "33F70" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_RightPar" ("')', CHR 41d 29h" "" "33F85" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_*" ("'*', CHR 42d 2Ah" "" "33D47" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_+" ("'+', CHR 43d 2Bh" "" "33D4E" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_," ("',', CHR 44d 2Ch" "" "33D55" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_-" ("'-', CHR 45d 2Dh" "" "33D5C" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_." ("'.', CHR 46d 2Eh" "" "33D63" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_/" ("'/', CHR 47d 2Fh" "" "33D6A" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_0" ("'0', CHR 48d 30h" "" "33D71" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_1" ("'1', CHR 49d 31h" "" "33D78" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_2" ("'2', CHR 50d 32h" "" "33D7F" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_3" ("'3', CHR 51d 33h" "" "33D86" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_4" ("'4', CHR 52d 34h" "" "33D8D" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_5" ("'5', CHR 53d 35h" "" "33D94" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_6" ("'6', CHR 54d 36h" "" "33D9B" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_7" ("'7', CHR 55d 37h" "" "33DA2" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_8" ("'8', CHR 56d 38h" "" "33DA9" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_9" ("'9', CHR 57d 39h" "" "33DB0" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_:" ("':', CHR 58d 3Ah" "" "33DB7" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_;" ("';', CHR 59d 3Bh" "" "33DBE" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_<" ("'<', CHR 60d 3Ch" "" "33DC5" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_=" ("'=', CHR 61d 3Dh" "" "33DCC" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_>" ("'>', CHR 62d 3Eh" "" "33DD3" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_A" ("'A', CHR 65d 41h" "" "33DDA" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_B" ("'B', CHR 66d 42h" "" "33DE1" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_C" ("'C', CHR 67d 43h" "" "33DE8" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_D" ("'D', CHR 68d 44h" "" "33DEF" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_E" ("'E', CHR 69d 45h" "" "33DF6" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_F" ("'F', CHR 70d 46h" "" "33DFD" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_G" ("'G', CHR 71d 47h" "" "33E04" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_H" ("'H', CHR 72d 48h" "" "33E0B" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_I" ("'I', CHR 73d 49h" "" "33E12" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_J" ("'J', CHR 74d 4Ah" "" "33E19" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_K" ("'K', CHR 75d 4Bh" "" "33E20" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_L" ("'L', CHR 76d 4Ch" "" "33E27" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_M" ("'M', CHR 77d 4Dh" "" "33E2E" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_N" ("'N', CHR 78d 4Eh" "" "33E35" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_O" ("'O', CHR 79d 4Fh" "" "33E3C" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_P" ("'P', CHR 80d 50h" "" "33E43" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Q" ("'Q', CHR 81d 51h" "" "33E4A" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_R" ("'R', CHR 82d 52h" "" "33E51" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_S" ("'S', CHR 83d 53h" "" "33E58" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_T" ("'T', CHR 84d 54h" "" "33E5F" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_U" ("'U', CHR 85d 55h" "" "33E66" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_V" ("'V', CHR 86d 56h" "" "33E6D" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_W" ("'W', CHR 87d 57h" "" "33E74" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_X" ("'X', CHR 88d 58h" "" "33E7B" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Y" ("'Y', CHR 89d 59h" "" "33E82" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Z" ("'Z', CHR 90d 5Ah" "" "33E89" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_[" ("'[', CHR 91d 5Bh" "" "33FA1" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_]" ("']', CHR 93d 5Dh" "" "33FA8" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_UndScore" ("'_', CHR 95d 5Fh" "" "33F9A" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_a" ("'a', CHR 97d 61h" "" "33E90" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_b" ("'b', CHR 98d 62h" "" "33E97" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_c" ("'c', CHR 99d 63h" "" "33E9E" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_d" ("'d', CHR 100d 64h" "" "33EA5" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_e" ("'e', CHR 101d 65h" "" "33EAC" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_f" ("'f', CHR 102d 66h" "" "33EB3" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_g" ("'g', CHR 103d 67h" "" "33EBA" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_h" ("'h', CHR 104d 68h" "" "33EC1" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_i" ("'i', CHR 105d 69h" "" "33EC8" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_j" ("'j', CHR 106d 6Ah" "" "33ECF" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_k" ("'k', CHR 107d 6Bh" "" "33ED6" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_l" ("'l', CHR 108d 6Ch" "" "33EDD" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_m" ("'m', CHR 109d 5Dh" "" "33EE4" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_n" ("'n', CHR 110d 6Eh" "" "33EEB" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_o" ("'o', CHR 111d 6Fh" "" "33EF2" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_p" ("'p', CHR 112d 70h" "" "33EF9" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_q" ("'q', CHR 113d 71h" "" "33F00" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_r" ("'r', CHR 114d 72h" "" "33F07" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_s" ("'s', CHR 115d 73h" "" "33F0E" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_t" ("'t', CHR 116d 74h" "" "33F15" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_u" ("'u', CHR 117d 75h" "" "33F1C" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_v" ("'v', CHR 118d 76h" "" "33F23" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_w" ("'w', CHR 119d 77h" "" "33F2A" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_x" ("'x', CHR 120d 78h" "" "33F31" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_y" ("'y', CHR 121d 79h" "" "33F38" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_z" ("'z', CHR 122d 7Ah" "" "33F3F" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_{" ("'{', CHR 123d 7Bh" "" "33FAF" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_}" ("'{', CHR 125d 7Dh" "" "33FB6" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Angle" ("'\\<)', CHR 128d 80h" "" "33F5B" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Integral" ("'\\.S', CHR 132d 84h" "" "33F69" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Deriv" ("'\\.d', CHR 136d 88h" "" "33F62" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_->" ("'-->', CHR 141d 8Dh" "" "33F46" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_<<" ("'\\<<', CHR 171d ABh" "" "33F4D" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_>>" ("'\\>>', CHR 187d BBh" "" "33F54" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Pi" ("'\\pi', CHR 135d 87h" "" "33F7E" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_Sigma" ("'\\GS', CHR 133d 85h" "" "33F8C" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_<=" ("'\\<=', CHR 137d 89h" "" "33FBD" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_>=" ("'\\>=', CHR 138d 8Ah" "" "33FC4" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_<>" ("'\\=/', CHR 139d 8Bh" "" "33FCB" :NOSDIAG) "CHR_A8" ("'\\A8', CHR 168d A8h" "" "37A78" :UBS :NOSDIAG) "NULL$" ("\"\"" "Empty string." "055DF") "tok_" ("\"\\ \"" "" "33B55") "SPACE$" ("\"\\ \"" "" "33B55") "MARKED" ("\" \"" "String of 2 spaces." "272E5" :UBS) "14SPACES$" ("\"\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \"" "String of 14 spaces." "33B13" :UBS) "(LF$)" ("\"\\0a\"" "Newline." "33B39") "NEWLINE$" ("\"\\0a\"" "Newline." "33B39") "CRLF$" ("\"\\0d\\0a\"" "Carriage return and line feed." "27195") "toklparen" ("\"(\"" "" "33BB5" :UBS) "tokrparen" ("\")\"" "" "33BC1" :UBS) "tok[" ("\"[\"" "" "33A6B" :UBS) "tok]" ("\"]\"" "" "33A51" :UBS) "tok{" ("\"{\"" "" "33A77") "tok}" ("\"}\"" "" "33A83" :UBS) "tok<<" ("\"\\<<\"" "" "33AD7") "tok>>" ("\"\\>>\"" "" "33ACB" :UBS) "$_LRParens" ("\"()\"" "" "34048") "$_[]" ("\"[]\"" "" "3401E") "$_{}" ("\"{}\"" "" "34010") "$_<<>>" ("\"\\<<\\>>\"" "" "34002") "$_''" ("\"''\"" "Two single quotes." "3402C") "$_::" ("\"::\"" "" "3403A") "$_2DQ" ("\"\"\"\"" "Two double quotes." "34056") "tok," ("\",\"" "" "33B91") "tok'" ("\"'\"" "One single quote." "33B85") "tok-" ("\"-\"" "" "33BFD") "tok." ("\".\"" "" "33B9D") "tok=" ("\"=\"" "" "33C09") "tok->" ("\"-->\"" "" "272D9") "tok_g" ("\"g\"" "" "2D848") "tok_m" ("\"m\"" "" "2D86D") "tok_s" ("\"s\"" "" "2D8AD") "tok0" ("\"0\"" "" "33C4D") "tok1" ("\"1\"" "" "33C59") "tok2" ("\"2\"" "" "33C65" :UBS) "tok3" ("\"3\"" "" "33C71" :UBS) "tok4" ("\"4\"" "" "33C7D" :UBS) "tok5" ("\"5\"" "" "33C89" :UBS) "tok6" ("\"6\"" "" "33C95" :UBS) "tok7" ("\"7\"" "" "33CA1" :UBS) "tok;" ("\";\"" "" "33BA9" :UBS) "tok8" ("\"8\"" "" "33CAD") "tok9" ("\"9\"" "" "33CB9") "tokESC" ("\"\\1B\"" "Escape character." "33ABF") "tokexponent" ("\"E\"" "" "33AE3") "tokquote" ("\"\"\"" "One double quote." "33B79") "toksharp" ("\"#\"" "" "33A8F") "tok$" ("\"$\"" "" "33AA7" :UBS) "tok&" ("\"&\"" "" "33AB3" :UBS) "tok*" ("\"*\"" "" "33BD9" :UBS) "tok+" ("\"+\"" "" "33BF1" :UBS) "tok/" ("\"/\"" "" "33BE5" :UBS) "tokanglesign" ("\"\\<)\"" "" "33AEF" :UBS) "tokDER" ("\"\\.d\"" "" "33C21" :UBS) "$DER" ("\"der\"" "" "33B45" :UBS) "tokSIGMA" ("\"\\GS\"" "" "33AFB" :UBS) "tokSQRT" ("\"\\v/\"" "" "33C15" :UBS) "tokuscore" ("\"_\"" "" "33A9B" :UBS) "tokWHERE" ("\"|\"" "" "33B07" :UBS) "tok^" ("\"^\"" "" "33BCD" :UBS) "$_..." ("\"\\1F\"" "Character 31, the forward arrow (system font) or dots (minifont)." "33D1F" :UBS) "tok:" ("\":\"" "" "2723F" :UBS) "tok`" ("\"`\"" "One backquote." "2724B" :UBS) "tok?" ("\"?\"" "" "2D933" :UBS) "$_RAD" ("\"RAD\"" "" "340A4") "$_GRAD" ("\"GRAD\"" "" "340B4") "$_XYZ" ("\"XYZ\"" "" "33FF2") "$_RZ\"" "33FE2") "$_R<<" ("\"R\\<)\\<)\"" "\"R\"" "33FD2") "tokmol" ("\"mol\"" "" "2D90F" :UBS) "tokcd" ("\"cd\"" "" "2D8ED" :UBS) "tokK" ("\"K\"" "" "2D8CD" :UBS) "tokA" ("\"A\"" "" "2D88D" :UBS) "tokdegR" ("\"\\^oR\"" "Degrees R." "2D7FF" :UBS) "tokr" ("\"r\"" "" "2D7B3" :UBS) "toksr" ("\"sr\"" "" "2D7D3" :UBS) "$_EXIT" ("\"EXIT\"" "" "34076") "$_ECHO" ("\"ECHO\"" "" "34064") "$_Undefined" ("\"Undefined\"" "" "34088") "tokCTGROB" ("\"GROB\"" "" "33C2D" :UBS) "tokCTSTR" ("\"C$\"" "" "33C3F" :UBS) "tokUNKNOWN" ("\"UNKNOWN\"" "" "33B61" :UBS) "tokTO" ("\"TO\"" "" "27221" :UBS) "tokDIR" ("\"DIR\"" "" "2722F" :UBS) "tokELSE" ("\"ELSE\"" "" "27257" :UBS) "tokEND" ("\"END\"" "" "27269" :UBS) "tokUNTIL" ("\"UNTIL\"" "" "27279" :UBS) "tokREPEAT" ("\"REPEAT\"" "" "2728D" :UBS) "tokNEXT" ("\"NEXT\"" "" "272A3" :UBS) "tokSTEP" ("\"STEP\"" "" "272B5" :UBS) "tokTHEN" ("\"THEN\"" "" "272C7" :UBS) "$1:_" ("\"1: \"" "" "27C0B" :UBS) "SKIP\"" "" "27EB4" :UBS) ">Skip$" ("\"SKIP-->\"" "" "27F00" :UBS) "DEL\"" "" "27F4C" :UBS) ">Del$" ("\"DEL-->\"" "" "27F9F" :UBS) "tokIntercept" ("\"Intercept\"" "" "3DF97" :UBS) "tokSlope" ("\"Slope\"" "" "3DFB3" :UBS) "tokIF-prompt" ("\"IF-prompt\"" "" "37F5C" :UBS) "tokCopyright" ("\"Copyright HP xxxx\"" "" "34133" :UBS) "tokVersion" ("\"Version HP49-B...\"" "" "340CB" :UBS) "NULL$SWAP" ("ob --> $ ob" "NULL$, then SWAP." "35D94") "DROPNULL$" ("ob --> NULL$" "DROP then NULL$." "04D3E") "TWODROPNULL$" ("ob ob' --> NULL$" "2DROP then NULL$." "04D57" :UBS) "NULL$TEMP" ("--> $" "Creates null string in temporary memory (NULL$, then TOTEMPOB)." "25EEC") "#>$" ("# --> $" "Creates string from the bint (decimal)." "25F77") "#:>$" ("# --> \"#:\\ \"" "Creates string from the bint and appends a colon and a space. Ex: \"1:\\ \"" "25F72") "a%>$," ("% --> $" "Converts real number into string using current display mode." "25F0F") "a%>$" ("% --> $" "Converts real number into string using current display mode." "25F0F") "ID>$" ("id/lam --> $" "Converts identifier into string." "05BE9") "DOCHR" ("% --> $" "Creates string of the character with the number specified." "25EB3") "^Z>S" ("Z --> $" "Converts Z into a string (decimal)." "0F1006" :wasCSys) "hxs>$" ("hxs --> $" "Uses current display mode and wordsize." "2EFC1") "HXS>$" ("hxs --> $" "Does hxs>$ and then appends base character." "2EFC0") "#>CHR" ("# --> chr" "Returns character with the specified ASCII code." "05A75") "CHR>$" ("chr --> $* Strings" "Converts a character into a string." "37AA5") "LEN$" ("$ --> #length" "Returns length in bytes." "05636") "DUPLEN$" ("$ --> $ #" "DUP then LEN$." "357E2") "OVERLEN$" ("$ ob --> $ ob #len" "OVER then LEN$." "05622") "NEWLINE&$" ("$ --> \"$\\0a\"" "Appends newline character to string." "361DA") "NEWLINE$&$" ("$ --> \"$\\0a\"" "Appends newline character to string." "361DA") "APNDCRLF" ("$ --> $'" "Appends carriage return and line feed to string." "2F31A") "CAR$" ("$ --> chr --> \"\"" "Returns first character of string as a string, or NULL$ for null string." "050ED") "CDR$" ("$ --> $'" "Returns string without first character, or NULL$ for null string." "0516C") "POS$" ("$ $find start# --> #pos --> #0" "Search for $find in $search, starting at position #start. Returns position of $find or 0 if not found. Same entry as POSCHR." "378FA") "POSCHR" ("$search chr #start --> #pos --> #0" "Same entry as POS$." "378FA") "POS$REV" ("$ $find #limit --> #pos --> #0" "Searches backwards from #limit to #1. Same entry as POSCHRREV." "37906") "POSCHRREV" ("$seach chr #start --> #pos --> #0" "Same entry as POS$REV." "37906") "COERCE$22" ("$ --> $'" "If the string is longer than 22 characters, truncates it to 21 characters and appends \"...\"." "25EA0") "Blank$" ("#len --> $" "Creates a string with the specified number of spaces." "2F16D") "PromptIdUtil" ("id ob --> $" "Creates string of the form \"id: ob\"." "2EEF0") "SEP$NL" ("$ --> $' $''" "Separates string at the first newline. $'' is the substring before the first newline; $' the substring after the first newline." "25EF8") "^StrCutNchr" ("$ #width --> $'" "Replace SPACE chars with NEWLINE in order to fit the text in the given #width. This entry will produce lines longer than#width characters if a single word is longer than that. Used by ViewStrObject. Very fast (bang type)." "09A003" :UBS) "^StrCutNchr2" ("$ #width #lines --> $' #lines'" "Replace SPACE chars with NEWLINE in order to fit the text in the given #width. If a single word is longer than #width, the word is cut into pieces. The output will not be longer than #lines lines. #lines' gives the number of lines in $'." "09B003" :UBS) "SUB$" ("$ #start #end --> $'" "Returns substring between specified positions. " "05733") "XEQSUB$" ("$ % %' --> $'" "Same as SUB$ but uses real numbers as arguments." "2F2C0" :UBS) "#1-SUB$" ("$ #start #end+#1 --> $'" "Does #1- and then SUB$." "3628E") "1_#1-SUB" ("$ #end --> $'" "Returns substring with the first #end characters." "362A2") "1_#1-SUB$" ("$ #end --> $'" "Returns substring with the first #end characters." "362A2") "LAST$" ("$ #start --> $'" "Returns substring from the specified start position to the end (inclusive)." "362B6") "#1+LAST$" ("$ #start-#1 --> $'" "Returns substring from the specified start position to the end (exclusive)." "362CA") "DEL_END$" ("$ --> $'" "Removes the last character from a string." "29F0C" :UBS) "SUB$SWAP" ("ob $ # #' --> $' ob" "SUB$ then SWAP." "35DA8") "SUB$1#" ("$ #pos --> #'" "Returns bint with ASCII code of character at the specified position." "2A5CA") "EXPAND" ("hxs #nibs --> hxs'" "Appends #nibs zero nibbles to the hxs." "34C82") "&$" ("$ $' --> $+$'" "Concatenates two strings." "05193") "&$SWAP" ("ob $ $' --> $+$' ob" "&$ then SWAP." "36FF6") "!append$" ("$ $' --> $+$'" "Tries &$, if not enough memory does !!append$?." "353CD") "!insert$" ("$ $' --> $'+$" "Does SWAP then !append$." "3533C") "!append$SWAP" ("ob $ $' --> $+$' ob" "!append$ then SWAP." "35F6A") "!!append$?" ("$ $' --> $+$'" "Attempts append \"in place\" if target is in tempob." "35369") "!!append$" ("$ $' --> $+$'" "Tries appending \"in place\"." "353F7") "!!insert$" ("$ $' --> $'+$" "Tries inserting \"in place\"." "353EB") ">H$" ("$ chr --> $'" "Prepends character to string" "0525B") ">T$" ("$ chr --> $'" "Appends character to string." "052EE") "APPEND_SPACE" ("$ --> $'" "Appends space to string." "35BD7") "SWAP&$" ("$ $' --> $'+$" "Concatenates two strings." "35346") "TIMESTR" ("%dt %tm --> \"dy dt tm\"" "Returns string representation of time, using current format. Example: \"WED 06/24/98 10:00:45A\"" "2EED3") "AND$" ("$1 $2 --> $'" "Logical QANDQ. Errors if strings are not the same length." "25E7C") "OR$" ("$ $' --> $''" "Logical QORQ. Errors if strings are not the same length." "25EF0") "XOR$" ("$ $' --> $''" "Logical QXORQ. Errors if strings are not the same length." "25F0D") "!NOT$" ("$ $' --> $'' ???" "Logical QNOTQ \"in place\"." "2647C" :UBS) "!AND$" ("$ $' --> $'' ???" "Logical QANDQ. Does not check if strings are the same length." "2646D" :UBS) "!OR$" ("$ $' --> $'' ???" "Logical QORQ, does not check if strings are the same length." "26472" :UBS) "!XOR$" ("$ $' --> $'' ???" "Logical QXORQ. Does not check if strings are the same length." "26477" :UBS) "CHARSEDIT" ("-->" "HP49 character browser. This is an interactive application from which characters can be echoed into the command line." "2F1A7") "DOSTR>" ("$ --> ?" "Internal version of STR\\->." "25EB7") "palparse" ("$ --> ob T --> $ #pos $' F" "Tries parsing a string into an object. If successful, returns object and TRUE, otherwise returns position of error, the offending part of the string $', and FALSE. If the string contains several arguments, the resulting object is a secondary containing these objects." "2EF62") "^algparse" ("$ --> ob T $ --> $ # #' F" "Tries parsing a string into an object using algebraic mode. If successful, returns object and TRUE, otherwise returns the original string with information about the position of the error, and FALSE." "00E004") "!*trior" ("F --> T T --> " "" "25E68") "!*triand" ("T T --> F T --> F T " "" "25E67") "tok8cktrior" ("$1 $1 --> :: $1 ; $1 $2 --> :: $1 ;" "" "26206") "tok8trior" ("GNT data $1 $1 --> :: GNT data GetNextToken ; GNT data $1 $2 --> :: $1 ;" "" "261BB") "nultrior" ("NULL$ --> :: ; $ --> :: $ ;" "" "29E67") "GetNextToken" ("hxs-mask $ #start --> hxs-mask $ #next $token" "" "25EDB") "getmatchtok" ("hxs-mask $ #loc $_tok --> hxs-mask $ #next $match" "" "2F33C") "Parse.1" ("" "" "2EF6A") "Parse.2" ("" "" "2EF6B") "ParseFail" ("ob $parsed #pos $' -->" "Uses DispBadToken to re-edit the parsed string and displays \"Syntax Error\"." "2EF6E") "ParseFail2" ("" "" "2EF70") "DispBadToken" ("ob $parsed #pos $' -->" "Re-edits the parsed string, positions the cursor to the location of the error. Used by ParseFail." "2EF6F") "DispBadToken2" ("" "" "2EF71") "!DcompWidth" ("# -->" "Sets the width (in characters) of decompiled strings. This width is used to cut the resulting string (for stack display) or to break it into lines (mostly for editing). Note that most decompilation entries reset this value to the stack or editor width. Use stkdecomp$w and editdecomp$w to make sure the current width is used and not changed." "2F191") "DcompWidth@" ("--> #" "Recalls the width of decompiled strings (in characters)." "2F190") "setStdWid" ("-->" "Sets DcompWidth to the standard value for stack display, either 19 or 30 characters, depending on system flag 72 (stack minifont). -- Flags: -72" "26459") "setStdEditWid" ("-->" "Sets DcompWidth to the width for editing, either 21 or 32 characters, depending on system flag 73 (edit minifont). -- Flags: -73" "2645E") "stkdecomp$w" ("ob --> $" "Decompiles for stack display using the current DcompWidth to cut the string if it is too long." "25F13") "1stkdecomp$w" ("ob --> $" "Calls setStdWid and decompiles for stack display (cutting the string if necessary)." "25E6D") "Decomp1Line" ("ob --> $" "Same as 1stkdecomp$w." "2A842") "RPNDecomp1Line" ("ob --> $" "Same as Decomp1Line but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A904") ">Review$" ("id --> $" "Makes a string from the variable name and its contents (decompiled with Decomp1Line), for display with the review key. If the argument is a command, returns its name." "25E6F") "DecompStd1Line32" ("ob --> $" "Sets 32 as DcompWidth and decompiles using stkdecomp$w." "2A8E4") "RPNDecompStd1Line32" ("ob --> $" "Same as DecompStd1Line32 but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A9C4") "DecompStd1Line" ("ob --> $" "Calls setStdWid and decompiles, cutting if the string becomes too long." "2A8C9") "RPNDecompStd1Line" ("ob --> $" "Same as DecompStd1Line but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A9A4") "Decomp#Disp" ("ob # --> $" "Calls setStdWid and decompiles ob (UserRPL components only), breaks the string into lines and returns the first #+1 lines. Used for multiline display in stack level 1." "2A893") "RPNDecomp#Disp" ("ob # --> $" "Same as Decomp#Disp but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A964") "Decomp#Line" ("ob # --> $" "Similar to Decomp#Disp, but the returned string is an internal representation of the different lines to be displayed. Used for multiline display in stack level 1." "2A878") "RPNDecomp#Line" ("ob # --> $" "Same as Decomp#Line but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A944") "editdecomp$w" ("ob --> $" "Decompiles entire object for editing. It only decompiles the UserRPL components. Some System RPL entries like TakeOver are simply skipped, others are written as \"External\". Breaks the resulting strings into lines using the current DcompWidth." "25F11") "EDITDECOMP$" ("ob --> $" "Calls setStdEditWid and the decompiles for editing like editdecomp$w." "25ECE") "DecompEdit" ("ob --> $" "Same as EDITDECOMP$." "2A85D") "RPNDecompEdit" ("ob --> $" "Same as DecompEdit but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A924") "AlgDecomp" ("ob --> $" "Calls DecompEdit with a few checks around it." "2AA43") "DECOMP$" ("ob --> $" "Calls setStdWid and decompiles entire object (UserRPL components only). Breaks the string into lines using DcompWidth as width." "25EAA") "Ob,$>$'" ("ob $ --> \"ob$\"" "Applies DECOMP$ to ob and concatenates with the string." "39CB3" :UBS) "$,Ob>$'" ("$ ob --> \"$ob\"" "Applies DECOMP$ to ob and concatenates with the string." "39C9F" :UBS) "DO>STR" ("$ --> $ ob --> $" "Internal version of \\->STR." "25EB1") "^DO>STRID" ("id/ob --> $" "Like DO>STR but without quotes for id." "1A7006" :wasCSys) "DecompEcho" ("ob --> $" "Calls setStdEditWid and decompiles the entire object (UserRPL only) into a single line." "2A8AE") "RPNDecompEcho" ("ob --> $" "Same as DecompEcho but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution. -- Flags: -95" "2A984") "Decomp%Short" ("% #width --> $" "Decompiles a real number into a string of the given #width. It will QdropQ less significant digits or add zeros as needed, but will also exceed #width when necessary. E.g. \"-1.e-33\" cannot be written with less than 7 characters, so even if #width is less, 7 chars will be used. Q%0Q is always decompiled as \"0\"." "2F1BF") "^FSTR1" ("ob --> $" "The decompiler used by stkdecomp$w, 1stkdecomp$w, Decomp1Line, DecompStd1Line32. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "001004") "^FSTR2" ("" "" "002004") "^FSTR3" ("ob # --> $" "The decompiler used by Decomp#Line. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "003004") "^FSTR4" ("ob --> $" "The decompiler used by editdecomp$w, DecompEdit, EDITDECOMP$. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "004004") "^FSTR5" ("ob --> $" "The decompiler used by DecompEcho. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "005004") "^FSTR6" ("ob # --> $" "The decompiler used by Decomp#Line. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "006004") "^FSTR7" ("ob --> $" "The decompiler used by DO>STR. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "007004") "^FSTR8" ("" "" "008004") "^FSTR9" ("ob --> $" "The decompiler used by DecompStd1Line. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "009004") "^FSTR10" ("" "" "00A004") "^FSTR11" ("" "" "00B004") "^FSTR12" ("" "" "00C004") "^FSTR13" ("ob --> $" "The decompiler used by DECOMP$. DcompWidth must be set before this is called." "00D004") "palrompdcmp" ("romptr --> $ T" "Decompiles a rompointer for the UserRPL stack. If it is a named rompointer, returns the name. Otherwise returns \"XLIB n m\"." "35B82") "NULL$?" ("ob --> flag" "" "0556F") "DUPNULL$?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "36252") "$>$?" ("$ $' --> flag" "String comparizon, alphabetically by character numbers." "26436" :UBS) "CkChr00" ("$ --> $ flag" "Returns FALSE if string contains any null characters." "2F321") "hxsB010" ("HXS 4 B010" "" "3ABD2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "CHSpdata" ("HXS 4 0108" "" "399ED" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs0105" ("HXS 4 0105" "" "3CB4A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "PDataNSQRT" ("HXS 4 010C" "" "3A4B0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs70107" ("HXS 5 70107" "" "39C79" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs80108" ("HXS 5 80108" "" "3B002" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs50105" ("HXS 5 50105" "" "3CA52" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs40104" ("HXS 5 40104" "" "3CAD8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs60106" ("HXS 5 60106" "" "3CCA5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "ParseDataN^" ("HXS 5 A0109" "" "3A17F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxsA0127" ("HXS 5 A0127" "" "3DB8F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs014250" ("HXS 6 014250" "" "3D719" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "ParseDataPdiv" ("HXS 7 8014050" "" "3A07D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "ParseDataP^" ("HXS 7 0405109" "" "3A18E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs0134250" ("HXS 7 0134250" "" "3D28F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs014360950" ("HXS 9 014360950" "" "3D7C0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs0140626250" ("HXS A 0140626250" "" "39666" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "hxs2214370B50" ("HXS A 2214370B50" "" "3D619" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "INTGPDATA" ("HXS C 014060626350" "" "3D497" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "SUMETCPDATA" ("HXS C 014370606250" "" "3D549" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "#>HXS" ("# --> hxs" "Length will be five." "059CC") "%>#" ("% --> hxs" "Converts real number into hxs. Should be called %>HXS." "2EFCB") "WORDSIZE" ("--> #" "Returns the current wordsize as a bint." "2EFBE") "dostws" ("# -->" "Sets the current wordsize." "2EFAA") "NULLHXS" ("HXS 0" "Puts a null hxs in the stack." "055D5") "NULLHXS?" ("hxs --> flag" "Returns TRUE if the input is a null hxs." "05566" :UBS) "&HXS" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Appends hxs'' to hxs'." "0518A") "LENHXS" ("hxs --> #nibs" "Returns length in nibbles." "05616") "SUBHXS" ("hxs #m #n --> hxs'" "Returns sub hxs string." "05815") "bit+" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Adds two hxs." "2EFB9") "bit%#+" ("% hxs --> hxs'" "Adds real to hxs, returns hxs." "2EFC8") "bit#%+" ("hxs % --> hxs'" "Adds real to hxs, returns hxs." "2EFC9") "bit-" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Subtracts hxs2 from hxs1." "2EFBA") "bit%#-" ("% hxs --> hxs'" "Subtracts hxs from real, returns hxs." "2EFC6") "bit#%-" ("hxs % --> hxs'" "Subtracts real from hxs, returns hxs." "2EFC7") "bit*" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Multiplies two hxs." "2EFBC") "bit%#*" ("% hxs --> hxs'" "Multiplies real by hxs, returns hxs." "2EFC4") "bit#%*" ("hxs % --> hxs'" "Multiplies hxs by real, returns hxs." "2EFC5") "bit/" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Divides hxs1 by hxs2." "2EFBD") "bit%#/" ("% hxs --> hxs'" "Divides real by hxs, returns hxs." "2EFC2") "bit#%/" ("hxs % --> hxs'" "Divides hxs by real, returns hxs." "2EFC3") "bitAND" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Bitwise QANDQ." "2EFAC") "bitOR" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Bitwise QORQ." "2EFAD") "bitXOR" ("hxs hxs' --> hxs''" "Bitwise QXORQ." "2EFAE") "bitNOT" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Bitwise QNOTQ." "2EFAF") "bitASR" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Arithmetic shift one bit to the right. The most significant bit (the sign) does not change." "2EFB8") "bitRL" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts circularly one bit to the left." "2EFB6") "bitRLB" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts circularly one byte to the left" "2EFB7") "bitRR" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts circularly one bit to the right." "2EFB4") "bitRRB" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts circularly one byte to the right." "2EFB5") "bitSL" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts one bit to the left." "2EFB0") "bitSLB" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts one byte to the left." "2EFB1") "bitSR" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts one bit to the right." "2EFB2") "bitSRB" ("hxs --> hxs'" "Shifts one byte to the right." "2EFB3") "HXS==HXS" ("hxs hxs' --> %flag" "== test" "2EFCC") "HXS#HXS" ("hxs hxs' --> %flag" "\\=/ test" "2F0EE") "HXS %flag" "< test" "2EFCF") "HXS>HXS" ("hxs hxs' --> %flag" "> test" "2EFCD") "HXS>=HXS" ("hxs hxs' --> %flag" "\\>= test" "2EFCE") "HXS<=HXS" ("hxs hxs' --> %flag" "\\<= test" "2F0EF") ">TAG" ("ob $tag --> tagged" "Tags an object." "05E81") "USER$>TAG" ("ob $tag --> tagged" "Maximum of 255 characters in string." "2F266") "%>TAG" ("ob % --> tagged" "Converts real to string using current display mode and tags object." "2F223") "ID>TAG" ("ob id/lam --> tagged" "Tags object with identifier or lam." "05F2E") "{}>TAG" ("{ id ob } --> tagged" "" "05E9F" :UBS) "TAGOBS" ("ob $tag --> tagged ob.. { $.. } --> tagged..." "Tags one or more objects." "37B04") "TAG>" ("tagged --> ob $tag" "" "05EC9" :UBS) "STRIPTAGS" ("tagged --> ob" "Strips all tags from the object." "37ABE") "STRIPTAGSl2" ("tagged ob' --> ob ob'" "Strips all tags from the object in level two." "37AEB") "ARSIZE" ("[] --> #" "Returns number of elements as a bint." "03562" :UBS) "DIMLIMITS" ("[] --> {#n #m}" "Returns list of array dimensions." "035A9" :UBS) "GETATELN" ("# [] --> ob T --> F" "Gets one element from array." "0371D") "ARRYEL?" ("{#n #m} [] --> # T --> F" "Returns TRUE if array element exists." "03685" :UBS) "FINDELN" ("{} A --> # flag" "Return index # of element {} in array." "03685" :UBS) "^MDIMS" ("[[]] --> #rows #cols T [] --> #elem F" "Returns the size of an array. Equivalent to the HP48 command MDIMS." "16D006" :wasCSys) "MDIMSDROP" ("[2D] --> #m #n" "MDIMS followed by DROP." "35FD8") "^DIMLIMITS" ("[] --> { # } [[]] --> {# #}" "Returns the size of an array, like the User command SIZE, but the lengths are bints and not reals. Equivalent to the HP48 command DIMLIMITS." "16E006" :wasCSys) "^ARSIZE" ("[] --> #" "Returns max # in an array." "35E006" :CSys) "OVERARSIZE" ("[] ob --> [] ob #elts" "Does OVER then ARSIZE." "36183") "PULLREALEL" ("[%] # --> [%] %" "Gets real element." "260F8") "PULLCMPEL" ("[C%] # --> [C%] C%" "Gets complex element." "260F3") "PUTEL" ("[%] % # --> [%]' [C%] C% # --> [C%]'" "Puts element at specified position. Converts to \"short\" before. Warning: no copy to tempob first." "26102") "PUTREALEL" ("[%] % # --> [%]'" "Puts real element at specified position. Warning: no copy to tempob first." "26107") "PUTCMPEL" ("[C%] C% # --> [C%]'" "Puts complex element at specified position. Warning: no copy to tempob first." "260FD") "^MATTRAN" ("M --> M'" "Matrix transposition." "33B006" :wasCSys) "^Yext" ("V2 V1 --> ob" "Scalar product of symbolic vectors, no check." "331006" :wasCSys) "MATR>C" ("[%re] [%im] --> [C%]" "Creates complex matrix from real and imaginary parts." "2F1D5" :UBS) "MATC>R" ("[C%] --> [%re] [%im]" "Explodes complex matrix into real and imaginary parts." "2F1D6" :UBS) "^BESTMATRIXTYPE" ("ob --> ob" "Converts symbolic matrix with real/cmplex entries to a numeric array." "169006" :wasCSys) "^CKNUMARRY" ("ob --> ob" "Tests if ob is a numeric array. Tries to convert symbolic array to numeric array." "172006" :wasCSys) "^MATRIX2ARRAY" ("[] --> [] [[]] --> [[]]" "Tries to convert a symbolic matrix to a numeric one." "178006" :wasCSys) "^ListToArry" ("{}/{{}} --> []/[[]] TRUE --> FALSE" "If possible, converts list of lists to normal array (containing only real or complex numbers) and returns TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE." "001007" :wasCSys) "MAKEARRY" ("{#n #m} ob --> []" "Makes array with all elements initialized to ob." "03442" :UBS) "^XEQ>ARRY" ("ob1...obn {%n} --> [] ob11...obmn {%m %n} --> [[mxn]]" "Builds a matrix a la \\->ARRY." "17F006" :wasCSys) "^XEQ>ARRAY1" ("" "" "180006" :wasCSys) "^ArryToMatrix" ("[] --> M" "Converts array to symbolic array." "002007") "STATCLST" ("-->" "Clears \\GSDAT." "2EEDA") "STATN" ("--> N" "Internal N\\GS." "2EEDC") "STATSMIN" ("--> %" "Internal MIN\\GS." "2EEDF") "STATSMAX" ("--> %" "Internal MAX\\GS." "2EEDD") "STATMEAN" ("--> % --> []" "Internal MEAN." "2EEDE") "STATSTDEV" ("--> % --> []" "Internal SDEV." "2EEE0") "STATTOT" ("--> % --> []" "Internal TOT." "2EEE1") "STATVAR" ("--> % --> []" "Internal VAR." "2EEE2") "ListIntSlp" ("--> {}" "List with the two strings \"Intercept\" and \"Slope\". " "3DF92" :UBS) "SIbasis" ("{ 1_kg 1_m... }" "Returns a list of the 10 base units of the HP49G." "2D781" :UBS) "unit_kg" ("1_kg" "" "2D837" :UBS) "unit_m" ("1_m" "" "2D863" :UBS) "unit_A" ("1_A" "" "2D883" :UBS) "unit_s" ("1_s" "" "2D8A3" :UBS) "unit_K" ("1_K" "" "2D8C3" :UBS) "unit_cd" ("1_cd" "" "2D8E3" :UBS) "unit_mol" ("1_mol" "" "2D905" :UBS) "unit_r" ("1_r" "" "2D7A9" :UBS) "unit_sr" ("1_sr" "" "2D7C9" :UBS) "unit_?" ("1_?" "" "2D929" :UBS) "unit_R" ("1_\\^oR" "" "2D7F5" :UBS) "um*" ("* marker" "" "2D74F") "um/" ("/ marker" "" "2D759") "um^" ("^ marker" "" "2D763") "umP" ("Char prefix operator" "" "2D76D") "umEND" ("Unit end operator" "" "2D777") "EXTN" ("ob1..obn #n --> u" "Builds a unit object." "05481") "U>NCQ" ("u --> n%% cf%% qhxs" "Returns the number, conversion factor to base units and a vector in the form: [ kg m A s K cd mol r sr ? ] where each element represents the exponent of that unit. For example, 1_N U>NCQ would return: %%1 %%1 [ 1 1 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] since it is equivalent to 1_kg*m/s^2" "2F099") "UM>U" ("% u --> u'" "Replaces number part of unit." "2F07A") "UMCONV" ("u1 u2 --> u1'" "Change units of unit1 to units of unit2." "2F08C") "UMSI" ("u --> u'" "Equivalent to user word UBASE." "2F090") "UMU>" ("u --> % u'" "Returns number and normalized part of unit." "2F095") "UNIT>$" ("u --> $" "Converts unit to string." "2F019") "UMFACT" ("u1 u2 --> u" "Equivalent to user word UFACT." "3900B" :UBS) "U>nbr" ("u --> %" "Returns number part of unit." "2F07B") "Unbr>U" ("u % --> u'" "Replaces number part of unit." "2F098") "TempConv" ("???" "Used by UMCONV for the conversion of temperature units." "2F09A") "KeepUnit" ("% ob ob' --> % ob % ob u --> u' ob" "If the level one object is a unit object, replaces the numeric part of it with the number on level 3. If not, just DROP." "25EE4") "UM+" ("u u' --> u''" "" "2F081") "UM-" ("u u' --> u''" "" "2F082") "UM*" ("u u' --> u''" "" "2F080") "UM/" ("u u' --> u''" "" "2F083") "UM^" ("u % --> u'" "" "2F097") "UM%" ("u %percent --> u'" "" "2F07D") "SWAPUM%" ("%percent u --> u'" "" "3B2A6" :UBS) "UM%CH" ("u u' --> %" "" "2F07E") "UM%T" ("u u' --> %" "" "2F07F") "UMMIN" ("u u' --> u?" "" "2F08F") "UMMAX" ("u u' --> u?" "" "2F08E") "UMXROOT" ("u u' --> u''" "" "2F096") "SWAPUMXROOT" ("u u' --> u''" "DOes SWAP then UMXROOT." "3A2FA" :UBS) "UMABS" ("u --> u'" "" "2F08A") "UMCHS" ("u --> u'" "" "2F08B") "UMSQ" ("u --> u'" "" "2F092") "UMSQRT" ("u --> u'" "" "2F093") "UMSIGN" ("u --> %" "" "2D949") "UMIP" ("u --> u'" "" "2D95D") "UMFP" ("u --> u'" "" "2D971") "UMFLOOR" ("u --> u'" "" "2D985") "UMCEIL" ("u --> u'" "" "2D999") "UMRND" ("u --> u'" "" "2D9CB") "UMTRC" ("u --> u'" "" "2D9EE") "UMCOS" ("u --> u'" "" "2F08D") "UMSIN" ("u --> u'" "" "2F091") "UMTAN" ("u --> u'" "" "2F094") "UM=?" ("u u' --> %flag" "" "2F087") "UM#?" ("u u' --> %flag" "" "2F07C") "UM %flag" "" "2F086") "UM>?" ("u u' --> %flag" "" "2F089") "UM<=?" ("u u' --> %flag" "" "2F085") "UM>=?" ("u u' --> %flag" "" "2F088") "puretemp?" ("[] []' --> [] []' flag" "Checks of the two arrays both denote pure temperature units, i.e. if both arrays are equal to [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]" "2F076") "&COMP" ("comp comp' --> comp''" "Concatenates two composites." "0521F") ">TCOMP" ("comp ob --> comp+ob" "Adds ob to tail (end) of composite." "052FA") "#>TCOMP+1" ("comp # --> comp&# #+1" "Adds bint to tail of composite and increases bint by one" "08E33" :UBS) ">HCOMP" ("comp ob --> ob+comp" "Adds ob to head (beginning) of composite." "052C6") "!>HCOMP" ("comp ob --> ob+comp" "Tries do to >HCOMP in place???" "2949D" :UBS) "!>HCOMPcopy" ("comp ob --> ob+comp" "Calls !PTR>HCOMP if INHARDROM?, otherwise does >TOPTEMP on both args and then !?HCOMP." "294CF" :UBS) "!&HCOMP" ("comp ob --> ob+comp" ">HCOMP in place?" "29501" :UBS) "!PTR>HCOMP" ("comp PTR --> PTR+comp" "Can be used if PTR is in HARDROM." "295BA" :UBS) "SWAP>HCOMP" ("ob comp --> ob+comp" "Does SWAP then >HCOMP." "39C8B" :UBS) "CARCOMP" ("comp --> ob_head comp_null --> comp_null" "Returns first object of the composite, or a null composite if the argument is a null composite." "05089") "?CARCOMP" ("comp T --> ob comp F --> comp" "If the flag is TRUE, does CARCOMP." "361C6") "CDRCOMP" ("comp --> comp-ob_head comp_null --> comp_null" "Returns the composite minus its first object, or a null composite if the argument is a null composite." "05153") "TWONTHCOMPDROP" ("comp --> ob2" "Gets the second element of composite." "2825E" :UBS) "^LASTCOMP" ("comp --> ob" "Gets the last element of composite. Does DUPLENCOMP then NTHCOMPDROP." "2BC006" :wasCSys) "LENCOMP" ("comp --> #n" "Returns length of composite (number of objects)." "0567B") "DUPLENCOMP" ("comp --> comp #n" "Does DUP then LENCOMP." "3627A") "NULLCOMP?" ("comp --> flag" "If the composite is empty, returns TRUE." "055B7") "DUPNULLCOMP?" ("comp --> comp flag" "Does DUP then NULLCOMP?." "36266") "NTHELCOMP" ("comp #i --> ob T --> F" "Returns specified element of composite and TRUE, or just FALSE if it could not be found." "056B6") "NTHCOMPDROP" ("comp #i --> ob" "Does NTHELCOMP then DROP." "35BC3") "NTHCOMDDUP" ("comp #i --> ob ob" "Does NTHCOMPDROP then DUP." "35D58") "POSCOMP" ("comp ob pred --> #i --> #0 (eg: pred = ' %<)" "Evaluates pred for all elements of composite and ob, and returns index of first object for which the pred is TRUE. If no one returned TRUE, returns #0. For example, the program below returns #4: :: { %1 %2 %3 %-4 %-5 %6 %7 } %0 ' %< POSCOMP ;" "376EE") "EQUALPOSCOMP" ("comp ob --> #pos --> #0" "POSCOMP with EQUAL as test." "3776B") "NTHOF" ("ob comp --> #i --> #0" "Does SWAP then EQUALPOSCOMP." "37784") "^ListPos" ("ob {} --> #i / #0" "Equivalent to NTHOF, but faster. However, it only works for lists." "0FD006" :wasCSys) "#=POSCOMP" ("comp # --> #i --> #0" "POSCOMP with #= as test." "37752") "SUBCOMP" ("comp #m #n --> comp'" "Returns a sub-composite. Makes all index checks first." "05821") "matchob?" ("ob comp --> T --> ob F" "Returns TRUE if ob is EQUAL to any element of the composite." "376B7") "Embedded?" ("ob1 ob2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if ob2 is embedded in, or is the same as, ob1. Otherwise returns FALSE." "371B3") "Find1stTrue" ("comp test --> ob T --> F" "Tests every element for test. The first one that returns TRUE is put into the stack along with TRUE. If no object returned TRUE, FALSE is put into the stack. For example, the program below returns %-4 and TRUE. :: { %1 %2 %2 %-4 %-5 %6 } ' %0< Find1stTrue ;" "37798") "Find1stT.1" ("" "Recursive internal function for Find1stTrue." "25F2C") "Lookup" ("ob test comp --> nextob T --> ob F" "Tests every odd element (1,3,...) in the composite. If a test returns TRUE, the object after the tested one is returned, along with TRUE. If no object tests TRUE, FALSE is returned. For example, the program below returns %6 and TRUE. :: %0 ' %< { %1 %2 %3 %-4 %-5 %6 } Lookup ;" "377C5") "Lookup.1" ("ob test --> nextob T --> ob F Return Stack: comp -->" "Lookup with the composite already pushed (with >R) onto the runstream. Called by Lookup. " "377DE") "EQLookup" ("ob comp --> nextob T --> ob F" "Lookup with EQ as test." "37829") "NEXTCOMPOB" ("comp #ofs --> comp #ofs' ob T --> comp F" "Returns object at specified nibble offset from start. If the object is SEMI (i.e., the end of the composite has been reached) returns FALSE. To get the first element, use FIVE as offset value (to skip the prolog). ZERO works as well." "37B54") "COMPN" ("obn..ob1 #n #prolog --> comp" "" "05331" :UBS) "{}N" ("obn..ob1 #n --> { obn..ob1 }" "" "05459") "::N" ("ob1..obn #n --> :: ob1..obn ;" "" "05445") "SYMBN" ("ob1..obn #n --> sym" "" "0546D") "top&Cr" ("meta1 meta2 --> symb" "Does top& then SYMBN: ." "36F8D") "ONESYMBN" ("ob1..obn #n --> symb" "" "286F6" :UBS) "P{}N" ("ob1..obn #n --> {}" "Build list with possible garbage collection." "293F8") "P::N" ("ob1..obn #n --> seco" "Build seco with possible garbage collection." "2942F" :UBS) "PSYMBN" ("ob1..obn #n --> sym" "Build symb with possible garbage collection." "293C1" :UBS) "INNERCOMP" ("comp --> obn..ob1 #n" "" "054AF") "DUPINCOMP" ("comp --> comp obn..ob1 #n" "" "3622A") "SWAPINCOMP" ("comp obj --> obj obn..ob1 #n" "" "3623E") "INCOMPDROP" ("comp --> obn..ob1" "" "35BAF") "INNERDUP" ("comp --> obn..ob1 #n #n" "" "35C68") "ICMPDRPRTDRP" ("comp --> obn...ob4 ob2 ob1" "Does INCOMPDROP then ROTDROP." "2F0EC") "XEQLIST>" ("comp --> obn..ob1 %n" "" "3BADA" :UBS) "INNER#1=" ("comp --> obn..ob1 flag" "" "366E9") "^SYMBINCOMP" ("symb --> ob1 .. obN #n ob --> ob #1 {} --> {} #1" "Explodes symbolic object into meta. Other objects are converted into one-object metas by pushing #1 into the stack. " "157006" :CSys) "^2SYMBINCOMP" ("ob1 ob2 --> meta1 meta2" "Does ^SYMBINCOMP for 2 objects." "12A006" :CSys) "^CKINNERCOMP" ("{} --> ob1 .. obN #n ob --> ob #1" "Explodes a list into a meta object. Other objects are converted into one-object metas by pushing #1 into the stack. " "158006" :wasCSys) "INNERtop&" ("obn..ob1 #n comp --> obm..ob1 #m" "Explodes composite and adds to meta: INNERCOMP top& Adds composite objects to meta object." "297EF" :UBS) "NULL{}" ("--> {}" "Pushes a null list to the stack." "055E9") "DUPNULL{}?" ("{} --> {} flag" "" "36ABD") "^DUPCKLEN{}" ("{} --> {} #n ob --> ob #1" "Return length of list, or 1 for non-lists." "159006" :wasCSys) "ONE{}N" ("ob --> { ob }" "" "29D18") "TWO{}N" ("ob1 ob2 --> { ob1 ob2 }" "" "36202") "THREE{}N" ("ob1 ob2 ob3 --> { ob1 ob2 ob3 }" "" "36216") "#1-{}N" ("ob1..obn #n+1 --> {}" "" "361EE") "PUTLIST" ("ob #i {} --> {}'" "Replaces object at specified position. Assumes valid #i." "2B42A") "^INSERT{}N" ("{} ob # --> {}'" "Insert object into list at given position. The position must be < than length of the list. If the position is zero, >TCOMP is used." "2FC006" :wasCSys) "^NEXTPext" ("list --> list1 list2" "Extract in list2 all occurrances of the 1st object of list, the remaining objects are stored in list1. list1 = list-list2." "2FB006" :wasCSys) "^COMPRIMext" ("{} --> {}'" "Suppress multiple occurrances in the list." "2FD006" :wasCSys) "^CKCARCOMP" ("{} --> ob1 ob --> ob" "Returns first element for lists, or object itself if it is not a list." "15A006" :wasCSys) "apndvarlst" ("{} ob --> {}'" "Appends ob to list if not already there." "2EF5A") "^AppendList" ("{} ob --> {}'" "Equivalent to apndvarlst, but faster." "0FE006" :wasCSys) "^prepvarlist" ("{} ob --> {}'" "Adds ob at the beginning of the list if not present. If ob is in list, move ob to the beginning of list. Unfortunately moving an entry does influence the sequence of the rest of the list unchanged." "4EB006" :wasCSys) "^SortList" ("L pred --> L'" "Sorts list according to give predicate. Pred is a program that tests two elements and returns FALSE if the first is to appear earlier than the second. To sort in numerical order, for example, the predicate would be a > test. " "100006" :wasCSys) "^PIext" ("{} --> ob" "Returns the product of all elements of the list." "28A006" :CSys) "EqList?" ("ob -->" "Is ob a list of equations? Returns T if ob is a list of at least two elements, and the second element is not a list itself." "25ED3") "NULL::" ("--> :: ;" "Returns null secondary." "055FD") "Ob>Seco" ("ob --> :: ob ;" "Does ONE then ::N." "37073") "?Ob>Seco" ("ob --> :: ob ;" "If the object is not a secondary, does Ob>Seco." "3705A") "2Ob>Seco" ("ob1 ob2 --> :: ob1 ob2 ;" "Does TWO then ::N." "37087") "::NEVAL" ("ob1..obn #n --> ?" "Does ::N then EVAL." "3631A") "dup" ("meta --> meta meta" "" "29A35" :UBS) "NDROP" ("1..n #n -->" "" "0326E") "DROPNDROP" ("1..n #n ob -->" "" "37032") "N+1DROP" ("ob 1..n #n -->" "" "35FB0") "#1+NDROP" ("ob 1..n #n -->" "" "35FB0") "NDROPFALSE" ("ob1..obn #n --> F" "" "28211") "^NDROPZERO" ("obn..ob1 #n --> #0" "Replace Meta object with empty Meta object. Should be called dropZERO." "391006" :wasCSys) "psh" ("meta1 meta2 --> meta2 meta1" "Should be called swap." "29A5D") "roll2ND" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta2 meta3 meta1" "Should be called rot." "29A8F") "unroll2ND" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta3 meta1 meta2" "Should be called unrot." "29B12") "SWAPUnNDROP" ("meta1 meta2 --> meta2" "Should be called swapdrop." "3695A") "SWAPUnDROP" ("meta1 meta2 --> meta2 ob1..obn" "Swaps two metas and drops the count. Should be called swapDROP." "36946") "metaROTDUP" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta2 meta3 meta1 meta1" "Should be called rotdup." "36FA6") "top&" ("meta1 meta2 --> meta1&meta2" "" "296A7") "pshtop&" ("meta1 meta2 --> meta2&meta1" "" "2973B") "top&top&" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta1&meta2&meta3" "" "29722" :UBS) "ROTUntop&" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta2 meta3&meta1" "" "36FBA") "rolltwotop&" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta3 meta1&meta2" "" "36FCE") "roll2top&" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta3 meta1&meta2" "" "36FCE") "psh&" ("meta1 meta2 meta3 --> meta1&meta3 meta2" "" "2963E") "DUP#1+PICK" ("n..1 #n --> n..1 #n n" "" "34431") "'R'RROT2+" ("meta --> meta&nob&nob1" "Takes nob and nob1 from run stream and adds them to the meta. " "2979A" :UBS) "get1" ("ob meta --> meta ob" "" "34504") "OVER#2+UNROL" ("meta ob --> ob meta" "" "36147") "psh1top&" ("meta ob --> ob&meta" "" "29693") "pullrev" ("ob&meta --> meta ob" "" "28085") "pulldroppull" ("meta&ob1&ob2 --> meta ob1" "" "29137" :UBS) "2pull2DROP" ("meta&ob1&ob2 --> meta" "" "2899D" :UBS) "psh1&" ("meta1 meta2 ob --> ob&meta1 meta2" "" "29821") "psh1&rev" ("meta1 meta2 ob --> ob&meta1 meta2" "" "298C0") "(rot1)" ("ob meta1 meta2 --> meta1 meta2 ob" "" "2F193") "UobROT" ("ob meta1 meta2 --> meta1 meta2 ob" "" "2F193") "pullpsh1&" ("meta1 meta2&ob --> ob&meta1 meta2" "" "29754") "^addt0meta" ("meta1&ob meta2 --> meta1 meta2" "Removes the last object of meta1." "406006" :wasCSys) "pshzer" ("meta --> #0 meta" "" "29972") "xnsgeneral" ("meta --> LAM3&meta&LAM1" "Uses contents of LAM1 and LAM3." "2F38E") "xsngeneral" ("meta --> meta&LAM3&LAM1" "Uses contents of LAM1 and LAM3." "2F38F") "SubMetaOb" ("meta #start #end --> meta'" "Gets a sub-meta. Does range checks." "3760D") "SubMetaOb1" ("ob1..obi..obn #n #i #n #i --> ob1..obi #n #i" "This function can be used to take the first i objects of a meta, if you follow it with SWAPDROP. Example: :: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 BINT5 BINT3 BINT5 BINT3 SubMetaOb1 ; results in: %1 %2 %3 #5 #3" "37685") "^submeta" ("meta #begin #end --> meta'" "Extracts QsubmetaQ from a meta." "33F006") "metatail" ("ob1..obn-i..obn #i #n+1 --> ob1..ob..obn-i #n-i obn-i+1..obn #i" "#n is the count of the objects in meta. Takes the last #i elements of meta and creates a new one. Example: :: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 BINT2 BINT6 metatail ; Results: %1 %2 %3 #3 %4 %5 #2" "2F356") "^metasplit" ("meta #i --> meta1 meta2" "Split a meta in 2 metas at position i. meta1 will contain #i elements meta2 will contain #n-i elements." "385006" :wasCSys) "^metaEQUAL?" ("meta2 meta1 --> meta2 meta1 flag" "Test equality of 2 metas." "39F006" :wasCSys) "^EQUALPOSMETA" ("Meta ob --> Meta ob #pos" "Returns last occurrence of ob in Meta. If a component of meta is a list/symb then search if ob is embedded in this component of meta." "3BF006" :wasCSys) "^EQUALPOS2META" ("Meta2 Meta1 ob --> Meta2 Meta1 ob #pos" "Returns last occurrence of ob in Meta1 or in Meta2. #pos is >0 if in meta2, is <0 if in meta1 (#pos=MINUSONE-#)." "3C0006" :wasCSys) "^METAINT?" ("Meta --> Meta flag" "Tests if Meta is an integer." "198006" :CSys) "^METAPOSINT?" ("Meta --> Meta flag" "Tests if Meta is a positive integer smaller than Zsmall." "199006" :CSys) "Cr" ("ob1..obn #n -> symb" "Does 'R, SWAP#1+ then SYMBN . Creates a symbolic from the meta in the stack and the next object in the runstream. This object is added to the end of the symbolic." "2BD8C" :UBS) "NULLSYMB" ("--> sym" "Puts a null algebraic in the stack." "055F3" :UBS) "symcomp" ("ob --> ob'" "If ob is symbolic, does nothing, otherwise ONE SYMBN." "286E7") "SWAPcompSWAP" ("ob ob' --> ob'' ob'" "Does SWAP symcomp SWAP." "2F073") "DROP?symcomp" ("%/C%/Z/id/lam ob' --> %/C%/Z/id/lam ob ob' --> symb" "Drop ob'. Then, if the object in the stack is a real, complex, zint, identifier or lam, does nothing. For other objects, calls symcomp to create a one-object symbolics." "28ACE" :UBS) "?symcomp" ("%/C%/Z/id/lam #1 --> %/C%/Z/id/lam ob #1 --> symb ob # --> symb" "If # is BINT1, calls DROP?symcomp. If it is any other number, calls SYMBN. " "293A3" :UBS) "SPLITEQ" ("sym --> arg1 arg2" "Internal version of EQ\\->." "2F25E" :UBS) "EXPR>" ("sym --> arg1..argn %n ob" "Internal version of OBJ\\->." "2F242" :UBS) "CRUNCH" ("ob --> %" "Internal version of \\->NUM." "25EA2") "FINDVAR" ("sym --> {}" "Returns a list of the variables of the equation, recursing into programs and functions in the equation." "2F110" :UBS) "^EQUATION?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Returns TRUE if ob is a symbolic finishing by x=." "462006" :wasCSys) "^USERFCN?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Returns TRUE if ob is a symbolic finishing by xFCNAPPLY." "463006" :wasCSys) "uncrunch" ("-->" "Clears numeric results flag (system flag 3) for the next command only. Example: SYMCOLCT = :: uncrunch colct ; -- Flags: -3" "29CB9") "cknumdsptch1" ("sym --> symf" "Used by one argument functions to evaluate a symbolic or numeric routine according to numeric results flag. Usage: :: cknumdsptch1 ; If numeric mode, CRUNCH is applied to the level one object and COLA is applied to . If symbolic mode, ckseval1: is called. Example: :: cknumdsptch1 MetaRE xRE ; -- Flags: -3" "2BCA2") "sscknum2" ("sym sym --> symf" "Used by two argument functions to evaluate function according to current numeric mode. Usage: :: sscknum2 ;" "2BB21") "sncknum2" ("sym % --> symf" " Usage: :: sncknum2 ; In symbolic mode uses cksneval2:. Example: SYM+O = :: sncknum2 Meta+Con x+ ;" "2BB3A") "nscknum2" ("% sym --> symf" " Usage: :: nscknum2 ; In symbolic mode uses cknseval2:. Example: O+SYM = :: nscknum2 Con+Meta x+ ;" "2BB53") "D/D*" ("" "Derivative of multiplication." "2C07B") "D/D+" ("" "Derivative of addition." "2C086") "D/D-" ("" "Derivative of subtraction." "2C091") "D/D/" ("" "Derivative of division." "2C09C") "D/Dalg=" ("" "Derivative of equality." "2C10B") "D/D=" ("" "Derivative of equality." "2C10B") "D/DABS" ("" "Derivative of ABS." "2C116") "D/DACOS" ("" "Derivative of ACOS." "2C13A") "D/DACOSH" ("" "Derivative of ACOSH." "2C145") "D/DALOG" ("" "Derivative of ALOG." "2C150") "D/DAPPLY" ("" "" "2C2B5") "D/DARG" ("" "Derivative of ARG." "2C15B") "D/DASIN" ("" "Derivative of ASIN." "2C166") "D/DASINH" ("" "Derivative of ASINH." "2C171") "D/DATAN" ("" "Derivative of ATAN." "2C17C") "D/DATANH" ("" "Derivative of ATANH." "2C187") "D/DCHS" ("" "Derivative of CHS." "2C192") "D/DCONJ" ("" "Derivative of CONJ." "2C1B0") "D/DCOS" ("" "Derivative of COS." "2C1CE") "D/DCOSH" ("" "Derivative of COSH." "2C1D9") "D/DDER" ("" "Derivative of derivative." "2C289") "D/DEXPM1" ("" "Derivative of EXP." "2C1E4") "D/DEXP" ("" "Derivative of EXP." "2C1E4") "D/DIFTE" ("" "Derivative of IFTE." "2C21B") "D/DINTEGRAL" ("" "Derivative of integral." "2C29F") "D/DINV" ("" "Derivative of INV." "2C1EF") "D/DLN" ("" "Derivative of LN." "2C1FA") "D/DLNP1" ("" "Derivative of LNP1." "2C205") "D/DLOG" ("" "Derivative of LOG." "2C210") "D/DSIN" ("" "Derivative of SIN." "2C226") "D/DSINH" ("" "Derivative of SINH." "2C231") "D/DSQ" ("" "Derivative of SQ." "2C23C") "D/DSQRT" ("" "Derivative of SQRT." "2C247") "D/DSUM" ("" "Derivative of SUM." "2C2AA") "D/DTAN" ("" "Derivative of TAN." "2C252") "D/DTANH" ("" "Derivative of TANH." "2C25D") "D/DWHERE" ("" "" "2C294") "D/D^" ("" "Derivative of power." "2C268") "D/D^X" ("" "" "2C273") "D/D^Y" ("" "" "2C27E") "SYMSHOW" ("sym id/lam --> symf" "" "2EF26") "XEQSHOWLS" ("sym {} --> symf" "" "2F2A9") "pshzerpsharg" ("meta --> M_last M_rest" "Pushes last sub-expression in meta. If meta is a valid expression M_rest will be empty." "29986") "pZpargSWAPUn" ("meta --> M_rest M_last" "pshzerpsharg then psh ." "3701E") "plDRPpZparg" ("meta&ob --> M_last M_rest" "Drops ob then calls pshzerpsharg ." "36FE2") "^DIVMETAOBJ" ("o1...on #n ob --> {o1/ob...on/ob}" "Division of all elements of a meta by ob. Tests if o=1." "3F1006" :wasCSys) "NEXTLIBBAK" ("#addr --> backup/library #nextaddr" "Gets next library or QbackupQ." "25EEB") "#>ROMPTR" ("#lib #cmd --> ROMPTR" "Creates rompointer." "07E50") "ROMPTR>#" ("ROMPTR --> #lib #cmd" "Splits rompointer." "08CCC") "ROMPTR@" ("ROMPTR --> ob T --> F" "Recalls contents of rompointer." "07E99") "DUPROMPTR@" ("ROMPTR --> ROMPTR ob T --> ROMPTR F" "Does DUP then ROMPTR@." "35C40") "ROMSEC" ("ROMPTR --> ?" "Recalls contents of rompointer and EVAL. Generates \"Undefined XLIB Error\" if not found." "02FEF" :UBS) "?>ROMPTR" ("ob --> ob'" "If ROM-WORD? and TYPECOL? then RPL@." "35A88") "?ROMPTR>" ("ob --> ob'" "If TYPEROMP? and content exists INHARDROM? then return contents." "35AAB") "RESOROMP" ("--> ob" "Recalls contents of next object in the runstream (which must be a rompointer)." "35BFF") "PTR>ROMPTR" ("ob --> ROMPTR T --> F" "If the object is a library command, returns its rompointer and TRUE, if not just FALSE." "07E76" :UBS) "ROMPTRDECOMP" ("ROMPTR --> id T --> F" "If the library command exists and has a name, returns that name and TRUE, otherwise FALSE." "081FB" :UBS) "COMPILEID" ("id --> id T --> ROMPTR T --> F" "Searches id in current path, if found returns TRUE. Else searches attached libraries. If nothing was found, return FALSE." "07C18" :UBS) "ROM-WORD?" ("ob --> flag" "" "34FCD") "DUPROM-WORD?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "34FC0") "TOSRRP" ("# -->" "Attaches library to HOME directory. -- TEXT:Libraries" "07709") "OFFSRRP" ("# -->" "Detaches library from HOME directory. -- TEXT:Libraries" "076AE") "ONSRRP?" ("# --> flag" "Returns TRUE if library is attached to HOME directory." "0778D" :UBS) "XEQSETLIB" ("% -->" "Internal ATTACH." "2F2A7") "^GETLIBS" ("--> {}" "Returns a list of all attached libraries in the format { { \"Title1\" #id1 } { \"Title2\" #id2 } ...} This is used for the library menu, so libraries without titles are skipped." "015002" :UBS) "^LIBS" ("--> {}" "Resturns a list of all attached libraries in the format { \"Title1\" #id1 #port1 \"Title2\" ... } This is the internal version of the User word LIBS, and it also lists libraries without title. -- TEXT:Libraries" "014002" :UBS) "SETHASH" ("#libnum hxs -->" "" "07638") "GetLibExt" ("ob1..obn #msg #lib --> ob1'..obm' flag" "Call the message handler of library #lib. The flag is TRUE if the library is attached and has a message handler, FALSE otherwise. Note that library message handlers usually require extra arguments on the stack which may also be modified during the call. The handling of most but not all messages leaves the #msg unchanged on the stack, so most of the time, obm' = #msg. -- TEXT:Libraries" "265DA" :UBS) "ExecGetLibsExtentions_sup" ("ob1..obn #msg --> ob1'..obm'" "Calls the message handlers of all attached libraries with the specified #msg. Note that library message handlers usually require extra arguments on the stack which may also be modified during the call. -- TEXT:Libraries" "25F2E" :UBS) "ROMPARTNAME" ("#libnum --> id T --> F" "Returns title of library as an ID, and TRUE. If library is not found, returns just FALSE." "08199" :UBS) "LIB>#" ("lib --> #libnum T" "Returns number of library." "081DE" :UBS) "ROMPART>ADDR" ("#libnum --> #addr T --> F" "Recalls library addres + 10 (prolog and length skipped)." "08081" :UBS) "ROMPARTSIZE" ("#libnum --> #nibbles-10 T --> F" "Returns size of library." "080BF" :UBS) "NEXTROMPID" ("#libnum --> #nextlibnum T --> F" "If specified library exists, #libnum is returned with TRUE." "080DA" :UBS) "GETHASH" ("#libnum --> hxs_table T --> F" "Gets specified library's hash table." "08112" :UBS) "GETMSG" ("#libnum --> [] T --> F" "Gets specified library's message table. -- TEXT:Libraries" "08130" :UBS) "SETMESG" ("[$] #libnum -->" "Sets message table of specified library. -- TEXT:Libraries" "0764E") "GETLINK" ("#libnum --> hxs_table T --> F" "Gets specified library's link table." "0813C" :UBS) "GETCONFIG" ("#libnum --> ob T --> F" "" "08157" :UBS) "ROMPART" ("rrp --> {#lib1..#libn} T ROMPTR --> #libnum" "Gets the list of libraries attached to the directory, along with TRUE. If the argument is a rom pointer, returns the library number of this pointer." "07F86" :UBS) "XEQXRCL" (":%port:%libnum --> lib" "Puts a pointer to the library with romidid %libnum in port %port onto the stack. The argument is a tagged real. The tag can also be '&' in order to search all ports. The library is not yet in TEMPOB, you need to execute TOTEMP in order the achieve this." "2F2C6" :UBS) "BAKNAME" ("bak --> id T" "Returns backup's name" "081D9") "BAK>OB" ("bak --> ob" "Gets QbackupQ object." "0905F") "DUP" ("ob --> ob ob" "" "03188") "DUPDUP" ("ob --> ob ob ob" "" "35CE0") "^3DUP" ("3 2 1 --> 3 2 1 3 2 1" "" "2D5006" :wasCSys) "NDUPN" ("ob #n --> ob..ob #n ob #0 --> #0" "" "28143") "DUPROT" ("1 2 --> 2 2 1" "" "35FF3") "SWAPOVER" ("1 2 --> 2 1 2" "" "3457F") "DUPUNROT" ("1 2 --> 2 1 2" "" "3457F") "DUPROLL" ("1..n #n --> 1 3..n #n 2" "" "36133") "DUPROLLSWAP" ("1..n #n --> 1 3..n 2 #n" "" "281FD" :UBS) "DUP4UNROLL" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2 3" "" "3432C") "DUPPICK" ("n..1 #n --> n..1 #n n-1" "" "3611F") "2DUPSWAP" ("1 2 --> 1 2 2 1" "" "35D30") "DUP3PICK" ("1 2 --> 1 2 2 1" "" "35D30") "DUP#2+PICK" ("n..1 #n --> n..1 #n n+1" "" "29362" :UBS) "2DUP" ("1 2 --> 1 2 1 2" "" "031AC") "2DUP5ROLL" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3 2 3 1" "" "36CA4") "NDUP" ("1..n #n --> 1..n 1..n" "" "031D9") "DROP" ("1 -->" "" "03244") "DROPDUP" ("1 2 --> 1 1" "" "357CE") "DROPSWAP" ("1 2 3 --> 2 1" "" "35733") "XYZ>Y" ("1 2 3 --> 2" "" "3574D") "ROT2DROP" ("1 2 3 --> 2" "" "3574D") "DROPSWAPDROP" ("1 2 3 --> 2" "" "3574D") "DROPROT" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 1" "" "36007") "DROPOVER" ("1 2 3 --> 1 2 1" "" "3606B") "2DROP" ("1 2 -->" "" "03258") "XYZ>" ("1 2 3 -->" "" "341D2") "3DROP" ("1 2 3 -->" "" "341D2") "XYZW>" ("1..4 -->" "" "341D7") "4DROP" ("1..4 -->" "" "341D7") "5DROP" ("1..5 -->" "" "341DC") "6DROP" ("1..6 -->" "" "341E8") "7DROP" ("1..7 -->" "" "341F4") "RESETDEPTH" ("ob1..obn obn+1..obx #n --> ob1..obn" "Drops all but #n levels of the stack. " "2F0A1") "KEEP" ("ob1..obn ob1'..obm' #m --> ob1'..obm'" "Drops all stack levels above #m." "28335" :UBS) "DEPTH" ("1..n --> 1..n #n" "" "0314C") "UStackDepth" ("--> #" "The depth of the stack, similar to DEPTH." "371F9") "reversym" ("1..n #n --> n..1 #n" "" "28187") "SWAP" ("1 2 --> 2 1" "" "03223") "SWAPDUP" ("1 2 --> 2 1 1" "" "3576E") "SWAP2DUP" ("1 2 --> 2 1 2 1" "" "368B5") "XY>Y" ("1 2 --> 2" "" "3421A") "SWAPDROP" ("1 2 --> 2" "" "3421A") "SWAPDROPDUP" ("1 2 --> 2 2" "" "35857") "XYZ>ZX" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1" "" "35872") "UNROTDROP" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1" "" "35872") "SWAPDROPSWAP" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1" "" "35872") "'Rswapop" ("1 2 --> nop 2" "Replaces level two with the next object in the runstream." "29808" :UBS) "XYZ>ZYX" ("1 2 3 --> 3 2 1" "" "341BA") "UNROTSWAP" ("1 2 3 --> 3 2 1" "" "341BA") "SWAPROT" ("1 2 3 --> 3 2 1" "" "341BA") "XYZW>YWZX" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 4 3 1" "" "36C90") "SWAP4ROLL" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 4 3 1" "" "36C90") "SWAP3PICK" ("1 2 3 --> 1 3 2 1" "" "36CB8") "2SWAP" ("1 2 3 4 --> 3 4 1 2" "" "35018") "ROT" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3 1" "" "03295") "ROTDUP" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3 1 1" "" "3579C") "ROT2DUP" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3 1 3 1" "" "35CA4") "XYZ>YZ" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3" "" "341A8") "ROTDROP" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3" "" "341A8") "XYZ>ZY" ("1 2 3 --> 3 2" "" "34195") "ROTDROPSWAP" ("1 2 3 --> 3 2" "" "34195") "XYZ>YXZ" ("1 2 3 --> 2 1 3" "" "3416E") "ROTSWAP" ("1 2 3 --> 2 1 3" "" "3416E") "XYZ>Z" ("1 2 3 --> 3" "" "343BD") "UNROT2DROP" ("1 2 3 --> 3" "" "343BD") "ROTROT2DROP" ("1 2 3 --> 3" "" "343BD") "ROTOVER" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3 1 3" "" "35CCC") "XYZW>YZWX" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 4 1" "" "3423A") "FOURROLL" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 4 1" "" "3423A") "4ROLL" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 4 1" "" "3423A") "4ROLLDROP" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 4" "" "3588B") "4ROLLSWAP" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 1 4" "" "35F06") "FOURROLLROT" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 4 1 3" "" "36043") "4ROLLROT" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 4 1 3" "" "36043") "4ROLLOVER" ("1 2 3 4 --> 2 3 4 1 4" "" "360E3") "FIVEROLL" ("1 2 3 4 5 --> 2 3 4 5 1" "" "34257") "5ROLL" ("1 2 3 4 5 --> 2 3 4 5 1" "" "34257") "5ROLLDROP" ("1 2 3 4 5 --> 2 3 4 5" "" "358A7") "SIXROLL" ("1..6 --> 2..6 1" "" "34281") "6ROLL" ("1..6 --> 2..6 1" "" "34281") "SEVENROLL" ("1..7 --> 2..7 1" "" "342EA") "7ROLL" ("1..7 --> 2..7 1" "" "342EA") "EIGHTROLL" ("1..8 --> 2..8 1" "" "342BB") "8ROLL" ("1..8 --> 2..8 1" "" "342BB") "9ROLL" ("1..9 --> 2..9 1" "" "34318" :UBS) "ROLL" ("1..n #n --> 2..n 1" "" "03325") "ROLLDROP" ("1..n #n --> 2..n" "" "35FC4") "ROLLSWAP" ("1..n #n --> 2..n-1 1 n" "" "35D80") "#1+ROLL" ("ob 1..n #n --> 1..n ob" "" "344F2") "#2+ROLL" ("a b 1..n #n --> b 1..n a" "" "34517") "^#3+ROLL" ("obn+3...obn...ob1 #n --> obn+2...ob1 obn+3" "" "2D6006" :wasCSys) "#+ROLL" ("1..n+m #n #m --> 2..n+m 1" "" "344DD") "#-ROLL" ("1..n-m #n #m --> 2..n-m 1" "" "344CB") "XYZ>ZXY" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2" "" "3422B") "3UNROLL" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2" "" "3422B") "UNROT" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2" "" "3422B") "UNROTDUP" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2 1" "" "35D1C") "UNROTOVER" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2 1" "" "360CF") "XYZW>WXYZ" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4 1 2 3" "" "34331") "FOURUNROLL" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4 1 2 3" "" "34331") "4UNROLL" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4 1 2 3" "" "34331") "4UNROLLDUP" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4 1 2 3 3" "" "35D44") "XYZW>W" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4" "" "343CF") "4UNROLL3DROP" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4" "" "343CF") "4UNROLLROT" ("1 2 3 4 --> 4 3 2 1" "" "36057") "FIVEUNROLL" ("1 2 3 4 5 --> 5 1 2 3 4" "" "34357") "5UNROLL" ("1 2 3 4 5 --> 5 1 2 3 4" "" "34357") "SIXUNROLL" ("1..6 --> 6 1..5" "" "3438D") "6UNROLL" ("1..6 --> 6 1..5" "" "3438D") "(SEVENUNROLL)" ("1..7 --> 7 1..6" "" "35BEB") "7UNROLL" ("1..7 --> 7 1..6" "" "35BEB") "8UNROLL" ("1..8 --> 8 1..7" "" "3615B") "9UNROLL" ("1..9 --> 9 1..8" "" "28225" :UBS) "10UNROLL" ("1..10 --> 10 1..9" "" "3616F") "UNROLL" ("1..n #n --> n 1..n-1" "" "0339E") "#1+UNROLL" ("ob 1..n #n --> n ob 1..n-1" "" "34552") "#2+UNROLL" ("a b 1..n #n --> n a b 1..n-1" "" "34564") "#+UNROLL" ("1..n+m #n #m --> n+m 1..n+m-1" "" "3453D") "#-UNROLL" ("1..n-m #n #m --> n-m 1..n+m-1" "" "3452B") "OVER" ("1 2 --> 1 2 1" "" "032C2") "OVERDUP" ("1 2 --> 1 2 1 1" "" "35CF4") "OVERUNROT" ("1 2 --> 1 1 2" "" "35D6C") "OVERSWAP" ("1 2 --> 1 1 2" "" "35D6C") "OVER5PICK" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 3 4 3 1" "" "36CF4") "2OVER" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 3 4 1 2" "" "37046") "3PICK" ("1 2 3 --> 1 2 3 1" "" "34485") "3PICKSWAP" ("1 2 3 --> 1 2 1 3" "" "35F1A") "3PICKOVER" ("1 2 3 --> 1 2 3 1 3" "" "360F7") "3PICK3PICK" ("1 2 3 --> 1 2 3 1 2" "" "36CCC") "DROP3PICK" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 3 1" "" "2F1C6") "4PICK" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 3 4 1" "" "3448A") "4PICKSWAP" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 3 1 4" "" "35F2E") "SWAP4PICK" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 4 3 1" "" "36CE0") "4PICKOVER" ("1 2 3 4 --> 1 2 3 4 1 4" "" "3610B") "5PICK" ("1 2 3 4 5 --> 1 2 3 4 5 1" "" "3448F") "6PICK" ("1..6 --> 1..6 1" "" "34494") "7PICK" ("1..7 --> 1..7 1" "" "34499") "8PICK" ("1..8 --> 1..8 1" "" "3449E") "9PICK" ("1..9 --> 1..9 1" "" "344A3" :UBS) "10PICK" ("1..10 --> 1..10 1" "" "344A8" :UBS) "PICK" ("1..n #n --> 1..n 1" "" "032E2") "UNPICK" ("1..n ob #n --> ob 2..n" "" "373D0" :UBS) "#1+UNPICK" ("1..n ob #n-1 --> ob 2..n" "" "37408" :UBS) "#+UNPICK" ("1..n ob #n-#m #m --> ob 2..n" "" "3741A" :UBS) "#1-UNPICK" ("1..n ob #n+1 --> ob 2..n" "" "3742B" :UBS) "#1+PICK" ("1..n #n-1 --> 1..n 1" "" "34436") "#2+PICK" ("1..n #n-2 --> 1..n 1" "" "34451") "#3+PICK" ("1..n #n-3 --> 1..n 1" "" "34465") "#4+PICK" ("1..n #n-4 --> 1..n 1" "" "34474") "#+PICK" ("1..n+m #n #m --> 1..n+m 1" "" "34417") "#-PICK" ("1..n-m #n #m --> 1..n-m 1" "" "34405") "NULLID" ("--> id" "Null (empty) identifier." "272FE") "EvalNULLID" ("-->" "Evaluates the empty identifyer, therefore enters the hidden directory." "27308" :UBS) "NULLID1" ("--> id" "Null (empty) identifier." "27308") "NULLID!" ("-->" "Evaluate empty identifier." "27308") "NULLLAM" ("--> lam" "Puts NULLLAM in the stack." "2B3AB") "ID_CST" ("--> ob" "Evaluates ID CST." "3EA01" :UBS) "ID_S" ("ID S" "" "3EF97" :UBS) "ID_X" ("ID X" "" "2715F" :UBS) "'IDX" ("--> id" "Puts ID X unevaluated on the stack." "27155") "CUREQ" ("ID EQ" "" "272F3" :UBS) "ID_SIGMADAT" ("ID \\GSDAT" "" "27937" :UBS) "'IDPAR" ("--> id" "Puts ID PPAR unevaluated on the stack. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "27AE9" :UBS) "ID_PPAR" ("ID PPAR" " -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2799A" :UBS) "ID_TPAR" ("ID TPAR" "" "27B2F" :UBS) "'IDTPAR" ("--> id" "" "27B25" :UBS) "ID_VPAR" ("ID VPAR" "" "27B11" :UBS) "'IDVPAR" ("--> id" "" "27B07" :UBS) "ID_PYR" ("ID PYR" "" "2799A" :UBS) "ID_FV" ("ID FV" "" "2798A" :UBS) "ID_PMT" ("ID PMT" "" "2797D" :UBS) "ID_PV" ("ID PV" "" "27972" :UBS) "ID_I%YR" ("IT I%TR" "" "27963" :UBS) "ID_N" ("ID N" "" "2795A" :UBS) "ID_SIGMAPAR" ("ID \\GSPAR" "" "27946" :UBS) "ID_STARTERR" ("ID STARTERR" "" "271D8" :UBS) "IDSTARTERR" ("{ ID STARTERR }" "" "271D3" :UBS) "ID_STARTUP" ("ID STARTUP" "" "271B9" :UBS) "ListSTARTUP" ("{ ID STARTUP }" "" "271B1" :UBS) "IDIOPAR" ("ID IOPAR" "" "271A3" :UBS) "$>ID" ("$ --> ID" "" "05B15") "DUP$>ID" ("$ --> $ ID" "" "362DE") "ID>LAM" ("id --> lam" "" "05AED" :UBS) "LAM>ID" ("lam --> id" "" "05B01" :UBS) "BIND" ("obn..ob1 {lamn..lam1} -->" "Binds n objects to n differently named lams." "074D0") "DOBIND" ("obn..ob1 lamn..lam1 #n -->" "Binds n objects to n differently named lams." "074E4") "1LAMBIND" ("ob -->" "Binds one object to a null named lam." "36518") "DUP1LAMBIND" ("ob --> ob" "Does DUP then 1LAMBIND." "36513") "^2LAMBIND" ("ob1 ob2 -->" "Binds two objects to null named lams." "155006") "^3LAMBIND" ("ob1 ob2 ob3 -->" "Binds three objects to null named lams." "156006") "nNullBind" ("obn..ob1 #n -->" "Binds #n objects to null named lams. 1LAM has the count, 2LAM the first object. Decompiles to :: ' NULLLAM CACHE ; " "2E429" :UBS) "dvarlsBIND" ("ob -->" "Binds ob to LAM 'dvar." "36A77") "ABND" ("-->" "Abandons topmost temporary environment." "07497") "ABNDTrue" ("--> T" "Does ABND then TRUE." "2A7CF" :UBS) "ABNDFalse" ("--> F" "Does FALSE then ABND ." "2A7E3" :UBS) "CACHE" ("obn..ob1 #n lam -->" "Binds all objects under the same name. 1LAM has the count." "34D00") "DUMP" ("NULLLAM --> ob1..obn #n" "Inverse of CACHE. Always does garbage collection." "34EBE") "SAVESTACK" ("-->" "Caches stack to SAVELAM." "34D58") "CacheStack" ("-->" "Caches the stack using SAVESTACK if UNDO is on and Suspend is OK. If there was a previous environment caching the stack, it is abandoned first." "2EF72") "undo" ("-->" "Dumps SAVELAM." "34FA6") "STOLAM" ("ob lam -->" "Tries storing object in lam. Generates \"Undefined Local Name\" error if lam is not found." "07D1B") "DoLam" ("lam --> ob --> !error!" "Tries recalling object from lam, generates \"Undefined Local Name\" error if not found." "02FD6" :UBS) "FIRST@LAM" ("lam --> ob T --> F" "@LAM for first environment only." "078E9" :UBS) "NTH@LAM" ("lam #n --> ob T --> F" "@LAM for nth environment only." "078F5" :UBS) "GETLAM" ("#n --> ob" "Gets contents of nth topmost lam." "075A5") "1GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34616") "2GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34620") "3GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "3462A") "4GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34634") "5GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "3463E") "6GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34648") "7GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34652") "8GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "3465C") "9GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34666") "10GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34670") "11GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "3467A") "12GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34684") "13GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "3468E") "14GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34698") "15GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346A2") "16GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346AC") "17GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346B6") "18GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346C0") "19GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346CA") "20GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346D4") "21GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346DE") "22GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346E8") "23GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346F2" :UBS) "24GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "346FC" :UBS) "25GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34706" :UBS) "26GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "34710" :UBS) "27GETLAM" ("--> ob" "" "3471A" :UBS) "PUTLAM" ("ob #n -->" "Stores new contents to nth topmost lam." "075E9") "1PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34611") "2PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3461B") "3PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34625") "4PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3462F") "5PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34639") "6PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34643") "7PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3464D") "8PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34657") "9PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34661") "10PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3466B") "11PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34675") "12PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3467F") "13PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34689") "14PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34693") "15PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3469D") "16PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346A7") "17PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346B1") "18PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346BB") "19PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346C5") "20PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346CF") "21PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346D9") "22PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346E3") "23PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346ED" :UBS) "24PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "346F7" :UBS) "25PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34701" :UBS) "26PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "3470B" :UBS) "27PUTLAM" ("ob -->" "" "34715" :UBS) "DUP1PUTLAM" ("ob --> ob" "" "3471F" :UBS) "DUP2PUTLAM" ("ob --> ob" "" "34729" :UBS) "DUP4PUTLAM" ("ob --> ob" "Does DUP then 4PUTLAM ." "34797") "1GETLAMSWAP" ("ob --> ob' ob" "Does 1GETLAM then SWAP." "34724" :UBS) "2GETLAMSWAP" ("ob --> ob' ob" "Does 2GETLAM then SWAP." "3472E" :UBS) "1GETABND" ("--> 1lamob" "Does 1GETLAM then ABND ." "364FF") "1ABNDSWAP" ("ob --> 1lamob ob" "Does 1GETABND then SWAP." "35DEE") "1GETSWAP" ("ob --> 1lamob ob" "Does 1GETLAM then SWAP." "35F42") "1GETLAMSWP1+" ("# --> 1lamob #+1" "Does 1GETLAM then SWAP#1+." "2F318") "2GETEVAL" ("--> ?" "Does 2GETLAM then EVAL ." "3632E") "GETLAMPAIR" ("#n --> #n ob lam F --> #n T" "Gets lam contents and name (10 = 1lam, 20 = 2lam, etc.)" "3483E") "DUPTEMPENV" ("-->" "Duplicates topmost tempenv (clears protection word)." "347AB") "1NULLLAM{}" ("--> {}" "Puts a list with one NULLLAM in the stack." "2B3A6") "2NULLLAM{}" ("--> {}" "Puts a list with two times NULLLAM in the stack." "271F4" :UBS) "3NULLLAM{}" ("--> {}" "Puts a list with three times NULLLAM in the stack." "27208" :UBS) "4NULLLAM{}" ("--> {}" "Puts a list with four times NULLLAM in the stack." "2B3B7") "8NULLLAM{}" ("--> {}" "Puts a list with eight times NULLLAM in the stack." "27AB7" :UBS) "ERRBEEP" ("-->" "Beeps." "26067") "ERROR@" ("--> #" "Returns current error number." "04CE6") "ERRORSTO" ("# -->" "Stores new error number." "04D0E") "ERROROUT" ("# -->" "Stores new error number and calls ERRJMP." "36883") "ERRORCLR" ("-->" "Stores zero as new error number." "04D33") "ERRJMP" ("-->" "Invokes error handling sub-system." "04ED1") "GETEXITMSG" ("--> $" "Gets EXITMSG (user defined error message)." "04E07") "EXITMSGSTO" ("$ -->" "Stores $ as EXITMSG." "04E37") "DO#EXIT" ("# -->" "Stores new error number, does AtUserStack and then ERRJMP." "25EAE") "DO%EXIT" ("% -->" "Same as above, but takes real number as argument." "25EB0") "DO$EXIT" ("$ -->" "Stores string as EXITMSG, #70000 as error number, does AtUserStack and then ERRJMP ." "25EAF") "ABORT" ("-->" "Does ERRORCLR and ERRJMP ." "04EA4") "ERRSET" ("-->" "Sets new error trap." "04E5E") "ERRTRAP" ("-->" "Error trap marker. If no error happens, still removes all temporary environments created since ERRSET." "04EB8") "JstGETTHEMSG" ("# --> $" "Fetches message from message table. To get a message from a library, use the formula: libnum*#100+msgnum. -- TEXT:Libraries" "04D87") "JstGetTHEMESG" ("# --> $" "Fetches message from message table. To get a message from a library, use the formula: libnum*#100+msgnum. -- TEXT:Libraries" "04D87") "GETTHEMESG" ("# --> $" "If #70000 then does GETEXITMSG, else does JstGetTHEMESG . -- TEXT:Libraries" "04D64") "?GetMsg" ("# --> $msg ob --> ob" "If the argument is a bint, does JstGETTHEMSG to fetch a message. Other arguments are returned unchanged. -- TEXT:Libraries" "39332" :UBS) "SPLITmsg" ("#msg --> #error #libnum" "Splits message number into error and library numbers. -- TEXT:Libraries" "04DD7" :UBS) "SETMEMERR" ("Error 001h" "Generates \"Insufficient Memory\" error." "04FB6") "SETDIRRECUR" ("Error 002h" "Generates \"Directory Recursion\" error." "04FC2" :UBS) "SETLAMERR" ("Error 003h" "Generates \"Undefined Local Name\" error." "04FCE" :UBS) "SETROMPERR" ("Error 004h" "Generates \"Undefined XLIB Name\" error." "05016") "SETLBERR" ("Error 006h" "Generates \"Power Lost\" error." "04FAA" :UBS) "SETCORPORT" ("Error 008h" "Generates \"Invalid Card Data\" error." "04FDA" :UBS) "SETOBINUSE" ("Error 009h" "Generates \"Object In Use\" error." "04FE6" :UBS) "SETPORTNOTAV" ("Error 00Ah" "Generates \"Port Not Available\" error." "04FF2") "SETNOROOM" ("Error 00Bh" "Generates \"No Room In Port\" error." "04FFE" :UBS) "SETXNONEXT" ("Error 00Ch" "Generates \"Object Not In Port\" error." "0500A" :UBS) "NOEQERR" ("Error 104h" "Generates \"No Current Equation\" error." "26508" :UBS) "SYNTAXERR" ("Error 106h" "Generates \"Invalid Syntax\" error." "26134") "NOHALTERR" ("Error 126h" "Generates \"HALT Not Allowed\" error." "260C1") "SETCIRCERR" ("Error 129h" "Generates \"Circular Reference\" error." "26116") "SETUNDOERR" ("Error 124h" "Generates \"LAST STACK Disabled\" error." "26521" :UBS) "SETSTACKERR" ("Error 201h" "Generates \"Too Few Arguments\" error." "262E2") "SETTYPEERR" ("Error 202h" "Generates \"Bad Argument Type\" error." "262DD") "SETSIZEERR" ("Error 203h" "Generates \"Bad Argument Value\" error." "262D8") "SETNONEXTERR" ("Error 204h" "Generates \"Undefined Name\" error." "262E7") "SETIVLERR" ("Error 304h" "Generates \"Undefined Result\" error." "2F458") "SetIOPARErr" ("-->" "Throws the IOPAR error: \"Invalid IOPAR\"." "2F37B") "Sig?ErrJmp" ("# -->" "Calls ERRJMP if the error number is any of {13E 123 DFF}." "3721C") "ListErrspecial" ("--> {}" "List of error numbers handled specially by Sig?ErrJmp. This is simply { #13E #123 #DFF } " "37226" :UBS) "ederr" ("-->" "Error handler for applications which use savefmt1 to save the current display format. Calls rstfmt1 and then errors out." "25F10") "COERCEFLAG" ("T --> %1 F --> %0" "Converts system flag to user flag, drops current stream." "2602B") "TRUE" ("--> T" "" "03A81") "TrueTrue" ("--> T T" "" "27E87") "TRUEFALSE" ("--> T F" "" "36540") "TrueFalse" ("--> T F" "" "36540") "TRUESWAP" ("ob --> T ob" "" "09378" :UBS) "FALSE" ("--> F" "" "03AC0") "FALSETRUE" ("--> F T" "" "36554") "FalseTrue" ("--> F T" "" "36554") "FalseFalse" ("--> F F" "" "283E8") "failed" ("--> F T" "" "27E9B") "DROPTRUE" ("ob --> T" "" "35280") "^2DROPTRUE" ("ob ob' --> T" "" "2D7006") "3DROPTRUE" ("ob1 ob2 ob3 --> T" "" "28DAB" :UBS) "DROPFALSE" ("ob --> F" "" "35289") "2DROPFALSE" ("ob1 ob2 --> F" "" "35B32") "4DROPFALSE" ("ob1..ob4 --> F" "" "28D38" :UBS) "5DROPFALSE" ("ob1..ob5 --> F" "" "28E05" :UBS) "SWAPTRUE" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1 T" "" "2812F") "SWAPFALSE" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1 F" "" "374AA" :UBS) "SWAPDROPTRUE" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 T" "" "374BE") "SWAPDROPFALSE" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 F" "" "28239" :UBS) "XYZ>ZTRUE" ("ob1 ob2 ob3 --> ob3 T" "" "35EF2") "RDROPFALSE" ("--> F" "Puts FALSE in the stack and drops rest of current stream." "2962A") "RDROPTRUE" ("--> T" "Puts TRUE in the stack and drops rest of current stream." "29616" :UBS) "NOT" ("flag --> flag'" "Returns FALSE if the input is TRUE, and vice-versa." "03AF2") "AND" ("flag1 flag2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if both flags are TRUE." "03B46") "OR" ("flag1 flag2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if either flag is TRUE." "03B75") "XOR" ("flag1 flag2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if flags are different." "03ADA") "ORNOT" ("flag1 flag2 --> flag" "Returns FALSE if either flag is TRUE." "365F9") "NOTAND" ("flag1 flag2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if flag1 is TRUE and flag2 is FALSE." "35C7C") "ROTAND" ("flag1 ob flag2 --> ob flag" "Returns TRUE if either flag is TRUE." "35CB8") "EQ" ("ob1 ob2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if both objects are the same, i.e., they occupy the same physical space in memory. Only the addresses of the objects are tested." "03B2E") "2DUPEQ" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2 flag" "Does 2DUP then EQ." "36621") "EQOR" ("flag ob1 ob2 --> flag'" "Does EQ then OR." "3664E") "EQOVER" ("ob3 ob1 ob2 --> ob3 flag ob3" "Does EQ then OVER." "3607F") "EQ:" ("ob --> flag" "EQ with the next object in the current stream." "3663A") "DUPEQ:" ("ob --> ob flag" "Does DUP then EQ:." "36635") "EQUAL" ("ob1 ob2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if the objects are equal (but not necessarily the same), i.e., their prologs and contents are the same." "03B97") "SAME" ("ob1 ob2 --> %1/%0" "Does EQUAL, then COERCEFLAG. Identical to what xSAME does." "3CCB4" :UBS) "EQUALNOT" ("ob1 ob2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if the objects are different." "3660D") "EQUALOR" ("flag ob1 ob2 --> flag'" "Does EQUAL then OR." "36662") "^Contains?" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2 flag" "Tests if ob1 contains ob2. If ob1 is a symbolic then ob1 is searched for embedded ob2. If ob1 is a list then ob1 is traversed for a direct match. Otherwise, tests if ob1 and ob2 are equal." "0FF006") "?SEMI" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "34AA1") "NOT?SEMI" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "34A92") "?SEMIDROP" ("ob T --> :: ob ; ob F --> :: ;" "" "3692D") "NOT?DROP" ("ob T --> :: ob ; ob F --> :: ;" "" "34BD8") "?SWAP" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ob2 ob1 ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob1 ob2 ;" "" "35F56") "?SKIPSWAP" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ob1 ob2 ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob2 ob1 ;" "" "35DDA") "?SWAPDROP" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ob1 ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob2 ;" "" "35F97") "NOT?SWAPDROP" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ob2 ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob1 ;" "" "35F7E") "RPIT" ("T ob --> :: ob ; F ob --> :: ;" "ob is actually executed, and not pushed in the stack." "070FD") "RPITE" ("T ob1 ob2 --> :: ob1 ; F ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ;" "ob1 or ob2 is actually executed, and not pushed in the stack." "070C3") "COLARPITE" ("T ob1 ob2 --> :: ob1 ; F ob1 ob2 --> :: ob2 ;" "ob1 or ob2 is actually executed, and not pushed in the stack." "34AF4") "2'RCOLARPITE" ("Return to composite and ITE there." "" "34B4F") "IT" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "34A22") "NOT_IT" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "0712A") "?SKIP" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "0712A") "ITE" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "34B3E") "COLAITE" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "36865") "ITE_DROP" ("ob T --> :: ; ob F --> :: ob ;" "" "34ABE") "ANDITE" ("f1 f2 --> :: ; f1 f2 --> :: ;" "" "36EED") "case" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "349F9") "NOTcase" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "" "34A13") "ANDcase" ("f1 f2 --> :: ; f1 f2 --> :: ;" "" "36D4E") "ANDNOTcase" ("f1 f2 --> :: ; f1 f2 --> :: ;" "" "36E6B") "ORcase" ("f1 f2 --> :: ; f1 f2 --> :: ;" "" "359E3") "casedrop" ("ob T --> :: ; ob F --> :: ob ;" "" "3495D") "NOTcasedrop" ("ob T --> :: ob ; ob F --> :: ;" "" "3494E") "case2drop" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob1 ob2 ;" "" "34985") "NOTcase2drop" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ob1 ob2 ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ;" "" "34976") "caseDROP" ("ob T --> :: ; ob F --> :: ob ;" "" "349B1") "NOTcaseDROP" ("ob T --> :: ob ; ob F --> :: ;" "" "349C6") "casedrptru" ("ob T --> T ob F --> :: ob ;" "Note: should be called caseDRPTRU." "368FB") "casedrpfls" ("ob T --> F ob F --> :: ob ;" "Note: should be called caseDRPFLS." "365B3") "NOTcsdrpfls" ("ob T --> :: ob ; ob F --> F" "Note: should be called NOTcaseDRPFLS." "36B3A") "case2DROP" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob1 ob2 ;" "" "349D6") "NOTcase2DROP" ("ob1 ob2 T --> :: ob1 ob2 ; ob1 ob2 F --> :: ;" "" "349EA") "case2drpfls" ("ob1 ob2 T --> F ob1 ob2 F --> :: ob1 ob2 ;" "Note: should be called case2DRPFLS." "365CC") "caseTRUE" ("T --> T F --> :: ;" "" "3652C") "NOTcaseTRUE" ("T --> :: ; F --> T" "" "36914") "caseFALSE" ("T --> F F --> :: ;" "" "365E5") "NOTcaseFALSE" ("T --> :: ; F --> F" "" "2B2C5") "COLAcase" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "Drops the rest of current stream and executes case in the stream above." "359AD") "COLANOTcase" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: ;" "Drops the rest of current stream and executes NOTcase in the stream above." "359C8") "#=?SKIP" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "363B5") "#>?SKIP" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "363E2") "#=ITE" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "35C54") "# :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "36F29") "#>ITE" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "36F3D") "#=case" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "348D2") "OVER#=case" ("#m #n --> :: #m ; #m #n --> :: #m ;" "" "348E2") "#=casedrop" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: #m ;" "Note: should be called OVER#=casedrop." "34939") "#=casedrpfls" ("#m #n --> F #m #n --> :: #m ;" "Note: should be called OVER#=caseDRPFLS." "36590") "#<>case" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "36D9E") "# :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "36D76") "#>case" ("#m #n --> :: ; #m #n --> :: ;" "" "36DCB") "#0=?SEMI" ("#0 --> :: ; # --> :: ;" "" "34A7E") "#0=?SKIP" ("#0 --> :: ; # --> :: ;" "" "36383") "#0=ITE" ("#0 --> :: ; # --> :: " "" "36F15") "DUP#0=IT" ("#0 --> :: #0 ; # --> :: # ;" "" "36ED4") "DUP#0=ITE" ("#0 --> :: #0 ; # --> :: # ;" "" "36F51") "#0=case" ("#0 --> :: ; # --> :: ;" "" "348FC") "DUP#0=case" ("#0 --> :: #0 ; # --> :: # ;" "" "348F7") "DUP#0=csedrp" ("#0 --> :: ; # --> :: # ;" "" "3490E") "DUP#0=csDROP" ("#0 --> :: ; # --> :: # ;" "" "36D21") "#1=case" ("#1 --> :: ; # --> :: ;" "" "36D8A") "#1=?SKIP" ("#1 --> :: ; # --> :: ;" "" "3639C") "#>2case" ("#0/#1/#2 --> :: ; # --> :: ;" "" "36DB2") "?CaseKeyDef" ("# #' --> :: ' ob1 T ; --> :: ;" "Compares two bints. If equal, quotes the next object from the runsream and returns it along with TRUE." "25E72") "?CaseRomptr@" ("# #' --> ob T --> F --> :: ;" "Compares two bints. If equal, tries to resolve the rompointer which must be the next object in the runstream. The ROMPTR@ pushes TRUE when successful, so this entry can be used directly for key handlers." "25E73") "%0=case" ("%0 --> :: %0 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B149") "j%0=case" ("%0 --> :: ; ob --> :: ;" "" "36DDF") "C%0=case" ("C%0 --> :: C%0 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B15D") "num0=case" ("0 --> :: 0 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "Both a real and a complex zero are TRUE conditions for this test." "2B11C") "%1=case" ("%1 --> :: %1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B1A3") "C%1=case" ("C%1 --> :: C%1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B1C1") "num1=case" ("1 --> :: 1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "Both a real and a complex one are TRUE conditions for this test." "2B176") "%2=case" ("%2 --> :: %2 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B20C") "C%2=case" ("C%2 --> :: C%2 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B22A") "num2=case" ("2 --> :: 2 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "Both a real and a complex two are TRUE conditions for this test." "2B1DF") "%-1=case" ("%-1 --> :: %-1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B289") "C%-1=case" ("C%-1 --> :: C%-1 ; ob --> ob ;" "" "2B2A7") "num-1=case" ("-1 --> :: -1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "Both a real and a complex -1 are TRUE conditions for this test." "2B25C") "MEQ1stcase" ("meta&ob1 ob2 --> ob1=ob2 ? case" "Meta&ob1 ob2 ob1=ob2 ? case" "2AFFB") "AEQ1stcase" ("meta&ob --> ob=nob ? case" "Meta&ob ob=nob ? case" "2AF37") "MEQopscase" ("meta1&ob1 meta2&ob2 ob3 -->" "Meta1&ob1 Meta2&ob2 ob3 " "2B01B") "AEQopscase" ("meta1&ob1 meta2&ob2" "Meta1&ob1 Meta2&ob2 " "2B06A") "Mid1stcase" ("meta&ob --> ob is id lam ? case" "Meta&ob ob is id or lam ? case" "2B083") "M-1stcasechs" ("Meta&NEG --> Meta COLA Meta --> Meta SKIP Meta&(%<0) --> Meta&ABS(%) COLA" "Meta&NEG Meta COLA ; Meta Meta SKIP Meta&(%<0) Meta&ABS(%) COLA" "2AE32") "EQIT" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ;" "" "36EBB") "EQITE" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ;" "" "36F01") "jEQcase" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ;" "" "36D3A") "EQcase" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ob1 ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ob1 ;" "Note: Should be called OVEREQcase." "34999") "REQcase" ("ob --> :: ob ; --> :: ob ;" "EQcase with the next object in the runstream. " "359F7") "EQcasedrop" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ob1 ;" "Note: should be called OVEREQcasedrop." "34920") "REQcasedrop" ("ob --> ; --> ;" "EQcasedrop with the next object in the runstream." "35A10") "EQUALcase" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ;" "" "36D62") "EQUALNOTcase" ("ob1 ob1 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ;" "" "36E7F") "EQUALcasedrp" ("ob ob1 ob2 --> :: ; ob ob1 ob2 --> :: ob ;" "" "36D08") "EQUALcasedrop" ("ob1 ob2 --> :: ; ob1 ob2 --> :: ob1 ;" "" "2AD81") "tok=casedrop" ("$ $' --> :: ; --> :: $ ;" "Note: should be called OVERtok=casedrop. " "29E99") "nonopcase" ("seco --> :: seco ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2ADBD") "idntcase" ("id --> :: id ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B0CC") "dIDNTNcase" ("id --> :: id ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "36E93") "idntlamcase" ("id/lam --> :: id ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "2B0EF") "REALcase" ("% --> :: ; ob --> :: ;" "" "36DF3") "dREALcase" ("% --> :: % ob1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "3EB9D" :UBS) "dREALNcase" ("% --> :: % ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "36EA7") "dARRYcase" ("[] --> :: [] ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "36E07") "dLISTcase" ("{} --> :: {} ob1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "36E43") "NOTLISTcase" ("{} --> :: {} ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "260C6") "NOTSECOcase" ("seco --> :: seco ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "260D0") "NOTROMPcase" ("romp --> :: romp ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "260CB") "numb1stcase" ("%/C%/[]/[L] --> :: ; ob --> :: ob2 ;" "If %, C%, [ ] or [L] then COLA, else SKIP ." "2ADE0") "dZINTcase" ("zint --> :: zint ob1 ; ob --> :: ob ;" "" "36E2F" :UBS) "UserITE" ("#set --> :: ; #clr --> :: ;" "" "36F65") "SysITE" ("#set --> :: ; #clr --> :: ;" "" "36F79") "caseDEADKEY" ("T --> :: DoBadKey ; F --> :: ;" "" "36C4F") "caseDoBadKey" ("T --> :: DoBadKey ; F --> :: ;" "" "36C4F") "caseDrpBadKy" ("ob T --> :: DoBadKey ; ob F --> :: ob ;" "" "36C36") "caseERRJMP" ("T --> :: ERRJMP ; F --> :: ;" "" "361B2") "caseSIZEERR" ("T --> :: SIZEERR ; F --> :: ;" "" "36B53") "NcaseSIZEERR" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: SIZEERR ;" "" "36B67") "NcaseTYPEERR" ("T --> :: ; F --> :: TYPEERR ;" "" "36BAA") "NoEdit?case" ("--> :: ; --> :: ;" "Tests if there is no edit line active." "25EEE") "EditExstCase" ("--> :: ; --> :: ;" "Tests if there is an edit line active." "36E57") "AlgebraicModecase" ("--> :: ; --> :: " "Tests for algebraic mode and does case. " "2BE36" :UBS) "NOP" ("-->" "Does nothing." "06E8E") "xNEGNEG" ("-->" "Does nothing, decompiles to :: CK1&Dispatch BINT0 NOP ; There like NOP, but requires an argument. " "39CD5") "'R" ("--> ob" "Pushes next object in return stack (i.e., the first object in the composite above this one) to the stack (skipping it). If top return stack is empty (contains SEMI), a null secondary is pushed and the pointer is not advanced." "06EEB") "'REVAL" ("--> ?" "Does 'R then EVAL." "06F66") "'R'R" ("--> ob1 ob2" "Does 'R twice." "36A27") "ticR" ("--> ob T --> F" "Pushes next object in return stack to stack and TRUE, of just FALSE if the top return stack body is empty. In this QcaseQ, it is dropped." "34BEF") "'RRDROP" ("--> ob" "Does 'R , then RDROP." "36A4A") ">R" (":: -->" "Pushes :: to top of return stack (skips prolog, i.e., the composite will be executed automatically)." "06F9F") "R>" ("--> ::" "Creates and pops a secondary from top return stack body to stack." "0701F") "R@" ("--> ::" "Like R>, but the return stack is not popped." "07012") "IDUP" ("-->" "Pushes interpreter pointer into the return stack. " "0716B") "EVAL" ("ob -->" "Evaluates object." "06F8E") "COMPEVAL" ("comp -->" "EVAL just pushes a list back, this one executes it." "262FB") "2@REVAL" ("-->" "EVAL first object in the stream above the previous one." "34BAB") "3@REVAL" ("-->" "EVAL first object in the stream above the stream above the previous one." "34BBB") "GOTO" ("-->" "Jumps to next address in stream. Address is a five-nibble address, not a system binary. Can only be used to jump to the middle of programs, cannot jump to a program prolog." "34A31") "?GOTO" ("flag -->" "If TRUE, jumps, else skips five nibbles." "34A46") "NOT?GOTO" ("flag -->" "If FALSE jumps, else skips five nibbles." "34A59") "RDUP" ("-->" "Duplicates top return stack level." "26111") "RDROP" ("-->" "Pops the return stack." "06FB7") "2RDROP" ("-->" "Pops two return stack levels." "343E1") "3RDROP" ("-->" "Pops three return stack levels." "343F3") "DROPRDROP" ("ob -->" "Does DROP then RDROP ." "36342") "RDROPCOLA" ("-->" "Does RDROP then COLA ." "3597F") "RSWAP" ("-->" "Swap in the return stack." "34144") "RROLL" ("#n -->" "Rolls nth return stack level to top of return stack." "2644A" :UBS) "RSKIP" ("-->" "Skips first object in the return stack (i.e., the first object in the composite above this one)." "368C9") "OBJ>R" ("ob -->" "Pushes an object into the return stack, for example for temporary storage. If ob is a list, the list is put as a whole onto the stream, not the individual elements." "2B8BE" :UBS) "R>OBJ" ("--> ob" "Gets an object from the return stack." "2B8E6" :UBS) "SEMI" ("-->" "DROP the rest of the current stream." "0312B") "'" ("--> nob (nextob)" "Pushes next object in the stream to the stack (skipping it)." "06E97") "xSILENT'" ("--> nextob" "Put the next ob in the runstream on the stack. Quoter used in UserRPL." "38837") "DUP'" ("ob --> ob nob" "Does DUP then '." "3696E") "DROP'" ("ob --> nob" "Does DROP then '." "36996") "SWAP'" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1 nob" "Does SWAP then '." "36982") "OVER'" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2 ob1 nob" "Does OVER then '." "369AA") "STO'" ("ob id/lam --> nob" "Does STO then '." "369BE") "TRUE'" ("--> T nob" "Pushes TRUE and the next object to the stack." "369D2") "FALSE'" ("--> F nob" "Pushes FALSE and the next object to the stack." "369FF") "ONEFALSE'" ("--> #1 F nob" "Pushes ONE, FALSE and the next object to the stack." "369E6") "#1+'" ("# --> #+1 nob" "Does #1+ then '." "36A13") "'NOP" ("--> NOP" "Pushes NOP to the stack." "36306") "'ERRJMP" ("--> ERRJMP" "Pushes ERRJMP to the stack." "3619E") "'DROPFALSE" ("--> DROPFALSE" "Pushes DROPFALSE to the stack." "2B90B") "'DoBadKey" ("--> DoBadKey" "Pushes DoBadKey to the stack." "25E6A") "'DoBadKeyT" ("--> DoBadKey T" "Pushes DoBadKey and TRUE to the stack." "25E6B") "DROPDEADTRUE" ("ob --> DoBadKey T" "Makes the user QdropQ dead, then pushes TRUE." "2F32E") "'x*" ("--> x*" "Pushes x* (User word *) to the stack." "36BBE" :UBS) "'xDER" ("--> xDER" "Pushes xDER (User word \\.d) to the stack." "36BD2") "'IDFUNCTION" ("--> xFUNCTION" "Pushes xFUNCTION (User word FUNCTION) to the stack." "27B43") "'IDPOLAR" ("--> xPOLAR" "Pushes xPOLAR (User word POLAR) to the stack." "27B6B") "'IDCONIC" ("--> xCONIC" "Pushes xCONIC (User word CONIC) to the stack." "27B57" :UBS) "'IDPARAMETER" ("--> xPARAMETRIC" "Pushes xPARAMETRIC (user word PARAMETRIC) to the stack." "27B7F") "'IDTRUTH" ("--> xTRUTH" "Pushes xTRUTH (user word TRUTH) to the stack." "27B93" :UBS) "'IDSCATTER" ("--> xSCATTER" "Pushes xSCATTER (user word SCATTER) to the stack." "27BA7" :UBS) "'IDHISTOGRAM" ("--> xHISTOGRAM" "Pushes xHISTOGRAM (user word HISTROGRAM) to the stack." "27BBB" :UBS) "'IDBAR" ("--> xBAR" "Pushes xBAR (user word BAR) to the stack." "27BCF" :UBS) "'IDFAST3D" ("--> xFAST3D" "Pushes xFAST3D (user word FAST3D) to the stack." "27BE3" :UBS) "'Rapndit" ("meta ob1...ob4 --> meta&ob ob1...ob4" "Takes ob from runstream and appends it to the meta starting in level 5." "29ED0") "'xDEREQ" ("ob --> flag" "Is ob eq to user command xDER?" "36AA4") "COLA" ("Evals next obj and drops rest of this stream." "" "06FD1") "ONECOLA" ("Does ONE, then COLA." "" "36A63") "SWAPCOLA" ("Does SWAP, then COLA." "" "3635B") "XYZ>ZCOLA" ("Does UNROT2DROP, then COLA." "" "3636F") "COLA_EVAL" ("Returns and evals first obj in previous stream." "" "34AD3") "COLACOLA" ("Drops rest of current stream does COLA in the above one." "" "35994") "DROPCOLA" ("Does DROP then COLA" "" "281E9" :UBS) "SKIP" ("Skips 1 obj in the runstream." "" "0714D") "2SKIP" ("Skips 2 objs in the runstream." "" "0715C" :UBS) "skipcola" ("Does SKIP, then COLA." "" "35715") "2skipcola" ("Does 2SKIP, then COLA." "" "3570C") "3skipcola" ("Does 3SKIP, then COLA." "" "35703") "5skipcola" ("Skips 5 objects, then does COLA." "" "356D5") "COLASKIP" ("Drops rest of current stream and skips one obj in above stream." "" "363FB") "BEGIN" ("-->" "Pushes interpreter pointer into the return stack. " "071A2") "AGAIN" ("-->" "Sets the interpreter pointer to the topmost value in the return stack, without popping it." "071AB") "REPEAT" ("-->" "Sets the interpreter pointer to the topmost value in the return stack, without popping it." "071E5") "UNTIL" ("flag -->" "If FALSE then AGAIN, otherwise RDROP ." "071C8") "NOT_UNTIL" ("flag -->" "NOT then UNTIL ." "3640F") "#0=UNTIL" ("# --> #" "Actually, should be called DUP#0=UNTIL." "35B96") "WHILE" ("flag -->" "If TRUE does nothing, otherwise RDROP then 2SKIP ." "071EE") "NOT_WHILE" ("flag -->" "NOT then WHILE ." "36428") "DUP#0<>WHILE" ("# -->" "Try to guess what it does." "36441") "DO" ("#stop #start -->" "" "073F7") "ZERO_DO" ("#stop -->" "" "073C3") "DUP#0_DO" ("#stop --> #stop" "" "364C8") "ONE_DO" ("#stop -->" "" "073CE") "#1+_ONE_DO" ("#stop -->" "" "073DB") "toLEN_DO" ("{} --> {}" "From ONE to #elements." "364E1") "LOOP" ("-->" "" "07334") "+LOOP" ("# -->" "Increments index by specified number." "073A5") "DROPLOOP" ("ob -->" "" "364AF") "SWAPLOOP" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1" "" "36496") "STOPLOOP" ("-->" "Destroys topmost loop environment." "07321" :UBS) "SEMILOOP" ("-->" "" "34AAD") "INDEX@" ("--> #" "Recalls topmost loop counter value." "07221") "DUPINDEX@" ("ob --> ob #" "" "3645A") "SWAPINDEX@" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1 #" "" "3646E") "OVERINDEX@" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2 ob1 #" "" "36482") "INDEX@#-" ("# --> #'" "" "367D9") "INDEXSTO" ("# -->" "Stores new topmost loop counter value." "07270") "ISTOP@" ("--> #" "Recalls topmost loop stop value." "07249") "ISTOPSTO" ("# -->" "Stores new topmost loop stop value." "07295") "ISTOP-INDEX" ("--> #" "" "283FC") "JINDEX@" ("--> #" "Recalls second topmost loop counter value." "07258") "JINDEXSTO" ("# -->" "Stores new second topmost loop counter value." "072AD") "JSTOP@" ("--> #" "Recalls second topmost loop stop value." "07264") "JSTOPSTO" ("# -->" "Stores new second topmost loop stop value." "072C2") "ZEROISTOPSTO" ("-->" "Does not exit loop immediately. Just stores zero as the stop value, so all objects until the next LOOP will be evaluated." "3709B") "(ExitAtLoop)" ("-->" "Does not exit loop immediately. Just stores zero as the stop value, so all objects until the next LOOP will be evaluated." "3709B") "ExitAtLOOP" ("-->" "Does not exit loop immediately. Just stores zero as the stop value, so all objects until the next LOOP will be evaluated." "3709B") "DUP@" ("id/lam --> id/lam ob T --> id/lam F" "Does DUP then @." "35C2C") "SAFE@" ("id/lam --> ob T --> F" "For lams does @. For ids does ?ROMPTR> to the ob found." "35A5B") "DUPSAFE@" ("id/lam --> id/lam ob T --> id/lam F" "Does DUP then SAFE@." "35A56") "SAFE@_HERE" ("id --> ob F --> T" "Same as SAFE@, but works only in the current directory." "25EF7") "Sys@" ("ID --> ob T --> F" "Switches temporarily to the HOME directory and executes @ there." "2F064") "XEQRCL" ("id --> ob" "Same as SAFE@, but errors if variable is not found. Also works for lams, but you get the wrong error." "2F2A3") "DUPXEQRCL" ("id --> id ob" "Tries to recall, errors if not existent." "3F2EA" :UBS) "LISTRCL" ("{path id} --> ob" "Recalls from specified path." "2F24E") "STO" ("ob id/lam -->" "For ids this assumes ob is not pco. If replacing some object, that object is copied to TEMPOB and pointers are updated. For lams: Errors if lam is unbound." "07D27") "EVALNOCKSTO" ("ob id/lam -->" "Same as EvalNoCK:_ STO." "2F2D5") "EVLNCKSTO" ("ob id -->" "Does EvalNoCk: xSTO" "2F2D5" :UBS) "SAFESTO" ("ob id/lam -->" "For ids, does ?>ROMPTR to the object before storing." "35A29") "SysSTO" ("ob ID -->" "Switches temporarily to the HOME directory and executes STO there." "2F380") "?STO_HERE" ("ob id/lam -->" "Same as SAFESTO, but will only store in the current directory and will not overwrite a directory." "25E79") "XEQSTOID" ("ob id/lam -->" "Same as SAFESTO, but will only store in the current directory and will not overwrite a directory." "25E79") "XEQStoKey" ("ob ID -->" "" "25F0C") "xSTO>" ("ob id --> ob symb -->" "Like xSTO, but if the level 1 argument is symbolic, use the first element of it as the variable to write to." "3E823") "^PROMPTSTO1" ("id/lam -->" "Inputs value for a variable and stores it." "0BD007" :wasCSys) "REPLACE" ("newob oldob --> newob" "Replaces oldob (in memory) with newob." "085D3") "PURGE" ("id -->" "Purges variable. Does no type check first." "08C27") "?PURGE_HERE" ("id -->" "Like PURGE, but only works in current directory." "25E78") "^SAFEPURGE" ("idnt/lam -->" "Purge idnt/lam if it exist." "1D3006" :wasCSys) "MOVEVAR" ("" "Move the variable to a different directory. Stack diagram unknown - level 1 must be rrp, but level two??" "2C388") "CREATE" ("ob id -->" "Creates a variable in the current directory. Errors if id is or contains current directory. Assumes id is not a pco." "08696") "DoHere:" ("-->" "Next object in the runstream is evaluated for the current directory only." "25EC4") "'LAMLNAMESTO" ("ob -->" "STO to LAM LAMLNAME." "36A8B") "MAKERRP" ("#libnum --> rrp" "Creates an empty directory." "077E4" :UBS) "CREATERRP" ("id -->" "Creates an empty directory. Does not check if the name is already used. :: # 7FF CRDIR# SWAP CREATE ;" "08DF2" :UBS) "CREATEDIR" ("id -->" "Creates an empty directory. Calls ?PURGE_HERE first to delete the original." "25EA1") "LASTRAM-WORD" ("rrp --> ob T --> F" "Recalls first object in directory." "08326") "LastNonNull" ("rrp --> ob T --> F" "Recalls first object in directory (not null named)." "25EE7") "PREVRAM-WORD" ("ob --> ob' T --> F" "Recalls next object in directory." "08376") "PrevNonNull" ("ob --> ob' T --> F" "Recalls next object in directory (not null named)." "25EF2") "RAM-WORDNAME" ("ob --> id" "Recalls name of object in current directory." "082E3") "XEQPGDIR" ("id -->" "Purges a directory. Checks references, etc. first." "25F14") "XEQORDER" ("{id1 id2..} -->" "Orders the variables in the directory by moving the given variables to the beginning of the directory." "2F296") "DOVARS" ("--> {id1 id2..}" "Returns list of variables from current directory." "25EB9") "DOTVARS%" ("% --> {}" "Returns a list of variables in the current directory with user type given by the number. Internal TVARS if a single number was given. " "25EB8") "^DOTVARS{}" ("{# #' ...} --> {}" "Returns a list of variables in the current directory with user type given by any of the numbers in the list. This is the core of the TVARS program." "0BD002") "DOTVARS" ("{# #' ...} --> {}" "Pointer to ^DOTVARS{}." "2C3FA" :UBS) "PATHDIR" ("--> {HOME dir1 dir2..}" "Returns current path." "25EF1") "UPDIR" ("-->" "Goes to parent directory." "2F265") "MYRAMROMPAIR" ("rrp --> rrp' T --> F" "Gets parent directory. Returns FALSE if parent directory is HOME." "08309" :UBS) "SYSRRP?" ("rrp --> flag" "Is rrp HOME?" "08DD4") "CONTEXT@" ("--> rrp" "Recalls current directory." "08D5A") "CONTEXT!" ("rrp -->" "Sets new current directory." "08D08") "LastContext!" ("rrp -->" "" "25917" :UBS) "LastContext@" ("--> rrp" "" "2591C" :UBS) "STOPSIGN@" ("--> rrp" "Recalls last directory." "08D82" :UBS) "STOPSIGN!" ("rrp -->" "Stores new last directory." "08D4A" :UBS) "SYSCONTEXT" ("-->" "Sets HOME as current directory." "08D92") "HOMEDIR" ("-->" "Sets HOME as current directory." "08D92") "SYSSTOPSIGN" ("-->" "Sets HOME as last directory." "08DC4" :UBS) "SaveVarRes" ("-->" "Binds current and last directories to two nullnamed lams." "3712C") "RestVarRes" ("-->" "First sets HOME as both the current and last directories (in QcaseQ an error happens). Then, restores the current and last directories from 1LAM and 2LAM." "37186") "SetHiddenRes" ("-->" "Sets the hidden directory as the current and last directories." "3714A") "WithHidden" ("--> ?" "Executes next command in hidden directory." "370C3") "RclHiddenVar" ("id --> ob T --> F" "Recalls variable in hidden directory. Same as :: WithHidden @ ;" "370AF") "StoHiddenVar" ("ob id -->" "Stores variable in hidden directory. Same as :: WithHidden STO ;" "37104") "PuHiddenVar" ("id -->" "Purges variable in hidden directory. Same as :: WithHidden PURGE ;" "37118") "TOTEMPOB" ("ob --> ob'" "Copies object to TEMPOB and returns pointer to the new copy." "06657") "TOTEMPSWAP" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2' ob1" "Does TOTEMPOB then SWAP." "35C90") "CKREF" ("ob --> ob'" "If object is in TEMPOB, is not embedded in a composite and not referenced, does nothing. Else copies it to TEMPOB and returns the copy." "25E9F") "SWAPCKREF" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1'" "Does SWAP then CKREF." "3700A") "INTEMNOTREF?" ("ob --> ob flag" "If the object is in TEMPOB area, is not embedded in a composite and is not referenced, returns the object and TRUE, otherwise returns the object and FALSE." "06B4E") "FREEINTEMP?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is in TEMPOB area and not in a composite." "06B3E" :UBS) "~INTEMPOB?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "01E0E8") "PTRREFD?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is referenced." "065D9" :UBS) "REFERENCED?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is referenced or in composite." "065E5" :UBS) "NOTREF?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is not referenced or in composite. ( :: REFERENCED? NOT ; )" "06BC2" :UBS) ">TOPTEMP" ("ob --> ob'" "Moves object to top ob TEMPOB area. Does not garbage collection." "06DDE" :UBS) "TOTEMPOBADJ" ("ob --> ob ob'" "Makes a standalone copy by moving references to a new copy." "064BD" :UBS) "DOADJ1" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob'" "Moves references from ob2 to ob1 (ob1 in TEMPOB area)." "064D6" :UBS) "DOADJ" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob'" "Moves references from ob2 to ob1 (ob1 in TEMPOB area). References to body of ob2 are moved too." "064E2" :UBS) "SLOW" ("-->" "15 millisecond delay." "26120") "VERYSLOW" ("-->" "300 millisecond delay." "26125") "SORTASLOW" ("-->" "1.2 second delay (4 x VERYSLOW). " "2F37E") "VERYVERYSLOW" ("-->" "3 second delay." "2612A") "dowait" ("%secs -->" "Waits specified number of seconds." "2F2D4") "%>HMS" ("% --> %hms" "Converts from decimal to H.MMSS format." "3005E") "%%H>HMS" ("%% --> %%hms" "Same as %>HMS, but for long reals." "30912") "%HMS>" ("%hms --> %" "Converts from H.MMSS format to decimal." "30077") "%HMS+" ("%hms1 %hms2 --> %hms" "Adds time in hms format." "3008B") "%HMS-" ("%hms1 %hms2 --> %hms" "Subtracts time in hms format." "300B3") "TOD" ("--> %time" "Returns current time." "2EECF") "VerifyTOD" ("%time --> %time" "Checks for validaty of time. Errors if not valid." "2F388") "DATE" ("--> %date" "Returns current date." "2EED0") ">DATE" ("%date -->" "Sets date, errors if % is not a valid date." "2F03B" :UBS) "DATE+DAYS" ("%date %days --> %date'" "Adds specified number of days to date." "2EED2") "DDAYS" ("%date1 %date2 --> %days" "Returns number of days between two dates." "2EED1") "SysTime" ("--> hxs" "Returns tick count." "2EED7") "CLKTICKS" ("--> hxs" "Returns tick count." "2EED7") "Date>d$" ("%date --> $" "Returns string representation of date, using current format." "2F329") "TOD>t$" ("%time --> $" "Returns string represent the time, using current format." "2F381") "Date>hxs13" ("%date --> hxs" "Converts date to ticks." "2F1AB") "Ticks>Date" ("hxs --> %date" "Returns date from hxs of internal alarm list format." "2F003" :UBS) "Ticks>TOD" ("hxs --> %time" "Returns time from hxs of internal alarm list format." "2F002" :UBS) "Ticks>Rpt" ("hxs --> %rpt" "Converts hxs in internal alarm list format to repetition interval." "2F004" :UBS) "ALARMS@" ("--> {}" "Returns internal alarms list." "2F178") "STOALM" ("%date %time acti %rep --> %" "Stores an alarm. %repeat is the number of ticks between every repetition. Since there are 8192 ticks in a second, 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour, to make an alarm that repeats every hour, %repetition would be 8192*60*60 = 29491200. Returns real number representing the position of the alarm in the list." "2F37F") "PURGALARM%" ("% -->" "Internal xDELALARM." "2F0AC") "RCLALARM%" ("%n --> {}" "Recalls nth alarm. List is in the format of STOALARMLS." "2F314") "ALARM?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if an alarm is due." "25FA9") "FNDALARM{}" ("" "" "2F113") "FindNext" ("" "" "2F336") "SetSysFlag" ("# -->" "Sets the system flag with number #. TEXT:Flags" "2614D") "ClrSysFlag" ("# -->" "Clears the system flag with number #. TEXT:Flags" "26044") "TestSysFlag" ("# --> flag" "Returns TRUE if system flag is set. TEXT:Flags" "26170") "SetUserFlag" ("# -->" "Set the user flag with number #. TEXT:Flags" "26152") "ClrUserFlag" ("# -->" "Clear the user flag with number #. TEXT:Flags" "26049") "TestUserFlag" ("# --> flag" "Returns TRUE if user flag is set. TEXT:Flags" "26175") "RCLSYSF" ("--> hxs" "Recalls system flags from 1 to 64. TEXT:Flags" "2F259") "STOSYSF" ("hxs -->" "Stores system flags from 1 to 64. TEXT:Flags" "2F25F" :UBS) "DOSTOSYSF" ("hxs -->" "Stores system flags from 1 to 64, checking for changes in LASTARG flag." "2F23E") "RCLSYSF2" ("--> hxs" "Recalls system flags from 65 to 128." "2F25A" :UBS) "STOSYSF2" ("hxs -->" "Stores system flags from 65 to 128." "2F260" :UBS) "RCLUSERF" ("--> hxs" "Recalls user flags from 1 to 64." "2F25B") "STOUSERF" ("hxs -->" "Stores user flags from 1 to 64." "2F261" :UBS) "RCLUSERF2" ("--> hxs" "Recalls user flags from 65 to 128." "2F25C" :UBS) "STOUSERF2" ("hxs -->" "Stores user flags from 65 to 128." "2F262" :UBS) "STOALLFcont" ("hxs_usr hxs_sys -->" "Stores user and system flags from 1 to 64. First is user flags, second is system flags." "2F3A9" :UBS) "STOALLFcont2" ("hxs_sys1 hxs_usr1 hxs_sys2 hxs_usr2 -->" "Expects 4 hxs and stores them as user and system flags." "2F3AA" :UBS) "DOSTOALLF" ("{} -->" "Stores system and user flags. Expects a list with two or four hxs. The first two are the system and user flags, respectively, from 1 to 64. The last two, if present, are the system and user flags, respectively, from 65 to 128." "3B76C" :UBS) "SaveSysFlags" ("-->" "Save system flags in a virtual stack. TEXT:Flags" "25F23") "RestoreSysFlags" ("-->" "Restore system flags from virtual stack, popping that level. TEXT:Flags" "25F22") "RunSafeFlags" ("RS ob -->" "Evaluates the next object in the runstream, but saves and restores the system flags around it. Uses DoRunSafe. This is very useful. TEXT:Flags" "2ABF0") "RunInApprox" ("RS ob -->" "Eval next object in runstream with system flags 20, 21 clear and 22, 105, 102, 120 set. -- Flags: -20 -21 -22 -105 -102 -120" "2AB69") "DoRunSafe" ("ob --> hxs1 hxs2" "Evaluate ob and put the system flags as they were before the evaluation on the stack. Used by RunSafeFlags and RunSafeFlagsNoError." "2AC0E") "RunSafeFlagsNoError" ("RS ob -->" " :: 'R DoRunSafe 2DROP ;" "2ABD7") "DOHEX" ("-->" "Switch stack display format of HEX strings to hexadecimal. TEXT:Flags" "2EFA5") "DODEC" ("-->" "Switch stack display format of HEX strings to decimal. TEXT:Flags" "2EFA8") "DOBIN" ("-->" "Switch stack display format of HEX strings to binary." "2EFA6") "DOOCT" ("-->" "Switch stack display of HEX strings to octal." "2EFA7") "BASE" ("--> #" "Returns #10h, #10d, #10b or #10o. In decimal terms, 16 for hexadecimal base, 10 for decimal base, 8 for octal base or 2 for binary base." "2EFBF") "DOSTD" ("-->" "Internal version of user word STD." "2605D") "DOFIX" ("# -->" "Internal version of user word FIX." "26053") "DOSCI" ("# -->" "Internal version of user word SCI." "26058") "DOENG" ("# -->" "Internal version of user word ENG." "2604E") "savefmt1" ("-->" "Saves the current number format, and changes to STD mode." "261A7") "rstfmt1" ("-->" "Restores the number format saved by savefmt1. Only one set of flags can be saved, there is no nesting of these entries." "261A2") "SETRAD" ("-->" "Set angular mode to RAD." "2FFDB") "RAD?" ("--> flag" "Is angular mode QRAD?Q" "25EF3") "SETDEG" ("-->" "Set angular mode DEG." "2FFBD") "SETGRAD" ("-->" "Set angular mode GRAD." "2FFEF") "DPRADIX?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if current radix is \".\"." "25EBA") "UNDO_OFF" ("-->" "Turns saving of the last stack for UNDO off. " "256AC") "UNDO_ON" ("-->" "Turns saving of the last stack for UNDO on. " "256A7") "UNDO_ON?" ("--> flag" "Tests if last stack saving for UNDO is on." "256A2") "1A/LockA" ("-->" "Equivalent to pressing the ALPHA key, turns on ALPHA mode for either 1 keypress or until the next ALPHA keypress, depending on system flag 60. -- Flags: -60" "25E6C") "IsApple" ("--> flag" "Can be used to distinguish the old Saturn HP49G from the new ARM-based hp48gII and hp49g+. The entry returns TRUE on the new machines. On an HP49G, this entry is not present. But you can test on both machines with the following ML program: CODE $80B XM=0 ?XM=0 SKIPYES { } GOVLNG =\"PushF/TLoop\" ENDCODE" "2F3BF" :UBS :1\.22) "IsMidApple" ("--> flag" "Tests for the hp48gII. Returns TRUE on hp48gII, FALSE on hp49g+ and HP49G+." "2F3C0" :UBS :1\.22) "IsBigApple" ("--> flag" "Check for the hp49g+. Returns TRUE on hp49g+, FALSE on hp48gII and HP49G+. Use this entry to test for the large screen." "2F3C1" :UBS :1\.22) "DOBEEP" ("%freq %dur -->" "Beeps. Analog to user function BEEP." "25EB2") "setbeep" ("#ms #Hz -->" "Also beeps." "261AC") "^SERIAL" ("--> $" "Return a string with the Serial number of the unit. " "0C4002") "TurnOff" ("-->" "Internal OFF." "041A7") "DEEPSLEEP" ("--> flag" "Puts HP into deepsleep mode. Returns TRUE if \"Invalid Card Data\" message." "041ED") "LowBat?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if low battery." "01118") "ShowInvRomp" ("-->" "Flashes \"Invalid Card Data\" message." "0426A") "?FlashAlert" ("-->" "Displays system warnings." "2EE5D") "AlertStatus" ("--> #" "Gets last system warning: #0h = OK #1h = Alarm #2h = LowBat (S) #4h = LowBat (P1) #8h = LowBat (P2)" "04544" :UBS) "Alert$" ("# --> $" "Recalls system warning message." "04575" :UBS) "DOAPWL" ("-->" "Forces a warm start but does not log a warmstart event." "2F237" :UBS) "LiteSlp" ("-->" "Enters light sleep mode." "04912" :UBS) "GARBAGE" ("-->" "Forces garbage collection." "05F42") "MEM" ("--> #" "Returns amount of free memory in nibbles. Does not do garbage collection. (The user word does.)" "05F61") "OSIZE" ("ob --> #" "Returns object size in nibbles. Forces garbage collection." "05902") "OCRC" ("ob --> #nib hxs" "Returns size in nibbles and checksum as hxs." "05944") "OCRC%" ("ob --> hxs %bytes" "Returns checksum and size in bytes." "2F257") "VARSIZE" ("id --> hxs %bytes" "Returns checksum and size in bytes of specified variable." "2F267") "INHARDROM?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Is object address < #80000h?" "394C8") "CHANGETYPE" ("ob #prolog --> ob'" "Changes prolog of object, does TOTEMPOB." "05AB3") ">LANGUAGE" ("# -->" "Sets the current language for messages. Internal version of x\\->LANGUAGE." "25F90") "LANGUAGE>" ("--> #" "Returns the current language for messages. Internal version of the xLANGUAGE\\-> command." "25F95") "NOBLINK" ("-->" "Clears the BLINKFLAG, SysNib5." "256BE") "?BlinkCursor" ("-->" "Makes the cursor Blink if in App-mode or Editline." "25E71") "PushVStack" ("obn..ob1 --> obn..ob1 VS --> [obn..ob1]" "Pushes the RPN stack onto the Virtual Stack. The RPN stack is unchanged." "25F1E") "PushVStack&Clear" ("obn..ob1 --> VS --> [obn..ob1]" "Does PushVStack and then clears the RPN stack." "25F1F") "PopMetaVStackDROP" ("--> obn..ob1 VS [obn..ob1] -->" "Pops the topmost virtual stack into the RPN stack. The previous contents of the RPN stack are preserved. (The Meta in the name means that a count is returned, but the DROP removes it afterwards.) " "25F1A") "PopVStack" ("obm..ob1 --> obn'..ob1' VS [obn'..ob1'] -->" "Pops the topmost virtual stack into the RPN stack. The previous contents of the RPN stack are lost." "25F1B") "GetMetaVStackDROP" ("--> obn..ob1 VS [obn..ob1] --> [obn..ob1]" "Inserts the objects from the topmost virtual stack into the RPN stack. The Virtual Stack is unchanged. (The Meta in the name means that a count is returned, but it is removed by DROP.)" "25F17") "GetVStack" ("obm..ob1 --> obn'..ob1' VS [obn'..ob1'] --> [obn'..ob1']" "Copies the topmost virtual stack into the RPN stack. The Virtual Stack is not changed, but the current RPN stack is lost." "25F18") "PushMetaVStack" ("obn..ob1 #n --> obn..ob1 #n VS --> [obn..ob1]" "Pushes #n objects as a new virtual stack. Any other objects in the RPN stack are not pushed. The RPN stack is unchanged." "26265") "PushMetaVStack&Drop" ("obn..ob1 #n --> VS --> [obn..ob1]" "Does PushMetaVStack then drops the pushed objects. Any other objects present in the RPN stack are neither pushed nor dropped. " "25F1D") "PopMetaVStack" ("--> obn..ob1 #n VS [obn..ob1] -->" "Insers the contents of the most recent virtual stack into the RPN stack, followed by the count. The previous contents of the RPN stack are not lost." "25F19") "GetMetaVStack" ("--> obn..ob1 #n VS [obn..ob1] --> [obn..ob1]" "Inserts the objects from the topmost virtual stack into the RPN stack, along with the count. The Virtual Stack is unchanged." "2624C") "SetMetaVStack" ("obn'..ob1' #n --> VS [obn..ob1] --> [obn'..ob1']" "Modify the elements of the Virtual Stack according to a meta on the stack. The meta on the RPN stack and the fist level of the Virtual Stack must have the same number of elements!" "265D5" :UBS) "PushVStack&Keep" ("obn..ob1 obm'..ob1' #m --> obm'..ob1' #m VS --> [obn..ob1]" "Pushes the contents of the RPN stack which do not belong to the meta (ie, are \"above\" it) into a new virtual stack, removing these elements, but keeping the meta." "25F20") "PushVStack&KeepDROP" ("obn..ob1 obm'..ob1' #m --> obm'..ob1' VS --> [obn..ob1]" "Does PushVStack&Keep and then DROP." "25F21") "PopVStackAbove" ("obm'..ob1' --> obn..ob1 obm'..ob1' VS [obn..ob1] -->" "Pops the contents of the topmost virtual stack (like PopMetaVStackDROP would have done) into the RPN stack, but *above* the current contents of the RPN stack. This undoes PushVStack&Keep (or PushVStack&KeepDROP)." "25F1C") "DropVStack" ("--> VS [obn..ob1] -->" "Drops the topmost virtual stack from the Virtual Stack." "26215") "GetElemTopVStack" ("#i --> obi VS [obn..ob1] --> [obn..ob1]" "Returns the ith object from the topmost virtual stack, counting from the top. \"Counting from the top\" means that object # 0 is the one at the highest-numbered level (n), # 1 is the one at level n-1, and so on. Note: no checking wheter #i is valid. " "26229") "PutElemTopVStack" ("new_ob #i --> VS [obn..ob(n-i)..ob1] --> [obn..new_ob..ob1]" "Replaces the ith object from the topmost virtual stack with new_ob, counting from the top. Note: no checking wheter #i is valid." "2626F") "GetElemBotVStack" ("#i --> obi VS [obn..ob1] --> [obn..ob1]" "Returns the ith object from the topmost virtual stack, counting from the bottom. \"Counting from the bottom\" means that # 0 is the object in the lowest numbered level (generally thought of as 1), # 1 is at level 2, etc. Note: no checking wheter #i is valid. " "26224") "PutElemBotVStack" ("new_ob #i --> VS [obn..obi..ob1] --> [obn..new_ob..ob1]" "Replaces the ith object from the topmost virtual stack with new_ob, counting from the bottom. Note: no checking wheter #i is valid. " "2626A") "GetVStackProtectWord" ("--> #" "Hacking stuff: Gets the protection word of the last VStack level. " "26233") "InitVirtualStack" ("" "" "26251") "LAMLNAME" ("" "" "27142") "'LamKPSto" ("" "" "2F350") "SENDLIST" ("{} -->" "Internal SEND." "2EEBB") "GETNAME" ("$/id/lam -->" "Internal KGET." "2EEBC") "DOFINISH" ("-->" "Internal FINISH." "2EEBD") "DOPKT" ("$ $' -->" "Internal PKT." "2EEBE") "DOBAUD" ("% -->" "Internal BAUD." "2EEC1") "DOPARITY" ("% -->" "Internal PARITY." "2EEC2") "DOTRANSIO" ("% -->" "Internal TRANSIO." "2EEC3") "DOKERRM" ("--> $" "Internal KERRM." "2EEC4") "DOBUFLEN" ("--> % 0/1" "Internal BUFLEN." "2EEC5") "DOSTIME" ("" "Internal STIME." "2F12E" :UBS) "DOSBRK" ("-->" "Internal SBRK." "2EEC6") "DOXMIT" ("$ -->" "Internal XMIT." "2F130" :UBS) "DOSRECV" ("% -->" "Internal SRECV." "2EEC7") "CLOSEUART" ("-->" "Internal CLOSEIO." "2EEC9") "DOCR" ("-->" "Internal CR." "2EECB") "DODELAY" ("% -->" "Internal DELAY." "2EECD") "KDispRow2" ("" "" "2F34B") "KDispStatus2" ("" "" "2F34C") "EXCHINITPK" ("" "" "2F333") "SENDEOT" ("" "" "2F372") "SENDNAK" ("" "" "2F374") "SENDERROR" ("" "" "2F373") "SENDPKT" ("" "" "2F376") "InitIOEnv" ("" "" "2F0E7") "KERMOPEN" ("" "" "2F0E6") "DOOPENIO" ("" "" "2EEC0") "OpenIO" ("" "" "2F2FF") "OpenIOPrt" ("" "" "2F35D") "docr" ("" "" "2EECA") "IOCheckReal" ("" "" "2F346") "StdIOPAR" ("--> {}" "Default IOPAR: { 9600 0 0 0 3 1 }." "2716D") "GetIOPAR" ("--> %baud % % % % %" "Recalls IOPAR and explodes it into the stack." "2EEBF") "StoIOPAR" ("{} -->" "STO the list of IO parameters in the HOME directory in the variable IOPAR." "2F062") "StdPRTPAR" ("" "" "27A3A") "StoPRTPAR" ("" "" "2F063") "GetChkPRTPAR" ("" "" "2F338") "OpenUartClr" ("" "" "2F312") "OpenUart?Clr" ("" "" "2F313") "PRINT" ("" "" "2F0BC") "PRINTxNLF" ("" "" "2F362") "REMAP" ("" "" "2F36A") "SetEcma94" ("" "" "2EECE") "AllowPrlcdCl" ("" "" "2F177") "PrintGrob" ("" "" "2F361") "SetServMode" ("" "" "2F37D") "ClrServMode" ("" "" "2F325") "SendSetup" ("" "" "2F377") "TRPACKETFAIL" ("" "" "2F386") "IncrLAMPKNO" ("" "Increases packet number." "2F343") "GetKermPkt#" ("" "" "2F33A") "RecvNextPkt" ("" "" "2F3A8" :UBS) "KVISLF" ("$ --> $'" "String translation for transfer from HP to PC. Inserts (character 12) in front of every newline (character 10), and translates characters >127 to the corresponding backslash escape. Which translations are being made depends upon the current translation mode (the last number in the IOPAR variable, can be set with DOTRANSIO). 0: No translation 1: CRLF translation 2: CRLF and characters 128-159 (80h-9Fh) 3: CRLF and characters 128-255 (80h-FFh)" "2F34F") "KVIS" ("$ --> $'" "Like KVISLF, but never translates newlines." "2F34E") "KINVISLF" ("$ --> $' $''" "String translation for transfer from PC to HP. Translates digraphs in the string to characters and removes (character 12) in front of newline characters. Which translations are actually made depends upon the current translation mode, see KVISLF. $'' contains any incomplete trailing backslash sequence in the original string." "2F34D") "GETKP" ("" "" "2F33B") "SENDACK" ("" "" "2F371") "SENDNULLACK" ("" "" "2F375") "ACK_INIT" ("" "" "2F319") "CHOOSE_INIT" ("" "" "2F15A") "ENCODE1PKT" ("" "" "2F331") "ENCODE" ("" "" "2F330") "DECODE" ("" "" "2F32A") "UARTBUFLEN" ("" "" "2F387") "FLUSHRSBUF" ("" "" "2EEC8") "PUTSERIAL" ("" "" "2F364") "GETSERIAL" ("" "" "2F33F") "VERSTRING" ("--> $" "Returns version string." "2F389") "UART?" ("" "" "25F06") "UARTxcp" ("" "" "25F07") "SEND_PACKET" ("" "" "2F3A7" :UBS) "XEQIOBACKUP" ("" "" "2F292") "kermpktmsg" ("" "" "00C10") "kermrecvmsg" ("" "" "00C0E") "kermsendmsg" ("" "" "00C0D") "CK0" ("-->" "Saves current command to LASTCKCMD. Marks stack below level 1 to STACKMARK." "262B0") "CK1" ("ob --> ob" "Saves current command to LASTCKCMD. Verifies that there is at least one object in the stack, if not generates a \"Too Few Arguments\" error. Saves stack mark to STACKMARK. If Last Arg is enabled then saves the argument." "262B5") "CK2" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2" "Like CK1, but checks for at least two arguments." "262BA") "CK3" ("ob1...ob3 --> ob1...ob3" "Like CK1, but checks for at least three arguments." "262BF") "CK4" ("ob1...ob5 --> ob1...ob5" "Like CK1, but checks for at least four arguments." "262C4") "CK5" ("ob1...ob5 --> ob1...ob5" "Like CK1, but checks for at least five arguments." "262C9") "CKN" ("ob1...obn %n --> ob1..obn #n" "Checks for a real in level one. Then checks for that number of arguments. Finally, converts the real to a bint." "262CE") "CKN+1" ("ob1...obn+1 %n --> ob1..obn #n" "Checks for a real in level one. Then checks for n+1 of arguments. Finally, converts the real to a bint." "262D3" :UBS) "CK0NOLASTWD" ("-->" "Like CK0, but does not save current command." "26292") "CK1NOLASTWD" ("ob --> ob" "Like CK1, but does not save current command." "26297") "CK2NOLASTWD" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2" "Like CK2, but does not save current command." "2629C") "CK3NOLASTWD" ("ob1...ob3 --> ob1...ob3" "Like CK3, but does not save current command." "262A1") "CK4NOLASTWD" ("ob1...ob4 --> ob1...ob4" "Like CK4, but does not save current command." "262A6") "CK5NOLASTWD" ("ob1...ob5 --> ob1...ob5" "Like CK5, but does not save current command." "262AB") "CKNNOLASTWD" ("ob1...obn %n --> ob1..obn #n" "Like CKN, but does not save current command." "25F25") "CK&DISPATCH0" ("-->" "Dispatches on stack argument. Does not convert ZINTs to REAL. -- CK&DISPATCH1 CK&DISPATCH2 TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "2631E") "CK&DISPATCH1" ("-->" "Dispatches on stack arguments, stripping tags and converting ZINTS to REALS (HP49 only) if necessary. -- CK&DISPATCH0 CK&DISPATCH2 TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "26328") "CK&DISPATCH2" ("-->" "Equivalent to CK&DISPATCH1. -- CK&DISPATCH0 TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "26323") "CK1&Dispatch" ("-->" "Combines CK1 with CK&DISPATCH1. -- TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "26300") "CK2&Dispatch" ("-->" "Combines CK2 with CK&DISPATCH1. -- TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "26305") "CK3&Dispatch" ("-->" "Combines CK3 with CK&DISPATCH1. -- TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "2630A") "CK4&Dispatch" ("-->" "Combines CK4 with CK&DISPATCH1. -- TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "2630F") "CK5&Dispatch" ("-->" "Combines CK5 with CK&DISPATCH1. -- TEXT:Dispatch_Types" "26314") "0LastRomWrd!" ("-->" "Clears command save by last CK command. CK0" "25F9A") "0LASTOWDOB!" ("-->" "Clears command save by last CK command. CK0" "25F9A") "AtUserStack" ("-->" " :: CK0NOLASTWD 0LASTOWDOB! ;" "2EF6C") "CK1NoBlame" ("-->" " :: 0LASTOWDOB! CK1NOLASTWD ;" "25E9E") "'RSaveRomWrd" ("-->" "Stores first object in the composite above the actual to LASTCKCMD." "354CB") "'RSAVEWORD" ("-->" "Stores first object in the composite above the actual to LASTCKCMD." "354CB") "EvalNoCK" ("comp --> ?" "Evaluates composite without saving as current command. If first command is CK&Dispatch it is replaced by CK&DISPATCH1. If first command is CK it is skipped. Any other first command is also skipped!" "26319") "EvalNoCK:" ("RS ob -->" "EvalNoCK with the next object in the runstream as argument." "25F29" :UBS) "'EvalNoCK:_sup" ("RS ob -->" "EvalNoCK with the next object in the runstream as argument." "25F29" :UBS) "RunRPN:" ("RS ob -->" "Evaluate the next object in the runstream with RPN mode on (i.e. system flag 95 clear). After the evaluation, the system flag is restored to its old value. -- Flags: -95" "2A9E9") "CKREAL" ("% --> % Z --> %" "Checks for real. If a ZINT, convert to real. Else SETTYPEERR." "36B7B") "^CK1Z" ("$/#/hxs --> Z" "Checks for an integer. Converts strings, bints or hxs's to zints. Errors for other object types." "184006" :CSys) "^CK2Z" ("ob ob' --> Z Z'" "Like ^CK1Z, but for two objects." "185006" :CSys) "^CK3Z" ("ob ob' ob'' --> Z Z' Z''" "Like ^CK1Z, but for three objects." "186006" :CSys) "CKARRY" ("-->" "Checks for array." "3F33F" :UBS) "CKLIST" ("-->" "Checks for list." "3F3C1" :UBS) "CKSYMBTYPE" ("-->" "Checks for quoted name (name as symbolic)." "3D2B4") "nmetasyms" ("meta --> meta" "Checks for meta containing %, C%, unit, id, lam or symb." "2EF07") "TYPE" ("ob --> #prolog" "Returns address of prolog of object." "03C64") "XEQTYPE" ("ob --> ob %type" "System version of user word TYPE, but this keeps the object." "3BC43") "TYPEREAL?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3511D") "DTYPEREAL?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35118") "DUPTYPEREAL?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35118") "TYPECMP?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3512C") "DUPTYPECMP?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35127") "TYPECSTR?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3510E") "DTYPECSTR?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35109") "DUPTYPECSTR?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35109") "DTYPEARRY?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35136") "DUPTYPEARRY?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35136") "TYPEARRY?" ("ob --> flag ???" "" "3513B") "TYPERARRY?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35292") "TYPECARRY?" ("ob --> flag" "" "352AD") "TYPELIST?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35195") "DTYPELIST?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35190") "DUPTYPELIST?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35190") "TYPEIDNT?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3504B") "DUPTYPEIDNT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35046") "TYPELAM?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350E1") "DUPTYPELAM?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350DC") "^TYPEIDNTLAM?" ("ob --> flag" "Tests if ob is ID or lam." "194006" :wasCSys) "NotIDorLAM?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if ob is neither an ID nor a LAM. " "2F0D4" :UBS) "TYPESYMB?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35168") "DUPTYPESYMB?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35163") "TYPEHSTR?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350FF") "DUPTYPEHSTR?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350FA") "TYPEGROB?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35186") "DUPTYPEGROB?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35181") "TYPETAGGED?" ("ob --> flag" "" "351A4") "DUPTYPETAG?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "3519F") "TYPEEXT?" ("ob --> flag" "Is ob a unit object?" "351B3") "DUPTYPEEXT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Is ob a unit object?" "351AE") "TYPEROMP?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3514A") "DUPTYPEROMP?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35145") "TYPEBINT?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350F0") "DUPTYPEBINT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350EB") "TYPERRP?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35159") "DUPTYPERRP?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35154") "TYPECHAR?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3503C") "DUPTYPECHAR?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35037") "TYPECOL?" ("ob --> flag" "Is on a secondary?" "35177") "DTYPECOL?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Is ob a secondary?" "35172") "DUPTYPECOL?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Is ob a secondary?" "35172") "TYPEAPLET?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350D2") "DUPTYPEAPLET?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350CD") "TYPEFLASHPTR?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35087") "DUPTYPEFLASHPTR?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35082") "TYPEFONT?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350C3") "DUPTYPEFONT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350BE") "TYPELNGCMP?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350B4") "DUPTYPELNGCMP?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350AF") "TYPELNGREAL?" ("ob --> flag" "" "350A5") "DUPTYPELNGREAL?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "350A0") "TYPEZINT?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35096") "DUPTYPEZINT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35091") "^TYPEZ?" ("ob --> flag" "" "182006" :wasCSys) "^DUPTYPEZ?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "183006" :wasCSys) "^TYPEGAUSSINT?" ("ob --> flag" "Checks if ob is Gaussian integer." "114007" :1\.11 :wasCSys) "^DTYPEGAUSSINT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Checks if ob is Gaussian integer." "115007" :1\.11 :wasCSys) "^DUPTYPEGAUSSINT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Checks if ob is Gaussian integer." "116007" :1\.11 :wasCSys) "TYPEBAK?" ("ob --> flag" "" "3505A" :UBS) "DUPTYPEBAK?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35055" :UBS) "TYPELIB?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35069" :UBS) "DUPTYPELIB?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35064" :UBS) "TYPEMATRIX?" ("ob --> flag" "" "35078" :UBS) "DUPTYPEMATRIX?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35073" :UBS) "DTYPEMATRIX?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "35073" :UBS) "TYPEEXT0?" ("ob --> flag" "" "351C2" :UBS) "DUPTYPEEXT0?" ("ob --> ob flag" "" "351BD" :UBS) "^CK1Cext" ("ob --> flag" "Checks if object is integer or Gaussian integer." "187006" :wasCSys) "^CKALG" ("ob --> ob" "Checks that an object is real/cmplx/unit or idnt/lam/symbolic." "181006" :wasCSys) "?OKINALG" ("ob --> ob flag" "Is object allowed in algebraics?" "25E77") "^DTYPFMAT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is a symbolic matrix." "171006" :wasCSys) "^IDNTLAM?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if ob is idnt or lam." "191006" :wasCSys) "^FLOAT?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if ob is real or complex." "192006" :wasCSys) "^REAL?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if ob is real, zint or hxs." "195006" :wasCSys) "^TYPEREALZINT?" ("ob --> flag" "Tests if ob is real, zint or hxs." "196006" :wasCSys) "^CKSYMREALCMP" ("ob --> ob" "Does \"Bad Argument Type\" error if ob is not a real, complex or symbolics. " "193006" :wasCSys) "Ck&DecKeyLoc" ("%rc.p --> #kc #p" "Converts from user key representation format to system. Does handle shift-hold keys." "25EA7") "CodePl>%rc.p" ("#kc #p --> %rc.p" "Converts from system key representation format to user. Does handle shift-hold keys. " "25EA9") "H/W>KeyCode" ("# --> #'" "Converts the keycode offset for shift keys to the keycode of the shift key, i.e. 80h->32d, 40h->37d, C0h->42d" "25EDC") "H/WKey>KeyOb" ("" "" "25EDD") "ModifierKey?" ("#kc #pl --> flag" "Is the key any of the three modifiers right-shift, left-shift, or alpha?" "25EEA") "KeyOb@" ("--> id/romptr" "Returns the object assigned the the key which caused the current program to be executed, or whatever has been stored with KeyOb!" "2594E") "KeyOb!" ("ob -->" "Store ob as the KeyOb." "25949") "KeyOb0" ("-->" "Clear the KeyOb." "2593F") "KeyOb0?" ("--> flag" "Is the KeyOb clear?" "25944" :UBS) "FLUSH" ("-->" "Flushes the key buffer." "261CA") "FLUSHKEYS" ("-->" "Flushes the key buffer." "261CA") "CHECKKEY" ("--> #kc T --> F" "Returns next key in the key buffer (if there is one), but does not pop it. Does handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "04708") "GETTOUCH" ("--> #kc T --> F" "Pops next key from key buffer (if there is one). Does handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "04714") "GETKEY" ("--> #kc flag" "Get a single keypress from the keybuffer, waits if necessary. The key is returned along with TRUE. If an exception happens, returns FALSE. The exception is not handled. Does handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "25ED6") "GETKEY*" ("--> #kc T --> F F --> {Alrmlist} T F" "Get a single keypress from the keybuffer, waits if necessary. The key is returned along with TRUE. If an exception happens (error or alarm), the exceptions is handled and the entry returns FALSE. Does handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "25ED7") "GetKeyOb" ("--> ob" "Wait for a single key and return the object associated with this key. Does handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "25ED9") "DoKeyOb" ("ob -->" "Execute ob as if it had been assigned to a key and the key had been pressed." "25EC5") "REPKEY?" ("#kc --> flag" "Returns TRUE if the key is being pressed. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "047C7") "REPEATER" ("-->" "Takes two objects from the runstream, a BINT and a program. The BINT must represent a keycode. The program is evaluated at least once, and then again and again as long as the specified key is being pressed. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "25EF5") "REPEATERCH" ("-->" "Same as REPEATER, but slower, so more appropriate for scrolling and cursor motions. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "25EF6") "KEYINBUFFER?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if there is at least a key in the key buffer." "25EE3") "WaitForKey" ("--> #kc #flag" "Returns next full key press. Does *not* handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "25F0B") "Wait/GetKey" ("% --> ?" "Internal WAIT command. Does *not* handle shift-hold keys. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "2F268") "ATTN?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if `CANCEL' has been pressed." "25FAE") "?ATTN_QUIT" ("-->" "If `CANCEL' has been pressed, ABORTs program." "25E70") "?ATTNQUIT" ("-->" "If `CANCEL' has been pressed, ABORTs program." "25E70") "CK0ATTNABORT" ("-->" "Executed by the UserRPL program delimiters x<< and x>> and by xUNTIL. Mainly just ?ATTNQUIT." "25E9D") "NoAttn?Semi" ("-->" "If `CANCEL' has been not pressed, drops the rest of the stream." "25EED") "ATTNFLG@" ("--> #" "Recalls `CANCEL' key counter." "05040") "ATTNFLGCLR" ("-->" "Clears `CANCEL' key counter. Does not affect the key buffer." "05068") "DoBadKey" ("-->" "Beeps." "25EBF") "DropBadKey" ("ob -->" "Beeps." "25ECD") "2DropBadKey" ("ob ob' -->" "Beeps." "25E6E") "UserKeys?" ("--> flag" "Does BINT62 TestSysFlag." "25F09") "GetUserKeys" ("--> {}" "Returns user keys list (internal format). -- TEXT:Reserved|UserKeys" "25967") "StoUserKeypatch" ("ob #kc #p -->" "Assigns an object to a key, specified in system format. If ob is NULL{}, then this actually deletes a key assignment. -- TEXT:Reserved|UserKeys" "2F3B3" :UBS) "UserKeys!" ("{} -->" "Stores user keys (list is in internal format). -- TEXT:Reserved|UserKeys" "25962" :UBS) "UserKeys0" ("-->" "" "25958" :UBS) "UserKeys0?" ("--> flag" "" "2595D" :UBS) "NonUsrKeyOK?" ("--> flag" "" "25612" :UBS) "SetNUsrKeyOK" ("-->" "Keys not defined do their normal actions." "25617" :UBS) "ClrNUsrKeyOK" ("-->" "Keys not defined just beep when pressed." "2561C" :UBS) "Key>StdKeyOb" ("#kc #pl --> ob" "Recalls the standard assignment of the key. This is the assignment which is active when USER mode is of." "25EE5") "Key>U/SKeyOb" ("#kc #pl --> ob" "If user mode is on, recalls the user object assigned to a key. If user mode is off, recalls the standard assignment instead." "25EE6") "?Key>UKeyOb" ("" "" "25E76") "^KEYEVAL" ("% --> ?" "Keystroke evaluation. If % is negative, the standard key is always evaluated." "255006" :wasCSys) "Do1User?" ("--> flag" "Checks if the 1USR flag is set. -- Flags: -61" "25600" :UBS) "SetDo1User" ("-->" "Sets the 1USR flag. -- Flags: -61" "25605" :UBS) "ClrDo1User" ("-->" "Clears the 1USR flag. -- Flags: -61" "2560A" :UBS) "GETDF" ("#menukey --> ob" "Gets the definition of a menu key from THOUCHTAB. #menukey = #1..#6" "04A41") "GETPROC" ("#menukey --> ob" "Gets the definition of a menu key from THOUCHTAB. #menukey = #1..#6. With #7, get the executor." "04A0B") "SETDF" ("" "" "04A4C" :UBS) "SETPROC" ("" "" "04A57" :UBS) "BadMenu?" ("--> flag" "Does the menu need an update?" "2581B" :UBS) "SetBadMenu" ("-->" "Mark the mennu as bad. " "25820" :UBS) "ClrBadMenu" ("-->" "Mark the menu as OK." "25825" :UBS) "LabelDef!" ("ob -->" "Store a program which displays a menu label. Prg has the stack diagram ( #col ob \\-> ) For example, the LIBS command uses the following program to make all menu label look like directories: :: DUPNULL$? ITE MakeStdLabel MakeDirLabel Grob>Menu ; During execution, INDEX@ will contain the menu key number." "25877") "LabelDef@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current definition of LebelDef." "2587C" :UBS) "LastMenuDef!" ("menu -->" "Sets the definition of the last menu. menu is a MenuList or a program, or a Rompointer." "25908") "LastMenuDef@" ("--> menu" "Recalls the definition of the last menu. menu is a MenuList or a program, or a Rompointer." "2590D") "LastMenuDef?" ("ob -->" "Is there a value for LastMenuDef?" "25903" :UBS) "SaveLastMenu" ("-->" "Stores row and definition of current menu as the last menu." "25EFB") "LastMenuRow!" ("#n -->" "Sets the row of the last menu. #n is not the row, but the index of the first menu key in that row, i.e. 1,7,13,\\.." "260A8") "LastMenuRow@" ("--> #n" "Recalls the index to the first menu key in the current row of the last menu. Returns 1 for the first page, 7 for the second page, 13 for the third and so on." "260AD") "MenuData!" ("ob -->" "Store ob as the current MenuData definition." "2584F" :UBS) "MenuData@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current MenuData definition." "25854" :UBS) "GetMenuData" ("-->" "" "2585E" :UBS) "MenuDef?" ("-->" "Is there a current menu definition?" "2582D" :UBS) "MenuDef!" ("ob -->" "Store ob as the current menu definition." "25840" :UBS) "MenuDef@" ("--> menu" "Recalls the current menu definition. menu is a MenuList or a program, or a Rompointer." "25845") "MenuExitAct!" ("ob -->" "Store ob as exit action." "258EF" :UBS) "NoExitAction" ("-->" "Sets NOP as ExitAction. Mostly used to avoid that the menu is saved as the previous menu when a new Menu gets installed." "25EEF") "MenuExitAct@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current definition of MenuExitAct." "258F4" :UBS) "DoMenuExit" ("-->" "Execute the current definition of MenuExitAct." "258FE" :UBS) "MenuRow!" ("#n -->" "Sets the menu row. #n is not the row, but the index of the first menu key in that row, i.e. 1,7,13,\\.." "260B7") "MenuRow@" ("--> #n" "Recalls the index of the first menu key in the current menu page. Returns 1 for the first page, 7 for the second page, 13 for the third and so on." "260BC") "MenuKeyLS!" ("ob --> ob" "Set the action for left-shifted menu keys. The program receives the action part of the menu item as an argument, i.e. {ob-NS ob-LS ob-RS}." "2589F") "StdMenuKeyLS" ("{ob-NS ob-LS ob-RS} --> ?" "The content of MenuKeyLS for standard menus." "25F02") "MenuKeyLS@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current definition of MenuKeyLS." "258A4" :UBS) "DoMenuKeyLS" ("???" "Execute the current definition of MenuKeyLS." "258AE" :UBS) "MenuKeyNS!" ("og --> ob" "Set the action for unshifted menu keys. The program receives the action part of the menu item as an argument, i.e. ob-NS or {ob-NS ob-LS ob-RS}." "2588B") "MenuKeyNS@" ("--> ob" "Recall the action for unshifted menu keys." "25890") "SetKeysNS" ("ob -->" "Sets ob as MenuKeysNS, DoBadKey to LS & RS." "25EFC") "StdMenuKeyNS" ("ob-NS --> ? {ob-NS ob-LS ob-RS} --> ?" "The content of MenuKeyNS for standard menus." "25F03") "MenuKeyRS!" ("ob --> ob" "Set the action for right-shifted menu keys. The program receives the action part of the menu item as an argument, i.e. {ob-NS ob-LS ob-RS}." "258B3") "MenuKeyRS@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current definition of MenuKeyRS." "258B8" :UBS) "DoMenuKeyRS" ("???" "Execute the current definition of MenuKeyRS." "258C2" :UBS) "Rebuild?" ("--> flag" "Does the menu need a rebuild?" "25809" :UBS) "SetRebuild" ("-->" "Sets the flag that the menu needs to be rebuild. " "2580E") "ClrRebuild" ("-->" "Clear the menu Rebuild flag." "25813" :UBS) "ReviewKey!" ("ob -->" "Store a program which is called with the review key (RS DOWN). The program has the stack diagram ( \\-> )" "258C7") "ReviewKey@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current definition of the review program." "258CC" :UBS) "DoReview" ("-->" "Execute the program stored with ReviewKey!. This program should show information about the commands in the current menu page. The default program just displays the full names of the menu entries (retrieved with GETPROC >Review$)." "258D6" :UBS) "MenuRowAct!" ("ob -->" "Stores ob as the RowAct menu property." "25863") "MenuRowAct@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current MenuRowAct property." "25868" :UBS) "DoMenuRowAct" ("???" "Execute the current MenuRowAct program." "25872" :UBS) "Track?" ("--> flag" "Is there a Trach action defined for the current menu? " "257F7" :UBS) "SetTrack" ("ob -->" "Set the program which should be executed when the current directory changes. For many menus, this is just a NOP, but for example the VAR menu needs it to display the correct variables." "257FC" :UBS) "ClrTrack" ("-->" "Clear the TrackAct program." "25801" :UBS) "DoTrack" ("-->" "Execute the current TrackAct program. " "258EA" :UBS) "InitTrack:" ("-->" "Execute the program which is next in the runstream if the directory changes. Used by the VAR menu to set first menurow when diretory changes, or by the CST menu to rebuild it." "25EE2") "TrackAct!" ("ob -->" "Store a program for the track action. This program should have a stack diagram ( \\-> )." "258DB" :UBS) "TrackAct@" ("--> ob" "Recall the current TrackAct program." "258E0" :UBS) "TakeOver" ("-->" "Override the default menu key executer. If this is the first entry in a program, the program can be used in edit mode. When the first in a program in the label slot of a menu key, the program is evaluated to get the label object (most likely a grob)." "275C6") "NullMenuKey" ("-->" "A placeholder for an empty menu key when defining menu lists." "27FED") "Modifier" ("-->" " :: TakeOver ;" "275EE") "MenuMaker" ("--> ob" "Quotes next object, and also provides TakeOver. The disassembly is :: TakeOver 'R ; Normally this is used like this: :: MenuMaker menu InitMenu ;" "27620") "InitMenu" ("menu -->" "menu is {} or :: settings {} ; Settings override the default settings installed by InitMenu." "25EE0") "DoMenuKey" ("menu -->" " :: SetDA12NoCh InitMenu ;" "25EC6") "InitMenu%" ("%mnu.pg --> %0 -->" "" "25EE1") "GetMenu%" ("--> %" "" "25EDA") "StartMenu" ("menu #n -->" "#n is the index of the first menu key on the page, use 1 for the first page, 7 for the second etc. StartMenu does ExitAction (Previous menu!), sets the default menu properties and page. Then it evaluates menu, stores result to MenuKeys and executes SetThisRow." "25F00") "SetThisRow" ("-->" "Builds a new TOUCHTAB, SetBadMenu." "25EFE") "LoadTouchTbl" ("MenuKey1 .. MenuKeyN #n -->" "Builds new TOUCHTAB from menukeys." "25EE8") "SysMenuCheck" ("-->" "Checks menu validity. If DA3NoCh? then nothing. If Track? then ?DoTrackAct@. If Rebuild? then SetThisRow." "2EF66") "?DispMenu" ("-->" "Redisplays the menu now if no key is waiting in the buffer. Even better is this: :: DA3OK?NOTIT ?DispMenu ;" "2DFCC") "DispMenu.1" ("-->" "Displays menu now." "2DFF4") "DispMenu" ("-->" ":: DispMenu.1 SetDAsValid ;" "2DFE0") "Grob>Menu" ("#col grob -->" "Displays grob as menu label." "2E0D5") "Str>Menu" ("#col $ -->" "Displays string as menu label." "2E0F3") "Id>Menu" ("#col id -->" "Displays id as menu label." "2E11B") "Seco>Menu" ("#col :: -->" "Does EVAL then DoLabel." "2E107") "DoLabel" ("#col ob -->" "If ob is of one of the supported types, displays a menu label. If not, generates a \"Bad Argument Type\" error." "25886") "MakeLabel" ("$ #w #x grob --> grob'" "Inserts $ into grob using CENTER$3x5 with y=5." "2E2AA") "^WRITEMENU" ("$6...$1 -->" "Displays the six strings as menu keys." "08E007" :wasCSys) "CheckMenuRow" ("# --> # #'" "" "25EA6") "SetSomeRow" ("#n -->" "with Mod(n,FFFFFh)= 0." "25EFD") "DoMenuKeyNS" ("#n -->" "" "2589A") "MenuKey" ("-->" "Takes NOB from Runstream." "275FD") "CLEARMENU" ("-->" "" "2F15B") "CHECKMENU" ("-->" "" "25F2B") "nCustomMenu" ("-->" "Installs the CST menu." "2C2C0") "SolvMenuInit" ("-->" "Sets MenuKeyNS/LS/RS, ReviewKey and LabelDef properties needed by the Solver menu." "25EFF") "DoSolvrMenu" ("-->" "Installs the solver menu which is also available via 75 MENU." "25ECC") "DoNameKeyLRS" ("" "" "25EC7") "DoNameKeyRS" ("" "" "25EC8") "DoFirstRow" ("-->" "Sets the first row of the current menu." "25EC3") "DoNextRow" ("" "" "25EC9") "DoPrevRow" ("" "" "25ECB") "InputLine" ("args --> $ T --> $ ob1..obn T --> ob1..obn T --> F args = $pr $line #pos #I/R #I/A #alph menu #row attn #parse" "" "2EF5F") "Ck&Input1" ("$1 $2 --> $3" "This is what the User command INPUT does if level 1 is a string." "2F154" :UBS) "Ck&Input2" ("$1 {} --> $3" "This is what the User command INPUT does if level 1 is a list." "2F155" :UBS) "InputLAttn" ("" "" "2F344") "InputLEnter" ("" "" "2F345") "^IfMain" ("l1..ln f1..fm #n #m msg $ --> ob1..obn T --> F\\n l = $ #x #y f = msg #x #y #w #h #type legal dec $hlp ChDat ChDec res init" "Starts an input form using the new engine." "020004") "DoInputForm" ("l1..ln f1..fm #n #m msg $ --> ob1..obn T --> F\\n l = $ #x #y f = msg #x #y #w #h #type legal dec $hlp ChDat ChDec res init" "Starts an input form using the old engine." "2C371") "~IFMenuRow1" ("--> {}" "Returns the menu for the first menu row of an InputForm." "0050B0") "~IFMenuRow2" ("--> {}" "Returns the menu for the second menu row of an InputForm." "0060B0") "^IfSetFieldVisible" ("# T/F(fld/lbl) T/F(val) --> # T/F(fld/blb) #0 --> T/F(val)" "Toggles the field or label visible or invisible. Second argument specifies if # means a field or a label. Third argument is the value to set. ZERO as third argument means to retrieve the current setting." "021004") "^IfSetSelected" ("# T/F(fld/lbl) T/F(val) --> # T/F(fld/blb) #0 --> T/F(val)" "Toggles the field or label selected or not selected (appears in inverse video on the screen)." "022004") "^IfSetGrob" ("# T/F(fld/lbl) grb -->" "Sets the grob of a field or a label (modifies the data saved in the data string)." "023004") "^IfSetFieldValue" ("val # -->" "Sets the value of a field (full handling, including GROB setting). " "024004") "^IfGetFieldValue" ("# --> val" "Gets the value of the Nth field." "026004") "^IfGetCurrentFieldValue" ("-->" "Gets the value of the current field." "027004") "^IfSetCurrentFieldValue" ("val -->" "Sets the value of the current field." "025004") "^IfGetFieldMessageHandler" ("# --> prg" "Retrieves a field message handler." "028004") "^IfGetFieldType" ("# --> #type" "Retrieves the field type." "029004") "^IfGetFieldObjectsType" ("# --> {}" "Retrieves the field object type list." "02A004") "^IfGetFieldDecompObject" ("# --> val" "Retrieves the field decomp value." "02B004") "^IfGetFieldChooseData" ("# --> {}" "Retrieves the field data for choose." "02C004") "^IfGetFieldChooseDecomp" ("# --> val" "Retrieves the field decomp value in QcaseQ of choose." "02D004") "^IfGetFieldResetValue" ("# --> val" "Retrieves the field reset value." "02E004") "^IfSetFieldResetValue" ("val # -->" "Changes the field reset value." "02F004") "^IfGetFieldInternalValue" ("# --> val" "Retrieves the field internal value." "030004") "^IfDisplayFromData" ("-->" "Displays the datastring on the screen. Takes care of the command line size. " "031004") "^IfGetNbFields" ("--> #n" "Recalls the number of fields from the data string." "032004") "^IfCheckSetValue" ("# val -->" "Checks or uncheck a check field." "033004") "^IfCheckFieldtype" ("ob --> ob flag" "Checks if an object meets the current field type requirements." "034004") "^IfGetPrlgFromTypes" ("{} --> {}' #FFFFF --> #0" "Generates a list of the allowed prologs for a field." "04C004") "^IfReset" ("-->" "Resets all fields, set as the current value their reset value. Used to explode the datalist on the stack to work on it. " "035004") "^IfSetField" ("# -->" "Makes a different field \"current\"." "036004") "^IfKeyChoose" ("--> val -->" "If the current field is a choose field, displays the posibilities and let the user choose. A value is returned only if the user does not press `CANCEL'." "037004") "^IfKeyEdit" ("--> (cmd line)" "Edits the current field value if possible. You cannot edit a choose and a label choose field." "038004") "^IfKeyTypes" ("--> (cmd line) -->" "Displays a Choose box with all the possible types for this field. A command line is opened only if the user replies with OK." "039004") "^IfKeyCalc" ("--> val" "Puts the value of the field on the stack and HALT. Allows to the user to compute a new value." "03A004") "^IfKeyInvertCheck" ("-->" "Inverts the current check field value. " "03B004") "^IfONKeyPress" ("-->" "On Key handler. Gives the oportunity to the user to perform his own program. Asks to the IF if we can leave. If Yes, puts a FALSE (quit with ON (if canceled)) and sets the 'Quit LAM to TRUE. " "03C004") "^IfEnterKeyPress" ("-->" "Enter Key management. Gives the oportunity to the user to perform his own program. Asks to the IF if we can leave. If yes, puts the fields values on the stack put a TRUE (if validated) and sets the 'Quit LAM to TRUE." "03D004") "^IfSetHelpString" ("$dat #n $/# --> $dat'" "Sets the help string associated with a field. This is used by the automatic IF generator program and should not be use in other ways." "03F004" :NOSDIAG) "^IfSetTitle" ("$dat grb/$/# --> $dat'" "Alters a DataString modifying the Title part. This is used by automatic IF generator program ans should not be use in other ways. " "040004" :NOSDIAG) "^IfInitDepth" ("-->" "Initializes the internal depth counter. This has to be used when running a command modifying the stack " "04A004") "^IfMain2" ("$dat handl {} --> F --> ob1...obn T" "Internal Inform Box main program. Alters a DataString modifying the Title part. This is used by automatic IF generator program ans should not be used in a different way." "042004" :NOSDIAG) "^IfPutFieldsOnStack" ("--> ob1...obn" "Puts on the stack the external value of each field." "043004") "^IfSetFieldPos" ("# T/F(fld/lbl) #x #y #w #h -->" "Changes the size and position of an object Note: You can not change the size or the X position of a label or a check field. " "044004") "^IfGetFieldPos" ("# T/F(fld/lbl) --> #x #y #w #h" "Gets the size and position of an object." "045004") "^IfSetAllLabelsMessages" ("$dat bmsg #n --> $dat" "Sets the text of a set of labels." "047004") "^IfSetAllHelpStrings" ("$dat bmsg #n --> $dat" "Sets the Help String of all fields." "048004") "^IsUncompressDataString" ("$dc --> $dat" "Uncompresses a compressed data string." "04D004") "^IfCreateTitleGrob" ("" "" "049004") "^IfDisplayFromData2" ("" "" "046004") "^IfSetTitle2" ("" "" "041004") "^Filer" ("-->" "Calls the standard filer." "067004") "^FILER_MANAGER" ("{path} {args} --> flag {args} = { item1 item2 ... } item = {name loc action [prog] [key]} ... }" "Customized Filer, browsing all object types. {path} is the starting path for the filer, it can be an empty list for HOME. Tagging the empty list with \"0\", \"1\" or \"2\" makes the filer start in the corresponding port. flag is FALSE when filer is exited with ON, otherwise TRUE. Filer_Action_Reference" "06D004") "^FILER_MANAGERTYPE" ("{types} {path} {args} --> {args} = { item1 item2 ... } item = {name loc action [prog] [key]} ... }" "Customized filer for selected types only. The types are prologue addresses like { DOFONT DORRP DOBAK } etc. FILER_MANAGER Filer_Action_Reference" "06E004") "~Choose" ("::Appl $Title ::Convert {} offset --> {}' T --> ob T --> F" "The return value is a list if checkfields are enabled, otherwise it is just the selected object. Only FALSE is returned when the user presses `CANCEL'. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0000B3") "~ChooseMenu0" ("--> {}" "Menus with \"OK\". -- TEXT:Browser48" "0050B3") "~ChooseMenu1" ("--> {}" "Menus with \"CANCL\", \"OK\". -- TEXT:Browser48" "0060B3") "~ChooseMenu2" ("--> {}" "Menus with \"CHK\", \"CANCL\", \"OK\". -- TEXT:Browser48" "0070B3") "~ChooseSimple" ("$title {items} --> ob T --> F" "Simple interface to the HP48 choose engine. On the HP49G, calls ^RunChooseSimple. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0630B3") "^RunChooseSimple" ("$title {items} --> ob T --> F" "Simple interface to the HP48 choose engine. -- TEXT:Browser48" "004002") "^DoCKeyCheck" ("-->" "Toggle check on current item. -- TEXT:Browser48" "09F002") "^DoCKeyChAll" ("-->" "Check all elements. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0A0002") "^DoCKeyUnChAll" ("-->" "Uncheck all items. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0B0002") "^DoCKeyCancel" ("-->" "Simulate Cancel. -- TEXT:Browser48" "09E002") "^DoCKeyOK" ("-->" "Simulate OK. -- TEXT:Browser48" "09D002") "^LEDispPrompt" ("-->" "Redraw title. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0B3002") "^LEDispList" ("-->" "Redraw browser lines. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0B2002") "^LEDispItem" ("# -->" "Redraw one line. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0B1002") "~BBMoveTo" ("# -->" "Moves selection to line and updates display. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0150B3" :UBS) "~BBRecalOff&Disp" ("flag -->" "Recalculates offset of selected item in page, and redraws lines if the flag is TRUE. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0190B3" :UBS) "~BBRunEntryProc" ("-->" "Sends message 85 to ::Appl, thus running the user-defined start-up procedure. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0220B3" :UBS) "~BBReReadPageSize" ("-->" "Re-reads the size of the page (message 57). -- TEXT:Browser48" "0230B3" :UBS) "~BBReReadHeight" ("-->" "Re-reads the height of the browser line (message 58). -- TEXT:Browser48" "0240B3" :UBS) "~BBReReadCoords" ("-->" "Re-reads the coordinates of the browser box (message 63). -- TEXT:Browser48" "0250B3" :UBS) "~BBReReadWidth" ("-->" "Re-reads the width of the browser line (message 59). -- TEXT:Browser48" "0260B3" :UBS) "~BBRunENTERAction" ("-->" "Sends message 96 to ::Appl, thus running the OK action. It does not check the value returned and never exits. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0280B3" :UBS) "~BBRunCanclAction" ("-->" "Sends message 91 to ::Appl, thus running the `CANCEL' action. It does not check the value returned and never exits. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0290B3" :UBS) "~BBReDrawBackgr" ("-->" "Redraws the background. -- TEXT:Browser48" "02F0B3" :UBS) "~BBGetNGrob" ("#n --> grob" "Returns nth element as a grob. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0370B3" :UBS) "~BBGetNStr" ("#n --> $" "Returns nth element as a string. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0380B3" :UBS) "~BBRereadChkEnbl" ("-->" "Re-reads whether checkmarks are enabled. (Message 61). -- TEXT:Browser48" "03B0B3" :UBS) "~BBRereadFullScr" ("-->" "Re-reads whether to use full-screen mode. (Message 60). -- TEXT:Browser48" "03C0B3" :UBS) "~BReReadMenus" ("-->" "Re-reads the menu. (Message 83). -- TEXT:Browser48" "03D0B3" :UBS) "~BBReReadNElems" ("-->" "Re-reads the number of elements. (Message 62). -- TEXT:Browser48" "03E0B3" :UBS) "~BBGetN" ("#n --> ob" "Returns nth element. -- TEXT:Browser48" "03F0B3" :UBS) "~BBIsChecked?" ("#n --> flag" "Returns whether the given element is checked. -- TEXT:Browser48" "04B0B3" :UBS) "~BBUpArrow" ("--> grob" "Returns up arrow as grob -- TEXT:Browser48" "0520B3" :UBS) "~BBDownArrow" ("--> grob" "Returns down arrow as grob -- TEXT:Browser48" "0530B3" :UBS) "~BBSpace" ("--> grob" "Returns a space as grob. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0540B3" :UBS) "~BBPgDown" ("-->" "Go down one page. -- TEXT:Browser48" "0590B3" :UBS) "~BBPgUp" ("-->" "Go up one page. -- TEXT:Browser48" "05A0B3" :UBS) "~BBEmpty?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if the browser has no elements. -- TEXT:Browser48" "05B0B3" :UBS) "~BBGetDefltHeight" ("--> #" "Returns height of lines based on the font that will be used. This value is the default height of the browser. Equivalent to FPTR 2 64. -- TEXT:Browser48" "05C0B3" :UBS) "~BRbrowse" ("" "" "0100E0") "^BRDispItems" ("" "" "0A5003") "^BRdone" ("" "" "0A4003") "^BRGetItem" ("" "" "0AB003") "^BRinverse" ("" "" "0A6003") "~BRoutput" ("" "" "0130E0") "^BrowseMem.1" ("" "" "070004") "~BRRclC1" ("-->" " :: LAM 'BR5 ;" "0190E0") "~BRRclCurRow" ("" " :: LAM 'BR3 ;" "0180E0") "~BRStoC1" ("" " :: ' LAM 'BR5 STO ;" "0030E0") "^BRViewItem" ("" "" "0A7003") "^Choose3" ("meta $title #pos ::handler --> ob T --> F" "The main choose engine. -- TEXT:Browser49" "072002" :UBS) "^Choose3Save" ("meta $title #pos ::handler --> ob T --> F" "Save and restore HARDBUFF/2 around a ^Choose3 call. -- TEXT:Browser49" "073002" :UBS) "^Choose3Index" ("meta $title #pos ::handler --> #idx T --> F" "Same as ^Choose3, but returns the index of the selected item instead of the item itself. #idx starts at zero. -- TEXT:Browser49" "074002" :UBS) "^Choose2" ("meta $title #pos --> ob T --> F" "Call ^Choose3 with empty message handler. -- TEXT:Browser49" "06E002" :UBS) "^Choose2Save" ("meta $title #pos --> ob T --> F" "Save and restore HARDBUFF/2 around a ^Choose2 call. -- TEXT:Browser49" "06F002" :UBS) "^Choose2Index" ("meta $title #pos --> #idx T --> F" "Call Choose3Index with empty message handler. This is just :: 'DROPFALSE FPTR2 ^Choose3Index ; -- TEXT:Browser49" "070002" :UBS) "^sysCHOOSE" ("$title {} %sel --> ob %1 $title {} %sel --> %0" "Equivalent to User RPL CHOOSE command. -- TEXT:Browser49" "005002" :UBS) "^ChooseDefHandler" ("--> ::handler" "Pushed the default message handler (the one used by the `CAT' key) on the stack. -- TEXT:Browser49" "075002" :UBS) "^SaveHARDBUFF" ("-->" "Save HARDBUFF and HARDBUFF2 is a safe place. -- TEXT:Browser49" "088002" :UBS) "^RestoreHARDBUFF" ("-->" "Restore HARDBUFF and HARDBUFF2 saved with SaveHARDBUFF. -- TEXT:Browser49" "089002" :UBS) "^Choose3OK" ("-->" "The OK action executed by Choose3 if OK or ENTER is pressed. -- TEXT:Browser49" "077002" :UBS) "^Choose3CANCL" ("-->" "The CANCEL action executed by Choose3 if `CANCL' or `ON' is pressed. -- TEXT:Browser49" "076002" :UBS) "ParOuterLoop" ("Disp Keys NonAppKeys? DoStdKeys? menu #row suspendOK? ExitCond AppErr -->" "" "2B475") "POLSaveUI" ("Disp Keys NonAppKeys? DoStdKeys? menu #row suspendOK? ExitCond AppErr -->" "Saves current UI to LAMSavedUI." "2B4AC") "POLSetUI" ("ParOuterLoop" "Sets new UI, same arguments as to ParOuterLoop." "2B542") "POLKeyUI" ("-->" "Displays, reads and evaluates keys according to set UI. " "2B628") "POLRestoreUI" ("-->" "Restores saved UI from LAMSavedUI." "2B6CD") "POLResUI&Err" ("-->" "Restores saved UI and executes ERRJMP." "2B6B4") "AppDisplay!" ("ob -->" "" "29F25") "AppDisplay@" ("-->" "" "29F35") "AppKeys!" ("ob -->" "" "29F55") "AppKeys0" ("???" "" "29F75") "AppKeys@" ("" "" "29F65" :UBS) "AppExitCond!" ("ob -->" "" "2A055") "AppExitCond@" ("--> ob" "" "2A065") "AppError!" ("ob -->" "" "2A145") "AppError@" ("--> ob" "" "2A158") "AppMode?" ("--> flag" "Is currently a POL active?" "25690") "SetAppMode" ("-->" "" "25695") "ClrAppMode" ("-->" "" "2569A") "SetNAppKeyOK" ("-->" "" "2564D") "ClrNAppKeyOK" ("-->" "" "25652" :UBS) "DoStdKeys?" ("--> flag" "" "2565A") "SetDoStdKeys" ("-->" "" "2565F") "ClrDoStdKeys" ("-->" "" "25664" :UBS) "SuspendOK?" ("--> flag" "Does the current user interface allow suspension?" "25F04") "nohalt" ("--> ob" " :: LAM 'nohalt ;" "27E72") "AppSuspOK?" ("-->" "" "2566C" :UBS) "SetAppSuspOK" ("-->" "" "25671") "ClrAppSuspOK" ("-->" "" "25676") "InitPOLVars" ("" "" "2B709") "EditLExists?" ("--> flag" "Does an EditLine exist?" "257A2") "NoEditLine?" ("--> flag" "Does no EditLine exist?" "2EEED") "RCL_CMD" ("--> $" "Returns a copy of the current command line to the stack. Same as EDITLINE$." "2F196") "EDITLINE$" ("--> $" "Returns a copy of the current command line to the stack. Same as RCL_CMD." "2EEEB") "RCL_CMD2" ("--> $" "Similar to RCL_CMD, but if there is not enough memory to copy the EditLine to the stack, it will move the current EditLine into TEMPOB. Of course, this will delete the current EditLine." "2F197") "RCL_CMD_POS" ("--> #" "Recalls the current cursor position." "2EF87") "CURSOR@" ("--> #" "Recalls the current cursor position." "26585") "CURSOR_PART" ("--> #" "Recalls the current cursor row (line). There is no such entry for the column, but CURSOR_OFF FIRSTC@ #+ can be used for this purpose." "26594" :UBS) "ChrAtCur" ("--> chr" "Returns the character under the cursor. At the end of the file, returns CHR_00." "2F158" :UBS) "CURSOR_END?" ("--> flag" "Checks if the cursor is at the end of a line or at the end of the file. Works by checking the current character against newline and CHR_00." "2EEEA") "CAL_CURS_POS" ("#l #c --> #" "Computes a position in the current EditLine from line and column number. The result can be used by STO_CURS_POS to move the cursor to that location. If #line is larger than the number of lines in the EditLine, computes the position of the last line. " "2EF91") "CAL_CURS_POS_VIS" ("#l #c --> #" "Similar to CAL_CURS_POS, but will ignore invisible characters. The result can be used by STO_CURS_POS_VIS to move the cursor to that location." "2EF90") "RCL_CMD_MODE" ("--> $" "Recalls a string with current editor settings. Can be used together with STO_CMD_MODE to save and restore the state of the EditLine, when temporarily leaving the editor with HALT or when calling a program which must temporarily change settings." "2F199") "STO_CMD_MODE" ("$ -->" "Stores a mode string similar to the one obtained by RCL_CMD_MODE." "2F198") "CURSOR_PART+" ("" "" "26599" :UBS) "CURSOR_PART-" ("" "" "2659E" :UBS) "CURPART->1" ("" "" "265A3" :UBS) "CURPART->CR+" ("" "" "265A8" :UBS) "CURSORPLUS" ("" "" "26562" :UBS) "CURSORMINUS" ("" "" "26567" :UBS) "?CURSOR+" ("" "" "26571" :UBS) "CURSOR-" ("" "" "2658F" :UBS) "TOPLINE!" ("# -->" "Sets the line of the current editor content which should be displayed at the top of the editor window." "264B3" :UBS) "TOPLINE@" ("--> #" "Recalls the line number of the first displayed line." "264B8" :UBS) "TOPLINE+" ("-->" "Increases TOPLINE by one. If the cursor leaves the screen, cursor and display window are moved to the beginning of the file." "264BD" :UBS) "TOPLINE-" ("-->" "Decreases TOPLINE by one. If the cursor leaves the screen, cursor and display window are moved to the beginning of the file." "264C2" :UBS) "FIRSTC@" ("--> #" "Column of the left display window edge." "264CC") "FIRSTC+" ("-->" "Increases the position of the left window ege by one." "264DB") "FIRSTC-" ("-->" "Decreases the position of the left window ege by one." "264D6" :UBS) "SETFIRSTC_0" ("-->" "Sets the position of the left display window edge to zero." "264D1") "CURSOR_OFF" ("--> #" "Cursor column relative to left edge of display window." "26030") "CURSOR_OFF+" ("-->" "Increases the CURSOR offset by one." "26580") "CURSOR_OFF0" ("-->" "Sets the cursor offset to zero." "2657B") "CURSOR_OFF!" ("# -->" "Sets the cursor offset." "26576" :UBS) "CMD_PLUS" ("$ -->" "Inserts string at current cursor position in EditLine." "2EF74") "CMD_PLUS2" ("$ -->" "Replaces entire current EditLine with new string. When there is not enough memory to copy the string on stack level 1, moves the string out of TEMPOB. You must be careful that the string is not referenced in any way. The cursor is moved to the end of the new string." "2F194") "CMD_PLUS3" ("$ -->" "Same as CMD_PLUS2, but the cursor position is not changed. Useful when restoring a command line context after HALT." "2F195") "InsertEcho" ("$ -->" "Inserts string at current cursor position in EditLine." "2EF97") "Echo$Key" ("$/chr -->" "Same as CMD_PLUS." "2EEE4") "EchoChrKey" ("$/chr -->" "Same as CMD_PLUS, but first ?TogU/LCase." "2EEE3") "Echo$NoChr00" ("$ -->" "Inserts string at current cursor position in EditLine." "2F11C") "DoDelim" ("-->" "Takes a character or string from the runstream and inserts it." "25EC1") "DoDelims" ("-->" "Takes a character or a string from the runstream, inserts it and moves the cursor back by one character." "25EC2") "INSERT_MODE" ("-->" "Turns insert mode on. In insert mode, new characters do not overwrite old ones." "25795") "TOGGLE_I/R" ("-->" "Toggles the insert/overwrite flag." "2577F" :UBS) "?TogU/LCase" ("chr --> chr'" "Toggle upper/lowercase of character if some condition is fulfilled." "2ACB0") "INSERT?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if insert mode is active." "25790") "CMD_DEL" ("-->" "Deletes next char in Editor. Same as `LS'+`DEL'. If you hold down `BS' while this entry is executed, the HP49G will think you have pressed the key and want to repeat it." "2EF82") "CMD_DROP" ("-->" "Backspace in Editor. Deletes char before cursor. Same as `BS' key. If you hold down `BS' while this entry is executed, the HP49G will think you have pressed the key and want to repeat it." "2EF81") "DEL_CMD" ("-->" "Clears the entire EditLine." "2EF95") "InitEdLine" ("-->" " :: DEL_CMD ;" "2EEE7") "DO" "Deletes left to beginning of word. Same as the `\\<-DEL' button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2F0") "DO>Del" ("-->" "Deletes right to beginning of next word, Same as the `DEL\\->' button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2F1") "DODEL.L" ("-->" "Deletes all chars in the current line. If the line is already empty, delete the NEWLINE. Same as the `DEL.L' button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2F9") "DoFarBS" ("-->" "Deletes to beginning of line. Same as the `RS'+`\\<-DEL' in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2DD") "DoFarDel" ("-->" "Deletes to end of line. Same as `RS'+`Del\\->' in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2DE") "STO_CURS_POS" ("# -->" "Stores cursor position. Moves cursor to specified position and if necessary repositions the editor window to make sure the cursor position is visible. If it is necessary to scroll the window horizontally, this command sets the left edge of the window to the cursor column and shows as much text as possible to the right of the cursor. However, if the cursor is also visible when the window edge is moved to column zero, this position takes precedence." "2EF8B") "STO_CURS_POS2" ("# -->" "Same as STO_CURS_POS, but moves the right edge of the editor window to the cursor column." "2EF8C") "STO_CURS_POS3" ("# -->" "Same as STO_CURS_POS, but without checking for style/font switch sequences. So while STO_CURS_POS always makes sure the cursor ends up right before a visible character, this command allows you to position it within the invisible escape sequences." "2EF8D") "STO_CURS_POS4" ("# -->" "Behaves with respect to editor window positioning like STO_CURS_POS2, but with respect to invisible chars like STO_CURS_POS3." "2EF8E") "STO_CURS_POS_VIS" ("# -->" "Like STO_CURS_POS, but ignores the invisible characters. So if you look at your string and say, I want to go to what I see as the 5th character, use this entry." "2EF8F") "SetCursor" ("# --> {# #'} -->" "Sets the cursor to the given position. For the list argument, the numbers are row and column. " "2F378") "SETCURSOR" ("" "" "2611B") "CMD_NXT" ("-->" "Moves cursor to next char, like Right Arrow." "2EF7C") "CMD_BAK" ("-->" "Moves cursor to the left. Same as as Left Arrow." "2EF7B") "CMD_DOWN" ("-->" "Moves cursor to the next line. Same as Down Arrow." "2EF80") "CMD_UP" ("-->" "Moves cursor to the previous line, like Up Arrow." "2EF7F") "CMD_DEB_LINE" ("-->" "Moves cursor to the beginning of line. Same as RS+LEFT." "2EF7D") "CMD_END_LINE" ("-->" "Moves cursor to the end of line. Same as RS+RIGHT." "2EF7E") "CMD_PAGED" ("-->" "Moves cursor one page down, like LS+DOWN." "2EF7A") "CMD_PAGEL" ("-->" "Moves cursor one page left, like LS+LEFT." "2EF77") "CMD_PAGER" ("-->" "Moves cursor one page right, like LS+RIGHT." "2EF78") "CMD_PAGEU" ("-->" "Moves cursor one page up, like LS+UP." "2EF79") "DO" "Skips left to beginning of word. Same as the \\<-SKIP button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2EE") "DO>Skip" ("-->" "Skips right to the beginning of the next word. Same as the SKIP\\-> button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2EF") "DO>BEG" ("-->" "Goes to begin of selection (if active) or to beginning of EditLine. Same as `\\->BEG' button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2E4") "DO>END" ("-->" "Goes to end of selection. Same as the `\\->END' button in the editor TOOL menu. When there is no selection, does not move." "2F2E5") "GOTOLABEL" ("-->" "Brings up the CHOOSE-box with labels in the EditLine. Same as the LABEL button in the editor TOOL/GOTO menu." "2F2E6") "CMD_STO_DEBUT" ("# -->" "Sets begin marker, like `RS'+`BEGIN', but takes position from stack." "2EF83") "CMD_STO_FIN" ("# -->" "Sets end marker, like `RS'+`END', but takes position from stack." "2EF84") "RCL_CMD_DEB" ("--> # --> #0" "Recalls the position of the BEGIN marker. If the selection has been cleared, returns ZERO." "2EF85") "RCL_CMD_FIN" ("--> # --> #0" "Recalls the position of the END marker. If the selection has been cleared, returns ZERO." "2EF86") "ClearSelection" ("-->" "Unselects the selected text without changing the contents of the editor. Sets both begin and end marker to ZERO." "2F2DC") "VERIF_SELECTION" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE when the END marker is not ZERO, indicating that the selection is active. Use this command as a check before doing anything with the selection." "2EF93") "CMD_COPY" ("-->" "Copies selected string, like `RS'+`COPY'." "2EF8A") "CMD_CUT" ("-->" "Cuts string. Really is \"delete\", does not copy to kill buffer. So a \"normal\" CUT would be :: CMD_COPY CMD_CUT ;" "2EF88") "CUT.EXT" ("--> $" "ML routine used by CMD_CUT. Should not be used on its own since it does not move the cursor position." "2EF89" :ML) "CMD_COPY.SBR" ("--> $" "Puts the selection as a string on the stack. This command is font/style aware. It is recommended not to use it because it may get the wrong text style if the cursor is not re-positioned to the beginning of the selection first. If you don't use fonts, :: RCL_CMD RCL_CMD_DEB RCL_CMD_FIN SUB$ ; does something similar." "2F2FA") "PASTE.EXT" ("$ -->" "Pastes from stack with treatment of fonts and styles. Inserts the string on stack level 1 at the cursor position. It can insert normal text right in the middle of bold test etc. If you don't use styles or different fonts, CMD_PLUS is probably faster." "2EF94") "SELECT.LINE" ("-->" "Selects current line, position cursor at beginning of line. Selection does not include the NEWLINE char at the end of the line." "2F2E1") "SELECT.LINEEND" ("-->" "Selects current line, position cursor at end of line. Selection does not include the NEWLINE char at the end of the line." "2F2E2") "Clipboard!" ("$ -->" "Stores string to Clipboard." "2A085" :UBS) "Clipboard@" ("--> $" "Recalls Clipboard contents to stack." "2A095" :UBS) "Clipboard0" ("-->" "Clears the Clipboard." "2A0A5" :UBS) "Clipboard?" ("--> flag" "Is there anything on the Clipboard?" "2A0B5" :UBS) "GET.W->" ("--> #" "Returns the position of the next word-start to the right of the current cursor position. Note the asymmetry of this command and GET.W<-." "2F2F3") "GET.W<-" ("# --> #'" "Takes a position from the stack and return the position if the nearest word-start to the left of that position. Note the asymmetry of this command and GET.W->." "2F2F4") "CaseSensitive?" ("--> flag" "Is the flag for case-sensitive search currently set?" "2576D" :UBS) "SetCaseSensitive" ("-->" "Set case-sensitive seatch." "25772" :UBS) "ClrCaseSensitive" ("-->" "Set case-insensitive search." "25777" :UBS) "FindStrInCmd" ("$find --> $find $start $end T --> $find F" "Finds a string in the EditLine, starting from the current cursor position. The search string remains on the stack, presumably in order to do repeated searches. Returns the start and end positions of the match and a flag. This function respects the setting of the internal flag for case-sensitive search." "2F2F2") "FindPattern!" ("$ -->" "Sets the find pattern." "2A0C5" :UBS) "FindPattern@" ("--> $" "Recalls the current find pattern. If there is not current pattern, this returns PTR 0 - so always check first with FindPattern?." "2A0D5" :UBS) "FindPattern0" ("-->" "Deletes the current find pattern." "2A0E5" :UBS) "FindPattern?" ("--> flag" "Checks if a find pattern has been defined." "2A0F5" :UBS) "ReplacePattern!" ("$ -->" "Sets the replace pattern." "2A105" :UBS) "ReplacePattern@" ("--> $" "Recalls the current replace pattern. If there is not current pattern, this returns PTR 0 - so always check first with ReplacePattern?." "2A115" :UBS) "ReplacePattern0" ("-->" "Deletes the current replace pattern." "2A125" :UBS) "ReplacePattern?" ("--> flag" "Checks if a replace pattern has been defined." "2A135" :UBS) "DOFIND" ("-->" "Same as the FIND menu button in the editor TOOL/SEARCH menu. Pops up the FIND input form." "2F2E8") "DONEXT" ("-->" "Finds next. Same as the NEXT button in the editor TOOL/SEARCH menu. Uses the pattern set with FindPattern!." "2F2EA") "DOREPL" ("-->" "Same as the REP button in the editor TOOL/SEARCH menu. Pops up the QREPLACEQ input form." "2F2E9") "DOREPLACE" ("-->" "Replaces current match. Same as the R button in the editor TOOL/SEARCH menu. Uses the pattern set with ReplacePattern!." "2F2EB") "DOREPLACE/NEXT" ("-->" "Replaces current match and move to next match. Same as the R/N button in the editor TOOL/SEARCH menu." "2F2EC") "REPLACEALL" ("-->" "Replaces all matches in buffer. Same as the ALL button in the editor TOOL/SEARCH menu." "2F2ED") "REPLACEALLNOSCREEN" ("-->" "Like REPLACEALL, but does not update the screen. Much faster this way." "2F2FC") "EditSelect" ("-->" "Edits the current selection. Opens the editor with the selection only. You can then edit the selection. After pressing ENTER the edited text is inserted back into the previous editing environment." "2F2DF") "EVAL.LINE" ("-->" "Evaluates the current line and replace it with the result of the evaluation. Similar to EVAL.SELECTION, but without the need to select the line first." "2F2E3") "EVAL.SELECTION" ("-->" "Evaluates the current selection and replace it with the result of the evaluation. Same as the EXEC button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2FB") "EXEC_CMD" ("cmd algflag --> obsel" "Runs a command on the selection in the Editline. Takes two arguments: the command to run and a flag which says how to compile the selection before the command is applied. If the flag is TRUE, and ALG mode in on, the ALG compiler is used and the DOTAG :: xEVAL prologue of the result is removed. Use this if the result is to be edited by another editor. The selection is left on stack level 1 as an object." "2F2F8") "RunInNewContext" ("ob -->" "Saves current user interface, evaluate ob and restore the user interface. Can be used to run applications from inside another application. " "0B954" :UBS) "ViewLevel1" ("ob --> ob'" "Edits the object in level 1." "2F19A") "AlgCharEdit" ("" "" "2F2DA") "AlgObEdit" ("ob --> ob'" "Used instead of ViewLevel1 if in Algebraic mode. Does not execute STARTED and EXITED." "2F1AF") "CharEdit" ("" "" "2F1AD") "DoLevel1:" ("ob --> ob'" "Evaluates the next object in the runstream, which usually in an editing command like ObEdit. When the evaluation returns FALSE, the original object which was saved in a temporary variable is restored to the stack. When the evaluation returns TRUE, the TRUE is removed from the stack." "2B2F2" :UBS) "ClrNewEditL" ("" "" "257BE") "EditFont" ("" "" "2F1A8") "EditLevel1" ("ob --> ob'" "" "2EEE5") "ObEdit" ("ob --> ob' T --> F" "Edits object. When the user cancels, only FALSE is returned. Otherwise the changed object along with TRUE is returned." "2F1AE") "StrEdit" ("" "" "2F1AC") "^EQW3Edit" ("" "" "011004") "EditString" ("$ -->" "Starts editing the string in the command line when the current program exits. This is the entry to use if a program should exit with the command line. Use InitEdLine before this entry to clear the command line (if desired) - if not, the string is inserted into the existing command line. All code after this entry will be executed *before* control is handed to the editor application. For example: :: \"SOME STRING\" DUPLEN$ SWAP (get length) InitEdLine (clear the editline) EditString (string to editline) STO_CURS_POS2 (cursor at end) \"Starting editor...\" FlashMsg (display *before* edit) ; Note that when you press ENTER after editing, the command line will be parsed normally." "2EEE9") "Rcl&Do:" ("id -->" "Executes the program which is next in the runstream on the contents of the variable. The program typically is an edit command, with the stack diagrams ( ob \\-> ob' T ) ( ob \\-> F ) If the flag is TRUE, ob' is stored back into the original variable." "2B351") "Roll&Do:" ("# -->" "Does ROLL and then executes the program which is next on the runsteam. So the program is applied to the object on level #. Typically, this is an edit command, with the stack diagram ( ob \\-> ob ) After the program exits, UNROLL is used to put the object back to the right stack position. This entry is probably used in the interactive stack." "2B31A") "Rcl&Edit" ("id -->" "Uses Rcl&Do: to edit the contents of the variable. " "2F09B" :UBS) "Rcl&View" ("id -->" "Uses Rcl&Do: to view the contents of the variable. " "2F09C" :UBS) "Roll&Edit" ("# -->" "Uses Roll&Do: to edit the contents of specified stack level." "2F09D" :UBS) "Roll&View" ("# -->" "Uses Roll&Do: to view the contents of specified stack level." "2F09E" :UBS) "EditMenu" ("--> {}" "Returns the Editor menu." "25ED2") "?Space/Go>" ("-->" "Inserts a SPACE character unless there is already one before the cursor position. Use this if you want to make sure the next stuff echoed is separated by at least one space from the word preceding it." "2EF73") "AddLeadingSpace" ("$ --> $'" "Adds a leading space to the string on level1 if it does not start with a space *and* if the cursor in the editor is after a non-white character. So :: \"DUP\" AddLeadingSpace AddTrailingSpace CMD_PLUS ; inserts DUP and makes sure it will be surrounded by spaces." "2EF76") "AddTrailingSpace" ("$ --> $'" "Adds a trailing space to the string on level1 unless the string already ends with a space." "2EF75") "CMDSIZE" ("--> #" "ML entry point to get the size of the EditLine. As ML entries cannot be called directly from SysRPL, don't use it unless you know the necessary magic. :: RCL_CMD LEN$ ; works for us assembler dummies ;-)" "26855" :ML) "CommandLineHeight" ("--> #pix" "Returns the number pixel rows occupied by visible part of the EditLine." "2EF9A") "DOTEXTINFO" ("-->" "Displays the info screen about the Editline. Same as the INFO button in the editor TOOL menu." "2F2DB") "GET_CUR_FONT.EXT" ("--> #" "Returns the ID (as a system binary) of the font used for the character under the cursor." "2F2F6") "NO_AFFCMD" ("-->" "Tells the next CMD_PLUS call not to update the display. For speed, if you want to do more insertion before the user needs to see it." "2EF96") "DispCommandLine" ("-->" "Redisplays the command line now." "2F19E") "?DispCommandLine" ("-->" "Redisplays the command line now if necessary." "2F19F") "PUT_STYLE" ("# -->" "Changes the style at point. If the selection is active, changes the style of the text in the selection. Otherwise changes the style of text typed subsequently. Takes a BINT from the stack which is the number of the style. In think the ITALI button in the editor TOOL/STYLE menu could be implemented with the following program: :: ERRSET PUT_STYLE ERRTRAP ERRJMP ; PUT_STYLE does not ABND its temporary environment, so you need the ERRTRAP construction to work around this bug. " "2F2F7") "PUT_FONTE" ("# -->" "Changes the font at point. Works similar to the PUT_STYLE command." "2F2F5") "SELECT.FONT" ("-->" "Pops up the CHOOSE box to select a font. Same as the FONT button in the editor TOOL/STYLE menu." "2F2E7") "ViewEditGrob" ("--> at cursor" "Views the grob currently edited in the Editline near the cursor. If the EditLine contains GROB 10 10 FFFFFF... move the cursor to the \"1\" of the first \"10\". Then this entry point will display the grob." "2F2E0") "XLINE_SIZE?" ("ob --> flag" "Checks if the cursor is outside the current line. In the HP49G editor, you can move the cursor further to the right than the line length, without actually making the line longer. The line gets extended only if you actually insert text or use CMD_DEL to catch to following line to the position. This entry returns TRUE if it is not on or before the newline. Note that it takes an arbitrary object from the stack first - so put something there before calling it." "2EF92") " {}" "Returns the `\\<-DEL' menu key." "27F47") ">DelKey" ("--> {}" "Returns the `DEL\\->' menu key." "27F9A") " {}" "Returns the `\\<-SKIP' menu key." "27EAF") ">SkipKey" ("--> {}" "Returns the `SKIP\\->' menu key." "27EFB") "InitEd&Modes" ("-->" ":: InitEdLine InitEdModes ;" "2EEE6") "InitEdModes" ("-->" "" "2EEE8") "SaveLastEdit" ("$ -->" "Calls CMD_STO if history is on." "2F05E") "CMDSTO" ("$ -->" "Adds string to the list of the last 4 commands, accessible with the `CMD' key." "2F326") "^EQW3" ("" "" "010004") "^EQW3Code" ("" "" "01D004") "^EQW3CursorOff" ("" "" "01C004") "^EQW3CursorOn" ("" "" "01B004") "^EQW3StartEdit" ("" "" "012004") "^EQW3ViewLeft" ("" "" "016004") "^EQW3ViewLeftX" ("" "" "014004") "^EQW3ViewMargin" ("" "" "013004") "^EQW3ViewRight" ("" "" "017004") "^EQW3ViewRightRPL" ("" "" "018004") "^EQW3ViewRightX" ("" "" "015004") "DoNewEqw" ("" "" "2F192") "DoNewMatrix" ("--> []/[[]]" "Start matrix editor to enter a new matrix. " "2F142") "^DoNewMatrixReal" ("--> []/[[]]" "Start matrix editor to enter a real matrix. ZINTs are converted to reals." "007007") "^DoNewMatrixCplx" ("--> []/[[]]" "Start matrix editor to enter a complex matrix. ZINTs and REALS are converted to complex. " "008007") "^DoNewMatrixRealOrCplx" ("[] --> [[]]" "Will edit an array of either reals or complex numbers." "00B007") "DoOldMatrix" ("[] --> []'" "Edit an existing matrix." "2F13C") "^DoOldMatrixReal" ("[] --> []'" "Edit an existing real matrix in the matrix editor. " "009007") "^DoOldMatrixCplx" ("[] --> []'" "Edit an existing complex matrix in the matrix editor. " "00A007") "^RunDoNewMatrix" ("--> []/[[]]" "Start matrix editor for new matrix." "006007") "^RunDoOldMatrix" ("[] --> []'" "Edit any kind of Arry/matrix." "005007") "TOADISP" ("-->" "Sets the text display as the active." "26166") "TOGDISP" ("-->" "Sets the graphic display as the active." "2616B") "ABUFF" ("--> textgrob" "Returns the text grob to the stack." "25FA4") "GBUFF" ("--> graphgrob" "Returns the graphic grob to the stack. The HP49 extable address for ExitAction! is the same, but this must be a bug." "26076") "HARDBUFF" ("--> dispgrob" "Returns the current grob to the stack." "2608F") "HARDBUFF2" ("--> menugrob" "Returns the menu grob to the stack." "26094") "HARDHEIGHT" ("--> #height" "Returns the height of HARDBUFF." "25EDE") "GBUFFGROBDIM" ("--> #height #width" "Returns dimensions of graphic grob." "25ED5") "RECLAIMDISP" ("-->" "Activates the text grob, clears it and sets the default size." "25EF4") "ClrDA1IsStat" ("-->" "Suspends clock display." "2EE7D") "MENUOFF?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if the menu grob is off." "2EEFD") "TURNMENUOFF" ("-->" "Turns off menu display, enlarges ABUFF to fill screen." "2F034") "TURNMENUON" ("-->" "Turns menu grob on." "2F031") "MENUOFF" ("-->" "" "2EEFC") "GetHeader" ("--> #" "Gets header size in lines (0-2)." "26247") "SetHeader" ("# -->" "Sets header size in lines (0-2)." "26283") "HEIGHTENGROB" ("grob #rows -->" "Heightens graph or text grob." "26099") "KILLGDISP" ("-->" "Clears graph display by setting it to NULLGROB. See DOERASE." "260A3") "DOERASE" ("-->" "Erases the graphics display grob without changing its size." "2EEF9") "SysDisplay" ("-->" "Redisplays all required areas. Does it immediately, without waiting for the current command to finish." "2EF67") "DispEditLine" ("-->" "Just calls DispCommandLine." "2EE5A") "?DispStack" ("-->" "Redisplays the stack now if necessary." "2C341") "?DispStatus" ("-->" "Redisplays the status area now if necessary." "2C311") "DispStatus" ("-->" "Displays the status area now." "2C305") "DispStsBound" ("-->" "Displays a horizontal line at y=14, normally the separation between header and stack." "2C2F9") "DispTime?" ("" "" "2EE5B") "DispTimeReq?" ("--> flag" "Is time display required? Checks system flag 40 and something else." "2A7F7") "ShowClk?" ("--> flag" "Checks both DispTime? and DispTimeReq?." "048F9" :UBS) "DispILPrompt" ("-->" "Redisplays the QInputLineQ prompt, i.e. refreshes the region between the command line and the header during InputLine. Requires a string (the prompt) in 4LAM." "2F300") "nDISPSTACK" ("$prompt #height #header flag flag -->" "Used by DispILPrompt." "26260") "ClrDA1OK" ("-->" "" "2EE8D" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA2aOK" ("-->" "" "2EE8E" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA2bOK" ("-->" "" "2EE8F" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA2OK" ("-->" "" "2EE90" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA3OK" ("-->" "" "2EE6E" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDAsOK" ("-->" "" "2EE6D" :NOSDIAG) "DA1OK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE62") "DA2aOK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE82" :UBS) "DA2bOK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE84" :UBS) "DA2OK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE86" :UBS) "DA3OK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE63") "DAsOK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE88" :UBS) "DA2aLess1OK?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE66") "DA1OK?NOTIT" ("-->" "Does DA1OK?, NOT then IT." "2BF3A") "DA2aOK?NOTIT" ("-->" "DA2aOK?, NOT then IT." "2BF53") "DA2bOK?NOTIT" ("-->" "DA2bOK?, NOT then IT." "2BF6C") "DA3OK?NOTIT" ("-->" "Does DA3OK?, NOT then IT." "2BF85") "SetDA1Temp" ("-->" "" "2EE69" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2aTemp" ("-->" "" "2EE8A" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2bTemp" ("-->" "" "2EE6A" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA2bTemp" ("-->" "" "2EEA7" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2OKTemp" ("-->" "" "2F37A" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA3Temp" ("-->" "" "2EE6B" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA12Temp" ("-->" "" "2EE71" :NOSDIAG) "SetDAsTemp" ("-->" "" "2EE64" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2aTempF" ("-->" "" "2EEA3" :UBS) "SetDA2bTempF" ("-->" "" "2EEA5" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA3TempF" ("-->" "" "2EEA9" :UBS) "SetDA1Valid" ("-->" "" "2EE67" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2aValid" ("-->" "" "2EF98" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2bValid" ("-->" "" "2EE68" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2Valid" ("-->" "" "2EE91" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA3Valid" ("-->" "" "2EF99" :NOSDIAG) "SetDAsValid" ("-->" "" "2EE92" :UBS) "SetDA1ValidF" ("-->" "" "2EE97" :UBS) "SetDA3ValidF" ("-->" "" "2EEA0" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA1Bad" ("-->" "" "2EE78" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA1Bad" ("-->" "" "2EE74" :NOSDIAG) "DA1Bad?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEB0" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2aBad" ("-->" "" "2EE79" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2aBadT" ("--> T" "( SetDA2aBad TRUE )" "2EE83" :UBS) "ClrDA2aBad" ("-->" "" "2EE75" :NOSDIAG) "DA2aBad?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEB1" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2bBad" ("-->" "" "2EE7A" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2bBadT" ("--> T" "( SetDA2bBad TRUE )" "2EE85" :UBS) "ClrDA2bBad" ("-->" "" "2EEB3" :NOSDIAG) "DA2bBad?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEB2" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA3Bad" ("-->" "" "2EE7B" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA3BadT" ("--> T" "( SetDA3Bad TRUE )" "2EE87" :UBS) "ClrDA3Bad" ("-->" "" "2EEB5" :NOSDIAG) "DA3Bad?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEB4" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA1NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE72" :NOSDIAG) "DA1NoCh?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEBA" :UBS) "SetDA2aNoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE73" :NOSDIAG) "DA2aNoCh?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEB9" :UBS) "SetDA2bNoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE76" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA2bNoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE81" :NOSDIAG) "DA2bNoCh?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEB7" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE93" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA12NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE6F" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA3NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE77" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA3NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EEB6" :UBS) "SetDA13NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE70" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA23NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE94" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA12a3NoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE65" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA12a3NCh" ("-->" "" "2EE65" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA123NoCh" ("-->" "" "2F379" :NOSDIAG) "SetDAsNoCh" ("-->" "" "2EE7C" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2aEcho" ("-->" "" "2EE6C" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA1IsStat" ("-->" "" "2EEAC" :NOSDIAG) "SetNoRollDA2" ("-->" "" "2EEAE" :NOSDIAG) "ClrNoRollDA2" ("-->" "" "2EEAF" :NOSDIAG) "NoRollDA2?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEAD" :UBS) "DA1IsStatus?" ("--> flag" "" "2EEAB" :NOSDIAG) "SetDA2bIsEdL" ("-->" "" "2EE7F" :NOSDIAG) "DA2bIsEdL?" ("--> flag" "" "2EE7E" :NOSDIAG) "ClrDA2bIsEdL" ("-->" "" "2EE80" :NOSDIAG) "MENoP&FixDA1" ("" "" "2EE8B" :NOSDIAG) "MENP&FixDA12" ("" "" "2EF59" :NOSDIAG) "Ck&Freeze" ("% -->" "Internal FREEZE." "25EA8") "BLANKIT" ("#startrow #rows -->" "Clears #rows from HARDBUFF, starting at #startrow." "25E7E") "CLEARVDISP" ("-->" "Clears HARDBUFF." "26021") "Clr8" ("-->" "Clears top eight rows (first status line)." "2EED4") "Clr8-15" ("-->" "Clears 2nd status line." "2EED5") "Clr16" ("-->" "Clears top 16 rows." "2F15E") "BlankDA1" ("-->" "Clears status area from HARDBUFF." "2EF5E") "BlankDA2a" ("-->" "Clears display area DA2a." "2F31C") "BlankDA2" ("-->" "Clears display areas DA2a and DA2b." "2F31B") "BlankDA12" ("-->" "Clears display areas DA1 and DA2" "2EE5C") "CLCD10" ("-->" "Clears status and stack areas." "261C0") "CLEARLCD" ("-->" "Clears whole display." "261C5") "DOCLLCD" ("-->" "Like user word CLLCD." "2EF05") "SetLeftAnn" ("-->" "Sets left-shift annunciator." "2613E") "ClrLeftAnn" ("-->" "Clears left-shift annunciator." "2603A") "SetRightAnn" ("-->" "Sets right-shift annunciator." "26148") "ClrRightAnn" ("-->" "Clears right-shift annunciator." "2603F") "SetAlphaAnn" ("-->" "Sets alpha annunciator." "26139") "ClrAlphaAnn" ("-->" "Clears alpha annunciator." "26035") "LockAlpha" ("-->" "Sets alpha mode, annunciators, etc." "25EE9") "UnLockAlpha" ("-->" "Clears alpha mode, annunciators, etc." "25F08") "ClrBusyAnn" ("-->" "Clears the busy annunciator." "2649F" :UBS) "ClrI/OAnn" ("-->" "" "264A4" :UBS) "SetPrgmEntry" ("-->" "Sets program-entry mode." "26143") "ClrPrgmEntry" ("-->" "Clears program-entry mode." "264F4" :UBS) "PrgmEntry?" ("--> flag" "Is program-entry mode set?" "2610C") "LOWERCASE?" ("--> flag" "Is the flag for lowercase letter entry set? " "25726" :UBS) "SETLOWERCASE" ("-->" "Set the flag for lowercase letter entry." "2572B" :UBS) "CLRLOWERCASE" ("-->" "Clear the flag for lowercase letter entry." "25730" :UBS) "TOGLOWERCASE" ("-->" "Toggle the flag for lowercase letter entry." "25738" :UBS) "Do1st/2nd+:" ("--> :: ; (PRG mode) --> :: ; (no PRG mode)" "If in program mode, executes the next object after it. If not in program mode, executes the rest of the stream starting at the second object after it." "25EBE") "SetAlgEntry" ("-->" "Sets algebraic-entry mode." "25719") "ClrAlgEntry" ("-->" "Clears algebraic-entry mode." "2571E") "AlgEntry?" ("--> flag" "Is algebraic-entry mode set?" "256EA") "ImmedEntry?" ("--> flag" "Returns TRUE if immediate-entry mode (program and algebraic-entry modes cleared)." "25EDF") "?ClrAlg" ("-->" "Clears AlgEntry mode if set." "25E74") "?ClrAlgSetPr" ("-->" "Clears AlgEntry mode if set and sets ProgramEntry mode." "25E75") "TOP8" ("--> HBgrob #x1 #y #x1+131 #y1+8" "Returns coordinates of first status line." "2F384") "Rows8-15" ("--> HBgrob #x1 #y1+8 #x1+131 #y1+16" "Returns coordinates of second status line." "2F36C") "TOP16" ("--> HBgrob #x1 #y1 #x1+131 #y1+16" "Returns coordinates of status area." "2F383") "WINDOWCORNER" ("--> #y #x" "Gets coordinates of corner of window. Note the order of #x and #y." "2617F") "HBUFF_X_Y" ("--> HBgrob #x #y" "Returns current grob and window coordinates." "2EED6") "LEFTCOL" ("--> #x" "Gets x-coordinate of left column." "2F352") "RIGHTCOL" ("--> #x" "Gets x-coordinate of right column." "2F36B") "TOPROW" ("--> #y" "Gets y-coordinate of top row." "2F385") "BOTROW" ("--> #y" "Gets y-coordinate of bottom row." "2F31D") "WINDOWXY" ("#y #x -->" "Sets corner coordinates. The name really should be WINDOWYX" "26198") "WINDOWUP" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel up." "26193") "WINDOWDOWN" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel down." "26184") "WINDOWLEFT" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel left." "26189") "WINDOWRIGHT" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel right." "2618E") "SCROLLUP" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel up, checks for corresponding key being pressed." "2F370") "SCROLLDOWN" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel down, checks for corresponding key being pressed." "2F36D") "SCROLLLEFT" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel left, checks for corresponding key being pressed." "2F36E") "SCROLLRIGHT" ("-->" "Moves display one pixel right, checks for corresponding key being pressed." "2F36F") "JUMPTOP" ("-->" "Jumps to top of display." "2F34A") "JUMPBOT" ("-->" "Jumps to bottom of display." "2F347") "JUMPLEFT" ("-->" "Jumps to left of display." "2F348") "JUMPRIGHT" ("-->" "Jumps to right of display." "2F349") "WINDOWTOP?" ("--> flag" "Is window at the top?" "2F38D") "WINDOWBOT?" ("--> flag" "Is window at the bottom?" "2F38A") "WINDOWLEFT?" ("--> flag" "Is window at the left?" "2F38B") "WINDOWRIGHT?" ("--> flag" "Is window at the right?" "2F38C") "ViewObject" ("ob -->" "" "2F21D") "ViewStrObject" ("flag $ --> F" "Flag decides if it should be possible to toggle TEXT/GRAPH." "2F21E") "ViewGrobObject" ("flag grob --> F" "Flag decides if it should be possible to toggle TEXT/GRAPH." "2F21F") "sstDISP" ("ob -->" "Displays ob in status line. Used for single stepping during debugging." "25F12") "^SCROLLext" ("grob -->" "Launches PICT environment." "0C1007" :wasCSys) "WINDOW#" ("#x #y -->" "Internal PVIEW, displays PICT starting at the given coordinates. " "2EF61") "DODISP" ("ob %row -->" "Displays any object in specified row." "25EB4") "BIGDISPROW1" ("$ -->" "" "25FB8") "DISP@01" ("$ -->" "" "25FB8") "DISPROW1" ("$ -->" "" "25FB8") "DISPROW1*" ("$ -->" "Displays relative to window corner." "25EAB") "^DISPROW1_plus" ("$ -->" "Only useful on ROM 1.22-2.0! Deprecated since ROM 2.0! Write text to the first line of the extended header on the 49G+ (pixel rows 1-8). This messes up the second row, so this entry should only be used together with DISPROW2_plus. A good way to automatically do the right thing is DISPSTATUS2." "0C8002" :UBS :1\.22) "BIGDISPROW2" ("$ -->" "" "25FBD") "DISP@09" ("$ -->" "" "25FBD") "DISPROW2" ("$ -->" "" "25FBD") "DISPROW2*" ("$ -->" "Displays relative to window corner." "25EAC") "^DISPROW2_plus" ("$ -->" "Only useful in ROM 1.22-2.0! Deprecated since ROM 2.0! Write text to the second line of the extended header on the 49G+ (pixel rows 9-16). Should be used together with DISPROW1_plus." "0C9002" :UBS :1\.22) "BIGDISPROW3" ("$ -->" "" "25FC2") "DISP@17" ("$ -->" "" "25FC2") "DISPROW3" ("$ -->" "" "25FC2") "BIGDISPROW4" ("$ -->" "" "25FC7") "DISP@25" ("$ -->" "" "25FC7") "DISPROW4" ("$ -->" "" "25FC7") "DISPROW5" ("$ -->" "" "25FCC") "DISPROW6" ("$ -->" "" "261F7") "DISPROW7" ("$ -->" "" "25FD1") "DISPROW8" ("$ -->" "May not be possible depending on the size of the font and whether the menu is on or off." "25FD6") "DISPROW9" ("$ -->" "May not be possible depending on the size of the font and whether the menu is on or off." "25FDB") "DISPROW10" ("$ -->" "May not be possible depending on the size of the font and whether the menu is on or off." "25FE0") "BIGDISPN" ("$ #row -->" "" "25FB3") "DISPN" ("$ #row -->" "" "25FB3") "Disp5x7" ("$ #start #max -->" "Displays string on multiple lines, starting at #start and no using more than #max rows. New lines must be manually specified. Segments longer than 22 characters are truncated and appended with \"...\"." "25EBC") "Save16" ("--> grob" "Returns top 16 rows." "2F038" :UBS) "Save16Patch" ("--> grob" "Get the Header area as a grob. On the 49G+, this gets the extra 16 lines of the screen. On a machine with small screen (48gII,49G), this is equivalent to Save16. Also, starting from ROM 2.0, this again just calls Save16." "2F3CF" :UBS :1\.22) "Restore16" ("grob -->" "Restores top 16 rows." "2F3B6" :UBS) "Rest16Patch" ("grob -->" "Display grob in the top 16 rows of the display. This works with the extended screen on the 49G+ - on a smaller screen, it is equivalent to Restore16. Also, starting from ROM 2.0, this again just calls Restore16." "2F3D0" :UBS :1\.22) "DISPSTATUS2" ("$ -->" "Displays message in status area using two lines." "25EAD") "DoPrompt" ("$ -->" "DISPSTATUS2 and freeze status area." "38C00" :UBS) "DispCoord1" ("$ -->" "Displays $ in menu grob using minifont." "2EEFF") "DISPCOORD2" ("$ -->" "Displays $ in menu grob using minifont and waits for a key. Then refreshes menu display. " "2F32B") "DISPLASTROW" ("$ -->" "Displays $ in the last stack display row, just above the menu." "25FE5") "DISPLASTROWBUT1" ("$ -->" "Displays $ in the last stack display row. If menu is turned on it can cover displayed text." "25FEA") "FlashMsg" ("$ -->" "Displays message in status area, then restores it to normal." "25ED4") "FlashWarning" ("$ -->" "Displays message in a message box and beeps. Waits for OK to be pressed." "2EE61") "AskQuestion" ("$ --> flag" "Use the string to ask the user a question with yes/no in a choose box. If you prefer a YES/NO menu, this can be implemented like this, using ~DoMsgBox: :: 15 10 (BINTs, don't know what they do) MINUSONE (could also be a grob) ' :: NoExitAction { NullMenuKey NullMenuKey NullMenuKey NullMenuKey { \"NO\" :: TakeOver FALSETRUE 2PUTLAM ; } { \"YES\" :: TakeOver TrueTrue 2PUTLAM ; } } ; ROMPTR2 ~DoMsgBox ;" "2F1A5") "^DoAlert" ("$ -->" "Displays alert messagebox, a message box with a little alert grob in the upper left corner." "02E002") "DoWarning" ("$ -->" "Displays message, beeps and freezes status area." "2EE60") "^Ck&DoMsgBox" ("$ -->" "Displays a message box and waits for the user to press OK." "007002") "~DoMsgBox" ("$ #x #y grob menu --> T" "Displays a message box with a grob in the upper left corner and the specified menu. If no grob is desired, use MINUSONE. The meaning of #x and #y is unclear - it seems that any BINT will do." "0000B1") "~MsgBoxMenu" ("--> {}" "The messsage box menu, with just the OK key." "0040B1") "FONT>" ("--> font" "Recalls system font." "2621A") "MINIFONT>" ("--> minifont" "Recalls the current minifont." "2625B") ">FONT" ("font -->" "Sets system font." "25F15") ">MINIFONT" ("minifont -->" "Sets the current minifont." "2620B") "StackLineHeight" ("--> #" "Returns height of text grob minus size of header and menu." "26288") "StackFontHeight" ("--> #" "Returns stack font height (used for display stack rows)." "26242") "GetFontStkHeight" ("--> #" "Returns stack font height (used for display stack rows)." "26242") "GetFontCmdHeight" ("--> #" "Returns command line font height (used for editing objects). " "26238") "GetFontHeight" ("--> #" "Returns system font height." "2623D") "CHECK_SCAN_FONT" ("" "" "26210") "DOMINIFONT" ("" "" "026FE") "FSCANFONT" ("" "" "2621F") "INITMKFONT" ("" "" "26256") "Init_MetaKernelFont" ("" "" "26904" :ML) "SCANFONT" ("" "" "2627E") "NULLPAINT" ("--> grob" "0x0 Null grob" "27AA3" :UBS) "CROSSGROB" (" --> grob . 48G: 5053C" "5x5 Cross cursor (\"+\")" "27D3F") "MARKGROB" (" --> grob . 48G: 5055A" "5x5 Mark symbol (\"x\")" "27D5D") "NullMenuLbl" ("21x8 normal menu key" "" "27D7B" :UBS) "InvLabelGrob" ("21x8 inverse menu key" "" "2E25C" :UBS) "StdBaseLabel" ("21x8 inverted nomal menu key grob" "" "279F6" :UBS) "BoxLabelGrobInv" ("21x8 inverted box label grob" "" "2E198" :UBS) "DirLabelGrobInv" ("21x8 inverted DIR label grob" "" "2E1FA" :UBS) "~grobAlertIcon" ("9x9 Alert grob" "" "0860B0") "~grobCheckKey" ("21x8 Check Key menu grob" "A tickmark and \"CHK\" in a menu grob." "0870B0") "GROBDIM" ("grob --> #height #width" "" "26085") "DUPGROBDIM" ("grob --> grob #height #width" "" "25EBB") "GROBDIMw" ("grob --> #width" "" "36C68") "CKGROBFITS" ("g1 g2 #n #m --> g1 g2' #n #m" "Shrinks g2 if it does not fit in g1." "2F324") "CHECKHEIGHT" ("grob #height -->" "Forces grob (ABUFF/GBUFF) to be at least 64 rows high." "2F320") "GROB!" ("grob1 grob2 #x #y -->" "Stores grob1 into grob2. Bang type." "2607B") "GROB+" ("grob1 grob2 --> grob" "Combines two grobs using bitwise QORQ. Errors when grobs have different sizes." "2EFDB" :UBS) "GROB+#" ("flag grob1 grob2 #x #y --> grob'" "Inserts grob2 into the specified position of grob1, using QORQ (if flag is TRUE) or QXORQ (if flag is FALSE). Does all necessary checks first." "2F342") "GROB!ZERO" ("grob #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grob'" "Blanks a rectangular region of the grob. Bang type." "26080") "GROB!ZERODRP" ("grob #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Blanks a rectangular region of the grob. Probably only useful if grob is the text or graphics grob (see section on display-organization). Bang type." "368E7") "SUBGROB" ("grob #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grob'" "Returns specified portion of grob." "2612F") "XYGROBDISP" ("#x #y grob -->" "Stores grob in QHARDBUFFQ with upper left corner at (#x,#y). QHARDBUFFQ is expanded if necessary." "25F0E") "GROB>GDISP" ("grob -->" "Stores new graph grob." "25ED8") "MAKEGROB" ("#height #width --> grob" "Creates a blank grob." "260B2") "MAKEPICT#" ("#w #h -->" "Creates blank graph grob. Minimum size is 131x64. Smaller grobs will be automatically resized." "2F0DB") "INVGROB" ("grob --> grob'" "Inverts grob data bits. Bang type." "2609E") "PIXON" ("#x #y -->" "Sets pixel in text grob." "260E4") "PIXOFF" ("#x #y -->" "Clears pixel in text grob." "260DF") "PIXON?" ("#x #y --> flag" "Is pixel in text grob on?" "260EE") "PIXON3" ("#x #y -->" "Sets pixel in graph grob." "260DA") "PIXOFF3" ("#x #y -->" "Clears pixel in graph grob." "260D5") "PIXON?3" ("#x #y --> flag" "Is pixel in graph grob on?" "260E9") "ORDERXY#" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> #x1' #y1' #x2' #y2'" "Orders the bints to be appropriate for defining a rectangle in a grob. Swaps #x1 and #x2 if #x2<#x1. Swaps #y1 and #y2 if #y2<#y1." "280C1") "ORDERXY%" ("%x1 %y1 %x2 %y2 --> %x1' %y1' %x2' %y2'" "ORDERXY# with real numbers." "280F8") "LINEON" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Draws a line in text grob." "2EF9F") "LINEOFF" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Clears a line in text grob." "2EFA0") "TOGLINE" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Toggles a line in text grob." "2EFA1") "LINEON3" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Draws a line in graph grob." "2EFA2") "DRAWLINE#3" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Draws a line in graph grob. x1" "Clears a line in graph grob." "2EFA3") "TOGLINE3" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Toggles a line in graph grob." "2EFA4") "TOGGLELINE#3" ("#x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 -->" "Toggles line in graph grob. x1" "Draws rectangle in graph grob." "2F32C") "DOLCD>" ("--> grob" "Returns current display." "2EF03") "DO>LCD" ("grob -->" "Grob to display." "2EF04") "^GROBADDext" ("grob2 grob1 --> grob" "Vertical grob addition. grob2 will be above grob1." "0BF007" :wasCSys) "SubRepl" ("grb1 grb2 #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 #W #H --> grb1'" "Replace a part of grb1 with a part of grb2 in QREPLACEQ mode." "25592") "SubGor" ("grb1 grb2 #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 #W #H --> grb1'" "Replace a part of grb1 with a part of grb2 in QORQ mode." "25597") "SubGxor" ("grb1 grb2 #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 #W #H --> grb1'" "Replace a part of grb1 with a part of rgb2 in QXORQ mode." "2559C") "LineW" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a white line." "25565") "LineG1" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a light grey line." "2556F") "LineG2" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a dark grey line." "25574") "LineB" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a black line." "2556A") "LineXor" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "QXORQ a line." "25579") "CircleW" ("grb #Cx #Cy #r --> grb'" "Draw a white circle." "2F218") "CircleG1" ("grb #Cx #Cy #r --> grb'" "Draw a light grey circle." "2F216") "CircleG2" ("grb #Cx #Cy #r --> grb'" "Draw a dark grey circle." "2F217") "CircleB" ("grb #Cx #Cy #r --> grb'" "Draw a black circle" "2F215") "CircleXor" ("grb #Cx #Cy #r --> grb'" "QXORQ a circle." "2F219") "Sub" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb' flag" "Get a part of a grob." "2557E") "Repl" ("grb1 grb2 #x #y --> grb1'" "Copy grb2 into grb1 in QREPLACEQ mode." "25583") "Gor" ("grb1 grb2 #x #y --> grb1'" "Copy grb2 into grb1 in QORQ mode." "25588") "Gxor" ("grb1 grb2 #x #y --> grb1'" "Copy grb2 into grb1 in QXORQ mode." "2558D") "Grey?" ("grob --> flag" "Is grob a Greyscale Grob?" "255A1") "ScrollVGrob" ("grb #W #X #Yd #Ys #h --> grb'" "Scroll up and down a portion of a graphical object. " "255B0") "PixonW" ("grb #x #y --> grb'" "Make a pixel white." "255BA") "PixonG1" ("grb #x #y --> grb'" "Make a pixel light grey." "255C4") "PixonG2" ("grb #x #y --> grb'" "Make a pixel dark grey." "255C9") "PixonB" ("grb #x #y --> grb'" "Make a pixel black." "255BF") "PixonXor" ("grb #x #y --> grb'" "Apply QXORQ to a pixel." "255CE") "FBoxW" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Make a white filled rectangle. " "255D3") "FBoxG1" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Make a light grey filled rectangle. " "255D3") "FBoxG2" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Make a dark grey filled rectangle." "255D8") "FBoxB" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Make a black filled rectangle." "255DD") "FBoxXor" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Apply QXORQ to a filled rectangle." "255E2") "LBoxW" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a white rectangle." "255E7") "LBoxG1" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a light grey rectangle." "255EC") "LBoxG2" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a dark grey rectangle." "255F1") "LBoxB" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Draw a black rectangle." "255F6") "LBoxXor" ("grb #x1 #y1 #x2 #y2 --> grb'" "Apply QXORQ to a rectangle." "255FB") "ToGray" ("grb --> grb'/grb" "Convert a B&W grob to Greyscale." "2F21B") "Dither" ("grb --> grb'/grb" "Convert a greyscale grob to B&W" "2F21A") "Distance" ("#\\GDx #\\GDy --> #SQRT(\\GDx^2+\\GDy^2)" "Compute the distance between two points. " "255B5") "MakeStdLabel" ("$ --> grob" "Makes standard menu label." "2E166") "MakeBoxLabel" ("$ --> grob" "Makes label with a box." "2E189") "MakeDirLabel" ("$ --> grob" "Makes directory label." "2E1EB") "MakeDir/StdLabel" ("ob --> grob" "Makes directory label if ob is a directory (rrp), otherwise calls MakeStdLabel." "2E139" :UBS) "MakeInvLabel" ("$ --> grob" "Makes inverse label." "2E24D") "Box/StdLabel" ("$ flag --> grob" "If TRUE makes box label, otherwise makes standard label." "25E7F") "Std/BoxLabel" ("$ flag --> grob" "If TRUE makes standard label, otherwise makes box label." "25F01") "Box/StdLbl:" ("--> grob" "Does Box/StdLabel with the next two objects from the stream. Usage: :: Box/StdLbl: $ ;" "25E80") "StdLabelDef" ("#col grob --> #col $ --> #col id --> #col :: -->" "Works by dispatching the object type." "2E094" :UBS) "$>GROB" ("$ --> grob" "Makes grob of the string using the system font. Linefeed does *not* make new line." "25F7C") "$>GROBCR" ("$ --> grob" "Makes grob of the string using the system font. Linefeed *does* make new line." "25F86") "$>grob" ("$ --> grob" "Makes grob of the string using the minifont. Linefeed does *not* make new line." "25F81") "$>grobCR" ("$ --> grob" "Makes grob of the string using the minifont. Linefeed *does* make new line." "25F8B") "~$>grobOrGROB" ("$ --> grob" "Converts string to a grob using either the current font or the minifont, depending on system flag 90." "05F0B3" :UBS) "RIGHT$3x6" ("$ #n --> flag grob" "Transforms string into grob (using the minifont), then takes all characters starting after column #n. flag is FALSE if #n is greater than the width of the grob. In this QcaseQ, the whole grob is returned." "25F24") "CENTER$3x5" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Creates grob from string (using the minifont) and embeds it at specified position (#x, #y). The grob is centered around #x and the to is put at #y. #w represents the maximum width of the grob created. If the text is wider, it is truncated. Bangtype." "25FEF") "^MkTitle" ("$ --> grob" "Create a title grob. This is the text embedded in a dot matrix pattern, as used for Choose boxes etc. The size of the grob is 131x7. " "02F002" :UBS) "LEFT$3x5" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like CENTER$3x5, but the left corner of the text is positioned at #x." "25FF9") "ERASE&LEFT$3x5" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like LEFT$3x5, but erase background first." "26071") "LEFT$3x5Arrow" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like LEFT$3x5, but if the text does not fit, replace the last character by character 31 (dots) to show that the text was truncated." "26008") "LEFT$3x5CR" ("grob #x #y $ #w #h --> grob'" "Like LEFT$3x5, but newlines in the strings are interpreted and start new lines. Note the additional argument #h for the maximum height of the text grob." "2601C") "LEFT$3x5CRArrow" ("grob #x #y $ #w #h --> grob'" "Like LEFT$3x5CR, but show truncation with arrows." "26012") "CENTER$5x7" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Same as CENTER$3x5, but using system font. " "25FF4") "LEFT$5x7" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like CENTER$5x7, but the left corner of the text is positioned at #x." "25FFE") "ERASE&LEFT$5x7" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like LEFT$5x7, but erase background first." "2606C") "LEFT$5x7Arrow" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like LEFT$5x7, but if the text has to be truncated, replace the last character with character 31 (arrow)." "26003") "LEFT$5x7CR" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like LEFT$5x7, but interpret newlines." "26017") "LEFT$5x7CRArrow" ("grob #x #y $ #w --> grob'" "Like LEFT$5x7CR, but show truncation with arrows." "2600D") "^EQW3GROB" ("ob --> ext grob #0 --> #2" "" "019004") "^EQW3GROBStk" ("ob --> ext grob #0 --> #2" "" "01A004") "^EQW3GROBmini" ("ob --> ext grob #0 --> #2" "" "01F004") "^EQW3GROBsys" ("ob --> ext grob #0 --> #2" "" "01E004" :wasCSys) "^XGROBext" ("ob --> grob" "Convert object to a grob." "0BE007" :wasCSys) "^DISPLAYext" ("grob ob --> grob'" "Adds ob to grob after converting it to a grob." "0C0007" :wasCSys) "CHECKPICT" ("-->" "Checks size of GBUFF. If it is smaller than 131x64 sets GBUFF back to its default size (131x64)." "2F162") "CKPICT" ("xPICT -->" "Checks for user word xPICT on level 1. Errors (SETTYPEERR) if there is another object." "2EF06") "PICTRCL" ("xPICT --> grob" "Does CKPICT, then recalls GBUFF and does TOTEMPOB." "2F258") "MAKEPVARS" ("--> {}" "Creates the default PPAR variable in the current directory and returns its value. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F355") "CHECKPVARS" ("--> {}" "Recalls contents of PPAR in current path to stack. Creates PPAR in current directory if non-existent. Errors \"Invalid PPAR\" if existing PPAR is invalid. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F163") "GETPARAM" ("# --> ob" "Extracts the #th item from PPAR. No error checking! -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F33D") "GETXMIN" ("--> %" "Recalls XMIN from the PPAR list if existent. If not, the default PPAR is created in the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F0FF") "PUTXMIN" ("% -->" "Sets a new value for XMIN. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F366") "GETXMAX" ("--> %" "Recalls XMAX from the PPAR list if existent. If not, the default PPAR is created in the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F0FE") "PUTXMAX" ("% -->" "Sets a new value for XMAX. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F365") "GETYMIN" ("--> %" "Recalls YMIN from the PPAR list if existent. If not, the default PPAR is created in the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F100") "PUTYMIN" ("% -->" "Sets a new value for YMIN. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F368") "GETYMAX" ("--> %" "Recalls YMAX from the PPAR list if existent. If not, the default PPAR is created in the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F10E") "PUTYMAX" ("% -->" "Sets a new value for YMAX. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F367") "GETPMIN&MAX" ("--> C% C%" " -- Returns PMIN and PMAX. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F107") "PUTINDEP" ("ID -->" "Internal xINDEP if the arg is an ID. " "2EEF2") "PUTINDEPLIST" ("{} -->" "Internal xINDEP if the arg is a list." "2EEF3") "INDEPVAR" ("--> id" "Recalls the independent variable. If a list, extract first element. :: GETINDEP DUPTYPELIST? ?CARCOMP ;" "2F0E8") "GETINDEP" ("--> id --> {}" "Recalls the independent variable field in PPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F106") "GETPTYPE" ("--> name" "Recalls the plot type using GETPARAM. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2EEF5") "PUTPTYPE" ("name -->" "Sets a new plot type. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2EEF6") "GETRES" ("--> %" "Recalls the plot resolution using GETPARAM. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F10D") "PUTRES" ("% -->" "Set new plot resolution. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2EEF4") "GETSCALE" ("--> % %'" "Recalls the plot scale parameters. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2F33E") "PUTSCALE" ("% %' -->" "Set new plot scale. PPAR is created if necessary. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR" "2EEF1") "AUTOSCALE" ("-->" "Internal AUTO." "2EEEF") "DOGRAPHIC" ("-->" "Sets the scroll mode of PICTURE and is essentially the same as { } PVIEW." "2EF60") "GETXPOS" ("" "" "2F109") "getxpos" ("" "" "2F007") "GETYPOS" ("" "" "2F340") "getypos" ("" "" "2F008") "EQUATION" ("--> ob T --> F" "Recall the current equation, stored in the 'EQ' variable, and TRUE. If there is no 'EQ' variable on the path, just returns FALSE." "25ECF") "GetEqN" ("#n --> ob T --> NULL$ F" "Get the #nth equation, if EQ is a list of equations. " "2F339") "DORCLE" ("--> ob" "Recalls the contents of the EQ variable, errors if it does not exist." "25EB5") "DOSTOE" ("ob -->" "Stores ob into the variable EQ." "25EB6") "XEQPURGEPICT" ("xPICT -->" "If object in level one is xPICT, erases the graphic display. Otherwise, errors." "2F297") "CRER" ("" "" "00113") "CROSSMARKON" ("" "" "2F328") "CROSS_HAIRS" ("" "" "2EEFA") "CROSS_OFF" ("" "" "2EEFB") "GDISPCENTER" ("-->" "Moves to center of graphics display" "2F105") "GetRes" ("" "" "2F10A") "HSCALE" ("" "" "2EEF8") "VSCALE" ("" "" "2EEF7") "PLOTERR" ("" "" "2F35E") "PlotOneMore?" ("" "" "2F35F") "PLOTPREP" ("" "" "2F0C5") "DOPX>C" ("{ hxs hxs' } --> C%" "Converts a list of two hex strings into a complex number. Used for plotting coordinates. Inverse operation is DOC>PX." "2EF01") "DOC>PX" ("C% --> { hxs hxs' }" "Converts a complex coordinate point into list of two HXS numbers. Inverse operation is DOPX>C. " "2EF02") "^VXXLext" ("ob Lvar --> Q" "Converts object to internal form. The object can be a symbolic, a symbolic vector or a symbolic matrix. If the conversion was not successfull, vxxxlflag is cleared." "4D7006" :CSys) "^R2SYM" ("lvar ob --> ob" "Back conversion of a scalar object." "400006" :CSys) "^METALISTVXXL" ("Meta --> Meta" "Conversion of all elements of a meta object with respect to the variables in LAM1." "4D8006" :CSys) "^VXXLFext" ("n/d --> Z1/Z2" "Conversion of a fraction which does not depend on any variables." "4D9006" :CSys) "^VXXL1ext" ("n --> Z" "Conversion of an object which does not depend on any variables." "4DA006" :CSys) "^VXXL0" ("ob --> Q" "Conversion of object with respect to Lvar in LAM1." "4DB006" :CSys) "^VXXL2NR" ("Meta --> Q" "Converts symbolic meta to internal form (LAM1=Lvar). Set nocareflag to avoid square root problems." "4DC006" :CSys) "^VXXL2" ("Meta --> Q" "Converts symbolic meta to internal form (LAM1=Lvar)." "4DD006" :CSys) "^TYPEIRRQ?" ("ob --> flag" "Is ob an irrquad?" "167006" :CSys) "^DTYPEIRRQ?" ("ob --> ob flag" "DUP, then ^TYPEIRRQ?." "168006" :CSys) "^CKMATRIXELEM" ("ob --> ob" "Checks that ob is a valid internal matrix element. Look for CK[]NCK for user matrix element." "177006" :CSys) "^CKFPOLYext" ("ob --> ob" "Errors if list contains secondaries or empty lists." "18F006" :CSys) "^CK2FPOLY" ("ob ob --> ob ob" "Does CKFPOLYext on two objects." "190006" :CSys) "^CLEANIDLAM" ("ob --> ob" "Suppresses SYMB if not needed." "19E006" :CSys) "Z-9" ("-9" "" "2733F" :UBS) "Z-8" ("-8" "" "2734B" :UBS) "Z-7" ("-7" "" "27357" :UBS) "Z-6" ("-6" "" "27363" :UBS) "Z-5" ("-5" "" "2736F" :UBS) "Z-4" ("-4" "" "2737B" :UBS) "Z-3" ("-3" "" "27387" :UBS) "Z-2" ("-2" "" "27393" :UBS) "Z-1" ("-1" "" "2739F" :UBS) "Z0" ("0" "" "273AB" :UBS) "Z1" ("1" "" "273B6" :UBS) "Z2" ("2" "" "273C2" :UBS) "Z3" ("3" "" "273CE" :UBS) "Z4" ("4" "" "273DA" :UBS) "Z5" ("5" "" "273E6" :UBS) "Z6" ("6" "" "273F2" :UBS) "Z7" ("7" "" "273FE" :UBS) "Z8" ("8" "" "2740A" :UBS) "Z9" ("9" "" "27416" :UBS) "Z10" ("10" "" "27422" :UBS) "Z12" ("12" "" "2742F" :UBS) "Z24" ("24" "" "2743C" :UBS) "Z100" ("100" "" "27449" :UBS) "ZINT1_0" ("--> 1 0" "Pushes the ZINTS 1 and 0." "274A9" :UBS) "^DROPZ0" ("ob --> z0" "" "2E0006" :CSys) "^DROPZ1" ("ob --> z1" "" "2DF006" :CSys) "^2DROPZ0" ("2 1 --> z0" "" "392006" :CSys) "^NDROPZ0" ("obn...ob1 #n --> z0" "Replaces meta with Z0." "3B3006" :CSys) "^NDROPZ1" ("obn...ob1 #n --> z1" "Replaces meta with Z1." "3B4006" :CSys) "INTERNALiX" ("{ 1 0 0 }" "List with the three ZINTS 1, 0, and 0." "274A4" :UBS) "Z0ONE" ("--> ZINT 0 #1" "" "27C70" :UBS) "^#>Z" ("# --> Z" "Converts bint to zint." "0EE006" :CSys) "^R>Z" ("% --> z" "Converts real to zint. Do not call this entry if the number if not an integer." "0F5006" :CSys) "^R2Zext" ("% --> %%/Z" "Converts real to zint, or to long real if the number is not an integer. mode if number is not an integer." "18D006" :CSys) "^H>Z" ("HXS --> Z / Error" "Checks if HXS is a proper zint number and trims it." "0ED006" :CSys) "^S>Z" ("$ --> z" "Converts decimal in a string into a zint." "0F2006" :CSys) "^S>Z?" ("$ --> z T --> $ F" "If possible, converts string into a zint and returns TRUE. If not, keeps the original string and returns FALSE." "0F3006" :CSys) "^CK&CONVINT" ("symb --> zint --> :: zint zint' ;" "Check that a sym is a zint or Gauss integer, convert it." "202006" :CSys) "^CK&CONV2INT" ("symb symb' --> zint zint' --> :: zint1 zint2 ; :: zint3 zint4 ;" "Check that 2 sym are zint or Gauss integer, convert them." "203006" :CSys) "^CONVBACKINT" ("zint|c --> symb" "" "205006" :CSys) "^CONVBACK2INT" ("zint|c zint|c --> symb symb" "" "204006" :CSys) "^Z>ZH" ("Z --> Z'" "Converts decimal Z to hex Z." "0F4006" :CSys) "^Z2Sext" ("Z --> '$Z'" "Converts Z to string number. The number is embedded in a symbolic to enable using it in algebraics." "18E006" :CSys) "^ZTrim" ("Z --> Z'" "Strips Z from unnecessary leading nibbles. Counts nibbles required for representation. If that equals used nibbles then quick exit. Else allocates new object, copies significant mantissa nibbles and apends original sign." "101006" :CSys) "^ZAbs" ("Z --> |Z|" "Takes the absolute value of Z. If Z is already positive then does nothing. Else duplicate object and change sign." "102006" :CSys) "^ZABS" ("Z --> Z'" "Absolute value." "50B006" :CSys) "^ZSQ" ("Z --> Z'" "Computes the square of a zint." "590006" :CSys :UBS) "^ZSQRT" ("Z --> Z' flag" "Calculates integer part of square root. If the number was a square, then flag is TRUE to indicate that the returned result is exact." "0E0006" :CSys) "^Mod" ("Z Zn --> Z'" "Make Z modulo N." "3D0006" :CSys) "^ZMod" ("Z1 Z2 --> Z'" "" "0DD006" :CSys) "^ZNMax" ("Z1 Z2 --> NormMax[Z1,Z2]" "Returns the integer with the greatest absolute value. (Returns Z1 if |Z1|\\>=|Z2|; returns Z2 if |Z1|<|Z2|). " "105006" :CSys) "^ZNMin" ("Z1 Z2 --> NormMin[Z1,Z2]" "Returns the integer with the smallest absolute value. (Returns Z1 if |Z1|\\<=|Z2|; returns Z2 if |Z1|>|Z2|). " "106006" :CSys) "^ZBits" ("Z --> Z #bits" "Calculates number of bits used in Z." "10D006" :CSys) "^ZBit?" ("Z #bit --> Z flag" "Tests if a bit in Z is set. Count starts from zero, as opposed to ZBits." "10E006" :CSys) "^ZGCDext" ("Z2 Z1 --> Z" "Integer GCD." "2B7006" :CSys) "^ZGcd" ("Z2 Z1 --> Z" "This is the same entry as ZGCDext." "2B8006" :CSys) "^IEGCD" ("" "Internal EGCD for integers." "20A006" :CSys) "^IEGCDext" ("a b --> d u v" "Bezout for integers. d=au+bv=gcd(a,b)." "3D6006" :CSys) "^INEGCD" ("a b --> d u v" "" "3D9006" :CSys) "^EGCDSWAP" ("" "" "3DA006" :CSys) "^EGCDNEWG" ("" "" "3DB006" :CSys) "^#FACT" ("# --> Z" "Calculates the factorial of an integer. Works fine for all numbers #0 - #FFFFF, although at some point you will get an out of memory error." "07C007" :CSys) "^factzint" ("z --> z!" "Factorial for long integers." "576006" :CSys) "^PA2B2" ("z/% --> a+bi" "Internal PA2B2." "215006" :CSys) "^ZFactor" ("Zs --> Lf" "Factors signed long integer." "0C9006" :CSys) "^NFactor" ("z --> {}" "Factors positive long integer." "0CA006" :CSys) "^NFactorSpc" ("z --> {}" "Semi-factors positive long integer. This is regular factorization with an extra 'hopeless?' test." "0CB006" :CSys) "^SFactor" ("S --> Lf" "Factors short integer. Pollard Rho, with the assumption that trial division has been done already. Thus any factor less than 4012009 is known to be a prime, for greater factors a primality test is used before calling the actual Pollard Rho. Pollard Rho does not find the factors in order of magnitude, thus the results will be sorted after full factorization has been achieved." "0CD006" :CSys) "^SPollard" ("S --> S1 S2" "Factors short integer into 2 parts using Pollard Rho algorithm. Trial division and primality tests should be done prior to calling this subroutine, otherwise an eternal loop is risked. The random number generator is modeled after the user level RAND command, although the starting value is different." "0CE006" :CSys) "^BFactor" ("N --> Lf" "Factors long integer. Brent-Pollard, with the assumption that trial division has been done already. When a small factor is found SFactor is called to get full short factorization. Since the factorization can potentially take a very long time, an execution time test is used to abort factoring very long integers (limit is 60s for each composite). The factors are sorted at exit." "0CF006" :CSys) "^BrentPow" ("Za Z1 Z2 Zn #k --> Z" "Modular * + ^ mod for Brent-Pollard factorization. Output is Z1*Z2+Za mod Zn repeated k times Note that k=0 and k=1 give the same result. Also Z1\\=/Z2 makes no sense for k\\=/0. All arguments are assumed to be positive. Za is assumed to be < 16. In some instances k can be a very high number, thus it might make sense to use Montgomery multiplication." "0D0006" :CSys) "^ZPrime?" ("Z --> flag" "Primality test for a positive integer. According to Pinch commercial software packages use only about 5-10 bases by default, maximum around 25. The latest versions usually implement a deterministic." "0D1006" :CSys) "^ZIsPrime?" ("Z --> flag" "Probabilistic primality test for a positive integer." "0D2006" :CSys) "^SIsPrime?" ("S --> flag" "Tests if positive short Z is prime. M-R test fails for integers \\<= 3, so we just test them separately at the start. For convenience lets define 0 and 1 to be primes also." "0D3006" :CSys) "^BIsPrime?" ("S --> flag" "Test if positive long Z is prime." "0D4006" :CSys) "^BRabin" ("Z #base --> Z flag" "Performs Miller-Rabin test for long positive integer. Returns TRUE if base witnesses composite. Else returns FALSE." "0D5006" :CSys) "^ZTrialDiv2" ("Z --> Z' #n" "Remove factors of 2 from integer. #n is the power of two extracted from the number. The sign is also handled correctly, even though it is never required in ALG48 (absolute Z)." "0D6006" :CSys) "^ZTrialPrime?" ("Z --> flag" "Trial division primality test for a positive integer. works for Z \\>= 3 (return false for Z=2)." "0D7006" :CSys) "^ZTrialDiv" ("Z --> Mf Z'" "Trial division of a positive integer. If Z' is one then full factorization was achieved. The long trial division is not too slow, since division by short integer is quite fast. The quotient is also checked so that a final factor less than 2000^2 will also be automatically detected." "0D8006" :CSys) "^Prime+" ("Z --> Z'" "Returns next prime ( Z' > Z )." "0C7006" :CSys) "^Prime-" ("Z --> Z'" "Returns previous prime ( Z' < Z )." "0C8006" :CSys) "Z1Z0" ("(1,0)" "" "274A9" :UBS) "Z0Z1" ("(0,1)" "" "27516" :UBS) "Z-1Z0" ("(-1,0)" "" "2754B" :UBS) "Z1Z1" ("(1,1)" "" "2756C" :UBS) "^CXRIext" ("C --> Zre Zim" "Returns real and imaginary part of Gaussian integer." "15D006" :CSys) "^CGCDext" ("C2 C1 --> C" "GCD for Gauss integers." "2B5006" :CSys) "^CSQFFext" ("C --> { factor1 mult1 ... factn multn }" "Factorization of Gauss integers. This is not the complete factorization of C over Gauss integers since the GCD of the real part and imaginary part of c is factored only over R." "4D5006" :CSys) "^SECOSQFFext" (":: x<< a b c x>> ; --> { fact1 mult1 ... factn multn }" "Factorization of irrquads and Gauss integers." "4D4006" :CSys) "^SUMSQRext" ("Z --> Z C" "Returns a Gauss integer C so that |C|^2=Z. Z must be 2 or so that Z=1 mod 4. If Z \\=/ 1 mod 4, \"Z is not 1 mod 4\" error. Z should be prime to ensure the existence of a solution. " "4D6006" :CSys) "^CNORMext" ("C --> |C|^2" "Square modulus of a Gauss integer." "518006" :CSys) "Z=" ("Z Z' --> flag" "" "265C1") "Z<>" ("Z Z' --> flag" "" "265C6") "Z<" ("Z Z' --> flag" "" "265BC") "Z<=" ("Z Z' --> flag" "" "265D0") "Z>" ("Z Z' --> flag" "" "265B7") "Z>=" ("Z Z' --> flag" "" "265CB") "^QIsZero?" ("Q --> flag" "Tests if Q is zero. Assumes list contains only lists or hexes!." "0F8006" :CSys) "^DupQIsZero?" ("Q --> Q flag" "Duplicates Q and tests if Q is zero. Assumes list contains only lists or hexes!." "0F7006" :CSys) "^ZIsOne?" ("Z --> flag" "Tests if Z is Z1." "0FA006" :CSys) "^DupZIsOne?" ("Z --> Z flag" "Duplicates Z, and returns TRUE if Z is 1." "0F9006" :CSys) "^DupZIsTwo?" ("Z --> Z flag" "Returns TRUE if Z is 2." "109006" :CSys) "^ZIsNeg?" ("Z --> flag" "Tests if Z is negative." "0FC006" :CSys) "^DupZIsNeg?" ("Z --> Z flag" "Tests if Z is negative." "0FB006" :CSys) "^DupZIsEven?" ("Z --> Z flag" "Tests if Z is even." "10A006" :CSys) "^ZNLT?" ("Z1 Z2 --> flag" "TRUE if |Z1|<|Z2|." "107006" :CSys) "^OBJINT?" ("z/% --> z flag" "Tests if Obj is an integer." "19A006" :CSys) "^OBJPOSINT?" ("z/% --> z flag" "Tests if Obj is a positive integer smaller than Zsmall." "19B006" :CSys) "^CKINT>0" ("Obj --> Obj flag" "Tests if Obj is a strictly positive integer." "19C006" :CSys) "^DupTypeS?" ("Z --> Z flag" "Tests if Z is short (\\<= 64 bits)." "0CC006" :CSys) "^MATIDN" ("M/z/% --> M'" "Creates identity matrix." "371006" :CSys) "^MATCON" ("M ob --> [ob]" "Creates constant matrix from matrix." "372006" :CSys) "^MAKEARRY" ("{#el} ob --> [] {#rows #cols} ob --> [[]]" "Creates constant matrix/array, initializing all elements with ob. ob may be symbolic, real, complex or zint." "373006" :CSys) "^DIMRANM" ("{} --> M'" "Creates symbolic random matrix from dimensions." "345006" :CSys) "^MATRANM" ("M --> M'" "Changes all elements of matrix to elements generated randomly. " "344006" :CSys) "^OBJDIMS2MAT" ("ob {} --> M" "Creates constant matrix from dimension and ob." "374006" :CSys) "^LCPROG2M" ("#n #m prg --> M" "Fills a matrix of specified size using a program. prg must take two arguments and return one argument. On entry MAKE2DMATRIX provide the indexes as Z integers." "375006" :CSys) "^MAKE2DMATRIX" ("#n #m prg --> M" "Creates matrix from size and program (with stack checking). prg must take 2 args and return 1 arg. On entry MAKE2DMATRIX provide the indexes as Z integers." "376006" :CSys) "^make2dmatrix" ("#n #m prg --> meta-M" "Create meta-matrix from size and program (with stack checking). prg must take 2 args and return 1 arg On entry make2dmatrix provide the indexes as Z integers." "377006" :CSys) "^MATREDIM" ("M {} --> M'" "Changes size of a matrix, removing elements and/or adding zeros, as necessary. " "341006" :CSys) "^VRRDM" ("[]/[[]] {} --> []" "Vector Right ReDiMension: adds 0 to the right." "342006" :CSys) "^VRRDMmeta" ("meta #l --> meta-#l" "Meta Right ReDiMension: adds 0 to the right." "343006" :CSys) "^{}TO[]" ("{} --> []" "Converts from list-of-lists representation to matrix. No checks on the element type." "16A006" :CSys) "^LIST2MATRIX" ("{} --> [] {{}} --> [[]] ob --> ob" "Converts a symbolic list to a matrix. Does not check that matrix is a valid one. Use DTYPFMAT? to do that." "17A006" :CSys) "^[]TO{}" ("[] --> {}" "Converts from matrix to list-of-lists." "16B006" :CSys) "^MATRIX2LIST" ("[] --> { } [[]] --> {{}} ob --> ob" "Converts a symbolic matrix to a list." "179006" :CSys) "^ARRAY2MATRIX" ("[] --> [] [[]] --> [[]]" "Converts array to symbolic array if necessary." "17E006" :CSys) "^SAMEMATRIX" ("M1 M2 --> M1 M2 flag" "If one object is a symbolic array, converts both arrays to symbolic form. Returns TRUE for symbolic matrices and FALSE for numeric." "175006" :CSys) "^SAMEMATSCTYPE" ("M ob --> M ob flag" "If M is a numeric matrix and ob is not float, converts matrix to symbolic form. Returns TRUE for symbolic and FALSE for numeric." "176006" :CSys) "^ArryToList" ("[]/[[]] --> {}/{{}}" "Converts normal array (containing only real or complex numbers) to list of lists; errors for symbolic arrays." "003007" :CSys) "^MATEXPLODE" ("[[ob1..obn]] --> ob1..obn [[ob1..obn]]" "" "17D006" :CSys) "^DUPNULL[]?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests for a null array." "16C006" :CSys) "^NULLVECTOR?" ("V --> flag" "Returns true if vector is null." "359006" :CSys) "^CKSAMESIZE" ("arry1 arry2 --> arry1 arry2 flag" "Tests if arry1 and 2 have the same size." "16F006" :CSys) "^DTYPENDO?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is a square symbolic matrix. Convert numeric array to symbolic matrix." "170006" :CSys) "^2DMATRIX?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tests if object is a 2D matrix." "173006" :CSys) "^MAT+" ("M2 M1 --> M2+M1" "" "320006" :CSys) "^MADD" ("M2 M1 --> M2+M1" "" "321006" :CSys) "^MAT-" ("M2 M1 --> M2-M1" "" "322006" :CSys) "^MSUB" ("M2 M1 --> M2-M1" "" "323006" :CSys) "^VADD" ("V2 V1 --> V2+V1" "" "324006" :CSys) "^VSUB" ("V2 V1 --> V2-V1" "" "325006" :CSys) "^MAT*" ("M2 M1 --> M2*M1" "Matrix product with size and type checking." "326006" :CSys) "^MMMULT" ("M2 M1 --> M2*M1" "" "327006" :CSys) "^MVMULT" ("M V --> V'" "Product of matrix by vector." "328006" :CSys) "^SCL*MAT" ("ob M --> M*ob" "Scalar times matrix." "329006" :CSys) "^MAT*SCL" ("M ob --> M*ob" "Matrix times scalar." "32A006" :CSys) "^VPMULT" ("V ob --> V'" "Multiplies vector by a scalar." "32B006" :CSys) "^MATSQUARE" ("M --> M*M" "" "335006" :CSys) "^MAT^" ("M z/% --> M'" "Integral matrix power." "32C006" :CSys) "^MATCROSS" ("[] []' --> []''" "Vector product." "32D006" :CSys) "^MATDOT" ("V2 V1 --> ob" "Scalar product with checking." "32E006" :CSys) "^RNDARRY" ("M % --> M" "Rounds array." "32F006" :CSys) "^TRCARRY" ("M % --> M" "Truncates array." "330006" :CSys) "^MAT/SCL" ("M ob --> M/ob" "Divides matrix by scalar." "332006" :CSys) "^MAT/" ("V M --> M^-1*V" "\"Divides\" Vector by matrix." "333006" :CSys) "^MATCHS" ("M --> -M" "" "334006" :CSys) "^MATINV" ("M --> M^-1" "" "34E006" :CSys) "^MATCONJ" ("M --> M'" "" "336006" :CSys) "^MATRE" ("M --> re[M]" "" "337006" :CSys) "^MATIM" ("M --> im[M]" "" "338006" :CSys) "^MATTRACE" ("M --> trace" "Matrix trace." "339006" :CSys) "^MATTRN" ("M --> M'" "Matrix transposition and conjugation." "33A006" :CSys) "^mattran" ("M --> Meta-M'" "Transposes matrix, returns meta-matrix." "33C006" :CSys) "^mattrn" ("Meta-M --> Meta-M'" "Transposes meta-matrix." "33D006" :CSys) "^MATDET" ("M --> det" "Determinant, expanding all (not row reduction)." "346006" :CSys) "^MATRDET" ("M --> det" "Determinant using row reduction." "347006" :CSys) "^MATFNORM" ("M --> ob" "Frobenius norm." "348006" :CSys) "^MATRNORM" ("M --> ob" "Row norm." "349006" :CSys) "^MATCNORM" ("M --> ob" "Column norm." "34A006" :CSys) "^MATRIXDIM" ("ob --> #" "Returns symbolic matrix dimensionality of an object." "174006" :CSys) "^MATREF" ("M --> M'" "Returns matrix in Row-Echelon form." "34C006" :CSys) "^MATRREF" ("M --> M'" "Returns matrix in Reduced Row-Echelon form." "34B006" :CSys) "^MATREFRREF" ("M #full_ref --> M list M'" "If #full_ref is 1, returns Reduced Row-Echelon form, otherwise returns just Row-Echolong form." "34F006" :CSys) "^MATRIXRCI" ("ncol i M const --> M'" "Multiplies row #i of symbolic matrix M by constant. ncol is not used, it's here because of the stack state at call-time from inside laRCI." "367006" :CSys) "^MATRIXRCIJ" ("ncol #i #j M const --> M'" "Does Lj <- c*Li+Lj. ncol is not used, it's here because of the stack state at call-time from inside laRCI." "368006" :CSys) "^INXREDext" ("Lvar #full_ref M --> Lvar pivot M" "" "350006" :CSys) "^METAMATRED" ("Meta-M Lvar #full_red --> meta-M Lvar pivot" "" "351006" :CSys) "^METAPIVOT" ("meta-M #l #c --> meta-M #l #l' #c' flag" "Searchs a pivot in column #c starting from row #l. Flag is FALSE if pivot is not found. If pivot is found #l' is the row, #c is updated to #c'." "352006" :CSys) "^PIVOTNORM" ("" "" "353006" :CSys) "^PIVOTFLOAT" ("float --> float_modulus" "" "354006" :CSys) "^MATRANK" ("M --> Z/%" "Rank of a matrix." "34D006" :CSys) "^LINSOLV" ("b a --> y" "Solves y'=ay+b." "080007" :CSys) "^SOLVEMETASYST" ("meta-M --> d meta-sol T --> F" "Solves linear system in meta representation. Meta-sol has been reduced to the same denominator d." "0F4007" :CSys) "^REDUCEMETASYST" ("meta-M --> meta->M'" "Reduces linear system in meta representation." "0F5007" :CSys) "^REDUCEMETAPSYST" ("meta-M --> meta-M'" "Reduces linear system in meta representation. Does not reduce last column of meta-matr. This is useful to solve linear system with parameters in the last column." "0F6007" :CSys) "^SOLVECRAMER" ("meta-M --> d meta-sol T --> F" "Solves cramer system. Meta-matr must be fully reduced. Meta-sol is reduced to the same denominator. d flag is FALSE if dimension do not match." "0F7007" :CSys) "^SYSText" ("M linc --> linc linc' res cas_p" "" "355006" :CSys) "^STOSYSText" ("M2 M1 --> M2 list" "" "356006" :CSys) "^MAKESYSText" ("M_eq M_inc --> M_eq M lidnt flag" "Converts linear equations to a matrix and checks that equation are linear with respect to lidnt." "357006" :CSys) "^VARGENext" ("" "" "358006" :CSys) "^FINDELN" ("{} A --> # flag" "Returns index # of element {} in array." "35A006" :CSys) "^PULLEL[S]" ("A # --> A el" "Extracts element of index # from array. Array type test is made in assembly for array speed." "35B006" :CSys) "^BANGARRY" ("el # M --> M'" "Puts el at index # of matrix M." "35C006" :CSys) "^PUT[]" ("el #i V --> V" "Replaces #i-th vector component by element." "35D006" :CSys) "^LENMATRIX" ("[] --> #el [[]] --> #row" "" "17B006" :CSys) "^MATSUB" ("M rmin nrows cmin ncols { #m #n } --> M'" "Extracts submatrix from a matrix." "33E006" :CSys) "^MATREPL" ("M1 M2 --> M2'" "Replaces part of matrix destination (M2) by matrix source (M1). LAM1 to 9 must be bound like in Llib/LIMain.s ( 9:r 8:c 7:dmat? 6:f 5:md 4:nd 3:smat? 2:ms 1:ns ). Copy begins in matrix d at row r and column c." "340006" :CSys) "^MATRIX>DIAG" ("A ncols+1 ndiags --> V" "Extracts diagonal terms. ncols+1 is there because MATRIX>DIAG is called inside la>DIAG." "35F006" :CSys) "^MATRIXDIAG>" ("ncol+1 diagV dlen dims{} --> M" "Constructs a matrix from a vector of diagonal terms." "360006" :CSys) "^la+ELEMsym" ("V ob %i --> V'" "Inserts element in symbolic vector at row %i." "361006" :CSys) "^INSERTROW[]" ("V ob #i --> V M V #i --> M'" "Inserts element/vector in symbolic vector/matrix at row #i. Checks for 0 < #i < #n + 1, but does not check for matrix/vector size." "362006" :CSys) "^insertrow[]" ("ob #i meta --> meta" "Inserts element/vector in meta-object at position #i. Checks for 0 < #i < #n + 1, but does not check for vector size. " "363006" :CSys) "^INSERTCOL[]" ("M V #i --> M'" "Inserts vector in symbolic matrix at col #i. Checks for 0 < #i < #n + 1, but does not check for matrix/vector size. " "364006" :CSys) "^INSERT[]ROW[]" ("M3 M2 #i --> M" "Inserts matrix2 in matrix3 starting from row #i. Checks for 0 < #i < #n+1, but does not check for matrix size. " "365006" :CSys) "^INSERT[]COL[]" ("M3 M2 #i --> M" "Inserts matrix2 in matrix3 starting from row #i. Checks for 0 < #i < #n + 1, but does not check for matrix size. " "366006" :CSys) "^MATRIXCSWAP" ("M #c #c' --> M" "Exchanges columns c and c' of a symbolic matrix." "369006" :CSys) "^MATRIXRSWAP" ("M #r #r' --> M" "Exchanges lines r and r' of a symbolic matrix." "36A006" :CSys) "^SWAPROWS" ("M % %' --> M'" "SWAP two rows in matrix. Internal version of xRSWP. " "0AC003" :1\.11) "^MATRIX-ROW" ("M #r --> M' lr" "Extracts row #r from M. Checks boundaries." "36B006" :CSys) "^METAMAT-ROW" ("meta-M #r --> meta-M lr" "Extracts row #r from meta-matrix. Checks boundaries." "36C006" :CSys) "^MATRIX-COL" ("M #c --> M cc" "Extracts column #r from matrix. Checks boundaries." "36D006" :CSys) "^METAMATCSWAP" ("meta-M #c #c' --> meta-M" "Exchanges columns c and c' of a meta-matrix." "36E006" :CSys) "^METAMATRSWAP" ("meta-M #l #l' --> meta-M" "Exchanges lines l and l' of a meta-matrix (or vector)." "36F006" :CSys) "^STOMAText" ("M -->" "Stores matrix in 'MATRIX' in current directory." "370006" :CSys) "^ADDMATOBJext" ("arry ob --> arry arry ob arry --> arry arry" "Used for addition of numeric matrix and symbolic object." "378006" :CSys) "^VUNARYOP" ("v op --> V" "Applies unary op(v[i]) to get V[i]." "379006" :CSys) "^VBINARYOP" ("V2 V1 binop --> V" "Works even if V2 and V1 do not have not the same dimension." "37A006" :CSys) "^PEVAL" ("V r --> P[r]" "Horner evaluation, where elements of V represent coefficients of a polynomial." "37B006" :CSys) "^MATEGVL" ("M --> V" "Computes eigenvalues of a matrix like xEGVL." "37C006" :CSys) "^MATEGV" ("M --> V" "Computes eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a matrix like xEGV." "37F006" :CSys) "^MADJ" ("M --> M^-1 P[M] P[lambda]" "Computes inverse, matrix polynomial and characteristic polynomial." "37E006" :CSys) "^JORDAN" ("M --> pmin pcar {evect} {eval} pmadj pcar --> pmin pcar {evect} {eval}" "Eigenvalue/eigenfunctions computation." "380006" :CSys) "^FLAGJORDAN" ("M -->" "Internal JORDAN." "22D006" :CSys) "^QXA" ("symb lidnt --> M lidnt" "Converts symbolic quad form to matrix quad form." "381006" :CSys) "^FLAGQXA" ("symb lidnt --> M lidnt" "Internal QXA." "224006" :CSys) "^AXQ" ("M lidnt --> symb lidnt" "Converts matrix quad form to qymbolic quad form." "382006" :CSys) "^FLAGAXQ" ("M lidnt --> symb lidnt" "Internal AXQ." "225006" :CSys) "^GAUSS" ("symb --> D P symb'" "Gauss reduction of quadratic form (symbolic)." "383006" :CSys) "^FLAGGAUSS" ("symb lidnt --> symb'" "Internal GAUSS." "226006" :CSys) "^SYLVESTER" ("M --> D P" "Gauss reduction of a quadratic form (matrix)." "384006" :CSys) "^FLAGSYLVESTER" ("M --> P D" "Internal SYLVESTER." "227006" :CSys) "^PCAR" ("[[]] --> symb" "Internal PCAR." "228006" :CSys) "^x+ext" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob2+ob1" "Symbolic addition, tests for infinities." "125006" :CSys) "^x-ext" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob2-ob1" "Symbolic subtraction, tests for infinities." "126006" :CSys) "^x*ext" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob2*ob1" "Symbolic multiplication, tests for infinities." "127006" :CSys) "^x/ext" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob2/ob1" "Symbolic division, tests for infinities." "129006" :CSys) "^x^ext" ("ob power --> ob^power" "Power." "12B006" :CSys) "^EXPAND^" ("x y --> x^y=exp[y*ln[x]]" "Power with simplifications. If y is a fraction of integers, use XROOT^ instead." "12C006" :CSys) "^QNeg" ("ob --> -ob" "Symbolic negation." "4FB006" :CSys) "^RNEGext" ("ob --> -ob" "Symbolic negation." "4FC006" :CSys) "^SWAPRNEG" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob1 -ob2" "Does SWAP then symbolic negation." "4FA006" :CSys) "^RREext" ("ob --> Re(ob)" "Symboloc real part." "4FE006" :CSys) "^SWAPRRE" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob1 Re(ob2)" "SWAP, then RREext." "4FD006" :CSys) "^RIMext" ("ob --> Im(ob)" "Symbolic imaginary part." "500006" :CSys) "^SWAPRIM" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 Im(ob1)" "SWAP, then RIMext." "4FF006" :CSys) "^xREext" ("symb --> symb'" "Complex real part. Expands only + - * / ^." "501006" :CSys) "^xIMext" ("symb --> symb'" "Complex imaginary part. Expands only + - * / ^." "503006" :CSys) "^RCONJext" ("ob --> Conj(ob)" "Symbolic complex conjugate." "505006" :CSys) "^xSYMCONJ" ("" "" "507006" :CSys) "^xABSext" ("ob --> abs(ob)" "Symbolic QABSQ function." "50D006" :CSys) "^RABSext" ("ob --> abs(ob)" "Internal ABS. Internal representation." "50A006" :CSys) "^xSYMABS" ("" "" "50F006" :CSys) "^xSYMSIGN" ("" "" "512006" :CSys) "^xSYMARG" ("" "" "514006" :CSys) "^CXIRext" ("" "" "519006" :CSys) "^xINVext" ("ob --> 1/ob" "Symbolic inversion." "52A006" :CSys) "^xSYMINV" ("symb --> 1/symb" "Symbolic inversion." "557006" :CSys) "^xSQext" ("symb --> sq(symb)" "Symbolic square." "553006" :CSys) "SYMSQ" ("symb --> symb^2" "Calls ^xSYMSQ for symbolic objects and xSQ for other objects." "2EF53" :UBS) "^xSYMSQ" ("symb --> symb^2" "" "555006" :CSys) "^SXSQRext" ("ob --> sqrt(ob)" "Does not take care of the sign." "51B006" :CSys) "^XSQRext" ("ob --> sqrt(ob)" "Tries to return a positive square root if nocareflag is cleared." "51C006" :CSys) "^xvext" ("ob --> sqrt(ob)" "Symbolic square root, tests for 0 and 1." "52B006" :CSys) "^xSYMSQRT" ("symb --> sqrt(symb)" "" "552006" :CSys) "^CKLN" ("ob --> ln(ob)" "Symbolic LN with special handling for fractions. Does not use the internal representation." "521006" :CSys) "^xLNext" ("ob --> ln(ob)" "Symbolic LN, without fraction handling." "522006" :CSys) "^xSYMLN" ("" "" "524006" :CSys) "^EXPANDLN" ("ob --> ln(ob)" "Symbolic LN using internal representation. Before switching to internal representation, test for ABS, 0 and 1 and, in real mode, test if ob=exp(x)." "525006" :CSys) "^REALLN" ("ob --> ln(ob)" "Internal natural logarithm for a real argument." "528006" :CSys) "^CMPLXLN" ("ob --> ln(ob)" "Internal complex natural logarithm." "526006" :CSys) "^LNATANext" ("ob --> ln(ob)" "Internal natural logarithm for complex." "527006" :CSys) "^xEXPext" ("y d n --> exp(y*n/d*i*\\pi)" "Symbolic EXP, tests for 0, infinity and i*k*\\pi/12 where k is an integer. Tests for d=1,2,3,4,6." "529006" :CSys) "^xCOSext" ("ob --> cos(ob)" "Symbolic COS, tests for 0 and multiples of \\pi/12. Also tests if ob=acos(x) or ob=asin(x)." "52C006" :CSys) "^xSYMCOS" ("ob --> cos(ob)" "" "536006" :CSys) "^xACOSext" ("ob --> acos(ob)" "Symbolic ACOS. Tests for 0, infinity and tables." "533006" :CSys) "^xSYMACOS" ("ob --> acos(ob)" "" "53F006" :CSys) "^xSINext" ("ob --> sin(ob)" "Symbolic SIN, tests for 0 and multiplies of \\pi/12. Also tests if ob=acos(x) or ob=asin(x)." "52D006" :CSys) "^xSYMSIN" ("ob --> sin(ob)" "" "538006" :CSys) "^xASINext" ("ob --> asin(ob)" "Symbolic ASIN. Tests for 0, infinity and tables." "532006" :CSys) "^xSYMASIN" ("ob --> asin(ob)" "" "53D006" :CSys) "^xTANext" ("ob --> tan(ob)" "Symbolic TAN. Tests for 0 and multiplies of \\pi/12. Also tests if ob=atan(x)." "52E006" :CSys) "^xSYMTAN" ("ob --> tan(ob)" "" "53A006" :CSys) "^xATANext" ("ob --> atan(ob)" "Symbolic ATAN. Tests for 0, infinity and tables." "534006" :CSys) "^xSYMATAN" ("ob --> atan(ob)" "" "541006" :CSys) "^xCOSHext" ("ob --> cosh(ob)" "Symbolic COSH. Tests for 0, infinity and acosh(x)." "52F006" :CSys) "^xSYMCOSH" ("ob --> cosh(ob)" "" "545006" :CSys) "^xACOSHext" ("symb --> acosh(symb)" "Symbolic ACOSH." "54E006" :CSys) "^xSYMACOSH" ("symb --> acosh(symb)" "" "550006" :CSys) "^xSINHext" ("ob --> sinh(ob)" "Symbolic SINH. Tests for 0, infinity and asinh(x)." "530006" :CSys) "^xSYMSINH" ("ob --> sinh(ob)" "" "543006" :CSys) "^xASINHext" ("symb --> symb'" "Symbolic ASINH." "54B006" :CSys) "^xSYMASINH" ("symb --> asinh(symb)" "" "54D006" :CSys) "^xTANHext" ("ob --> tanh(ob)" "Symbolic TANH. Tests for 0 and atanh(x)." "531006" :CSys) "^xSYMTANH" ("ob --> tanh(ob)" "Symbolic TANH." "547006" :CSys) "^xATANHext" ("symb --> symb'" "Symbolic ATANH." "548006" :CSys) "^xSYMATANH" ("ob --> atanh(ob)" "" "54A006" :CSys) "^xSYMD>R" ("" "" "55B006" :CSys) "^xSYMR>D" ("" "" "55D006" :CSys) "^xSYMFLOOR" ("symb --> symb'" "" "55F006" :CSys) "^xSYMCEIL" ("symb --> symb'" "" "561006" :CSys) "^xSYMIP" ("symb --> symb'" "" "563006" :CSys) "^xSYMFP" ("symb --> symb'" "" "565006" :CSys) "^xSYMXPON" ("symb --> symb'" "" "567006" :CSys) "^xSYMMANT" ("symb --> symb'" "" "569006" :CSys) "^xSYMLNP1" ("symb --> symb'" "" "56B006" :CSys) "^xSYMLOG" ("symb --> symb'" "" "56D006" :CSys) "^xSYMALOG" ("symb --> symb'" "" "56F006" :CSys) "^xSYMEXPM1" ("symb --> symb'" "" "571006" :CSys) "^factorial" ("symb --> symb!" "Symbolic factorial." "572006" :CSys) "^facts" ("symb --> symb!" "Symbolic factorial." "573006" :CSys) "^xSYMFACT" ("symb --> symb!" "" "575006" :CSys) "^xSYMNOT" ("symb --> symb'" "" "578006" :CSys) "^x=ext" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob2=ob1" "" "128006" :CSys) "^xssSYMXROOT" ("" "" "12E006" :CSys) "^xssSYM+" ("" "" "3AC006" :CSys) "^xssSYM-" ("" "" "3AE006" :CSys) "^xssSYM*" ("" "" "3B0006" :CSys) "^xssSYM/" ("" "" "3B2006" :CSys) "^xssSYM^" ("" "" "3B6006" :CSys) "^xSYMCHS" ("" "" "3B8006" :CSys) "^xssSYMMIN" ("" "" "130006" :CSys) "^xssSYMMAX" ("" "" "132006" :CSys) "^xssSYM?" ("" "" "138006" :CSys) "^xssSYM>=?" ("" "" "13A006" :CSys) "^xssSYM=?" ("" "" "13C006" :CSys) "^xssSYM#?" ("" "" "13E006" :CSys) "^xssSYM%" ("" "" "140006" :CSys) "^xssSYM%CH" ("" "" "142006" :CSys) "^xssSYM%T" ("" "" "144006" :CSys) "^xssSYMMOD" ("" "" "146006" :CSys) "^xssSYMTRCXY" ("" "" "148006" :CSys) "^xssSYMRNDXY" ("" "" "14A006" :CSys) "^xssSYMCOMB" ("" "" "14C006" :CSys) "^xssSYMPERM" ("" "" "14E006" :CSys) "^xssSYMOR" ("" "" "150006" :CSys) "^xssSYMAND" ("" "" "152006" :CSys) "^xssSYMXOR" ("" "" "154006" :CSys) "^COS2TAN/2" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (1-(tan(x/2))^2)/(1+(tan(x/2))^2)" "408006" :CSys) "^SIN2TAN/2" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> 2 tan(x/2)/(1+(tan(x/2))^2)" "40B006" :CSys) "^TAN2TAN/2" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> 2 tan(x/2)/(1-(tan(x/2))^2)" "40E006" :CSys) "^COS2TAN" ("symb --> symb2" "x \\-> 1/sqrt(1+(tan(x))^2)" "412006" :CSys) "^SIN2TAN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> tan(x)/sqrt(1+(tan(x))^2)" "414006" :CSys) "^LNP12LN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> ln(x+1)" "41A006" :CSys) "^LOG2LN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> log(x)" "41B006" :CSys) "^ALOG2EXP" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> alog(x)" "41C006" :CSys) "^EXPM2EXP" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> exp(x)-1" "41D006" :CSys) "^SQRT2LNEXP" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> exp(ln(x)/2)" "41E006" :CSys) "^sqrt2lnexp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> exp(ln(x)/2)" "41F006" :CSys) "^TAN2EXP" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (exp(i2x)-1)/(i*(exp(i2x)+1))" "420006" :CSys) "^ASIN2LN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> = i*ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))+pi/2. " "422006" :CSys) "^ACOS2LN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))/i" "424006" :CSys) "^TAN2SC" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> sin(x)/cos(x)" "427006" :CSys) "^SIN2TC" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> cos(x)*tan(x)" "42A006" :CSys) "^COS2ext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> sqrt(1-(sin(x))^2)." "42C006" :CSys) "^SIN2ext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> sqrt(1-(cos(x))^2)." "42E006" :CSys) "^ATAN2ASIN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> asin(x/sqrt(x^2+1))" "431006" :CSys) "^ASIN2ATAN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> atan(x/sqrt(1-x^2))" "434006" :CSys) "^ASIN2ACOS" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> \\pi/2-acos(x)" "437006" :CSys) "^ACOS2ASIN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> \\pi/2-asin(x)" "43C006" :CSys) "^ATAN2LNext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> i/2*ln((i+x)/(i-x))" "43D006" :CSys) "^TAN2SC2" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (1-cos(2x))/sin(2x)" "440006" :CSys) "^TAN2CS2" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> sin(2x)/(1+cos(2x))" "442006" :CSys) "^SIN2EXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (e^(i*x)-1/e^(i*x))/(2i)" "444006" :CSys) "^COS2EXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (e^(i*x)+1/e^(i*x))/2" "446006" :CSys) "^SINH2EXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (e^x-1/e^x)/2" "448006" :CSys) "^COSH2EXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (e^x+1/e^x)/2" "44A006" :CSys) "^TANH2EXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> (e^2x-1)/(e^2x+1)" "44C006" :CSys) "^ASINH2LNext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> ln(x+sqrt(x^2+1))" "44E006" :CSys) "^ACOSH2LNext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))" "450006" :CSys) "^ATANH2LNext" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> ln((1+x)/(1-x))/2" "452006" :CSys) "^XROOT2ext" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb'" "x y \\-> exp(ln(y)/x)" "454006" :CSys) "^LN2ATAN" ("symb --> symb'" "x \\-> ln(x)" "45A006" :CSys) "^VAR=LIST" ("idnt {} --> {}'" "Replaces all elements of the initial list by idnt=element." "45B006" :CSys) "^SYMBEXEC" ("ob symb --> ob'" "If symb is an equation, executes the corresponding change of variables in ob, otherwise tries to find symb so that ob is zero. Note that change of variable works for change of user functions." "464006" :CSys) "^MEVALext" ("ob {} {}' --> ob'" "Replaces all occurrances of an element of list2 by the corresponding element of list1 in ob. Looks in ob from outer to inner expressions. list2 and list1 may contain secondaries. If vxxlflag is set SIGN var are leaved unchanged." "465006" :CSys) "^CASNUMEVAL" ("symb list1 list2 --> symb'" "Evaluation of a symbolic. The lists' formats are list1={idnt/lam1... idnt_n/lam_n} list2={value1...value_n}. The idnt's/lam's in list1 are *not* evaluated before replacing value1...value_n." "466006" :CSys) "^CASCOMPEVAL" ("symb --> symb'" "Evaluation of a symbolic." "467006" :CSys) "^REPLACE2BY1" ("symb idnt a --> symb'" "Evaluation of a symbolic replacing an idnt by a value; for example evaluation of F(X) for X=1/2)" "468006" :CSys) "^NR_REPLACE" ("symb idnt a --> symb'" "Like REPLACE2BY1 but prevents evaluation of INT." "469006" :CSys) "^SYMBWHERE" ("" "" "46A006" :CSys) "^CASCRUNCH" ("ob --> %" "Like CRUNCH but in approximate mode." "46B006" :CSys) "^APPROXCOMPEVAL" ("symb --> symb'" "Like CASCOMPEVAL but in approximate mode." "46C006" :CSys) "^ALGCASCOMPEVAL" ("expr --> expr" "" "11A007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^SLVARext" ("Lvar --> Lvar'" "Simplifies all elements of the list that are supposed to be variables." "297006" :CSys) "^SIMPLIFY" ("symb --> symb'" "Simplifies one object like xEVAL." "298006" :CSys) "^SIMP1ext" ("symb --> symb'" "Simplifies one object like xEXPAND. Object must be a symbolic, a real or a complex number. " "299006" :CSys) "^SYMEXPAN" ("symb --> symb'" "Simplifies one object like xEXPAN. Object must be symb/real/cmplx." "29A006" :CSys) "^SIMPVAR" ("ob --> ob'" "Simplifies variable." "29B006" :CSys) "^SIMPSYMBS" ("inf sup fcn var --> int(inf,sup,fcn,var)" "" "2A0006" :CSys) "^SYMINTEGRAL" ("" "" "2A1006" :CSys) "^SIMPUSERFCN" ("ob1..obn #n ob --> id[]" "Simplification of user functions. Tests for derivative of user functions. Ob must be an id, a symbolic, a secondary or a romptr." "2A2006" :CSys) "^EVALUSERFCN" ("V1..Vn #n fcn --> f[]" "Evaluates a user function with stack checking." "2A3006" :CSys) "^SIMP|" ("ob list --> ob'" "Executes the WHERE operator." "2A4006" :CSys) "^SIMPext" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1' ob2'" "Simplifies two objects in internal representation. Checks that o2 is not a complex or an irrquad because decomposition of the corresponding fraction with larg would generate a \"Try to recover Memory\"." "2A9006" :CSys) "^SIMPEXTOK" ("" "" "2AA006" :CSys) "^SLOWSIMP2L" ("" "" "2AC006" :CSys) "^SIMPGCDext" ("o1 o2 gcd --> o1/gcd o2/gcd" "Divides o1 and o2 by gcd." "2AD006" :CSys) "^SIMP3ext" ("a b --> g a'' b''" "Calculates g = gcd(a,b) and a''=a/g and b''=b/g." "2AE006" :CSys) "^SIMP3LISText" ("" "" "2AF006" :CSys) "^SIMP3LSTSLOW" ("" "" "2B0006" :CSys) "^TSIMP2ext" ("symb --> symb" "Transcendental simplifications. Converts only sqrt ^ and XROOT to EXP/LN. LN are returned as -1/INV[-LN[]] for use by SERIES." "2B9006" :CSys) "^TSIMPext" ("symb --> symb" "Transcendental simplifications. Convert transcendental functions to EXP and LN." "2BA006" :CSys) "^TSIMP3ext" ("symb --> symb" "" "2BB006" :CSys) "^COLCext" ("symb --> symb'" "Factorization with respect to the current variable of symb and factorization of the integer content of symb." "26E006" :CSys) "^TCOLLECT" ("symb --> symb'" "Performs trigonometric linearization and then collects sines and cosines of the same angle." "2FE006" :CSys) "^SIGMAEXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "Conversion to exp and ln with exponential linearization." "2FF006" :CSys) "^LINEXPext" ("symb --> Meta" "Meta = arg_exp1 coef1 ... arg_expn coefn #2n." "300006" :CSys) "^SIGMAEXP2ext" ("Meta --> symb" "Back conversion from arg_exp/coef_meta to symbolic." "301006" :CSys) "^SINEXPA" ("symb --> symb'" "Expands SIN." "303006" :CSys) "^LNEXPA" ("symb --> symb'" "Expands LN." "316006" :CSys) "^MTRIG2SYMB" ("Meta --> symb" "Back conversion of trig-meta to symbolic." "31C006" :CSys) "^COSEXPA" ("symb --> symb'" "Expands COS." "309006" :CSys) "^EXPEXPA" ("symb --> symb'" "Expands EXP." "30F006" :CSys) "^LINEXPA" ("symb --> Meta" "Alternates trig operator and coefficient." "31B006" :CSys) "^LNCOLCext" ("symb --> symb'" "Collects logarithms." "31D006" :CSys) "^TEXPAext" ("symb --> symb" "Main transcendental expansion program." "31F006" :CSys) "^SYMCOLCT" ("" "" "26F006" :CSys) "^COLC1" ("" "" "270006" :CSys) "^COLC2" ("" "" "271006" :CSys) "^EXLR" ("'a=b' --> a b ob --> X ob" "Internal equation splitter." "240006" :CSys) "^HALFTAN" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts trigonometric functions to QTANQ of the half angle." "407006" :CSys) "^TRIGTAN" ("symb --> symb'" "Convert sin and cos to tan of the same angle." "411006" :CSys) "^TRIGext" ("symb --> symb'" "Applies sin^2+cos^2=1 to simplify trigonometric expressions. If flag -116 is set, tries to keep only sin, else only cos." "416006" :CSys) "^HYP2EXPext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts hyperbolic functions to exp and ln. Converts QXROOTQ and ^ to QexpQ and QlnQ." "417006" :CSys) "^EXPLNext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts all transcendental functions to exp and ln." "418006" :CSys) "^SERIESEXPLN" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QsqrtQ, ^ and QXROOTQ to QEXP/LNQ." "419006" :CSys) "^TAN2SCext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QtanQ to Qsin/cosQ." "426006" :CSys) "^SIN2TCext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QsinQ to Qcos*tanQ." "429006" :CSys) "^ATAN2Sext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QATANQ to QASINQ using asin(x)=atan(x/sqrt(1-x^2))." "430006" :CSys) "^ASIN2Text" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QASINQ to QATANQ using asin(x)=atan(x/sqrt(1-x^2))." "433006" :CSys) "^ASIN2Cext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QASINQ to QACOSQ using asin(x)=pi/2-acos(x)." "436006" :CSys) "^ACOS2Sext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QACOSQ to QASINQ using acos(x)=pi/2-asin(x)." "43A006" :CSys) "^TAN2SC2ext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts QTANQ to QSIN/COSQ of the double angle. If flag -116 is set calls TAN2SC2, else TAN2CS2." "43F006" :CSys) "^LN2ext" ("symb --> symb'" "If symb contains x, returns -1/inv(-ln(x)), else ln(x). Used by SERIES." "456006" :CSys) "^SINCOSext" ("symb --> symb'" "Converts exp and ln to exp*sin+cos and ln+i*atan." "457006" :CSys) "^PSEUDODIV" ("Q2 Q1 --> a Q2*a/Q1 Q2*a/Q1" "" "3E8006" :CSys) "^IDIV2" ("" "" "3E9006" :CSys) "^BESTDIV2" ("o2 o1 --> quo mod" "" "3EA006" :CSys) "^CDIV2ext" ("" "" "3EB006" :CSys) "^QUOText" ("o2 o1 --> o2 div o1" "Euclidean quotient of 2 objets (works even if o2 mod o1=0)." "3EC006" :CSys) "^NEWDIVext" ("ob2 ob1 --> quo mod" "Euclidean division, ob2 and ob1 may be fractions of returns a fraction of Q." "3ED006" :CSys) "^QUOTOBJext" ("a_a-1...a0 bb_1...b0 #b #a flag --> r q" "SRPL Euclidean division: step 2 computes the remainder r only if flag is TRUE." "3F3006" :CSys) "^DIVISIBLE?" ("a b --> a/b T --> ob F" "Returns TRUE and quotient if b divides a, otherwise returns FALSE." "3F4006" :CSys) "^QDiv?" ("a b --> a/b T --> F" "Returns TRUE and quotient if b divides a, otherwise returns FALSE." "3F5006" :CSys) "^POTENCEext" ("z1 z2 --> q r" "Step by step Euclidean division for small integers." "3F7006" :CSys) "^DENOLCMext" ("list --> ob" "Calculates the LCM of the denominator of the elements of the list. If input is not a list, returns the denominator of the object." "2A5006" :CSys) "^METADENOLCM" ("Meta --> ob" "Calculates LCM of the denominators of the elements of Meta." "2A6006" :CSys) "^LPGCDext" ("{} --> {} ob" "Calculates the GCD of all the elements in the list. The algorithm is far from optimal." "2B1006" :CSys) "^SLOWGCDext" ("c 1 A B --> c* gcd(A,B)" "Euclidean algorithm for polynomial GCD. Used if A or B contains irrquads. c is the GCD of the contents of the original polynomials returned after failure of GCDHEUext." "2B2006" :CSys) "^QGcd" ("ob2 ob1 --> gcd" "Generic internal GCD. ( LAM2: GCDext ob1, ob2 \\-> pgcd )." "2B3006" :CSys) "^GCDext" ("" "" "2B4006" :CSys) "^m-1&m+1" ("meta --> meta&1&+ meta&1&-" "Creates two copies of the meta. To the first one, adds 1 and +, to the second one, adds 1 and -." "386006" :CSys) "^meta1/meta" ("meta --> meta 1&meta&/" "Duplicates the meta, and inverts the expression represented by it. " "387006" :CSys) "^1&meta" ("Meta --> 1&Meta" "Prepends the number 1 to the meta." "388006" :CSys) "^meta/2" ("Meta --> Meta&2&/" "Divides the expression by two." "389006" :CSys) "^addt2" ("Meta --> Meta&2" "Appends the number 2 to the meta." "38A006" :CSys) "^addt/" ("Meta --> Meta&/" "Appends division to meta." "38B006" :CSys) "^meta2*" ("Meta --> 2&Meta&*" "Multiplies the expression by 2." "38C006" :CSys) "^metai*" ("meta --> meta*i" "Multiplies meta by i." "459006" :CSys) "^meta1-sq" ("Meta --> 1&Meta&SQ&-" "Changes x into 1-x^2, where x is the original expression. " "38D006" :CSys) "^metasq+1" ("Meta --> Meta&SQ&1&+" "Changes x into x^2+1, where x is the original expression. " "38E006" :CSys) "^metasq-1" ("Meta --> Meta&SQ&1&-" "Changes x into x^2-1, where x is the original equation. " "38F006" :CSys) "^meta-1" ("Meta --> Meta&1&-" "Subtracts one from the expression." "390006" :CSys) "^addt^" ("Meat --> Meta&^" "Append power operator to meta object." "398006" :CSys) "^top&addt*" ("meta2 meta1 --> meta2*meta1" "top& addt*. No checks." "39C006" :CSys) "^top&addt/" ("meta2 meta1 --> meta2/meta1" "top& addt/. No checks." "39D006" :CSys) "^addti" ("meta --> meta&i" "Appends i (the Imaginary unit) to expression." "39E006" :CSys) "^metaadd" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta1+Meta2" "Adds 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. metaadd checks for Meta1/2=Z0 ONE." "393006" :CSys) "^MetaAdd" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2+Meta1" "Adds 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. Checks for infinities then call metaadd." "3AB006" :CSys) "^ckaddt+" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta1+Meta2" "Adds 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications." "1CE006" :CSys) "^metasub" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta1+Meta2" "Subtracts 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. metasub checks for Meta1/2=Z0 ONE." "394006" :CSys) "^MetaSub" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2-Meta1" "Subtracts 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. Checks for infinities then call metasub." "3AD006" :CSys) "^ckaddt-" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta1+Meta2" "Subtracts 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications." "1CF006" :CSys) "^metamult" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta1*Meta2" "Multiplies 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. Checks for meta1, meta2= Z0 or Z1, checks for xNEG." "395006" :CSys) "^MetaMul" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2*Meta1" "Multiplies 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. Checks for infinities/0 then call metamult." "3AF006" :CSys) "^ckaddt*" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta1*Meta2" "Multiplies 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications." "1CD006" :CSys) "^metadiv" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2/Meta1" "Divides 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. Checks for infinities and 0, meta2 =1 or Z-1, checks for xNEG." "396006" :CSys) "^MetaDiv" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2/Meta1" "Divide 2 meta objects with trivial simplifications. Checks for infinities and 0 then call metadiv." "3B1006" :CSys) "^meta^" ("Meta ob --> Meta&ob&^" "Elevates expression to a power. If ob=1, just returns the expression. Tests for present of xNEG in the end of meta for integral powers. " "397006" :CSys) "^metapow" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2^Meta1" "Elevates expression to a power (any other expression). If length of Meta1 is ONE, calls meta^. " "399006" :CSys) "^MetaPow" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2^Meta1" "Power. Checks for infinities then calls metapow." "3B5006" :CSys) "^metaxroot" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2&XROOT&Meta1" "Root of expression. " "39B006" :CSys) "^metaneg" ("meta --> meta" "Checks only for meta finishing by xNEG." "3B9006" :CSys) "^metackneg" ("meta --> meta" "Like metaneg but checks for meta=ob ONE." "3BA006" :CSys) "^MetaNeg" ("Meta --> Meta" "Negates meta. Only checks for final xNEG in meta." "3B7006" :CSys) "^xSYMRE" ("meta --> meta'" "Meta complex real part. Expands only + - * / ^." "502006" :CSys) "^xSYMIM" ("meta --> meta'" "Meta complex imaginary part. Expands only + - * / ^." "504006" :CSys) "^addtABS" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QABSQ. Does a QCRUNCHQ first to find sign." "50E006" :CSys) "^addtABSEXACT" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QABSQ. No crunch, sign is only found using exact methods. " "510006" :CSys) "^addtSIGN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QSIGNQ." "511006" :CSys) "^addtARG" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QARGQ." "513006" :CSys) "^addtXROOT" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QXROOTQ. QXROOTQ(o2,o1) is o1^[1/o2], compared to o2^o1." "12D006" :CSys) "^addtMIN" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QMINQ." "12F006" :CSys) "^addtMAX" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QMAXQ." "131006" :CSys) "^addt<" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta <." "133006" :CSys) "^addt<=" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta <=." "135006" :CSys) "^addt>" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta >." "137006" :CSys) "^addt>=" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta >=." "139006" :CSys) "^addt==" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta ==." "13B006" :CSys) "^addt!=" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta !=." "13D006" :CSys) "^addt%" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta %." "13F006" :CSys) "^addt%CH" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta Q%CHQ. Meta2*(1+Meta'/100)=Meta1." "141006" :CSys) "^addt%T" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta Q%TQ." "143006" :CSys) "^addtMOD" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QMODQ." "145006" :CSys) "^addtTRNC" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QTRNCQ." "147006" :CSys) "^addtRND" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QRNDQ." "149006" :CSys) "^addtCOMB" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QCOMBQ." "14B006" :CSys) "^addtPERM" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QPERMQ." "14D006" :CSys) "^addtOR" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QORQ." "14F006" :CSys) "^addtAND" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QANDQ." "151006" :CSys) "^addtXOR" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Meta QXORQ." "153006" :CSys) "^addtCONJ" ("meta --> meta'" "Meta complex conjugate." "506006" :CSys) "^addtLN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QLNQ." "523006" :CSys) "^addtCOS" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QCOSQ." "535006" :CSys) "^addtSIN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QSINQ." "537006" :CSys) "^addtTAN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QTANQ." "539006" :CSys) "^addtSINACOS" ("meta --> meta'" "If meta stands for x, meta' stands for sqrt[1-x^2]." "53B006" :CSys) "^addtASIN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QASINQ." "53C006" :CSys) "^addtACOS" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QACOSQ." "53E006" :CSys) "^addtATAN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QATANQ." "540006" :CSys) "^addtSINH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QSINHQ." "542006" :CSys) "^addtCOSH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QCOSHQ." "544006" :CSys) "^addtTANH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QTANHQ." "546006" :CSys) "^addtATANH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QATANHQ." "549006" :CSys) "^addtASINH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QASINHQ." "54C006" :CSys) "^addtACOSH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QACOSHQ." "54F006" :CSys) "^addtSQRT" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QSQRTQ." "551006" :CSys) "^addtSQ" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QSQQ." "554006" :CSys) "^addtINV" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QINVQ." "556006" :CSys) "^addtEXP" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QEXPQ. Does not apply EXP[-..]=1/EXP[..]." "558006" :CSys) "^xSYMEXP" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta EXP. Applies EXP[-..]=1/EXP[..]." "559006" :CSys) "^addtD->R" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta D\\->R." "55A006" :CSys) "^addtR->D" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta R\\->D." "55C006" :CSys) "^addtFLOOR" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QFLOORQ." "55E006" :CSys) "^addtCEIL" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QCEILQ." "560006" :CSys) "^addtIP" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QIPQ." "562006" :CSys) "^addtFP" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QFPQ." "564006" :CSys) "^addtXPON" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QXPONQ." "566006" :CSys) "^addtMANT" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QMANTQ." "568006" :CSys) "^addtLNP1" ("meta --> meta" "Meta QLNP1Q." "56A006" :CSys) "^addtLOG" ("meta --> meta" "Meta QLOGQ." "56C006" :CSys) "^addtALOG" ("meta --> meta" "Meta QALOGQ." "56E006" :CSys) "^addtEXPM" ("meta --> meta" "Meta QEXPMQ." "570006" :CSys) "^addtFACT" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QFACTQ." "574006" :CSys) "^addtNOT" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta QNOTQ." "577006" :CSys) "^cos2tan/2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (1-(tan(x/2))^2)/(1+(tan(x/2))^2)" "409006" :CSys) "^1-x^2/1+x^2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (1-x^2)/(1+x^2)" "40A006" :CSys) "^sin2tan/2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> 2 tan(x/2)/(1+(tan(x/2))^2)" "40C006" :CSys) "^2x/1+x^2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> 2x/(1+x^2)" "40D006" :CSys) "^tan2tan/2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> 2 tan(x/2)/(1-(tan(x/2))^2)" "40F006" :CSys) "^addtTAN/2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> tan(x/2)" "410006" :CSys) "^cos2tan" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> 1/sqrt(1+(tan(x))^2)" "413006" :CSys) "^sin2tan" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> tan(x)/sqrt(1+(tan(x))^2)" "415006" :CSys) "^tan2exp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (exp(i2x)-1)/(i*(exp(i2x)+1))" "421006" :CSys) "^asin2ln" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> = i*ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))+\\pi/2. " "423006" :CSys) "^acos2ln" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))/i" "425006" :CSys) "^sin/cos" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> sin(x)/cos(x)" "428006" :CSys) "^cos*tan" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> cos(x)*tan(x)" "42B006" :CSys) "^sqrt1-sin^2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> sqrt(1-(sin(x))^2)." "42D006" :CSys) "^sqrt1-cos^2" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> sqrt(1-(cos(x))^2)." "42F006" :CSys) "^atan2asin" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> asin(x/sqrt(x^2+1))" "432006" :CSys) "^asin2atan" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> atan(x/sqrt(1-x^2))" "435006" :CSys) "^pi/2-acos" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> \\pi/2-acos(x)" "438006" :CSys) "^pi/2-meta" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> \\pi/2-x" "439006" :CSys) "^pi/2-asin" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> \\pi/2-asin(x)" "43B006" :CSys) "^atan2ln" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> i/2*ln((i+x)/(i-x))" "43E006" :CSys) "^2*1-cos/sin" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (1-cos(2x))/sin(2x)" "441006" :CSys) "^2*sin/1+cos" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> sin(2x)/(1+cos(2x))" "443006" :CSys) "^sin2exp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (e^(i*x)-1/e^(i*x))/(2i)" "445006" :CSys) "^cos2exp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (e^(i*x)+1/e^(i*x))/2" "447006" :CSys) "^sinh2exp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (e^x-1/e^x)/2" "449006" :CSys) "^cosh2exp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (e^x+1/e^x)/2" "44B006" :CSys) "^tanh2exp" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> (e^2x-1)/(e^2x+1)" "44D006" :CSys) "^asinh2ln" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> ln(x+sqrt(x^2+1))" "44F006" :CSys) "^acosh2ln" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> ln(x+sqrt(x^2-1))" "451006" :CSys) "^atanh2ln" ("meta --> meta'" "x \\-> ln((1+x)/(1-x))/2" "453006" :CSys) "^xroot2expln" ("meta1 meta2 --> meta'" "x y \\-> exp(ln(y)/x)" "455006" :CSys) "^exp2sincos" ("meta --> meta'" "Returns QEXPQ of meta as EXP[RE]*[COS+i*SIN]." "458006" :CSys) "^1metaundef#" ("meta --> meta #" "Tests presence of undef in meta. # is the position of undef." "3A1006" :CSys) "^2metaundef#" ("meta2 meta1 --> meta2 meta1 #" "Tests presence of undef in meta2 and meta1. # is the position of undef." "3A0006" :CSys) "^metaundef" ("--> meta" "Returns undef meta." "3A2006" :CSys) "^1metainf#" ("meta --> meta #" "Finds position of infinity in meta. Metas of length>2 are considered as finite meta." "3A4006" :CSys) "^2metainf#" ("meta2 meta1 --> meta2 meta1 #" "Finds position of infinity in meta 2 and meta1. Metas of length>2 are considered as finite meta." "3A3006" :CSys) "^metainftype" ("meta --> #" "Returns infinity type: 1 for +infinity, 2 for -infinity or 0 for unsigned. " "3A5006" :CSys) "^unsignedinf" ("--> meta" "Returns unsigned infinty." "3A6006" :CSys) "^plusinf" ("--> meta" "Returns plus infinty." "3A7006" :CSys) "^NDROPplusinf" ("ob1..obn --> meta" "Replaces meta by plus infinty." "3A8006" :CSys) "^minusinf" ("--> meta" "Returns minus infinty." "3A9006" :CSys) "^NDROPminusinf" ("ob1..obn --> meta" "Replace meta by minus infinty." "3AA006" :CSys) "^metasimp" ("Meta --> Meta" "Simplifies a meta object. Non recursive rational simplification." "3BB006" :CSys) "^DISTRIB*" ("meta --> meta' T meta --> meta F" "Distribute *. Returns FALSE if no distribution done." "118007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^DISTRIB/" ("meta --> meta' T meta --> meta F" "Distribute /. Returns FALSE if no distribution done." "3C2006" :CSys) "^METASINEXPA" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands SIN." "304006" :CSys) "^SINEXPA+" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands SIN(x+y)." "305006" :CSys) "^SINEXPA-" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands SIN(x-y)." "306006" :CSys) "^SINEXPA*" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands SIN(x*y). Expands if x or y is an integer." "307006" :CSys) "^SINEXPA*1" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta'" "Expands SIN(x*y). Meta1 is assumed to be an integer." "308006" :CSys) "^METACOSEXPA" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands COS." "30A006" :CSys) "^COSEXPA+" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands COS(x+y)." "30B006" :CSys) "^COSEXPA-" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands COS(x-y)." "30C006" :CSys) "^COSEXPA*" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands COS(x*y)." "30D006" :CSys) "^COSEXPA*1" ("meta2 meta1 --> Meta'" "Expands COS(x*y). meta1 represents an integer." "30E006" :CSys) "^METAEXPEXPA" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands EXP." "310006" :CSys) "^EXPEXPA+" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands EXP(x+y)." "311006" :CSys) "^EXPEXPA-" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands EXP(x-y)." "312006" :CSys) "^EXPEXPA*" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands EXP(x*y)." "313006" :CSys) "^EXPEXPANEG" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands EXP(-x)." "314006" :CSys) "^EXPEXPA*1" ("Meta2 meta1 --> Meta'" "Expands EXP(x*y). meta1 represents an integer." "315006" :CSys) "^METALNEXPA" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands LN." "317006" :CSys) "^LNEXPA*" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands LN(x*y)." "318006" :CSys) "^LNEXPA/" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands LN(x/y)." "319006" :CSys) "^LNEXPA^" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Expands LN(x^y)." "31A006" :CSys) "^METATANEXPA" ("meta --> tan[meta]" "Expands tan[meta]." "31E006" :CSys) "^metafraction?" ("Meta --> Meta flag" "Tests if meta is a fraction of integers." "39A006" :CSys) "^metapi?" ("Meta --> Meta#" "Tests presence of \\pi in a meta. # is the last occurence of \\pi or 0." "3BC006" :CSys) "^metaCOMPARE" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2 Meta1 #" "Comparison of 2 meta. # =0 if undef # =1 if > # =2 if < # =3 if = Assumes generic situation, e.g. X^2 > 0 in real mode. Look below STRICTmetaCOMPARE for a more careful comparison." "3BD006" :CSys) "^STRICTmetaCOMPARE" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> Meta2 Meta1 #" "Comparison of 2 meta. # =0 if undef # =1 if > # =2 if < # =3 if = Unlike metaCOMPARE it does not assume generic situation." "3BE006" :CSys) "^metareal?" ("meta --> meta flag" "Tests if IM[meta]==0." "3C3006" :CSys) "^QAdd" ("o1 --> o2+o1" "Adds two polynomials." "118006" :CSys) "^RADDext" ("o2 o1 --> o2+o1" "Internal +. This is the same entry as ^QAdd. " "119006" :CSys) "^SWAPRADD" ("o2 o1 --> o1+o2" "SWAP, then QAdd." "117006" :CSys) "^QSub" ("o2 o1 --> o2-o1" "Subtracts two polynomials." "115006" :CSys) "^RSUBext" ("o2 o1 --> o2-o1" "Internal -. This is the same entry as ^QSub. " "116006" :CSys) "^SWAPRSUB" ("o2 o1 --> o1-o2" "SWAP, then QSub." "114006" :CSys) "^QMul" ("Q1 Q2 --> Q" "Multiplication of polynomials with extensions." "111006" :CSys) "^RMULText" ("Q1 Q2 --> Q" "Multiplication of polynomials with extensions. This is the same entry as ^QMul." "112006" :CSys) "^SWAPRMULT" ("Q1 Q2 --> Q" "SWAP, then ^QMul." "110006" :CSys) "^QDiv" ("o2 o1 --> o2/o1" "Internal /." "11C006" :CSys) "^RDIVext" ("o2 o1 --> o2/o1" "Internal /. This is the same entry as ^QDiv. " "11B006" :CSys) "^SWAPRDIV" ("o2 o1 --> o1/o2" "SWAP, then QDiv." "11A006" :CSys) "^QMod" ("Q, Z --> Q mod Z" "" "0D9006" :CSys) "^QRoot" ("" "Extracts Nth power factors from polynomial." "0DF006" :CSys) "^RASOP" ("n1/d1 n2/d2 --> d1*d2 n1*d2 n2*d1" "Used by RADDext and RSUBext for rational input." "113006" :CSys) "^R15SIMP" ("" "" "11D006" :CSys) "^PPow#" ("" "" "11E006" :CSys) "^RP#" ("o2 # --> o2^#" "Internal power (not for matrices)." "11F006" :CSys) "^MPext" ("ob # prg* --> ob^#" "General power with a specified multiplication program." "120006" :CSys) "^RPext" ("o2 o1 --> o2^o1" "Tries to convert o1 to an integer to call RP#, otherwise x^ext. " "123006" :CSys) "^MPEXEC" ("" "" "122006" :CSys) "^DISTDIVext" ("P Q --> quo mod T --> P Q F" "Euclidean division. Assumes P and Q have integer coefficientes. Returns FALSE if sparse short division fails." "108006" :CSys) "^PTAYLext" ("P, r --> symb" "Taylor for polynomials." "3E5006" :CSys) "^CARCOMPext" ("Q1/Q2 --> Q1'/Q2'" "Extracts leading coefficients for the first variable from a rational polynomial." "15B006" :CSys) "^QDivRem" ("ob2 ob1 --> quo mod" "Polynomial Euclidean division of 2 objects. Dispatchs to DIV2LISText for list polynomials." "3EE006" :CSys) "^DIV2LISText" ("Z0 l1 l2 --> div mod" "Euclidean division, l1 and l2 are list polynomials. Test first if l1=l2, then tries fast division, if it fails switch to SRPL division." "3EF006" :CSys) "^PDIV2ext" ("A B --> Q R" "Step by step Euclidean division for univar poly." "3F8006" :CSys) "^PSetSign" ("P1 P2 --> sign[P2]*P1" "Sets sign of P1 according to leading coeff of P2." "3F9006" :CSys) "^ModExpa" ("Zn Fraction --> Fraction modulo Zn" "" "3C4006" :CSys) "^ModAdd" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Z" "Modular addition. Z = Q1+Q2 (mod Zn)." "3C5006" :CSys) "^ModSub" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Z" "Modular subtraction. Z = Q1-Q2 (mod Zn)." "3C6006" :CSys) "^ModMul" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Z" "Modular multiplication. Z = Q1*Q2 (mod Zn)." "3C7006" :CSys) "^ModDiv" ("Z1 Z2 Zn --> Z" "Modular division. Z = Z1/Z2 (mod Zn)." "3C8006" :CSys) "^ModDiv2" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> quo mod mod'" "Modular division. mod' = Q1 mod Q2 mod Zn. If Q1 and Q2 are integers, Q1 mod Q2 mod Zn is always 0." "3C9006" :CSys) "^ModInv" ("Z Zn --> Z'" "Modular inversion. Z' = INV(Z) (mod Zn). NONINTERR if GCD[Z,Zn] \\=/ 1 or if Z = 0 (otherwise the results would be unpredictable)." "3CA006" :CSys) "^ModGcd" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Q'" "Modular GCD." "3CB006" :CSys) "^ModLGCD" ("" "" "3CC006" :CSys) "^ModLOPD" ("" "" "3CD006" :CSys) "^MODULOMODext" ("" "" "3CE006" :CSys) "^MODULOMAText" ("" "" "3CF006" :CSys) "^ModFctr" ("" "" "3D1006" :CSys) "^BerlekampP" ("P #prime --> P F / P Lf #prime T" "Berlekamp's algorithm for finding modular factors of a univariate polynomial." "08E006" :CSys) "^Berlekamp" ("P --> P F / P Lf #prime T" "Berlekamp's algorithm for finding modular factors of a univariate polynomial with a leading frontend for finding linear factors faster. The input polynomial must be square free, otherwise the polynomial is not fully factored. Due to memory restrictions byte sized coefficients are used and the following restrictions were imposed: prime<128 and degree<256. If the conditions are not met FALSE is returned. BCD: prime\\<=97." "08F006" :CSys) "^ALG48FCTR?" ("P --> [ meta cst_coeff TRUE | P FALSE ]" "Factorizes square-free polynomial in Erable format." "0A8006" :CSys) "^MFactTriv" ("P --> meta-factor P'" "Extracts all trivial power factors of P." "0A9006" :CSys) "^CheckPNoExt" ("P --> P flag" "Checks that P does not contain any DOCOL (i.e. extensions)." "0AA006" :CSys) "^PPP" ("P --> PP PC" "Computes primitive polynomial and content of non-const P with respect to X1. The results are trimmed (provided P was)." "0AB006" :CSys) "^PFactor" ("P --> Lfk Z" "Does a complete factorization of P. The result is trimmed." "0AC006" :CSys) "^PSqff" ("P --> Lfk" "Square-free and trivial factorization, including integer content, of P taken positive. Factors of same power are not necessarily merged or adjacent, but all Fi's are square-free." "0AD006" :CSys) "^PHFctr" ("P --> Lf" "Heuristic factorization of polynomial taken positive. LAM FullFact? must be bound. If LAM FullFact? is TRUE, a full factorization is done. If it is FALSE, only square-free and trivial factorization is done." "0AE006" :CSys) "^PHFctr1" ("P --> Lf" "Heuristic factorization of primitive polynomial. LAM FullFact? must be bound. If TRUE, a full factorization is done. When FALSE, only a square-free and trivial factorization are done." "0AF006" :CSys) "^PHFctr0" ("P --> Lf" "Heuristic factorization of primitive square-free non constant polynomial." "0B0006" :CSys) "^P2P#" ("P --> P' #" "Extracts trivial power of poly. P must be a valid poly (if list, begin with a non zero coeff)." "0D8007" :CSys) "^DeCntMulti" ("R --> L" "Transforms list with count into simple list. R = { {f1 #k1} ... {fn #kn} } L = { f1 f1 .. fn fn }." "0B1006" :CSys) "^DoLS" ("L S F --> L'" "Applies program F(Li,S) to every elem of L." "0B2006" :CSys) "^PNFctr" ("Z --> Lf" "Factorization of positive integer as polynomial. Lf = {} if Z is 1 Lf = { {Z1 #k1} ... {Zn #kn} } o/w." "0B3006" :CSys) "^PSQFF" ("P --> Lsqff" "Computes the square-free factorization of primitive P. The result is trimmed (provided P was)." "0B4006" :CSys) "^LiftZAdic" ("p z F --> L" "Lift n-1 z-adic factorization into n factorization." "0B5006" :CSys) "^LFCProd" ("C L --> C P" "Calculates combination product." "0B6006" :CSys) "^UFactor" ("P --> Lf" "Factorization of a square free primitive univariate polynomial." "0B7006" :CSys) "^UFactor1" ("P --> Lf" "Factorization of a square free primitive univariate polynomial of degree > 2." "0B8006" :CSys) "^MonicLf" ("Lfp p --> Lfp'" "Converts true modular factorization to monic factorization by dividing by the leading coefficient of factor 1." "0B9006" :CSys) "^DemonicLf" ("Lfp lc p --> Lfp'" "Converts monic modular factorization to true modular factorization by multiplying factor1 by lcoeff." "0BA006" :CSys) "^LiftLinear" ("#root1 .. #rootn #n -->" "Lifts modular roots of a polynomial to find linear factors of a univariate polynomial. Lflin = list of found true factors Lfplin' = remaining linear factors P' = remaining polynomial Assumes UFactor lambda variables available and uses them for input and output." "0BB006" :CSys) "^LiftGeneral" ("-->" "Lifts factorization mod p to factorization mod p^k where p^k exceeds the factor bound for succesful true factor extraction. Assumes UFactor lambda variables." "0BC006" :CSys) "^UFactorDeg2" ("P --> Lf" "Factorization of a degree 2 polynomial. Polynomial is univariate, square free and primitive." "0BD006" :CSys) "^CombineFac" ("P Lfp p --> Tf Tfp" "Combines modular factors to true factors. P is the polynomial to factor, Lfp is the list of modular factors, and p the modulo. The entry returns the a list of found true factors (Tf) and the list of modular factors for each true factor (Tfp)" "0BE006" :CSys) "^CombProd" ("lc Lfp p Cb --> F" "Calculates modular combination." "0BF006" :CSys) "^CombInit" ("#r --> Cb" "Inits modular combination list to value { 1 0 0 0 .. }." "0C0006" :CSys) "^CombNext" ("Cb --> Cb' flag" "Gets next possible modular combination. Assumes Cb is valid and is in tempob area." "0C1006" :CSys) "^RmCombNext" ("Lf Cb --> Lfrm Lf' Cb' flag" "Removes next possible combination after a successful combination has been found, and remove the used factors from the factor list." "0C2006" :CSys) "^PFactTriv" ("P --> P' Lf" "Extracts all trivial power factors of P." "0C3006" :CSys) "^VarFactor" ("P #var --> P #n" "Calculates what power of the given variable is a factor in P." "0C4006" :CSys) "^PFactPowCnt" ("P --> P Lk flag" "Calculates trivial power factors in P. flag is TRUE if any of the powers is nonzero." "0C5006" :CSys) "^PDivLk" ("P Lk --> P'" "Divides polynomial by its trivial powers." "0C6006" :CSys) "^FEVIDENText" ("P --> meta-fact cst coeff" "Real mode: full factorization over the integer Complex mode: find all 1st order factors of P." "282006" :CSys) "^ONE{}POLY" ("ob --> {ob} ob1 --> Q" "Replaces ONE{}N for polynomial building." "09B006" :CSys) "^TWO{}POLY" ("ob1 ob2 --> Q" "Replaces TWO{}N for polynomial building." "09C006" :CSys) "^THREE{}POLY" ("ob1 ob2 ob3 --> Q" "Replaces THREE{}N for polynomial building." "09D006" :CSys) "^TWO::POLY" ("ob1 ob2 --> ::" "Replaces 2Ob>Seco for polynomial building." "09E006" :CSys) "^::POLY" ("Meta --> ::" "Replaces ::N for polynomial building. As opposed to the regular ::N code, we do pop the binary number. This is enforced by the entry to the common polyxml code." "09F006" :CSys) "^{}POLY" ("Meta --> Q" "Replaces {}N for polynomial building. As opposed to the regular {}N code, we do pop the binary number. This allows us to enter the code here with fixed sizes, as in ONE{}POLY and TWO{}POLY." "0A0006" :CSys) "^>POLY" ("Meta --> Q" "Builds polynomial." "0A7006" :CSys) "^>TPOLY" ("P ob --> P'" "Replaces >TCOMP for polynomial building." "0A1006" :CSys) "^>HPOLY" ("P ob --> P'" "Replaces >HCOMP for polynomial building." "0A2006" :CSys) "^>TPOLYN" ("P ob1 .. obn #n --> P'" "Improved >TCOMP for polynomial building." "0A3006" :CSys) "^>HPOLYN" ("P ob1 .. obn #n --> P'" "Improved >HCOMP for polynomial building." "0A4006" :CSys) "^MKPOLY" ("#n #k --> P" "Makes polynomial of nth variable to the power k." "0A5006" :CSys) "^MAKEPROFOND" ("ob # --> {{{...{o}...}}}" "Embedds ob in the given number of lists." "2AB006" :CSys) "^TRIMext" ("Q --> Q'" "Removes unnecessary zeros from polynomial." "4F4006" :CSys) "^PTrim" ("ob --> ob'" "Trims polynomial." "4F5006" :CSys) "^ONE>POLY" ("Q --> Q'" "Increases variable depth. Constants (Z,Irr,C) are not modified." "0A6006" :CSys) "^TCHEBext" ("zint --> P" "Tchebycheff polynomial. If zint>0 then 1st kind, if <0 then second kind." "302006" :CSys) "^LRDMext" ("P # --> []" "Left ReDiMension. Adds 0 to the left of polynomial to get a symbolic vector of lenght #+1." "3DE006" :CSys) "^RRDMext" ("{} # --> {}" "Right ReDiMension: like LRDMext but 0 at the right and {}." "3DF006" :CSys) "^DEGREext" ("{} --> degre" "Degree of a list-polynomial." "3E0006" :CSys) "^FHORNER" ("P/d r --> P[X]_div_[X-r]/d r P[r]/d" "Horner scheme." "3E1006" :CSys) "^HORNext" ("P r --> P[X]_div_[X-r] r P[r]" "Horner scheme." "3E2006" :CSys) "^HORN1" ("" "" "3E3006" :CSys) "^MHORNext" ("P r --> P[X]_div_[X-r] r P[r]" "Horner scheme for matrices." "3E4006" :CSys) "^LAGRANGEext" ("M --> symb" "Lagrange interpolation. Format of the matrix is [ [ x1 .. xn ] [ f(x1) .. f(xn) ] ] Returns a polynomial P such that P(xi)=f(xi)" "3E6006" :CSys) "^RESULTANT" ("P1 P2 --> P" "Resultant of two polynomials. Depth of P is one less than depth of P1 and P2." "10F007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^RESULTANTLP" ("res g h P1 P2 --> +/-res g' h' P1' P2'" "Subresultant algorithm innerloop." "110007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^RESPSHIFTQ" ("P Q --> P'" "Resultant of P and Q shifted. gcd[Q(x-r),P(x)]!=1 equivalent to r root of P' P' has same depth than P and Q." "111007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^ADDONEVAR" ("P --> P'" "Adds one variable just below the main var. works for polynomial, not for fractions." "112007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^SHRINKEVEN" ("P --> P'" "Changes var Y=X^2 in an even polynomial." "0CF007" :CSys) "^SINTEST" ("" "" "0D0007" :CSys) "^SHRINK2SYM" ("N D --> N' D'" "Shrinks 2 polynomials using symmetry properties." "0D1007" :CSys) "^SHRINKSYM" ("N --> N'" "Shrinks 1 polynomial using symmetry properties. Degree of N must be even. If it is odd then N should be divided by X+1." "0D2007" :CSys) "^SHRINK2ASYM" ("N D --> N' D'" "Shrinks 2 polynomials using antisymmetry properties." "0D3007" :CSys) "^SHRINKASYM" ("N --> N'" "Shrinks 1 polynomial using antisymmetry properties. Degree of N must be even. If it is odd then N should be divided by X+1." "0D4007" :CSys) "^PNMax" ("P --> Z" "Gets the coefficient of P with max norm." "103006" :CSys) "^SWAPNDXF" ("Qden Qnom --> symb" "Builds a symbolic from rational polynomial." "161006" :CSys) "^NDXFext" ("Qnom Qden --> symb" "Builds a symbolic from rational polynomial." "162006" :CSys) "^SWAPFXND" ("symb ob --> ob Qnom Qden" "Converts symbolic to rational polynomial." "163006" :CSys) "^FXNDext" ("symb --> Qnom Qden" "Converts symbolic to rational polynomial." "164006" :CSys) "^REGCDext" ("a b --> d u v au+bv=d" "" "3D7006" :CSys) "^EGCDext" ("a b --> d u v au+bv=d" "Bezout identity for polynomials." "3D8006" :CSys) "^PEvalFast?" ("Z Pn --> Z Pn F / Pn[Z] T" "Attempts to evaluate Pn at X1=Z using fast register arithmetic. Fails if any of the following is true: Pn is not sunivariate; Z is polynomial after all; Z size is too big for register; Any overflow occurs during Horner evaluation. " "0EA006" :CSys) "^FLAGRESULTANT" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb" "Resultant of two polynomials in symbolic form." "10E007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^Univar?" ("P --> P flag" "Tests if polynomial is univariate." "10B006" :CSys) "^SUnivar?" ("P --> P flag" "Tests if polynomial is univariate and the coefficients are bounded by register size." "10C006" :CSys) "^POLYPARITY" ("poly --> Z" "Tests if a polynomial (internal rep) is even/odd/none. Z=1 if even, -1 if odd, 0 if neither even nor odd." "0CC007" :CSys) "^POLYSYM" ("P --> Z" "Tests symmetry of coefficients of polynomial. Z=1 for symmetric, -1 for anti, 0 otherwise." "0D6007" :CSys) "^POLYASYM" ("P --> Z" "Tests \"antisymmetry\" of coef of polynomial. Z=1 for symmetric, -1 for anti, 0 otherwise." "0D7007" :CSys) "^MULMULText" ("{} % --> {}'" "Multiplies multiplicities in a factor list by coeff." "272006" :CSys) "^METAMULMULT" ("" "" "273006" :CSys) "^METAMM2" ("meta % --> meta'" "Multiplies by % all multiplicities of meta." "274006" :CSys) "^COMPLISText" ("{} --> {}'" "" "275006" :CSys) "^METACOMPRIM" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Suppresses multiple occurrances of the same factor by adding corresponding multiplicities." "276006" :CSys) "^METACOMP0" ("" "" "277006" :CSys) "^METACOMP1" ("f1...fk-1 mk-1 meta-res mk fk # --> f1...fk-1 mk-1 meta-res" "" "278006" :CSys) "^ADDLISText" ("{} %n ob --> {}'" "Adds ob with multiplicity %n to the list. Checks if ob is in {}." "279006" :CSys) "^DIVISext" ("ob --> {divisors}" "Returns list of divisors of ob." "27A006" :CSys) "^FACT1ext" ("symb-poly --> Lvar Q {}" "{} is the list of root/multiplicity of sym with respect to the current variable." "27B006" :CSys) "^FACTOext" ("symb --> Lvar Q {}" "{} is the list of factors/multiplicity of symb." "27C006" :CSys) "^ZFACTO" ("C --> {} C Lfact" "" "27D006" :CSys) "^SOLVext" ("symb --> {}" "Numeric solver for univariate polynomials. The list contains the roots without multiplicity." "27E006" :CSys) "^FRND" ("ob --> ob')" "Float rounding for %%, C%% or list of either type. Used by SOLVext to reconstruct factors." "27F006" :CSys) "^BICARREE?" ("P #5 --> meta cst_coeff T P #5 --> P #5 F P # --> P # F" "Searches if P is a bisquared 4-th order equation. Returns a meta of factors and the multiplying coeff in that QcaseQ." "280006" :CSys) "^REALBICAR" ("f1 #1 coef --> meta rest T" "" "281006" :CSys) "^IROOTS" ("P --> list" "Finds integer roots of a polynomial." "113007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^EVIDENText" ("P --> meta cst_coeff" "Returns the roots of a polynomial P. Calls the numeric solver." "283006" :CSys) "^EVIDSOLV" ("P --> meta cst_coeff" "Returns the roots of a 1st, 2nd order and some other poly. Calls the numeric solver if exact solving fails." "284006" :CSys) "^DEG2ext" ("P --> {}" "Returns the roots of a 2nd order polynomial." "285006" :CSys) "^METADEG2" ("P --> P meta" "Returns the roots of a 2nd order polynomial. P must be of order 1 or 2." "286006" :CSys) "^METADEG1" ("P --> P meta" "Returns the roots of a 1st order polynomial. P must be of order 1." "287006" :CSys) "^DEG1" ("f --> r" "Root of a first order factor. f is one level depth deeper than r." "288006" :CSys) "^FDEG2ext" ("P --> meta-fact cst_coef" "Returns factors of a 2nd order polynomial and the corresponding multiplying coefficient. tests for 1st order polynomial." "289006" :CSys) "^RACTOFACext" ("r --> n d" "Converts root to factor. Factor is n/d, one level depth deeper than r." "28B006" :CSys) "^FACTORACext" ("f --> r cst_coef" "Converts a factor to a root, solving 1st order factor. f and cst_coef are one level depth deeper than r." "28C006" :CSys) "^RFACText" ("ob # --> {} intob meta" "{} is the list of variables. Meta is made of roots or factors of numerator (N) or denomenator (D) or both (N/D), depending on #. ZERO for roots N/D; ONE for roots N; TWO for roots D with numeric solver call; THREE for roots D without num. solver call; FOUR for factors N/D; FIVE for factors N; SIX for factors D with numeric solver call; SEVEN for factors D without num.solver call." "28D006" :CSys) "^RFACT2ext" ("ob {} # --> {} intob meta" "Like RFACText, but the list of variables is given." "28E006" :CSys) "^RFACTSTEP3" ("ob --> meta-fact" "Partial square-free factorization w.r.t. the main variable. Extract trivial factors Etape 3 ob \\-> meta-fact." "28F006" :CSys) "^RFACTSTEP5" ("%m on --> add-to-meta-res" "Factorization of a square-free polynomial." "290006" :CSys) "^METASOLV" ("pn cst_coeff --> meta cst_coeff" "Non-integer factorization (sqrt extensions and numeric). multiplicty is in LAM 5,." "291006" :CSys) "^METASOLVOUT" ("" "" "292006" :CSys) "^METASOLV2" ("cst_coeff p --> fr1 %m [fr2 %m] # cst_coeff" "Returns roots/factors of 1st and 2nd order polynomials." "293006" :CSys) "^METASOLV4" ("cst1 f1 ... fk #k cst2 --> fr1 %m ... frn %m #2k cst_coeff" "Returns factors or convert to roots if needed. #k=1,2 or 4, fk are of order 1 or 2." "294006" :CSys) "^ADDMULTIPL" ("meta cst_coeff --> meta' cst_coeff" "Adds multiplicities to a meta. Multiplicity is in LAM 5." "295006" :CSys) "^FACTOOBJext" ("{ fact mult } flag prg* prg^ --> ob" "Rebuilds an object from its list of factors (flag=TRUE) or roots (flag=FALSE) using prg* to multiply and prg^ to take multiplicity power." "296006" :CSys) "^ID>DERext" ("id --> {} stripped_id" "" "29C006" :CSys) "^ALG48MSOLV" ("Lp --> Lidnt Lsol" "Calculates Groebner basis multivar solution. LAM3 must be bound to Lvar and LAM4 to Lidnt." "093006" :CSys) "^GMSOLV" ("Lp --> meta-sol" "Calculates Groebner basis multivar solutions. LAM1 must be bound to the number of vars A solution is a list { o1 ... on } where #n=LAM1 ok embedded in k-1 lists is the value of the k-th var ok may be undef." "094006" :CSys) "^GBASIS" ("Lp --> G" "Calculate Groebner basis. G = { 1 } if no solutions G = { 0 } if identically true." "095006" :CSys) "^GSOLVE" ("Lp --> Lg" "Calculate factorized Groebner basis. Lg = { Lg1 Lg2 .. Lgn } Lgi = independent solution (probably) Lg = {} if no solutions Lg = { { 0 } } if identically true." "096006" :CSys) "^GFACTOR" ("Lp fctr? --> Lg" "Calculate Groebner basis or factorized Groebner basis. Redundant bases are not removed." "097006" :CSys) "^GREDUCE" ("" "Interreduce basis. Lambda variables {{ fctr? G k tmp todo Lg Irred }}." "098006" :CSys) "^REDUCE" ("p G --> q" "Reduces polynomial with respect to given basis." "099006" :CSys) "^FASTREDUCE" ("r P --> q T / r P F" "Assembly version of REDUCE for polynomials with short coefficients. Returns FALSE if an overflow occurs during the reduction. Assumes r is a genuine polynomial (not constant). Assumes G is not empty. Assumes G does not contain zeros (is trimmed)." "09A006" :CSys) "^ROOTM2ROOT" ("{}/V --> V'" "Transforms list of root/multiplicites to vector of roots." "37D006" :CSys) "^PASCAL_NEXTLINE" ("{} --> {}'" "Finds next line in the Pascal triangle." "0F2007" :CSys) "^DELTAPSOLVE" ("Q --> P" "Solves P(x+1)-P(x)=Q(x). Internal polynomial function." "0F3007" :CSys) "^LIMIText" ("" "" "46D006" :CSys) "^REWRITEIFINF" ("" "" "46E006" :CSys) "^SYMTAYLOR" ("symb id %/z --> symb" "Taylor series expansion around point 0 (McLaurin's series) with regard to given variable, and of the given order." "46F006" :CSys) "^SYMPAPRX" ("" "" "470006" :CSys) "^TRUNCDL" ("DL-l reste-l --> truncated_DL" "Series expansion truncation." "471006" :CSys) "^LIMSERIES!" ("expression X=a|X %|zint --> a lim DL-l rest-l num-l/deno-l equiv-l lvar #" "Series expansion. #=1 for X=a-h or X=-1/h." "472006" :CSys) "^LIMITX!" ("" "" "473006" :CSys) "^LIMITNOVX!" ("" "" "474006" :CSys) "^LIMERR0!" ("" "" "475006" :CSys) "^LIMERR1!" ("" "" "476006" :CSys) "^LIMIT!" ("symb --> DL-l reste-l num-l/deno-l equiv.-l lim. lvar flag" "lim. = { symf direction }" "477006" :CSys) "^LIMSTEP1!" ("symb --> { DL-l reste-l num-l/deno-l equiv.-l } flag" "" "478006" :CSys) "^LIMSTEP2!" ("" "" "479006" :CSys) "^LIMSTEP3!" ("" "" "47A006" :CSys) "^LIMSTEP4!" ("" "" "47B006" :CSys) "^LIMLIM!" ("# lvar equiv-l --> lvar lim" "" "47C006" :CSys) "^n{}N" ("" "" "47D006" :CSys) "^LIMLIM1!" ("" "" "47E006" :CSys) "^LIMCMPL!" ("reste-1-l reste-2-l --> reste-l" "" "47F006" :CSys) "^LIMEQUFR!" ("n/d # --> n/d-l equiv %" "" "480006" :CSys) "^LIMEQU!" ("{} # --> {} / {}-equiv-l {}-equiv-l { # # # }" "" "481006" :CSys) "^LIMEQU0!" ("" "" "482006" :CSys) "^LIM+-!" ("DL1...DLn #n op --> DL flag" "DL = { DL-l reste-l num-l/deno-l equiv-l }." "483006" :CSys) "^LIMERR10!" ("" "" "484006" :CSys) "^LIMNEG!" ("" "" "485006" :CSys) "^LIMRAC!" ("" "Racine carree, donc independant de x." "486006" :CSys) "^LIMINV!" ("" "" "487006" :CSys) "^LIM/!" ("" "" "488006" :CSys) "^LIMPOW!" ("" "" "489006" :CSys) "^LIMSQ!" ("" "" "48A006" :CSys) "^LIM*!" ("" "" "48B006" :CSys) "^LIMDIVPC!" ("#ordre num-l deno-l --> num-l deno-l" "" "48C006" :CSys) "^DIVPC!" ("" "" "48D006" :CSys) "^LIMPROFEND!" ("num deno #prof --> num deno" "" "48E006" :CSys) "^LIMPROF!" ("" "" "48F006" :CSys) "^LIM%#!" ("num-l deno-l {%...%} --> num-l' deno-l' #prof {%...%}" "" "490006" :CSys) "^LIMPROF0!" ("" "" "491006" :CSys) "^LIMPROF1!" ("" "" "492006" :CSys) "^LIMPROF2!" ("" "" "493006" :CSys) "^LIMINVLN!" ("" "Operator INV[-LN]." "494006" :CSys) "^LIMLN!" ("" "Operator LN." "495006" :CSys) "^LIMEXP!" ("" "" "496006" :CSys) "^LIMSINCOS!" ("" "" "497006" :CSys) "^LIMATAN!" ("" "" "498006" :CSys) "^LIMASIN!" ("" "" "499006" :CSys) "^LIMSQRT!" ("" "" "49A006" :CSys) "^LIMFLOOR!" ("" "" "49B006" :CSys) "^LIMABS!" ("" "" "49C006" :CSys) "^LPROF!" ("" "" "49D006" :CSys) "^LIM#VARX!" ("lvar lvar --> #varx" "" "49E006" :CSys) "^LIMBETA!" ("" "" "49F006" :CSys) "^LIMALPHA!" ("" "" "4A0006" :CSys) "^HORNEXP!" ("lim lvar X-l reste-l --> lvar DL reste-l" "" "4A1006" :CSys) "^HORNCOS!" ("" "" "4A2006" :CSys) "^HORNSIN!" ("" "" "4A3006" :CSys) "^LIMSC0!" ("" "" "4A4006" :CSys) "^LIMSC1!" ("" "" "4A5006" :CSys) "^HORNATAN!" ("" "" "4A6006" :CSys) "^LIMATAS!" ("" "" "4A7006" :CSys) "^HORNASIN!" ("" "" "4A8006" :CSys) "^HORNASIN1!" ("" "" "4A9006" :CSys) "^HORNLN!" ("" "" "4AA006" :CSys) "^LNOBJ!" ("" "" "4AB006" :CSys) "^NEWLIMHORN" ("" "" "4AC006" :CSys) "^LIMHORN!" ("" "" "4AD006" :CSys) "^LRDM!" ("" "" "4AE006" :CSys) "^LIMDL!" ("" "" "4AF006" :CSys) "^LIMDLINF!" ("" "" "4B0006" :CSys) "^LIMINFSIGN!" ("" "" "4B1006" :CSys) "^LIMMAX!" ("" "" "4B2006" :CSys) "^LIMCOMP!" ("" "" "4B3006" :CSys) "^VARCOMP2!" ("" "" "4B4006" :CSys) "^LIMSORT!" ("" "" "4B5006" :CSys) "^VARCOMP!" ("var1 var2 --> flag" "" "4B6006" :CSys) "^VARCOMPLN!" ("" "" "4B7006" :CSys) "^VARCOMP3!" ("" "" "4B8006" :CSys) "^VARCOMP31!" ("" "" "4B9006" :CSys) "^VARCOMP32!" ("var --> 0:" "" "4BA006" :CSys) "^VARCOMP33!" ("" "" "4BB006" :CSys) "^LIMERR6!" ("" "" "4BC006" :CSys) "^LIMVALOBJ!" ("ob lvar --> symb" "" "4BD006" :CSys) "^LIMVAL!" ("ob --> coeff val" "" "4BE006" :CSys) "^EQUIV!" ("{} lequiv --> equiv ordre" "" "4BF006" :CSys) "^LVARXNX2!" ("ob --> ob lvarx lvarnx" "" "4C0006" :CSys) "^SIMP1!" ("" "" "4C1006" :CSys) "^FindCurVar" ("symb --> symb" "Sets a new current var if needed." "4C2006" :CSys) "^LIMVAR!" ("symb --> symb lvar" "" "4C3006" :CSys) "^VAR%" ("" "" "4C4006" :CSys) "^RISCH13" ("{}/{}' --> {}''" "Assuming {}' has length 1, divides all elements of {} by this element. Used by RISCHext and by SERIES to have a nicer output of series." "15C006" :CSys) "^PDer" ("{} --> der" "" "3DC006" :CSys) "^ssSYMDER" ("" "Algebraic derivative." "19F006" :CSys) "^SYMDER" ("" "" "1A0006" :CSys) "^DERIVext" ("ob id --> ob' ob sym --> ob' ob V --> V'" "Calculates the derivative of the object. For a list argument calculates the gradient with respect to the variables in the list. If the variable is a symbolic, the first variable in it is used. Note that the gradient is a vector quantity, thus the result is returned as a list." "1A1006" :CSys) "^siSYMDER" ("" "" "1A2006" :CSys) "^DERIVIDNT" ("ob id --> ob'" "Main entry point for derivative with respect to a identifier." "1A3006" :CSys) "^DERIVIDNT1" ("ob --> ob'" "Main entry point for derivative with respect to the identifier stored in LAM1." "1A4006" :CSys) "^DERIV" ("symb --> symb'" "Derivative of symb with respect to the variable stored in LAM1." "1A5006" :CSys) "^METADERIV" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Derivative of Meta object." "1A6006" :CSys) "^METADER&NEG" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative and negate." "1BD006" :CSys) "^METADEROP" ("" "Table of derivable functions and the respective derivative calculation subroutines." "1A8006" :CSys) "^METADER+" ("Meta&+ --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of addition." "1A9006" :CSys) "^METADER-" ("Meta&- --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of subtraction." "1AA006" :CSys) "^METADER*" ("Meta&* --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of multiplication." "1AB006" :CSys) "^METADER/" ("Meta&/ --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of division." "1AC006" :CSys) "^METADER^" ("Meta&^ --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of power." "1AD006" :CSys) "^METADERFCN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of a function." "1AE006" :CSys) "^METADERDER" ("symb_id_; sym_fcn_; xDER #3 --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of a derivative of a function." "1AF006" :CSys) "^METADERI4" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of a defined integral." "1B0006" :CSys) "^METADERI3" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of an undefined integral." "1B1006" :CSys) "^METADERIFTE" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of IFTE." "1B2006" :CSys) "^METADEREXP" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QEXPQ." "1B4006" :CSys) "^METADERLN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QLNQ." "1B5006" :CSys) "^METADERLNP1" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QLNP1Q." "1B6006" :CSys) "^METADERLOG" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QLOGQ." "1B7006" :CSys) "^METADERALOG" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QALOGQ." "1B8006" :CSys) "^METADERABS" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QABSQ." "1B9006" :CSys) "^METADERINV" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QINVQ." "1BA006" :CSys) "^METADERNEG" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QNEGQ." "1BB006" :CSys) "^METADERSQRT" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QSQRTQ." "1BC006" :CSys) "^METADERSQ" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QSQQ." "1BE006" :CSys) "^METADERSIN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QSINQ." "1BF006" :CSys) "^METADERCOS" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QCOSQ." "1C0006" :CSys) "^METADERTAN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QTANQ." "1C1006" :CSys) "^METADERSINH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QSINHQ." "1C2006" :CSys) "^METADERCOSH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QCOSHQ." "1C3006" :CSys) "^METADERTANH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QTANHQ." "1C4006" :CSys) "^METADERASIN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QASINQ." "1C5006" :CSys) "^METADERACOS" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QACOSQ." "1C6006" :CSys) "^METADERATAN" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QATANQ." "1C7006" :CSys) "^METADERASH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QASINHQ." "1C8006" :CSys) "^METADERACH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QACOSHQ." "1C9006" :CSys) "^METADERATH" ("Meta --> Meta'" "Meta derivative of QATANHQ." "1CA006" :CSys) "^DERARG" ("meta-symb --> arg1 ... argk der1 ... derk #k op" "Finds derivative of arguments." "1B3006" :CSys) "^pshder*" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta2&Meta1'&*" "Meta derivative utility." "1CB006" :CSys) "^SQRTINVpshd*" ("Meta1 Meta2 --> Meta2&SQRT&INV&Meta1'&*" "Meta derivative utility." "1CC006" :CSys) "^ODE_INT" ("symb idnt --> symb" "Integration with addition of a constant." "07F007" :CSys) "^IBP" ("u'*v u --> u*v -u*v'" "Internal integration by parts. If u is a constant return INTVX(u'*v)+u. If stack 2 is a list it must be of the form { olduv u'*v } then olduv will be added to u*v at stack level 2. This permits multiple IBP in algebraic mode, e.g. IBP(ASIN(X)^2,X) IBP(ANS(1),sqrt(1-X^2)) IBP(ANS(1),C) the last step with an integral containing a cst C. " "2C5006" :CSys) "^PREVALext" ("symb inf sup x --> symb|x=sup - symb|x=inf" "Evaluates an antiderivative between 2 bounds Does not check for discontinuities of symb in this interval." "2D0006" :CSys) "^WARNSING" ("symb inf sup vx --> symb inf sup vx" "Warns user for singularity." "2D1006" :CSys) "^INText" ("symb x --> int[$,x, symb, xt]" "Return unevaluated integral." "2D2006" :CSys) "^INT3" ("f(x) x y --> F(y) where F'=f" "Undefined integration. No limit for underdetermined form." "2D3006" :CSys) "^INTEGRext" ("{} --> prim" "" "3DD006" :CSys) "^PARTFRAC" ("o --> symb" "Partial fraction expansion of o with respect to the current variable." "3D2006" :CSys) "^INPARTFRAC" ("o list --> symb" "Partial fraction expansion of o. lvar must be bound to LAM2, list is =lvar if o is in external format. list is NULL{} if o is still in internal format. " "3D3006" :CSys) "^PARTFRACRAT" ("" "" "3D4006" :CSys) "^PFext" ("" "" "3D5006" :CSys) "^DESOLVE" ("list symb1 --> list_sols symb symb1 --> list_sols" "Solves ordinary differential equation. For some ode's returned level2 is not symb1." "07E007" :CSys) "^LDECSOLV" ("2nd_member char_eq --> solution" "Linear differential equation with constant coefficients. " "081007" :CSys) "^LDEGENE" ("eq. carac --> sol generale" "" "082007" :CSys) "^LDEPART" ("2nd membre, eq carac --> eq. carac, sol part" "" "083007" :CSys) "^LDSSOLVext" ("V M --> V'" "M is the matrix of the system. V is the vector of the 2nd members." "084007" :CSys) "^ODETYPESTO" ("type -->" "Store ode type in variable ODETYPE." "085007" :CSys) "^ODE_SEPAR" ("symb --> symb symb-y symb-x T --> symb F" "Tries to separate symb as a product of a function of y and a function of x." "086007" :CSys) "^LAPext" ("symb --> symb'" "Laplace transform for polynomial*exp/sin/cos. Returns LAP() for unknown transforms." "087007" :CSys) "^ILAPext" ("symb --> symb'" "Inverse Laplace transform for rational fractions. Delta functions for the integral part." "088007" :CSys) "^ILAPRAText" ("" "" "089007" :CSys) "^ILAPDELTA" ("" "" "08A007" :CSys) "^ILAPEXP" ("ck rk --> ck*exp[rk*x]" "" "08B007" :CSys) "^ILAPEXPSC" ("" "" "08C007" :CSys) "^QUOTExSIGMA" ("" "" "0F8007" :CSys) "^SUM" ("sym idnt --> sym" "Internal SUM. The variable can be specified. " "0F9007" :CSys) "^FLAGSUM" ("" "" "0FA007" :CSys) "^SUMVX" ("sym --> sym" "Internal SUMVX. Works always with respect to the current variable. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "0FB007" :CSys) "^FLAGSUMVX" ("" "" "0FC007" :CSys) "^RATSUM" ("sym --> sym" "Discrete rational sum." "0FD007" :CSys) "^FTAYL" ("f shift --> f'" "Taylor shift for rational fractions." "0FE007" :CSys) "^CSTFRACTION?" ("ob --> ob flag" "Taylor shift for rational fractions. Returns TRUE if ob is a cst fraction." "0FF007" :CSys) "^HYPERGEO" ("symb --> symb" "Tests and does hypergeometric summation." "104007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^NONRATSUM" ("z/symb --> symb" "Discrete summation (hypergeometric QcaseQ)." "100007" :CSys) "^meta_cst?" ("meta --> meta flag" "Tests for meta to be cst with respect to current var." "103007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^fk+1/fk" ("" "" "105007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^ZEILBERGER" ("f(n,k) n k d --> C T --> F" "Zeilberger algorithm * QNOTQ IMPLEMENTED YET*." "108007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^SYMPSI" ("sym --> Psi(x)" "Digamma function." "109007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^sympsi" ("" "" "10A007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^SYMPSIN" ("sym int --> Psi(x,n)" "Digamma function." "10B007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^sympsin" ("" "" "10C007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^%%PSI" ("%%x --> %%" "Digamma function." "11C007" :1\.11) "^IBERNOULLI" ("#/zint --> Q" "Bernoulli numbers." "10D007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^PARITYTEST" ("" "" "0CD007" :CSys) "^COSTEST" ("" "" "0CE007" :CSys) "^NDEvalN/D" ("num deno n d --> num' deno'" "Evals list poly over a list fraction." "0D9007" :CSys) "^PEvalN/D" ("P n d --> num d #" "Evals list poly over a list fraction." "0DA007" :CSys) "^vgerxssSYMSUM" ("Meta2 Meta1 --> meta" "Symbolic sum with tests for two zints. lam'sumvar bound to 'id/lam' and lam'sumexpr to 'expr'." "3C1006" :CSys) "^MAT*SCMOD" ("" "mat*scalar modulo." "246006" :CSys) "^SC*MATMOD" ("" "scalar*mat modulo." "247006" :CSys) "^MAT*MATMOD" ("" "mat*mat modulo." "248006" :CSys) "^DIVMOD" ("" "division modulo." "249006" :CSys) "^GCD1MOD" ("" "GCD modulo." "24A006" :CSys) "^INVMOD" ("" "Inversion modulo for zint." "24B006" :CSys) "^MINVMOD" ("" "Inversion modulo for matrix of zint." "24C006" :CSys) "^FLAGDIV2MOD" ("" "Euclidean division modulo." "24D006" :CSys) "^FLAGPOWMOD" ("" "Power modulo." "24E006" :CSys) "^FLAGMPOWMOD" ("" "Matrix Power modulo." "24F006" :CSys) "^EXPAMOD" ("" "expand modulo." "250006" :CSys) "^FLAGEXPAMOD" ("" "" "251006" :CSys) "^FLAGFACTORMOD" ("symb --> symb" "FACTOR modulo." "252006" :CSys) "^MFACTORMOD" ("M --> M'" "FACTOR modulo for amtrices." "253006" :CSys) "^RREFMOD" ("" "RREF modulo." "254006" :CSys) "^LIFCext" ("{contfrac} --> fraction" "Converts continued fraction to rational." "256006" :CSys) "^PEvalMod" ("Q Z Zn --> Q'" "Computes value of polynomial mod Zn." "0E1006" :CSys) "^QAddMod" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Q'" "Polynomial addition modulo Zn." "0E2006" :CSys) "^QSubMod" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Q'" "Polynomial subtraction modulo Zn." "0E3006" :CSys) "^QMulMod" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Q'" "Polynomial multiplication modulo Zn." "0E4006" :CSys) "^QDivMod" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Qquo Qrem" "Polynomial division modulo Zn. In regular division the coefficients in the remainder can increase very quickly to tens of digits, thus it is important to normalize the coefficients whenever possible." "0E5006" :CSys) "^QInvMod" ("Q Zn --> Q'" "Polynomial inversion modulo Zn." "0E6006" :CSys) "^QGcdMod" ("Q1 Q2 Zn --> Q'" "Polynomial GCD modulo Zn for univariate polynomials. The result is made monic." "0E7006" :CSys) "^QGcdExMod" ("" "Extended polynomial GCD modulo Zn for univariate polynomials. The equation: Q1*Q1' + Q2*Q2' = 1 MOD Zn." "0E8006" :CSys) "^ISOL1" ("symb id --> id symb'" "" "4C5006" :CSys) "^ISOLALL" ("symb id --> id {}" "Internal SOLVE." "4C6006" :CSys) "^ISOL2ext" ("symb id --> symb' symb id --> {}" "Like ISOL1 if isolflag is set. Otherwise returns the list of all found solutions. " "4C7006" :CSys) "^BEZOUTMSOLV" ("Lpoly Lidnt --> Lidnt sols" "If no extension in Lpoly, calls ALG48 GSOLVE Otherwise, solves by Bezout \"Gaussian\" elimination. In the latter case, if system seems underdetermined, Lidnt is truncated. Then the system must be exactly determined and polynomials must be prime together." "4C8006" :CSys) "^ROOT{}N" ("meta of roots --> list of roots" "Drops tagged roots." "4C9006" :CSys) "^MHORNER" ("poly-l {r1...rk} # --> P[r1...rk]" "Top-level call. Poly-l might be a matrix." "4CA006" :CSys) "^MHORNER1" ("P { r } --> P[..r..]" "" "4CB006" :CSys) "^SQFFext" ("Q --> { F1 mult1 .. Fn multn }" "" "4CC006" :CSys) "^MSQFF" ("Q --> F1 mult1 .. Fn multn #2n" "Full square-free factorization of object. The result is given as a Meta object." "4CD006" :CSys) "^%1TWO" ("ob --> ob %1 #2" "Square free factorization of unknown (?) object. See MSQFF." "4CE006" :CSys) "^MZSQFF" ("Z --> Z1 mult1 .. Zn multn #2n" "Full factorization of an integer." "4CF006" :CSys) "^MZSQFF1" ("Meta curfac %n newfac T --> Meta curfac %n+1 Meta curfac %n newfac F --> Meta' newfac %1" "Adds integer factor to factor list. If the factor is the same as the last time, only the multiplicity is increased." "4D0006" :CSys) "^MLISTSQFF" ("P --> Meta" "Full square-free factorization of a polynomial with a recursive call on the GCD of all coefficients." "4D2006" :CSys) "^METASQFFext" ("P-list --> S1 %1 ..Se-1 %e-1 %e ee Te Re" "Square-free factorization." "4D3006" :CSys) "^LIDNText" ("ob --> {}" "Gets list of all ids present in ob." "4DE006" :CSys) "^LVARXNXext" ("symb --> symb x lvarnx lvarx" "Finds variable of symb depending on current variable and other variable. Using LVAR is impossible here because of sqrt." "4DF006" :CSys) "^ISPOLYNOMIAL?" ("ob --> flag" "Returns TRUE if symb is polynomial with respect to current variable." "4E0006" :CSys) "^2POLYNOMIAL?" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb1 symb2 flag" "Returns TRUE if symb1 and symb2 are polynomial with respect to current variable." "4E1006" :CSys) "^VXINDEP?" ("symb --> symb flag" "Returns TRUE if symb is independent of current variable." "4E2006" :CSys) "^LVARXNX2ext" ("" "" "4E3006" :CSys) "^RLVARext" ("ob --> {}" "Recursive search of all variables." "4E4006" :CSys) "^LLVARDext" ("o --> #depth o lvar" "" "4E5006" :CSys) "^VXLVARext" ("symb --> symb lvar" "" "4E6006" :CSys) "^LVARext" ("ob --> ob {}" "List of variables. Square roots *are* included in the list of rational operators." "4E7006" :CSys) "^VX>LVARext" ("ob --> ob {}" "Like LVARext but the current variable is added using >HCOMP. Square roots *are* included in the list of rational operators." "4E8006" :CSys) "^VX>" ("{} --> {}'" "If VX is in the list then moves it to the beginning of the list. Otherwise does nothing. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "4E9006" :CSys) "^VX!" ("{} --> {}" "If VX is in the list then moves it at the beginning. Otherwise VX is added to the beginning of the list. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "4EA006" :CSys) "^LIDNTLVAR" ("symb lidnt --> symb lidnt lvar" "lvar is the list of variables in symb, but elements of lidnt are moved to the beginning of lvar." "4EC006" :CSys) "^LISTOPRAC" ("--> {}" "Returns the list of rational operator with sqrt appended to the list." "4ED006" :CSys) "^LISTOPext" ("--> {}" "List of basic \"rational\" operators without square root." "4EE006" :CSys) "^LISTOPSQRT" ("--> {}" "List of basic \"rational\" operators with square root." "4EF006" :CSys) "^LVARDext" ("ob listop --> lidnt Meta listop --> lidnt" "Determines list of variables in ob (or Meta) using the given list of basic \"rational\" operators." "4F0006" :CSys) "^>VARLIST" ("" "" "4F1006" :CSys) "^DEPTHext" ("ob --> #" "Returns the max number of embedded lists in ob." "4F2006" :CSys) "^DEPTHOBJext" ("objet # --> depth" "" "4F3006" :CSys) "^TRIMOBJext" ("ob --> ob '" "Trims object." "4F6006" :CSys) "^NEWTRIMext" ("Q --> Q" "Recursively tests if Q is a list of one constant element. This is much faster than TRIMOBJext and sufficient for the output of programs which are trimmed on the fly." "4F7006" :CSys) "^>POLYTRIM" ("meta --> {}" "Equivalent to {}POLY TRIMOBJext." "4F8006" :CSys) "^ELMGext" ("ob --> ob'" "Trims small numbers (less than epsilon)." "4F9006" :CSys) "^ZINTSQRT" ("" "" "51F006" :CSys) "^SHALT" ("" "" "520006" :CSys) "^IsV>V?" ("v1 v2 --> flag" "Returns TRUE if v1 is lexicographically after v2." "0E9006" :CSys) "^PZadic" ("Q Z --> Q'" "" "0EB006" :CSys) "^LISTMAXext" ("P --> P Z T depth --> P ? F #0" "Step 1 for gcdheu: Returns FALSE if gcdheu can not be applied (e.g. if P contains irrquads). Returns TRUE otherwise, Z is the max of all integers of P or 2*max if there are complex in P." "104006" :CSys) "^GCDHEUext" ("A B --> a b c pr[pgcd] A'/G' B'/G' flag" "Heuristic GCD." "0EC006" :CSys) "^SIGNE" ("symb --> sign" "Compute the sign table of the expression with respect to the current variable. Internal version of the UserRPL command SIGNTAB." "237006" :CSys) "^SIGNE1ext" ("expr --> sign" "Sign table of a polynomial or rational expression." "0DC007" :CSys) "^SIGNEext" ("" "" "0DD007" :CSys) "^SIGNUNDEF" ("--> sign" "Returns undefined sign table." "0DE007" :CSys) "^SIGNPLUS" ("--> sign" "Returns always positive sign table." "0DF007" :CSys) "^SIGNMOINS" ("--> sign" "Returns always negative sign table." "0E0007" :CSys) "^SIGNELN" ("sign --> sign" "Returns ln of a sign table." "0E1007" :CSys) "^SIGNEEXP" ("sign --> sign'" "Returns exp of a sign table." "0E2007" :CSys) "^SIGNESIN" ("sign --> sign'" "Returns sin of a sign table." "0E3007" :CSys) "^SIGNECOS" ("sign --> sign'" "Returns cos of a sign table." "0E4007" :CSys) "^SIGNETAN" ("sign --> sign'" "Returns tan of a sign table." "0E5007" :CSys) "^SIGNEATAN" ("sign --> sign'" "Returns atan of a sign table." "0E6007" :CSys) "^SIGNESQRT" ("sign --> sign'" "Returns sqrt of a sign table." "0E7007" :CSys) "^SUBSIGNE" ("sign min max --> sign'" "Truncates a sign table." "0E8007" :CSys) "^SIGNERIGHT" ("sign ob --> sign'" "Places ob at the end of a sign table." "0E9007" :CSys) "^SIGNELEFT" ("sign ob --> sign'" "Places ob at the beginning of a sign table." "0EA007" :CSys) "^>SIGNE" ("sign --> sign'" "Prepends { -infinity ? } to a sign table." "0EB007" :CSys) "^SIGNE>" ("sign --> sign'" "Appends { ? +infinity } to a sign table." "0EC007" :CSys) "^SIGNMULText" ("sign1 sign2 --> sign'" "Multiplies two sign tables." "0ED007" :CSys) "^POSITIFext" ("ob --> ob flag" "Tries to determine if ob is positive. In internal representation, this depends on increaseflag so that x-1 is positive if increaseflag is cleared, negative otherwise, because x is assumed to tend to +infinity or zero." "0DB007" :CSys) "^ZSIGNECK" ("ob --> ob flag" "Returns sign of an expression. Error if unable to find sign." "0EE007" :CSys) "^ZSIGNE" ("ob --> zint" "Returns sign of an expression. zint=1 for +, -1 for -, 0 for undef. Expression does not need to be polynomial/rational. " "0F0007" :CSys) "^zsigne" ("meta --> zint" "Returns sign of a meta symbolic. zint=1 for +, -1 for -, 0 for undef. Expression does not need to be polynomial/rational. " "0F1007" :CSys) "^CHECKSING" ("symb inf sup vx --> symb inf sup vx flag" "Checks for singularities in expr." "07D007" :CSys) "^ERABLEERROR" ("# -->" "Calls CAS Error." "57E006" :CSys) "^GETERABLEMSG" ("# --> $" "Get string in erable messages table." "57D006" :CSys) "^ErrInfRes" ("Error 305h" "Generates \"Infinite Result\" error." "090006" :CSys) "^ErrUndefRes" ("Error 304h" "Generates \"Undefined Result\" error." "091006" :CSys) "^ErrBadDim" ("Error 501h" "Generates \"Invalid Dimension\" error." "092006" :CSys) "^CANTFACTOR" ("Error DE1Ch" "Generates \"Unable to find factor\" error." "57F006" :CSys) "^TRANSCERROR" ("Error DE20h" "Generates \"Not reducible to a rational expression\" error." "580006" :CSys) "^NONUNARYERR" ("Error DE21h" "Generates \"Non unary operator\" error." "581006" :CSys) "^INTERNALERR" ("Error DE26h" "Generates \"CAS internal error\" error." "582006" :CSys) "^INVALIDOP" ("Error DE28h" "Generates \"Operator not implemented (SERIES)\" error." "583006" :CSys) "^ISOLERR" ("Error DE2Ah" "Generates \"No solution found\" error." "584006" :CSys) "^NONINTERR" ("Error DE2Ch" "Generates \"No solution in ring\" error." "585006" :CSys) "^INTVARERR" ("Error DE32h" "Generates \"No name in expression\" error." "586006" :CSys) "^Z>#ERR" ("Error DE35h" "Generates \"Integer too large\" error." "587006" :CSys) "^SIGNEERROR" ("Error DE36h" "Generates \"Unable to find sign\" error." "0EF007" :CSys) "^Z<0ERR" ("Error DE46h" "Generates \"Negative integer\" error." "588006" :CSys) "^VXINDEPERR" ("Error DE47h" "Generates \"Parameter is cur. var. dependent\" error." "589006" :CSys) "^NONPOLYSYST" ("Error DE49h" "Generates \"Non polynomial systrem\" error." "58A006" :CSys) "^COMPLEXERR" ("Error DE4Dh" "Generates \"Complex number not allowed\" error." "58B006" :CSys) "^VALMUSTBE0" ("Error DE4Eh" "Generates \"Polyn. valuation must be 0\" error." "58C006" :CSys) "^SWITCHNOTALLOWED" ("Error DE4Fh" "Generates \"Mode switch not allowed here\" error." "58D006" :CSys) "^NONALGERR" ("Error DE50h" "Generates \"Non algebraic in expression\" error." "119007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^ERR$EVALext" ("seco --> action" "" "58E006" :CSys) "^Sys1IT" ("ob -->" "Execute object if display flag is set." "58F006" :CSys) "^CFGDISPLAY" ("-->" "Display current configuration of the CAS." "08F007" :CSys) "^NEWVX" ("-->" "Input new current variable from the user. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "090007" :CSys) "^NEWMODULO" ("-->" "Input new modulo from the user." "091007" :CSys) "^SWITCHON" ("#flag -->" "Asks the user if a certain mode may be switched on by toggling system flag #flag. Errors if the user does not want to switch." "092007" :CSys) "^SWITCHOFF" ("#flag -->" "Asks the user is a certain mode may be switched off by toggling system flag #flag. Error if the user does not want to switch." "093007" :CSys) "^FLAGNAME" ("# --> # $" "Find the name of a flag." "094007" :CSys) "^PUSHFLAGS" ("-->" "Internal version of User PUSH command: stores the current flag settings and path in the CASDIR/ENVSTK variable." "1DC007" :UBS) "^POPFLAGS" ("-->" "Internal version of User POP command: pops the last pushed flag settings and path from the CASDIR/ENVSTK variable." "1DD007" :UBS) "^COMPLEXON" ("-->" "Turns complex mode on. Depending on system flag 120, the user is asked first." "095007" :CSys) "^COMPLEXOFF" ("-->" "Turns complex mode off. Depending on system flag 120, the user is asked first." "096007" :CSys) "^EXACTON" ("-->" "Turns exact mode on. Depending on system flag 120, the user is asked first." "097007" :CSys) "^EXACTOFF" ("-->" "Turns exact mode off. Depending on system flag 120, the user is asked first." "098007" :CSys) "^COMPLEXMODE" ("-->" "Set complex mode, refresh configuration display." "099007" :CSys) "^SETCOMPLEX" ("-->" "Set complex mode." "09A007" :CSys) "^COMPLEX?" ("--> flag" "Test complex mode." "09B007" :CSys) "^REALMODE" ("-->" "Set real mode, refresh configuration display." "09C007" :CSys) "^CLRCOMPLEX" ("-->" "Set real mode." "09D007" :CSys) "^EXACTMODE" ("-->" "Set exact mode, refresh configuration display." "09E007" :CSys) "^SETEXACT" ("-->" "Set exact mode and gcd mode." "09F007" :CSys) "^NUMMODE" ("-->" "Set numeric mode, refresh configuration display." "0A0007" :CSys) "^CLREXACT" ("-->" "Clear exact mode." "0A1007" :CSys) "^EXACT?" ("--> flag" "Test exact mode." "0A2007" :CSys) "^STEPBYSTEP" ("-->" "Set step by step flag, refresh display." "0A3007" :CSys) "^NOSTEPBYSTEP" ("-->" "Clear step by step flag, refresh display." "0A4007" :CSys) "^VERBOSEMODE" ("-->" "Set verbose mode, refresh configuration display." "0A5007" :CSys) "^SILENTMODE" ("-->" "Set silent mode, refresh configuration display." "0A6007" :CSys) "^RECURMODE" ("-->" "Set recursive mode, refresh configuration display." "0A7007" :CSys) "^NONRECMODE" ("-->" "Set nonrecursive mode, refresh configuration display." "0A8007" :CSys) "^PLUSAT0" ("-->" "Set positive mode, refresh configuration display." "0A9007" :CSys) "^SETPLUSAT0" ("-->" "Set positive mode." "0AA007" :CSys) "^PLUSATINFTY" ("-->" "Set positive infinity mode, refresh configuration display." "0AB007" :CSys) "^CLRPLUSAT0" ("-->" "Set positive infinity mode." "0AC007" :CSys) "^SPARSEDATA" ("-->" "Set full data mode, refresh configuration display." "0AD007" :CSys) "^FULLDATA" ("-->" "Set sparse mode, refresh configuration display." "0AE007" :CSys) "^RIGORMODE" ("-->" "Set rigorous mode, refresh configuration display." "0AF007" :CSys) "^SLOPPYMODE" ("-->" "Set sloppy mode, refresh configuration display." "0B0007" :CSys) "^SLOPPY?" ("--> flag" "Test sloppy mode." "0B1007" :CSys) "^SAVECASFLAGS" ("-->" "Saves CAS flags and current var." "1D2006" :CSys) "^RESTORECASFLAGS" ("-->" "Restore CAS flags and current var." "1D4006" :CSys) "^CASFLAGEVAL" ("-->" "Execute next runstream object with flag protection." "1D5006" :CSys) "^RCLMODULO" ("--> Z" "Fetch MODULO from the home directory." "0C2007" :CSys) "^RCLPERIOD" ("--> sym" "Fetch PERIOD from the home directory." "0C3007" :CSys) "^RCLVX" ("--> id" "Fetch VX from home directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "0C4007" :CSys) "^STOVX" ("ob -->" "Store object in VX. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "0C5007" :CSys) "^STOMODULO" ("ob -->" "Store object in MODULO." "0C6007" :CSys) "^RCLEPS" ("--> %" "Fetch EPS from home directory." "0C7007" :CSys) "^ISIDREAL?" ("id --> id id T --> id F" "Test if id is in the REALASSUME list." "0C8007" :CSys) "^ADDTOREAL" ("id -->" "Add idnt to the list of real var." "0C9007" :CSys) "^RESETCASCFG" ("-->" "Reset CAS config." "0CA007" :CSys) "^VERNUMext" ("--> %version" "CAS version number." "1D0006" :CSys) "^MENUXYext" ("#2 #1 --> {}" "Make list of Erable commands between the given numbers." "1D1006" :CSys) "^MENUext" ("$6...$1 -->" "If the CAS quiet flag is not set, displays the six strings as menu keys. Otherwise does nothing." "08D007" :CSys) "^MENUCHOOSE?" ("--> prg flag" "Return best CHOOSE command." "0B2007" :CSys) "^MENUCHOOSE" ("{} -->" "Offers a selection to the user. If Flag -117 is set, only installs a menu. If not, offer a CHOOSE box. " "0B3007" :CSys) "^MENUGENE1" ("--> {}" "Menu for CAS." "0B4007" :CSys) "^MENUBASE1" ("--> {}" "Base algebra menu." "0B5007" :CSys) "^MENUCMPLX1" ("--> {}" "Complex operations menu." "0B6007" :CSys) "^MENUTRIG1" ("--> {}" "Trigonometric operations menu." "0B7007" :CSys) "^MENUMAT1" ("--> {}" "Matrix operations menu." "0B8007" :CSys) "^MENUARIT1" ("--> {}" "Arithmetic operations menu." "0B9007" :CSys) "^MENUSOLVE1" ("--> {}" "Solver menu." "0BA007" :CSys) "^MENUEXPLN1" ("--> {}" "Exponential and logarithmic operations menu." "0BB007" :CSys) "^MENUDIFF1" ("-->" "Differential calculus menu." "0BC007" :CSys) "^ISPRIME" ("z/% --> %0/%1" "Internal ISPRIME." "218006" :CSys) "^FLAGEXPAND" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xEXPAND. Expands symbolic expression." "1D6006" :CSys) "^EXPANDBOTH" ("" "" "1D7006" :CSys) "^FLAGFACTOR" ("symb --> symb' z --> symb" "Internal xFACTOR. Factors symbolic or number. " "1D8006" :CSys) "^FLAGLISTEXEC" ("symb {} --> symb'" "Internal xSUBST for the QcaseQ that level 1 is an array or a matrix." "1D9006" :CSys) "^FLAGSYMBEXEC" ("symb symb' --> symb''" "Internal xSUBST for the QcaseQ that level 1 is a symbolic." "1DA006" :CSys) "^FLAGIDNTEXEC" ("symb id --> symb'" "Internal xSUBST for the QcaseQ that level 1 is an id or a lam." "1DB006" :CSys) "^FLAGINTVX" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xINTVX." "1DC006" :CSys) "^DERVX" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xDERVX." "1DD006" :CSys) "^SOLVEXFLOAT" ("% --> {}" "Internal xSOLVEVX for a float." "1DE006" :CSys) "^SYMLIMIT" ("symb symb' --> symb''" "Internal xLIMIT for scalars." "1DF006" :CSys) "^FLAGMATRIXLIMIT" ("[] symb --> []'" "Internal xLIMIT for matrices." "1E0006" :CSys) "^TAYLOR0" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTAYLOR0." "1E1006" :CSys) "^FLAGSERIES" ("symb id z --> {} symb'" "Internal xSERIES." "1E2006" :CSys) "^PLOTSTK" ("" "Internal PLOTSTK." "1E3006" :CSys) "^PLOTADD" ("symb -->" "Internal xPLOTADD." "1E4006" :CSys) "^FLAGIBP" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3 symb4" "Internal xIBP." "1E5006" :CSys) "^FLAGPREVAL" ("symb1 symb2 symb3 --> symb4" "Internal xPREVAL. Evaluates symb1 at the points symb2 and symb3 and takes the difference." "1E6006" :CSys) "^MATRIXRISCH" ("[] id --> symb'" "Internal xRISCH for matrix arguments." "1E7006" :CSys) "^FLAGRISCH" ("symb id --> symb'" "Internal xRISCH for non-matrix argumetns." "1E8006" :CSys) "^FLAGDERIV" ("symb id --> symb'" "Internal xDERIV." "1E9006" :CSys) "^FLAGLAP" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xLAP." "1EA006" :CSys) "^FLAGILAP" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xILAP." "1EB006" :CSys) "^FLAGDESOLVE" ("symb symb' --> symb''" "Internal xDESOLVE." "1EC006" :CSys) "^FLAGLDSSOLV" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xLDEC." "1ED006" :CSys) "^FLAGLDECSOLV" ("" "" "1EE006" :CSys) "^FLAGTEXPAND" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTEXPAND." "1EF006" :CSys) "^FLAGLIN" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xLIN." "1F0006" :CSys) "^FLAGTSIMP" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTSIMP." "1F1006" :CSys) "^FLAGLNCOLLECT" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xLNCOLLECT." "1F2006" :CSys) "^FLAGEXPLN" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xEXPLN." "1F3006" :CSys) "^FLAGSINCOS" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xSINCOS." "1F4006" :CSys) "^FLAGTLIN" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTLIN." "1F5006" :CSys) "^FLAGTCOLLECT" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal TCOLLECT." "1F6006" :CSys) "^FLAGTRIG" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTRIG." "1F7006" :CSys) "^FLAGTRIGCOS" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTRIGCOS." "1F8006" :CSys) "^FLAGTRIGSIN" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTRIGSIN." "1F9006" :CSys) "^FLAGTRIGTAN" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTRIGTAN." "1FA006" :CSys) "^FLAGTAN2SC" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTAN2SC." "1FB006" :CSys) "^FLAGHALFTAN" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xHALFTAN." "1FC006" :CSys) "^FLAGTAN2SC2" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xTAN2SC2." "1FD006" :CSys) "^FLAGATAN2S" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xATAN2S." "1FE006" :CSys) "^FLAGASIN2T" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xASIN2T." "1FF006" :CSys) "^FLAGASIN2C" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xASIN2C." "200006" :CSys) "^FLAGACOS2S" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xACOS2S." "201006" :CSys) "^STEPIDIV2" ("z1 z2 --> z3 z4" "Internal xIDIV2." "206006" :CSys) "^FLAGDIV2" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3 symb4" "Internal xDIV2." "207006" :CSys) "^FLAGGCD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xGCD for the QcaseQ with two symbolica arguments." "208006" :CSys) "^PEGCD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3 symb4 symb5" "Internal xEGCD for polynomials." "209006" :CSys) "^ABCUV" ("symb1 symb2 symb3 --> symb4 symb5" "Internal polynomial xABCUV." "20B006" :CSys) "^IABCUV" ("z1 z2 z3 --> z4 z5" "Internal integer xIABCUV." "20C006" :CSys) "^FLAGLGCD" ("{} --> {} symb" "Internal xLGCD." "20D006" :CSys) "^FLAGLCM" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xLCM." "20E006" :CSys) "^FLAGSIMP2" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3 symb4" "Internal xSIMP2." "20F006" :CSys) "^FLAGPARTFRAC" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xPARTFRAC." "210006" :CSys) "^FLAGPROPFRAC" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xPROPFRAC." "211006" :CSys) "^FLAGPTAYL" ("P(X) r --> P(X+r)" "Internal xPTAYL." "212006" :CSys) "^FLAGHORNER" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3 symb4 symb5" "Internal xHORNER." "213006" :CSys) "^EULER" ("z --> z'" "Internal xEULER." "214006" :CSys) "^FLAGCHINREM" ("A1 A2 --> A3" "Internal xCHINREM." "216006" :CSys) "^ICHINREM" ("A1 A2 --> A3" "Internal xICHINREM." "217006" :CSys) "^SOLVE1EQ" ("symb id --> {}" "Internal xSOLVE for single equations." "219006" :CSys) "^SOLVEMANYEQ" ("[] []' --> {}''" "Internal xSOLVE for arrays of equations." "21A006" :CSys) "^ZEROS1EQ" ("symb id --> {}" "Internal xZEROS for single equations." "21B006" :CSys) "^ZEROSMANYEQ" ("[] []' --> {}" "Internal xZEROS for arrays of equations." "21C006" :CSys) "^FCOEF" ("[] --> symb" "Internal xFCOEF." "21D006" :CSys) "^FROOTS" ("symb --> []" "Internal xFROOTS." "21E006" :CSys) "^FACTORS" ("symb --> {}" "Internal xFACTORS." "21F006" :CSys) "^DIVIS" ("symb --> {}" "Internal xDIVIS." "220006" :CSys) "^STUDMULT" ("" "Internal xSTUDMULT." "221006" :CSys) "^STUDDIV" ("" "Internal xSTUDDIV." "222006" :CSys) "^rref" ("M --> A M'" "Internal xrref." "223006" :CSys) "^MADNOCK" ("M --> symb1 []' []'' symb3" "Internal xMAD." "229006" :CSys) "^SYSTEM" ("[] []' --> []'' {} []'''" "Internal xLINSOLVE." "22A006" :CSys) "^VANDERMONDE" ("{} --> M" "Internal xVANDERMONDE." "22B006" :CSys) "^HILBERTNOCK" ("z --> M" "Internal xHILBERT." "22C006" :CSys) "^CURL" ("[exprs] [vars] --> []" "Internal xCURL." "22E006" :CSys) "^DIVERGENCE" ("[exprs] [vars] --> symb" "Internal xDIV." "22F006" :CSys) "^LAPLACIAN" ("[expr] [vars] --> symb" "Internal xLAPL." "230006" :CSys) "^HESSIAN" ("symb A --> M A' A''" "Internal xHESS." "231006" :CSys) "^HERMITE" ("z --> symb" "Internal xHERMITE." "232006" :CSys) "^TCHEBNOCK" ("%degree --> symb" "Internal xTCHEBYCHEFF." "233006" :CSys) "^LEGENDRE" ("z --> symb" "Internal xLEGENDRE." "234006" :CSys) "^LAGRANGE" ("A --> symb" "Internal xLAGRANGE." "235006" :CSys) "^FOURIER" ("symb z --> C%" "Internal xFOURIER." "236006" :CSys) "^TABVAR" ("symb --> symb {{}} grob" "Internal xTABVAR." "238006" :CSys) "^FLAGDIVPC" ("symb1 symb2 z --> symb3" "Internal xDIVPC." "239006" :CSys) "^FLAGTRUNC" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xTRUNC." "23A006" :CSys) "^FLAGSEVAL" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xSEVAL." "23B006" :CSys) "^XNUM" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xXNUM." "23C006" :CSys) "^REORDER" ("symb id --> symb'" "Internal xREORDER." "23D006" :CSys) "^USERLVAR" ("symb --> symb []" "Internal xLVAR." "23E006" :CSys) "^USERLIDNT" ("symb --> []" "Internal xLNAME." "23F006" :CSys) "^ADDTMOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xADDTMOD for scalars." "241006" :CSys) "^MADDTMOD" ("M M' --> M''" "Internal xADDTMOD for matrices." "242006" :CSys) "^SUBTMOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xSUBTMOD for scalars." "243006" :CSys) "^MSUBTMOD" ("M M' --> M''" "Internal xSUBTMOD for matrices." "244006" :CSys) "^MULTMOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "Internal xMULTMOD." "245006" :CSys) "^Verbose1" ("$ -->" "Display message on line 1 if verbose mode on." "579006" :CSys) "^Verbose2" ("$ -->" "Display message on line 2 if verbose mode on." "57A006" :CSys) "^Verbose3" ("$ -->" "Display message on line 3 if verbose mode on." "57B006" :CSys) "^VerboseN" ("$ # -->" "Display message on given line if verbose mode on. " "57C006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKx*" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "257006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKx+" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "258006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKx-" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "259006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKx/" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "25A006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKx^" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "25B006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxCHS" ("ob --> ob'" "" "25C006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxINV" ("ob --> ob'" "" "25D006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxMOD" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "25E006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxPERM" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "25F006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxCOMB" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "260006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxOR" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "261006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxAND" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "262006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxXOR" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "263006" :CSys) "^EvalNoCKxXROOT" ("ob ob' --> ob''" "" "264006" :CSys) "^TABVALext" ("fnct x {} --> {}'" "Table of values." "265006" :CSys) "^TOLISText" ("o1..on #n --> Lvar Q1..Qn" "Convert meta of symbolic objects to internal form." "266006" :CSys) "^FROMLISText" ("Lvar Meta L --> L'" "Conversion of elements of Meta objec to user format. Meta does not contain the #n number of element. L is the list of depth of the elements of Meta. For example to convert a polynomial, a vector and a matrix: Lvar = { X } Meta = { Z1 Z3 } { Z0 Z1 } { { Z1 { Z1 Z0 } } } L = { #0 #1 #2 } L' = { 'X+2' { 0 1 } { { 1 X } } }." "267006" :CSys) "^QPI" ("ob --> ob'" "Internal xXQ." "074007" :CSys) "^QpiZ" ("ob --> symb" "Calls ^Qpi% and converts the resulting (real) integers into zints." "073007" :CSys) "^QpiSym" ("symb --> symb'" "Internal xXQ for symbolics." "075007" :CSys) "^QpiArry" ("[] --> []'" "Internal xXQ for arrays. Converts each element of the array." "076007" :CSys) "^QpiList" ("{} --> {}'" "Internal xXQ for lists. Converts each element of the list." "077007" :CSys) "^Qpi" ("%/C% --> symb" "Internal xXQ for real and complex numbers." "078007" :CSys) "^Qpi%" ("% --> symb" "xXQ for reals, but does not convert numbers to zints." "079007" :CSys) "^GetRoot" ("%' --> %' %''" "Tries to find a square number which is a factor of the argument. The algorithm only tries numbers smaller than 1024^2-1 and assumes that % is an integer. The returned results are such that %=(%')^2*%''. For numbers which do not contain a square factor, %'=1 and %''=%." "07A007" :CSys) "^Approx" ("% --> %' %''" "Approximates a real number with a fraction. Returns numerator %' and denominator %''. The accuracy of the approximation is determinated by the current display format." "07B007" :CSys) "^INFINIext" ("--> '\\oo'" "" "2E2006" :CSys) "^MINUSINFext" ("--> '-\\oo'" "" "2E3006" :CSys) "^PLUSINFext" ("--> '+\\oo'" "" "2E4006" :CSys) "^?ext" ("--> '?'" "Pushed the undefined symbolic." "2E5006" :CSys) "^POSINFext" ("symb --> symb #" "Returns #1 if the symbolic contains '\\oo'." "2E6006" :CSys) "^TESTINFINI" ("ob --> ob flag" "Test if object contains infinity." "2E1006" :CSys) "^POSUNDEFext" ("symb --> symb #" "Returns #1 if the symbolic contains the undefined symbolic '?'." "2E7006" :CSys) "^pi" ("--> '\\pi'" "" "2EA006" :CSys) "^metapi" ("--> \\pi #1" "" "2EB006" :CSys) "^meta-pi" ("--> \\pi xNEG #2" "" "2F1006" :CSys) "^pisur2" ("--> '\\pi/2'" "" "2E8006" :CSys) "^metapi/2" ("--> \\pi 2 x/ #3" "" "2F2006" :CSys) "^pisur-2" ("--> '-\\pi/2'" "" "2E9006" :CSys) "^meta-pi/2" ("--> \\pi 2 x/ xNEG #4" "" "2F4006" :CSys) "^metapi/4" ("--> \\pi 4 x/ #3" "" "2F3006" :CSys) "^meta-pi/4" ("--> \\pi 4 x/ xNEG #4" "" "2F5006" :CSys) "^pifois2" ("--> '2*\\pi'" "" "2F6006" :CSys) "^'xPI" ("--> xPI" "" "2EC006" :CSys) "^base_ln" ("--> 'e'" "" "2F9006" :CSys) "^meta_e" ("--> e #1" "" "2FA006" :CSys) "^'xi" ("--> xi" "" "2EE006" :CSys) "^metai" ("--> i #1" "" "2ED006" :CSys) "^ipi" ("--> 'i*\\pi'" "" "2EF006" :CSys) "^metaipi" ("--> i \\pi x* #3" "" "2F0006" :CSys) "^metapi*2" ("--> \\pi 2 x* #3" "" "2F8006" :CSys) "^deuxipi" ("--> '2*i*\\pi'" "" "2F7006" :CSys) "^DIVOBJext" ("{o1...on} ob --> {o1/ob...on/ob}" "Division of all elements of a list by ob. Tests if ob=1." "3F0006" :CSys) "^LOPDext" ("{o1...on} ob --> {o1/ob...on/ob}" "LOPDext calls QUOText for the division, unlike DIVOBJ which calls RDIVext." "3F2006" :CSys) "^LOP1ext" ("{} ob binop --> {}'" "Applies non-recursively << ob binop >> to the elements of the list." "269006" :CSys) "^LOPAext" ("{} ob binop --> {}'" "Applies recursively << op binop >> to the elements of the list (not the list elements themselves)." "26A006" :CSys) "^LOPMext" ("ob {} --> {}'" "Multiplies each element of the list by the given object." "10F006" :CSys) "^LISTEXEC" ("ob {} --> ob' ob {} --> {}'" "The list should be of the form { 'X=1' 'Y=2' ... } in the first QcaseQ or { 'X=1' 'X=2' } in the second QcaseQ. In the first QcaseQ, all occurences of X in ob are replace by 1, or Y by 2, etc. In the second QcaseQ ob is evaluated with X=1, X=2 successively. " "45F006" :CSys) "^LISTEXEC1" ("{} objet --> {}'" "" "460006" :CSys) "^SECOEXEC" ("{} prog --> {}" "Executes prog on each element of ob." "461006" :CSys) "^PFEXECext" ("symb prg --> symb" "" "268006" :CSys) "^LISTSECOext" ("composite --> composite" "Applies 1LAM non-recursively to all elements of the list." "26B006" :CSys) "^CK1TONOext" ("ob --> ob'" "Applies prg to ob, recursively for lists. prg is fetched from runstream." "26D006" :CSys) "^QXNDext" ("irrq --> a b c" "b=0 and c=1 if stack level 1 is not an irrq." "165006" :CSys) "^NDXQext" ("a b c --> irrq" "" "166006" :CSys) "^IRRQ#ULTIMATE" ("ob --> # c" "Finds \\<< depth and returns ultimate c of an irrq." "2D8006" :CSys) "^QCONJext" ("irrq --> irrq'" "irrq-conjugate of an irrq. This is *not* the complex conjugate." "508006" :CSys) "^QABSext" ("irrq --> irrq sign" "Finds the sign of an irrq. Work always if irrq is made of Z." "509006" :CSys) "^QNORMext" ("Zirr --> a^2-b*c^2" "Irrq-norm of an irrquad. This is *not* the complex modulus." "51A006" :CSys) "^PREPARext" ("o1 o2 --> a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2" "Returns irrquad decomposition of o1 and o2. with either c1=c2 or c1 and c2 have no factors in comon. c1 {}'" "Add the C-part of all irrquads of object to the list." "2DA006" :CSys) "^QMODSYMext" ("" "" "0DA006" :CSys :\?) "^ModPow" ("" "" "0DB006" :CSys :\?) "^ZQUOText" ("" "" "0DC006" :CSys :\?) "^ZDIVext" ("" "" "0DE006" :CSys :\?) "^PSEUDOPREP" ("o2 o1 --> o2*a1.n^ o1 a1.n^" "" "3E7006" :CSys :\?) "^PLCZ" ("" "" "3FA006" :CSys :\?) "^HSECO2RCext" ("ob --> ob'" "Conversion of constants from internal to user form." "3FB006" :CSys :\?) "^SECO2CMPext" ("seco --> symb" "Back conversion of complex. polarflag should be disabled if not at the top level of rational expressions." "3FC006" :CSys :\?) "^SECO2CMPPOL" ("" "Conversion of a complex in polar coordinates. should be used only at the top level of rational expr." "3FD006" :CSys :\?) "^SECO2CMPCART" ("" "Conversion of a complex in cartesian coordinates." "3FE006" :CSys :\?) "^VALOBJext" ("# {..{Q}..} {var1..varn} --> {..{ob}..}" "Back conversion of objects embedded at depth # in lists. Simplifies var1..varn." "3FF006" :CSys :\?) "^VAL2ext" ("# {..{Q}..} {var1..varn} --> {..{ob}..}" "Back conversion of objects embedded at depth # in lists. Does not simplify var1..varn. Conversion is done in asc. power if positivfflag is set, which is useful for SERIES and LIMIT commands." "401006" :CSys :\?) "^INVAL2" ("P # --> symbpoly" "LAM2 must contain Lvar, # is the depth." "402006" :CSys :\?) "^METAVAL2" ("# Meta_list --> Meta_symb" "LMA2 must contain Lvar, LAM1 is modified." "403006" :CSys :\?) "^VAL1" ("ob --> ob" "LAM2 must contain Lvar, LAM1 is modified." "404006" :CSys :\?) "^VAL1M" ("ob --> Meta_symb" "LAM2 must contain Lvar, LAM1 is modified." "405006" :CSys :\?) "^IDNTEXEC" ("symb idnt --> symb'" "Tries to find idnt such that symb=0. Return a solution as an equality 'idnt=..' in symb'." "45C006" :CSys :\?) "^SYMISOL" ("" "" "45D006" :CSys :\?) "^SYMQFORM" ("" "" "45E006" :CSys :\?) "^MP0" ("ob --> ob 1" "Returns number 1 of the selected type. The symbolic/ROMPTR one looks very strange it is used to avoid infinity^0/undef^0 to return 1. " "121006" :CSys :\?) "^rpnQOBJext" ("ob --> ob'" "prg is fetched from the stack." "26C006" :CSys :\?) "^SIMPIDNT" ("idnt --> ob" "Evaluates idnt (looks recursively for its content if defined). Does not error for circular definition, but displays a warning." "29D006" :CSys :\?) "^RCLALLIDNT" ("" "" "29E006" :CSys :\?) "^RCL1IDNT" ("idnt/lam --> ob" "Recursive content of an idnt. LAM1 to LAM3 must be bound." "29F006" :CSys :\?) "^SWPSIMPNDXF" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob1/ob2" "Simplified fraction (internal)." "2A7006" :CSys :\?) "^SIMPNDXFext" ("ob2 ob1 --> ob2/ob1" "Simplified fraction (internal)." "2A8006" :CSys :\?) "^CMODext" ("C2 C1 --> C1 C2_mod_C1" "" "2B6006" :CSys :\?) "^SQFF2ext" ("l1...ln #n-1 --> l1'...ln' #n-1" "" "2BD006" :CSys :\?) "^PPZ" ("p --> p/pgcd pgcd" "ob is the gcd of all constant coefficients of P (integer, Gauss integers, irrquads with the implementation of the \"gcd\" for irrquads)." "2BE006" :CSys :\?) "^PPZZ" ("ob --> ob zint" "PPZ with further check to ensure returning a zint." "117007" :1\.11 :CSys :\?) "^PZHSTR" ("a z --> a mod z" "" "2BF006" :CSys :\?) "^HORNER1ext" ("P r --> P[r]" "" "2C0006" :CSys :\?) "^PEval" ("P r --> P[r]" "P must be a list polynomial." "2C1006" :CSys :\?) "^RISCHext" ("" "" "2C2006" :CSys :\?) "^risch/" ("" "" "2C3006" :CSys :\?) "^rischABS" ("" "" "2C4006" :CSys :\?) "^SQRT_IN?" ("{} --> {} flag" "Returns TRUE if one element of {} is a symb containing a sqrt." "2C6006" :CSys :\?) "^IS_SQRT?" ("symb --> flag" "" "2C7006" :CSys :\?) "^XROOT_IN?" ("" "" "2C8006" :CSys :\?) "^IS_XROOT?" ("symb --> flag" "" "2C9006" :CSys :\?) "^STOPRIMIT" ("symb -->" "Stores antiderivative in PRIMIT variable." "2CA006" :CSys :\?) "^CONTAINS_LN?" ("symb --> symb flag" "" "2CB006" :CSys :\?) "^ISNT_IDNT?" ("" "" "2CC006" :CSys :\?) "^RISCHPF" ("" "" "2CD006" :CSys :\?) "^RISCHRAT" ("" "" "2CE006" :CSys :\?) "^rischlogpart" ("" "" "2CF006" :CSys :\?) "^FOURIERext" ("symb n --> cn" "Computes n-th Fourier coefficient of a 2 \\pi periodic function." "2D4006" :CSys) "^LESSCOMPLEX?" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob1 ob2 flag" "Compares objects by type and then by CRC. flag is true if ob1 is less complex than ob2 (ob1>ob2). If ob1 or ob2 is an irrq, find first ultimate type of ob1 and ob2. If these ultimate types are equal sort is done by comparing the << depth." "2D9006" :CSys :\?) "^LIST1i-1-i" ("" "Various constants. Caution: these constants are \"covered\" if you are using them be sure to return an uncovered result on the stack when exiting." "2DB006" :CSys :\?) "^LIST10-10" ("" "" "2DC006" :CSys :\?) "^TABLECOSext" ("--> {}" "Table of special COS values (k*pi/12)." "2DD006" :CSys :\?) "^TABLETANext" ("--> {}" "Table of special TAN values (k*pi/12)." "2DE006" :CSys :\?) "^LINEARAPPLY" ("symb nonrat_prg rat_prg --> symb" "Applies linearity. nonrat_prg is applied for a non rational part symb \\-> symb. rat_prg is applied for a rational part symb \\-> symb. Linearity is applied on symb." "101007" :CSys :\?) "^linearapply" ("" "" "102007" :1\.11 :CSys) "^A/B2PQR" ("A B --> P Q R" "Writes a fraction A/B as E[P]/P*Q/E[R]. Q and positive shifts of R are prime together." "106007" :1\.11 :CSys :\?) "^GOSPER?" ("P Q R --> P R Y T --> F" "Solves P = Q E[Y] - R Y for Y." "107007" :1\.11 :CSys :\?) "^FRACPARITY" ("fr --> Z" "Tests if a fraction (internal rep) is even/odd/none. Z=1 if even, -1 if odd, 0 if neither even nor odd." "0CB007" :CSys :\?) "^FR2ND%" ("fraction-l --> N D %" "Extract trivial power of fraction." "0D5007" :CSys :\?) "^MSECOSQFF" ("ob --> Meta" "Factorization of an extension." "4D1006" :CSys :\?) "TopOuterLoop" ("" "" "2E2CD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLSaveUI" ("" "" "2E3DE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLSetTopicUI" ("" "" "2E451" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLSetTopUI.1" ("" "" "2E46F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLSetViewUI" ("" "" "2E4AB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLSetViUI.1" ("" "" "2E4C9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLKeyUI" ("" "" "2E51E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLErrorTrap" ("" "" "2E573" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLResUI&Err" ("" "" "2E5A5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLRestoreUI" ("" "" "2E5C3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "?ExitThisTop" ("" "" "2E659" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "BadTOLUI?" ("" "" "2E686" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "SetBadTOLUI" ("" "" "2E68B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "ClrBadTOLUI" ("" "" "2E690" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "CALCCXT!" ("ob -->" "" "2E698" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "CALCCXT@" ("--> ob" "" "2E69D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "PGMCXT!" ("ob -->" "" "2E6A7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "PGMCXT@" ("--> ob" "" "2E6AC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "NOTESCXT!" ("ob -->" "" "2E6B6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "NOTESCXT@" ("--> ob" "" "2E6BB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "apletPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E6C5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "apletPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E6CA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "funcPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E6D4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "funcPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E6D9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "polarPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E6E3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "polarPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E6E8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "paramPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E6F2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "paramPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E6F7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "seqPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E701" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "seqPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E706" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "statPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E710" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "statPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E715" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "solvePTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E71F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "solvePTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E724" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "otherPTR!" ("ob -->" "" "2E72E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "otherPTR@" ("--> ob" "" "2E733" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicDoN" ("" "" "2E73D" :ML :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar1!" ("ob -->" "" "2E76A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar1@" ("--> ob" "" "2E76B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar2!" ("ob -->" "" "2E76C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar2@" ("--> ob" "" "2E76D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar3!" ("ob -->" "" "2E76E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar3@" ("--> ob" "" "2E76F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar4!" ("ob -->" "" "2E770" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar4@" ("--> ob" "" "2E771" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar5!" ("ob -->" "" "2E772" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar5@" ("--> ob" "" "2E773" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar6!" ("ob -->" "" "2E774" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar6@" ("--> ob" "" "2E775" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar7!" ("ob -->" "" "2E776" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar7@" ("--> ob" "" "2E777" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar8!" ("ob -->" "" "2E778" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar8@" ("--> ob" "" "2E779" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar9!" ("ob -->" "" "2E77A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar9@" ("--> ob" "" "2E77B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar10!" ("ob -->" "" "2E77C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar10@" ("--> ob" "" "2E77D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar11!" ("ob -->" "" "2E77E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar11@" ("--> ob" "" "2E77F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar12!" ("ob -->" "" "2E780" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar12@" ("--> ob" "" "2E781" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar13!" ("ob -->" "" "2E782" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar13@" ("--> ob" "" "2E783" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar14!" ("ob -->" "" "2E784" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar14@" ("--> ob" "" "2E785" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar15!" ("ob -->" "" "2E786" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar15@" ("--> ob" "" "2E787" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar16!" ("ob -->" "" "2E788" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar16@" ("--> ob" "" "2E789" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar17!" ("ob -->" "" "2E78A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar17@" ("--> ob" "" "2E78B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar18!" ("ob -->" "" "2E78C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar18@" ("--> ob" "" "2E78D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar19!" ("ob -->" "" "2E78E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar19@" ("--> ob" "" "2E78F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar20!" ("ob -->" "" "2E790" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar20@" ("--> ob" "" "2E791" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar21!" ("ob -->" "" "2E792" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar21@" ("--> ob" "" "2E793" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar22!" ("ob -->" "" "2E794" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar22@" ("--> ob" "" "2E795" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar23!" ("ob -->" "" "2E796" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar23@" ("--> ob" "" "2E797" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar24!" ("ob -->" "" "2E798" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar24@" ("--> ob" "" "2E799" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar25!" ("ob -->" "" "2E79A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar25@" ("--> ob" "" "2E79B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar26!" ("ob -->" "" "2E79C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar26@" ("--> ob" "" "2E79D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar27!" ("ob -->" "" "2E79E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar27@" ("--> ob" "" "2E79F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar28!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7A0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar28@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7A1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar29!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7A2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar29@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7A3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar30!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7A4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar30@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7A5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar31!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7A6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar31@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7A7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar32!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7A8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar32@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7A9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar33!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7AA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar33@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7AB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar34!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7AC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar34@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7AD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar35!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7AE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar35@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7AF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar36!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7B0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar36@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7B1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar37!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7B2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar37@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7B3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar38!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7B4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar38@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7B5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar39!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7B6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar39@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7B7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar40!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7B8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar40@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7B9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar41!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7BA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar41@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7BB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar42!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7BC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar42@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7BD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar43!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7BE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar43@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7BF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar44!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7C0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar44@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7C1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar45!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7C2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar45@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7C3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar46!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7C4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar46@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7C5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar47!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7C6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar47@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7C7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar48!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7C8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar48@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7C9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar49!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7CA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar49@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7CB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar50!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7CC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar50@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7CD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar51!" ("ob -->" "" "2E7CE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar51@" ("--> ob" "" "2E7CF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar52@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7D0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar52!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7D1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar53@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7D2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar53!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7D3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar54@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7D4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar54!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7D5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar55@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7D6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar55!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7D7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar56@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7D8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar56!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7D9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar57@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7DA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar57!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7DB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar58@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7DC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar58!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7DD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar59@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7DE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar59!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7DF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar60@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7E0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar60!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7E1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar61@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7E2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar61!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7E3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar62@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7E4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar62!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7E5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar63@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7E6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar63!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7E7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar64@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7E8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar64!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7E9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar65@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7EA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar65!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7EB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar66@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7EC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar66!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7ED" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar67@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7EE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar67!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7EF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar68@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7F0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar68!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7F1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar69@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7F2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar69!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7F3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar70@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7F4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar70!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7F5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar71@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7F6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar71!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7F7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar72@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7F8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar72!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7F9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar73@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7FA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar73!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7FB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar74@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7FC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar74!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7FD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar75@" ("ob -->" "" "2E7FE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar75!" ("--> ob" "" "2E7FF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar76@" ("ob -->" "" "2E800" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar76!" ("--> ob" "" "2E801" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar77@" ("ob -->" "" "2E802" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar77!" ("--> ob" "" "2E803" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar78@" ("ob -->" "" "2E804" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar78!" ("--> ob" "" "2E805" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar79@" ("ob -->" "" "2E806" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar79!" ("--> ob" "" "2E807" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar80@" ("ob -->" "" "2E808" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar80!" ("--> ob" "" "2E809" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar81@" ("ob -->" "" "2E80A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar81!" ("--> ob" "" "2E80B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar82@" ("ob -->" "" "2E80C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar82!" ("--> ob" "" "2E80D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar83@" ("ob -->" "" "2E80E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar83!" ("--> ob" "" "2E80F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar84@" ("ob -->" "" "2E810" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar84!" ("--> ob" "" "2E811" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar85@" ("ob -->" "" "2E812" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar85!" ("--> ob" "" "2E813" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar86@" ("ob -->" "" "2E814" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar86!" ("--> ob" "" "2E815" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar87@" ("ob -->" "" "2E816" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar87!" ("--> ob" "" "2E817" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar88@" ("ob -->" "" "2E818" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar88!" ("--> ob" "" "2E819" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar89@" ("ob -->" "" "2E81A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar89!" ("--> ob" "" "2E81B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar90@" ("ob -->" "" "2E81C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar90!" ("--> ob" "" "2E81D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar91!" ("ob -->" "" "2E81E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TopicVar91@" ("--> ob" "" "2E81F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar1!" ("ob -->" "" "2E820" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar1@" ("--> ob" "" "2E821" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar2!" ("ob -->" "" "2E822" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar2@" ("--> ob" "" "2E823" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar3!" ("ob -->" "" "2E824" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar3@" ("--> ob" "" "2E825" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar4!" ("ob -->" "" "2E826" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar4@" ("--> ob" "" "2E827" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar5!" ("ob -->" "" "2E828" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar5@" ("--> ob" "" "2E829" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar6!" 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("ob -->" "" "2E83A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar14@" ("--> ob" "" "2E83B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar15!" ("ob -->" "" "2E83C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar15@" ("--> ob" "" "2E83D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar16!" ("ob -->" "" "2E83E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar16@" ("--> ob" "" "2E83F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar17!" ("ob -->" "" "2E840" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar17@" ("--> ob" "" "2E841" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar18!" ("ob -->" "" "2E842" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar18@" ("--> ob" "" "2E843" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar19!" ("ob -->" "" "2E844" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar19@" ("--> ob" "" "2E845" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar20!" ("ob -->" "" "2E846" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar20@" ("--> ob" "" "2E847" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar21!" ("ob -->" "" "2E848" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar21@" ("--> ob" "" "2E849" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar22!" ("ob -->" "" "2E84A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar22@" ("--> ob" "" "2E84B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar23!" ("ob -->" "" "2E84C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar23@" ("--> ob" "" "2E84D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar24!" ("ob -->" "" "2E84E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar24@" ("--> ob" "" "2E84F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar25!" ("ob -->" "" "2E850" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar25@" ("--> ob" "" "2E851" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar26!" ("ob -->" "" "2E852" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar26@" ("--> ob" "" "2E853" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar27!" ("ob -->" "" "2E854" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar27@" ("--> ob" "" "2E855" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar28!" ("ob -->" "" "2E856" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar28@" ("--> ob" "" "2E857" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar29!" ("ob -->" "" "2E858" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar29@" ("--> ob" "" "2E859" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar30!" ("ob -->" "" "2E85A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar30@" ("--> ob" "" "2E85B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar31!" ("ob -->" "" "2E85C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar31@" ("--> ob" "" "2E85D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar32!" ("ob -->" "" "2E85E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar32@" ("--> ob" "" "2E85F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar33!" ("ob -->" "" "2E860" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar33@" ("--> ob" "" "2E861" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar34!" ("ob -->" "" "2E862" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar34@" ("--> ob" "" "2E863" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar35!" ("ob -->" "" "2E864" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar35@" ("--> ob" "" "2E865" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar36!" ("ob -->" "" "2E866" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar36@" ("--> ob" "" "2E867" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar37!" ("ob -->" "" "2E868" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar37@" ("--> ob" "" "2E869" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar38!" 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("ob -->" "" "2E87A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar46@" ("--> ob" "" "2E87B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar47!" ("ob -->" "" "2E87C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar47@" ("--> ob" "" "2E87D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar48!" ("ob -->" "" "2E87E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar48@" ("--> ob" "" "2E87F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar49!" ("ob -->" "" "2E880" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar49@" ("--> ob" "" "2E881" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar50!" ("ob -->" "" "2E882" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar50@" ("--> ob" "" "2E883" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar51!" ("ob -->" "" "2E884" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar51@" ("--> ob" "" "2E885" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar52!" ("ob -->" "" "2E886" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar52@" ("--> ob" "" "2E887" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar53!" ("ob -->" "" "2E888" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar53@" ("--> ob" "" "2E889" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar54!" ("ob -->" "" "2E88A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar54@" ("--> ob" "" "2E88B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar55!" ("ob -->" "" "2E88C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar55@" ("--> ob" "" "2E88D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar56!" ("ob -->" "" "2E88E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar56@" ("--> ob" "" "2E88F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar57!" ("ob -->" "" "2E890" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar57@" ("--> ob" "" "2E891" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar58!" ("ob -->" "" "2E892" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar58@" ("--> ob" "" "2E893" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar59!" ("ob -->" "" "2E894" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar59@" ("--> ob" "" "2E895" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar60!" ("ob -->" "" "2E896" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar60@" ("--> ob" "" "2E897" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar61!" ("ob -->" "" "2E898" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar61@" ("--> ob" "" "2E899" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar62!" ("ob -->" "" "2E89A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar62@" ("--> ob" "" "2E89B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar63!" ("ob -->" "" "2E89C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar63@" ("--> ob" "" "2E89D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar64!" ("ob -->" "" "2E89E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar64@" ("--> ob" "" "2E89F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar65!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8A0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar65@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8A1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar66!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8A2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar66@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8A3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar67!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8A4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar67@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8A5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar68!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8A6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar68@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8A7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar69!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8A8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar69@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8A9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar70!" 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("ob -->" "" "2E8EA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar102@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8EB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar103!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8EC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar103@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8ED" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar104!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8EE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar104@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8EF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar105!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8F0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar105@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8F1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar106!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8F2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar106@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8F3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar107!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8F4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar107@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8F5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar108!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8F6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar108@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8F7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar109!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8F8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar109@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8F9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar110!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8FA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar110@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8FB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar111!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8FC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar111@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8FD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar112!" ("ob -->" "" "2E8FE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar112@" ("--> ob" "" "2E8FF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar113!" ("ob -->" "" "2E900" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar113@" ("--> ob" "" "2E901" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar114!" ("ob -->" "" "2E902" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar114@" ("--> ob" "" "2E903" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar115!" ("ob -->" "" "2E904" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar115@" ("--> ob" "" "2E905" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar116!" ("ob -->" "" "2E906" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar116@" ("--> ob" "" "2E907" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar117!" ("ob -->" "" "2E908" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar117@" ("--> ob" "" "2E909" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar118!" ("ob -->" "" "2E90A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar118@" ("--> ob" "" "2E90B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar119!" ("ob -->" "" "2E90C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar119@" ("--> ob" "" "2E90D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar120!" ("ob -->" "" "2E90E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar120@" ("--> ob" "" "2E90F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar121!" ("ob -->" "" "2E910" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar121@" ("--> ob" "" "2E911" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar122!" ("ob -->" "" "2E912" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar122@" ("--> ob" "" "2E913" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar123!" ("ob -->" "" "2E914" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar123@" ("--> ob" "" "2E915" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar124!" ("ob -->" "" "2E916" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar124@" ("--> ob" "" "2E917" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar125!" ("ob -->" "" "2E918" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar125@" ("--> ob" "" "2E919" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar126!" ("ob -->" "" "2E91A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar126@" ("--> ob" "" "2E91B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar127!" ("ob -->" "" "2E91C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar127@" ("--> ob" "" "2E91D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar128!" ("ob -->" "" "2E91E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar128@" ("--> ob" "" "2E91F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar129!" ("ob -->" "" "2E920" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar129@" ("--> ob" "" "2E921" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar130!" ("ob -->" "" "2E922" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar130@" ("--> ob" "" "2E923" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar131!" ("ob -->" "" "2E924" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar131@" ("--> ob" "" "2E925" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar132!" ("ob -->" "" "2E926" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar132@" ("--> ob" "" "2E927" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar133!" ("ob -->" "" "2E928" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar133@" ("--> ob" "" "2E929" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar134!" ("ob -->" "" "2E92A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar134@" ("--> ob" "" "2E92B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar135!" ("ob -->" "" "2E92C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar135@" ("--> ob" "" "2E92D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar136!" ("ob -->" "" "2E92E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar136@" ("--> ob" "" "2E92F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar137!" ("ob -->" "" "2E930" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar137@" ("--> ob" "" "2E931" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar138!" ("ob -->" "" "2E932" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar138@" ("--> ob" "" "2E933" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar139!" ("ob -->" "" "2E934" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar139@" ("--> ob" "" "2E935" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar140!" ("ob -->" "" "2E936" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar140@" ("--> ob" "" "2E937" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar141!" ("ob -->" "" "2E938" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar141@" ("--> ob" "" "2E939" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar142!" ("ob -->" "" "2E93A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar142@" ("--> ob" "" "2E93B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar143!" ("ob -->" "" "2E93C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar143@" ("--> ob" "" "2E93D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar144!" ("ob -->" "" "2E93E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar144@" ("--> ob" "" "2E93F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar145!" ("ob -->" "" "2E940" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar145@" ("--> ob" "" "2E941" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar146!" ("ob -->" "" "2E942" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar146@" ("--> ob" "" "2E943" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar147!" ("ob -->" "" "2E944" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar147@" ("--> ob" "" "2E945" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar148!" ("ob -->" "" "2E946" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar148@" ("--> ob" "" "2E947" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar149!" ("ob -->" "" "2E948" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar149@" ("--> ob" "" "2E949" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar150!" ("ob -->" "" "2E94A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar150@" ("--> ob" "" "2E94B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar151!" ("ob -->" "" "2E94C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar151@" ("--> ob" "" "2E94D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar152!" ("ob -->" "" "2E94E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar152@" ("--> ob" "" "2E94F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar153!" ("ob -->" "" "2E950" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar153@" ("--> ob" "" "2E951" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar154!" ("ob -->" "" "2E952" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar154@" ("--> ob" "" "2E953" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar155!" ("ob -->" "" "2E954" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar155@" ("--> ob" "" "2E955" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar156!" ("ob -->" "" "2E956" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar156@" ("--> ob" "" "2E957" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar157!" ("ob -->" "" "2E958" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar157@" ("--> ob" "" "2E959" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar158!" ("ob -->" "" "2E95A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar158@" ("--> ob" "" "2E95B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar159!" ("ob -->" "" "2E95C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar159@" ("--> ob" "" "2E95D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar160!" ("ob -->" "" "2E95E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar160@" ("--> ob" "" "2E95F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar161!" ("ob -->" "" "2E960" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar161@" ("--> ob" "" "2E961" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar162!" ("ob -->" "" "2E962" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar162@" ("--> ob" "" "2E963" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar163!" ("ob -->" "" "2E964" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar163@" ("--> ob" "" "2E965" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar164!" ("ob -->" "" "2E966" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar164@" ("--> ob" "" "2E967" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar165!" ("ob -->" "" "2E968" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar165@" ("--> ob" "" "2E969" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar166!" ("ob -->" "" "2E96A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar166@" ("--> ob" "" "2E96B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar167!" ("ob -->" "" "2E96C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar167@" ("--> ob" "" "2E96D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar168!" ("ob -->" "" "2E96E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar168@" ("--> ob" "" "2E96F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar169!" ("ob -->" "" "2E970" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar169@" ("--> ob" "" "2E971" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar170!" ("ob -->" "" "2E972" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar170@" ("--> ob" "" "2E973" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar171!" ("ob -->" "" "2E974" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar171@" ("--> ob" "" "2E975" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar172!" ("ob -->" "" "2E976" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar172@" ("--> ob" "" "2E977" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar173!" ("ob -->" "" "2E978" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar173@" ("--> ob" "" "2E979" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar174!" ("ob -->" "" "2E97A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar174@" ("--> ob" "" "2E97B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar175!" ("ob -->" "" "2E97C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar175@" ("--> ob" "" "2E97D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar176!" ("ob -->" "" "2E97E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar176@" ("--> ob" "" "2E97F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar177!" ("ob -->" "" "2E980" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar177@" ("--> ob" "" "2E981" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar178!" ("ob -->" "" "2E982" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar178@" ("--> ob" "" "2E983" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar179!" ("ob -->" "" "2E984" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar179@" ("--> ob" "" "2E985" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar180!" ("ob -->" "" "2E986" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar180@" ("--> ob" "" "2E987" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar181!" ("ob -->" "" "2E988" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar181@" ("--> ob" "" "2E989" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar182!" ("ob -->" "" "2E98A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar182@" ("--> ob" "" "2E98B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar183!" ("ob -->" "" "2E98C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar183@" ("--> ob" "" "2E98D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar184!" ("ob -->" "" "2E98E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar184@" ("--> ob" "" "2E98F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar185!" ("ob -->" "" "2E990" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar185@" ("--> ob" "" "2E991" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar186!" ("ob -->" "" "2E992" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar186@" ("--> ob" "" "2E993" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar187!" ("ob -->" "" "2E994" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar187@" ("--> ob" "" "2E995" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar188!" ("ob -->" "" "2E996" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar188@" ("--> ob" "" "2E997" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar189!" ("ob -->" "" "2E998" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar189@" ("--> ob" "" "2E999" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar190!" ("ob -->" "" "2E99A" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar190@" ("--> ob" "" "2E99B" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar191!" ("ob -->" "" "2E99C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar191@" ("--> ob" "" "2E99D" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar192!" ("ob -->" "" "2E99E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar192@" ("--> ob" "" "2E99F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar193!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9A0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar193@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9A1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar194!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9A2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar194@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9A3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar195!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9A4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar195@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9A5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar196!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9A6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar196@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9A7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar197!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9A8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar197@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9A9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar198!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9AA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar198@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9AB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar199!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9AC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar199@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9AD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar200!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9AE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar200@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9AF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar201!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9B0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar201@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9B1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar202!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9B2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar202@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9B3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar203!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9B4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar203@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9B5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar204!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9B6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar204@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9B7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar205!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9B8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar205@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9B9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar206!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9BA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar206@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9BB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar207!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9BC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar207@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9BD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar208!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9BE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar208@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9BF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar209!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9C0" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar209@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9C1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar210!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9C2" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar210@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9C3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar211!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9C4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar211@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9C5" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar212!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9C6" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar212@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9C7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar213!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9C8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar213@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9C9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar214!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9CA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar214@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9CB" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar215!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9CC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar215@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9CD" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar216!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9CE" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVar216@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9CF" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVarN!" ("ob -->" "" "2E9D4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVarN@" ("--> ob" "" "2E9F8" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "ClrAllTVars" ("" "" "2EA1C" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "ClrAllTOLVs" ("" "" "2EA52" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "%0AllTopicVs" ("" "" "2EA6E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "%0AllTOLVars" ("" "" "2EAA9" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "TOLVarSet!" ("" "" "2EAE4" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "SaveTOLVarSet" ("" "" "2EB11" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "RestTOLVarSet" ("" "" "2EB66" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "%0TOLVarSet" ("" "" "2EBB1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "1getcxt!" ("" "" "2EC01" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInCxt" ("" "" "2EC15" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInCalcCxt" ("" "" "2EC6F" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInAppCxt" ("" "" "2EC88" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInFuncCxt" ("" "" "2ECA1" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInPolarCxt" ("" "" "2ECBA" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInParamCxt" ("" "" "2ECD3" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInSeqCxt" ("" "" "2ECEC" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInStatCxt" ("" "" "2ED05" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInSolveCxt" ("" "" "2ED1E" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInOtherCxt" ("" "" "2ED37" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInOtherN" ("" "" "2ED91" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "DoInOtherU" ("" "" "2EDD7" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "otherNG?" ("" "" "2EE04" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "GET@tTYPER" ("" "" "2EE37" :UBS :NOSDIAG :NOETAB) "~dontuple#" ("comp ob # --> {}" "Takes objects from comp in groups of # and evals ob on them. The results are returned as a list." "0030E8" :UBS) "~xABCUV" ("pa pb c --> u v" " -- Related: LABCUV,EGCD" "030314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xABS" ("x --> x'" "Absolute Value Function -- Returns the absolute value of its argument. x \\-> |x| (x,y) \\-> sqrt(x^2+y^2) x_unit \\-> |x|_unit [ array ] \\-> || array || 'sym' \\-> 'ABS(sym)' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: NEG,SIGN" "39A07" :Usr) "xACK" ("-->" "Acknowledge Alarm cmd -- Acknowledges the oldest past due alarm. -- Flags: -43 -44 Repeat Alarms Not Rescheduled -43 Acknowledge Alarms Saved -44 -- Clears alert annunciator if 1. There are no other past-due alarms and 2. There are no other active alert sources - ie low batt. Has no effect on control alarms Control alarms that come due are automatically acknowledged AND saved in the sys alarm list. -- Related: ACKALL" "390E4" :Usr) "xACKALL" ("-->" "Acknowledge All Alarms cmd -- Acknowledges all past due alarms. -- Flags: -43 -44 Repeat Alarms Not Rescheduled -43 Acknowledge Alarms Saved -44 -- Clears alert annunciator if there are no other active alert sources, ie low batt. Has no effect on control alarms Control alarms that come due are automatically acknowledged AND saved in the sys alarm list. -- Related: ACK" "390C9" :Usr) "xACOS" ("x --> x'" "Arc cos fn -- Returns angle with given cos. -- z \\-> arc cos z 'sym' \\-> 'ACOS(sym)' -- Related: ASIN,ATAN,COS,ISOL,ACOSH" "3A7DC" :Usr) "~xACOS2S" ("symb --> symb'" "" "025314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xACOSH" ("x --> x'" "Arc hyp cos fn -- Returns val with given hyp cos. -- z \\-> arc hyp cos z 'sym' \\-> 'ACOSH(sym)' -- Related: ASINH,ATANH,COSH,ISOL" "3A8D8" :Usr) "~xADD" ("{} {}' --> {}'' {} ob --> {}' ob {} --> {}'" "Add list cmd -- Adds corresponding elems of 2 lists or adds a number to elem in a list. -- Related: +,\\GDLIST,\\PILIST,\\GSLIST" "05C0AB" :Usr) "~xADDTMOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "" "06E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xADDTOREAL" ("var -->" "Make CAS assume that var is real. Add it to the list in CASDIR." "0000DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "xALOG" ("x --> x'" "Common antilog fn -- ALOG x = 10^x -- Flags: -3 numeric result -- z \\-> 10^z 'sym' \\-> 'ALOG(sym)' -- Related: EXP,LN,LOG" "3AAE5" :Usr) "~xAMORT" ("n --> princ intr bal" "Amortize cmd -- Flags: -14 Fin pmt mode -14 -- Related: TVM,TVMBEG,TVMEND,TVMROOT" "04B0AB" :Usr) "xAND" ("x1 x2 --> x3" "And fn -- Logical AND of 2 args. -- #n1 #n1 \\-> #n3 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> \"str3\" T/F1 T/F2 \\-> 0/1 T/F 'sym' \\-> 'T/F AND sym' 'sym' T/F \\-> 'sym AND T/F' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 AND sym2' -- Flags: -3 -5 Numeric res -3 Bin int wordsize -5 \\-> -10 -- Related: NOT,OR,XOR" "3CA07" :Usr) "~xANIMATE" ("g1...gn n --> same stack g1...gn {n {#X #Y} delay rep} --> same stack" "Animate cmd -- Displays grobs in sequence" "0140AB") "xANS" ("n --> ob" "Invokes results of previous calculations. -- Related: LASTARG" "3F033" :Usr) "xAPPLY" ("{symb1 .. symbn} f --> f(symb1...symbn)" "Apply to args fn -- Creates expr for specified fn name & args -- Related: QUOTE,|" "3D7AC" :Usr) "xARC" ("c r \\Gh1 \\Gh2 --> {#x #y} #r \\Gh1 \\Gh2 -->" "Draw arc fn -- Draws arc in PICT anticlockwise from \\Gh1 to \\Gh2 centred on coord specified on lev4 with radius on lev3 -- Flags: -17 -18 angle mode (-17 & -18) -- Related: BOX,LINE,TLINE" "3C8C6" :Usr) "xARCHIVE" (":port:name --> :IO:name -->" "Archive HOME cmd -- Creates backup of HOME in RAM (including user key assignments & alarm catalog) -- if :IO: is used backup transmitted through IO port via Kermit to filename 'name' -- Flags: -33 -39 I/O Device -33 I/O Messages -39 if :IO:name -- Related: RESTORE" "3EAC7" :Usr) "xARG" ("c --> \\Gh" "Argument fn -- Returns angle of a complex number -- (x,y) \\-> \\Gh 'sym' \\-> 'ARG(sym)' -- Flags: -17 -18 Ang Mode -17,-18" "3A390" :Usr) "~xARIT" ("-->" "Display menu of arithmetic commands. -- Related: BASE,CMPLX,DIFF,EXP&LN, SOLVER,TRIGO" "085314" :Usr) "xARRY\\->" ("[] --> x1...xn {n} [[]] --> x11...xnm {n m}" "Array to stack cmd -- Return elems of array to stack. OBJ\\-> includes this functionality. -- Related: \\->ARRY,DTAG,EQ\\->,LIST\\->, OBJ\\->,STR\\->" "3BEC5" :Usr) "xARRY>" ("[] --> x1...xn {n} [[]] --> x11...xnm {n m}" "Array to stack cmd -- Return elems of array to stack. OBJ\\-> includes this functionality. -- Related: \\->ARRY,DTAG,EQ\\->,LIST\\->, OBJ\\->,STR\\->" "3BEC5" :Usr) "x\\->ARRY" ("x1..xn n --> [] x11...xnm {n m} --> [[]]" "Stack to Array Cmd -- Returns a vector of n real or complex elements or a matrix of n \327 m real or complex solutions. -- Related: ARRY\\->,LIST\\->,\\->LIST, OBJ\\->,STR\\->,\\->TAG,\\->UNIT" "3BE9B" :Usr) "x>ARRY" ("x1..xn n --> [] x11...xnm {n m} --> [[]]" "Stack to Array Cmd -- Returns a vector of n real or complex elements or a matrix of n \327 m real or complex solutions. -- Related: ARRY\\->,LIST\\->,\\->LIST, OBJ\\->,STR\\->,\\->TAG,\\->UNIT" "3BE9B" :Usr) "xASIN" ("x --> x'" "Arc sin fn -- Gives angle whose sin is given -- z \\-> arc sin z 'sym' \\-> 'ASIN(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 -17 -18 Principal soln -1 Numerical res -3 Angle mode -17,-18 -- Related: ACOS,ATAN,ISOL,SIN" "3A756" :Usr) "~xASIN2C" ("symb --> symb'" "" "024314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xASIN2T" ("symb --> symb'" "" "023314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xASINH" ("x --> x'" "Arc hyp sin fn -- Gives Val whose hyp sin is given -- z \\-> arc hyp sin z 'sym' \\-> 'ASINH(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 Principal soln -1 Numerical res -3 -- Related: ACOSH,ATANH,ISOL,SINH" "3A88E" :Usr) "xASN" ("obj key --> 'SKEY' -->" "Assign cmd -- Defines single key on user kbd by assigning the given obj to the key x_key -- Flags: -61 -62 User mode lock -61 User mode -62 -- The arg x_key is a real number rc.p where r=row,c=col,p=plane as follows: 0,1 - unshifted 2 - left shifted 3 - right shifted 4 - \214 shifted 5 - \214 left shifted 6 - \214 right shifted Add 0.01 if the modifier is to be held pressed down. -- After ASN, pressing the assigned in User or 1-User mode exeutes the assigned obj instead. Remains in effect until altered by ASN or STOKEYS or DELKEYS. If 'SKEY' is passed instead, the specified key is restored to std. -- Related: DELKEYS,RCLKEYS,STOKEYS TEXT:Keycodes" "3EEE7" :Usr) "xASR" ("# --> #'" "Arithmetic shift right cmd -- Shifts a bint 1 bit to the right except for the most significant bit which stays. -- Flags: -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 bint wordsize -5 -> -10 bint base -11, -12 -- Related: SL,SLB,SR,SRB" "38DE1" :Usr) "~xASSUME" ("" "" "0260DE" :Usr) "xATAN" ("x --> x'" "Arc tan fn -- Returns the angle having the tan -- z \\-> arc tan z 'sym' \\-> 'ATAN(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 -17 -18 Principle soln -1 Numeric results -3 Angle mode -17,-18 -- Related: ACOS,ASIN,ISOL,TAN" "3A844" :Usr) "~xATAN2S" ("symb --> symb'" "" "022314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xATANH" ("x --> x'" "Arc hyp tan fn -- Returns the value with given hyp tan. -- z \\-> arc hyp tan z 'sym' \\-> 'ATANH(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 -22 Principle soln -1 Numeric results -3 Infinite result exception -22 -- Related: ACOSH,ASINH,ISOL,TANH" "3A94F" :Usr) "xATTACH" ("n --> :nport:n -->" "Attach library cmd -- Attaches lib with given num to current directory. -- Related: DETACH,LIBS" "3EB64" :Usr) "~xAUGMENT" ("" "" "0130DE" :Usr) "xAUTO" ("-->" " Calculates a y-axis display range or an x- & y-axis display range. -- Action depends on plot type: FUNCTION sets range to max & min of y vals sampled at 40 equi-spaced x vals (excluding \261\330\331) CONIC sets y-axis scale = to x-axis scale POLAR same as FUNCTION PARAMETRIC same as POLAR TRUTH no action BAR sets x-axis range from 0 to # of elems in \\GSDAT +1. sets y-range to min & max of the elts x-axis is always included. HISTOGRAM sets x-axis range to min & max of the elems in \\GSDAT. sets y-range from 0 to # of rows in \\GSDAT. SCATTER x-range is min & max of XCOL. y-range is min & max of YCOL -- Related: DRAW,SCALEH,SCALE,SCL\\GS, SCALEW,XRNG,YRNG" "3C49F" :Usr) "xAXES" ("c --> {c tick $x $y } -->" "Axes cmd -- Specifies intersection coords of x- & y- axes, tick mark annotatn and x- & y- axes labels. stored in PPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR -- Related: ATICK,DRAW,DRAX,LABEL" "3C3B2" :Usr) "~xAXL" ("{} --> [] [] --> ()" "" "04A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xAXM" ("[A] --> [M]" "" "049314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xAXQ" ("[nxn] [n] --> [nxn]' [n]" "" "04C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xBAR" ("-->" "Bar plot type cmd -- Sets plot type to BAR When plot type is BAR, the DRAW Cmd plots a bar chart using data from 1 col of the stat matrix (\\GSDAT). The col to be plotted is specified by the XCOL cmd & is stored in 1st param of \\GSPAR. Plot params are specified in PPAR of ff form: { (xmin,ymin) (xmax,ymax) indep res axes ptype depend } For BAR they are used as follows: -- (xmin,ymin) specifies lower left cnr of PICT (default: (-6.5,-3.1)) -- (xmax,ymax) specifies upper right cnr of PICT (default: (6.5,3.2)) -- indep name - specifies horiz axis label or list - { name x1 x2 } smaller of x1 & x2 is horiz location of 1st bar (default: X) -- res real - bar width in user units or bint - bar width in pixels (default: 0 - 1 in user units) -- axes list containing one or more of the ff in order: (x,y) - user unit origin pos a list specifying tick mark annotatn & 2 strings specifying horiz & vert axes labels (default: (0,0)) -- ptype plot type - BAR in this case -- depend label for vert axis. (default: Y) -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR -- Related: CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION,GRIDMAP, HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE,PCONTOUR, SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH,YSLICE" "3C9D3" :Usr) "xBARPLOT" ("-->" "Draw bar plot cmd -- Draws bar chart of specified col of stat matrix (\\GSDAT) Col to be plotted is specified by XCOL & is stored as first param in \\GSPAR. Default col is 1. data can be +ve or -ve giving bars above or below the axis. y-axis is autoscaled & plot type is BAR. When executed from a program, plot doesn't persist unless PICTURE,PVIEW (with empty list) or FREEZE is subsequently executed -- Related: FREEZE,HISTPLOT,PICTURE, PVIEW,SCATRPLOT,XCOL" "3E196" :Usr) "~xALGB" ("-->" "Display menu of basic algebra commands. -- Related: ARIT,CMPLX,DIFF,EXP&LN.SOLVER,TRIGO" "080314" :Usr) "~xBASE" ("-->" "Display menu of basic algebra commands. -- Related: ARIT,CMPLX,DIFF,EXP&LN.SOLVER,TRIGO" "080314" :Usr) "~xBASIS" ("" "" "0110DE" :Usr) "xBAUD" ("n -->" "Baud rate cmd -- Specify bit transfer rate. -- Related: CKSM,PARITY,TRANSIO" "3EDCC" :Usr) "xBEEP" ("freq dur -->" "Beep cmd -- Sounds a tone of n Hz for x secs. -- Flags: -56 Error Beep -56 Max Freq = 4400 Hz Max Duration = 1048.575 secs. -- Related: HALT,INPUT,PROMPT,WAIT" "39765" :Usr) "xBESTFIT" ("-->" "Best fit model cmd -- Executes LR with each of the 4 curve fitting models and selects the model giving the largest correlation coefficient. -- Selected model stored in 5th param of \\GSPAR & regression coeffs intercept & slope are stored in 3rd & 4th params. -- Related: EXPFIT,LINFIT,LOGFIT,LR,PWRFIT" "3E2C1" :Usr) "xBIN" ("-->" "Binary mode cmd -- Selects binary base for bint ops. (Default base is 10) -- Flags: -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 Bint wordsize -5 \\-> -10 Bint base -11, -12 Bints require prefix #. Bints entered & returned in binary show the b suffix. If current base not binary, enter binary nums by using b suffix. The current base doesn't affect the internal representation of bints as unsigned bints. -- Related: DEC,HEX,OCT,STWS,RCWS" "3B655" :Usr) "xBINS" ("min width n --> [[]] []" "Sort Into Frequency Bins Cmd -- Sorts the elements of the indep. col (XCOL) of the stat matrix (\\GSDAT) into (nbins + 2) bins, where the left edge for bin 1 starts at value xmin and each bin has width xwidth. -- xmin xwidth nbins \\-> [[ nbin1...nbinn ]] [ nbinL nbinR ] -- Related: BARPLOT,XCOL" "3E171" :Usr) "xBLANK" ("#width #height --> grob" "Blank Graphics Obj Cmd -- Creates a blank graphics obj of the specified width and height. -- Related: \\->GROB,LCD\\->" "3C70A" :Usr) "xBOX" ("{#n1 #m1} {#n2 #m2} --> c1 c2 -->" "Box Cmd -- Draws in PICT a box whose opposite corners are defined by the specified pixel or user-unit coords. -- Related: ARC,LINE,TLINE" "3C6E0" :Usr) "xBUFLEN" ("--> nchars 0/1" "Buffer Length Cmd -- Returns the number of characters in the HP 48's serial input buffer and a single digit indicating whether an error occurred during data reception. -- Related: CLOSEIO,OPENIO,SBRK,SRECV, STIME,XMIT" "3EE47" :Usr) "xBYTES" ("obj --> chksum size" "Bytes Size Cmd -- Returns the number of bytes & the checksum for the given obj. -- Related: MEM" "39480" :Usr) "xB\\->R" ("# --> R" "Binary to Real Cmd -- Converts a binary integer to its floating-point equivalent. -- Related: R\\->B" "38F21" :Usr) "xB>R" ("# --> R" "Binary to Real Cmd -- Converts a binary integer to its floating-point equivalent. -- Related: R\\->B" "38F21" :Usr) "~xC2P" ("{} --> ?????" "" "01E0DE" :Usr) "~xCASCFG" ("-->" "" "07E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xCASCMD" ("--> ?" "" "0330DE" :Usr) "xCASE" ("-->" "CASE Conditional Structure Cmd -- Starts CASE ... END conditional structure. -- CASE \\-> THEN T/F \\-> END \\-> END \\-> -- Related: END,IF,IFERR,THEN" "38B28" :Usr) "xCEIL" ("x --> n" "Ceiling Func -- Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument. -- x \\-> n x_u \\-> n_u 'sym' \\-> 'CEIL(sym)' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: FLOOR,IP,RND,TRNC" "3AD1B" :Usr) "xCENTR" ("(x,y) --> x -->" "Centre Cmd -- Adjusts the first two parameters in the reserved variable PPAR, (xmin, ymin) and (xmax,ymax), so that the point represented by the argument (x,y) is the plot centre. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR -- Related: SCALE" "3C3DC" :Usr) "xCF" ("n -->" "Clear Flag Cmd -- Clears the specified user or system flag. -- Related: FC?,FC?C,FS?,FS?C,SF" "3B4E9" :Usr) "~xCHINREM" ("[]1 []2 --> []3" "" "03A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xCHOLESKY" ("" "" "00B0DE" :Usr) "~xCHOOSE" ("title {elems} pos --> ob 1 --> 0" "User-Defined Choose Box Cmd -- Creates a user-defined choose box -- Related: INFORM,NOVAL" "04D0AB" :Usr) "xCHR" ("n --> $" "Character Cmd -- Returns a string representing the HP 48 character corresponding to the character code n. -- Related: NUM,POS,REPL,SIZE,SUB" "3BC19" :Usr) "x%CH" ("x1 x2 --> x3" "Percent Change Func -- Returns the percent change from x (level 2) to y (level 1) as a percentage of x. -- x y \\-> 100(y-x)/x x 'sym' \\-> '%CH(x,sym)' 'sym' x \\-> '%CH(sym,x)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> '%CH(sym1,sym2)' x_u y_u \\-> 100(y_u-x_u)/x_u x_u 'sym' \\-> '%CH(x_u,sym)' 'sym' x_u \\-> '%CH(sym,x_u)' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: %,%T" "3B362" :Usr) "~xCIRC" ("prg {} --> ?????" "" "01D0DE" :Usr) "xCKSM" ("n_type -->" "Checksum Cmd -- Specifies the error-detection scheme. -- Related: BAUD,PARITY,TRANSIO " "3EDAC" :Usr) "xCLEAR" ("ob1 .. obn -->" "Clear Cmd -- Removes all objects from the stack. -- Related: CLVAR,PURGE" "3DD4E" :Usr) "xCL\\GS" ("-->" "Clear Sigma Cmd -- Purges the current statistics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: RCL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS+,\\GS-" "3DD8E" :Usr) "xCLSIGMA" ("-->" "Clear Sigma Cmd -- Purges the current statistics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: RCL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS+,\\GS-" "3DD8E" :Usr) "xCLKADJ" ("ticks -->" "Adjust System Clock Cmd -- Adjusts the system time by x clock ticks, where 8192 clock ticks equal 1 second. -- Related: \\->TIME" "39144" :Usr) "xCLLCD" ("-->" "Clear LCD Cmd -- Clears (blanks) the stack display -- Related: DISP,FREEZE" "39839" :Usr) "xCLOSEIO" ("-->" "Close I/O Port Cmd -- Closes the serial port and the IR port, and clears the input buffer and any error messages for KERMIT. -- Related: BUFLEN,OPENIO" "3EC95" :Usr) "xCLVAR" ("-->" "Clear Variables Cmd -- Purges all variables and empty subdirectories in the current directory. -- Related: CLUSR,PGDIR,PURGE" "3E91A" :Usr) "xCLUSR" ("-->" "Clear Variables Cmd -- Purges all variables and empty subdirectories in the current directory. -- Related: CLUSR,PGDIR,PURGE" "3E91A" :Usr) "~xCMPLX" ("-->" "Display a menu pertaining to complex numbers. -- Related: ARIT,BASE,DIFF,EXP&LN,SOLVER,TRIGO" "081314" :Usr) "xCNRM" ("[] --> col_norm" "Column Norm Cmd -- Returns the column norm (onenorm) of the array argument. -- Related: CROSS,DET,DOT,RNRM" "3B193" :Usr) "~x\\->COL" ("[[]] --> [v1]...[vn] n [] --> x1...xn n" "Matrix to Columns Cmd -- Transforms a matrix into a series of column vectors and returns the vectors and a column count, or transforms a vector into its elements and returns the elements and an element count. -- Related: COL\\->,\\->ROW,ROW\\->" "0380AB" :Usr) "~xCOL\\->" ("[v1]...[vn] n --> [[]] x1...xn n --> []" "Columns to Matrix Cmd -- Transforms a series of column vectors and a column count into a matrix containing those columns, or transforms a sequence of numbers and an element count into a vector with those numbers as elements. -- Related: \\->COL,\\->ROW,ROW\\->" "0390AB" :Usr) "~xCOL+" ("[[]] [[]]' n --> [[]]'' [] x n --> []'" "Insert Column Cmd -- Inserts an array (vector or matrix) into a matrix (one or more elements into a vector) at the position indicated by nindex, and returns the modified array. -- [[mat]]1 [mat]2 nidx \\-> [[mat]]3 [[mat]]1 [vec]col nidx \\-> [[mat]]2 [vec]1 nelement nidx \\-> [vec]2 -- Related: COL-,CSWP,ROW+,ROW-" "03F0AB" :Usr) "~xCOL-" ("[] n --> []' xn [[]] n --> [[]]' [vn]" "Delete Column Cmd -- Deletes column n of a matrix (or element n of a vector), and returns the modified matrix (or vector) and the deleted column (or element). -- Related: COL+,CSWP,ROW+,ROW-" "03E0AB" :Usr) "xCOLCT" ("symb --> symb'" "Collect Like Terms Cmd -- Simplifies an algebraic expression or equation by \"collecting\" like terms. Does not modify numbers. -- Related: EXPAN,ISOL,QUAD,SHOW" "3E5A0" :Usr) "~xCOLLECT" ("symb --> symb'" "" "0300DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "xCOL\\GS" ("x_col y_col -->" "Sigma Columns Cmd -- Specifies the independent variable and dependent-variable columns of the current stat matrix (the reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BARPLOT,BESTFIT,CORR,COV, EXPFIT,HISTPLOT,LINFIT,LOGFIT, LR,PREDX,PREDY,PWRFIT,SCATRPLOT,XCOL,YCOL" "3E0FD" :Usr) "xSIGMACOL" ("x_col y_col -->" "Sigma Columns Cmd -- Specifies the independent variable and dependent-variable columns of the current stat matrix (the reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BARPLOT,BESTFIT,CORR,COV, EXPFIT,HISTPLOT,LINFIT,LOGFIT, LR,PREDX,PREDY,PWRFIT,SCATRPLOT,XCOL,YCOL" "3E0FD" :Usr) "xCOMB" ("n k --> Cn,k" "Combinations Func -- Returns the number of possible combinations ofn items taken m at a time. -- n m \\-> Cn:m 'symn' m \\-> 'COMB(symn,m)' n 'symm' \\-> 'COMB(n,symm)' 'symn' 'symm' \\-> 'COMB(symn,symm)' -- Related: PERM,!" "3B423" :Usr) "xCON" ("{ n } x --> [] { n k } x --> [[]] [] x --> []'" "Constant Array Cmd -- Returns a constant array, defined as an array whose elements all have the same value. -- {ncols} zcnst \\-> [[veccnst]] {nrows mrows} zcnst \\-> [[matcnst]] [R-arr] xcnst \\-> [R-arrcnst] [C-arr] xcnst \\-> [C-arrcnst] 'name' zcnst \\-> -- Related: IDN" "3BF77" :Usr) "~xCOND" ("[[n*n]] --> x" "Conditional Number Cmd -- Returns the 1-norm (column norm) condition number of a square matrix. -- Related: SNRM,SRAD,TRACE" "0260AB" :Usr) "xCONIC" ("-->" "Conic Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to CONIC. -- Related: BAR,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION,GRIDMAP, HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE,PCONTOUR, POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C967" :Usr) "xCONJ" ("x --> x'" "Conjugate Analytic Func -- Conjugates a complex number or a complex array. -- x \\-> x (x,y) \\-> (x,-y) [ R-arr ] \\-> [ R-arr ] [ C-arr ]1 \\-> [ C-arr ]2 'sym' \\-> 'CONJ(sym)' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: ABS,IM,RE,SCONJ,SIGN" "39A6C" :Usr) "~xCONLIB" ("-->" "Open Constants Library Cmd -- Opens the Constants Library. -- Related: CONST" "0180AB" :Usr) "~xCONST" ("name --> x" "Constant Value Cmd -- Returns the value of a constant. -- Flags: +60 +61 -- Related: CONLIB" "0190AB" :Usr) "~xCONSTANTS" ("" "" "02A0DE" :Usr) "xCONT" ("-->" "Continue Program Execution Cmd -- Resumes execution of a halted program. -- Related: HALT,KILL,PROMPT" "3989C" :Usr) "xCONVERT" ("x1_u1 x2_u2 --> x3_u2" "Convert Units Cmd -- Converts a source unit object to the dimensions of a target object -- Related: UBASE,UFACT,\\->UNIT,UVAL" "38F41" :Usr) "xCORR" ("--> x_correlation" "Correlation Cmd -- Returns the correlation coefficient of the independent and dependent data columns in the current statistics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: COL\\GS,COV,PREDX,PREDY,XCOL,YCOL" "3DE24" :Usr) "xCOS" ("x --> x'" "Cos Func -- Returns the cos of the argument. -- z \\-> cos z 'sym' \\-> 'COS(sym)' x_uangular \\-> cos(x_uangular) -- Flags: -3 -17 -18 -- Related: ACOS,SIN,TAN" "3A5D0" :Usr) "xCOSH" ("x --> x'" "Hyp Cos Func -- Returns the hyp cos of the argument. -- z \\-> cosh z 'sym' \\-> 'COSH(sym)' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: ACOSH,SINH,TANH" "3A6C2" :Usr) "xCOV" ("--> x_covariance" "Covariance Cmd -- Returns the sample covariance of the independent and dependent data columns in the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: COL\\GS,CORR,PCOV,PREDX,PREDY, XCOL,YCOL" "3DE3F" :Usr) "xCR" ("-->" "Carriage Right Cmd -- Prints the contents, if any, of the printer buffer. -- Flags: -37 -34 -33 -- Related: DELAY,OLDPRT,PRLCD,PRST,PRSTC, PRVAR,PR1" "3D128" :Usr) "xCRDIR" ("name -->" "Create Directory Cmd -- Creates an empty subdirectory with the specified name within the current directory. -- Related: HOME,PATH,PGDIR,UPDIR" "393CA" :Usr) "xCROSS" ("[1] [2] --> [3]" "Cross Product Cmd -- CROSS returns the cross product [3] = [1] x [2] of vectors [1] and [2]. -- Related: CNRM,DET,DOT,RNRM" "3B208" :Usr) "~xCSWP" ("[[]] n1 n2 --> [[]]' [] n1 n2 --> []'" "Column Swap Cmd -- Swaps columns i and j of the argument matrix and returns the modified matrix, or swaps elements ments i and j of the argument vector and returns the modified vector. -- Related: COL+,COL-,RSWP" "0410AB") "xC\\->PX" ("(x,y) --> {#n #m}" "Complex to Pixel Cmd -- Converts the specifiec user-unit coordiates to pixel coordiates. -- (x,y) \\-> { #n #m } -- Related: PX\\->C" "3C58E" :Usr) "xC>PX" ("(x,y) --> {#n #m}" "Complex to Pixel Cmd -- Converts the specifiec user-unit coordiates to pixel coordiates. -- (x,y) \\-> { #n #m } -- Related: PX\\->C" "3C58E" :Usr) "xC\\->R" ("(x,y) --> x y [C] --> [R] [I]" "Complex to Real Cmd -- Separates the real and imaginary parts of a complex number or complex array. -- Related: R\\->C,RE,IM" "3BAF5" :Usr) "xC>R" ("(x,y) --> x y [C] --> [R] [I]" "Complex to Real Cmd -- Separates the real and imaginary parts of a complex number or complex array. -- Related: R\\->C,RE,IM" "3BAF5" :Usr) "~xCURL" ("[func] [vars] --> []" "" "057314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xCYCLOTOMIC" ("" "" "0150DE" :Usr) "~xCYLIN" ("-->" "Cylindrical Mode Cmd -- Sets Cylindrical coordinate mode. -- Related: RECT,SPHERE" "0120AB" :Usr) "~xDARCY" ("xe/D yRe --> xDarcy" "Darcy Friction Factor Func -- Calculates the Darcy friction factor of certain fluid flows. -- Related: FANNING" "0610AB" :Usr) "xDATE" ("--> date" "Returns the system date. -- Related: DATE+,DDAYS,TIME,TSTR" "39078" :Usr) "x\\->DATE" ("date -->" "Set Date Cmd -- Sets the system date to date. -- Related: \\->TIME" "39104" :Usr) "xSETDATE" ("date -->" "Set Date Cmd -- Sets the system date to date. -- Related: \\->TIME" "39104" :Usr) "xDATE+" ("date ndays --> date'" "Date Addition Cmd -- Returns a past or future date, given a date in level 2 and a nmber of days in level 1. -- Flags: -42 -- Related: DATE,DDAYS" "39238" :Usr) "~xdB" ("--> %1" "" "0690AB" :Usr) "~xDBUG" ("prog --> name -->" "Debug Operation -- Starts program execution, then suspends it as if HALT were the first program command. -- Related: HALT,NEXT" "0150DD" :Usr) "xDDAYS" ("date1 date2 --> days" "Delta Days Cmd -- Returns the number of days between two dates. -- Related: DATE,DATE+" "39218" :Usr) "xDEC" ("-->" "Decimal Mode Cmd -- Selects decimal base for binary integer operations. (The default base is decimal.) -- Related: BIN,HEX,OCT,RCWS,STWS" "3B670" :Usr) "xDECR" ("name --> x_new" "Decrement Cmd -- Takes a variable on level 1, subtracts 1, stores the new value back into the original variable, and returns the new value to level 1. -- Related: INCR,STO+,STO-" "3E576" :Usr) "~xDEDICACE" ("" "Dedication message." "0370DE" :Usr) "~xDEF" ("" "" "0250DE" :Usr) "xDEFINE" ("'name=expr' --> 'name(name1...)=expr(name1...) -->" "Define Variable or Func Cmd -- Stores the expression on the right side of the = in the variable specified on the left side, or creates a user-defined function -- Related: STO" "3E85C" :Usr) "xDEG" ("-->" "Degrees Cmd -- Sets Degrees angle mode. -- Related: GRAD,RAD" "3B549" :Usr) "~xDEGREE" ("" "" "0360DE" :Usr) "xDELALARM" ("n -->" "Delete Alarm Cmd -- Deletes the alarm specified in level 1. -- Related: FINDALARM,RCLALARM,STOALARM" "391D8" :Usr) "xDELAY" ("x_delay -->" "Delay Cmd -- Specifies how many seconds the HP 48 waits between sending lines of information to the printer. -- Related: CR,OLDPRT,PRLCD,PRST,PRSTC,PRVAR,PR1" "3D1C7" :Usr) "xDEPND" ("name --> {name} --> {name y1 y2} --> {y1 y2} --> y1 y2 -->" "Dependent Variable Cmd -- Species the dependent variable (and its plotting range for TRUTH plots). -- Related: INDEP" "3C51F" :Usr) "xDEPTH" ("--> n" "Depth Cmd -- Returns a real number representing the number of objects present on the stack (before DEPTH was executed)." "3DCA7" :Usr) "~xDERIV" ("symb var --> symb'" "" "00E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDERVX" ("symb --> symb'" "" "003314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDESOLVE" ("eq func --> func'" "" "00F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xDET" ("[[]] --> x" "Determinant Func -- Returns the determinant of a square matrix. -- Related: CNRM,CROSS,DOT,RNRM" "3B1BA" :Usr) "xDETACH" ("n --> :port:n -->" "Detach Library Cmd -- Detaches the library with the specified number from the current directory. Each library has a unique number. If a port number is specified, it is ignored. -- Related: ATTACH,LIBS,PURGE" "3EB84" :Usr) "~x\\->DIAG" ("[[]] --> vec" "Matrix Diagonal to Array Cmd -- Returns a vector that contains the major diagonal elements of a matrix. -- Related: DIAG\\->" "03A0AB" :Usr) "~xDIAG\\->" ("[] { dims } --> [[]]" "Array to Matrix Diagonal Cmd -- Takes an array and a specified dimension and returns a matrix whose major diagonal elements are the elements of the array. -- Related: \\->DIAG" "03B0AB" :Usr) "~xDIAGMAP" ("" "" "00C0DE" :Usr) "~xDIFF" ("-->" "Display a menu of calculus commands. -- Related: ARIT,BASE,CMPLX,EXP&LN,SOLVER,TRIGO" "084314" :Usr) "~xDIFFEQ" ("-->" "Differential Eqn Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to DIFFEQ. -- Related: AXES,CONIC,FUNCTION,PARAMETRIC, POLAR,RKFSTEP,RRKSTEP,TRUTH" "00E0AB" :Usr) "xDIR" ("" "" "38BAE" :Usr) "xDISP" ("obj n_line -->" "Display Cmd -- Displays obj in the nth display line. -- Related: FREEZE,HALT,INPUT,PROMPT" "39725" :Usr) "~xDISPXY" ("ob {#x #y} %size -->" "Display ob (decompiled if nexessary) at the given display coordinates, using either the system font (%size=2) or the minifont (%size=1). " "0160DD" :Usr :1\.19-6) "~xDISTRIB" ("" "" "0190DE" :Usr) "~xDIV" ("[func] [vars] --> func" "" "056314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDIV2" ("symb1 symb2 --> squot srem" "" "026314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDIV2MOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> squot srem" "" "072314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDIVIS" ("symb --> {}" "" "044314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDIVMOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> sq" "" "071314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xDIVPC" ("symb1 symb2 n --> symb3" "" "062314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xDO" ("-->" "DO Indefinite Loop Structure Cmd -- Starts DO ... UNTIL ... END indefinite loop structure. -- DO \\-> UNTIL \\-> END T/F \\-> -- Related: END,UNTIL,WHILE" "3816B" :Usr) "xDOERR" ("n --> #n --> $ --> 0 -->" "Do Error Cmd -- Executes a \"user-specified\" error, causing a program to behave exactly as if a normal error had occurred during program execution. -- Related: ERRM,ERRN,ERR0" "39527" :Usr) "~xDOLIST" ("{1}...{n} n prog --> {} {1}...{n} prog --> {} (n=1)" "Do to List Cmd -- Applies commands, programs, or user-defined functions to lists. -- {lst}1 ...{lst}n n \\<> \\-> {res} {lst}1 ...{lst}n n cmd \\-> {res} {lst}1 ...{lst}n n name \\-> {res} {lst}1 ...{lst}n \\<> \\-> {res} {lst}1 ...{lst}n cmd \\-> {res} {lst}1 ...{lst}n name \\-> {res} -- Related: DOSUBS,ENDSUB,NSUB,STREAM" "05B0AB" :Usr) "~xDOMAIN" ("" "" "0210DE" :Usr) "~xDOSUBS" ("{} n prog --> {}' {} prog --> {}' (n=1)" "Do to Sublist Cmd -- Applies a program or command to groups of elements in a list. -- {list}1 n \\<> \\-> {list}2 {list}1 n command \\-> {list}2 {list}1 n name \\-> {list}2 {list}1 \\<> \\-> {list}2 {list}1 command \\-> {list}2 {list}1 name \\-> {list}2 -- Related: DOLIST,ENDSUB,NSUB,STREAM" "0540AB" :Usr) "xDOT" ("[1] [2] --> x" "Dot Product Cmd -- Returns the dot product AoB of two arrays A and B, calculated as the sum of the products of the corresponding elements of the two arrays. -- Related: CNRM,CROSS,DET,RNRM" "3B1E1" :Usr) "xDRAW" ("-->" "Draw Plot Cmd -- Plots the mathematical data in the reserved variable EQ or the statistical data in the reserved variable \\GSDAT, using the specified x- and y-axis display ranges. -- TEXT:Reserved|EQ -- Related: AUTO,AXES,DRAX,ERASE,FREEZE, PICTURE,LABEL,PVIEW" "3C484" :Usr) "~xDRAW3DMATRIX" ("[[]] v_min v_max -->" " -- Related: FAST3D" "06B0AB" :Usr) "xDRAX" ("-->" "Draw Axes Cmd -- Draws axes in PICT. -- Related: AXES,DRAW,LABEL" "3C4BA" :Usr) "~xDROITE" ("" "" "0230DE" :Usr) "xDROP" ("ob -->" "Drop Object Cmd -- Removes the level 1 object from the stack. -- Related: CLEAR,DROPN,DROP2" "3DC3B" :Usr) "xDROP2" ("ob1 ob2 -->" "Drop 2 Objects Cmd -- Removes the first two objects from the stack. -- Related: CLEAR,DROP,DROPN" "3DC56" :Usr) "xDROPN" ("ob1...obn n -->" "Drop n Objects Cmd -- Removes the first n + 1 objects from the stack (the first n objects excluding the integer n itself). -- Related: CLEAR,DROP,DROP2" "3DCC7" :Usr) "xDTAG" ("tag:obj --> obj" "Delete Tag Cmd -- DTAG removes all tags (labels) from an object. -- Related: LIST\\->,\\->TAG" "3EFEF" :Usr) "xDUP" ("ob --> ob ob" "Duplicate Object Cmd -- DUP returns a copy to level 1 of the object in level 1. -- Related: DUPN,DUP2,PICK" "3DBEA" :Usr) "xDUP2" ("1 2 --> 1 2 1 2" "Duplicate 2 Objects Cmd -- DUP2 returns copies of the objects in levels 1 and 2 of the stack. -- Related: DUP,DUPN,PICK" "3DC05" :Usr) "xDUPDUP" ("1 --> 1 1" "Duplicate 2 Objects Cmd -- DUP2 returns copies of the objects in levels 1 and 2 of the stack. -- Related: DUP,DUPN,NDUPN,DUP2" "3F29A" :Usr) "xDUPN" ("1...n n --> 1...n 1...n" "Duplicate n Objects Cmd -- Takes an integer n from level 1 of the stack, and returns copies of the objects in stack levels 2n through n + 1. -- Related: DUP,DUP2,PICK" "3DCE2" :Usr) "xD\\->R" ("x --> (\\pi/180)x" "Degrees to Radians Func -- Converts a real number representing an angle in degrees to its equivalent in radians. -- x \\-> (\\pi/180) x 'sym' \\-> 'D\\->R(sym)' -- Related: R\\->D" "3B06E" :Usr) "xD>R" ("x --> (\\pi/180)x" "Degrees to Radians Func -- Converts a real number representing an angle in degrees to its equivalent in radians. -- x \\-> (\\pi/180) x 'sym' \\-> 'D\\->R(sym)' -- Related: R\\->D" "3B06E" :Usr) "~xEDIT" ("ob --> ob'" "Move object to command line to edit it. -- Related: VISIT,EDITB,VISITB" "0070DD" :Usr) "~xEDITB" ("ob --> ob'" "Open the most suitable editor for object. For example, for a matrix, the matrix editor is opened. -- Related: VISIT,VISITB,EDIT" "0090DD" :Usr) "xe" ("--> e" "e Func -- Returns the symbolic constant e or its numerical representation, 2.71828182846. -- Related: EXP,EXPM,i,LN,LNP1,MAXR,MINR,\\pi" "39B1E" :Usr) "xCONSTANTe" ("--> e" "e Func -- Returns the symbolic constant e or its numerical representation, 2.71828182846. -- Related: EXP,EXPM,i,LN,LNP1,MAXR,MINR,\\pi" "39B1E" :Usr) "~xEGCD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3 symb4 symb5" "" "02E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xEGV" ("[[]] --> [[evect]]' [evals]" "Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Command -- Computes the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for a square matrix. -- Related: EGVL" "02C0AB" :Usr) "~xEGVL" ("[[]] --> [egval]" "Eigenvalues Cmd -- Computes the eigenvalues of a square matrix. -- Related: EGV" "02D0AB" :Usr) "xELSE" ("-->" "ELSE Cmd -- Starts false clause in conditional or error-trapping structure. See the IF and IFERR keyword entries for syntax information. -- Related: IF,CASE,DO,ELSE,IFERR,REPEAT, THEN,UNTIL,WHILE" "3805D" :Usr) "xEND" ("" "END Cmd -- Ends conditional, error-trapping, and indefinite loop structures. -- See the IF, CASE, IFERR, DO, and WHILE keyword entries for syntax information. -- Related: IF,CASE,DO,ELSE,IFERR,REPEAT, THEN,UNTIL,WHILE" "38A2F" :Usr) "xENDDO" ("1/0 -->" "END Cmd -- Ends conditional, error-trapping, and indefinite loop structures. See the IF, CASE, IFERR, DO, and WHILE keyword entries for syntax information. -- Related: IF,CASE,DO,ELSE,IFERR,REPEAT, THEN,UNTIL,WHILE" "38A54" :Usr) "xIFEND" ("" "END Cmd -- Ends conditional, error-trapping, and indefinite loop structures. -- See the IF, CASE, IFERR, DO, and WHILE keyword entries for syntax information. -- Related: IF,CASE,DO,ELSE,IFERR,REPEAT, THEN,UNTIL,WHILE" "3807D" :Usr) "xWHILEEND" ("" "END Cmd -- Ends conditional, error-trapping, and indefinite loop structures. -- See the IF, CASE, IFERR, DO, and WHILE keyword entries for syntax information. -- Related: IF,CASE,DO,ELSE,IFERR,REPEAT, THEN,UNTIL,WHILE" "38A2F" :Usr) "~xENDSUB" ("--> x" "Ending Sublist Cmd -- Provides a way to access the total number of sublists contained in the list used by DOSUBS. -- Related: DOSUBS,NSUB" "0570AB" :Usr) "xENG" ("n -->" "Engineering Mode Cmd -- Sets the number display format to Engineering mode, which displays one to three digits to the left of the fraction mark (decimal point) and an exponent that is a multiple of three. The total number of significant digits displayed is n + 1. -- Related: FIX,SCI,STD" "3B5DA" :Usr) "~xEPSX0" ("symb1 --> symb2" "" "088314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xEQW" ("symb --> symb'" "Open Equation Writer to edit an object. If the object is not symbolic, the object is placed into the command line. -- Related: EDIT,EDITB,VISIT,VISITB" "00B0DD" :Usr) "xEQ\\->" ("'l=r' --> l r" "Equation to Stack Cmd -- Separates an equation into its left and right sides. -- 'sym1=sym2' \\-> 'sym1' 'sym2' z \\-> z 0 'name' \\-> 'name' 0 x_u \\-> x_u 0 'sym' \\-> 'sym' 0 -- Related: ARRY\\->,DTAG,LIST\\->,OBJ\\->,STR\\->" "3BDE6" :Usr) "xEQ>" ("'l=r' --> l r" "Equation to Stack Cmd -- Separates an equation into its left and right sides. -- 'sym1=sym2' \\-> 'sym1' 'sym2' z \\-> z 0 'name' \\-> 'name' 0 x_u \\-> x_u 0 'sym' \\-> 'sym' 0 -- Related: ARRY\\->,DTAG,LIST\\->,OBJ\\->,STR\\->" "3BDE6" :Usr) "xERASE" ("-->" "Erase PICT Cmd -- Erases PICT, leaving a blank PICT of the same dimensions. -- Related: DRAW" "3C553" :Usr) "xERR0" ("-->" "Clear Last Error Number Cmd -- Clears the last error number so that a subsequent execution of ERRN returns # 0h, and clears the last error message. -- Related: DOERR,ERRM,ERRN" "3955B" :Usr) "xERRM" ("--> $msg" "Error Message Cmd -- Returns a string containing the error message of the most recent calculator error. -- Related: DOERR,ERRN,ERR0" "39591" :Usr) "xERRN" ("--> $nerr" "Error Number Cmd -- Returns the error number of the most recent calculator error. -- Related: DOERR,ERRM,ERR0" "39576" :Usr) "~xEULER" ("z1 --> z2" "" "038314" :Usr) "xEVAL" ("ob --> ?" "Evaluate Object Cmd -- Evaluates the object. -- obj \\-> (see below) Obj. Type Effects of Evaluation Local Name Recalls the contents of the variable. Global Name Calls the contents of the variable: A name is evaluated. A program is evaluated. A directory becomes the current directory. Other objects are put on the stack. If no variable exists for a given name, evaluating the name returns the name to the stack. Program. Enters each object in the program: Names are evaluated (unless quoted). ed). Cmds are evaluated. Other objects are put on the stack. List Enters each object in the list: Names are evaluated. Cmds are evaluated. Programs are evaluated. Other objects are put on the stack. Tagged If the tag specifies a port, recalls and evaluates the specified object. Otherwise, puts the untagged object on the stack. Algebraic Enters each object in the algebraic expression: Names are evaluated. Cmds are evaluated. Other objects are put on the stack. Cmd, Func, XLIB Name Evaluates the specified object. Other Objects Puts the object on the stack. -- Related: \\->NUM,SYSEVAL" "395AC" :Usr) "xEXP" ("x --> x'" "Exponential Analytic Func -- Returns the exponential, or natural antilogarithm, of the argument; that is, e raised to the given power. -- z \\-> ez 'sym' \\-> 'EXP(sym)' -- Related: ALOG,EXPM,LN,LOG" "3A9B7" :Usr) "~xEXLR" ("symb --> symb1 symb2" "" "06C314" :Usr) "~xEXP2POW" ("" "" "01A0DE" :Usr) "xEXPAN" ("symb1 --> symb2" "Expand Products Cmd -- Rewrites an algebraic expression or equation by expanding products and powers. -- Related: COLCT,EXPAND,ISOL,QUAD,SHOW" "3E5E9" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xEXPAND" ("symb1 --> symb2 [symb1] --> [symb2]" "Expand Products Cmd -- Rewrites an algebraic expression or equation by expanding products and powers." "000314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xEXPANDMOD" ("symb1 --> symb2" "" "076314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xEXPFIT" ("-->" "Exponential Curve Fit Cmd -- Stores EXPFIT as the fifth parameter in the reserved variable \\GSPAR, indicating that subsequent executions of LR are to use the exponential curve futting model. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: BESTFIT,LR,LINFIT,LOGFIT,PWRFIT" "3E25E" :Usr) "~xEXP&LN" ("" "" "087314" :Usr) "~xEXPLN" ("symb1 --> symb2" "" "017314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xEXPM" ("x --> x'" "Exponential Minus 1 Analytic Func -- Returns e^x - 1. -- x \\-> e^x - 1 'sym' \\-> 'EXPM(sym)' -- Related: EXP,LNP1" "3AB6F" :Usr) "~xEYEPT" ("xx xy xz -->" "Eye point command. -- Specifies the coordinates of the eye point in a perspective plot. The y coordinate must be 1 unit less than the volume's nearest point. These values are stored in reserved variable VPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|VPAR -- Related: NUMX,NUMY,XVOL,XXRNG,YVOL, YYRNG,ZVOL" "0050AB" :Usr) "~xF0\\Gl" ("y_lambda xT --> x_power" "Black Body Emissive Power Func -- Returns the fraction of total black-body emissive power." "0620AB" :Usr) "~xFACTOR" ("symb --> symb1*symb2... z --> z1*z2..." "" "001314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xFACTORMOD" ("symb --> symb1*symb2..." "" "077314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xFACTORS" ("z --> {z1 m1...} symb --> {symb1 m1...}" "" "043314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xFANNING" ("x_x/D y_Re --> x_fanning" "Fanning Friction Factor Func -- Calculates the Fanning friction factor of certain fluid flows. -- xx/D yRe \\-> xfanning xx/D 'sym' \\-> 'FANNING(xx/D,sym)' 'sym' yRe \\-> 'FANNING(sym,yRe)' 'sym1' 'sym2'\\-> 'FANNING(sym1,sym2)' -- Related: DARCY" "0600AB" :Usr) "xFAST3D" ("-->" "Fast 3D plot type command -- Set the plot type to FAST3D. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION,GRIDMAP, HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE,PCONTOUR, POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3F2DF" :Usr) "xFC?" ("n --> 0/1" "Flag Clear? Cmd -- Tests whether the system or user flag specified by nflag number is clear, and returns a corresponding test result: 1 (true) if the flag is clear or 0 (false) if the flag is set. -- Related: CF,FC?C,FS?,FS?C,SF" "3B529" :Usr) "xFC?C" ("n --> 0/1" "Flag Clear? Clear Cmd -- Tests whether the system or user flag specified by nflag number is clear, and returns a corresponding test result: 1 (true) if the flag is clear or 0 (false) if the flag is set. After testing, clears the flag. -- Related: CF,FC?,FS?,FS?C,SF" "3B635" :Usr) "~xFCOEF" ("[] --> symb" "" "041314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xFDISTRIB" ("" "" "0180DE" :Usr) "~xFFT" ("[] --> []'" "Discrete Fourier Transform Cmd -- Computes the 1- or 2-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of an array. -- Related: IFFT" "01A0AB" :Usr) "~xFILER" ("-->" "" "00C0DD" :Usr) "xFINDALARM" ("date --> n {date time} --> n 0 --> n" "Find Alarm Cmd -- Returns the alarm index nindex of the first alarm due after the specified time. -- Related: DELALARM,RCLALARM,STOALARM" "391AE" :Usr) "xFINISH" ("-->" "Finish Server Mode Cmd -- Terminates Kermit Server mode in a device connected to an HP 48. -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,KGET,PARITY,PKT, RECN,RECV,SEND,SERVER" "3ED76" :Usr) "xFIX" ("n -->" "Fix Mode Cmd -- Sets the number display format to Fix mode, which rounds the display to n display places. -- Related: SCI,STD,ENG" "3B59A" :Usr) "~xFLASHEVAL" ("# --> ?" "Evaluate flash command -- Evaluates unnamed flash functions. The number is of the form ffffbbbh, where bbb is the bank ID and ffff is the function number. -- Related: EVAL,LIBEVAL,SYSEVAL" "0170AB" :Usr) "xFLOOR" ("x --> n" "Floor Func -- Returns the greatest integer that is less than or equal to the argument. -- x \\-> n x_u \\-> n_u 'sym' \\-> 'FLOOR(sym)' -- Related: CEIL,IP,RND,TRNC" "3ACD1" :Usr) "~xFONT6" ("--> font" "Returns the system FONT6 object. -- Related: FONT7,FONT8,\\->FONT,FONT\\->" "00F0DD" :Usr) "~xFONT7" ("--> font" "Returns the system FONT7 object. -- Related: FONT6,FONT8,\\->FONT,FONT\\->" "00E0DD" :Usr) "~xFONT8" ("--> font" "Returns the system FONT8 object. -- Related: FONT6,FONT7,\\->FONT,FONT\\->" "00D0DD" :Usr) "~xFONT\\->" ("--> font" "Returns the current system font. -- Related: FONT6,FONT7,FONT8,\\->FONT" "0030DD" :Usr) "~x\\->FONT" ("font -->" "Set font function. -- Sets the system font. -- Related: FONT6,FONT7,FONT8,FONT\\->" "0020DD" :Usr) "xFOR" ("start finish -->" "FOR Definite Loop Structure Cmd -- Starts FOR ... NEXT and FOR ... STEP definite loop structures. -- FOR xstart xfinish \\-> NEXT \\-> FOR xstart xfinish \\-> STEP xincrement \\-> STEP 'symincrement' \\-> -- Related: NEXT,START,STEP" "38252" :Usr) "xSTARTVAR" ("start finish -->" "FOR Definite Loop Structure Cmd -- Starts FOR ... NEXT and FOR ... STEP definite loop structures. -- FOR xstart xfinish \\-> NEXT \\-> FOR xstart xfinish \\-> STEP xincrement \\-> STEP 'symincrement' \\-> -- Related: NEXT,START,STEP" "38252" :Usr) "~xFOURIER" ("symb z --> c_z" "" "05E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xFP" ("x --> x'" "Fractional part Func -- Returns the fractional part of an argument. -- x \\-> y x_u \\-> y_u 'sym' \\-> 'FP(sym)' -- Related: IP" "3AC87" :Usr) "xFREE" ("" "Not useful on the 49G. Free RAM Card Cmd -- Frees (makes independent) the previously merged RAM in port 1. FREE is provided for compatibility with the HP 48SX, which could merge RAM in port 2 as well. See FREE1. -- { } nport \\-> { namebackup ... nlib } nport \\-> namebackup nport \\-> nlib nport \\->" "3EB2C" :Usr) "xFREEZE" ("n -->" "Freeze Display Cmd -- Freezes the part of the display specified by ndisplay area, so that it is not updated until a key is pressed. -- Related: CLLCD,DISP,HALT" "39745" :Usr) "~xFROOTS" ("symb --> []" "" "042314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xFS?C" ("n --> 0/1" "Flag Set? Clear Cmd -- Tests whether the system or user flag specified by nflag number is clear, and returns a corresponding test result: 1 (true) if the flag is set or 0 (false) if the flag is clear. After testing, clears the flag -- Related: CF,FC?,FC?C,FS?C,SF" "3B615" :Usr) "xFS?" ("n --> 0/1" "Flag Set Cmd -- Tests whether the system or user flag specified by nflag number is set, and returns a corresponding test result: 1 (true) if the flag is set or 0 (false) if the flag is clear. -- Related: CF,FC?,FC?C,FS?,SF" "3B509" :Usr) "xFUNCTION" ("-->" "Function Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to FUNCTION. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FASTEQ,FAST3D, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH, WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C955" :Usr) "~xFXND" ("'x/y' --> x y" "" "06B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xGAMMA" ("x --> x'" "" "0070DE" :Usr) "~xGAUSS" ("symb [vars] --> [diag] [P] symb' [vars]" "" "04D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xGCDMOD" ("x1 x2 --> x3" "" "075314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xGCD" ("x1 x2 --> x3" "" "02C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xGET" ("ob n --> elm ob = [] or [[]] or {} or name pos = n or {n} or {n m}" "Get Element Command -- Returns from the level 2 array or list (or named array or list) the real or complex number zget or object objget whose position is specified in level 1. -- [[ mat ]] nposition \\-> zget [[ mat ]] { nrow mcol } \\-> zget 'namematrix' nposition \\-> zget 'namematrix' { nrow mcol } \\-> zget [ vector ] nposition \\-> zget [ vector ] { nposition }\\-> zget 'namevector' nposition \\-> zget 'namevector' { nposition } \\-> zget { list } nposition \\-> objget { list } {nposition} \\-> objget 'namelist' nposition \\-> objget 'namelist' {nposition} \\-> objget -- Related: GETI,PUT,PUTI" "3C1C7" :Usr) "xGETI" ("ob pos --> ob' pos' elm ob = [] or [[]] or {} or name pos = n or {n} or {n m}" "Get and Increment Index Command -- Returns from the level 2 array or list (or named array or list) the real or complex number zget or object objget whose position is specified in level 1, along with the level 2 argument and the next position in that argument. -- [[ mat ]] npos1 \\-> [[ mat ]] npos2 zget [[ mat ]] { nr mc }1 \\-> [[ mat ]] { nr mc }2 zget 'namemat' npos1 \\-> 'namemat' npos2 zget 'namemat' { nr mc }1 \\-> 'namemat' { nr mc }2 zget [ vec ] npos1 \\-> [ vec ] npos2 zget [ vec ] { npos1 } \\-> [ vec ] { npos2 } zget 'namevec' npos1 \\-> 'namevec' npos2 zget 'namevec' { npos1 } \\-> 'namevec' { npos2 } zget { list } npos1 \\-> { list } npos2 objget { list } { npos1 } \\-> { list } { npos2 } objget 'namelist' npos1 \\-> 'namelist' npos2 objget 'namelist' { npos1 } \\-> 'namelist' { npos2 } objget -- Related: GET,PUT,PUTI" "3C22D" :Usr) "~xgmol" ("" "" "0660AB" :Usr) "xGOR" ("g_targ {#n #m} grob --> g_targ' g_targ (x,y) grob --> g_targ' PICT ... ... -->" "Graphics OR Cmd -- Superimposes grob1 onto grobtgt or PICT, with the upper left corner of grob1 positioned at the specified coordinate in grobtgt or PICT. -- grobtgt {#n #m} grob1 \\-> grob' grobtgt (x,y) grob1 \\-> grob' PICT {#n #m} grob1 \\-> PICT (x,y) grob1 \\-> -- Related: GXOR,REPL,SUB" "3C74A" :Usr) "xGRAD" ("-->" "Grads Mode Cmd -- Sets Grads angle mode. -- Related: GRAD,RAD" "3B57F" :Usr) "~xGRAMSCHMIDT" ("" "" "0090DE" :Usr) "~xGRIDMAP" ("-->" "GRIDMAP Plot Type Cmd -- Sets plot type to GRIDMAP. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD, TRUTH,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "00A0AB" :Usr) "~xGROBADD" ("gr1 gr2 --> gr3" "Combines two grob objects." "07C314" :Usr) "xGROB" ("" "" "38C1B" :Usr) "x\\->GROB" ("ob n_chrsize --> grob" "Stack to Graphics Object Cmd -- Creates a graphics object representing the level 2 object, where the argument nchar size specifies the character size of the representation. -- Related: \\->LCD,LCD\\->" "3C8A1" :Usr) "x>GROB" ("ob n_chrsize --> grob" "Stack to Graphics Object Cmd -- Creates a graphics object representing the level 2 object, where the argument nchar size specifies the character size of the representation. -- Related: \\->LCD,LCD\\->" "3C8A1" :Usr) "xGXOR" ("g_targ {#n #m} g_src --> g_targ' g_targ (x,y) g_src --> g_targ' PICT ... ... -->" "Graphics Exclusive OR Cmd -- Superimposes grob1 onto grobtgt or PICT, with the upper left corner of grob1 positioned at the specified coordinate in grobtgt or PICT. -- grobtgt {#n #m} grob1\\-> grobresult grobtgt (x,y) grob1\\-> grobresult PICT {#n #m} grob1\\-> PICT (x,y) grob1\\-> -- Related: GOR,REPL,SUB" "3C7D8" :Usr) "~xHADAMARD" ("[M1] [M2] --> [M3]" "" "046314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xHALFTAN" ("symb --> symb'" "" "020314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xHALT" ("-->" "Halt Program Cmd -- Halts program execution. -- Related: CONT,KILL" "3880D" :Usr) "~xHEAD" ("{} --> ob $ --> $'" "First Listed Element Cmd -- Returns the first element of a list or string. -- Related: TAIL" "0510AB" :Usr) "~x\\->HEADER" ("n -->" "Set header size in lines: 0,1 or 2. -- Related: \\->HEADER" "0040DD" :Usr) "~xHEADER\\->" ("--> n" "Header size: Returns current header size in lines. -- Related: \\->HEADER" "0050DD" :Usr) "~xHELP" ("" "" "0320DE" :Usr) "~xHERMITE" ("z --> symb" "" "05C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xHESS" ("symb [vars] --> [M] [grad] [vars]" "" "059314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xHEX" ("-->" "Hexadecimal Mode Cmd -- Selects hexadecimal base for binary integer operations. (The default base is decimal.) -- Related: BIN,OCT,DEC,RCWS,STWS" "3B68B" :Usr) "~xHILBERT" ("z --> [M]" "" "054314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xHISTOGRAM" ("-->" "Histogram Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to HISTOGRAM. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE,PCONTOUR, POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C9C1" :Usr) "xHISTPLOT" ("-->" "Draw Histogram Plot Cmd -- Plots a frequency histogram of the specified column in the current stat matrix (reserved matrix \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BARPLOT,BINS,FREESE,PICTURE, PVIEW,RES,SCATRPLOT,XCOL" "3E1CA" :Usr) "xHMS-" ("hms1 hms2 --> hms3" "Hours-Minutes-Seconds Minus Cmd -- Returns the difference of two real number, where the arguments and the result are interpreted in hours-minutes-seconds format. -- Related: HMS\\->,\\->HMS,HMS+" "3B14C" :Usr) "xHMS+" ("hms1 hms2 --> hms3" "Hours-Minutes-Seconds Plus Cmd -- Returns the sum of two real number, where the arguments and the result are interpreted in hours-minutes-seconds format. -- Related: HMS\\->,\\->HMS,HMS-" "3B12C" :Usr) "x\\->HMS" ("x --> x'" "Decimal to Hours-Minutes-Seconds Cmd -- Converts a real number representing hours or degrees with a decimal fraction to hours-minutes-seconds format. -- Related: HMS\\->,HMS+,HMS-" "3B0EC" :Usr) "x>HMS" ("x --> x'" "Decimal to Hours-Minutes-Seconds Cmd -- Converts a real number representing hours or degrees with a decimal fraction to hours-minutes-seconds format. -- Related: HMS\\->,HMS+,HMS-" "3B0EC" :Usr) "xHMS\\->" ("x --> x'" "Hours-Min-Sec to Decimal Cmd -- Converts a real number in hours -minutes-seconds format to its decimal form (hours or degrees with a decimal fraction. -- Related: \\->HMS,HMS+,HMS-" "3B10C" :Usr) "xHMS>" ("x --> x'" "Hours-Min-Sec to Decimal Cmd -- Converts a real number in hours -minutes-seconds format to its decimal form (hours or degrees with a decimal fraction. -- Related: \\->HMS,HMS+,HMS-" "3B10C" :Usr) "xHOME" ("-->" "HOME Directory Cmd -- Makes the HOME directory the current directory. -- Related: CRDIR,PATH,PGDIR,UPDIR" "39405" :Usr) "~xHORNER" ("symb1 x --> symb2 x symb3" "" "037314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xHYPERBOLIC" ("" "" "02B0DE" :Usr) "xi" ("--> i" "" "39B3B" :Usr) "~xIABCUV" ("n1 n2 n3 --> n4 n5" "" "031314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xIBASIS" ("" "" "0120DE" :Usr) "~xIBERNOULLI" ("n --> x" "" "0060DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xIBP" ("uv' v --> uv -u'v" "" "00B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xICHINREM" ("[]1 []2 --> []3" "" "03B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xIDIV2" ("n1 n2 --> quot rem" "" "027314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xIDN" ("n --> [[]] [[]] --> [[]]' name --> [[]]" "Identity Matrix Cmd -- Returns an identity matrix; that is, a square matrix with its diagonal elements equal to 1 and its off-diagonal elements equal to 0. -- Related: CON" "3C02E" :Usr) "~xIEGCD" ("n1 n2 --> c b a" "" "02F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xIF" ("-->" "IF Conditional Structure Cmd -- Starts IF ... THEN ... END and IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END conditional structures. -- IF \\-> THEN T/F \\-> END \\-> \\-> IF \\-> THEN T/F \\-> ELSE \\-> END \\-> -- Related: CASE,ELSE,END,IFERR,THEN" "37F48" :Usr) "xIFERR" ("-->" "If Error Conditional Struct Cmd -- Starts IFERR ... THEN ... END and IFERR ... THEN ... ELSE ... END error trapping structures. -- Related: CASE,ELSE,END,IF,THEN" "387AC" :Usr) "~xIFFT" ("[] --> []'" "Inverse Discrete Fourier Tsfm Cmd -- Computes the 1D or 2D inverse discrete Fourier transform of an array. -- Related: FFT" "01B0AB" :Usr) "xIFT" ("0/1 obj --> ?" "IF-THEN Cmd -- Executes obj if T/F is nonzero. Discards obj if T/F is zero. -- Related: IFTE" "396A4" :Usr) "xIFTE" ("0/1 objT objF --> ?" "IF-THEN-ELSE Cmd -- Executes objT if T/F is nonzero. Discards objF if T/F is zero." "395F3" :Usr) "~xILAP" ("symb --> symb'" "" "011314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xIM" ("(x,y) --> y [] --> []'" "Imaginary Part Func -- Returns the imaginary part of its (complex) argument. -- x \\-> 0 (x,y) \\-> y [ R-arr ] \\-> [ R-arr ] [ C-arr ] \\-> [ R-arr ] 'sym' \\-> 'IM(sym)' -- Related: C\\->R,RE,R\\->C" "3B87E" :Usr) "~xIMAGE" ("" "" "0100DE" :Usr) "xINCR" ("name --> x" "Increment Cmd -- Takes a variable on level 1, adds 1, stores the new value back into the original variable, and returns the new value to level 1. -- Related: DECR" "3E54C" :Usr) "~x\\oo" ("--> '+\\oo'" "Infinity" "08A314" :Usr) "~xINFORM" ("$ {flds} fmt {rst} {init} --> {} 1 --> 0" "User-Defined Dialog Box Cmd -- Creates a user-defined input form (dialog box). -- 5: \"title\" 4: { s1 ... s2...sn } 3: format 2: { resets } 1: { init } \\|v 2: { vals } 1: 1 -- 5: \"title\" 4: { s1 ... s2...sn } 3: format 2: { resets } 1: { init } \\|v 1: 0 -- \"title\" -- Title. This appears at the top of the dialog box. -- { s1 ... s2...sn } -- Field definitions. A field definition (sx) can have two formats : \"label\", a field type, or { \"label\" \"helpInfo\" type0 type1 ... typen }, a field label with optional help text that appears near the bottom of the screen, and an optional list of valid object types for that field. If object types aren't specified, all object types are valid. For information about object types, see the TYPE command. When creating a multi-column dialog box, you can span columns by using an empty list as a field definition. A field that appears to the left of an empty space automatically expands to fill the empty space. -- { resets } -- Default values displayed when RESET is selected. Specify reset values in the list in the same order as the fields were specified. To specify no value, use the NOVAL command as a place holder. This list can be empty. -- { init } -- Initial values displayed when the dialog box appears. Specify initial values in the list in the same order as the fields were specified. To specify no value, use the NOVAL command as a place holder. This list can be empty. -- Related: CHOOSE,INPUT,NOVAL,TYPE" "04C0AB" :Usr) "xINPUT" ("$prompt $ --> $' $prompt {specs} --> $'" "Input Cmd -- Prompts for data input to the command line and prevents the user access to stack operations. -- Related: PROMPT,STR\\->" "3EEBD" :Usr) "~xINTEGER" ("" "" "0290DE" :Usr) "xINT" ("f(var) var x0 --> F(x0)" "" "3F007" :CASHELP :Usr) "xINV" ("x --> 1/x [[]] --> [[]]'" "Inverse (1/x) Analytic Func -- Returns the reciprocal or the matrix inverse. -- Related: SINV,/" "3A32B" :Usr) "~xINTVX" ("f(x) --> F(x)" "" "004314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xINVMOD" ("x --> x'" "" "074314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xIP" ("x --> n" "Integer Part Func -- Returns the integer part of the argument. -- x \\-> n x_u \\-> n_u 'sym' \\-> 'IP(sym)' -- Related: FP" "3AC3D" :Usr) "~xIQUOT" ("n1 n2 --> n3" "" "029314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xIREMAINDER" ("n1 n2 --> n3" "" "02B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xI\\->R" ("n --> x" "" "3F0B7" :CASHELP :Usr) "xI>R" ("n --> x" "" "3F0B7" :CASHELP :Usr) "xISOL" ("symb var --> symb'" "Isolate Variable Cmd -- Returns an algebraic symb' that rearranges symb to \"isolate\" the first occurrence of variable var. -- Related: COLCT,EXPAN,QUAD,SHOW,SOLVE" "3E648" :Usr) "~xISOM" ("" "" "00D0DE" :Usr) "~xISPRIME?" ("n --> 1 --> 0" "" "03C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "x_" ("" "" "3DB62" :Usr) "xFORMUNIT" ("" "" "3DB62" :Usr) "x;" ("" "" "3F053" :Usr) "~x?" ("" "" "089314" :Usr) "x'" ("" "" "38A14" :Usr) "xENDTIC" ("" "" "38A14" :Usr) "x\\<<" ("" "" "389B9" :Usr) "x<<" ("" "" "389B9" :Usr) "x\\>>" ("" "" "38999" :Usr) "x>>" ("" "" "389D4" :Usr) "x>>ABND" ("" "" "38999" :Usr) "~xJORDAN" ("[nxn] --> minpol chrpol {} []" "" "050314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xKER" ("" "" "00F0DE" :Usr) "xKERRM" ("--> msg" "Kermit Error Message Cmd -- Returns the text of the most recent Kermit error packet. -- Related: FINISH,KGET,PKT,RECN,RECV, SEND,SERVER" "3EE2C" :Usr) "xKEY" ("--> rc 1 --> 0" "Key Cmd -- Returns to level 1 a test result, and if a key is pressed, returns to level 2 the row-column location xn m of that key. -- Related: WAIT,KEYEVAL" "39854" :Usr) "~xKEYEVAL" ("rc.p --> ?" "Execute the action associated with the specified key. The number is row r, column c, plane p. If negative, force the default key action even in USER mode. -- TEXT:Keycodes" "07B314" :Usr) "~x\\->KEYTIME" ("ticks -->" "Set a new keytime value. This is the number of ticks which will be required between subsequent key presses. Keys pressed faster will not register. -- Related: KEYTIME\\->" "06C0AB" :Usr) "~xKEYTIME\\->" ("--> ticks" "Return the current value of keytime. -- Related: \\->KEYTIME" "06D0AB" :Usr) "xKGET" ("name --> \"name\" --> {names} --> {{old new}...} -->" "Kermit Get Cmd -- Used by a local Kermit to get a Kermit server to transmit the named object(s). -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,FINISH,PARITY,RECN, RECV,SEND,SERVER,TRANSIO" "3ECE4" :Usr) "xKILL" ("-->" "Cancel Halted Programs Cmd -- Cancels all currently halted programs. (Halted programs are typically canceled by pressing PRG NXT RUN KILL.) If KILL is executed within a program, that program is also canceled. -- Related: CONT,DOERR,HALT,PROMPT" "394F1" :Usr) "xLABEL" ("-->" "Label Axes Cmd -- Labels axes in PICT with x- and y-axis variable names and with the minimum and maximum values of the display ranges. -- Related: LABEL,DRAW,DRAX" "3C5C9" :Usr) "~xLAGRANGE" ("[2xn] --> pol" "" "05D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~x\\->LANGUAGE" ("n -->" "Set language for error messages etc. 0 English 1 French 2 Spanish -- Related: LANGUAGE\\->" "0000DD" :Usr) "~xLANGUAGE\\->" ("--> n" "Return the current language value. -- Related: \\->LANGUAGE" "0010DD" :Usr) "~xLAPL" ("symb [vars] --> symb'" "" "058314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLAP" ("symb --> symb'" "" "010314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xLASTARG" ("--> ob1 .. obn" "Last Arguments Cmd -- Returns copies of the arguments of the most recently executed command." "397E5" :Usr) "xLAST" ("--> ob1 .. obn" "Last Arguments Cmd -- Returns copies of the arguments of the most recently executed command." "397E5" :Usr) "~xlbmol" ("" "" "0670AB" :Usr) "x\\->LCD" ("grob -->" "Graphics Object to LCD Cmd -- Displays the graphics object from level 1, with its upper left pixel in the upper left corner of the display. -- Related: LCD\\->,BLANK,\\->GROB" "3C881" :Usr) "x>LCD" ("grob -->" "Graphics Object to LCD Cmd -- Displays the graphics object from level 1, with its upper left pixel in the upper left corner of the display. -- Related: LCD\\->,BLANK,\\->GROB" "3C881" :Usr) "xLCD\\->" ("--> grob" "LCD to Graphics Object Cmd -- Returns the current stack and menu display as a 131x64 graphics object. -- Related: \\->LCD,\\->GROB" "3C866" :Usr) "xLCD>" ("--> grob" "LCD to Graphics Object Cmd -- Returns the current stack and menu display as a 131x64 graphics object. -- Related: \\->LCD,\\->GROB" "3C866" :Usr) "~xLCM" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "" "02D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLCXM" ("n1 n2 prog --> []" "" "055314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLDEC" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "" "012314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLEGENDRE" ("n --> pol" "" "05A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLGCD" ("{symb...} --> {} gcd" "" "032314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xLIBS" ("--> {title nlib nport ...}" "Libraries Cmd -- Lists the title, number, and port of each library attached to the current directory. -- Related: ATTACH,DETACH" "3EB42" :Usr) "~xLIMIT" ("func point --> lim" "" "005314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLIN" ("symb --> symb'" "" "014314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xLINE" ("(x1,y1) (x2,y2) --> {#n1 #m1} {#n2 #m2} -->" "Draw Line Cmd -- Draws a line in PICT between the coordinates in levels 1 and 2. -- Related: ARC,BOX,TLINE" "3C68C" :Usr) "x\\GSLINE" ("--> symb" "Regression Model Formula Cmd -- Returns an expression representing the best fit line according to the current statistical model, using X as the independent variable name, and explicit values of the slope and intercept taken from the reserved variable \\GSPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: BESTFIT,COL\\GS,CORR,COV, EXPFIT,LINFIT,LOGFIT,LR,PREDX, PREDY,PWRFIT,XCOL,YCOL" "3E156" :Usr) "xSIGMALINE" ("--> symb" "Regression Model Formula Cmd -- Returns an expression representing the best fit line according to the current statistical model, using X as the independent variable name, and explicit values of the slope and intercept taken from the reserved variable \\GSPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: BESTFIT,COL\\GS,CORR,COV, EXPFIT,LINFIT,LOGFIT,LR,PREDX, PREDY,PWRFIT,XCOL,YCOL" "3E156" :Usr) "xLINFIT" ("-->" "Linear Curve Fit Cmd -- Stores LINFIT as the fifth parameter in the reserved variable \\GSPAR, indicating that subsequent executions of LR are to use the linear curve fitting model. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: BESTFIT,EXPFIT,LOGFIT,LR, PWRFIT" "3E214" :Usr) "~xLININ" ("symb var --> 0/1" "Linear Test Func -- Tests whether an algebraic is structurally linear for a given variable." "0150AB" :Usr) "~xLINSOLVE" ("[eqs] [vars] --> [eqs] {pp} sol" "" "052314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xLIST\\->" ("{} --> ob1...obn n" "List to Stack Cmd -- Takes a list of n objects and returns them in separate levels, and returns the total number of objects to level 1. -- Related: ARRY\\->,DTAG,EQ\\->,\\->LIST, OBJ\\->,STR\\->" "3BAC1" :Usr) "xLIST>" ("{} --> ob1...obn n" "List to Stack Cmd -- Takes a list of n objects and returns them in separate levels, and returns the total number of objects to level 1. -- Related: ARRY\\->,DTAG,EQ\\->,\\->LIST, OBJ\\->,STR\\->" "3BAC1" :Usr) "x\\->LIST" ("ob1 .. obn n --> {}" "Stack to List Cmd -- Takes n objects from level n+1 through level 2 and returns a list of those n objects. -- Related: \\->ARRY,LIST\\->,\\->STR, \\->TAG,\\->UNIT" "3B7D2" :Usr) "x>LIST" ("ob1 .. obn n --> {}" "Stack to List Cmd -- Takes n objects from level n+1 through level 2 and returns a list of those n objects. -- Related: \\->ARRY,LIST\\->,\\->STR, \\->TAG,\\->UNIT" "3B7D2" :Usr) "~x\\GDLIST" ("{} --> {}'" "List Differences Cmd -- Returns the first differences of the elements in a list. -- Related: \\GSLIST,\\PILIST,STREAM" "0550AB" :Usr) "~x\\PILIST" ("{} --> x" "List Product Cmd -- Returns the product of the elements in a list. -- Related: \\GSLIST,\\GDLIST,STREAM" "05A0AB" :Usr) "~x\\GSLIST" ("{} --> x" "List Sum Cmd -- Returns the sum of the elems in a list. -- Related: \\PILIST,STREAM" "0590AB" :Usr) "xLN" ("x --> x'" "Natural Logarithm Analytic Func -- Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of the argument. -- z \\-> ln z 'sym' \\-> 'LN(sym)' -- Related: ALOG,EXP,ISOL,LNP1,LOG" "3AA01" :Usr) "~xLNAME" ("symb --> [vars]" "" "06D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xLNCOLLECT" ("symb --> symb'" "" "016314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xLNP1" ("x --> x'" "Natural Log of x+1 Analytic Func -- Returns ln (x + 1). -- x \\-> ln(x+1) 'sym' \\-> 'LNP1(sym)' -- Related: EXPM,LN" "3AB2F" :Usr) "xLOG" ("x --> x'" "Common Logarithm Analytic Func -- Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of the argument. -- z \\-> log z 'sym' \\-> 'LOG(sym)' -- Related: ALOG,EXP,ISOL,LN" "3AA73" :Usr) "xLOGFIT" ("-->" "Logarithmic Curve Fit Cmd -- Stores LOGFIT as the fifth parameter in the reserved variable \\GSPAR, indicating that subsequent executions of LR are to use the logarithmic curve-fitting model. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: BESTFIT,EXPFIT,LINFIT,LR,PWRFIT" "3E239" :Usr) "~xLQ" ("[[]] --> [[L]] [[Q]] [[P]]" "LQ Factorization of a Matrix Cmd -- Returns the LQ factorization of an n\327m matrix. -- Related: LSQ,QR" "0320AB" :Usr) "xLR" ("--> Intercept Slope" "Linear Regression Cmd -- Uses the currently selected statistical model to calculate the linear regression coefficients (intercept and slope) for the selected dependent and independent variables in the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BESTFIT,COL\\GS,CORR,COV,EXPFIT, \\GSLINE,LINFIT,LOGFIT,PREDX,PREDY, PWRFIT,XCOL,YCOL" "3DF83" :Usr) "~xLSQ" ("[B] [[A]] --> []' [[B]] [[A]] --> [[]]'" "Least Squares Solution Cmd -- Returns the minimum norm least squares solution to any system of linear equations where A \327 X = B -- Related: LQ,RANK,QR,/" "02B0AB" :Usr) "~xLU" ("[[]] --> [[L]] [[U]] [[P]]" "LU Dec of a Sq. Matrix Cmd -- Returns the LU decomposition of a square matrix. -- Related: DET,INV,LSQ,/" "0300AB" :Usr) "~xLVAR" ("symb --> symb [vars]" "" "06A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xMAD" ("[] --> det inv coeff cpol" "" "051314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xMAIN" ("" "Show the main CAS menu." "07F314" :Usr) "xMANT" ("x --> x'" "Mantissa Func -- Returns the mantissa of the argument. -- x \\-> ymant 'sym' \\-> 'MANT(sym)' -- Related: SIGN,XPON" "3B02E" :Usr) "~xMAP" ("{} prog --> {}'" "" "066314" :Usr) "x\\|vMATCH" ("symb {spat srepl} --> symb' 0/1 symb {spat srepl scond} --> symb' 0/1" "Match Pattern Down Cmd -- Rewrites an expression. -- Related: X\\|^MATCH" "3DB04" :Usr) "xMATCHDN" ("symb {spat srepl} --> symb' 0/1 symb {spat srepl scond} --> symb' 0/1" "Match Pattern Down Cmd -- Rewrites an expression. -- Related: X\\|^MATCH" "3DB04" :Usr) "x\\|^MATCH" ("symb {spat srepl} --> symb' 0/1 symb {spat srepl scond} --> symb' 0/1" "Bottom-Up Match and Replace Cmd -- Rewrites an expression. -- Related: X\\|VMATCH" "3DAD0" :Usr) "xMATCHUP" ("symb {spat srepl} --> symb' 0/1 symb {spat srepl scond} --> symb' 0/1" "Bottom-Up Match and Replace Cmd -- Rewrites an expression. -- Related: X\\|VMATCH" "3DAD0" :Usr) "~xMATHS" ("" "Show the main MATH menu." "02F0DE" :Usr) "~xMATR" ("" "Show the matrix menu. -- Related: ARIT,BASE,CMPLX,DIFF,EXP&LN, SOLVER,TRIGO" "083314" :Usr) "xMAX" ("x y --> x'" "Maximum Func -- Returns the greater (more positive) of the arguments. -- x y \\-> max(x, y) x 'sym' \\-> 'MAX(x, sym)' 'sym' x \\-> 'MAX(sym, x)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'MAX(sym1, sym2)' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> max(x_u1, y_u2) -- Related: MIN" "3ADA5" :Usr) "xMAXR" ("--> MAXR" "Maximum Real Func -- Returns the symbolic constant 'MAXR' or its numerical representation, 9.99999999999E499. -- \\-> 'MAXR' \\-> 9.99999999999E499 -- Related: Ee,i,MINR,\\pi" "39AE4" :Usr) "xMAX\\GS" ("--> xmax --> [x1...xn]" "Maximum Sigma Cmd -- Finds the maximum coordinate value in each of the m columns of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BINS,MEAN,MIN\\GS,SDEV,TOT,VAR" "3DEE1" :Usr) "xMAXSIGMA" ("--> xmax --> [x1...xn]" "Maximum Sigma Cmd -- Finds the maximum coordinate value in each of the m columns of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BINS,MEAN,MIN\\GS,SDEV,TOT,VAR" "3DEE1" :Usr) "~xMCALC" ("var --> {vars} --> \"ALL\" -->" "Make Calculated Value Cmd -- Designates a variable as a calculated value (not user-defined) for the Multiple-Equation Solver. -- Related: MUSER" "0760AB" :Usr) "xMEAN" ("--> xmean --> [x1...xn]" "Mean Cmd -- Returns the mean of each of the m columns of coordinate values in the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BINS,MAX\\GS,MIN\\GS,SDEV,TOT,VAR" "3DEFC" :Usr) "xMEM" ("--> x" "Memory Available Cmd -- Returns the number of bytes of available RAM. -- Related: BYTES" "3E8C1" :Usr) "~xMENUXY" ("n1 n2 -->" "Menu of CAS commands." "07A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xMERGE" ("1 -->" "Merge RAM Card Cmd Only useful on the 48. -- Merges the RAM from the card in port 1 with the rest of main user memory. Merged memory is no longer independent. -- Related: FREE,FREE1" "3EB16" :Usr) "xMIN" ("x y --> x'" "Minumum Func -- Returns the lesser (more negative) of its two arguments. -- x y \\-> min(x, y) x 'sym' \\-> 'MIN(x, sym)' 'sym' x \\-> 'MIN(sym, x)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'MIN(sym1, sym2)' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> min(x_u1, y_u2) -- Related: MAX" "3AE2B" :Usr) "~xMINIFONT\\->" ("--> font" "Returns the current minifont. -- Related: \\->MINIFONT" "0120DD" :Usr) "~x\\->MINIFONT" ("font -->" "Sets the font as current minifont. -- Related: MINIFONT\\->" "0110DD" :Usr) "~xMINIT" ("-->" "Multiple Equation Menu Init Cmd -- Creates the reserved variable Mpar. -- TEXT:Reserved|Mpar -- Related: MITM,MROOT,MSOLVER" "0730AB" :Usr) "xMINR" ("--> MINR" "Minimum Real Func -- Returns the symbolic constant 'MINR' or its numerical representation, 1.00000000000E-499. -- \\-> 'MAXR' \\-> 1.00000000000E-499 -- Related: e,i,MAXR,\\pi" "39B01" :Usr) "xMIN\\GS" ("--> xmin --> [x1...xn]" "Minimum Sigma Cmd -- Finds the minimum coordinate value in each of the m current statistics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BINS,MAX\\GS,MEAN,SDEV,TOT,VAR" "3DF17" :Usr) "xMINSIGMA" ("--> xmin --> [x1...xn]" "Minimum Sigma Cmd -- Finds the minimum coordinate value in each of the m current statistics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BINS,MAX\\GS,MEAN,SDEV,TOT,VAR" "3DF17" :Usr) "~xMITM" ("title {vars} -->" "Multiple Equation Menu Item -- Order Cmd -- Changes multiple equation menu titles and order. -- Related: MINIT" "0740AB" :Usr) "~xMKISOM" ("" "" "00E0DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "xMOD" ("x y --> x'" "Modulo Func -- Returns a remainder defined by: x mod y = x - y floor (x/y) -- x y \\-> x mod y x 'sym' \\-> 'MOD(x, sym)' 'sym' x \\-> 'MOD(sym, x)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'MOD(sym1, sym2)' -- Related: FLOOR,/" "3AFCB" :Usr) "~xMODSTO" ("mod -->" "" "079314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xMODULAR" ("" "" "02C0DE" :Usr) "~xMROOT" ("var --> x \"ALL\" -->" "Multiple Roots Cmd -- Uses the Multiple-Equation Solver to solve for one or more variables using the equation set in Mpar -- Related: MCALC,MUSER" "0770AB" :Usr) "~xMSGBOX" ("$ -->" "Message Box Cmd -- Creates a user-defined message box. -- Related: CHOOSE,INFORM,PROMPT" "04E0AB" :Usr) "~xMSLV" ("" "" "0200DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xMSOLVR" ("-->" "Multiple-Equation Solver Cmd -- Gets the Multiple-Equation Solver variable menu for the set of equations defined by Mpar." "0720AB" :Usr) "~xMULTMOD" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "" "070314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xMUSER" ("var --> {vars} --> \"ALL\" -->" "Make User-Defined Variable Cmd -- Designates a variable as user - defined for the Multiple-Equation Solver. -- Related: MCALC" "0750AB" :Usr) "~x\\->NDISP" ("n -->" "Set the number of program lines displayed on the screen. " "0060DD" :Usr) "~xNDIST" ("xq v x --> x'" "Normal Distribution Cmd -- Returns the normal probability distribution (bell curve) at x based on the mean m and variance v of the normal distribution. -- Related: UTPN" "01C0AB" :Usr) "xNDUPN" ("ob n --> ob .. ob n" "Duplicates object n times and returns n. -- Related: DUP,DUPDUP,DUPN,DUP2" "3F2B5" :Usr) "xNEG" ("x --> x'" "Negate Analytic Func -- Changes the sign or negates an object. -- z \\-> -z #n1 \\-> #n2 [ arr ] \\-> [ -arr ] 'sym' \\-> '-(sym)' x_u \\-> -x_u grob1 \\-> grob2 PICT1 \\-> PICT2 -- Related: ABS,CONJ,NOT,SIGN" "39976" :Usr) "xNEWOB" ("ob --> ob" "New Object Cmd -- Creates a new copy of the specifiedfied object. -- Related: MEM,PURGE" "394AA" :Usr) "xNEXT" ("-->" "NEXT Cmd -- Ends definite loop structures. See the FOR and START command entries for syntax information. -- Related: FOR,START,STEP" "3831C" :Usr) "~xNEXTPRIME" ("n --> n'" "" "03D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xNIP" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2" " -- Related: DUP,DUPDUP,DUPN,DUP2" "3F264" :Usr) "xNOT" ("x --> x'" "NOT Cmd -- Returns the one's complement or the logical inverse of the argument. -- #n1 \\-> #n2 T/F \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \\-> \"str2\" 'sym' \\-> 'NOT sym' -- Related: AND,OR,XOR" "3CB13" :Usr) "xNOVAL" ("-->" "INFORM Place Holder/Result Cmd -- Place holder for reset and initial values in user-defined dialog boxes. NOVAL is returned to the stack when a field is empty. -- Related: INFORM" "3F0FC" :Usr) "xN\\GS" ("--> nrows" "Number of Rows Cmd -- Returns the number of rows in the current statistical matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: \\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY,\\GSY2" "3DE09" :Usr) "xNSIGMA" ("--> nrows" "Number of Rows Cmd -- Returns the number of rows in the current statistical matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: \\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY,\\GSY2" "3DE09" :Usr) "~xNSUB" ("--> npos" "Number of Sublist Cmd -- Provides a way to access the current sublist position during an iteration of a program or command applied using DOSUBS. -- Related: DOSUBS,ENDSUB" "0560AB" :Usr) "xNUM" ("$ --> n" "Character Number Cmd -- Returns the character code n for the first character in the string. -- Related: CHR,POS,REPL,SIZE,SUB" "3BBF9" :Usr) "~xNUMX" ("n -->" "Number of X-Steps Cmd -- Sets the number of x-steps for each y-step in 3D perspective plots. -- Related: NUMY" "0060AB" :Usr) "~xNUMY" ("n -->" "Number of Y-Steps Cmd -- Sets the number of y-steps across the view volume in 3D perspective plots. -- Related: NUMX" "0070AB" :Usr) "x\\->NUM" ("x --> x'" "Evaluate to Number Cmd -- Evaluates a symbolic argument object and returns the numerical result. -- objsym \\-> z -- Related: \\->Q,\\->Qpi" "39785" :Usr) "x>NUM" ("x --> x'" "Evaluate to Number Cmd -- Evaluates a symbolic argument object and returns the numerical result. -- objsym \\-> z -- Related: \\->Q,\\->Qpi" "39785" :Usr) "xOBJ\\->" ("ob --> ?" "Object to Stack Cmd -- Separates an object into its components onto the stack. For some object types, the number of composites is returned to level 1. -- (x,y) \\-> x y {obj1 ... objn} \\-> obj1 objn n [x1 ... xn] \\-> x1 xn {n} [[x11 ... xm n]] \\-> x11 xm n {m n} \"obj\" \\-> evaluated-obj 'sym' \\-> obj1 ... objn n func x_u \\-> x 1_u :tag:obj \\-> obj \"tag\" -- Related: ARRY\\->,C\\->R,DTAG,EQ\\->, R\\->C,STR\\->,\\->TAG" "3BE38" :Usr) "xOBJ>" ("ob --> ?" "Object to Stack Cmd -- Separates an object into its components onto the stack. For some object types, the number of composites is returned to level 1. -- (x,y) \\-> x y {obj1 ... objn} \\-> obj1 objn n [x1 ... xn] \\-> x1 xn {n} [[x11 ... xm n]] \\-> x11 xm n {m n} \"obj\" \\-> evaluated-obj 'sym' \\-> obj1 ... objn n func x_u \\-> x 1_u :tag:obj \\-> obj \"tag\" -- Related: ARRY\\->,C\\->R,DTAG,EQ\\->, R\\->C,STR\\->,\\->TAG" "3BE38" :Usr) "xOCT" ("-->" "Octal Mode Cmd -- Selects octal base for binary integer operations. (The default base is decimal.) -- Related: BIN,DEC,HEX,RCWS,STWS" "3B6A6" :Usr) "xOFF" ("-->" "Off Cmd -- Turns off the calculator. -- Related: CONT,HALT,KILL" "3950C" :Usr) "xOLDPRT" ("" "Old Printer Cmd -- Modifies the remapping string in the reserved variable PRTPAR so that the extended character set of the HP 48 matches that of the HP 82240A Infrared Printer. Not useful on the 49G." "3D0BC" :Usr) "xOPENIO" ("-->" "Open I/O Port Cmd -- Opens the serial port or the IR port using the I/O parameters in the reserved variable IOPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|IOPAR -- Related: BUFLEN,CLOSEIO,SBRK,SRECV, STIME,XMIT" "3EC75" :Usr) "xOR" ("x y --> x'" "OR Func -- Returns the logical OR of two arguments. -- #n1 #n2 \\-> #n3 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> \"str3\" T/F1 T/F2 \\-> 0/1 T/F 'sym' \\-> 'T/F OR sym' 'sym' T/F \\-> 'sym OR T/F' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 OR sym2' -- Related: AND,NOT,XOR" "3CA8D" :Usr) "xORDER" ("{names} -->" "Order Variables Cmd -- Reorders the variables in the current directory (shown in the VAR menu) to the order specified. -- Related: VARS" "3E8F0" :Usr) "xOVER" ("1 2 --> 1 2 1" "Over Cmd -- Returns a copy to stack level 1 of the object in level 2. -- Related: PICK,ROLL,ROLLD,ROT,SWAP" "3DC8C" :Usr) "~xP2C" ("???" "" "01F0DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPA2B2" ("n --> n'" "" "039314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xPARAMETRIC" ("-->" "Parametric Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to PARAMETRIC. -- Related: BAR,CONTOUR,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARSURFACE,PCONTOUR, POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH, WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C98B" :Usr) "xPARITY" ("n -->" "Parity Cmd -- Sets the parity value in the reserved variable IOPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|IOPAR -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,TRANSIO" "3EDEC" :Usr) "~xPARSURFACE" ("-->" "PARSURFACE Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to PARSURFACE. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FAST3D, FUNCTION,GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH, WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "0090AB" :Usr) "~xPARTFRAC" ("symb --> symb'" "" "034314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xPATH" ("--> {HOME dir1 .. dirn}" "Current Path Cmd -- Returns a list specifying the path to the current directory. -- Related: CRDIR,HOME,PGDIR,UPDIR" "393EA" :Usr) "~xPCAR" ("[nxn] --> pol" "" "04F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPCOEF" ("[roots] --> [coefs]" "Monic Polynomial Coefficients Cmd -- Returns the coefficients of a monic polynomial (a polynomial with a leading coefficient of 1) having specific roots. -- Related: PEVAL,PROOT" "0450AB" :Usr) "~xPCONTOUR" ("-->" "PCONTOUR Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to PCONTOUR. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH, WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "00D0AB" :Usr) "~xPCOV" ("--> xpcovariance" "Population Covariance Cmd -- Returns the population covariance of the independent and dependent data columns in the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: COL\\GS,CORR,COV,PREDX,PREDY, XCOL,YCOL" "01F0AB" :Usr) "xPDIM" ("(xmin,ymin) (xmax,ymax) --> #width #height -->" "PICT Dimension Cmd -- Replaces PICT with a blank PICT of the specified dimensions. -- Related: PMAX,PMIN" "3C4F5" :Usr) "xPERM" ("n k --> n'" "Permutations Func -- Returns the number of possible permutations of n items taken m at a time. -- n m \\-> Pn,m 'symn' m \\-> 'PERM(symn,m)' n 'symm' \\-> 'PERM(n,symm)' 'symn' 'symm' \\-> 'PERM(symn,symm)' -- Related: COMB,!" "3B477" :Usr) "~xPEVAL" ("[coefs] x --> x'" "Polynomial Evaluation Cmd -- Evaluates an n-degree polynomial at x. -- Related: PCOEFF,PROOT" "0460AB" :Usr) "xPGDIR" ("name -->" "Purge Directory Cmd -- Purges the named directory (whether empty or not). -- Related: CLVAR,CRDIR,HOME,PATH,PURGE, UPDIR" "3EAA7" :Usr) "xPICK" ("1...n n --> 1..n 1" "Pick Object Cmd -- Copies the contents of a specified level to level 1. -- Related: DUP,DUPN,DUP2,OVER,ROLL,ROLLD, ROT,SWAP" "3DCFD" :Usr) "xPICK3" ("1 2 3 --> 1 2 3 1" "Duplicate the object on level 3 of the stack. -- Related: PICK,OVER,DUP" "3F27F" :Usr) "xPICT" ("--> PICT" "PICT Cmd -- Puts the name PICT on the stack. -- Related: GOR,GCOR,NEG,PICTURE,PVIEW, RCL,REPL,SIZE,STO,SUB" "3C72A" :Usr) "xPICTURE" ("-->" "Picture Environment Cmd -- Selects the Picture environment (selects the graphics display and activates the graphics cursor and Picture menu). -- Related: PVIEW,TEXT,PIC" "3C5AE" :Usr) "xGRAPH" ("-->" "Picture Environment Cmd -- Selects the Picture environment (selects the graphics display and activates the graphics cursor and Picture menu). -- Related: PVIEW,TEXT,PIC" "3C5AE" :Usr) "~xPINIT" ("-->" "Port Initialize Cmd -- Initializes all currently active ports. Does not affect data already stored in a port." "06A0AB" :Usr) "xPIX?" ("(x,y) --> 1/0 {#n #m} --> 1/0" "Pixel On? Cmd -- Tests whether the specified pixel in PICT is on; returns 1 (true) if the pixel is on, and 0 (false) if the pixel is off. -- Related: PIXON,PIXOFF" "3C662" :Usr) "xPIXOFF" ("(x,y) --> {#n #m} -->" "Pixel Off Cmd -- Turns off the pixel at the specified coordinate in PICT. -- Related: PIX?,PIXON" "3C638" :Usr) "xPIXON" ("(x,y) --> {#n #m} -->" "Pixel On Cmd -- Turns on the pixel at the specified coordinate in PICT. -- Related: PIX?,PIXOFF" "3C60E" :Usr) "xPKT" ("$data $type --> $response" "Packet Cmd -- Used to send command \"packets\" (and receive requested data) to a Kermit server. -- Related: CLOSEIO,KERRM,SERVER" "3EE9D" :Usr) "~xPLOT" ("f --> f" "Plots a function." "009314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPLOTADD" ("f -->" "Adds function to existing plot function list, and opens the Plot Setup screen." "00A314" :Usr) "xPMAX" ("(x,y) -->" "PICT Maximum Cmd -- Specifies (x,y) as the coordinates at the upper right corner of the display. -- Related: PDIM,PMIN,XRNG,YRNG" "3C392" :Usr) "xPMIN" ("(x,y) -->" "PICT Minimum Cmd -- Specifies (x,y) as the coordinates at the lower left corner of the display. -- Related: PDIM,PMAX,XRNG,YRNG" "3C372" :Usr) "~xPMINI" ("" "" "0140DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "xPOLAR" ("-->" "Polar Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to POLAR. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH, WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C979" :Usr) "~xPOLYNOMIAL" ("-->" "Display polynomial menu." "02D0DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPOP" ("-->" " -- Related: PUSH" "0350DE" :Usr) "xPOS" ("str substring --> n/0 {} ob --> n/0" "Position Cmd -- Returns the position of a substring within a string or the position of an object within a list. -- Related: CHR,NUM,REPL,SIZE,SUB" "3BB94" :Usr) "~xPOTENTIAL" ("" "" "0380DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPOWEXPAND" ("" "" "01B0DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPOWMOD" ("symb exp --> symb'" "" "073314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xPR1" ("ob --> ob" "Print Level 1 Cmd -- Prints an object in multiline printer format. -- Related: CR,DELAY,OLDPRT,PRTLCD,PRST, PRSTC,PRVAR" "3D0D7" :Usr) "xPREDV" ("x --> y" "Predicted y-Value Cmd -- Returns the predicted dependent variable value ydepend, based on the independent-variable value xindep, the currently selected stat model, and the current regression coefficients in the reserved variable \\GSPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: PREDX" "3DFDD" :Usr) "xPREDX" ("y --> x" "Predicted x-Value Cmd -- Returns the predicted dependent variable value xindepend, based on the independent-variable value ydepend, the currently selected stat model, and the current regression coefficients in the reserved variable \\GSPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: COL\\GS,CORR,COV,EXPFIT, \\GSLINE,LINFIT,LOGFIT,LR, PREDY,PWRFIT,XCOL,YCOL" "3E01D" :Usr) "xPREDY" ("x --> y" "Predicted y-Value Cmd -- Returns the predicted dependent variable value ydepend, based on the independent-variable value xindepend, the currently selected stat model, and the current regression coefficients in the reserved variable \\GSPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: COL\\GS,CORR,COV,EXPFIT, \\GSLINE,LINFIT,LOGFIT,LR, PREDX,PWRFIT,XCOL,YCOL" "3DFFD" :Usr) "~xPREVAL" ("f x1 x2 --> symb --> x" "" "00C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPREVPRIME" ("n --> n'" "" "03E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xPRLCD" ("-->" "Print LCD Cmd -- Prints a pixel-by-pixel image of the current display (excluding the annunciators) -- Related: CR,DELAY,OLDPRT,PRST,PRSTC, PRVAR,PR1" "3D1E7" :Usr) "xPROMPT" ("$ -->" "Prompt Cmd -- Displays the contents of \"prompt\" in the status area, and halts program execution. -- Related: CONT,DISP,FREEZE,HALT,INFORM, INPUT,MSGBOX" "38BBF" :Usr) "~xPROMPTSTO" ("var -->" "Creates a variable and promts for a value to store there. -- Related: PROMPT,STO" "08B314" :Usr) "~xPROOT" ("[coefs] --> [roots]" "Polynomial Roots Cmd -- Returns all roots of an n-degree polynomial having real or complex roots. -- Related: PCOEFF,PEVAL" "0440AB" :Usr) "~xPROPFRAC" ("x --> symb'" "" "035314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xPRST" ("-->" "Print Stack Cmd -- Prints all objects in the stack, starting with the object in the highest level. -- Related: CR,DELAY,OLDPRT,PRLCD,PRSTC, PRVAR,PR1" "3D10D" :Usr) "xPRSTC" ("" "Print Stack (Compact) Cmd -- Prints in compact form all objects in the stack, starting with the object in the highest level. -- Related: PR,DELAY,OLDPRT,PRLCD,PRST, PRVAR,PR1" "3D0F2" :Usr) "xPRVAR" ("name --> {names} --> :port:name -->" "Print Variable Cmd -- Searches the current directory path or port for the specified variables and prints the name and contents of each variable. -- Related: CP,DELAY,OLDPRT,PR1,PRLCD, PRST,PRSTC" "3D143" :Usr) "~xPSDEV" ("--> xpsdev --> {x1...xn}" "Population Standard Deviation Cmd -- Calculates the population standard deviation of each of the m columns of coordiate values in the current stastics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: MEAN,PCOV,PVAR,SDEV,TOT,VAR" "01D0AB" :Usr) "~xPSI" ("symb --> symb'" "" "0040DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPsi" ("symb n --> symb'" "" "0030DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPTAYL" ("pol x --> pol'" "" "036314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xPUSH" ("-->" "" "0340DE" :Usr) "xPUT" ("ob pos obj --> ob' ob = [] or [[]] or {} or name pos = n or {n} or {n m}" "Put Element Cmd -- In the level 3 array or list, PUT replaces with zput or objput the object whose position is specified in level 2; if the array or list is unnamed, returns the new array or list. -- Related: GET,GETI,PUTI" "3C0BF" :Usr) "xPUTI" ("ob pos obj --> [] pos' ob = [] or [[]] or {} or name pos = n or {n} or {n m}" "Put and Increment Index Cmd -- In the level 3 array or list, replaces with zput or objput the object whose position is specified in level 2, returning the new array or list and the next position in that array or list. -- Related: GET,GETI,PUT" "3C139" :Usr) "~xPVAR" ("--> xpvariance --> [x1...xn]" "Poplulation Variance Cmd -- Calculates the population variance of the coordinate values in each of the m columns in the current stat matrix (\\GSDAT). -- Related: MEAN,PCOV,PSDEV,SDEV,VAR" "01E0AB" :Usr) "xPVARS" ("nport --> {} mem" "Port-Variables Cmd -- Returns a list of the backup objects (:nport:name) and the lib- rary objects (:nport:nlibrary) in the specified port. Also returns the available memory size (if RAM) or the memory type. -- Related: VARS" "3EA49" :Usr) "xPVIEW" ("(x,y) --> {#n #m} -->" "PICT View Cmd -- Displays PICT with the specified coordinate at the upper left corner of the graphics display. -- Related: FREEZE,PICTURE,PICT,TEXT" "3C5E4" :Usr) "xPWRFIT" ("" "Power Curve Fit Cmd -- Stores PWRFIT as the fifth parameter in the reserved variable \\GSPAR, indicating that subsequent executions of LR are to use the power curve fitting model. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSPAR -- Related: BESTFIT,EXPFIT,LINFIT, LOGFIT,LR" "3E283" :Usr) "xPX\\->C" ("{#m #n} --> (x,y)" "Pixel to Complex Cmd -- Converts the specified pixel coordinates to user-unit coordinates. -- Related: C\\->PX" "3C56E" :Usr) "xPX>C" ("{#m #n} --> (x,y)" "Pixel to Complex Cmd -- Converts the specified pixel coordinates to user-unit coordinates. -- Related: C\\->PX" "3C56E" :Usr) "x\\->Q" ("x --> a/b" "To Quotient Cmd -- Returns a rational form of the argument. -- x \\-> 'a/b' (x,y) \\-> 'a/b+c/d*i 'sym1' \\-> 'sym2' -- Related: \\->Q\\pi,/" "3DA3E" :Usr) "x->Q" ("x --> a/b" "To Quotient Cmd -- Returns a rational form of the argument. -- x \\-> 'a/b' (x,y) \\-> 'a/b+c/d*i 'sym1' \\-> 'sym2' -- Related: \\->Q\\pi,/" "3DA3E" :Usr) "x\\->Q\\pi" ("x --> symb" "To Quotient Times \\pi Cmd -- Returns a rational form of the argument, or a rational form of the argument with \\pi factored out, whichever yields the smaller denominator. -- x \\-> 'a/b*\\pi' x \\-> 'a/b' 'sym1' \\-> 'symb2' (x,y) \\-> 'a/b*\\pi+c/d*\\pi*i (x,y) \\-> 'a/b+c/d*i -- Related: \\->Q,/,\\pi" "3DA63" :Usr) "x->QPI" ("x --> symb" "To Quotient Times \\pi Cmd -- Returns a rational form of the argument, or a rational form of the argument with \\pi factored out, whichever yields the smaller denominator. -- x \\-> 'a/b*\\pi' x \\-> 'a/b' 'sym1' \\-> 'symb2' (x,y) \\-> 'a/b*\\pi+c/d*\\pi*i (x,y) \\-> 'a/b+c/d*i -- Related: \\->Q,/,\\pi" "3DA63" :Usr) "~xqr" ("" "" "0080DE" :Usr) "~xQR" ("[[]] --> [[Q]] [[R]] [[P]]" "QR Factorization of a Matrix Cmd -- Returns the QR factorization of an n\327m matrix. -- Related: LQ,LSQ" "0310AB" :Usr) "xQUAD" ("symb var --> symb'" "Solve Quadratic Equation Cmd -- Solves an algebraic object symb for the variable var, and returns an expression symb' representing the solution. -- Related: COLCT,EXPAN,ISOL,SHOW,SOLVE" "3E66F" :Usr) "xQUOTE" ("ob --> 'ob" "Quote Argument Func -- Returns its argument unevaluated. -- 'sym' \\-> 'sym' obj \\-> obj -- Related: APPLY,|" "3D6F6" :Usr) "~xQUOT" ("p1 p2 --> p3" "" "028314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xQXA" ("symb [vars] --> [[]] [vars]" "" "04B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xRAD" ("-->" "Radians Mode Cmd -- Sets Radians angle mode. -- Related: DEG,RAD" "3B564" :Usr) "xRAND" ("--> x" "Random Number Cmd -- Returns a pseudo-random number generated using a seed value, and updates the seed value. -- Related: COMB,PERM,RDZ,!" "3B3E6" :Usr) "~xRANK" ("[[]] --> n" "Matrix Rank Cmd -- Returns the rank of a rectangular matrix. -- Related: LQ,LSQ,QR" "02A0AB" :Usr) "~xRANM" ("{m n} --> [[]] [[]] --> [[]]'" "Random Matrix Cmd -- Returns a matrix of specified dimensions that contains random integers in the range -9 through 9. -- { m n } \\-> [[ rand mat ]]m\327n [[ mat ]]m\327n \\-> [[ rand mat ]]m\327n -- Related: RAND,RDZ" "0350AB" :Usr) "xRATIO" ("x y --> x/y" "Prefix Divide Func -- Prefix form of / (divide) generated by the Equation Writer Application. -- z1 z2 \\-> z1/z2 [arr] [[mat]] \\-> [[arr\327mat^-1]] [arr] z \\-> [arr/z] z 'sym' \\-> 'z/sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym/z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1/sym2' #n1 n2 \\-> #n3 n1 #n2 \\-> #n3 #n1 #n2 \\-> #n3 x_u1 y_u2 \\-> (x/y)_u1/u2 x y_u \\-> (x/y)_1/u x_u y \\-> (x/y)_u 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym/x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u/sym' -- Related: /" "3DBCA" :Usr) "xPREDIV" ("x y --> x/y" "Prefix Divide Func -- Prefix form of / (divide) generated by the Equation Writer Application. -- z1 z2 \\-> z1/z2 [arr] [[mat]] \\-> [[arr\327mat^-1]] [arr] z \\-> [arr/z] z 'sym' \\-> 'z/sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym/z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1/sym2' #n1 n2 \\-> #n3 n1 #n2 \\-> #n3 #n1 #n2 \\-> #n3 x_u1 y_u2 \\-> (x/y)_u1/u2 x y_u \\-> (x/y)_1/u x_u y \\-> (x/y)_u 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym/x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u/sym' -- Related: /" "3DBCA" :Usr) "xRCEQ" ("--> EQ" "Recall from EQ Cmd -- Returns the unevaluated contents of the reserved variable EQ from the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|EQ -- Related: STEQ" "3D393" :Usr) "~xRCI" ("[[]] x nrow --> [[]]' [] x n []'" "Multiply Row by Constant Cmd -- Multiplies row n of a matrix (or element n of a vector) by a const x, and returns the modified matrix. -- Related: RCIJ" "0420AB" :Usr) "~xRCIJ" ("[[]] x n* n+ --> [[]]' [] x n* n+ --> []'" "Add Multiplied Row Cmd -- Multiplies row n* of a matrix by a constant x, adds this product to row n+ of the matrix, and returns the modified matrix. Or, multiplies element n* of a vector by a constant x, adds this product to element n+ of the vector, and returns the modified vector. -- Related: RCI" "0430AB" :Usr) "xRCL" ("var --> x :port:nlib --> lib :port:name --> ob :port:{path} --> ob" "Recall Cmd -- Returns the unevaluated contents of a specified variable or plug -in object. -- Related: STO" "3E6F1" :Usr) "xRCLALARM" ("n --> {date time action rep}" "Recall Alarm Cmd -- Recalls a specified alarm. -- Related: DELALARM,FINDALARM,STOALARM" "3918E" :Usr) "xRCLF" ("--> {#s1 #u1 #s2 #u2}" "Recall Flags Cmd -- Returns a list containing four 64 bit binary integers representing the states of the 64 system and user flags, respectively. -- Related: STOF" "3B715" :Usr) "xRCLKEYS" ("--> {ob ... key ...} --> {S ob ... key ...}" "Recall Key Assignments Cmd -- Returns the current user key assignments. This includes an S if the standard key definitions are active (not suppressed) for those keys without user key assignments. -- Related: ASN,DELKEYS,STOKEYS" "3EF79" :Usr) "xRCLMENU" ("--> x" "Recall Menu Number Cmd -- Returns the menu number of the currently displayed menu. -- Related: MENU,TMENU" "3EA2E" :Usr) "xRCL\\GS" ("--> [[]]" "Recall Sigma Cmd -- Returns the current stat matrix (the contents of reserved var \\GSDAT) from the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: CL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS+,\\GS-" "3DDA9" :Usr) "xRCLSIGMA" ("--> [[]]" "Recall Sigma Cmd -- Returns the current stat matrix (the contents of reserved var \\GSDAT) from the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: CL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS+,\\GS-" "3DDA9" :Usr) "~xRCLVX" ("--> name" "Recall the current content of the reserved -- CAS variable VX. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "03F0DE" :Usr :1\.19-6) "xRCWS" ("--> n" "Recall Wordsize Cmd -- Returns the current wordsize in bits (1 through 64). -- Related: BIN,DEC,HEX,OCT,STWS" "3B6FA" :Usr) "xRDM" ("ob size --> ob' name size --> ob= [] or [[]] size = {n} or {n m}" "Redimension Array Cmd -- Rearranges the elements of the argument according to the specified dimensions. -- Related: TRN" "3BEEC" :Usr) "xRDZ" ("x -->" "Randomize Cmd -- Uses a real number xseed as a seed for the RAND command. -- Related: COMB,PERM,RAND,!" "3B401" :Usr) "xRE" ("(x,y) --> x [] --> []'" "Real Part Func -- Returns the real part of the argument. -- x \\-> x x_u \\-> x (x,y) \\-> x [ R-arr ] \\-> [ R-arr ] [ C-arr ] \\-> [ R-arr ] 'sym' \\-> 'RE(sym)' -- Related: C\\->R,IM,R\\->C" "3B819" :Usr) "xRECN" ("name --> $name -->" "Receive Renamed Object Cmd -- Prepares the HP 48 to receive a file from another Kermit device, and to store the file in a specified variable. -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,CLOSEIO,FINISH, KERRM,KGET,PARITY,RECV,SEND, SERVER,TRANSIO" "3ED22" :Usr) "~xRECT" ("-->" "Rectangular Mode Cmd -- Sets Rectangular coordinate mode. -- Related: CYLIN,SPHERE" "0110AB" :Usr) "xRECV" ("-->" "Receive Object Cmd -- Instructs the HP 48 to look for a named file from another Kermit device. The received file is stored in a variable named by the sender. -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,FINISH,KGET,PARITY, RECN,SEND,SERVER,TRANSIO" "3ED56" :Usr) "~xREF" ("[[]] --> [[]]'" "" "048314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xREMAINDER" ("p1 p2 --> p3" "" "02A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xRENAME" ("name name' -->" " -- Related: COPY" "0130DD" :Usr) "~xREORDER" ("pol var --> pol'" "" "069314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xREPEAT" ("1/0 -->" "REPEAT Cmd -- Starts loop clause in WHILE ... REPEAT ... END indefinite loop structure. -- Related: END,WHILE" "38105" :Usr) "xREPL" ("ob pos new --> ob' ob= [[]] or [] or {} or $ or PICT pos= N or {n m} or (n,m)" "Replace Cmd -- Replaces a portion of the level 3 target object with the level 1 object, beginning at a position specified in level 2. -- Related: CHR,GOR,GXOR,NUM,POS,SIZE,SUB" "3B9D2" :Usr) "xRES" ("n_int --> #n_int -->" "Resolution Cmd -- Specifies the resolution of mathematical and statistical plots, where the resolution is the interval between values of the independent variable used to generate the plots. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD, TRUTH,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C41A" :Usr) "xRESTORE" (":port:name --> ob -->" "Restore HOME Cmd -- Replaces the current HOME directory with the specified backup copy. -- :nport:namebackup \\-> obj backup \\-> -- Related: ARCHIVE" "3EAE7" :Usr) "~xRESULTANT" ("p1 p2 --> res" "" "0050DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xREVLIST" ("{1...n} --> {n...1}'" "Reverse List Cmd -- Reverses the order of the elements in a list. -- Related: SORT" "05D0AB" :Usr) "~xREWRITE" ("" "" "0280DE" :Usr) "~xRISCH" ("f var --> F" "" "00D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xRKF" ("{} xtol xTf --> {} xtol {} {xtol step} xTf --> {} xtol" "Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg) Cmd -- Computes the solution to an initial value problem for a differential equation, using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (4,5) method. -- Related: RKFERR,RKFSTEP,RRK,RRKSTEP,RBSERR" "0200AB" :Usr) "~xRKFERR" ("{} h --> {} h dy err" "Error Estimates for RKF -- Returns the absolute error estimate for a given step h when solving an initial value problem for a differential equation. -- Related: RKF,RKFSTEP,RRK,RRKSTEP,RSBERR" "0220AB" :Usr) "~xRKFSTEP" ("{} tol h --> {} tol h'" "Next Solution Step for RKF Cmd -- Computes the next solution step (hnext) to an initial value problem for a differential equation. -- Related: RKF,RKFERR,RRK,RRKSTEP,RSBERR" "0210AB" :Usr) "xRL" ("# --> #'" "Rotate Left Cmd -- Rotates a binary integer one bit to the left. -- Related: RLB,RR,RRB" "38E01" :Usr) "xRLB" ("# --> #'" "Rotate Left Byte Cmd -- Rotates a binary integer one byte to the left. -- Related: RL,RR,RRB" "38E21" :Usr) "xRND" ("x n --> x'" "Round Func -- Rounds an object to a specified number of decimal places or significant digits, or to fit the current display format. -- z1 nrnd \\-> z2 z 'symrnd' \\-> 'RND(z,symrnd)' 'sym' nrnd \\-> 'RND(symb,nrnd)' 'sym1' 'symrnd' \\-> 'RND(sym1,symrnd)' [arr1] nrnd \\-> [arr2] x_u nrnd \\-> y_u x_u 'symrnd' \\-> 'RND(x_u,symrnd)' -- Related: TRNC" "3AEB1" :Usr) "xRNRM" ("[] --> x" "Row Norm Cmd -- Returns the row norm (infinity norm) of its argument array. -- Related: CNRM,CROSS,DET,DOT" "3B16C" :Usr) "xROLL" ("1...n n --> 2...n 1" "Roll Objects Cmd -- Moves the contents of a specified level to level 1, and rolls upwards the portion of the stack beneath the specified level. -- Related: OVER,PICK,ROLLD,ROT,SWAP" "3DD18" :Usr) "xROLLD" ("n ... 1 n --> 1 n...2" "Roll Down Cmd -- Moves the contents of level 1 to a specified level, and rolls downwards the portion of the stack beneath the specified level -- Related: OVER,PICK,ROLL,ROT,SWAP" "3DD33" :Usr) "~xROMUPLOAD" ("-->" "Upload the rom to another calculator -- 1. On the sending calculator, enter ROMUPLOAD and press ENTER. On the receving calc, hold down ON and press F4. On the receiving calc, hold down ON and +, and press ENTER. On the receiving calc, press 4 to select Download option. On the sending calc, press any key to start the process (takes about 20 min)." "06F0AB" :Usr) "xROOT" ("prog/s var guess --> x prog/s var {guesses} --> x" "Root-Finder Cmd -- Returns a real number xroot that is a value of the specified variable var for which the specified program or algebraic object most nearly evaluates to zero or a local extremum." "3D3CE" :Usr) "xROT" ("1 2 3 --> 2 3 1" "Rotate Objects Cmd -- Rotates the first three objects on the stack, moving the object in level 3 to level 1. -- Related: OVER,PICK,ROLL,ROLLD,SWAP,UNROT" "3DC71" :Usr) "~xROW-" ("[[]] nrow --> [[]]' [] [] n --> []' elt" "Delete Row Cmd -- Deletes row n of a matrix (or element n of a vector), and returns the modified matrix (or vector) and the deleted row (or element). -- Related: COL-,COL+,ROW-,RSWP" "03C0AB" :Usr) "~xROW+" ("[[]] [[]]' n --> [[]]'' [[]] [] n --> [[]]' [] n n' --> []" "Insert Row Cmd -- Inserts an array into a matrix (or one or more numbers into a vector) at a position indicated by nindex, and returns the modified matrix (or vector). -- Related: COL-,COL+,ROW-,RSWP" "03D0AB" :Usr) "~xROW\\->" ("[1]...[n] n --> [] x1...xn --> []" "Rows to Matrix Cmd -- Transforms a series of row vectors and a row count into a matrix rix containing those rows, or transforms a sequence of numbers and an element count into a vector with those numbers as elements. -- Related: \\->COL,COL\\->,\\->ROW" "0370AB" :Usr) "~x\\->ROW" ("[[]] --> [1]...[n] n [] --> x1...xn n" "Matrix to Rows Cmd -- Transforms a matrix into a series of row vectors and returns the vectors and a row count, or transforms a vector into its elements and returns the elements and an element count. -- Related: \\->COL,COL\\->,ROW\\->" "0360AB" :Usr) "xRPL>" ("" "" "3F218" :Usr) "~xrpm" ("" "" "0680AB" :Usr) "xRR" ("# --> x'" "Rotate Right Cmd -- Rotates a binary integer one bit to the right. -- Related: RL,RLB,RRB" "38E41" :Usr) "xRRB" ("# --> x'" "Rotate Right Byte Cmd -- Rotates a binary integer one byte to the right. -- Related: RL,RLB,RR" "38E61" :Usr) "~xRREF" ("[[]] --> [[]]'" "Reduced Row Echelon Form Cmd -- Converts a rectangular matrix to a reduced row echelon form." "0340AB" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xrref" ("[[]] --> [pp] [[]]'" "" "047314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xRREFMOD" ("[[]] --> [[]]'" "" "078314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xRRK" ("{} xtol xTfinal --> {} xtol" "Solve for Initial Values (Rosenbrock, Runge-Kutta) Cmd -- Computes the solution to an initial value problem for a differential equation with known partial derivatives. -- Related: RKF,RKFERR,RKFSTEP,RRKSTEP,RSBERR" "0230AB" :Usr) "~xRRKSTEP" ("{} xtol h last --> {} xtol h' cur" "Next Solution Step and Method (RKF or RRK) Cmd -- Computes the next solution step (hnext) to an initial value problem for a differential equation, and displays the method used to arrive at that result. -- Related: RKF,RKFERR,RKFSTEP,RRK,RSBERR" "0240AB" :Usr) "~xRSBERR" ("{} h --> {} h dy err" "Error Estimate for Rosenbrock Method Cmd -- Returns an error estimate for a given step h when solving an initial value problem for a differential equation. -- Related: RKF,RKFERR,RKFSTEP,RRK,RRKSTEP" "0250AB" :Usr) "xRSD" ("[B] [[A]] [Z] --> []' [[B]] [[A]] [[Z]] --> [[]]'" "Residual Cmd -- Computes the residual B - AZ of the arrays B, A, and Z." "3B22F" :Usr) "~xRSWP" ("[]/[[]] i j --> []/[[]]" "Row Swap Cmd -- Swaps rows i and j of a matrix and returns the modified matrix, or swaps elements i and j of a vector and returns the modified vector. -- Related: CSWP,ROW+,ROW-" "0400AB" :Usr) "xRULES" ("" "" "3E632" :Usr) "xR\\->B" ("x --> #" "Real to Binary Cmd -- Converts a positive real integer to its binary integer equivalent. -- Related: B\\->R" "38F01" :Usr) "xR>B" ("x --> #" "Real to Binary Cmd -- Converts a positive real integer to its binary integer equivalent. -- Related: B\\->R" "38F01" :Usr) "xR\\->C" ("x y --> (x,y) [X] [Y] --> [(x,y)]" "Real to Complex Cmd -- Combines two real numbers or real arrays into a single complex number or array. -- Related: C\\->R,IM,RE" "3B7ED" :Usr) "xR>C" ("x y --> (x,y) [X] [Y] --> [(x,y)]" "Real to Complex Cmd -- Combines two real numbers or real arrays into a single complex number or array. -- Related: C\\->R,IM,RE" "3B7ED" :Usr) "xR\\->D" ("x --> (180/\\pi)x" "Radians to Degrees Func -- Converts a real number expressed in radians to its equivalent in degrees. -- x \\-> (180/\\pi)x 'sym' \\-> 'R\\->D(sym)' -- Related: D\\->R" "3B0AE" :Usr) "xR>D" ("x --> (180/\\pi)x" "Radians to Degrees Func -- Converts a real number expressed in radians to its equivalent in degrees. -- x \\-> (180/\\pi)x 'sym' \\-> 'R\\->D(sym)' -- Related: D\\->R" "3B0AE" :Usr) "xR\\->I" ("x --> n" "" "3F070" :CASHELP :Usr) "xR>I" ("x --> n" "" "3F070" :CASHELP :Usr) "xSAME" ("ob1 ob2 --> 1/0" "Display information about the makers of the calculator. Same Object Cmd -- Compares two objects, and returns a true result (1) if they are identical, and a false result (0) if they are not. -- Related: TYPE,==" "3C9E5" :Usr) "xSBRK" ("-->" "Serial Break Cmd -- Interrupts serial transmission or reception. -- Related: BUFLEN,SRECV,STIME,XMIT" "3EE82" :Usr) "xSCALE" ("xs ys -->" "Scale Plot Cmd -- Adjusts the first two parameters in PPAR, (xmin, ymin) and (xmax, ymax), so that xscale and yscale are the new plot horizontal and vertical scales, and the center point doesn't change. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR -- Related: AUTO,CENTR,SCALEH,SCALEW" "3C4D5" :Usr) "xSCALEH" ("xf -->" "Multiply Height Cmd -- Multiplies the vertical plot scale by xfactor. -- Related: AUTO,SCALEW,YRING" "3C444" :Usr) "x*H" ("xf -->" "Multiply Height Cmd -- Multiplies the vertical plot scale by xfactor. -- Related: AUTO,SCALEW,YRING" "3C444" :Usr) "xSCALEW" ("yf -->" "Multiply Width Cmd -- Multiplies a plot's horizontal scale by xfactor. -- Related: AUTO,SCALEH,YRING" "3C464" :Usr) "x*W" ("yf -->" "Multiply Width Cmd -- Multiplies a plot's horizontal scale by xfactor. -- Related: AUTO,SCALEH,YRING" "3C464" :Usr) "xSCATRPLOT" ("-->" "Draw Scatter Plot Cmd -- Draws a scatter plot of (x, y) data points from the specified columns of the current statistics matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- Related: BARPLOT,PICTURE,HISTPLOT, PVIEW,SCL\\GS,XCOL,YCOL" "3E1EF" :Usr) "xSCATTER" ("" "Scatter Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to SCATTER. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH, WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C9AF" :Usr) "~xSCHUR" ("[[]] --> [[Q]] [[T]]" "Schur Decomp. of Squ. Matrix Cmd -- Returns the Schur decomposition of a square matrix. -- Related: LQ,LU,QR,SVD,SVL,TRN" "0330AB" :Usr) "xSCI" ("n -->" "Scientific Mode Cmd -- Sets the number display format to Scientific mode, which displays one digit to the left of the fraction mark and n significant digits to the right. -- Related: ENG,FIX,STD" "3B5BA" :Usr) "xSCL\\GS" ("-->" "Scale Sigma Cmd -- Adjusts (xmin,ymin) and (xmax, ymax) in PPAR so that a subsequent scatter plot exactly fills PICT. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR -- Related: AUTO,SCATRPLOT" "3E127" :Usr) "xSCLSIGMA" ("-->" "Scale Sigma Cmd -- Adjusts (xmin,ymin) and (xmax, ymax) in PPAR so that a subsequent scatter plot exactly fills PICT. -- TEXT:Reserved|PPAR -- Related: AUTO,SCATRPLOT" "3E127" :Usr) "xSCONJ" ("name -->" "Store Conjugate Cmd -- Conjugates the contents of a named object. -- Related: CONJ,SINV,SNEG" "3E385" :Usr) "~xSCROLL" ("ob -->" "" "07D314" :Usr) "xSDEV" ("--> xsdev --> [x1...xn]" "Standard Deviation Cmd -- Calculates the sample standard deviation of each of the m columns of coordinate values in the current stat matrix (reserved var \\GSDAT). -- Related: MAX\\GS,MEAN,MIN\\GS,PSDEV, PVAR,TOT,VAR" "3DF32" :Usr) "xSEND" ("name --> {names} --> {{old new}...} -->" "Send Object Cmd -- Sends a copy of the named object to a Kermit device. -- Related: BAUD,CLOSEIO,CKSM,FINISH, KERRM,KGET,PARITY,RECN, RECV,SERVER,TRANSIO" "3ECB0" :Usr) "~xSEQ" ("prog var start end incr --> {}" "Sequential Calculation Cmd -- Returns a list of results generated ated by repeatedly executing prog using index var over the range start to end, in increments of incr. -- Related: DOSUBS,STREAM" "0530AB" :Usr) "~xSERIES" ("func var order --> {} symb'" "" "007314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xSERVER" ("-->" "Server Mode Cmd -- Selects Kermit Server mode. -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,FINISH,KERRM, KGET,PARITY,PKT,RECN,RECV, SEND,TRANSIO" "3ED91" :Usr) "~xSEVAL" ("symb --> symb'" "" "064314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xSF" ("n -->" "Set Flag Cmd -- Sets a specified user or system flag. -- Related: CF,FC?,FC?C,FS?,FS?C" "3B4C9" :Usr) "xSHOW" ("symb name --> symb' symb {names} --> symb'" "Show Variable Cmd -- Returns symb' which is equivalent to symb except that all implicit references to a variable name are made explicit. -- Related: COLCT,EXPAN,ISOL,QUAD" "3E696" :Usr) "~xSIDENS" ("x --> x'" "Silicon Intrinsic Density Cmd -- Calculates the intrinsic density of silicon as a function of temperature, xT. -- xT \\-> xdensity x_u \\-> x_1/cm3 'sym' \\-> 'SIDENS(symb)'" "0630AB" :Usr) "~xSIGMA" ("f var --> F" "" "0020DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSIGMAVX" ("f(x) --> F(x)" "" "0010DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "xSIGN" ("x --> x'" "Sign Func -- Returns the sign of a real number argument, the sign of the numerical part of a unit object argument, or the unit vector in the direction of a complex number argument. -- Related: ABS,MANT,XPON" "3A3EE" :Usr) "~xSIGNTAB" ("symb --> {}" "" "05F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSIMP2" ("x y --> x/gcd y/gcd" "" "033314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSIMPLIFY" ("symb --> symb'" "" "0220DE" :Usr) "~xSINCOS" ("symb --> symb'" "" "018314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xSIN" ("x --> x'" "Sine Analytic Func -- z \\-> sin z 'sym' \\-> 'SIN(sym)' x_uangular \\-> sin(x_uangular) -- Related: ASIN,COS,TAN" "3A57C" :Usr) "xSINH" ("x --> x'" "Hyperbolic Sine Analytic Func -- Returns the hyperbolic sine of the argument. -- z \\-> sinh z 'sym' \\-> 'SINH(sym)' -- Related: ANUSH,COSH,TANH" "3A678" :Usr) "xSINV" ("name -->" "Store Inverse Cmd -- Replaces the contents of the named variable with its inverse. -- Related: INV,SCONJ,SNEG" "3E331" :Usr) "xSIZE" ("ob --> n --> {N m} --> #nw #nh" "Size Cmd -- Returns the number of characters in a string, the number of elements in a list, the dimensions of an array, the number of objects in a unit object or algebraic object, or the dimensions of a graphics object. -- \"str\" \\-> n { list } \\-> n [ vector ] \\-> { n } [[ mat ]] \\-> { n m } 'sym' \\-> n grob \\-> #nwidth #mheight PICT \\-> #nwidth #mheight x_u \\-> n -- Related: CHR,NUM,POS,REPL,SUB" "3BB1F" :Usr) "xSL" ("# --> #'" "Shift Left Cmd -- Shifts a binary integer one bit to the left. -- Related: ASR,SLB,SR,SRB" "38E81" :Usr) "xSLB" ("# --> #'" "Shift Left Byte Cmd -- Shifts a binary integer one byte to the left. -- Related: ASR,SL,SR,SRB" "38EA1" :Usr) "~xSLOPEFIELD" ("-->" "SLOPEFIELD Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to SLOPEFIELD. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAX,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC, PARSURFACE,PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER, TRUTH,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "00C0AB" :Usr) "xSNEG" ("name -->" "Store Negate Cmd -- Replaces the contents of a variable with its negative. -- Related: NEG,SCONJ,SINV" "3E35B" :Usr) "~xSNRM" ("[] --> x" "Spectral Norm Cmd -- Returns the spectral norm of an array. -- Related: ABS,CNRM,COND,RNRM,SRAD,TRACE" "0290AB" :Usr) "~xSOLVE" ("symb var --> {zeros}" "" "03F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSOLVER" ("-->" "Displays a menu of commands used in solving equations. " "086314" :Usr) "~xSOLVEVX" ("symb --> {zeros}" "" "008314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSORT" ("{} --> {}'" "Ascending Order Sort Cmd -- Sorts the elements in a list in ascending order. -- Related: REVLIST" "05E0AB" :Usr) "~xSPHERE" ("-->" "Spherical Mode Cmd -- Sets Spherical coordinate mode. -- Related: CYLIN,RECT" "0130AB" :Usr) "xSQ" ("x --> x'" "Square Analytic Func -- Returns the square of the argument. -- z \\-> z2 x_u \\-> x2_u2 [[ mat ]] \\-> [[ mat \327 mat ]] 'sym' \\-> 'SQ(sym)' -- Related: \\v/,^" "3A4EF" :Usr) "xSR" ("# --> #'" "Shift Right Cmd -- Shifts a binary integer one bit to the right. -- Related: ASR,SL,SLB,SRB" "38EC1" :Usr) "~xSRAD" ("[[]] --> x" "Spectral Radius Cmd -- Returns the spectral radius of a square matrix. -- Related: COND,SNRM,TRACE" "0280AB" :Usr) "xSRB" ("# --> #'" "Shift Right Byte Cmd -- Shifts a binary integer one byte to the right. -- Related: ASR,SL,SLB,SR" "38EE1" :Usr) "xSRECV" ("n --> $ 0/1" "Serial Receive Cmd -- Reads up to n characters from the serial input buffer and returns them as a string, along with a digit indicating whether errors occurred. -- Related: BUFFLEN,CLOSEIO,OPENIO, SBRK,STIME,XMIT" "3EC55" :Usr) "~xSREPL" ("str find repl --> str' n" "Globally replace find with repl in str. n is the number of matches. Efficient ML implementation." "0100DD" :Usr) "xSTART" ("start finish -->" "START Definite Loop Structure Cmd -- START xstart xfinish \\-> NEXT xstart xfinish \\-> STEP xincrement \\-> STEP 'symbincrement' \\-> -- Related: FOR,NEXT,STEP" "381AB" :Usr) "xSTD" ("-->" "Standard Mode Cmd -- Sets the number display format to Standard mode. -- Related: ENG,FIX,SCI" "3B5FA" :Usr) "xSTEP" ("n --> symb -->" "STEP Cmd -- Defines the increment (step) value, and ends definite loop struct See the FOR and START command entries for syntax information. -- Related: FOR,BEXT,START" "3851F" :Usr) "xSTEQ" ("ob -->" "Store in EQ Cmd -- Stores an object into the reserved variable EQ in the current directory. -- TEXT:Reserved|EQ -- Related: RCEQ" "3D3AE" :Usr) "xSTIME" ("x/0 -->" "Serial Time-Out Cmd -- Specifies the period that SRECV (serial reception) and XMIT (serial transmission) wait before timing out. -- Related: BUFLEN,CLOSEIO,SBRK,SRECV,XMIT" "3EE62" :Usr) "xSTO" (" ob name --> ob :port:name --> lib port --> bup port --> ob 'name(i)' --> . 38G: 107002 \\~%s\\ [Usr]" "Store Cmd -- Stores an object into a specified variable or object. -- Related: DEFINE,RCL,\\->" "3E739" :Usr) "xSTO-" ("ob name --> name ob -->" "Store Minus Cmd -- Calculates the difference between a number (or other object) and the contents of a specified variable, and stores the new value to the specified variable. -- Related: STO+,STO*,STO/,-" "3E406" :Usr) "xSTO*" ("ob name --> name ob -->" "Store Times Cmd -- Multiplies the contents of a specified variable by a number or other object. -- Related: STO+,STO-,STO/,*" "3E4D2" :Usr) "xSTO/" ("ob name --> name ob -->" "Store Divide Cmd -- Calculates the quotient of a number (or other object) and the contents of a specified variable, and stores the new value to the specified variable. -- Related: STO+,STO-,STO*,/" "3E46C" :Usr) "xSTO+" ("ob name --> name ob -->" "Store Plus Cmd -- Adds a number or other object to the contents of a specified variable. -- Related: STO-,STO*,STO/,+" "3E3AF" :Usr) "xSTOALARM" ("time --> n {date time act rep} --> n" "Store Alarm Cmd -- Stores an alarm in the system alarm list and returns its alarm index number. act and rep arguments are optional. -- Related: DELALARM,FINDALARM,RCLALARM" "39164" :Usr) "xSTOF" ("{#s1 #u1 #s2 #u2} -->" "Store Flags Cmd -- Sets the states of the system flags or the system and user flags. -- Related: RCLF,STWS,RCWS" "3B749" :Usr) "xSTOKEYS" ("{ob key ...} --> {'S' ob key ...} --> 'S' -->" "Store Key Assignments Cmd -- Defines multiple keys on the user keyboard by assigning objects to specified keys. -- Related: ASN,DELKEYS,RCLKEYS" "3EF07" :Usr) "xSTO\\GS" ("ob -->" "Store Sigma Cmd -- Stores obj in the reserved variable \\GSDAT. -- Related: CL\\GS,RCL\\GS,\\GS+,\\GS-" "3DD6E" :Usr) "xSTOSIGMA" ("ob -->" "Store Sigma Cmd -- Stores obj in the reserved variable \\GSDAT. -- Related: CL\\GS,RCL\\GS,\\GS+,\\GS-" "3DD6E" :Usr) "~xSTOVX" ("name -->" "Store object into the reserved CAS variable VX. -- TEXT:Reserved|VX" "0400DE" :Usr :1\.19-6) "~xSTORE" ("" "" "0240DE" :Usr) "xSTR\\->" ("$ --> ob" "Evaluate String Cmd -- Evaluates the text of a string as if the text were entered from the command line. -- Related: ARRY\\->,DTAG,EQ\\->,LIST\\->, OBJ\\->,\\->STR" "3BBD9" :Usr) "xSTR>" ("$ --> ob" "Evaluate String Cmd -- Evaluates the text of a string as if the text were entered from the command line. -- Related: ARRY\\->,DTAG,EQ\\->,LIST\\->, OBJ\\->,\\->STR" "3BBD9" :Usr) "x\\->STR" ("ob --> $" "Object to String Cmd -- Converts any object to string form. -- Related: \\->ARRY,\\->LIST,STR\\->, \\->TAG,\\->UNIT" "3BBBE" :Usr) "x>STR" ("ob --> $" "Object to String Cmd -- Converts any object to string form. -- Related: \\->ARRY,\\->LIST,STR\\->, \\->TAG,\\->UNIT" "3BBBE" :Usr) "~xSTREAM" ("{} prog --> x" "Stream Execution Cmd -- Moves the first two elements from the list onto the stack, and executes prog. The moves the next element (if any) onto the stack, and executes obj again using the previous result and the new element. Repeats this until the list is exhausted, and returns the final result. -- Related: DOSUBS" "0580AB" :Usr) "~xSTURMAB" ("" "" "0170DE" :Usr) "~xSTURM" ("" "" "0160DE" :Usr) "xSTWS" ("n --> #n -->" "Set Wordsize Cmd -- Sets the current binary integer wordsize to n bits, where n is a value from 1 through 64 (the default is 64). -- Related: BIN,DEC,HEX,OCT,RCWS" "3B6C1" :Usr) "xSUB" ("ob start end --> ob' ob= [[]], $, {}, grob, PICT start,end = n, {n m}, (n,m)" "Subset Cmd -- Returns the portion of a string or list defined by specified positions, or returns the rectangular portion of a graphics object or PICT defined by two corner pixel coordinates. -- Related: CHR,GOR,GXOR,NUM,POS,REPL,SIZE" "3B8D7" :Usr) "~xSUBST" ("symb var=s1 --> symb'" "" "002314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSUBTMOD" ("x1 x2 --> x3" "" "06F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xSVD" ("[[]] --> [[U]] [[V]] [S]" "Singular Value Decomposition Cmd -- Returns the sigular value decomposition of an m\327n matrix. -- Related: DIAG\\->,MIN,SVL" "02E0AB" :Usr) "~xSVL" ("[[]] --> []" "Singular Values Cmd -- Returns the singular values of an m\327n matrix. -- Related: MIN,SVD" "02F0AB" :Usr) "xSWAP" ("ob1 ob2 --> ob2 ob1" "Swap Objects Cmd -- Interchanges the first two objects on the stack. -- Related: DUP,DUPN,DUP2,OVER,PICK,ROLL,ROLLD,ROT" "3DC20" :Usr) "~xSYLVESTER" ("[[]] --> [D] [P]" "" "04E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xSYSEVAL" ("# --> ?" "Evaluate System Object Cmd -- Evaluates unnamed operating system objects specified by their memory addresses. -- Related: EVAL,LIBEVAL,FLASHEVAL" "39705" :Usr) "~xSYST2MAT" ("" "" "00A0DE" :Usr) "x%T" ("x y --> 100y/x" "Percent of Total Function -- Returns the percent of the level 2 argument that is represented by the level 1 argument. -- x y \\-> 100y/x x 'sym' \\-> '%T(x,sym)' 'sym' x \\-> '%T(sym,x)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> '%T(sym1,sym2)' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> 100y_u2/x_u1 x_u 'sym' \\-> '%T(x_u,sym)' 'sym' x_u \\-> '%T(sym,x_u)' -- Related: %,%ch" "3B2DC" :Usr) "~xTABVAL" ("symb(x) {vals} --> symb(x) {{vals} {res}}" "" "061314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTABVAR" ("symb(x) --> symb(x) {{}{}} grob" "" "060314" :CASHELP :Usr) "x\\->TAG" ("ob tag --> :tag:ob" "Stack to Tag Cmd -- Combines objects in levels 1 and 2 to created tagged (labeled) object. Tag may be any object. It will eb converted to a string. -- Related: \\->ARRY,DTAG,\\->LIST,OBJ\\->, \\->STR,\\->UNIT" "3EFB1" :Usr) "x->TAG" ("ob tag --> :tag:ob" "Stack to Tag Cmd -- Combines objects in levels 1 and 2 to created tagged (labeled) object. Tag may be any object. It will eb converted to a string. -- Related: \\->ARRY,DTAG,\\->LIST,OBJ\\->, \\->STR,\\->UNIT" "3EFB1" :Usr) "~xTAIL" ("{} --> {}' $ --> $'" "Last Listed Elements Cmd -- Returns all but the first element of a list or string. -- Related: HEAD" "0520AB" :Usr) "~xTAN2CS2" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01C0DE" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTAN2SC2" ("symb --> symb'" "" "021314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTAN2SC" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01F314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTAN" ("x --> x'" "Tangent Analytic Func -- Returns the tangent of the argument. -- z \\-> tan z 'sym' \\-> 'TAN(symb)' x_unitang \\-> tan(x_unitang) - Related: ATAN,COS,SIN" "3A624" :Usr) "xTANH" ("x --> x'" "Hyperbolic Tangent Analytic Func -- Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the argument. -- z \\-> tanh z 'sym' \\-> 'TANH(sym)' - Related: ATANH,COSH,SINH" "3A70C" :Usr) "~xTAYLOR0" ("symb --> symb'" "" "006314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTAYLR" ("symb var n --> symb'" "Taylor's Polynomial Cmd -- Calculates the nth order Taylor's polynomial of 'symb' in the variable var. -- Related: \\.d,\\.S,\\GS" "3E6CA" :Usr) "~xTCHEBYCHEFF" ("n --> pol" "" "05B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTCOLLECT" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01A314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTDELTA" ("x y --> x'" "Temperature Delta Func -- Calculates a temperature change. -- x y \\-> x\222 x_u1 y_u2 \\-> x_u1\222 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'TDELTA(x_u,sym)' 'sym' y_u \\-> 'TDELTA(sym,y_u)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'TDELTA(sym1,sym2)' -- Related: TINC" "0640AB" :Usr) "~xTESTS" ("" "" "02E0DE" :Usr) "~xTEVAL" ("ob --> ? time" "Execute ob and return how long it took." "065314" :Usr) "~xTEXPAND" ("symb --> symb'" "" "013314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTEXT" ("-->" "Show Stack Display Cmd -- Displays the stack display. -- Related: PICTURE,PVIEW" "3C8FA" :Usr) "xTHEN" ("" "THEN in an ON ERROR construct. -- Related: CASE,ELSE,END,IFERR" "38ABA" :Usr) "xTHENCASE" ("" "THEN in a CASE statement. -- Related: CASE,ELSE,END,IFERR" "38B43" :Usr) "xERRTHEN" ("" "THEN in an ON ERROR construct. -- Related: CASE,ELSE,END,IFERR" "38ABA" :Usr) "xTICKS" ("--> #" "Ticks Cmd -- Returns the system time as a binary integer, in units of 1/8192 second. -- Related: TIME" "39093" :Usr) "xTIME" ("--> time" "Time Cmd -- Returns the system time in the form HH.MMSSs. -- Related: DATE,TICKS,TSTR" "3905D" :Usr) "x\\->TIME" ("time -->" "Set System Time Cmd -- Sets the system time. -- Related: CLKADJ,\\->DATE" "39124" :Usr) "xSETTIME" ("time -->" "Set System Time Cmd -- Sets the system time. -- Related: CLKADJ,\\->DATE" "39124" :Usr) "~xTINC" ("x y --> x'" "Temperature Increment Cmd -- Calculates a temperature increment. -- xinit y\222 \\-> xfinal x_u1 y_u2 \\-> x_u1final x_u 'sym' \\-> 'TINC(x_u,sym)' 'sym' y_u\222 \\-> 'TINC(sym,y_u\222)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'TINC(sym1,sym2)' -- Related: TDELTA" "0650AB" :Usr) "xTLINE" ("(x1,y1) (x2,y2) --> {#n1 #m1} {#n2 #m2} -->" "Toggle Line Cmd -- For each pixel along the line in PICT defined by the specified coordinates, TLINE turns off every pixel that is on, and turns on every pixel that is off. -- Related: ARC,BOX,LINE" "3C6B6" :Usr) "~xTLIN" ("symb --> symb'" "" "019314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTMENU" ("% --> [InitMenu%] {} --> name --> Ob --> [@LIST InitMenu]" "Temporary Menu Cmd -- Displays a built-in menu, libary menu, or a user-defined menu. -- Related: MENU,RCLMENU" "3E97B" :Usr) "xTOT" ("--> xsum --> {x1...xn}" "Total Cmd -- Computes the sum of each of the m columns of coordinate values in the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: MAX\\GS,MIN\\GS,MEANMPSDEV, PVAR,SDEV,VAR" "3DF4D" :Usr) "~xTRACE" ("[[]] --> x" "Matrix Trace Cmd -- Returns the trace of a square matrix." "0270AB" :Usr) "~xTRAN" ("[[]] --> [[]]' name -->" " -- Related: CONJ,TRN" "045314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTRANSIO" ("n -->" "I/O Translation Cmd -- Specifies the character translation option. These translations affect only ASCII Kermit transfer and files printed to the serial port. -- Related: BAUD,CKSM,PARITY" "3EE0C" :Usr) "~xTRIG" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01B314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTRIGCOS" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTRIGO" ("-->" "" "082314" :Usr) "~xTRIGSIN" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01D314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xTRIGTAN" ("symb --> symb'" "" "01E314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTRN" ("[[]] --> [[]]' name -->" "Transpose Matrix Cmd -- Returns the (conjugate) transpose of a matrix. -- Related: CONJ" "3C084" :Usr) "xTRNC" ("x n -->" "Truncate Func -- Truncates an object to a specified number of decimal places or significant digits, or to fit the current display format. -- z1 ntrnc \\-> z2 z1 'symtrnc' \\-> 'TRNC(z1,symtrnc)' 'sym1' ntrnc \\-> 'TRNC(sym1,ntrnc)' 'sym1' 'symtrnc' \\-> 'TRNC(sym1,symtrnc)' [ arr ]1 ntrnc \\-> [ arr ]2 x_u ntrnc \\-> y_u x_u 'symtrnc' \\-> 'TRNC(x_u,symtrnc)' -- Related: RND" "3AF3E" :Usr) "~xTRUNC" ("symb1 symb2 --> symb3" "" "063314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTRUTH" ("-->" "Truth Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to TRUTH. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,WIREFRAME,YSLICE" "3C99D" :Usr) "~xTSIMP" ("symb --> symb'" "" "015314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xTSTR" ("date time --> $" "Date and Time String Cmd -- Returns a string derived from the date and time. -- Related: DATE,TICKS,TIME" "391F8" :Usr) "xTVARS" ("ntype --> {} {n...} --> {}" "Typed Variables Cmd -- Lists all global variables in the current directory that contain objects of the specified types. -- Related: PVARS,TYPE,VARS" "39456" :Usr) "~xTVM" ("-->" "TVM Menu Cmd -- Displays the TVM Solver menu. -- Related: AMORT" "0470AB" :Usr) "~xTVMBEG" ("-->" "Payment at Start of Period Cmd -- Specifies that TVM calculations treat payments as being made at the beginnign of the compounding periods. -- Related: AMORT,TVM,TVMEND,TVMROOT" "0480AB" :Usr) "~xTVMEND" ("-->" "Payment at End of Period Cmd -- Specifies that TVM calculations treat payments as being made at the end of the compounding periods. -- Related: AMORT,TVM,TVMBEG,TVMROOT" "0490AB" :Usr) "~xTVMROOT" ("var --> x" "TVM Root Cmd -- Solves for the specified TVM variable using values from the re- maining TVM variables. -- Related: AMORT,TVM,TVMBEG,TVMEND" "04A0AB" :Usr) "xTYPE" ("ob --> %type" "Type Cmd -- Returns the type number of an object. -- User Objects: -- Object Type Number ------ ---- ------ Real number 0 Complex number 1 Character string 2 Real Array 3 Complex Array 4 List 5 Global name 6 Local name 7 Program 8 Algebraic Object 9 Binary Integer 10 Graphics object 11 Tagged object 12 Unit object 13 XLIB name 14 Directory 15 Library 16 Backup object 17 -- Built-in Cmds: -- Object Type Number ------ ---- ------ Built-in function 18 Built-in command 19 -- System Objects: -- Object Type Number ------ ---- ------ System binary 20 Extended real 21 Extended complex 22 Linked array 23 Character 24 Code object 25 Library data 26 External object 26-31 -- Related: SAME,TVARS,VTYPE" "3BC39" :Usr) "xUBASE" ("u --> u'" "Convert to SI Base Units Func -- Converts a unit object to SI base units. -- x_u \\-> y_base-units 'sym' \\-> 'UBASE(symb)' -- Related: CONVERT,UFACT,\\->UNIT,UVAL" "38FD7" :Usr) "xUFACT" ("u1 u2 --> u3" "Factor Unit Cmd -- Factors the level 1 unit from the unit expression of the level 2 unit object. -- Related: CONVERT,UBASE,\\->UNIT,UVAL" "3900B" :Usr) "~xUFL1\\->MINIF" ("ob n --> font" "" "0140DD" :Usr) "~xUNASSIGN" ("" "" "0310DE" :Usr) "~xUNASSUME" ("" "" "0270DE" :Usr) "x\\->UNIT" ("x u --> u'" "Stack to Unit Object Cmd -- Creates a unit object from a real number and the unit part of a unit object. -- Related: \\->ARRY,\\->LIST,\\->STR,\\->TAG" "38FB5" :Usr) "x>UNIT" ("x u --> u'" "Stack to Unit Object Cmd -- Creates a unit object from a real number and the unit part of a unit object. -- Related: \\->ARRY,\\->LIST,\\->STR,\\->TAG" "38FB5" :Usr) "xUNPICK" ("obn...ob1 ob n --> ob...ob2" "Replaces the object at level n+2 with the object at level 2 and deletes the objects at level 1 and level 2. -- Related: OVER,PICK,ROLL,ROLLD,SWAP,ROT" "3F249" :Usr) "xUNROT" ("1 2 3 --> 3 1 2" "Changes the order of the first three objects on the stack, in the opposite way compared to ROT. -- Related: OVER,PICK,ROLL,ROLLD,SWAP,ROT" "3F22E" :Usr) "xUNTIL" ("-->" "UNTIL Cmd -- Starts test-clause in DO ... UNTIL ... END indefinite loop structure. -- See the DO entry for syntax info. -- Related: DO,END" "38195" :Usr) "xUPDIR" ("-->" "Up Directory Cmd -- Makes the parent of the current directory the new current directory. -- Related: CRDIR,HOME,PATH,PGDIR" "39420" :Usr) "xUTPC" ("n x --> x'" "Upper Chi-Square Distribution Cmd -- Returns the probability utpc(n,x) that a chi-square random variable is greater than x, where n is the number of degrees of freedom of the distribution. -- Related: UTPF,UTPN,UTPT" "3E07D" :Usr) "xUTPF" ("n1 n2 x --> x'" "Upper Snedecor's F Distrib. Cmd -- Returns the probability utpf(n1,n2,x) that a Snedecor's F random variable is greater than x, where n1 and n2 are the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom of the F distribution. -- Related: UTPC,UTPN,UTPT" "3E0BD" :Usr) "xUTPN" ("n v x --> x'" "Upper Normal Distribution Cmd -- Returns the probability utpn(m,v,x) that a normal random variable is greater than x, where m and v are the mean and variance, respectively, of the normal distribution. -- Related: UTPC,UTPF,UTPT" "3E09D" :Usr) "xUTPT" ("n x --> x'" "Upper Student's t Distrib. Cmd -- Returns the probability utpt(n,x) that a Student's t random variable is greater than x, where n is the number of degrees of freedom of the distribution. -- Related: UTPC,UTPF,UTPN" "3E0DD" :Usr) "xUVAL" ("u --> x" "Unit Value Func -- Returns the numerical part of a unit object. -- x_u \\-> x 'sym' \\-> 'UVAL(sym)' -- Related: CONVERT,UBASE,UFACT,\\->UNIT" "38F81" :Usr) "xV\\->" ("[]/() --> x y --> x y z (in current co-system)" "Vector/Complex Num to Stack Cmd -- [ x y ] \\-> x y [ xr ANGy\\Gh ] \\-> xr y\\Gh [ x1 x2 x3 ] \\-> x1 x2 x3 [ x1 ANGx\\Gh xz ] \\-> x1 x\\Gh xz [ x1 ANGx\\Gh ANGx\324\325] \\-> x1 x\\Gh x\324\325 [ x1 x2 ... xn ] \\-> x1 ... xn (x,y) \\-> x y (xr ANGy\\Gh) \\-> xr y\\Gh -- Related: \\->V2,\\->V3" "3C2AC" :Usr) "xV>" ("[]/() --> x y --> x y z (in current co-system)" "Vector/Complex Num to Stack Cmd -- [ x y ] \\-> x y [ xr ANGy\\Gh ] \\-> xr y\\Gh [ x1 x2 x3 ] \\-> x1 x2 x3 [ x1 ANGx\\Gh xz ] \\-> x1 x\\Gh xz [ x1 ANGx\\Gh ANGx\324\325] \\-> x1 x\\Gh x\324\325 [ x1 x2 ... xn ] \\-> x1 ... xn (x,y) \\-> x y (xr ANGy\\Gh) \\-> xr y\\Gh -- Related: \\->V2,\\->V3" "3C2AC" :Usr) "x\\->V2" ("x y --> [] --> ()" "Stack to Vector/Complex Num Cmd -- Converts two numbers from the stack into a 2-element vector or complex number. -- Related: V\\->,\\->V3" "3C2D6" :Usr) "x>V2" ("x y --> [] --> ()" "Stack to Vector/Complex Num Cmd -- Converts two numbers from the stack into a 2-element vector or complex number. -- Related: V\\->,\\->V3" "3C2D6" :Usr) "x\\->V3" ("x y z --> []" "Stack to 3-Element Vector Cmd -- Converts three numbers into a 3-element vector. -- Related: V\\->,\\->V2" "3C30A" :Usr) "x>V3" ("x y z --> []" "Stack to 3-Element Vector Cmd -- Converts three numbers into a 3-element vector. -- Related: V\\->,\\->V2" "3C30A" :Usr) "~xVANDERMONDE" ("{} --> [[]]" "" "053314" :Usr) "xVAR" ("--> x --> [x1...xn]" "Variance Cmd -- Calculates the sample variance of the coordinate values in each of the m columns in the current stat matrix (\\GSDAT). -- Related: MAX\\GS,MEAN,MIN\\GS,PSDEV,PVAR, SDEV,TOT" "3DF68" :Usr) "xVARS" ("--> {}" "Variables Cmd -- Returns a list of all variables' names in the VAR menu (the current directory). -- Related: ORDER,PVARS,TVARS" "3943B" :Usr) "~xVER" ("--> $" "" "08C314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xVERSION" ("--> $ $" "Software Version Cmd -- Displays the software version and copyright message." "00F0AB" :Usr) "~xVISIT" ("name -->" "For a specified variable, opens the content in the command-line editor. -- Related: VISITB,EDIT,EDITB" "0080DD" :Usr) "~xVISITB" ("name -->" "For a specified variable, opens the contents in the most suitable editor for the object type. For example, if the variable holds an equation, the equation writer is used. -- Related: VISIT,EDIT,EDITB" "00A0DD" :Usr) "~xVPOTENTIAL" ("" "" "0390DE" :Usr) "xVTYPE" ("name --> n" "Variable Type Cmd -- Returns the type number of the object contained in the named variable. -- 'name' \\-> ntype :nport:namebackup \\-> ntype :nport:nlibrary \\-> ntype -- Related: TYPE" "3BDB2" :Usr) "xWAIT" ("sec --> 0 --> rc.p" "Wait Cmd -- Suspends program execution for specified time, or until a key is pressed. -- Related: KEY" "39819" :Usr) "xWHILE" ("-->" "WHILE Indefinite Loop Struct Cmd -- Starts the WHILE ... REPEAT ... END indefinite loop structure. -- Related: DO,END,REPEAT" "380DB" :Usr) "~xWIREFRAME" ("-->" "WIREFRAME Plot Type Cmd -- Sets the plot type to WIREFRAME. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH,YSLICE" "0080AB" :Usr) "xWSLOG" ("--> $ $ $ $" "Warmstart Log Cmd -- Returns four strings recording the date, time, and cause of the four most recent warmstart events" "390AE" :Usr) "x\\GSX2" ("--> xsum" "Sum of Squares of x-Values Cmd -- Sums the squares of the values in the independent-variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY,\\GSY2" "3DE90" :Usr) "xSUMX2" ("--> xsum" "Sum of Squares of x-Values Cmd -- Sums the squares of the values in the independent-variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY,\\GSY2" "3DE90" :Usr) "xXCOL" ("n -->" "Independent Column Cmd -- Specifies the independent variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT" "3E03D" :Usr) "~xXGET" ("name -->" "Xmodem get command: Retrieves a specified filename via XMODEM. The other calculator needs to be in server mode. -- Related: BAUD,RECN,RECV,SEND,XRECV,XSERV,XPUT" "0700AB" :Usr) "xXMIT" ("$ --> 1 --> $rest 0" "Serial Transmit Cmd -- Sends a string serially without using Kermit protocol, and returns a single digit that indicates whether the transmission was successful. -- Related: BUFLEN,SBRK,SRECV,STIME" "3EC35" :Usr) "~xXNUM" ("x --> x'" "" "067314" :CASHELP :Usr) "xXOR" ("# #' --> #'' $ $' --> $'' 1/0 1/0 --> 1/0" "Exclusive OR Cmd -- Returns the logical exclusive OR of two arguments. #n1 #n2 \\-> #n3 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> \"str3\" T/F1 T/F2 \\-> 0/1 T/F 'sym' \\-> 'T/F XOR sym' 'sym' T/F \\-> 'sym XOR T/F' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 XOR sym2' -- Related: AND,OR,NOT" "3CB7A" :Usr) "~xXPUT" ("name -->" "Xmodem command: Sends a specified filename via XMODEM to a claculator. The receiving calculator needs to be in server mode. -- Related: BAUD,RECN,RECV,SEND,XRECV,XSERV,XGET" "0710AB" :Usr) "~xXQ" ("x --> x'" "" "068314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xXRECV" ("name -->" "XModem Receive Cmd -- Prepares the HP 48 to receive an object via XModem. The received object is stored in the given name. -- Related: BAUD,RECV,RECN,SEND,XSEND" "0500AB" :Usr) "xXRNG" ("x1 x2 -->" "x-Axis Display Range Cmd -- Specifies the x-axis display range. -- Related: AUTO,PDIM,PMAX,PMIN,YRNG" "3C915" :Usr) "xXROOT" ("y x --> Y'" "xth Root of y Cmd -- Computes the xth root of a real number. y x \\-> x ROOT y 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'XROOT(sym2,sym1)' 'sym' x \\-> 'XROOT(x,sym)' y 'sym' \\-> 'XROOT(sym,y)' y_u x \\-> x ROOT y_u1/x y_u 'sym' \\-> 'XROOT(sym,y_u)'" "3A278" :Usr) "~xXSEND" ("name -->" "XModem Send Cmd -- Sends a copy of the named object via XModem. -- Related: BAUD,RECN,RECV,SEND,XRECV" "04F0AB" :Usr) "~xXSERV" ("-->" "Xmodem server command: Puts the calculator in XMODEM server mode. When in server mode, the following commands are available: P: Put a file in calc G: Get a file from calc E: Execute a cmd line M: Get the calc memory L: List files in current dir -- Related: BAUD,RECN,RECV,SEND,XRECV, XGET,XPUT" "06E0AB" :Usr) "~xXVOL" ("x1 x2 -->" "X Volume Coordinates Cmd -- Sets the width of the view volume in the reserved variable VPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|VPAR -- Related: EYEPT,XXRNG,YVOL,YYRNG,ZVOL" "0000AB" :Usr) "~xXXRNG" ("x1 x2 -->" "X Range of an Input Plane Cmd -- Specifies the x range of an input plane (domain) for GRIDMAP and PARSURFACE plots. -- Related: EYEPT,NUMX,NUMY,XVOL,YVOL, YYRNG,ZVOL" "0030AB" :Usr) "x\\GSXY" ("--> xsum" "Sum of x Times Y Cmd -- Sums the products of the corresponding values in the independent and dependent variable columns of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSX2,\\GSY,\\GSY2" "3DEC6" :Usr) "xSUMXY" ("--> xsum" "Sum of x Times Y Cmd -- Sums the products of the corresponding values in the independent and dependent variable columns of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSX2,\\GSY,\\GSY2" "3DEC6" :Usr) "x\\GSY" ("--> xsum" "Sum of y-Values Cmd -- Sums the values in the dependent variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved var \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY2" "3DE75" :Usr) "xSUMY" ("--> xsum" "Sum of y-Values Cmd -- Sums the values in the dependent variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved var \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY2" "3DE75" :Usr) "x\\GSY2" ("--> xsum" "Sum of Squares of y-Values Cmd -- Sums the squares of the values in the dependent-variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY" "3DEAB" :Usr) "xSUMY2" ("--> xsum" "Sum of Squares of y-Values Cmd -- Sums the squares of the values in the dependent-variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: N\\GS,XCOL,\\GSX,\\GSXY,\\GSX2,\\GSY" "3DEAB" :Usr) "xYCOL" ("n -->" "Dependent Column Cmd -- Specifies the dependent-variable column of the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: BARPLOT,BESTFIT,COL\\GS,CORR, COV,EXPFIT,HISTPLOT,LINFIT,LOGFIT, LR,PREDX,PREFY,PWRFIT,SCATRPLOT,XCOL" "3E05D" :Usr) "xYRNG" ("y1 y2 -->" "y-Axis Display Range Cmd -- Specifies the y-axis display range. -- Related: AUTO,PDIM,PMAX,PMIN,XRNG" "3C935" :Usr) "~xYSLICE" ("-->" "Y-Slice Plot Cmd -- Sets the plot type to YSLICE. -- Related: BAR,CONIC,DIFFEQ,FUNCTION, GRIDMAP,HISTOGRAM,PARAMETRIC,PARSURFACE, PCONTOUR,POLAR,SCATTER,SLOPEFIELD,TRUTH,WIREFRAME" "00B0AB" :Usr) "~xYVOL" ("y1 y2 -->" "Y Volume Coordinates Cmd -- Sets the depth of the view volume in the reserved variable VPAR. ynear yfar \\-> -- TEXT:Reserved|VPAR -- Related: EYEPT,XVOL,XXRNG,YYRNG,ZVOL" "0010AB" :Usr) "~xYYRNG" ("y1 y2 -->" "Y Range of an Input Plane Cmd -- Specifies the y range of an input plane (domain) for GRIDMAP and PARSURFACE p lots. -- Related: EYEPT,XVOL,XXRNG,YYRNG,ZVOL" "0040AB" :Usr) "~xZEROS" ("symb var --> {zeros}" "" "040314" :CASHELP :Usr) "~xZFACTOR" ("xTr yPr --> xZf" "Gas Compressibility Z Factor Func -- Calculates the gas compressibility ity correction factor for non-ideal behavior of a hydro-carbon gas." "05F0AB" :Usr) "~xZVOL" ("x1 x2 -->" "Z Volume Coordinates Cmd -- Sets the height of the view volume in the reserved variable VPAR. -- TEXT:Reserved|VPAR -- Related: EYEPT,XVOL,XXRNG,YVOL,YYRNG" "0020AB" :Usr) "x^" ("y x --> y^x" "Power Analytic Func -- Returns the value of the level 2 object raised to the power of the level 1 object. w z \\-> w^z z 'sym' \\-> 'z^sym' 'sym' z \\-> '(sym)^z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1^(sym2)' x_u y \\-> xy_uy x_u 'sym' \\-> '(x_u)^(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 Principal soln -1 Numeric results -3 -- Related: EXP,ISOL,LN,XROOT" "3A097" :Usr) "x|" ("symb {var val ...} --> x'" "Where Func -- Substitutes values for names in an expression. -- 2: 'symold' 1: { name1 'sym1' name2 'sym2' ... } \\|v 1: 'symnew' -- 2: x 1: { name1 'sym1' name2 'sym2' ... } \\|v 1: x -- 2: (x, y) 1: { name1 'sym1' name2 'sym2' ... } \\|v 1: (x, y) -- Flags: -3 Numeric results -3 -- Related: APPLY,QUOTE" "3D56B" :Usr) "x\\v/" ("x --> x'" "Square Root Analytic Func -- Returns the (+ve) square root of the argument. -- z \\-> \\v/z x_u \\-> \\v/(x)_u 'sym' \\-> 'SQRT(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 -- Related: SQ,^,ISOL" "3A442" :Usr) "xSQRT" ("x --> x'" "Square Root Analytic Func -- Returns the (+ve) square root of the argument. -- z \\-> \\v/z x_u \\-> \\v/(x)_u 'sym' \\-> 'SQRT(sym)' -- Flags: -1 -3 -- Related: SQ,^,ISOL" "3A442" :Usr) "x\\.S" ("x1 x2 symb var --> symb'" "Integral Func -- Integrates symb from lower limit x1 to upper limit x2 respect to a variable var of integration. -- Flags: -3 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -- Related: TAYLR,\\.d,\\GS" "3D434" :Usr) "x\\GS+" ("x --> x1...xn --> []/[[]] -->" "Sigma Plus Cmd -- Adds one or more data points to the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: CL\\GS,RCL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS-" "3DDC4" :Usr) "xSIGMA+" ("x --> x1...xn --> []/[[]] -->" "Sigma Plus Cmd -- Adds one or more data points to the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: CL\\GS,RCL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS-" "3DDC4" :Usr) "x\\GS-" ("--> x --> []" "Sigma Minus Cmd -- Returns a vector of m real numbers (or one number x if m = 1) corresponding to the coordinate values of the last data point entered by \\GS+ into the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: CL\\GS,RCL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS+" "3DDEE" :Usr) "xSIGMA-" ("--> x --> []" "Sigma Minus Cmd -- Returns a vector of m real numbers (or one number x if m = 1) corresponding to the coordinate values of the last data point entered by \\GS+ into the current stat matrix (reserved variable \\GSDAT). -- TEXT:Reserved|\\GSDAT -- Related: CL\\GS,RCL\\GS,STO\\GS,\\GS+" "3DDEE" :Usr) "x\\pi" ("--> \\pi" "PI Func -- Returns the symbolic constant '\\pi' or its numerical representation, 3.14159265359. \\-> '\\pi' \\-> 3.14159265359 -- Flags: -2 -3 -- Related: e,i,MAXR,MINR,\\->Q\\pi" "39AC7" :Usr) "xPI" ("--> \\pi" "PI Func -- Returns the symbolic constant '\\pi' or its numerical representation, 3.14159265359. \\-> '\\pi' \\-> 3.14159265359 -- Flags: -2 -3 -- Related: e,i,MAXR,MINR,\\->Q\\pi" "39AC7" :Usr) "x\\.d" ("symb var --> symb'" "Derivative Func -- Takes the derivative of an expression, number, or unit object with respect to a specified variable of differentiation. -- 'sym1' 'name' \\-> 'sym2' z 'name' \\-> 0 x_unit 'name' \\-> 0 -- Flags: -3 -- Related: TAYLR,\\.S,\\GS" "3D202" :Usr) "x\\<=" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Less Than or Equal Func -- Tests whether one object is less than or equal to another object. -- x y \\-> 0/1 #n1 #n2 \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> 0/1 x 'sym' \\-> 'x<=sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym<=z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1<=sym2' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> 0/1 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_unit<=sym' 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym<=x_unit' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: <,>,\\>=,==,\\=/" "3CF80" :Usr) "x<=?" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Less Than or Equal Func -- Tests whether one object is less than or equal to another object. -- x y \\-> 0/1 #n1 #n2 \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> 0/1 x 'sym' \\-> 'x<=sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym<=z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1<=sym2' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> 0/1 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_unit<=sym' 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym<=x_unit' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: <,>,\\>=,==,\\=/" "3CF80" :Usr) "x\\>=" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Greater Than or Equal Func -- x y \\-> 0/1 #n1 #n2 \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> 0/1 x 'sym' \\-> 'x\\>=sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym\\>=z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1\\>=sym2' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> 0/1 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u\\>=sym' 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym\\>=x_u' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: <,\\<=,>,==,\\=/" "3D01F" :Usr) "x>=?" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Greater Than or Equal Func -- x y \\-> 0/1 #n1 #n2 \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> 0/1 x 'sym' \\-> 'x\\>=sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym\\>=z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1\\>=sym2' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> 0/1 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u\\>=sym' 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym\\>=x_u' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: <,\\<=,>,==,\\=/" "3D01F" :Usr) "x\\=/" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Not Equal Func -- Tests if two objects are equal. obj1 obj2 \\-> 0/1 (x,0) x \\-> 0/1 x (x,0) \\-> 0/1 z 'sym' \\-> 'z\\=/sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym\\=/z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1\\=/sym2' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: SAME,TYPE,<,\\<=,>,\\>=, ==" "3CD21" :Usr) "x#?" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Not Equal Func -- Tests if two objects are equal. obj1 obj2 \\-> 0/1 (x,0) x \\-> 0/1 x (x,0) \\-> 0/1 z 'sym' \\-> 'z\\=/sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym\\=/z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1\\=/sym2' -- Flags: -3 -- Related: SAME,TYPE,<,\\<=,>,\\>=, ==" "3CD21" :Usr) "x\\->" ("" "Create local variable comand. xRPN->" "38093" :Usr) "xRPN->" ("ob1 .. obn -->" "Create Local Variables Cmd -- Creates local variables. obj1 ... objn \\-> -- Syntax: \\-> name1 name2 ... nameN \\<< prog \\>> \\-> name1 name2 ... nameN 'Expr' -- Related: DEFINE,STO" "3885C" :Usr) "xALG->" ("" "Create local variable comand. xRPN->" "38093" :Usr) "x!" ("x --> x'" "Factorial (Gamma) Func -- Returns the factorial n! of a positive integer argument n, or the gamma function \242(x+1) of a non-integer argument x. n \\-> n! x \\-> \242(x+1) 'sym' \\-> '(sym!)' -- Flags: -3 -20 -21 Numerical Results -3 Underflow exception -20 Overflow exception -21 -- Related: COMB,PERM" "3ABAF" :Usr) "xFACT" ("x --> x'" "Factorial (Gamma) Func -- Returns the factorial n! of a positive integer argument n, or the gamma function \242(x+1) of a non-integer argument x. n \\-> n! x \\-> \242(x+1) 'sym' \\-> '(sym!)' -- Flags: -3 -20 -21 Numerical Results -3 Underflow exception -20 Overflow exception -21 -- Related: COMB,PERM" "3ABAF" :Usr) "x%" ("x y --> xy/100" "Percent Func -- Returns x (level 2) percent of y (level 1). x y \\-> xy/100 x 'sym' \\-> '%(x,sym)' 'sym' x \\-> '%(sym,x)' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> '%(sym1,sym2)' x y_unit \\-> (xy/100)_unit x_unit y \\-> (xy/100)_unit 'sym' x_unit \\-> '%(sym,x_unit)' x_unit 'sym' \\-> '%(x_unit,sym)' -- Flags: Numerical Results -3 -- Related: %CH,%T" "3B251" :Usr) "x*" ("x y --> x*y" "Multiply Analytic Func -- Returns the product of the args. z1 z2 \\-> z1\267z2 [[ mat ]] [ arr ] \\-> [[ mat\327arr ]] z [ arr ] \\-> [ z \327 array ] [ arr ] z \\-> [ arr \327 z ] z 'sym' \\-> 'z * sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym * z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 * sym2' #n1 n2 \\-> #n' n1 #n2 \\-> #n' #n1 #n2 \\-> #n' x_u y_u \\-> xy_ux \327 unity x y_u \\-> xy_u x_u y \\-> xy_u 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym * x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u * sym' -- Flags: -3 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Numeric results -3 bint wordsize -5 \\-> -10 -- Related: +,-,/,=" "39DE8" :Usr) "x+" (" x y --> x+y . 38G: 036002 \\~%s\\ [Usr]" "Add Analytic Func -- Returns the sum of the arguments. Addition. If one arg is list, insert element in list or concatenate lists. xADD z1 z2 \\-> z1+z2 [ arr ]1 [ arr ]2 \\-> [ arr ]1+2 z 'sym' \\-> 'z+(sym)' 'symb' z \\-> 'sym+z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 + sym2' { lst1 } { lst2 } \\-> { lst1 lst2 } obj { o... } \\-> { obj o... } { o... } o \\-> { o... obj } \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> \"str1str2\" obj \"str\" \\-> \"obj str\" \"str\" obj \\-> \"str obj\" #n1 n2 \\-> #n' n1 #n2 \\-> #n' #n1 #n2 \\-> #n' x1_u1 y_u2 \\-> (x2+y)_u2 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym+x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u+sym' grob1 grob2 \\-> grob' -- Flags: -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Numeric results -3 Bint wordsize -5 \\-> -10 -- Related: -,*,/,=" "39B58" :Usr) "x-" ("x y --> x-y" "Subtract Analytic Func -- Returns the difference of the arguments: the object in level 1 is subtracted from the object in level 2. z1 z2 \\-> z1-z2 [ arr ]1 [ arr ]2 \\-> [ arr ]1_2 z 'sym' \\-> 'z-sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym-z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 - sym2' #n1 n2 \\-> #n' n1 #n2 \\-> #n' #n1 #n2 \\-> #n' x1_u1 y_u2 \\-> (x2-y)_u2 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym-x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u-sym' -- Flags: -3 Numeric results -3 -- Related: +,*,/,=" "39CFC" :Usr) "x/" ("x y --> x/y" "Divide Analytic Func -- Returns the quotient of the arguments: the level 2 object divided by the level 1 object. (Abbrev. _u = _unit) z1 z2 \\-> z1 / z2 [ arr ] [[ mat ]] \\-> [[mat^-1\327arr]] [ arr ] z \\-> [ arr / z ] z 'sym' \\-> 'z / sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym / z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1 / sym2' #n1 n2 \\-> #n' n1 #n2 \\-> #n' #n1 #n2 \\-> #n' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> (x/y)_u1/u2 x y_u \\-> (x/y)_1/u x_u y \\-> (x/y)_u 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym/x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u/sym' -- Related: +,-,*,=,RATIO" "39F49" :Usr) "x<" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Less Than Func -- Tests whether one object is less than another object. x y \\-> 0/1 #n1 #n2 \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> 0/1 x 'sym' \\-> 'x 'sym 'sym1 0/1 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u 'sym x=y" "Makes equation out of two expressions. Equals Analytic Func -- Returns an equation formed from the two arguments. z1 z2 \\-> 'z1=z2' z 'sym' \\-> 'z=sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym=z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1=sym2' y x_u \\-> 'y=x_u' y_u x \\-> 'y_u=x' y_u x_u \\-> 'y_u=x_u' 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym=x_u' x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u=sym' -- Flags: -3 Numeric results -3 -- Related: DEFINE,EVAL,-" "398B9" :Usr) "x==" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Logical Equality Func -- Tests if two objects are equal. obj1 obj2 \\-> 0/1 (x,0) x \\-> 0/1 x (x,0) \\-> 0/1 z 'sym' \\-> 'z==sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym==z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1==sym2' -- Flags: -3 Numeric results -3 -- Related: SAME,TYPE,<,\\<=,>,\\>=,\\=/" "3CBF6" :Usr) "x>" ("x y --> 1 \\n --> 0" "Greater Than Func -- Tests whether one object is greater than another object. x y \\-> 0/1 #n1 #n2 \\-> 0/1 \"str1\" \"str2\" \\-> 0/1 x 'sym' \\-> 'x>sym' 'sym' z \\-> 'sym>z' 'sym1' 'sym2' \\-> 'sym1>sym2' x_u1 y_u2 \\-> 0/1 x_u 'sym' \\-> 'x_u>sym' 'sym' x_u \\-> 'sym>x_u' -- Flags: -3 Numeric results -3 -- Related: <,\\<=,\\>=,==,\\=/ " "3CEE1" :Usr) "~x\\->H" ("ob --> $hex" "" "000100" :Lib) "~xH\\->" ("$hex --> ob" "" "001100" :Lib) "~x\\->A" ("ob --> hxs" "" "002100" :Lib) "~xA\\->" ("hxs --> ob" "" "003100" :Lib) "~xA\\->H" ("hxs --> $hex" "" "004100" :Lib) "~xH\\->A" ("$hex --> hxs" "" "005100" :Lib) "~x\\->CD" ("$hex --> code" "" "006100" :Lib) "~xCD\\->" ("code --> $hex" "" "007100" :Lib) "~xS\\->H" ("$ --> $hex" "" "008100" :Lib) "~xH\\->S" ("$hex --> $" "" "009100" :Lib) "~x\\->LST" ("comp --> {} ob1..obn %n --> {}" "" "00A100" :Lib) "~x\\->ALG" ("comp --> symb ob1..obn %n --> symb" "" "00B100" :Lib) "~x\\->PRG" ("comp --> :: ob1..obn %n --> ::" "" "00C100" :Lib) "~xCOMP\\->" ("comp --> ob1...obn %n" "" "00D100" :Lib) "~x\\->RAM" ("ob --> ob" "" "00E100" :Lib) "~xSREV" ("$ --> $'" "" "00F100" :Lib) "~xPOKE" ("hxs $hex -->" "" "010100" :Lib) "~xPEEK" ("hxs1 hxs2 --> $hex" "" "011100" :Lib) "~xAPEEK" ("hxs --> hxs'" "" "012100" :Lib) "~xR~SB" ("% --> # # --> %" "" "013100" :Lib) "~xSB~B" ("# --> hxs hxs --> #" "" "014100" :Lib) "~xLR~R" ("%% --> % % --> %%" "" "015100" :Lib) "~xS~N" ("$ --> ID ID --> $" "" "016100" :Lib) "~xLC~C" ("%%C --> %C %C --> %%C" "" "017100" :Lib) "~xASM\\->" ("Code --> $" "" "018100" :Lib) "~xBetaTesting" ("--> $" "" "019100" :Lib) "~xCRLIB" ("--> lib" "" "01A100" :Lib) "~xCRC" ("$ --> #crc" "" "01B100" :Lib) "~xMAKESTR" ("xlen --> $" "" "01C100" :Lib) "~xSERIAL" ("--> $" "" "01D100" :Lib) "~xASM" ("$ --> ob" "" "01E100" :Lib) "~xER" ("$ {errors} --> $'" "" "01F100" :Lib) "~x\\->S2" ("ob --> $" "" "020100" :Lib) "~xXLIB~" ("xlib xn --> ROMPTR ROMPTR --> xlib xn" "" "021100" :Lib) "~xGETADR" ("$ --> hxs" "Get the address of an entry name." "001102" :Lib) "~xGETNAME" ("hxs --> $" "Get the entry name corresponding to an address. " "002102" :Lib) "~xGETNAMES" ("$start --> {}" "Get all entry names which start with the given string." "003102" :Lib) "~xGETNEAR" ("$sub --> {}" "Get all entry names which contain the given string." "004102" :Lib) "SAVPTR" (" D0 to RPLTOP D1 to DSKTOP B to RETTOP D to FREETOP Clear carry . 38G: 8121A \\$j%s\\ [ML]" "" "0679B" :ML) "GETPTR" ("SAVPTR in reverse Clears Carry." "" "067D2" :ML) "GETPTRLOOP" ("GETPTR , Loop to RPL" "" "05143" :ML) "D0=DSKTOP" ("Get new D0 from DSKTOP, uses A" "" "36897" :ML) "D1=DSKTOP" ("Get new D1 from DSKTOP, uses C" "" "368A6" :ML) "AllowIntr" ("Allow interrupts." "" "26767" :ML) "DisableIntr" ("Disable interrupts." "" "26791" :ML) "AINRTN" ("A=IN see also CINRTN For hardware reasons (bug) A=IN must be at even addr" "" "0020A" :ML) "CINRTN" ("C=IN see also AINRTN For hardware reasons (bug) C=IN must be at even addr" "" "00212" :ML) "DOMEMERR" ("Insufficient Memory error" "" "04FBB") "DOSIZEERR" ("Bad Argument Value error" "" "26CA7" :ML) "Errjmp" ("Error exit A.A = error number" "" "05023" :ML) "ErrjmpC" ("A=C.A Errjmp" "" "266C6" :ML) "GPErrjmpC" ("A=C.A GETPTR Errjmp" "" "266DB" :ML) "GPMEMERR" ("GETPTR DOMEMERR" "" "065AA" :ML) "argtypeerr" ("\"Bad Argument Type\"" "" "00202") "argvalerr" ("\"Bad Argument Value\"" "" "00203") "constuniterr" ("\"Inconsistent Units\"" "" "00B02") "infreserr" ("\"Infinite Result\"" "" "00305") "intrptderr" ("\"Interrupted\"" "" "00A03") "lowbaterr" ("\"Low Battery\"" "" "00C14") "negunferr" ("\"Negative Underflow\"" "" "00302") "ofloerr" ("\"Overflow\"" "" "00303") "portnotaverr" ("\"Port Not Avaliable\"" "" "0000A") "posunferr" ("\"Positive Underflow\"" "" "00301") "prtparerr" ("\"Invalid PRTPAR\"" "" "00C13") "timeouterr" ("\"Timeout\"" "" "00C02") "xferfailerr" ("\"Transfer Failed\"" "" "00C06") "ADIV3" ("A.A = A.A/3 Uses A.6 C.6 P" "" "26A2A" :ML) "ADIV6" ("A.A = A.A/6 Uses A.6 C.6 P" "" "26A23" :ML) "ADivC" ("B.A=A.A/C.A Uses A.A C.A" "" "26A15" :ML) "AMULT34" ("A.A=A.A*34 Uses C.A" "" "269F2" :ML) "BMULT34" ("B.A=B.A*34 Uses C.A" "" "26A1C" :ML) "CMULT34" ("C.A=A.A*34 Uses A.A" "" "269F9" :ML) "DCHXW" ("Converts BCD in C.W to hex in A.W B.W C.W. See HXDCW Uses P CRY" "" "26F00" :ML) "DIV5" ("C.A = C.A/5 Uses A.10 C.10 D.10 P" "" "06A8E" :ML) "HEXTODEC" ("Converts hex in C.A to BCD in A.A Uses A.6 B.6 P" "" "26A0E" :ML) "HXDCW" ("Converts hex in A.W to BCD in A.W B.W C.W. See DCHXW Uses P CRY" "Note that HXDCW wants the input in A but DCHXW wants it in C" "2DEAA" :ML) "IntDiv" ("A.A/C.A -> A.A=remainder, C.A=quotient, uses D.A P SB" "" "03F24" :ML) "MPY" ("Multiply A.W and C.W (-> A.W=C.W) Uses D.W, SB. Returns carry clear" "" "2709E" :ML) "MUL#" ("B.A = A.A*C.A" "" "03991" :ML) "MULTB+A*C" ("B.A=B.A+(A.A*C.A)" "" "26A07" :ML) "MULTBAC" ("B=0.A MULTB+A*C" "" "26A00" :ML) "STAB0" ("A.W -> R0 B.W -> R1" "" "31348" :ML) "STAB2" ("A.W -> R2 B.W -> R3" "" "31356" :ML) "STCD0" ("C.W -> R0 B.W -> R1" "" "31364" :ML) "STCD2" ("C.W -> R2 B.W -> R3" "" "31372" :ML) "RCAB0" ("R0 -> A.W R1 -> B.W" "" "3139C" :ML) "RCAB2" ("R2 -> A.W R3 -> B.W" "" "313A7" :ML) "RCCD0" ("R0 -> C.W R1 -> D.W" "" "313B2" :ML) "RCCD2" ("R2 -> C.W R3 -> D.W" "" "313BD" :ML) "EXAB0" ("A.W <-> R0 B.W <-> R1" "" "31380" :ML) "EXAB2" ("A.W <-> R2 B.W <-> R3" "" "3138E" :ML) "XYEX" ("A:B <-> C:D" "" "3133A" :ML) "DIVF" ("x=x/y" "" "31756" :ML) "MULTF" ("x=x*y" "" "316FD" :ML) "RADD1" ("x=x+1 see RADDF" "" "3158F" :ML) "RADDF" ("x=x+y" "" "315A9" :ML) "RSUB1" ("x=x-1 see RADDF" "" "31586" :ML) "PACK" ("( x -> A ) PACKSB without rounding" "" "2F4A2" :ML) "PACKSB" ("( x -> A ) Converts %% to %.If SB is clear uses roundup, if set uses lowest nibble in % field to determine rounding direction. Obeys and sets flow flags/indicators" "" "2F47D" :ML) "SPLITA" ("( A -> x ) Convert % to %%" "" "31131" :ML) "SPLITC" ("( C -> y ) Convert % to %%" "" "31193" :ML :UBS) "SPLTAC" ("( A,C -> x, y ) Convert 2 reals to long reals" "" "31187" :ML) "ADJMEM" ("D= @FREETOP=ROOM / 5 Uses A.10 B.10 C.10 D.10 DIV5" "" "069F7" :ML) "DOGARBAGE" ("If ST=1 10 then GPMEMERR else GARBAGECOL and GETPTR" "" "0554C" :ML) "GARBAGECOL" ("Garbage collection does not use R1..R4" "" "0613E" :ML) "ROOM" ("-> C.A = @DSKTOP-@RETTOP Uses A.A D0" "" "06806" :ML) "SKIPOB" ("Skip object in D0, clears ST1, clears carry, P=0 --> D0 = addr past object Uses: A.A C.A P ST1 RSTK2" "" "03019" :ML) "BLKSWAP+" ("SWAPMEM_D0D1C and adjusts all refs" "" "2682B" :ML) "NEWADR" ("Moves TEMPOB zone at D0 to top of TEMPOB area -> D0=new addr" "Note that (1) the object must be skippable and (2) it must be a TEMPOB zone of its own (not embedded). This entry is however safe to use from TEMPOB because it keeps track of one RSTK address as well." "26871" :ML) "EndTempOb" ("Moves TEMPOB zone at D0 to top of TEMPOB area -> D0=new addr" "Note that (1) the object must be skippable and (2) it must be a TEMPOB zone of its own (not embedded). This entry is however safe to use from TEMPOB because it keeps track of one RSTK address as well." "26871" :ML) "MOVEDOWN" ("Copy downwards C.A nibbles from D0 to D1, D0 and D1 will point to the next locations Used: A.W C.A P Use this to move upwards" "" "0670C" :ML) "MOVERSD" ("Delete a block below RSK A.A=end C.A=nibbles Adjusts all refs, then ADJMEM Uses A.W B.A C.W D.10 D0 D1 P" "" "06992" :ML) "MOVERSU" ("Open a block below RSK A.A=start C.A=nibbles Adjusts all refs, then ADJMEM Uses A.W B.A C.10 D.10 D0 D1 P" "" "06A53" :ML) "MOVEDSD" ("Open a block above stack A.A=end C.A=nibbles Adjusts all refs, then ADJMEM Uses A.W B.A C.10 D.10 D0 D1 P" "" "06A1D" :ML) "MOVEDSU" ("Delete a block above stack A.A=start C.A=nibbles Adjusts all refs, then ADJMEM Uses A.W B.A C.10 D.10 D0 D1 P" "" "069C5" :ML) "MOVEUP" ("Copy upwards C.A nibbles from D0 to D1 D0 D1 will point to start of area Used: A.W C.A P Use this to move downwards" "" "066B9" :ML) "SWAPMEM" ("Swaps two memory areas Area 1: R1.A to R2.A Area 2: R2.A to R3.A Uses SWAPMEM_D0D1C" "" "269B3" :ML) "SWAPMEMEQ" ("Swaps two memory areas of the same size SWAPMEMEQ_D0D1C R1.A->Area1 R2.A->Area2" "" "269DD" :ML) "SWAPMEMEQ_D0D1C" ("Swaps two memory areas of the same size D0->Area1 D1->Area2 C=(D1-D0) Uses A.W B.A C.W P CRY" "" "269E4" :ML) "SWAPMEM_D0D1C" ("D=C.A SWAPMEM_D0D1D" "" "269BA" :ML) "SWAPMEM_D0D1C_nofree" ("D=C.A SWAPMEM_D0D1D_nofree" "" "269C1" :ML) "SWAPMEM_D0D1D" ("Swaps two memory areas Area 1: D0 to D1 Area 2: D1 to (D1+D.A) Uses A.W B.A C.W D.W P CRY" "" "269C8" :ML) "SWAPMEM_D0D1D_nofree" ("SWAPMEM_D0D1D but does not alter the memory @RSKTOP" "" "269CF" :ML) "SWAPMEM_nofree" ("SWAPMEM but does not alter the memory @RSKTOP" "" "269D6" :ML) "CREATETEMP" ("Allocates C.A nibbles carry if not enough memory -> D0=bottom, D1=top of area -> B.A = C.A = @D1 = offset to previous tempob = #nibbles+6" "" "06AD8" :ML) "GETTEMP" ("CREATETEMP with GARBAGECOL if necessary GPMEMERR if not enough memory" "" "039BE" :ML) "GETBOTTEMP" ("Allocates C.A nibbles at the bottom of TEMPOB, errors if not enough memory Returns D0=top D1=bottom of area C.A=nibbles Uses A.W B.A C.W D.10 R1.A" "Bottom of TEMPOB means two things: 1. VERY dangerous if called from TEMPOB 2. The allocated string will not be moved by GC" "268CC" :ML) "MAKE$" ("Creates character string in tempob area Does SETHEX, C=C+C.A and then MAKE$N" "" "05B79" :ML) "MAKE$N" (" Creates character string in tempob area If not enough mem even after GC then memerr C.A = nibbles -> A=nibbles+5, B=nibbles+16 C=D1=addr of stack D0 = addr of body of $ R0 = addr of $ Not used: R1-R4 . 38G: 81148 \\$j%s\\ [ML]" "" "05B7D" :ML) "MAKEBOT$N" ("Creates a C.A nibs long string at the bottom of TEMPOB D0->body R0.A->string R1.A=len Uses A.W B.A C.W D.10 See WIPEOUT GETBOTTEMP" "" "26919" :ML) "MAKERAM$" ("Allocates all free mem in a str, leaves 5 nibbles for pushing See MAKE$N ROOM" "" "26920" :ML) "Clean$" ("Shrink strobj in top of TEMPOB R1=addr of length field A.A=new end address Uses A.W B.A C.W D.A D0 D1" "" "26840" :ML) "Clean$R0" ("R1=R0+5 Clean$" "" "26847" :ML) "Shrink$" ("Shrinks a strobj R0.A=->$ D0=end of $ Uses A.W B.A C.W D.10 D0 D1" "" "26721" :ML) "SIZEPLUS" ("Expands a strobj R0.A=->$ D0=end of $ Uses A.W B.A C.10 D.10 D0 D1" "" "26990" :ML) "Stretch$" ("Expands a strobj R0.A=->$ D0=end of $ Uses A.W B.A C.10 D.10 D0 D1" "" "26990" :ML) "DoCRC" ("Calculates the CRC of A.A nibs at D0. Returns CRC in A.A Uses C.W P" "Turns interrupts off and on" "05981" :ML) "DoCRCc" ("D0=C DoCRC" "" "0597E" :ML) "CKLBCRC" ("Check CRC of library at D0 CC: Ok CS: CRC is wrong Uses A.A C.W D0 P" "Disables and re-enables interrupts" "266B8" :ML) "CompareACbBytes" ("Compares A.B=C.B bytes at D0 and D1 CC: Equal CS: Not equal D0/D1 always point past the end Uses A.M A.A C.M C.B P" "" "26C53" :ML) "INV.ZONE" ("Inverts (bitwise NOT) C.A nibbles at D0 Uses A.W C.A P" "" "2690B" :ML) "WIPEOUT" ("Zeroes C.A nibbles at D1 Uses A.W C.A P" "" "0675C" :ML) "WIPESPACE" ("Inits C.A nibbles at D1 with spaces (#20h) see WIPEOUT" "" "269EB" :ML) "aBZU" ("Decompress a BZ-compressed string D0->compressed D1->room to decompress to Uses A-D R0-R2" "" "26808" :ML) "GETRRP" ("Returns the RRP in which the object at A.A lies. If ob is SysRRP, returns CS and leaves A.A unchanged; else CC and A.A->RRP B.A->RAM-WORD Uses A.A B.A C.A D.A D0" "An RRP is a directory, the returned address points to the last-object-offset inside the directory. The SysRRP is the same as HOME." "083D1" :ML) "RclAssembly" ("Recalls an object from the current directory D1->Name (ID etc) Returns object at D0 Uses A.W B.A C.W D.A D0 D1 ST P" "" "26C68" :ML) "ACCESSBank0" ("P=0: Switch to bank 0 P=1: Switch back Uses D0 C.A P" "" "26BB9" :ML) "ACCESSBank1" ("Bank 1, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BC0" :ML) "ACCESSBank2" ("Bank 2, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BC7" :ML) "ACCESSBank3" ("Bank 3, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BCE" :ML) "ACCESSBank4" ("Bank 4, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BD5" :ML) "ACCESSBank5" ("Bank 5, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BDC" :ML) "ACCESSBank6" ("Bank 6, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BE3" :ML) "ACCESSBank7" ("Bank 7, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BEA" :ML) "ACCESSBank8" ("Bank 8, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BF1" :ML) "ACCESSBank9" ("Bank 9, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BF8" :ML) "ACCESSBank10" ("Bank 10, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26BFF" :ML) "ACCESSBank11" ("Bank 11, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26C06" :ML) "ACCESSBank12" ("Bank 12, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26C0D" :ML) "ACCESSBank13" ("Bank 13, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26C14" :ML) "ACCESSBank14" ("Bank 14, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26C1B" :ML) "ACCESSBank15" ("Bank 15, see ACCESSBank0" "" "26C22" :ML) "ANNCTRL" ("Annunciator control [LA4 LA3 LA2 LA1] (alarm alpha -> <-)" "" "0010B" :ML) "CRC" ("4 nibbles for CRC. Every memory fetch updates CRC." "" "00104" :ML) "TIMER1" ("1 nibble timer decremented 16 times/s" "" "00137" :ML) "TIMER2" ("8 nibble timer decremented 8192 times/s" "" "00138" :ML) "$5x7" ("( D.A B.A C.A D0 D1 --> ) Displays string body at D1 in grob at D0 C.A = chars B.A = xlocation D.A = row length in nibbles -> D1 = addr after $ D0 = location of next char D.A = row length" "" "266B1" :ML) "D0->Row1" ("( --> D0 ) Gets addr of current display" "" "2677C" :ML) "D0->Sft1" ("( --> D0 ) Gets address of menu grob" "" "26783" :ML) "DISP_DEC" ("Displays hex in C.A as dec D0->GROB Uses A.6 B.W C.W CRY RSTK2 ST see MINI_DISP_AWP" "If C.A > #99999h, it displays ----- instead of the actual number" "26A38" :ML) "DispOn" ("Turns display on Dispoff" "" "2679F" :ML) "DispOff" ("Turns display off Dispon" "" "26798" :ML) "GET_HEADERTYPE" ("Returns the header type in A.A Uses D0" "The header type is the header height in pixels, including the black separator line" "2689B" :ML) "GET_@FONTE" ("Returns the address of the system font in A.A" "Currently LA 84D82 RTN" "2687F" :ML) "GET_HFONTE" ("Returns the heigth of the system font in A.A, uses D0" "" "268A2" :ML) "GET_HFONTECMD" ("Returns the heigth of the command line font, uses D0 -> A.A=height ST9=normal/minifont" "" "268A9" :ML) "GET_HFONTESTK" ("Returns the height of the stack font, uses D0 -> A.A=height ST9=normal/minifont" "" "268B0" :ML) "GET_HFONTESTKD1C" ("Returns the height of the stack font, uses D1 -> C.A=height ST9=normal/minifont" "" "268B7" :ML) "makegrob" (" R0.A = x, R1.A = y --> D0 = body Makes a grob of size x,y Prolog is in D0-20 . 38G: 81156 \\$j%s\\ [ML]" "" "2674B" :ML) "MINI_DISP_AWP" ("Display A.WP in minifont D0->GROB, ST11=normal/inverted ST10=show/hide starting zeros Uses A.A B.W C.W CRY RSTK2" "" "2692E" :ML) "MINI_DISP_VAL" ("Display C.A digits of B.W in minifont, D0->GROB ST/Uses see MINI_DISP_AWP" "" "2693C" :ML) "SCREEN.MARGIN2" ("Zeroes R0.A then does SCREEN.MARGIN Uses R0.W" "" "2696D" :ML) "STYLE.MINIFONT" ("Changes minifont character data in A.6, uses P ST1=1 -> italic ST2=2 -> underline ST3=3 -> invert" "" "269AC" :ML) "w->W" ("Calculates GROB width A.A=width in pixels -> A.A=width in nibbles" "Basically the same as 8 / CEIL 2 * since the width must be an even number of nibbles" "26760" :ML) "Arrows" ("Draws arrows to signal that further scrolling is possible D0->GROB ST4-7=arrows: 4=up 5=down 6=left 7=right ST9=normal/minifont Uses D1 A.A B.A C.A D.A ST0-7 P RSTK2" "ST9 actually selects big or small arrow" "26B7A" :ML) "aCircleB" ("Draws black circle on GROB at D0 A.A = cx, B.A = cy, C.A = r Uses: RSTK2 D0 D1 R3.A R4.A A.S C.S" "" "26AB6" :ML) "aCircleG1" ("Draws light gray circle. aCircleB" "" "26AC4" :ML) "aCircleG2" ("Draws dark gray circle. aCircleB" "" "26ACB" :ML) "aCircleW" ("Draws white circle. aCircleB" "" "26ABD" :ML) "aCircleXor" ("Inverts circle. aCircleB" "" "26AD2" :ML) "aDistance" ("C.A=sqrt(A.A^2+B.A^2) Uses A.6 B.6 C.6 D.6 CRY SB P" "" "26B0A" :ML) "aFBoxB" ("Draws a black filled box D0->GROB A.A=x1 B.A=y1 C.A=x2 D.A=y2 Uses RSTK2 A.W B.W C.W D.A D.S D0 D1 R3.A R4.A" "" "26B34" :ML) "aFBoxG1" ("Draws a light gray filled box aFBoxB" "" "26B42" :ML) "aFBoxG2" ("Draws a dark gray filled box aFBoxB" "" "26B49" :ML) "aFBoxW" ("Draws a white filled box aFBoxB" "" "26B3B" :ML) "aFBoxXor" ("Inverts a filled box aFBoxB" "" "26B50" :ML) "aGrey?" ("Returns info about GROB at D0 ST0: 0=B&W 1=Gray R4.A= Plane len R3.A= Line len" "" "26AF5" :ML) "aGNeg" ("Inverts GROB at D0 Uses RSTK2 A.W B.A C.A D0 R3.A R4.A" "" "26AFC" :ML) "aLBoxB" ("Draws a black rectangle D0->GROB A.A=x1 B.A=x2 C.A=y1 D.A=y2 Uses same as aFBoxB" "" "26B57" :ML) "aLBoxG1" ("Draws light gray rectangle aLBoxB" "" "26B65" :ML) "aLBoxG2" ("Draws dark gray rectangle aLBoxB" "" "26B6C" :ML) "aLBoxW" ("Draws white rectangle aLBoxB" "" "26B5E" :ML) "aLBoxXor" ("Inverts a rectangle aLBoxB" "" "26B73" :ML) "aLineB" ("Draws black line on GROB at D0 A.A=x1, B.A=x2, C.A=y1, D.A=y2 Uses: RSTK2 D0 D1 R3.A R4.A A.A A.S B.A B.S C D.A" "" "26A93" :ML) "aLineG1" ("Draws light gray line. aLineB" "" "26AA1" :ML) "aLineG2" ("Draws dark gray line. aLineB" "" "26AA8" :ML) "aLineW" ("Draws white line. aLineB" "" "26A9A" :ML) "aLineXor" ("Inverts a line. aLineB" "" "26AAF" :ML) "aPixonB" ("Draws black pixel on GROB at D0 A.A = x, B.A = y Uses RSTK2 C.W D0 D1 R3.A R4.A" "" "26B18" :ML) "aPixonG1" ("Draws light gray pixel. aPixonB" "" "26B1F" :ML) "aPixonG2" ("Draws dark gray pixel. aPixonB" "" "26B26" :ML) "aPixonW" ("Draws white pixel. aPixonB" "" "26B11" :ML) "aPixonXor" ("Inverts pixel. aPixonB" "" "26B2D" :ML) "aScroolVGrob" ("Scroll GROB at D0 R0.A=h R1.A=Ys R2.A=Yd R3.A=X R4.A=w Uses A.A B.A B.S C.W D.A D.S RSTK2 R3.A R4.A D0 D1" "" "26B03" :ML) "aSubReplGor" ("" "" "26AE0" :ML) "aSubReplGxor" ("" "" "26AE7" :ML) "aSubReplRepl" ("" "" "26AD9" :ML) "DropLoop" ("Pop stack, Loop" "" "03249" :ML) "4DropLoop" ("Pop 4, Loop" "" "34202" :ML) "GPOverWrALp" ("GETPTR , OverWr A, Loop" "" "03672" :ML) "GPOverWrR0Lp" ("GETPTR , OverWr R0, Loop" "" "0366F" :ML) "GPPushA" ("GETPTR , Push A, Clear Carry" "" "266E2" :ML) "GPPushALp" ("GETPTR , Push A, Loop" "" "268EF" :ML) "GPPushR0Lp" ("GETPTR , Push R0, Loop" "" "268E8" :ML) "PopASavptr" ("Pop to A.A, SAVPTR" "" "26705" :ML) "PopSavptr" ("Pop SAVPTR" "" "2670C" :ML) "PUSHA" ("Push A, Loop" "" "03A86" :ML) "GETPTRFALSE" ("GETPTR , Do FALSE" "" "266CD" :ML) "GETPTRTRUE" ("GETPTR , Do TRUE" "" "266D4" :ML) "GPOverWrFLp" ("GETPTR , OverWr FALSE, Loop" "" "35213" :ML) "GPOverWrTLp" ("GETPTR , OverWr TRUE, Loop" "" "351F3" :ML) "GPOverWrT/FL" ("GETPTR , OverWr TRUE/FALSE, Loop" "" "351F0" :ML) "GPPushFLoop" ("GETPTR , Push FALSE, Loop" "" "3524F" :ML) "GPPushTLoop" ("GETPTR , Push TRUE, Loop" "" "35236" :ML) "GPPushT/FLp" ("GETPTR , Push TRUE/FALSE, Loop" "" "35233" :ML) "OverWrFLoop" ("OverWr FALSE, Loop" "" "3521D" :ML) "OverWrTLoop" ("OverWr TRUE, Loop" "" "351FD" :ML) "OverWrT/FLp" ("OverWr TRUE/FALSE, Loop" "" "3521A" :ML) "popflag" ("Pop to A.A, if TRUE then set carry" "" "34A68" :ML) "DOFALSE" ("Push FALSE, Loop" "" "35259" :ML) "PushFLoop" ("Push FALSE, Loop" "" "35259" :ML) "PushF/TLoop" ("Push FALSE (CRY)/TRUE, Loop" "" "3523D" :ML) "DOTRUE" ("Push TRUE, Loop" "" "35240" :ML) "PushTLoop" ("Push TRUE, Loop" "" "35240" :ML) "PushT/F" ("Push TRUE (CRY)/FALSE, Loop" "" "35256" :ML) "PushT/FLoop" ("Push TRUE (CRY)/FALSE, Loop" "" "35256" :ML) "POP#" ("Pop # to A.A" "" "06641" :ML) "POP2#" ("( #1 #2 --> ) Pop #1 to A.A and #2 to C.A" "" "03F5D" :ML) "PUSH#" ("GETPTR , Push R0 as #" "" "06537" :ML) "#PUSHA-" ("SAVPTR , R0=A, PUSH# , Loop" "" "03DC7" :ML) "PUSH2#" ("GETPTR , Push R0 & R1 as #" "" "06529" :ML) "PUSH#LOOP" ("GETPTR , Push R0 as #, Loop" "" "0357F" :ML) "PUSH#ALOOP" ("GETPTR , Push A as #, Loop" "" "0357C" :ML) "Push2#Loop" ("GETPTR , Push R0 & R1 as #, Loop" "" "03F14" :ML) "Push2#aLoop" ("GETPTR , Push R0 & A as #, Loop" "" "35812" :ML) "Push#TLoop" ("GETPTR , Push R0 as #, Do TRUE" "" "036F7" :ML) "Push#FLoop" ("GETPTR , Push R0 as #, Do FALSE" "" "283A3" :ML) "PUSHhxs" ("Push A.WP as hxs" "" "266FE" :ML) "PUSHhxsLoop" ("Push A.WP as hxs, Loop" "" "0596D" :ML) "PUSHzint" ("Push A.WP as ZINT" "" "26951" :ML) "PUSHzintLoop" ("Push A.WP as ZINT, Loop" "" "26958" :ML) "POP1%SPLITA" ("( %pop -> x ) Pop %, convert to %%, SAVPTR" "" "2F62C" :ML) "POP1%" (" ( %pop -> A ) Pop %, SAVPTR . 38G: 811BF \\$j%s\\ [ML]" "" "2F636" :ML) "POP2%" ("( %pop1 %pop2 -> A,C ) Pop 2 reals, SAVPTR" "" "2F65E" :ML) "PUSH%" ("( A -> %push ) Push A as %, GETPTR" "" "2F7E4" :ML) "PUSH%LOOP" ("( A -> %push ) Push A as %, GETPTRLOOP" "" "2F899" :ML) "POPC%" ("( C%pop -> A:C ) Pop C% (SETDEC )" "" "26A62" :ML) "POPC%%" ("( C%%pop -> A:B C:D) Pop C%% (SETDEC )" "" "26A70" :ML) "PUSHC%" ("( A:C -> C%push ) Push C%" "" "26A69" :ML) "PUSHC%%" ("( A:B:C:D -> C%%push ) Push C%%" "" "26A77" :ML) "ATTNchk" ("ATTN exit check with restoreiram" "" "2A4AA" :ML) "KeyInBuff?" ("Carry if true" "" "04999" :ML) "OnKeyDown?" ("Carry if true" "" "267C2" :ML) "OnKeyStable?" ("Carry if true" "" "267C9" :ML) "Flush" ("Flushes key buffer." "" "267A6" :ML) "FlushAttn" ("Flushes attn counter." "" "267AD" :ML) "POPKEY" ("( -> C.A ) Sets carry if buffer is empty.Else returns key in C.B (and in @KEYSTORE) Uses: A.S C.S C.A D1 (sets P=0)" "" "04840" :ML) "SrvcKbdAB" ("( A.W -> ) Sets KEYSTATE and KEYBUFFER" "" "267DE" :ML) "ThisKeyDn?" ("CS if key in A.B is down Uses: A.A C.A D1 P OR" "" "26D1E" :ML :UBS) "ThisKeyDnCb?" ("A=C.B ThisKeyDn?" "" "26D17" :ML :UBS) "ASRW5" ("ASR.W 5 times" "" "26E60" :ML) "ASLW5" ("ASL.W 5 times" "" "26E71" :ML) "CCSB1" ("Uses D.S to set SB, clears carry" "" "313C8" :ML) "CHANGE_FLAG" ("Change ST flag # A.B (1-4) If A.B > 10, A.B-11 is stored into R0.B. Clears carry if ok See CHANGE_FLAG2" "" "26832" :ML) "clkspd" ("Measure CPU clock speed Interrupts off on entry and exit -> A.A=spd/16 B.A=loops/16s Uses C.A D0 P CRY" "" "267EC" :ML) "CSRW5" ("CSR.W 5 times" "" "26E82" :ML) "CSLW5" ("CSL.W 5 times" "" "26E93" :ML) "DeepSleep" ("Puts calc into \"deep sleep\" Low power mode, display off Wakeup on ON key or interrupt" "" "04292" :ML) "GetStrLenStk" ("Pop $ -> C.A = length, D1 = body" "" "266F7" :ML) "GetStrLenC" ("D1 = C, GetStrLen" "" "266F0" :ML) "GetStrLen" ("D1=$ -> C.A = length, D1 = body" "" "266E9" :ML) "GetStrLenL" ("D1=$ -> C.A = length in chars" "" "268D3" :ML) "makebeep" ("C = msec, D = Hz Checks BEEP flag." "" "267F3" :ML) "liteslp" ("Puts calc into \"lite sleep\" Low power mode with display on Wakeup on any key or interrupt" "" "04929" :ML) "DBUG" ("Displays the contents of all registers. Uses one RSTK level and #8190C to save them. DBUG.TOUCHE" "" "2685C" :ML) "DBUG.TOUCHE" ("DBUG then freezes display until keypress" "" "26863" :ML) "DOARRY" ("Array prologue 5 size 5 prologue of objects 5 # of dimensions 5n dimensions .. objects (content only)" "" "029E8") "DOBAK" ("Backup prologue 5 size 2 # of chars in name .. name .. object 5 DOBINT 5 CRC" "Apparently unused on the 49" "02B62") "DOBINT" ("BINT prologue 5 number (hex)" "" "02911") "DOCHAR" ("Character prologue 2 character" "" "029BF") "DOCMP" ("Complex number prologue 3 real exponent 12 real mantissa 1 real sign 3 complex exponent 12 complex mantissa 1 complex sign" "" "02977") "DOCODE" ("Code prologue 5 length .. machine code" "" "02DCC") "DOCOL" ("Secondary prologue .. objects 5 SEMI" "" "02D9D") "DOCSTR" ("String prologue 5 length .. characters" "" "02A2C") "DOECMP" ("Long complex prologue 5 real exponent 15 real mantissa 1 real sign 5 complex exponent 15 complex mantissa 1 complex sign" "" "0299D") "DOEREL" ("Long real prologue 5 exponent 15 mantissa 1 sign" "" "02955") "DOEXT" ("Unit object prologue .. object (usually a real) .. unit 5 SEMI" "" "02ADA") "DOFLASHP" ("Flash pointer prologue 3 flash bank # 4 command #" "" "026AC") "DOHXS" ("HXS prologue 5 length .. hex digits, reverse order" "" "02A4E") "DOHSTR" ("HXS prologue 5 length .. hex digits, reverse order" "" "02A4E") "DOIDNT" ("Global name (ID) prologue 2 # of characters .. characters" "" "02E48") "DOINT" ("ZINT prologue 5 length .. BCD digits, reverse order 1 sign" "" "02614") "DOLAM" ("Local name (LAM) prologue see DOIDNT" "" "02E6D") "DOLNKARRY" ("Linked array prologue" "Not used by the system." "02A0A") "DOLIB" ("Library prologue" " 5 size 2 # of characters .. name 2 # of characters (unless 0) 3 library ID 5 hash table offset 5 message table offset 5 link table offset 5 config object offset .. contents 4 CRC XLIBs: 1 or 3: kind 3 library ID 3 command ID .. object -- TEXT:Libraries" "02B40") "DOLIST" ("List prologue see DOCOL" "" "02A74") "DOMATRIX" ("Matrix prologue .. objects 5 SEMI Nested DOMATRIX objects build a multi-dimensional matrix" "" "02686") "DOREAL" ("Real number prologue 3 exponent 12 mantissa 1 sign" "" "02933") "DOROMP" ("XLIB prologue 3 library ID 3 command #" "" "02E92") "DORRP" ("Directory prologue" " Home directory: 3 # of attached libs n*[ 3 library ID 5 address of hash table 5 address of message table ] 5 offset of last object *[ 5 offset to previous object 00000 for the first one 2 # of characters .. name of object 2 # of characters .. object ] Subdirectories: 3 # of attached library 7FF if none 5 offset of last object .. same as above" "02A96") "DOSYMB" ("Symbolic prologue .. objects 5 SEMI" "" "02AB8") "DOTAG" ("Tagged object prologue 2 # of chars in tag .. tag .. object" "" "02AFC") "DOAPLET" ("" "" "026D5") "DOEXT0" ("" "" "02B88") "DOACPTR" ("" "" "02BAA") "DOEXT1" ("" "" "02BAA") "DOEXT2" ("" "" "02BCC") "DOEXT3" ("" "" "02BEE") "DOEXT4" ("" "" "02C10") "DOLNGCMP" ("" "" "02660") "DOLNGREAL" ("" "" "0263A") "AVMEM" ("Free mem / 5 (5)" "" "80E9B" :RAM) "DSKTOP" ("->Data stack" "" "806F8" :RAM) "RSKTOP" ("->Return stack" "" "806F3" :RAM) "OBUPSTART" ("->RPL runstream" "" "8076B" :RAM) "INTRPPTR" ("->RPL runstream" "" "8076B" :RAM) "TEMPOB" ("->Beginning of TempOb area" "" "806E9" :RAM) "TEMPTOP" ("->End of TempOb area" "" "806EE" :RAM) "USEROB" ("->UserOb Area (HOME)" "" "80711" :RAM) "ADISP" ("->Stack grob" "" "806D5" :RAM) "GDISP" ("->Blackboard grob" "" "806E4" :RAM) "GROBSCR1" ("SCREEN1 with GROB header" "" "8229E" :RAM) "GROBSCR2" ("SCREEN2 with GROB header" "" "82B32" :RAM) "GROBSCR3" ("SCREEN3 with GROB header" "" "833C6" :RAM) "GROBSCR4" ("SCREEN4 with GROB header" "" "83C5A" :RAM) "GROBSCR5" ("SCREEN5 with GROB header" "" "844EE" :RAM) "GreyOn?" ("Zero if greyscale on (1)" "If this is set to zero the interrupt system will display in greyscale, by showing each of GreyScrN/GreySoftN for one screen refresh. Note that the entries for PrintLCD use the same memory area!" "8069C" :RAM) "GreyScr1" ("->1st greyscale screen" "" "8069D" :RAM) "GreyScr2" ("->2nd greyscale screen" "" "806A7" :RAM) "GreyScr3" ("->3rd greyscale screen" "" "806B1" :RAM) "GreySoft1" ("->1st greyscale menu" "" "806A2" :RAM) "GreySoft2" ("->2nd greyscale menu" "" "806AC" :RAM) "GreySoft4" ("->3rd greyscale menu" "" "806B6" :RAM) "ECRAN" ("Space for one screen (2176)" "" "822B2" :RAM) "SCREEN1" ("Space for one screen (2176)" "" "822B2" :RAM) "SCREEN2" ("SCREEN1" "" "82B46" :RAM) "SCREEN3" ("SCREEN1" "" "833DA" :RAM) "SCREEN4" ("SCREEN1" "" "83C6E" :RAM) "SCREEN5" ("Extra screen used by DBUG (2176)" "" "84502" :RAM) "SYSUPSTART" ("->Display grob" "" "806DA" :RAM) "VDISP1" ("->Display grob" "" "806DA" :RAM) "VDISP" ("->Display grob" "" "806DA" :RAM) "VDISP2" ("->Menu grob" "" "806D0" :RAM) "VDISP3" ("->Not displayed grob VDISP" "" "806DF" :RAM) "ANNUNCIATORS" ("Annunciator flags (2)" "" "80F00" :RAM) "INTRAM" ("Save area for the interrupt sys (16)" "" "805DB" :RAM) "R1[A]save" ("Used by PrintLCD inside the interrupt system (5)" "" "806C0" :RAM) "R2[A]save" ("R1[A]save (5)" "" "806BA" :RAM) "R2[S]save" ("R1[A]save (1)" "" "806BF" :RAM) "SavTEMPENV" ("Backup of TEMPENV" "" "81269" :RAM) "SAUV_80702" ("Backup of TEMPENV" "" "81269" :RAM) "SavFIRSTCHAR" ("Backup of FIRSTCHAR" "" "8126E" :RAM) "SAUV_80865" ("Backup of FIRSTCHAR" "" "8126E" :RAM) "SavChars" ("Used by CHARS (31)" "" "818CF" :RAM) "SAUV_CHARS" ("Used by CHARS (31)" "" "818CF" :RAM) "SavMisc" ("Free area (128)" "" "8221D" :RAM) "SAUV_DIVERS" ("Free area (128)" "" "8221D" :RAM) "SavMatrix" ("Used by MTRW (40)" "" "81278" :RAM) "SAUV_MATRIX" ("Used by MTRW (40)" "" "81278" :RAM) "SavRegA" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "818F3" :RAM) "SAUV_REGA" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "818F3" :RAM) "SavRegB" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "818F8" :RAM) "SAUV_REGB" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "818F8" :RAM) "SavRegC" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "818FD" :RAM) "SAUV_REGC" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "818FD" :RAM) "SavRegD" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "81902" :RAM) "SAUV_REGD" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "81902" :RAM) "SavRegD1" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "81907" :RAM) "SAUV_REGD1" ("Used by DBUG (5)" "" "81907" :RAM) "SavRegisters" ("Used by DBUG (101)" "" "8190C" :RAM) "SAUV_REGISTR" ("Used by DBUG (101)" "" "8190C" :RAM) "SAVECLK" ("Save of CLKON state (1)" "" "80EF0" :RAM) "SAVECROSS" ("cursor moves in plotting (10)" "" "80FB7" :RAM) "SAVE_A" ("INTRAM (16)" "" "805F5" :RAM) "SAVE_B" ("INTRAM (16)" "" "80608" :RAM) "SAVE_C[A]" ("INTRAM (5)" "" "805F0" :RAM) "SAVE_BO" ("Save BitOffset (1)" "" "806C5" :RAM) "SAVE_D" ("INTRAM (16)" "" "80618" :RAM) "SAVE_D0" ("INTRAM (5)" "" "8063D" :RAM) "SAVE_LC" ("Save LineCount (2)" "" "806C6" :RAM) "SAVE_LN" ("Save LineNibs (3)" "" "806C8" :RAM) "SAVE_MODES" ("INTRAM (5)" "" "805EB" :RAM) "SAVE_OFFSET" ("Save Window Offset (5)" "" "806CB" :RAM) "SAVE_PC" ("INTRAM (5)" "" "80638" :RAM) "SAVE_R0" ("INTRAM (16)" "" "80628" :RAM) "SAVE_ST" ("INTRAM (3)" "" "80605" :RAM) "Stk0save" ("RSTK0 used by PrintLCD inside the interrupt sys (5)" "" "8069C" :RAM) "Stk1save" ("RSTK1 Stk0save (5)" "" "806A1" :RAM) "Stk2save" ("RSTK2 Stk0save (5)" "" "806A6" :RAM) "Stk3save" ("RSTK3 Stk0save (5)" "" "806AB" :RAM) "Stk4save" ("RSTK4 Stk0save (5)" "" "806B0" :RAM) "Stk5save" ("RSTK5 Stk0save (5)" "" "806B5" :RAM) "FLAG_SYSTEM2" ("Metakernel system flags (16)" "For compatibility only." "80F12" :RAM) "FLAG_USER2" ("Metakernel system flags (16)" "Dito." "80F32" :RAM) "SystemFlags" ("128 System flags (16)" "" "80F02" :RAM) "UserFlags" ("128 User Flags (16)" "" "80F22" :RAM) "SysNib1" ("ISysFlags 1" "" "80EC0" :RAM) "NoRolDA2MASK" ("DA2 can't be rolled up to become valid SysNib1" "" "001C0" :RAM) "AbbrStkMASK" ("Display obj types only SysNib1" "" "002C0" :RAM) "DA2bIsEdMASK" ("DA2b shows the edit line SysNib1" "" "004C0" :RAM) "IgnorAlmMASK" ("Ignore ALARMSDUE in GETKEY SysNib1" "" "008C0" :RAM) "SysNib2" ("ISysFlags 2" "" "80EC1" :RAM) "ReqClkOnMASK" ("Flag for System Request of CLKON state SysNib2" "" "001C1" :RAM) "ServModeMASK" ("Server mode on SysNib2" "" "002C1" :RAM) "TrackMASK" ("New context needs to be compared with old SysNib2" "" "004C1" :RAM) "BadMenuMASK" ("Menu system corrupt SysNib2" "" "008C1" :RAM) "SysNib3" ("ISysFlags 3" "" "80EC2" :RAM) "UNDOMASK" ("Automatic stack save SysNib3" "" "001C2" :RAM) "INSERTMASK" ("Insert/replace mode SysNib3" "" "002C2" :RAM) "ALGMASK" ("Algebraic entry mode SysNib3" "" "004C2" :RAM) "PRINTINGMASK" ("SysNib3" "" "008C2" :RAM) "SysNib4" ("ISysFlags 4" "" "80EC3" :RAM) "DA2aTempMASK" ("DA2a temporarily valid SysNib4" "" "001C3" :RAM) "DA2bTempMASK" ("DA2b temporarily valid SysNib4" "" "002C3" :RAM) "DA3TempMASK" ("DA3 temporarily valid SysNib4" "" "004C3" :RAM) "RebuildMASK" ("Menu requires TOUCHTAB rebuild each time it is redisplayed SysNib4" "" "008C3" :RAM) "SysNib5" ("ISysFlags 5" "" "80EC4" :RAM) "COMMANDMASK" ("CMD history enabled SysNib5" "" "001C4" :RAM) "BLINKMASK" ("Active Timer1 Int's SysNib5" "" "002C4" :RAM) "LOWERMASK" ("Lowercase keys SysNib5" "" "004C4" :RAM) "STKDCMASK" ("Decompilation for stack display (not editing) SysNib5" "" "008C4" :RAM) "SysNib6" ("ISysFlags 6" "" "80EC5" :RAM) "Do1UserMASK" ("One-key user mode SysNib6" "" "001C5" :RAM) "ASuspOKMASK" ("Suspending current environment is allowed SysNib6" "" "002C5" :RAM) "BadPOLUIMASK" ("POL UI possibly corrupt SysNib6" "" "004C5" :RAM) "DA1TempMASK" ("DA1 temporarily valid SysNib6" "" "008C5" :RAM) "SysNib7" ("ISysFlags 7" "" "80EC6" :RAM) "DA1ValidMASK" ("DA1 known to be valid SysNib7" "" "001C6" :RAM) "DA2aValdMASK" ("DA2a known to be valid SysNib7" "" "002C6" :RAM) "DA2bValdMASK" ("DA2b known to be valid SysNib7" "" "004C6" :RAM) "DA3ValidMASK" ("DA3 known to be valid SysNib7" "" "008C6" :RAM) "SysNib8" ("ISysFlags 8" "" "80EC7" :RAM) "DA1NoChMASK" ("DA1 not changed SysNib8" "" "001C7" :RAM) "DA2aNoChMASK" ("DA2a not changed SysNib8" "" "002C7" :RAM) "DA2bNoChMASK" ("DA2b not changed SysNib8" "" "004C7" :RAM) "DA3NoChMASK" ("DA3 not changed SysNib8" "" "008C7" :RAM) "SysNib9" ("ISysFlags 9" "" "80EC8" :RAM) "DA1BadMASK" ("DA1 invalid SysNib9" "" "001C8" :RAM) "DA2aBadMASK" ("DA2a invalid SysNib9" "" "002C8" :RAM) "DA2bBadMASK" ("DA2b invalid SysNib9" "" "004C8" :RAM) "DA3BadMASK" ("DA3 invalid SysNib9" "" "008C8" :RAM) "EDITLFLAG" ("ISysFlags 10" "" "80EC9" :RAM) "EDITFLAG" ("ISysFlags 10" "" "80EC9" :RAM) "SysNib10" ("ISysFlags 10" "" "80EC9" :RAM) "EDITLMASK" ("Edit line exists SysNib10" "" "001C9" :RAM) "NAppKeyMASK" ("Non-app keys allowed in POL SysNib10" "" "002C9" :RAM) "NUsrKeyMASK" ("Non-user keys allowed in USR mode SysNib10" "" "004C9" :RAM) "AppModeMASK" ("POL application running SysNib10" "" "008C9" :RAM) "ParenModFLAG" ("ISysFlags 11" "" "80ECA" :RAM) "SysNib11" ("ISysFlags 11" "" "80ECA" :RAM) "ParenModMASK" ("Implicit parenthesized \"/\", \"^\", and \"SQRT\" in EQW SysNib11" "" "001CA" :RAM) "1PDCMASK" ("Partial DeCompile info will not be saved SysNib11" "" "002CA" :RAM) "NewEditLMASK" ("New one-line edit line has been created SysNib11" "" "004CA" :RAM) "DoStdKeyMASK" ("Do only standard keys SysNib11" "" "008CA" :RAM) "SysNib12" ("ISysFlags 12" "" "80ECB" :RAM) "DispTimeMASK" ("Status bar clock may be displayed SysNib12" "" "001CB" :RAM) "NOP2MASK12" ("unused SysNib12" "" "002CB" :RAM) "CaseSensitiv" ("unused SysNib12" "" "004CB" :RAM) "SpeedMASK" ("Metakernel repeat speed SysNib12" "" "008CB" :RAM) "SysNib13" ("ISysFlags 13" "" "80ECC" :RAM) "InApletMASK" ("Aplet running SysNib13" "" "001CC" :RAM) "SplitMASK" ("SysNib13" "" "002CC" :RAM) "RightMASK" ("SysNib13" "" "004CC" :RAM) "CurTknMASK" ("SysNib13" "" "008CC" :RAM) "SysNib14" ("" "" "80ECD" :RAM) "SizeMLDisp" ("" "" "80ECD" :RAM) "SysNib15" ("ISysFlags 15" "" "80ECE" :RAM) "NOP1MASK15" ("TOL UI potentially corrupt SysNib15" "" "001CE" :RAM) "BadTOLUIMASK" ("TOL UI potentially corrupt SysNib15" "" "001CE" :RAM) "NOP2MASK15" ("EVAL-> will not create a list nor return NOVAL SysNib15" "" "002CE" :RAM) "NoAlgProcess" ("EVAL-> will not create a list nor return NOVAL SysNib15" "" "002CE" :RAM) "NOP4MASK15" ("SysNib15" "" "004CE" :RAM) "InSimplyExpr" ("SysNib15" "" "004CE" :RAM) "NOP8MASK15" ("SysNib15" "" "008CE" :RAM) "DoCreateMenu" ("SysNib15" "" "008CE" :RAM) "SysNib16" ("ISysFlags 16 (unused)" "" "80ECF" :RAM) "NOP1MASK16" ("SysNib16" "" "001CF" :RAM) "NOP2MASK16" ("SysNib16" "" "002CF" :RAM) "NOP4MASK16" ("SysNib16" "" "004CF" :RAM) "NOP8MASK16" ("SysNib16" "" "008CF" :RAM) "SysNib17" ("ISysFlags 17 (unused)" "" "80ED0" :RAM) "NOP1MASK17" ("SysNib17" "" "001D0" :RAM) "NOP2MASK17" ("SysNib17" "" "002D0" :RAM) "NOP4MASK17" ("SysNib17" "" "004D0" :RAM) "NOP8MASK17" ("SysNib17" "" "008D0" :RAM) "SysNib18" ("ISysFlags 18 (unused)" "" "80ED1" :RAM) "NOP1MASK18" ("SysNib18" "" "001D1" :RAM) "NOP2MASK18" ("SysNib18" "" "002D1" :RAM) "NOP4MASK18" ("SysNib18" "" "004D1" :RAM) "NOP8MASK18" ("SysNib18" "" "008D1" :RAM) "SysNib19" ("ISysFlags 19 (unused)" "" "80ED2" :RAM) "NOP1MASK19" ("SysNib19" "" "001D2" :RAM) "NOP2MASK19" ("SysNib19" "" "002D2" :RAM) "NOP4MASK19" ("SysNib19" "" "004D2" :RAM) "NOP8MASK19" ("SysNib19" "" "008D2" :RAM) "SysNib20" ("ISysFlags 20 (unused)" "" "80ED3" :RAM) "NOP1MASK20" ("SysNib20" "" "001D3" :RAM) "NOP2MASK20" ("SysNib20" "" "002D3" :RAM) "NOP4MASK20" ("SysNib20" "" "004D3" :RAM) "NOP8MASK20" ("SysNib20" "" "008D3" :RAM) "FAILSTK1" ("Warmstart log 1st (newest) entry (18)" "Each entry consists of a one-nibble cause (as displayed by WSLOG), a 13-nibble time stamp and a 4-nibble CRC of the previous 14 nibbles." "80010" :RAM) "FAILSTK2" ("FAILSTK1 2nd entry (18)" "" "80022" :RAM) "FAILSTK3" ("FAILSTK1 3rd entry (18)" "" "80034" :RAM) "FAILSTK4" ("FAILSTK1 4th entry (18)" "" "80046" :RAM) "BEG" ("Absolute BEGIN in CommandLine (5)" "" "810B6" :RAM) "BEGIN_REL" ("Relative BEGIN in CommandLine (5)" "" "810A2" :RAM) "BEGX" ("X position of BEGIN (5)" "" "810AC" :RAM) "CheckCLE" ("Checksum of cmd line (5)" "" "81273" :RAM) "CHECK_TEXTE" ("Checksum of cmd line (5)" "" "81273" :RAM) "CHECK_VAL" ("Backup of the size of the cmd line (5)" "" "8125F" :RAM) "CHECK_VAL2" ("Checksum of the key cmd line definition (5)" "" "81264" :RAM) "CR_COUNT" ("# of newlines in editline (5)" "" "80F49" :RAM) "CURSOREPOSN" ("Cursor editline position (5)" "" "80F61" :RAM) "CURSOR" ("Cursor editline position (5)" "" "80F61" :RAM) "CURSORCHR" ("Char under Cursor (2)" "" "80F6E" :RAM) "CURSORGROB" ("Cursor Grob Data (40)" "" "80F70" :RAM) "CURSORPOSN" ("Cursor position from left of screen (2)" "" "80F6B" :RAM) "CURSOROFFSET" ("Cursor position from left of screen (2)" "" "80F6B" :RAM) "CURSORROW" ("Cursor display row (5)" "" "80F66" :RAM) "CURSORPART" ("Cursor display row (5)" "" "80F66" :RAM) "CURSORSTATE" ("Show cursor/char underneath (1)" "" "80F6D" :RAM) "CURSORX" ("Pxl X-Coord of Cursor (5)" "" "80F98" :RAM) "CURSORY" ("Pxl Y-Coord of Cursor (5)" "" "80F9D" :RAM) "EDITLINE" ("->Command line" "" "806FD" :RAM) "END" ("Absolute END in CmdLine" "" "810BB" :RAM) "ENDX" ("Y Position of END" "" "810B1" :RAM) "END_REL" ("Relative END in CmdLine" "" "810A7" :RAM) "T_ECRAN" ("Size of CmdLine screen" "" "810C0" :RAM) "SizeCLScreen" ("Size of CmdLine screen" "" "810C0" :RAM) "AppCount" ("# of nested POLs (2)" "" "80ED4" :RAM) "AppCursor" ("->App cursor sub-programs" "" "807DE" :RAM) "AppDisplay" ("->App display object" "" "807C0" :RAM) "AppDoKeyOb" ("->App DoKeyOb procedure for POL" "" "807E3" :RAM) "AppError" ("->App error handler" "" "807CF" :RAM) "AppExitCond" ("->App exit condition" "" "807CA" :RAM) "AppKeys" ("->App key assignments" "" "807C5" :RAM) "AppResume" ("->App resume procedure of POL" "" "807D9" :RAM) "AppSuspend" ("->App suspend procedure of POL" "" "807D4" :RAM) "TopicVar1" ("->generic topic var 1" "" "8086A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar2" ("->generic topic var 2" "" "8086F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar3" ("->generic topic var 3" "" "80874" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar4" ("->generic topic var 4" "" "80879" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar5" ("->generic topic var 5" "" "8087E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar6" ("->generic topic var 6" "" "80883" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar7" ("->generic topic var 7" "" "80888" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar8" ("->generic topic var 8" "" "8088D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar9" ("->generic topic var 9" "" "80892" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar10" ("->generic topic var 10" "" "80897" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar11" ("->generic topic var 11" "" "8089C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar12" ("->generic topic var 12" "" "808A1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar13" ("->generic topic var 13" "" "808A6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar14" ("->generic topic var 14" "" "808AB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar15" ("->generic topic var 15" "" "808B0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar16" ("->generic topic var 16" "" "808B5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar17" ("->generic topic var 17" "" "808BA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar18" ("->generic topic var 18" "" "808BF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar19" ("->generic topic var 19" "" "808C4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar20" ("->generic topic var 20" "" "808C9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar21" ("->generic topic var 21" "" "808CE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar22" ("->generic topic var 22" "" "808D3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar23" ("->generic topic var 23" "" "808D8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar24" ("->generic topic var 24" "" "808DD" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar25" ("->generic topic var 25" "" "808E2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar26" ("->generic topic var 26" "" "808E7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar27" ("->generic topic var 27" "" "808EC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar28" ("->generic topic var 28" "" "808F1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar29" ("->generic topic var 29" "" "808F6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar30" ("->generic topic var 30" "" "808FB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar31" ("->generic topic var 31" "" "80900" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar32" ("->generic topic var 32" "" "80905" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar33" ("->generic topic var 33" "" "8090A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar34" ("->generic topic var 34" "" "8090F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar35" ("->generic topic var 35" "" "80914" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar36" ("->generic topic var 36" "" "80919" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar37" ("->generic topic var 37" "" "8091E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar38" ("->generic topic var 38" "" "80923" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar39" ("->generic topic var 39" "" "80928" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar40" ("->generic topic var 40" "" "8092D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar41" ("->generic topic var 41" "" "80932" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar42" ("->generic topic var 42" "" "80937" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar43" ("->generic topic var 43" "" "8093C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar44" ("->generic topic var 44" "" "80941" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar45" ("->generic topic var 45" "" "80946" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar46" ("->generic topic var 46" "" "8094B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar47" ("->generic topic var 47" "" "80950" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar48" ("->generic topic var 48" "" "80955" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar49" ("->generic topic var 49" "" "8095A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar50" ("->generic topic var 50" "" "8095F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar51" ("->generic topic var 51" "" "80964" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar52" ("->generic topic var 52" "" "80969" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar53" ("->generic topic var 53" "" "8096E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar54" ("->generic topic var 54" "" "80973" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar55" ("->generic topic var 55" "" "80978" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar56" ("->generic topic var 56" "" "8097D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar57" ("->generic topic var 57" "" "80982" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar58" ("->generic topic var 58" "" "80987" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar59" ("->generic topic var 59" "" "8098C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar60" ("->generic topic var 60" "" "80991" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar61" ("->generic topic var 61" "" "80996" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar62" ("->generic topic var 62" "" "8099B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar63" ("->generic topic var 63" "" "809A0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar64" ("->generic topic var 64" "" "809A5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar65" ("->generic topic var 65" "" "809AA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar66" ("->generic topic var 66" "" "809AF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar67" ("->generic topic var 67" "" "809B4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar68" ("->generic topic var 68" "" "809B9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar69" ("->generic topic var 69" "" "809BE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar70" ("->generic topic var 70" "" "809C3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar71" ("->generic topic var 71" "" "809C8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar72" ("->generic topic var 72" "" "809CD" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar73" ("->generic topic var 73" "" "809D2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar74" ("->generic topic var 74" "" "809D7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar75" ("->generic topic var 75" "" "809DC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar76" ("->generic topic var 76" "" "809E1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar77" ("->generic topic var 77" "" "809E6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar78" ("->generic topic var 78" "" "809EB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar79" ("->generic topic var 79" "" "809F0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar80" ("->generic topic var 80" "" "809F5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar81" ("->generic topic var 81" "" "809FA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar82" ("->generic topic var 82" "" "809FF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar83" ("->generic topic var 83" "" "80A04" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar84" ("->generic topic var 84" "" "80A09" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar85" ("->generic topic var 85" "" "80A0E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar86" ("->generic topic var 86" "" "80A13" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar87" ("->generic topic var 87" "" "80A18" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar88" ("->generic topic var 88" "" "80A1D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar89" ("->generic topic var 89" "" "80A22" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar90" ("->generic topic var 90" "" "80A27" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVar91" ("->generic topic var 91" "" "80A2C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TopicVarNum" ("Number of TopicVars" "" "0005B" :RAM) "TOLVar1" ("->TOL var 1" "" "80A31" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar2" ("->TOL var 2" "" "80A36" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar3" ("->TOL var 3" "" "80A3B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar4" ("->TOL var 4" "" "80A40" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar5" ("->TOL var 5" "" "80A45" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar6" ("->TOL var 6" "" "80A4A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar7" ("->TOL var 7" "" "80A4F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar8" ("->TOL var 8" "" "80A54" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar9" ("->TOL var 9" "" "80A59" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar10" ("->TOL var 10" "" "80A5E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar11" ("->TOL var 11" "" "80A63" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar12" ("->TOL var 12" "" "80A68" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar13" ("->TOL var 13" "" "80A6D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar14" ("->TOL var 14" "" "80A72" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar15" ("->TOL var 15" "" "80A77" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar16" ("->TOL var 16" "" "80A7C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar17" ("->TOL var 17" "" "80A81" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar18" ("->TOL var 18" "" "80A86" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar19" ("->TOL var 19" "" "80A8B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar20" ("->TOL var 20" "" "80A90" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar21" ("->TOL var 21" "" "80A95" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar22" ("->TOL var 22" "" "80A9A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar23" ("->TOL var 23" "" "80A9F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar24" ("->TOL var 24" "" "80AA4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar25" ("->TOL var 25" "" "80AA9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar26" ("->TOL var 26" "" "80AAE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar27" ("->TOL var 27" "" "80AB3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar28" ("->TOL var 28" "" "80AB8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar29" ("->TOL var 29" "" "80ABD" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar30" ("->TOL var 30" "" "80AC2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar31" ("->TOL var 31" "" "80AC7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar32" ("->TOL var 32" "" "80ACC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar33" ("->TOL var 33" "" "80AD1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar34" ("->TOL var 34" "" "80AD6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar35" ("->TOL var 35" "" "80ADB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar36" ("->TOL var 36" "" "80AE0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar37" ("->TOL var 37" "" "80AE5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar38" ("->TOL var 38" "" "80AEA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar39" ("->TOL var 39" "" "80AEF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar40" ("->TOL var 40" "" "80AF4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar41" ("->TOL var 41" "" "80AF9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar42" ("->TOL var 42" "" "80AFE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar43" ("->TOL var 43" "" "80B03" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar44" ("->TOL var 44" "" "80B08" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar45" ("->TOL var 45" "" "80B0D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar46" ("->TOL var 46" "" "80B12" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar47" ("->TOL var 47" "" "80B17" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar48" ("->TOL var 48" "" "80B1C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar49" ("->TOL var 49" "" "80B21" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar50" ("->TOL var 50" "" "80B26" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar51" ("->TOL var 51" "" "80B2B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar52" ("->TOL var 52" "" "80B30" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar53" ("->TOL var 53" "" "80B35" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar54" ("->TOL var 54" "" "80B3A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar55" ("->TOL var 55" "" "80B3F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar56" ("->TOL var 56" "" "80B44" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar57" ("->TOL var 57" "" "80B49" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar58" ("->TOL var 58" "" "80B4E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar59" ("->TOL var 59" "" "80B53" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar60" ("->TOL var 60" "" "80B58" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar61" ("->TOL var 61" "" "80B5D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar62" ("->TOL var 62" "" "80B62" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar63" ("->TOL var 63" "" "80B67" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar64" ("->TOL var 64" "" "80B6C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar65" ("->TOL var 65" "" "80B71" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar66" ("->TOL var 66" "" "80B76" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar67" ("->TOL var 67" "" "80B7B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar68" ("->TOL var 68" "" "80B80" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar69" ("->TOL var 69" "" "80B85" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar70" ("->TOL var 70" "" "80B8A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar71" ("->TOL var 71" "" "80B8F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar72" ("->TOL var 72" "" "80B94" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar73" ("->TOL var 73" "" "80B99" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar74" ("->TOL var 74" "" "80B9E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar75" ("->TOL var 75" "" "80BA3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar76" ("->TOL var 76" "" "80BA8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar77" ("->TOL var 77" "" "80BAD" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar78" ("->TOL var 78" "" "80BB2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar79" ("->TOL var 79" "" "80BB7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar80" ("->TOL var 80" "" "80BBC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar81" ("->TOL var 81" "" "80BC1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar82" ("->TOL var 82" "" "80BC6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar83" ("->TOL var 83" "" "80BCB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar84" ("->TOL var 84" "" "80BD0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar85" ("->TOL var 85" "" "80BD5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar86" ("->TOL var 86" "" "80BDA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar87" ("->TOL var 87" "" "80BDF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar88" ("->TOL var 88" "" "80BE4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar89" ("->TOL var 89" "" "80BE9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar90" ("->TOL var 90" "" "80BEE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar91" ("->TOL var 91" "" "80BF3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar92" ("->TOL var 92" "" "80BF8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar93" ("->TOL var 93" "" "80BFD" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar94" ("->TOL var 94" "" "80C02" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar95" ("->TOL var 95" "" "80C07" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar96" ("->TOL var 96" "" "80C0C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar97" ("->TOL var 97" "" "80C11" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar98" ("->TOL var 98" "" "80C16" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar99" ("->TOL var 99" "" "80C1B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar100" ("->TOL var 100" "" "80C20" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar101" ("->TOL var 101" "" "80C25" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar102" ("->TOL var 102" "" "80C2A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar103" ("->TOL var 103" "" "80C2F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar104" ("->TOL var 104" "" "80C34" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar105" ("->TOL var 105" "" "80C39" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar106" ("->TOL var 106" "" "80C3E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar107" ("->TOL var 107" "" "80C43" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar108" ("->TOL var 108" "" "80C48" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar109" ("->TOL var 109" "" "80C4D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar110" ("->TOL var 110" "" "80C52" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar111" ("->TOL var 111" "" "80C57" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar112" ("->TOL var 112" "" "80C5C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar113" ("->TOL var 113" "" "80C61" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar114" ("->TOL var 114" "" "80C66" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar115" ("->TOL var 115" "" "80C6B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar116" ("->TOL var 116" "" "80C70" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar117" ("->TOL var 117" "" "80C75" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar118" ("->TOL var 118" "" "80C7A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar119" ("->TOL var 119" "" "80C7F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar120" ("->TOL var 120" "" "80C84" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar121" ("->TOL var 121" "" "80C89" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar122" ("->TOL var 122" "" "80C8E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar123" ("->TOL var 123" "" "80C93" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar124" ("->TOL var 124" "" "80C98" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar125" ("->TOL var 125" "" "80C9D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar126" ("->TOL var 126" "" "80CA2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar127" ("->TOL var 127" "" "80CA7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar128" ("->TOL var 128" "" "80CAC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar129" ("->TOL var 129" "" "80CB1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar130" ("->TOL var 130" "" "80CB6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar131" ("->TOL var 131" "" "80CBB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar132" ("->TOL var 132" "" "80CC0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar133" ("->TOL var 133" "" "80CC5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar134" ("->TOL var 134" "" "80CCA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar135" ("->TOL var 135" "" "80CCF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar136" ("->TOL var 136" "" "80CD4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar137" ("->TOL var 137" "" "80CD9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar138" ("->TOL var 138" "" "80CDE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar139" ("->TOL var 139" "" "80CE3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar140" ("->TOL var 140" "" "80CE8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar141" ("->TOL var 141" "" "80CED" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar142" ("->TOL var 142" "" "80CF2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar143" ("->TOL var 143" "" "80CF7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar144" ("->TOL var 144" "" "80CFC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar145" ("->TOL var 145" "" "80D01" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar146" ("->TOL var 146" "" "80D06" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar147" ("->TOL var 147" "" "80D0B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar148" ("->TOL var 148" "" "80D10" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar149" ("->TOL var 149" "" "80D15" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar150" ("->TOL var 150" "" "80D1A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar151" ("->TOL var 151" "" "80D1F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar152" ("->TOL var 152" "" "80D24" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar153" ("->TOL var 153" "" "80D29" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar154" ("->TOL var 154" "" "80D2E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar155" ("->TOL var 155" "" "80D33" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar156" ("->TOL var 156" "" "80D38" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar157" ("->TOL var 157" "" "80D3D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar158" ("->TOL var 158" "" "80D42" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar159" ("->TOL var 159" "" "80D47" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar160" ("->TOL var 160" "" "80D4C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar161" ("->TOL var 161" "" "80D51" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar162" ("->TOL var 162" "" "80D56" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar163" ("->TOL var 163" "" "80D5B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar164" ("->TOL var 164" "" "80D60" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar165" ("->TOL var 165" "" "80D65" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar166" ("->TOL var 166" "" "80D6A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar167" ("->TOL var 167" "" "80D6F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar168" ("->TOL var 168" "" "80D74" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar169" ("->TOL var 169" "" "80D79" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar170" ("->TOL var 170" "" "80D7E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar171" ("->TOL var 171" "" "80D83" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar172" ("->TOL var 172" "" "80D88" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar173" ("->TOL var 173" "" "80D8D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar174" ("->TOL var 174" "" "80D92" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar175" ("->TOL var 175" "" "80D97" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar176" ("->TOL var 176" "" "80D9C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar177" ("->TOL var 177" "" "80DA1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar178" ("->TOL var 178" "" "80DA6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar179" ("->TOL var 179" "" "80DAB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar180" ("->TOL var 180" "" "80DB0" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar181" ("->TOL var 181" "" "80DB5" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar182" ("->TOL var 182" "" "80DBA" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar183" ("->TOL var 183" "" "80DBF" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar184" ("->TOL var 184" "" "80DC4" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar185" ("->TOL var 185" "" "80DC9" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar186" ("->TOL var 186" "" "80DCE" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar187" ("->TOL var 187" "" "80DD3" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar188" ("->TOL var 188" "" "80DD8" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar189" ("->TOL var 189" "" "80DDD" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar190" ("->TOL var 190" "" "80DE2" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar191" ("->TOL var 191" "" "80DE7" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar192" ("->TOL var 192" "" "80DEC" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar193" ("->TOL var 193" "" "80DF1" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar194" ("->TOL var 194" "" "80DF6" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar195" ("->TOL var 195" "" "80DFB" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar196" ("->TOL var 196" "" "80E00" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar197" ("->TOL var 197" "" "80E05" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar198" ("->TOL var 198" "" "80E0A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar199" ("->TOL var 199" "" "80E0F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar200" ("->TOL var 200" "" "80E14" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar201" ("->TOL var 201" "" "80E19" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar202" ("->TOL var 202" "" "80E1E" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar203" ("->TOL var 203" "" "80E23" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar204" ("->TOL var 204" "" "80E28" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar205" ("->TOL var 205" "" "80E2D" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar206" ("->TOL var 206" "" "80E32" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar207" ("->TOL var 207" "" "80E37" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar208" ("->TOL var 208" "" "80E3C" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar209" ("->TOL var 209" "" "80E41" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar210" ("->TOL var 210" "" "80E46" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar211" ("->TOL var 211" "" "80E4B" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar212" ("->TOL var 212" "" "80E50" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar213" ("->TOL var 213" "" "80E55" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar214" ("->TOL var 214" "" "80E5A" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar215" ("->TOL var 215" "" "80E5F" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVar216" ("->TOL var 216" "" "80E64" :RAM :NOSDIAG) "TOLVarNum" ("number of TOLVars" "" "000D8" :RAM) "UserInt1" ("->User interrupt routine 1" "This interrupt handler is called *before* the normal one. Only D1, P, Hex/Dec, CRY, SB, C.W and A.W are saved at that point." "8600D" :RAM) "UserInt1g" ("Copy of UserInt1" "If this address is not equal to the one in UserInt1, none of the two will be called." "86017" :RAM) "UserInt2" ("->User interrupt routine 2" "This interrupt handler is called *after* the normal one, before RESTORECPU. All registers are still saved." "86012" :RAM) "UserInt2g" ("Copy of UserInt2" "If this address is not equal to the one in UserInt2, none of the two will be called." "8601C" :RAM) "uart_buf_end" ("# of bytes in the UART buffer (2)" "" "80519" :RAM) "uart_buf_st" ("UART buffer offset (2)" "" "8051C" :RAM) "uart_buffer" ("UART buffer area (512)" "" "80319" :RAM) "uart_error" ("UART error flag (1)" "" "8051B" :RAM) "uart_handshk" ("UART handshake (1)" "" "8051E" :RAM) "uart_modes" ("UART mode (1)" "" "8051F" :RAM) "uart_parity" ("(1)" "" "80520" :RAM) "uart_timeout" ("(2)" "" "80521" :RAM) "FROMPTABPTR" ("-> FROMPTAB0_15" "" "860AE" :RAM) "FlashROMPTAB" ("Library table (3+n*16)" "Header: 3 number of libraries For each library: 3 library ID 5 address 5 switch routine (0 if none) 3 000" "8611D" :RAM) "RESRAMEND" ("Library table (3+n*16)" "Header: 3 number of libraries For each library: 3 library ID 5 address 5 switch routine (0 if none) 3 000" "8611D" :RAM) "ROMPTAB" ("Library table (3+n*16)" "Header: 3 number of libraries For each library: 3 library ID 5 address 5 switch routine (0 if none) 3 000" "8611D" :RAM) "FlashROMTAB2" ("Bank switcher addresses (16*5) sorted by physical bank number" "" "860CC" :RAM) "@FONTE" ("Array of used fonts (1708)" "" "81971" :RAM) "ArryFont" ("Array of used fonts (1708)" "" "81971" :RAM) "SystemFont" ("Big system font (4626)" "" "84D82" :RAM) "FONTE_SYSTEM" ("Big system font (4626)" "" "84D82" :RAM) "H_FONTE" ("Height of the current font (5)" "" "81098" :RAM) "FontHeight" ("Height of the current font (5)" "" "81098" :RAM) "TAB_FONTE" ("Font hash table (512)" "" "8201D" :RAM) "HashArryFont" ("Font hash table (512)" "" "8201D" :RAM) "MiniFont" ("Minifont (1536)" "" "812CF" :RAM) "MINI_FONT" ("Minifont (1536)" "" "812CF" :RAM) "MiniFontObj" ("MINI_FONT with font header" "" "812C3" :RAM) "MINI_FONT.OBJ" ("MINI_FONT with font header" "" "812C3" :RAM) "NbFont" ("Number of detected fonts (5)" "" "812AA" :RAM) "NB_FONTE" ("Number of detected fonts (5)" "" "812AA" :RAM) "IRAMHOMEmsn" ("MSN of the IRAM base address" "" "00008" :RAM) "LOCUPSIZE" ("Number of variables between SYSUPSTART and OBUPSTART" "" "0001D" :RAM) "NBMAXFONT" ("Maximum number of fonts" "" "000F4" :RAM) "OBUPSIZE" ("Number of variables between OBUPSTART and OBUPEND" "" "0016F" :RAM) "ParenModmask" ("" "" "00001" :RAM) "mEditLExists" ("" "" "00001" :RAM) "SYSUPSIZE" ("OBUPSIZE + LOCUPSIZE" "" "0018C" :RAM) "ACCUM" ("(1)" "" "80FF1" :RAM) "ALARMS" ("->System Alarm List (5)" "" "8072A" :RAM) "ALARMSDUE" ("Flags Alarm Due (1)" "" "80EF1" :RAM) "ATTNFLG" ("Counts ON presses (5)" "" "80EAB" :RAM) "AccessInit" ("Saved value of INITEN & sALLOWINTR (2)" "" "800E6" :RAM) "BounceTiming" ("Minimum time between 2 same key press for key validation (8)" "" "86051" :RAM) "CALCCXT" ("->Calculator variables dir (5)" "" "80734" :RAM) "RAMSTART" ("Quick RAM corrupt check (5)" "" "80000" :RAM) "HARDROMEND" ("Quick RAM corrupt check (5)" "" "80000" :RAM) "CMOS" ("Quick RAM corrupt check (5)" "" "80000" :RAM) "COLCOUNT" ("Dot Cols on line (2)" "" "81001" :RAM) "COLWIDTH" ("(2)" "" "80FF3" :RAM) "CONFRAM" ("RAM configuration (7)" "Port1: 1 Status [r w s 0] 1 Size/Address Code Port2: 1 Status [r w s 0] 1 Size/Address Code where r=readable, w=writable, s=system RAM 2 #banks 1 ID" "80524" :RAM) "CONFTAB" ("RAM configuration with CRC (11)" "4 nibbles for CRC 7 nibbles as in CONFRAM" "8052B" :RAM) "CONTEXT" ("->Current dir" "" "8071B" :RAM) "COVERsave" ("Save area for G/DoCovered (10)" "" "800EB" :RAM) "COVERstate" ("Iram state before uncovering (3)" "" "800E8" :RAM) "TIMEOUTCLK" ("ScratchPad (4)" "" "80076" :RAM) "CSPEED" ("CPU speed (16hz units) (5)" "" "80655" :RAM) "CURRENTMENU" ("Menu ID of current menu (2)" "" "80FA2" :RAM) "CatalogCache" ("->CAT list" "" "80E69" :RAM) "CatalogEntry" ("->Last CAT item selected" "" "86059" :RAM) "Clipboard" ("->Clipboard" "" "80E6E" :RAM) "ClkOnNib" ("Clock display on/off (1)" "" "80FFA" :RAM) "CplxX" ("Complex number used by plotter (37)" "" "85FBE" :RAM) "CplxY" ("CplxX" "" "85FE3" :RAM) "CtlAlarm" ("->Control alarm data" "" "807E8" :RAM) "CurRAMBank1" ("Backup of current RAM view 1 (5)" "" "860BD" :RAM) "CurRAMBank2" ("Backup of current RAM view 2 (5)" "" "860C2" :RAM) "CurRAMBank3" ("Backup of current RAM view 3 (5)" "" "860C7" :RAM) "CurROMBank1" ("Backup of current ROM view 1 (5)" "" "860B3" :RAM) "CurROMBank2" ("Backup of current ROM view 2 (5)" "" "860B8" :RAM) "DEPTHSAVE" ("Saved user stack depth (5)" "" "80EDC" :RAM) "DIGITS" ("Infinite precision digits (5)" "" "86008" :RAM) "HANDSHK" ("Keyboard handshake (1)" "" "8065B" :RAM) "DISABLE_KBD" ("Keyboard handshake (1)" "" "8065B" :RAM) "DISP1CTLg" ("Ghost for DISP1CTL (5)" "" "8068D" :RAM) "DISP2CTLg" ("Ghost for DISP2CTL (5)" "" "80695" :RAM) "DOLPENV" ("->DO LOOP environments" "" "80707" :RAM) "DOUSEALARM" ("Flags Deactivate Curr Alarm (1)" "" "80EF3" :RAM) "DREND" ("Display Refresh Hi Bound (5)" "" "8064A" :RAM) "DRSTART" ("Display Refresh Lo Bound (5)" "" "80645" :RAM) "DcompWidth" ("String Decomp Width (2)" "" "80FCD" :RAM) "DelayCt" ("REDEYE Print time/line (2)" "" "80FFD" :RAM) "ELEMENT" ("decompile obj depth counter (2)" "" "80F42" :RAM) "ENTRWISE" ("(1)" "" "80FF5" :RAM) "ERROR" ("(5)" "" "80EA5" :RAM) "EXITMSG" ("->msg set by user in EXIT word" "" "807BB" :RAM) "EqPtr" ("Points to Curr Eqn in EqList (5)" "" "8102B" :RAM) "FIRSTCHAR" ("offset to 1st visible (5)" "" "80F44" :RAM) "FIRSTPROC" ("->StartupProc Secondary (5)" "" "80EB0" :RAM) "FONTCOUNT" ("counter (3)" "" "80FD1" :RAM) "FONTHEIGHT" ("font-height selector (1)" "" "80FCF" :RAM) "FONTWIDTH" ("font-width selector (1)" "" "80FD0" :RAM) "VSTACK" ("" "" "8072F" :RAM) "FSTVGERPTR" ("" "" "8072F" :RAM) "FailTime" ("SelfTest Fail Time (Ticks) (13)" "" "80085" :RAM) "FifoByteCt" ("Sum of FIFO Line Counts (2)" "" "81009" :RAM) "FindPattern" ("->Find Pattern address" "" "80E73" :RAM) "FlagMBox" ("->Flag mailbox" "" "80833" :RAM) "FlashPtrBkp" ("Space to create a FPTR (12)" "" "81082" :RAM) "FreeRoom" ("DSKTOP-RSKTOP, used by SWAPMEM (5)" "" "818EE" :RAM) "GARBSCRATCH1" ("Saves 1 RSTK level in G.C. (5)" "" "80FAD" :RAM) "GARBSCRATCH2" ("Saves counter in G.C. (5)" "" "80FB2" :RAM) "GCOLCOUNT" ("Graphics #Cols (2)" "" "80FFF" :RAM) "GraphContext" ("->Graphic Context" "" "8085B" :RAM) "IRAMBEND" ("(11)" "" "8030E" :RAM) "GraphPrtHook" ("(11)" "" "8030E" :RAM) "HARDRAMEND" ("IRAM Home ends at #7FFFF" "Appears to be an obsolete constant from the 48G, where IRAM was only 32kB big and thus ranged from #80000 to #8FFFF. The description even seems to come from the 48S!" "90000" :RAM) "HISTORY1" ("-> $ with the most recent CMD history entry" "" "80798" :RAM) "HISTORY2" ("->2nd entry HISTORY1" "" "8079D" :RAM) "HISTORY3" ("->3rd entry HISTORY1" "" "807A2" :RAM) "HISTORY4" ("->4th (oldest) entry HISTORY1" "" "807A7" :RAM) "HISTORYLEVEL" ("which stack level is next (1)" "" "80F59" :RAM) "HOMEMASK" ("Home Size of RAM (mask) (5)" "" "8000A" :RAM) "HRAMEND" ("M.S.N. of size of RAM chip (1)" "" "8000F" :RAM) "HStackPtr" ("->Highlight in stack" "" "80851" :RAM) "HStackTop" ("->How many items on stack" "" "80856" :RAM) "TAB_CMD" ("Command line hash table (360)" "" "810E8" :RAM) "HashCLE" ("Command line hash table (360)" "" "810E8" :RAM) "T_HEADER" ("Header size in lines (5)" "" "8108E" :RAM) "HeaderHeight" ("Header size in lines (5)" "" "8108E" :RAM) "HiLitePtr" ("->Highlight in window" "" "80847" :RAM) "INITEN" ("Warmstart Enable flag (1)" "" "8065A" :RAM) "KEYBUFFER" ("Key Buffer (max 15 keys). (34)" "" "80669" :RAM) "INPUTSTREAM" ("Key Buffer (max 15 keys). (34)" "" "80669" :RAM) "IOCNIB" ("Saves IOC in OUTUART (1)" "" "80523" :RAM) "IOCsave" ("Save of IOC before change (1)" "" "81006" :RAM) "IOSAVE" ("Saves HiNib of ANNCTRL (1)" "" "80654" :RAM) "IRAMBSIZE" ("Size of IRAMBUFF" "" "00219" :RAM) "IRAMBUFF" ("Exec Buff (code under IRAM) (537)" "" "800F5" :RAM) "IRAMBUFF2" ("IRAMBUFF +50" "" "80127" :RAM) "IRAMMASK" ("IRAM Size Config Mask (5)" "" "80005" :RAM) "IREG" ("Saves Interrupt History (3)" "" "8064F" :RAM) "ITEM1LINES" ("# display lines currently (1)" "" "80ED6" :RAM) "ITEM1STATE" ("->list of lists describing stack level 1" "" "80793" :RAM) "PDCSYMB" ("->Kermit error message" "" "807B1" :RAM) "KERMERRM" ("->Kermit error message" "" "807B1" :RAM) "KERMMODE" ("Kermit Mode information (1)" "" "80FCC" :RAM) "KEYLIST" ("(5)" "" "80FEB" :RAM) "KEYLOCK" ("(1)" "" "80FF0" :RAM) "KEYSTATE" ("location of kbd state (16)" "" "8065C" :RAM) "KSTATEVGER" ("KeyState for Vger Keyboard" "From rammap.a: \"(we didn't use the previous \\ KEYSTATE to maintain the entry \\ points)\"" "86037" :RAM) "KeyOb" ("->Pending key-object" "" "8082E" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr0" ("RomPtr for KeyOb (11)" "" "81030" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr1" ("RomPtr for MenuKey 1 (11)" "" "8103B" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr2" ("RomPtr for MenuKey 2 (11)" "" "81046" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr3" ("RomPtr for MenuKey 3 (11)" "" "81051" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr4" ("RomPtr for MenuKey 4 (11)" "" "8105C" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr5" ("RomPtr for MenuKey 5 (11)" "" "81067" :RAM) "KeyRomPtr6" ("RomPtr for MenuKey 6 (11)" "" "81072" :RAM) "LANGUAGE" ("(5)" "" "80EA0" :RAM) "LASTARG1" ("->1st argument saved in CK" "" "80775" :RAM) "LASTARG" ("->1st argument saved in CK" "" "80775" :RAM) "LASTARG2" ("->2nd LASTARG" "" "8077A" :RAM) "LASTARG3" ("->3rd LASTARG" "" "8077F" :RAM) "LASTARG4" ("->4th LASTARG" "" "80784" :RAM) "LASTARG5" ("->5th LASTARG" "" "80789" :RAM) "LASTARGCOUNT" ("# of args saved by CK (1)" "" "80F5A" :RAM) "LASTARGf" ("Flag #Args>3 (1)" "" "80F5B" :RAM) "LASTERROR" ("Save area for error number (5)" "" "80F5C" :RAM) "LASTOP" ("3-state encoding of operand/ unary/binary (1)" "" "80FDA" :RAM) "LASTROMWDOB" ("->Last user-level ROM-WORD evaluated (set by CK)" "" "80829" :RAM) "LEFTTREE" ("(3)" "" "80FDB" :RAM) "LINECOUNTg" ("Ghost for LINECOUNT (2)" "" "8069A" :RAM) "LINENIBSg" ("Ghost for LINENIBS (3)" "" "80692" :RAM) "LPD_HIST" ("Low Power Detect History (1)" "" "80EFF" :RAM) "LabelDef" ("->How to make menu labels" "" "80801" :RAM) "LastContext" ("->RRP saved for CheckContext" "" "8081A" :RAM) "LastKey" ("Last key press (2)" "" "86047" :RAM) "LastKeyTime" ("Last key press time (8)" "" "86049" :RAM) "LastMenuDef" ("->Last menu definition" "" "807F2" :RAM) "LastMenuRow" ("(5)" "" "8107D" :RAM) "LastPrntTime" ("Time (Upper 11 nibs) (11)" "" "8100B" :RAM) "LineByteCt" ("Line Byte Counter (2)" "" "81007" :RAM) "LoBatTime" ("Flag periodic ((*)) updates (1)" "" "80077" :RAM) "MENULEVEL" ("User-menu level (5)" "" "80FA4" :RAM) "MenuData" ("->Menu data for touch table" "" "807F7" :RAM) "MenuDef" ("->Current menu definition" "" "807ED" :RAM) "MenuExitAct" ("->Menu exit action definition" "" "80824" :RAM) "MenuKeyLS" ("->Left-shift menu key handler" "" "8080B" :RAM) "MenuKeyNS" ("->No-shift menu key handler" "" "80806" :RAM) "MenuKeyRS" ("->Right-shift menu key handler" "" "80810" :RAM) "MenuRow" ("(5)" "" "81026" :RAM) "MenuRowAct" ("->Prev/Next action definition" "" "807FC" :RAM) "StackHeight" ("Size of the stack's screen in lines (5)" "" "81093" :RAM) "NB_LIGNE" ("Size of the stack's screen in lines (5)" "" "81093" :RAM) "NEXTIRQ" ("Time at next Timer2 int. (13)" "" "80058" :RAM) "NOALARMSRV" ("Flags Disable Alarm Service (1)" "" "80EF4" :RAM) "NODECOUNT" ("expr-tree node count (3)" "" "80FD4" :RAM) "NOTESCXT" ("->\"notes\" directory (5)" "" "8073E" :RAM) "OBTREELEN" ("object length (3)" "" "80FD7" :RAM) "OLDMENU" ("Saves previous menu number (2)" "" "80FA9" :RAM) "ORghost" ("" "" "80642" :RAM) "SAVE_OR" ("" "" "80642" :RAM) "OSAVE" ("" "" "80770" :RAM) "ObjectU1" ("->Updatable object 1" "" "80E7D" :RAM) "ObjectU2" ("->Updatable object 2" "" "80E82" :RAM) "ObjectU3" ("->Updatable object 3" "" "80E87" :RAM) "ObjectU4" ("->Updatable object 4" "" "80E8C" :RAM) "OBUPEND" ("->Updatable object 5" "" "80E91" :RAM) "ObjectU5" ("->Updatable object 5" "" "80E91" :RAM) "PADCOUNT" ("Indentation count for decomp (1)" "" "80FAC" :RAM) "PADJSAVE1" ("Status save in PTRADJUST (1)" "" "80FC1" :RAM) "PADJSAVE2" ("RSTK save in PTRADJUST (10)" "" "80FC2" :RAM) "PAINTTREE" ("->hxs of \"textbook-mode\" graphics" "" "807B6" :RAM) "PARENCOUNT" ("(2)" "" "80FF6" :RAM) "PARENTTREE" ("(3)" "" "80FE1" :RAM) "PASTDUE" ("Flags Past Due Alarm (1)" "" "80EF2" :RAM) "PDCHXS" ("->hxs map of outermost symbolic" "" "807AC" :RAM) "PFIFO" ("FIFO Buffer (16)" "" "81016" :RAM) "PGMCXT" ("->programming dir (5)" "" "80739" :RAM) "POPPEDKEY" ("Last Key from POPKEY (2)" "" "8068B" :RAM) "PORT0EOS" ("(5)" "" "80536" :RAM) "PORT1EOS" ("(5)" "" "8053B" :RAM) "PORT2EOS" ("(5)" "" "80540" :RAM) "PRECSTACK" ("Op Precedence textbook entry (7)" "" "80FE4" :RAM) "Port1CRC" ("CRC for Device in Port1 (4)" "" "800E2" :RAM) "PortStat" ("Copy of CARDSTAT Nib (1)" "" "800E1" :RAM) "ProgMBox" ("->Program mailbox" "" "8083D" :RAM) "PrtStatus" ("CPU Status Bits et al. (3)" "" "81003" :RAM) "SYSNOUPSTART" ("->End of RAM" "" "80E96" :RAM) "RAMEND" ("->End of RAM" "" "80E96" :RAM) "RESRAMEND0" ("End of statically reserved RAM" "" "8611C" :RAM) "RIGHTTREE" ("(3)" "" "80FDE" :RAM) "RNSEED" ("Random number seed (15)" "" "80EE1" :RAM) "ROMPARTS" ("->RomParts Area" "" "80716" :RAM) "RealX" ("Real number used by plotter (21)" "" "85F94" :RAM) "RealY" ("RealX" "" "85FA9" :RAM) "ReplacePatte" ("->Replace pattern" "" "80E78" :RAM) "ReviewKey" ("->Review-key definition" "" "80815" :RAM) "SEMAPH" ("Saves control byte for IREG (2)" "" "80652" :RAM) "STACKNUM" ("ref. number of 1st visible (5)" "" "80F4E" :RAM) "STOPSIGN" ("(5)" "" "80720" :RAM) "STRETCHCOUNT" ("(2)" "" "80FF8" :RAM) "SWITCH" ("Used by the Memory Manager (15)" "" "812B4" :RAM) "SW_ETime" ("Stopwatch Elapsed Time Ticks (13)" "" "800D4" :RAM) "SW_Image" ("\"HH:MM:SS:ss\" Stopwatch (22)" "" "800BE" :RAM) "T_LIGNE" ("Size of one line of text" "" "812A0" :RAM) "SizeLine" ("Size of one line of text" "" "812A0" :RAM) "StartTime" ("SelfTest Start Time (Ticks) (13)" "" "80078" :RAM) "T1COUNT" ("Decremented by srvc_timer1 (1)" "" "80FAB" :RAM) "TEMPENV" ("->LAM environments (5)" "" "80702" :RAM) "TESTMSG" ("SelfTest Msg Buffer (44)" "" "80092" :RAM) "TIMECRC" ("CRC CheckSum for NEXTIRQ (4)" "" "80065" :RAM) "TIMEOUT" ("Time at scheduled timeout (13)" "" "80069" :RAM) "TIMExmit" ("Time at scheduled timeout (13)" "" "80069" :RAM) "TOPLINE" ("Editline-segment which appears first on the screen (5)" "" "80F53" :RAM) "TOUCHTAB" ("(5)" "" "8070C" :RAM) "TYPE_HEADER" ("Type of header (5)" "" "8109D" :RAM) "T_BLOC" ("Size of a HashCLE block (5)" "" "8125A" :RAM) "WidthScreen" ("Width of the current screen in nibbles (5)" "" "812A5" :RAM) "T_LARGEUR" ("Width of the current screen in nibbles (5)" "" "812A5" :RAM) "Title" ("->Home Title" "" "80842" :RAM) "TrackAct" ("->Action when CONTEXT changes" "" "8081F" :RAM) "UserKeys" ("->User key assignments (5)" "" "80725" :RAM) "VERIF_CARD" ("" "" "812AF" :RAM) "VGERPTRCT" ("" "" "0000C" :RAM) "VIEWLEVEL" ("stack element currently viewed (5)" "" "80ED7" :RAM) "ViewMBox" ("->View mailbox" "" "80838" :RAM) "WindowPtr" ("->Item at bottom of window" "" "8084C" :RAM) "XmitSrcvTOut" ("XMIT/SRECV timeout (2)" "" "80FFB" :RAM) "apletPTR" ("->current aplet (5)" "" "80743" :RAM) "funcPTR" ("->current func instance (5)" "" "80748" :RAM) "has_font_f_s" ("Tells if the Decompiler has found a special font character (2)" "" "86026" :RAM) "leeway" ("->hxs which will be GC'ed in a very-low-memory condition" "" "8078E" :RAM) "misc1_f_s" ("(5)" "" "86028" :RAM) "misc2_f_s" ("(5)" "" "8602D" :RAM) "misc3_f_s" ("(5)" "" "86032" :RAM) "nb_line_f_s" ("Number of line created during decompilation (FSTR3) (5)" "" "86021" :RAM) "otherPTR" ("->current \"other\" instance (5)" "" "80766" :RAM) "paramPTR" ("->current param instance (5)" "" "80752" :RAM) "polarPTR" ("->current polar instance (5)" "" "8074D" :RAM) "seqPTR" ("->current sequence instance (5)" "" "80757" :RAM) "solvePTR" ("->current solve instance (5)" "" "80761" :RAM) "statPTR" ("->current stat instance (5)" "" "8075C" :RAM) "^algunwrap" ("" "" "00F004") "^laDELROW" ("" "" "06C003") "^laGPROW" ("" "" "06E003") "^laINSROW" ("" "" "06D003") "laMGET0" ("" "" "2F205") "x" ("" "" "38C2C") "xFCNAPPLY" ("" "" "3D81D") "xINTEGRAL" ("" "" "3D47E") "xNOEVAL>" ("" "" "38D2F") "xSTRUCT->" ("" "" "38D94") "xSTRUCT>" ("" "" "38D72") "xWHERE" ("" "" "3D605") "xssgeneral" ("" "" "2F390") "!#1+IF0" ("" "" "2F316") "!MATTRNnc" ("" "" "263D2") "!REDIMTEMP" ("" "" "25F68") "!REDIMUSER" ("" "" "25F63") "1/X15" ("" "" "31568") ">LASTRAM-WORD" ("" "" "37C06") "?ACCPTR>" ("" "" "25F9F") "ACCESSERAM1" ("" "" "26C37" :ML) "ACCESSERAM2" ("" "" "26C3E" :ML) "ACCESSID1" ("" "" "26B81" :ML) "ACCESSID2" ("" "" "26B88" :ML) "ACCESSID3" ("" "" "26B8F" :ML) "ACCESSID4" ("" "" "26B96" :ML) "ACCESSID5" ("" "" "26B9D" :ML) "ACCESSID6" ("" "" "26BA4" :ML) "ACCESSID7" ("" "" "26BAB" :ML) "ACCESSIDn" ("" "" "26C29" :ML) "ACCESSRAM0" ("" "" "26C30" :ML) "ADDF" ("" "" "315BB") "addrADISP" ("" "" "26CD8" :ML) "addrATTNFLG" ("" "" "26CDF" :ML) "addrClkOnNib" ("" "" "2B7CC") "addrKEYSTATE" ("" "" "00A0E") "addrLINECNTg" ("" "" "26CE6" :ML) "addrORghost" ("" "" "01661") "addrTEMPENV" ("" "" "04E66") "addrTEMPTOP" ("" "" "2ACA9") "addrVDISP" ("" "" "26CED" :ML) "addrVDISP2" ("" "" "26CF4" :ML) "addtics" ("" "" "2619D") "AdjEdModes" ("" "" "2F179") "adrDISABLE_K" ("" "" "047CF") "adrKEYBUFFER" ("" "" "047DD") "adrTIMEOUTCLK" ("" "" "26CFB" :ML) "AFFICHE.REG" ("" "" "2680F" :ML) "AFFICHE.SBR" ("" "" "26816" :ML) "AFFICHEPIX.SBR" ("" "" "2681D" :ML) "aH>HMS" ("" "" "31123") "ALARMxcp" ("" "" "25E7A") "ALGeq?" ("" "" "25E7B") "allkeys" ("" "" "000FF") "aMODF" ("" "" "31066") "APPprompt1!" ("" "" "2EEEE") "APPprompt2" ("" "" "2F17A") "^Arbo" ("" "" "068004") "ATTNxcp" ("" "" "25E7D") "BITMAP" ("" "" "2676E" :ML) "BUILDKPACKET" ("" "" "2F31E") "CASEVAL" ("" "" "2AA70") "^ChangeFocus" ("" "" "0BE002") "ChkGrHook" ("" "" "26D10" :UBS) "CkEQUtil" ("" "" "2BF1C") "CkSecoType" ("" "" "2A7A7") "CleanVirtualStack" ("" "" "2684E" :ML) "CLKADJ*" ("" "" "2F153") "ClrDouseAlm" ("" "" "2EF68") "CLRFRC" ("" "" "319C1") "clrtimeout" ("" "" "26736" :ML) "COLAthexFCN" ("" "" "2BAB3") "Coldstart" ("" "" "26775" :ML) "COMPCONFCRC" ("" "" "266BF" :ML) "ComputePixel" ("" "" "26AEE" :ML) "convertbase" ("" "" "2F327") "COPYVAR" ("" "" "2C393") "corner" ("" "" "2673D" :ML) "CRUNCHNoBlame" ("" "" "25EA3") "CtlAlarm!" ("" "" "2597B") "CtlAlarm@" ("" "" "25980") "CtlAlarm0" ("" "" "25971" :UBS) "CtlAlarm0?" ("" "" "25976" :UBS) "CURRENTMARK?" ("" "" "2EEFE") "CURSOR+" ("" "" "2658A") "D0=ALoop" ("" "" "26A31" :ML) "DA2bTemp?" ("" "" "2EEA6") "DaDGNTc" ("" "" "29EE9") "DAY#" ("" "" "2DEBB") "Day>Date" ("" "" "2DD27") "^DEB.MATRIX" ("" "" "00C007") "^DEB.MATRIXTYPE" ("" "" "00D007") "delimcase" ("" "" "29D6A") "derprod1" ("" "" "2C0ED") "derquot" ("" "" "2C0A7") "^DIMS" ("" "" "004007") "DispVarsUtil" ("" "" "25EBD") "DISP_LINE" ("" "" "25F16") "DIV2" ("" "" "31994") "DoCAlarmKey" ("" "" "25EC0") "^DoKeyCancel" ("" "" "0AF002") "^DoKeyEdit" ("" "" "0B5002") "^DoKeyOK" ("" "" "0B4002") "^DoMKeyOK" ("" "" "0AE002") "DoPlotMenu" ("" "" "25ECA") "DOPRLCD" ("" "" "2EECC") "dowutil" ("" "" "2DE4A" :ML) "drax" ("" "" "2F32D") "DropSysErr$" ("" "" "2F32F") "DropSysObs" ("" "" "26062") "DupAndThen" ("" "" "37258") "DZP" ("" "" "00003") "easyabs" ("" "" "2C121") "Echo2Macros" ("" "" "25ED1") "ECUSER" ("" "" "039EF") "EDITF" ("" "" "2F1A9") "EDITPARTS" ("" "" "2EEEC") "EQCURSOR?" ("" "" "2F332") "ErrorHandled?" ("" "" "2F1A1") "EVALCRUNCH" ("" "" "25ED0") "EvalParsed" ("" "" "2EF69") "ExitFcn" ("" "" "27C33") "Extobcode" ("" "" "2F334") "FcnUtilEnd" ("" "" "2F335") "FindInDir" ("" "" "26C5A" :ML) "FixRRP" ("" "" "2F337") "FLOAT" ("" "" "2DCB5") "GET.FONT" ("" "" "26878" :ML) "GETAB0" ("" "" "314E4") "GETAB1" ("" "" "314CA") "GetBankAccess" ("" "" "26BB2" :ML) "getBPOFF" ("" "" "2DDD5") "GETCD0" ("" "" "31518") "^GetFieldVals" ("" "" "0BB002") "GetLastEdit" ("" "" "2EF6D") "GETRHS" ("" "" "2F108") "GetTimChk" ("" "" "267B4" :ML) "GetTime++" ("" "" "267BB" :ML) "GETX.VISIBLE" ("" "" "268DA" :ML) "GETX.VISIBLE.STR" ("" "" "268E1" :ML) "GET_@TAB" ("" "" "26886" :ML) "GET_ATTRIBN.REAL" ("" "" "2688D" :ML) "GET_NBLIGNE" ("" "" "268BE" :ML) "GET_NBLIGNESTK" ("" "" "268C5" :ML) "~gFldVal" ("" "" "0C80B0") "GraphicExit" ("" "" "2F341") "GsstFIN" ("" "" "2608A") "HISTON?" ("" "" "25636") "HISTON" ("" "" "2563B" :UBS) "^IFEDispField" ("" "" "0BC002") "^IfTet" ("" "" "04B004") "InitEnab" ("" "" "092DB") "InitSysUI" ("" "" "2F075") "INIT_AFFICHELIGNE" ("" "" "268F6" :ML) "INIT_AFFICHELIGNENORM" ("" "" "268FD" :ML) "InverseParcelle" ("" "" "26912" :ML) "IOC" ("" "" "00110") "IRAM@" ("" "" "0011F") "IRC" ("" "" "0011A") "^KeyLookup" ("" "" "04E004") "Keyword?" ("" "" "25F2A") "LASTPT?" ("" "" "2F351") "lbrac" ("" "" "33A5D" :UBS) "Lift" ("" "" "2F21C") "LINECHANGE" ("" "" "2F353") "List" ("" "" "2F354") "Loop" ("" "" "05149") "MACRODCMP" ("" "" "35AE2") "MATATLOOP" ("" "" "2639B") "matchob?Lp" ("" "" "376C1") "~MESRclEqn" ("" "" "0120E4") "MiniFontCmd?" ("" "" "26943" :ML) "MiniFontStk?" ("" "" "2694A" :ML) "mpop1%" ("" "" "2DE26") "nCOLCTQUOTE" ("" "" "2C2CB") "need'case" ("" "" "2AC72") "NEWACCESSRAM" ("" "" "26C45" :ML) "newBASE" ("" "" "2F357") "NEWINDEP" ("" "" "2F0D5") "NEWMARK" ("" "" "2F358") "nextpos" ("" "" "37702") "NEXTRRPOB" ("" "" "2F359") "NEXTSTEP" ("" "" "2F35A") "nextsym'R" ("" "" "26201") "ngsizecase" ("" "" "29E29") "NoIgnoreAlm" ("" "" "257E2") "norecCSseq" ("" "" "267FA" :ML) "NUMSOLVE" ("" "" "2F35B") "nWHEREDER" ("" "" "2C044") "nWHEREIFTE" ("" "" "2C039") "nWHEREINTG" ("" "" "2C04F") "nWHERESUM" ("" "" "2C05A") "nWHEREWHERE" ("" "" "2C065") "OB>BAKcode" ("" "" "2F35C") "OngoingText?" ("" "" "2F19B") "OUTCINRTN" ("" "" "0020F") "OverWrF/TLp" ("" "" "351FA") "PALPTRDCMP" ("" "" "35B46") "~PCunpack" ("" "" "02E0E7") "POLErrorTrap" ("" "" "2B682") "preFACT" ("" "" "3ABFD") "PREMARKON" ("" "" "2F360") "PRLG" ("" "" "028FC") "PtoR" ("" "" "2F363") "PTYPE>PINFO" ("" "" "2C37D") "PUTAB0" ("" "" "31532") "RBR" ("" "" "00114") "RCKBp" ("" "" "267D0" :ML) "RclCompareNames" ("" "" "26C4C" :ML) "RCL_NB_AFF_LGN" ("" "" "26274") "RCL_NB_AFF_LGNSTK" ("" "" "26279") "RCS" ("" "" "00111") "realPAcode" ("" "" "25F6D") "RECORDX&YC%" ("" "" "2F369") "^RENAME" ("" "" "069004") "REPLACE_MODE" ("" "" "2579A") "RNDC[B]" ("" "" "313D3") "Rom-Word?" ("" "" "34FE6") "rpnXROOT" ("" "" "3A200") "SAFESKIPOB" ("" "" "26713" :ML) "sALLOWINTR" ("" "" "0000F") "SAVELAM" ("" "" "34D51") "SavPtrTime*" ("" "" "267D7" :ML) "sBEG" ("" "" "00008") "sBPOFF" ("" "" "00004") "SCAN.FONTE" ("" "" "26966" :ML) "ScanEveryObjects" ("" "" "26C61" :ML) "SET" ("" "" "07661") "SetBadPOLUI" ("" "" "25683") "setflag" ("" "" "26752" :ML) "SetISysFlag" ("" "" "2671A" :ML) "SETLOOPENV" ("" "" "2F37C") "SETROMPART" ("" "" "2F25D") "settimeout" ("" "" "26759" :ML) "SET_HEADER" ("" "" "2697B" :ML) "~sFldVal" ("" "" "0D80B0") "Shrink$Any" ("" "" "26982" :ML) "Shrink$AnySafe" ("" "" "26989" :ML) "Shrink$List" ("" "" "26A4D" :ML) "SimplifyExpression" ("" "" "2AAE0") "SLEEPxcp" ("" "" "25EFA") "sFLUSH" ("" "" "00002") "sNEGATE" ("" "" "00002") "SPLITWHERE" ("" "" "2C2D6") "SQRF" ("" "" "317EE") "srvc_timer2" ("" "" "26801" :ML) "stackitw" ("" "" "261B1") "StartupProc" ("" "" "2B74F") "STOAPPLDATA" ("" "" "2F066") "STOFONT" ("" "" "26997" :ML) "STOMINIFONT" ("" "" "2699E" :ML) "STO_ML_DISP_SIZE" ("" "" "2628D") "Stretch$Any" ("" "" "269A5" :ML) "sTRUNC" ("" "" "00001") "subpdcdptch" ("" "" "261B6") "symbn" ("" "" "2EFEC") "SYMBNUMSOLVE" ("" "" "2EED9") "SysErrorTrap" ("" "" "2EE5E") "SysErrorTrapAction" ("" "" "2F1A3") "SysErrorTrapConfirm" ("" "" "2EE5F") "SysPtr@" ("" "" "08D66" :ML) "SystemLevel?" ("" "" "26157") "TBR" ("" "" "00116") "TCS" ("" "" "00112") "TIMEOUT?" ("" "" "26161") "TIMERCTRL.1" ("" "" "0012E") "TIMERCTRL.2" ("" "" "0012F") "TogInsertKey" ("" "" "25F2D") "TST15" ("" "" "3125D") "TurnOffKey" ("" "" "25F05") "~UTTYPEEXT0?" ("" "" "02F0E7") "~UTVUNS1Arg" ("" "" "0110E7") "ValidPortTag?" ("" "" "26C6F" :ML) "VLM" ("" "" "25F0A") "WaitTbz0" ("" "" "2A4FC") "norecPWLseq" ("" "" "267E5" :ML) "Warmstart" ("" "" "267E5" :ML) "WindowXY" ("" "" "26728" :ML) "Y<=X" ("" "" "31219") "ZoomX" ("" "" "255A6") "ZoomY" ("" "" "255AB") "{}>DIR" ("" "" "2F317")))