No Description

Samuel W. Flint 84a326f5e7 Add to-sexp for constants (handle resolution thereof) 5 years ago
img a4a866e916 Always keep img around 5 years ago
.gitignore a4a866e916 Always keep img around 5 years ago
.gitlab-ci.yml ed48227e6f Added a PDF generator 7 years ago fc70670d14 Hopefully fixed a readme issue 7 years ago f6f240b975 Fixed tangling 6 years ago f6f240b975 Fixed tangling 6 years ago 84a326f5e7 Add to-sexp for constants (handle resolution thereof) 5 years ago
larcs.org_archive bbf8ebcdf5 Archived some old "common functionality" 5 years ago
license.txt b38b6d27d1 Added a license file 7 years ago
publish.el 56a930173a Updated some things for export 7 years ago

 _        _    ____   ____ ____  
| |      / \  |  _ \ / ___/ ___| 
| |     / _ \ | |_) | |   \___ \ 
| |___ / ___ \|  _ <| |___ ___) |
|_____/_/   \_\_| \_\\____|____/ 

LARCS is the Lisp Automated Rewrite and Calculation System.

The main file is, with there being two interfaces, a TUI and a GUI.