@@ -746,7 +746,8 @@ around it."
("@max" max_age max (lambda (x) (- org-columns-time x)))
("@mean" mean_age
(lambda (&rest x) (/ (apply '+ x) (float (length x))))
- (lambda (x) (- org-columns-time x))))
+ (lambda (x) (- org-columns-time x)))
+ ("est+" estimate org-estimate-combine))
"Operator <-> format,function,calc map.
Used to compile/uncompile columns format and completing read in
interactive function `org-columns-new'.
@@ -1031,6 +1032,7 @@ Don't set this, this is meant for dynamic scoping.")
(defun org-columns-number-to-string (n fmt &optional printf)
"Convert a computed column number to a string value, according to FMT."
+ ((memq fmt '(estimate)) (org-estimate-print n printf))
((not (numberp n)) "")
((memq fmt '(add_times max_times min_times mean_times))
(let* ((h (floor n)) (m (floor (+ 0.5 (* 60 (- n h))))))
@@ -1054,28 +1056,30 @@ Don't set this, this is meant for dynamic scoping.")
(format "[%d/%d]" n m)
(format "[%d%%]"(floor (+ 0.5 (* 100. (/ (* 1.0 n) m)))))))
(defun org-columns-string-to-number (s fmt)
"Convert a column value to a number that can be used for column computing."
(if s
((memq fmt '(min_age max_age mean_age))
- (cond ((string= s "") org-columns-time)
- ((string-match
- "\\([0-9]+\\)d \\([0-9]+\\)h \\([0-9]+\\)m \\([0-9]+\\)s"
- s)
- (+ (* 60 (+ (* 60 (+ (* 24 (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))
- (string-to-number (match-string 2 s))))
- (string-to-number (match-string 3 s))))
- (string-to-number (match-string 4 s))))
- (t (time-to-number-of-days (apply 'encode-time
- (org-parse-time-string s t))))))
+ (cond ((string= s "") org-columns-time)
+ ((string-match
+ "\\([0-9]+\\)d \\([0-9]+\\)h \\([0-9]+\\)m \\([0-9]+\\)s"
+ s)
+ (+ (* 60 (+ (* 60 (+ (* 24 (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))
+ (string-to-number (match-string 2 s))))
+ (string-to-number (match-string 3 s))))
+ (string-to-number (match-string 4 s))))
+ (t (time-to-number-of-days (apply 'encode-time
+ (org-parse-time-string s t))))))
((string-match ":" s)
- (let ((l (nreverse (org-split-string s ":"))) (sum 0.0))
- (while l
- (setq sum (+ (string-to-number (pop l)) (/ sum 60))))
- sum))
+ (let ((l (nreverse (org-split-string s ":"))) (sum 0.0))
+ (while l
+ (setq sum (+ (string-to-number (pop l)) (/ sum 60))))
+ sum))
((memq fmt '(checkbox checkbox-n-of-m checkbox-percent))
- (if (equal s "[X]") 1. 0.000001))
+ (if (equal s "[X]") 1. 0.000001))
+ ((memq fmt '(estimate)) (org-string-to-estimate s))
(t (string-to-number s)))))
(defun org-columns-uncompile-format (cfmt)
@@ -1491,6 +1495,43 @@ This will add overlays to the date lines, to show the summary for each day."
(format "%dd %02dh %02dm %02ds" days hours minutes seconds))
+(defun org-estimate-mean-and-var (v)
+ "Return the mean and variance of an estimate."
+ (let* ((low (float (car v)))
+ (high (float (cadr v)))
+ (mean (/ (+ low high) 2.0))
+ (var (/ (+ (expt (- mean low) 2.0) (expt (- high mean) 2.0)) 2.0)))
+ (list mean var)
+ ))
+(defun org-estimate-combine (&rest el)
+ "Combine a list of estimates, using mean and variance.
+The mean and variance of the result will be the sum of the means
+and variances (respectively) of the individual estimates."
+ (let ((mean 0)
+ (var 0))
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let ((stats (org-estimate-mean-and-var e)))
+ (setq mean (+ mean (car stats)))
+ (setq var (+ var (cadr stats)))))
+ el)
+ (let ((stdev (sqrt var)))
+ (list (- mean stdev) (+ mean stdev)))
+ ))
+(defun org-estimate-print (e &optional fmt)
+ "Prepare a string representation of an estimate, as two numbers with a '-' in between them."
+ (if (null fmt) (set 'fmt "%.0f"))
+ (format "%s" (mapconcat (lambda (n) (format fmt n)) e "-"))
+ )
+(defun org-string-to-estimate (s)
+ "Convert a string to an estimate. The string should be two numbers joined with a '-'."
+ (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)-\\(.*\\)" s)
+ (list (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)) (string-to-number(match-string 2 s)))
+ (list (string-to-number s) (string-to-number s))
+ ))
(provide 'org-colview)