@@ -29,7 +29,240 @@ the root of the org-mode repository.
: git submodule update
Failure to update this repository will cause loading of
org-test.el to throw errors.
+*** Lists handling
+Due to changes made to lists, it is no longer possible to have a
+sublist, some text and then another sublist while still in the same
+top-level list item, like in the following situation:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports code
+,- Some list
+, + A first sublist
+, + of two elements
+, A text belonging to the top-level list
+, + Then another sublist
+, + and a second element in it
+,- End of main list
+Moreover, two variables are now obsolete, namely
+=org-provide-checkbox-statistics= and =org-auto-renumber-ordered-lists=.
+If you have changed default value of the former, you should have a
+look at the new variable =org-list-automatic-rules=, specifically at the
+checkbox rule. The latter has no equivalent, but a new way is provided
+to enforce some special numbering in a list. See [[* Plain lists changes][announcement]] below.
** Details
+*** Plain lists changes
+There is now two possibilities to end a plain list: either by
+indenting some text less than the last bullet of the list — like
+before, but now it now closes /all/ sublists in the process — or by
+specifying some regex — two blank lines, by default. All of this can
+be configured through =org-list-ending-method=, =org-list-end-regexp= and
+=org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists=. This allows such constructs:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports code
+,1. an ordered list
+,2. with two items
+,- another independent list
+,- of two items
+Note that anyting inside a block (like example or src) isn't taken
+into consideration with regards to list ending.
+You can now enforce a special numbering in an ordered list with =[@num]=
+syntax, which generalizes the =[@start:num]= concept. It can be inserted
+in any item of the list, and exporters recognize it. Here is an
+example of what you can obtain:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports code
+,2. [@2] I like
+,3. prime-numbered
+,5. [@5] lists
+Cycling an item – using TAB — more than once just after its creation
+no longer moves it until it reaches the left margin. Now, all
+positions offered are meaningful in list's structure. Furthermore,
+indenting and outdenting items or subtrees within the list cannot
+break its integrity either.
+=org-insert-item=, when plain-list-item is set to auto in
+=org-blank-before-new-entry=, will apply some heuristics to insert the
+right number of blank lines, if any, after, or before, the newly
+created item. When no information is avalaible to take a guess, it
+will default to no blank line.
+=org-sort-list= sorts timer lists with t and T commands.
+Automatic actions are now taken by Org when some commands are issued.
+You can have a look at them and disable them individually with the
+help of the new variable =org-list-automatic-rules=.
+It is possible to change indentation of the whole list — it's, by the
+way, the only way to acheive this: indenting a region won't move lists
+— by using M-S-right and M-S-left when on its very first item. This
+global indentation has no influence on the text after the list:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports code
+,You can have some text before a list.
+, - then a
+, - small list
+,And a text following the list, indented like if there was no list at
+Many bugfixes are included. For example, =org-cycle= on a list no longer
+swallows text after it and indenting a region containing a list
+shouldn't be problematic anymore. Some inconsistencies are also
+corrected. Thus, =org-cycle-list-bullet= will not offer "1." if you have
+disabled this kind of bullet by configuring
+*** Implement MathJax support
+Org-mode now uses MathJax to display math on web pages. We serve
+MathJax from the orgmode.org server, at least for the time being
+(thanks Bastien!). If you are going to use this for pages which
+are viewd often, please install MathJax on your own webserver.
+To return to the old way of creating images and inserting them
+into web pages, you would have to set
+: (setq org-export-with-LaTeX-fragments 'dvipng)
+or on a per-file basis
+: #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:dvipng
+*** Add org-wikinodes.el as a contributed package
+One frequent request has been to be able to use CamelCase words
+for automatic cross links in a Wiki created by Org. THis is now
+possible with org-wikinodes.el, which is available in the contrib
+directory. We also have some [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-wikinodes.php][documentation]] for this feature up
+on Worg.
+*** Timer/clock enhancements
+=org-timer-set-timer= displays a countdow timer in the modeline.
+From the agenda, `J' invokes =org-agenda-clock-goto=.
+*** Fontify code in code blocks.
+Source code in code blocks can now be fontified. Please customize the
+varable =org-src-fontify-natively=. For very large blocks (several
+hundreds of lines) there can be delays in editing such fontified
+blocks, in which case C-c ' should be used to bring up a dedicated
+edit buffer.
+Thanks to Dan Davison for this.
+*** Allow "#" and "%" in tags
+Tags can now also contain the characters =#= and =%=, in addition
+to =@= and letters.
+*** MobileOrg: Encryption finally works
+As soon as MobilOrg 1.5 hits the Apple's AppStore, you can
+encrypt your org files on public servers. Please see the
+documentation of MobileOrg and Appendix B of the manual for more
+*** MobileOrg: Do not force to insert IDs
+If you dislike the property of MobileOrg to insert ID properties
+for in all entries being part of an agenda view, you can now turn
+this off using the variable
+=org-mobile-force-id-on-agenda-items=. When this variable is set
+to =nil=, MobileOrg will use outline paths to identify entries.
+Note that this may fail if several entries have identical outline
+*** Table fields are now aligned better, new <c> cookie.
+In HTML export, table fields are now properly aligned in accord
+with automatic alignment in org, or as set by the =<r>=, =<l>=, and
+=<c>= cookies. The =<c>= cookie is new and has no effect in
+Org, but it does do the right thing in HTML export.
+*** Improve XEmacs compatibility
+Org-mode 7.02 now runs again in 21.4.22 if the new XEmacs base
+package is installed.
+Thanks to Uwe Bauer, Volker Ziegler, Michael Sperber and others
+for a discussion that lead to this nice result.
+*** Agenda: Allow compact two-column display in agenda dispatcher
+If you have many custom agenda commands, you can have the display
+in the dispatcher use two columns with the following settings
+: (setq org-agenda-menu-show-match nil
+: org-agenda-menu-two-column t)
+This was a request by John Wiegley.
+*** Language-mode commands are available in the Org-buffer
+ The most general machinery for doing this is the macro
+ `org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer'. There is also the convenience
+ function `org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer' which makes
+ use of this macro, and is bound to C-c C-v C-x and C-c C-v x. If
+ there is an active region contained within the code block, then
+ this is inherited by the edit buffer. Some examples of the sorts
+ of usage this permits are
+C-c C-v C-x M-; comment region according to language
+C-c C-v C-x C-M-\ indent region according to language
+Users can make these more convenient, e.g.
+(defun my/org-comment-dwim (&optional arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (or (org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer "\M-;")
+ (comment-dwim arg)))
+(define-key org-mode-map "\M-;" 'my/org-comment-dwim)
+A common instance of this general pattern is built in to Org-mode,
+controlled by the variable `org-src-tab-acts-natively': if this
+variable is set, then TAB in a code block has the effect that it would
+have in the language major mode buffer.
+*** Org-babel commands are available in language-mode edit buffer
+ Mirroring the language-native commands in Org buffers above, a new
+ macro `org-src-do-at-code-block' and convenience function
+ `org-src-do-key-sequence-at-code-block' provide the converse. When
+ used in a language major-mode edit buffer (i.e. a buffer generated
+ by C-c '), `org-src-do-key-sequence-at-code-block' executes a key
+ sequence at the code block in the source Org buffer. The command
+ bound to the key sequence in the Org-babel key map is executed
+ remotely with point temporarily at the start of the code block in
+ the Org buffer.
+ The command is not bound to a key by default, to avoid conflicts
+ with language major mode bindings. To bind it to C-c @ in all
+ language major modes, you could use
+ (add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook
+ (lambda () (define-key org-src-mode-map "\C-c@"
+ 'org-src-do-key-sequence-at-code-block)))
+ In that case, for example, C-c @ t issued in code edit buffers
+ would tangle the current Org code block, C-c @ e would execute
+ the block and C-c @ h would display the other available
+ Org-babel commands.
*** Multi-line header arguments to code blocks
Code block header arguments can now span multiple lines using the
new =#+header:= or =#+headers:= lines preceding a code block or
@@ -105,14 +338,35 @@ Allows exporting directly from a string to the specified export format.
*** Code block header argument ":noweb tangle"
Only expands <<noweb>> syntax references when tangling, not during
export (weaving).
+*** New function `org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code'
+C-c C-v z (`org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code') is a variant of
+C-c C-v C-z (`org-babel-switch-to-session'): instead of switching to
+the session buffer, it splits the window between (a) the session
+buffer and (b) a language major-mode edit buffer for the code block in
+question. This can be convenient for using language major mode for
+interacting with the session buffer.
+*** Improvements to R sessions
+ R now uses standard ESS code evaluation machinery in the :results
+ value case, which avoids unnecessary output to the comint
+ buffer. In addition, the R command responsible for writing the
+ result to file is hidden from the user. Finally, the R code edit
+ buffer generated by C-c ' is automatically linked to the ESS
+ session if the current code block is using :session.
*** Temporary file directory
All babel temporary files are now kept in a single sub-directory in
the /tmp directory and are cleaned up when Emacs exits.
-*** Function for demarcating blocks `ob-demarcate-block'
+*** Function for demarcating blocks `org-babel-demarcate-block'
Can be called to wrap the region in a block, or to split the block
around point, bound to (C-c C-v d).
+*** Function for marking code block contents `org-babel-mark-block'
+ Bound to C-M-h in the babel key map (i.e. C-c C-v C-M-h by
+ default). This can be useful in conjunction with
+ `org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer', for example for language-native
+ commenting or indenting of the whole block.
*** Lists of anniversaries are now handeled better
When several anniversaries are defined in the bbdb anniversaries
@@ -121,13 +375,6 @@ agenda.
Thanks to Lukasz Setmann for a patch to this effect.
-*** Table fields are now aligned better, new <c> cookie.
-In HTML export, table fields are now properly aligned in accord
-with automatic alignment in org, or as set by the =<r>=, =<l>=, and
-=<c>= cookies. The =<c>= cookie is new and has no effect in
-Org, but it does do the right thing in HTML export.
*** Update freemind converter to include body text
The freemind exporter now incorporates body text into the mind
@@ -139,14 +386,6 @@ Thanks to Lennard Borgman for this patch.
The footnotes code now searches for the message delimiter "--" in
order to place footnotes before the signature.
Thanks to Tassilo Horn for this patch.
-*** Improve XEmacs compatibility
-Org-mode 7.02 now runs again in 21.4.22 if the new XEmacs base
-package is installed.
-Thanks to Uwe Bauer, Volker Ziegler, Michael Sperber and others
-for a discussion that lead to this nice result.
*** Make it configurable wether agenda jumping prefers the future
@@ -173,10 +412,6 @@ As soon as MobilOrg 1.5 hits the Apple's AppStore, you can
encrypt your org files on public servers. Please see the
documentation of MobileOrg and Appendix B of the manual for more
-*** LaTeX minted package for fontified source code export
-Patch by Dan Davison FIXME
*** MobileOrg: Do not force to insert IDs
@@ -188,6 +423,24 @@ to =nil=, MobileOrg will use outline paths to identify entries.
Note that this may fail if several entries have identical outline
+*** LaTeX minted package for fontified source code export
+Patch by Dan Davison.
+Setting `org-export-latex-listings' to have the special value 'minted
+causes source code to be exported to latex using the minted package,
+which will fontify source code with color. If you want to use this,
+you need to make LaTeX use the minted package. Add minted to
+`org-export-latex-packages-alist', for example using customize, or
+with something like
+ (require 'org-latex)
+ (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-packages-alist '("" "minted"))
+In addition, it is neccessary to install
+pygments (http://pygments.org), and to configure
+`org-latex-to-pdf-process' so that the -shell-escape option is
+passed to pdflatex.
*** Allow to use texi2dvi or rubber for processing LaTeX to pdf
Please see the variable =org-export-latex-to-pdf-process= for
@@ -195,6 +448,11 @@ more information.
Thanks to Olivier Schwander for the rubber part.
+*** LaTeX package fixes
+We updated the list of default packages loaded by LaTeX exported
*** New STARTUP keywords to turn on inline images
If you want to inline images whenever you visit an Org file, use
@@ -213,22 +471,6 @@ property upon export.
Thanks to David Maus for a patch to this effect.
-*** Fontify code in code blocks.
-Source code in code block can now be fontified. Please customize
-the varable =org-src-fontify-natively=, but be prepared for some
-editing delays in larger blocks. Thanks to Dan Davison for this.
-*** LaTeX package fixes
-We updated the list of default packages loaded by LaTeX exported
-*** Allow "#" and "%" in tags
-Tags can now also contain the characters =#= and =%=, in addition
-to =@= and letters.
*** Show command names in manual
Andreas Röhler is adding command names to keys in the manual.
@@ -249,45 +491,6 @@ templates. This was undocumented until now.
Thanks to Jambunathan K for the patch.
-*** Implement MathJax support
-Org-mode now uses MathJax to display math on web pages. We serve
-MathJax from the orgmode.org server, at least for the time being
-(thanks Bastien!). If you are going to use this for pages which
-are viewd often, please install MathJax on your own webserver.
-To return to the old way of creating images and inserting them
-into web pages, you would have to set
-: (setq org-export-with-LaTeX-fragments 'dvipng)
-or on a per-file basis
-: #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:dvipng
-*** Agenda: Allow compact two-column display in agenda dispatcher
-If you have many custom agenda commands, you can have the display
-in the dispatcher use two columns with the following settings
-: (setq org-agenda-menu-show-match nil
-: org-agenda-menu-two-column t)
-This was a request by John Wiegley.
-*** Add org-wikinodes.el as a contributed package
-One frequent request has been to be able to use CamelCase words
-for automatic cross links in a Wiki created by Org. THis is now
-possible with org-wikinodes.el, which is available in the contrib
-directory. We also have some [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-wikinodes.php][documentation]] for this feature up
-on Worg.
-*** Timer/clock enhancements
-=org-timer-set-timer= displays a countdow timer in the modeline.
-From the agenda, `J' invokes =org-agenda-clock-goto=.
* Version 7.01
:CUSTOM_ID: v7.01