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org.el (org-babel-load-file): Move `org-babel-load-file' here

* org.el (org-babel-load-file): Move `org-babel-load-file'
from ob-tangle.el to here so that it is correctly autoloaded
by Emacs before Org is required.

Thanks to Eric Schulte for feedback about this.
Bastien Guerry hace 12 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 27 adiciones y 26 borrados
  1. 0 26
  2. 27 0

+ 0 - 26

@@ -135,32 +135,6 @@ evaluating BODY."
 (def-edebug-spec org-babel-with-temp-filebuffer (form body))
-(defun org-babel-load-file (file &optional compile)
-  "Load Emacs Lisp source code blocks in the Org-mode FILE.
-This function exports the source code using `org-babel-tangle'
-and then loads the resulting file using `load-file'.  With prefix
-arg (noninteractively: 2nd arg) COMPILE the tangled Emacs Lisp
-file to byte-code before it is loaded."
-  (interactive "fFile to load: \nP")
-  (let* ((age (lambda (file)
-		(float-time
-		 (time-subtract (current-time)
-				(nth 5 (or (file-attributes (file-truename file))
-					   (file-attributes file)))))))
-	 (base-name (file-name-sans-extension file))
-	 (exported-file (concat base-name ".el")))
-    ;; tangle if the org-mode file is newer than the elisp file
-    (unless (and (file-exists-p exported-file)
-		 (> (funcall age file) (funcall age exported-file)))
-      (org-babel-tangle-file file exported-file "emacs-lisp"))
-    (message "%s %s"
-	     (if compile
-		 (progn (byte-compile-file exported-file 'load)
-			"Compiled and loaded")
-	       (progn (load-file exported-file) "Loaded"))
-	     exported-file)))
 (defun org-babel-tangle-file (file &optional target-file lang)
   "Extract the bodies of source code blocks in FILE.

+ 27 - 0

@@ -179,6 +179,33 @@ Stars are put in group 1 and the trimmed body in group 2.")
 			 (intern (concat "org-babel-expand-body:" lang)))))))
+(defun org-babel-load-file (file &optional compile)
+  "Load Emacs Lisp source code blocks in the Org-mode FILE.
+This function exports the source code using `org-babel-tangle'
+and then loads the resulting file using `load-file'.  With prefix
+arg (noninteractively: 2nd arg) COMPILE the tangled Emacs Lisp
+file to byte-code before it is loaded."
+  (interactive "fFile to load: \nP")
+  (require 'ob-core)
+  (let* ((age (lambda (file)
+		(float-time
+		 (time-subtract (current-time)
+				(nth 5 (or (file-attributes (file-truename file))
+					   (file-attributes file)))))))
+	 (base-name (file-name-sans-extension file))
+	 (exported-file (concat base-name ".el")))
+    ;; tangle if the org-mode file is newer than the elisp file
+    (unless (and (file-exists-p exported-file)
+		 (> (funcall age file) (funcall age exported-file)))
+      (org-babel-tangle-file file exported-file "emacs-lisp"))
+    (message "%s %s"
+	     (if compile
+		 (progn (byte-compile-file exported-file 'load)
+			"Compiled and loaded")
+	       (progn (load-file exported-file) "Loaded"))
+	     exported-file)))
 (defcustom org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t))
   "Languages which can be evaluated in Org-mode buffers.
 This list can be used to load support for any of the languages